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Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

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Performing risk assessment for critical

infrastructure protection: an investigation of
transnational challenges and human decision-
making considerations

Michalis Papamichael, Christos Dimopoulos & George Boustras

To cite this article: Michalis Papamichael, Christos Dimopoulos & George Boustras (2024)
Performing risk assessment for critical infrastructure protection: an investigation of
transnational challenges and human decision-making considerations, Sustainable and Resilient
Infrastructure, 9:4, 367-385, DOI: 10.1080/23789689.2024.2340368

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2024, VOL. 9, NO. 4, 367–385

Performing risk assessment for critical infrastructure protection: an investigation

of transnational challenges and human decision-making considerations
Michalis Papamichael , Christos Dimopoulosb and George Boustrasb
PhD Occupational Safety and Health Program, European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus; bCenter for Research in Decision Sciences
(CERIDES), European University, Nicosia, Cyprus


This paper investigates the influence of transnational challenges and decision-making heuristics Received 13 November 2023
and biases on the implementation of risk assessment (RA) process in the context of Critical Accepted 3 April 2024
Infrastructure Protection (CIP). The investigation, which is based on a review of existing literature KEYWORDS
and a critical analysis of the ISO31000:2018 process, suggests that contemporary RA models and Risk; critical infrastructure;
processes fail to adequately consider the domain-based characteristics of transnational Critical protection; heuristics; biases
Infrastructure (CI) characteristics. They also fail to recognize the full extent of the human decision-
making influence on the RA process itself, as well as the relative lack of homogeneity across assets,
stakeholders, countries, paradigms, and people in transnational CI environments. The findings
from this work provide a theoretical contribution towards a better understanding of the complex­
ities introduced by the transnational nature of CIP and the effect of human decision-making. They
can provide the impetus for further research in the fields of CIP and RA.

1. Introduction
The risk management process which relates to the
The concept and importance of CI-acquired promi­ capacity of an entity to adequately prepare for and
nence in our societies during the last decades of the respond to serious incidents that involve the CI of
twentieth Century. The worldwide interest in the pro­ a region or nation (European Council, 2008; White
tection of CI was triggered by headlining events such as House, 1998) is commonly identified as the Critical
the attacks on New York City’s World Trade Center Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Process. RA is at the
towers in February 1993, the 1994 cyber-attacks heart of a CIP process given its role in the identification
against US Air Force systems at Rome Labs, and the of threats, the assessment of vulnerabilities, and the
2004 al Qaeda train attacks in Madrid, Spain (Renda & evaluation of the impact on assets and systems
Haemmerli, 2010; Sachs, 2022). CIs are characterized (Giannopoulos, Filippini, & Schimmer, 2012).
by their complex structure and their strong impact on A characteristic example of such a process is the Risk
all aspects of society. The first formal definition of the Management Framework of the National Infrastructure
concept appeared in 1996 with President Clinton’s Protection Plan (NIPP) developed by the Department of
Executive Order 13,010 (US Election Assistance Homeland Security in the US, as depicted in Figure 1
Commission, 2017). Since then, CI-related definitions (Homeland Security, nd).
appear to be in a perpetual advancement and improve­ A multitude of RA methodologies have already been
ment mode. For the purpose of the discussion pre­ developed within the specific context of the CIP process;
sented in this paper, an adapted version of the however, there is a significant differentiation in their
European Critical Infrastructure (ECI) definition, scope of methodology, target audience, and domain of
infused with asset-level specifics from the Patriot Act applicability. As a general framework, the established
(US Congress, 2021), has been adopted. Specifically, approach of the ISO31000 risk management framework
CIs are defined as ’Systems and assets or part thereof, (Rød, Lange, Theocharidou, et al., 2020) is being fol­
whether physical or virtual, located in any group of lowed. This ‘gold standard’ (Figure 2), which is widely
nations or states whose disruption or destruction accepted around the world by most G20 countries,
would have a significant impact on at least two provides the principles, an overarching framework,
group member nations or states.’ and the process for managing risk (Dali & Lajtha,

CONTACT Michalis Papamichael

© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
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Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

Figure 1. Critical Infrastructure Protection Process. Source: Homeland Security, nd

disaster for which the death toll is estimated to be

in the region of 16.000 deaths in addition to 558,125
injuries (Varma & Varma, 2005). These failures pro­
vide clear indications of the significant challenges
faced during the implementation of the CIP process.
For the purpose of the discussion and analysis pre­
sented in this paper, we can categorize these chal­
lenges into two main types:

● Domain-based (CIP) challenges: The environ­

ment within which each RA process is taking
place is unique in nature and is significantly
affected by the domain characteristics of the CIP
case considered. While these challenges vary
greatly between each individual case, the EU region
represents a prime example of the challenges which
could potentially be faced: absence of a single
hands-on government and the existence of
Figure 2. ISO 31,000 risk management process. Source: a multitude of borders and legal frameworks
Pursiainen and Rød (2021) (Skogstad, 2003) and looser controls on framework
implementation and overview (Pursiainen & Rød,
2021). While specific attempts have been made to
2012). The standard is not welcomed by everyone in the provide a harmonized framework for National Risk
academic community, with critics citing the lack of Assessments (NRA) at a European level
a solid conceptual framework for risk management (Theoharidou & Giannopoulos, 2015), these have
and the absence of scientific justification (Aven, 2017; not been able to produce significant results due to
Aven & Ylönen, 2019). Despite such criticisms, it forms the aversion of member states of sharing sensitive
the backbone of the EU/US RA processes (European information and the lack of an entity or process to
Commission, 2019a). serve as the sharing ‘medium’ (Yusta, Correa, &
Despite the use of standardized RA frameworks Lacal-Arántegui, 2011).
for CIP, there are frequent failures in their imple­ ● Horizontal RA methodological challenges and
mentation with significant societal cost associated issues: There are known horizontal issues asso­
with them. Typical examples include the Yucca ciated with the implementation of an RA process
Mountain nuclear waste project which cost the US in any type of domain. Such issues may include
Government in excess of $13 billion US Dollars the incomplete definition of the RA context and
(Slovic, Layman, & Flynn, 1991), and the Bhopal its objectives (Lyon & Hollcroft, 2012), the

unsuitable choice of RA tools (Giannopoulos, Objective 2: Investigate how decision-making heur­

Filippini, & Schimmer, 2012), the lack of objec­ istics and biases affect the implementation of the RA
tivity (Hermansson, 2012), the potential failure to process within the context of CIP.
identify hazards and prioritize them effectively Objective 3: Identify specific strengths, gaps, and
(Zio, 2016), and the inefficient communication opportunities in relation to the challenges identified in
between RA stakeholders (Andersson et al., the previous objectives and formulate questions which
2020). Additional challenges include the varying will drive future research work in this domain.
perception of the severity of risk estimated by A non-systematic narrative literature review of the aca­
different individuals (Slovic et al., 1979), the demic and regulatory literature was conducted in order to
inefficient interpretation of the information elicit and analyze scientific and regulatory information
stemming from the RA process (Fairbrother regarding these challenges. The review is supported by
et al., 1995), and the misalignment in the estima­ a critical analysis of the ISO31000 process with regard to
tion of acceptance risk (Fischoff, 1984; Reid, the way it addresses the specific challenges considered.
2000). On top of all these issues, a crucial hor­ The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
izontal challenge during the implementation of Section 2 overviews the methodology which was fol­
a generic RA process concerns the so-called lowed in order to carry out the study in consideration.
‘human angle’, in other words the decision- Section 3 presents the findings of the study with regard
making aspects which critically affect the imple­ to the way transnational challenges affect the implemen­
mentation of the CIP process and are intrinsi­ tation of the CIP RA process. The effect of decision-
cally related to the previous challenges (Lazari, making heuristics and biases within the context of a CIP
2014). RA process is examined in Section 4. Section 5 sum­
marizes and discusses the main results of our study with
The main aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical regard to its specific objectives and provides directions
contribution towards a better understanding of some for future research on the topics considered. Finally,
of the challenges faced during the implementation of Section 6 presents the conclusions of the study.
the RA process within the context of the overall CIP
process. It is evident that the critical analysis (in the
appropriate breadth and depth) of all possible para­ 2. Methodological considerations
meters which affects this process would be an impos­
sible task within the context and the limitations of A narrative review of academic and regulatory texts was
a single study. For this reason, our investigation expli­ carried out for the purpose of formulating a ‘. . . author­
citly targeted a specific challenge from each of the itative argument, based on the informed wisdom that is
categories specified above, based on the following convincing to an audience of fellow experts’ (Greenhalgh,
criteria: Thorne, & Malterud, 2018) which then facilitated the
presentation of the evidence and how this was drawn
(i) A domain-based (CIP) challenge which is deemed upon to formulate the conclusions, synthesizing of the
by practitioners to be critical for the successful data from these documents (Bowen, 2009). Guidelines in
implementation of the RA process within the (Greener, 2018) and (Hutten, Van Horn, Uzieblo, et al.,
context of CIP (transnational challenges). 2022) were drawn upon. A structured search of docu­
(ii) A horizontal challenge which is perceived in ments relating to the identified research questions was
academic literature to be critical for the success­ carried out using Google Scholar with Boolean AND OR
ful implementation of the RA process in any combinations of the search strings depicted in Table 1.
domain but has not been studied in detail within
the context of the CIP domain (decision-making Table 1. Search Strings for the document search.
heuristics and biases). Main Keyword String
risk assessment
risk management
An investigation of this kind, for these specific challenges, critical infrastructure protection
has not appeared in the CIP academic literature in the transnational critical infrastructure
transboundary critical infrastructure
past, to the best of the authors’ knowledge. The particu­ interdependencies in critical infrastructure protection
lar objectives associated with our study are the following: risk mitigation
Objective 1: Investigate how transnational challenges security
affect the implementation of the RA process within the performance in risk assessment/risk management
context of CIP. security/safety manager

The search was conducted between September 2021 (Burgess, 2007; Fritzon, Ljungkvist, Boin, et al., 2007)
and December 2022 for English-only publications. No have been extensively used in the literature for this pur­
restrictions were applied in relation to the year of pub­ pose. Whilst the terms ‘transnational’ and ‘transbound­
lication. Screened publications themselves were ary’ could be thought of as being equivalent to some
a secondary source of publications through their respec­ extend (Cambridge on-line Dictionary, 2021), their use
tive referenced work which was searched manually. as part of the overall CIP process should be viewed
Inclusion was conditioned on at least one of the three through the following angles:
main themes of transnational challenges, the human
aspect of RA, and RA performance, be explicitly or ● The term ‘transnational’ specifically alludes to
implicitly referred to in the document. Document ana­ a state or a nation’s boundaries which is consistent
lysis steps of skimming, (in-depth) reading, and inter­ with the position expressed that a multinational
pretation were pursued for the purpose of identifying environment, such as the case of the EU, would
excerpts and learning from the papers which was then provide significant insights into the study.
be documented in support of answering the research ● It would appear that in so far as RA is concerned,
questions identified earlier. The method was tested by the term ‘transboundary’ is often used to refer to
exploring mechanisms for addressing interdependency- environmental or public health risk and of
related risk across three critical national infrastructure resources crossing national boundaries, such as
sectors in Sweden (Sonesson, Johansson, & Cedergren, rivers, which are outside the scope of this paper
2021). (Linnerooth-Bayer & Sjostedt, 2010; Lidskog,
The narrative literature review was supported by Soneryd, Uggla, et al., 2009).
a critical analysis of the ‘gold standard’ ISO31000:2018
RA process with regard to the way it addresses the Based on the previous considerations, it can be said
unique transnational and decision-making characteris­ that the term ‘transnational’ constitutes a valid basis
tics of a CIP project. The analysis was based on the for guiding the discussion which follows, however, it
critical examination of the provisions of the IS031000 should be stated that the alternative terms were also
RA framework, as these are described in the generic RA explicitly considered in our analysis, wherever they
literature and viewed within the context of unique CIP appeared in the literature in the context of the topic
transnational and decision-making challenges. considered.
As this study is not experimental in nature, its limita­
tions are mainly related to the known limitations of any
3.2. Transnational considerations in the CIP
literature review study. It only provides a snapshot of
what has currently been published in academic and
regulatory literature, thus it may not adequately reflect In general, it has been specifically argued that
the perception and practices of CIP practitioners. In Europe’s present-day vulnerabilities reside precisely
addition, although the study followed systematic ele­ in their transnational character (Högselius,
ments in its search strategy, there is always a minor Hommels, Kaijser, et al., 2013). Despite its recognized
possibility that a relevant work has not been identified, importance, the concept of transnational challenges
especially if this was presented in a conference setting. within the context of RA for CIP has not attracted
Finally, as this study is not quantitative in nature, there the attention of researchers to any significant degree
is a subjective element in the interpretation and analysis (Pursiainen & Rød, 2021). Some examples include the
of the findings, especially with regard to the critical EURAM model (Klaver, Luiijf, Nieuwenhuijs, et al.,
analysis process. 2008), the EURACOM framework (CORDIS, 2011),
and numerous multi-national CI-related crisis exer­
cises run by EU and NATO (European Commission,
3. Transnational challenges in CIP 2016). Similarly, regulatory efforts to address transna­
tional considerations through enhancing the compar­
3.1. Conceptualization of transnational challenges
ability of National Risk Assessments in the EU have
There have been many attempts to conceptualize the not become influential through effectively a failure of
characteristic of risk which relates to the crossing of the endeavor itself (European Commission, 2022;
national and other borders within the context of CI. The Pursiainen & Kytömaa, 2023; Pursiainen & Rød,
terms ‘transnational’ (Van der Vleuten & Lagendijk, 2021; European Commission 2019b). Another such
2010b), ‘cross-border’ (Borghetti, Marchionni, Gugiatti, example is the effort to address the comparability
et al., 2020; Coman, 2017), and ‘transboundary’ issue between NRAs using the CRitical

Infrastructures and Systems Risk and Resilience the potential risk posed by its non-consideration.
Assessment Methodology (CRISRRAM) model Fortunately, academic literature provides significant
(Theocharidou & Giannopoulos, 2015), which does evidence on this topic, as this is discussed in the
not seem to have attracted significant attention either. following sub-section.
It should be stated that the concept of transna­
tional challenges is indeed frequently considered 3.2.1. Vulnerability
within the context of CI literature but not in Discrepancy in the interpretation of vulnerability is not
a direct manner. In particular, the following CI uncommon, as it has been showcased in the example of
areas of research are naturally related to transna­ the ‘European Blackout’ case (Van der Vleuten &
tional considerations: Lagendijk, 2010a, 2010b). Assigning an estimated value
to vulnerability during the risk evaluation phase of the
Threats to CI from foreign adversaries (Center for CIP process, especially in the transnational context, is
Homeland Defense and Security, 2020; Department
of Homeland Security, 2021; Hammond-Errey &
very challenging before an actual breakdown takes
Ray, 2021): This is a common consideration in CI place. Even then, the magnitude of the disruption is
papers relating to countries outside of the European influenced by mitigation measures implemented before
space, more frequently the US, Australia, and other the event. The example of the contested vulnerability of
geographies with few, if any, nation state neighbors. electrical power generation in the EU has prompted
In this case, transnational threats and risk relate to
increasing regulating powers for the EU on the pretext
adversaries outside the respective country’s hinter­
land who aim to harm CI in some way. of economic and sustainability arguments. That said,
regulation is not always the answer given the paradox
● Cyber threats which defy any concept of geogra­ of sometimes additional CI vulnerability being pro­
phy or border (Sofaer & Goodman, 2001; ENISA, duced by the very measures implemented to reduce
2021; Gaiser, 2018; Fischerkeller & Harknett, vulnerability in the first place (Disco & Lintsen, 1998;
2017): This body of work relates to cyber-type Van der Vleuten & Disco, 2004). The piecemeal linear
risk which is inherently transnational due to the approach of addressing vulnerabilities in isolation on
interconnected, cross-border nature of the present- the assumption that outcomes would be aggregatable
day information and communication technology has also been challenged (Birkmann, Feldmeyer,
infrastructure. McMillan, et al., 2021). It is proposed that the strength­
● Threats against physical elements of CI which ening of transboundary approaches for the reduction of
span across country boundaries (Sofaer & vulnerability in recognition of the emergence of spatial
Goodman, 2001): Research work identified in this statistical hotspots as an outcome of a group of hazards
context is more frequently seen in relation to the rather than the influence of single hazards and yet
EU or EU member states and other countries. national approaches, at least in Europe, are an outcome
of the normal practice of positioning of individual coun­
In the context of this paper, the term ‘transnational­ tries within vulnerability rankings which, in turn, is
ism’ will broadly ‘refer to multiple ties and interac­ linked to the linear RA models in use (Theocharidou
tions linking people or in situations across the & Giannopoulos, 2015). This realization discredits any
borders of nation-states’ (Vertovec, 1999, p. 447) RA process delving beyond the borders of a single
with its meaning grounded upon the distinct concep­ nation if it assumes that the outcomes of a piecemeal
tual premises of avenue of capital and the reconstruc­ approach to risk and vulnerability assessment could be
tion of ‘place’ or locality. Surprisingly, though and aggregatable, rendering transnational consolidation of
despite the fact that transnationalism is a domain- RAs for the purpose of CIP improbable.
based concept frequently associated with CIP pro­
jects, it is not directly addressed in published studies 3.2.2. Interdependence
as an integral part of the CIP process. In particular, The terms interdependency and dependency are often
the review of the literature did not identify frame­ used interchangeably in the CIP literature. Dependency
works which explicitly address the existence of trans­ ‘ . . . is a uni-directional relationship of two infrastruc­
national dynamics and spatial infrastructure tures through which the state of the depending infra­
vulnerabilities during the implementation of the CIP structure is influenced by or is correlated to the state of
process. This finding creates the need for further the other’ and interdependency is a ’ . . . mutually reliant
investigation and analysis with regard to the actual relationship between entities (objects, individuals, or
need of explicitly addressing transnationalism as part groups)’ (Department of Homeland Security, 2013;
of the implementation of the CIP process, as well as Luiijf & Klaver, 2021; Rinaldi, Peerenboom, & Kelly,

2001). Both terms will be used as mentioned in the coordinated governance across a transnational CI pro­
respective references for the sake of consistency. ject will face challenges if it is pursued only through the
CIs are complex, interdependent systems where respective ‘national’ tools of each country. The EU is
a potential failure propagating among infrastructures highlighted as a characteristic example of such chal­
may affect the entirety of the network. While it has lenges (Bossong, 2014). In particular, it is argued that
been suggested that an indeterminate risk should be despite the advent of sector-specific DGs (General
accepted by governments in such cases (Clemente, Directorates), and the support of the Joint Research
2013), the CI literature is rich with attempts to pursue Center (JRC), its very own research unit, CI governance
models and processes that address the challenge of remains fragmented. It was suggested that these chal­
adequately managing CI interdependency. These lenges can be attributed to the difficulties of managing
attempts are overwhelmingly considering the interde­ cross-sector policy programs and the significant harmo­
pendency challenge solely within national borders. nization costs associated with the high level of regula­
A typical US example is the early pioneering work of tory and institutional diversity (May & Koski, 2013). On
Rinaldi, Peerenboom, and Kelly (2001) who introduced the project level, transnational Public Private
the concept of infrastructures as complex adaptive sys­ Partnerships (PPP) remain the more prominent plat­
tems and highlighted the challenges in developing, form for financing and delivering CI projects although
applying, and validating modeling and simulation the ‘ . . . phenomena . . . range from loose cooperation
methodologies for infrastructure interdependency ana­ forms to legally binding contracts for the implementa­
lysis. The potential of propagation of failure of CIs and tion of specific projects’ (Schäferhoff, Campe, & Kaan,
the associated cascading effects throughout the network 2009, p. 6). Still, issues related to responsibilities, risk, or
was also discussed (Eusgeld, Nan, & Dietz, 2011); how­ authorities in the partnership, differences between the
ever, it is evident that such cascade effects may extend partners in working methods, as well as lack of commit­
beyond the geographical borders of a nation. More ment from the partners, generate significant challenges
recent work which takes up the challenge of looking at to the management of CI projects (Yu, Chan, Chen,
the issue in much broader terms ran an analysis of et al., 2018).
a unique multinational database resource of CI and Summarizing, the analysis of the literature suggests
Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) threats, fail­ that transnationalism can have a strong impact on the
ures, disruptions, and lost infrastructure between 2004 implementation of the RA process within the context of
and 2010 (Van Eeten, Nieuwenhuijs, Luiijf, et al., 2011) CIP, especially in terms of asset vulnerability, interde­
and again for data collected between 2004 and 2018 pendency between elements and functions of a project
(Luiijf & Klaver, 2021). Outcomes were consistent in across national boundaries, and governance, or absence
that the analysis of trends, dependencies and common of it thereof, in relation to the management of RA
cause failure phenomena, and the improved under­ transnational elements. The implications of this finding
standing of other CI/CII related phenomena in both of will be further discussed in section 5 of this paper.
these studies dictates that the pervasive web of CI/CII
dependencies has the potential to cause significant
3.3. Influence of transnationalism in the CIP
damage and societal disruption and may be challenging
to secure and govern (Luiijf & Klaver, 2021). Given that
the research work in a transnational context would be The need for the explicit consideration of transnation­
hindered by methodological considerations such as the alism parameters as part of the CIP process is being
comparability of the results, the ambiguity of terms used extensively emphasized in academic literature. In parti­
in the various geographies and respective sectors, and cular, it has been argued that, within the context of CIP,
the need for dependency analysis (Theocharidou & the concept of transnationalism influences the imple­
Giannopoulos, 2015), effective RA for a transnational mentation of RA within the context of the CIP process
system is bound even more challenging. on a number of levels. Particular focus is given to the
dimensions of vulnerability, interdependency, and
3.2.3. Governance governance.
Given the complexity of CI projects, it is natural to Figure 3 provides the graphical framework for the
assume that the management of a transnational CI facilitation of discussion regarding the potential effects
from within national ‘silos’ can potentially introduce of transnationalism within the context of the CIP pro­
governance issues. Moreover, the actual delivery of gov­ cess. In particular, the figure illustrates both the generic
ernance for CI could be in doubt when national RAs are ‘gold standard’ ISO31000:2018 Risk Management pro­
not aligned and coordinated. It is suggested that cess, as well as a generic implementation framework of

Figure 3. The influence of transnationalism in the CIP RA process.

the CIP process. In between them, the main transna­ instances as an appreciation of risk which is the out­
tionalism dimensions which are the focus of our discus­ come of deliberate analysis (Slovic, 2020). The assertion
sion are showcased. Association arrows have been is that they should be looked upon as the two sides of the
drawn between each of these aspects and the corre­ same coin irrespective of the disparity they represent.
sponding stages which can potentially be affected by The same individual is also capable of all but rational
them during the implementation of the ISO31000:2018 decisions and judgements as influenced by their own
process (and consequently during the implementation biases and prejudices. Early research in risk perception
of the CIP process), according to the academic showed that the more profound indication of risk for
literature. any given hazard is the degree to which it evokes feelings
Figure 3 indicates that there is a strong association of dread and that perceived risk and benefit are inversely
between the transnational dimensions in consideration correlated (Slovic, Fischhoff, & Lichtenstein, 1982).
and all stages of the RA implementation process within Moreover, work on how individuals think, described
the context of the CIP process. The nature of this asso­ as slow and fast modes, was subsequently shown to be
ciation is discussed in detail in the following paragraphs: indispensable to rational decision-making (Slovic,
Finucane, Peters, et al., 2004, Kahneman, 2011 as refer­
4. Decision-making challenges in CIP enced in; Slovic, 2020, p. 3). These decisions are said to
be influenced by heuristics (Slovic, Finucane, Peters,
4.1. Conceptualization of risk perception and of et al., 2004).
decision-making heuristics and biases
Heuristics can be defined as the shortcuts to task
The Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) defines risk percep­ complexity in judgement, and biases as the space
tion as a person’s subjective judgement or appraisal of between normative and heuristically driven behavior
risk (Aven et al., 2008). The deviation between real risk (Kahneman & Tversky, 1982). They are dis-optimal,
and the way it is perceived is caused by a range of imperfect, and irrational approaches to problem solving
affective, cognitive, contextual, and individual factors which can, nonetheless, speed up the process of finding
(Aven et al., 2018a). Three of these four factors stem a satisfactory solution. Heuristics have been linked to
out of the qualities of the individual. Affective factors cognitive biases (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974), while
include emotions and feelings of the person in question, pre-event predictions of behavior requiring formal
while cognitive factors can include media coverage and modelling of the decision process are proposed
the framing of risk information. Individual factors relate (Gigerenzer & Todd, 1999). However, much as heuris­
to the individual’s previous experience, age, and person­ tics are neither always accurate nor driven by logic, they
ality traits, while contextual factors relate to the way are often enough to satisfy a need and often seem to
information is framed and the way alternative informa­ work (Mousavi & Gigerenzer, 2014). In fact, it has been
tion sources are accessed. shown that at least for some business situations, heur­
It has been suggested that perception of risk resides istic decision-making can be effective if some informa­
within individuals sometimes as a feeling and in other tion is purposely ignored with less proving to be more

under uncertainty when knowledge takes precedence specifically argued in the academic literature that
over information abundance (Mousavi & Gigerenzer, the affect (as well as the availability heuristic dis­
2014). cussed later) can directly influence the CIP RA
Focusing on the implementation of RA within the process by being a source of the so-called ‘blind-
context of the CIP process in particular, the onus is spots’ which could trigger catastrophe across CI
frequently on the RA professional, the cornerstone of systems (Blackwell, Tolone, Lee, et al., 2009).
the RA process, whose input is prevalent at all CIP Interestingly, the affect heuristic might also have
activity levels (Poljanšek, Casajus Valles, Marin Ferrer, an effect possible team-level discussions on the risk
et al., 2019) and whose judgement may be led astray by level, which constitutes a typical case for large
heuristic’s ability to ‘lubricate reason’ (Slovic, Finucane, projects. This effect will be discussed in more detail
Peters, et al., 2007). It has been argued that the RA in the following sub-sections.
professional has to make decisions during the CIP pro­ ● Availability Heuristic: Individuals use the heuris­
cess lacking the tools and processes which can identify tic of availability, a mental shortcut that bases
and address the extent of systems links across national decisions on immediate examples that come to
borders and into other sectors (Pidgeon & O’Leary, mind, to estimate the frequency of an event or the
2000). The following subsection examines the use of likelihood of its occurrence by ‘the ease with which
decision-making heuristics by the RA professional relevant instances or associations come to mind’
within the context of the CIP process, as this has been (Tversky & Kahneman, 1973). The availability
discussed in academic literature. heuristic can have a significant effect on the risk
practitioner’s perception of the likelihood of an
event (Slovic et al., 1981). As such, it can influence
4.2. Decision-making heuristics and biases in the
RA activities in general, and the RA activities
CIP literature
within the context of the CIP process in process,
As in the case for the transnationalism concept, the where the team decision-making element is likely
review of the literature provides only a limited number to feature (Blackwell et al., 2009; Slovic et al., 1981).
of direct references related to the effect of RA decision- The availability heuristic has been reported to
making heuristics and biases within the specific context explain differences in the perception of risk across
of the CIP process. Research work on non-CIP-specific groups, cultures, and even nations effectively. This
human decision-making heuristics and biases is slightly finding bears additional relevance for CIP given its
more populus albeit with more focus on risk perception transnational nature (Sunstein, 2005).
rather than RA. However, given that the ‘gold standard’ ● Cognitive Reflection Ability: Cognitive reflection
RA methodology employed during CIP is the ISO relates to the ability or disposition to reflect on
31,000:2018 risk management process (as already dis­ a question and resist an automatic response
cussed in section 3 of this paper), the set of decision- (Frederick, 2005; Toplak, West, & Stanovich,
making heuristics which are reported in the literature to 2011). As such, cognitive reflection can have
be employed during the latter process are (in principle) a potential effect to the entirety of the RA process
applicable to the CIP process as well. A brief description within the context of CIP, from threat identifica­
of these heuristics and biases, as well as their potential tion to the formulation of mitigation strategies.
impact on the RA process within the context of CIP, is Risk professionals can be biased by the context,
provided in the following paragraphs: and the way information is presented (Berger,
2015). In addition, the strength of the inverse cor­
● The Affect Heuristic: The affect heuristic is relation is tied to individual cognitive abilities, with
defined as a feeling state such as happiness or cognitive reflection ability at the forefront
sadness but also as goodness or badness, assigned (Skagerlund, Forsblad, Slovic, et al., 2020).
to a stimulus experienced by people (Slovic, 2000). However, there are no direct references in the aca­
It is considered to be a prominent heuristic in demic literature with regard to the implications of
relation to risk (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974). cognitive reflection ability for RA professionals
There is scientific evidence which showcases the within the CIP context.
direct influence of the affect heuristic on risk per­ ● Cross-cultural Differences and Cultural Bias:
ception (Van Schaik, Renaud, Wilson, et al., 2020) While these concepts are not heuristics in their
and its impact on affective information to per­ own right, their transnational nature can introduce
ceived-risk judgments (Pachur et al., 2012). More biases which extend beyond the confines of a single
importantly (for the scope of this paper) it has been nation. In particular, differences in risk preference

between nations are associated with national culture the influence of decision-making heuristics on the level
differences in their peoples’ respective perception of of an individual professional’s risk perception (Aven
risk rather than their attitudes towards perceived et al., 2018a; Aven, Ben-Haim, Andersen, et al., 2018;
risk (Weber & Hsee, 1998). Studies have shown Slovic, 2020) and how this may affect decisions made in
that in addition to cross-cultural disparities between the context of RA for CIP. The second relates to how
professional groups within a country, there are also a team-based RA may be influenced in the context of
considerable cross-national differences in how risk these decision-making heuristics (Slovic, Fischhoff, &
is perceived (Rohrmann, 2000). In addition, a wide Lichtenstein, 1982; Slovic et al., 2004), viewed within the
range of basic psychological processes have been context of RA professionals employed in mass for a CIP
known to be influenced by culture including the project.
likelihood of the fundamental attribution error and
probabilistic thinking (Weber & Hsee, 1998). It is
4.3. Influence of decision-making heuristics in the
therefore evident that with the multitude of national
cip process (individual level)
stakeholders in each of the facets of a CIP project,
maintaining consistency in RA evaluations as well as Human input is apparent in all phases of the CIP pro­
a uniform risk perception across regions and states cess (Figure 4), including the actual RA activity, the
constitutes a serious challenge. Despite this, such training to build the necessary RA expertise, including
challenges have not been considered/examined in the evolution of requirements stemming from CI system
RA literature in the context of CIP. adaptivity and the assessment of relevant capabilities.
The identification and selection of the specific CI to be
Summarizing, while there exists considerable literature included in any analysis and the very definition of what
on the effect of decision-making heuristics and biases in constitutes a CI are looked upon differently between
the generic RA process, their implication has not been policymakers and operators which emphasizes the
adequately examined within the specific context of CIP. value of the individual in the process (Poljanšek et al.,
In particular, the review of the literature did not identify 2019).
works which critically analyze the use of decision- Human input is apparent in all phases of the RA
making heuristics within the complex, transnational process and beyond; the actual RA activity, the training
environment of a CIP process, as this has been unveiled to build the necessary RA expertise, including the evo­
in the discussion of Section 4.1. Therefore, further lution of requirements stemming from CI system adap­
investigation and analysis are necessary with regard to tivity and the assessment of said capabilities.
the potential influence of decision-making heuristics The practitioner is effectively the cornerstone of the
and biases as part of the implementation of the CIP RA process within the context of CIP. Knowledge and
process, in particular. To this end, the following subsec­ expertise in this respect needs to be built. Poljanšek,
tions discuss two types of decision-making dimensions Casajus Valles, Marin Ferrer, et al. (2019) have shown
which can potentially emerge during the implementa­ that continuously assessing one’s risk management cap­
tion of RA within the context of CIP. The first relates to ability can be a significant driver to the development of

Figure 4. The influence of decision-making heuristics in the CIP RA Process (individual level).

those capabilities. One common characteristic of CI is will invariably lead to additional scope and complexity,
that they are complex adaptive systems (CAS) in that through sheer size, in identifying and addressing deci­
their many constituent elements affect the overall sys­ sion-making heuristics and biases, transnational vulner­
tem as a result of the respective learning processes over abilities, and regulation streamlining and coordination
time; transformers and battery systems degrade over issues, such as reliability and safety standards, across the
time, pipelines rust and age, the operating team larger footprint of the project (Roe & Schulman, 2018).
improves in their adaptation and ability to manage the
system over time (Rinaldi, Peerenboom, & Kelly, 2001).
4.4. Influence of decision-making heuristics in the
The importance of this in the context of the paper is the
cip process (team level)
need for individuals engaged in RA for CIP to recognize
in their decision-making activities the inherent nat­ The team-based approach to decision-making has been
ure of CI and their emergent behaviors in this respect suggested as a remedy to decision-making heuristic
in terms of risk and its assessment thereof, but also in deficiencies as it may attenuate cognitive biases
terms of possible interdependencies between systems (Cianni & Wnuck, 1997). However, it has been argued
and elements of infrastructure. that teams might also be inclined towards similar infor­
Figure 4 provides a graphical framework of an indi­ mation-processing biases (Schwenk, 1986). Moreover, it
vidual’s decision-making aspects as these are perceived is reported that these teams often use the same ‘rules of
during the implementation of the ‘gold standard’ thumb’ individuals use to process information, invari­
ISO31000:2018 RA process and the RA process within ably leading to similar errors in judgement (Houghton,
the context of the CIP. Looking deeper into this frame­ Simon, Aquino, et al., 2000).
work, based on what has been published in academic The RA literature predominantly discusses the opti­
literature, it can be said that CIP-specific RA models in mal formation of a decision-making team rather than its
use are not unlike generic RA models as attested by the decision-making characteristics, including the existence
convergence in their linear approach to process, and of heuristics and biases. A typical example is the pro­
their likeness to the ISO 31,000:2018 standard. In this posed ‘high-functioning risk team’ approach, which has
respect, decision-making heuristics and biases particu­ actually been suggested for the case of CIP projects,
lar to RA are also relevant to CIP. Such associations can without providing any further details on the suitability
be found between the process of risk perception and the of this approach for the particular domain (Baggett &
affect and availability heuristics (Pachur, Hertwig, & Stout, 2022). Alternative team-based approaches which
Steinmann, 2012; Sunstein, 2005; Van Schaik, Renaud, can potentially be relevant to the CIP process include
Wilson, et al., 2020), between the entire RA process and the ‘unity of effort’ approach (Baggett & Stout, 2022;
the cognitive reflection ability (Berger, 2015; Stockton & Roberts, 2008), which constitutes one of the
Skagerlund, Forsblad, Slovic, et al., 2020), and between key tenants of RA, ensuring a consistent approach by all
the perceived severity of risk and the cross-national stakeholders for maximum effectiveness. This approach
differences and cultural biases (Bontempo, Bottom, & calls for the selection of a team from both internal and
Weber, 1997; Jasanoff, 1991; Sunstein, 2005). external stakeholders, supervisory, and line, who would
However, it is of critical importance to state that the need to be trained in RA methods. Another example is
unique nature of a CI project introduces additional the ‘red-team’ approach to critical operations (Veland &
challenges to the implementation of the RA process in Aven, 2015) where the RA is carried out by two different
relation to the characteristics in consideration. This teams and where the external team subsequently chal­
relates to the increased complexity of CI projects in lenges the self-evaluation of the internal analyst team,
relation to non-CI projects (Ulusan, Ergun, & He, and both eventually work together for a final consensus,
2018), even if not transnational, which requires an while group decision-making sessions using the Delphi
enlarged pool of RA professionals to cover the increased method and sources of knowledge, such as risk-event
scope which, in turn, introduces additional heuristic histories, during the RA process are also proposed
decision-making challenges. In addition, the transna­ (Yildiz, Dikmen, & Birgonul, 2014).
tional nature of CI projects (Heino, Takala, Based on the previous, Figure 5 provides a graphical
Jukarainen, et al., 2019), which necessitates the ability framework of the team’s decision-making aspects as
to define issues across geographical boundaries, can be these are perceived during the implementation of the
the source of an enlarged scope for RA with additional RA process within the context of the CIP. What can be
risk professionals contributing from different geogra­ deduced from this framework is that all team decision-
phies and countries, a multi-faceted regulatory frame­ making approaches discussed above fail to address the
work, and an increased stakeholder population. This added complexity and enlarged scope which CIP brings

Figure 5. The influence of decision-making heuristics in the CIP RA Process (team level).

about. Specifically, beyond the actual composition of the converge in their linear approach to process and are
decision-making team, the sheer size of a CI project largely based on the ISO 31,000:2018 ‘gold standard’.
introduces added complexity (Heino, Takala, Our study investigated whether this standardized
Jukarainen, et al., 2019). Transnational-driven issues of approach would actually ‘fit’ for the case of CIP, or if
vulnerability, interdependence and governance and there are CIP-specific considerations (‘challenges’)
decision-making heuristics were shown to influence which are potentially not adequately addressed by the
the CIP process, with the latter being additionally chal­ use of the ‘gold standard’ approach to the RA imple­
lenged by a transnational-team or team-of-teams mentation within the context of CIP. As discussed in the
approach to RA, given the much wider scope of CI introductory section, two particular ‘challenges’ were
(Ulusan, Ergun, & He, 2018) and their inherent struc­ investigated for their influence on the implementation
tural and dynamic complexities (Zio, 2016). of the CIP RA process. In particular, the influence of the
Summarizing, much as there are not many studies transnationalism dimension, which is a CIP-specific
discussing and analyzing the team-level decision- challenge, and also the use of decision-making heuris­
making characteristics of the RA process within the tics and biases, which is a horizontal RA challenge.
context of CIP, there are advocates of the team-based A narrative literature review was employed in order to
approach in the literature, as seen in this section. identify relevant information which has been published
However, what is advocated remains at a high-level in academic literature. Given the limited amount of
and does not specifically prescribe how the team will research which has been conducted on these topics
function together nor how practitioner characteristics (from the CIP perspective), our study also considered
will be prevented from influencing local and indeed academic research works from the generic RA literature
regional RA work. and showcased how the CIP process can potentially be
affected by the two main challenges in consideration.
Given the objectives of the study which were pre­
5. Discussion
sented in the introductory section of this paper, the
The concept and importance of CI, as well as its protec­ main findings of the study are presented below:
tion (CIP), acquired prominence in our societies during Objective 1: Investigate how the concept of transna­
the last decades of the twentieth Century following tionalism currently affects the implementation of the RA
numerous high-profile terrorist attacks (Renda & process within the context of CIP.
Haemmerli, 2010; Sachs, 2022). RA is at the heart of Conceptualizing transnationalism in its own merit is
this CIP risk management process which relates to the not a straightforward task, as evidenced by the discus­
capacity of an entity to adequately prepare for and sion in section 3.1. It does, however, constitute an
respond to such serious incidents. The information extensively researched notion albeit in isolation of the
presented and the analysis of the previous sections indi­ RA practitioner, employed by practitioners within the
cates that the RA models employed within the context of context of CIP due to its perceived importance. For this
CIP-specific are similar to generic RA models as they reason, the apparent lack of studies which explicitly

consider transnationalism as an integral part of the CIP Naturally, a further investigation was conducted on
RA process specifically and have developed appropriate the potential influence of specific decision-making
tools to this end at the RA practitioner level, was a rather heuristics and biases on the CIP RA process (both
unexpected, but a very important finding of our study. from the individual and the team perspective), based
Naturally, the study extended to the potential influ­ on the findings of the generic RA literature and the
ence of some principal dimensions of transnationalism theoretical foundations of the CIP process. The heuris­
on the RA process within the context of CIP. In parti­ tics and biases investigated were the affect and avail­
cular, the dimensions of vulnerability, interdependency, ability heuristics, the cognitive reflection ability, as well
and governance were investigated, based on what has as the cross-national and cultural differences. While it
been published in the generic RA literature, as well as on became evident from our investigation that these heur­
the theoretical foundations of the CIP process. What istics and biases are naturally relevant to the implemen­
was evidenced is that the transnational complexity of tation of the entire RA process within the context of the
CIP projects can potentially render the use of generic CIP, our study also suggests that their influence on the
linear RA models ineffective within the context of CIP. CIP RA process should be viewed within the following
In particular: context:

● Vulnerability assessments in a transnational setting ● CI is complex adaptive systems; therefore, the

become very complex, rendering tasks such as the inherent nature of CI and their respective emergent
aggregation of risk in some cross-border or cross- behaviors can have a significant influence on the
regional cases close to impossible. decision-making activities during the CIP RA
● The interdependencies across multiple assets and process.
borders, as well as the possible propagation of fail­ ● The cross-national differences and the cultural
ure of CI and the associated cascading effects biases are amplified within the context of
become even more difficult to fathom, document, a transnational CIP project, potentially affecting
and subsequently manage. the perceived severity of risk across borders.
● Governance issues related to responsibilities, risk, ● The CIP domain-specific concept of transnational­
or authorities in the partnership of CI, generate ism (which has been discussed in detail in section 3
significant challenges to their management but of this document) provides an additional layer of
also increase the cost of harmonization given the complexity in addressing decision-making heuris­
higher level of regulatory and institutional tics and biases of the individual decision-maker.
diversity. ● While generic RA team-based decision-making
approaches which appear in the literature are
Finally, it should be noted that the previous findings potentially applicable to the CIP RA process,
should also be viewed within the context of the added these can be challenged by the much wider scope
risk and difficulties introduced by PPP structures, of a CI project (in relation to simple generic RA
a prominent platform for delivering CI, and by the processes) and the well-documented structural and
increase of the number of CI stakeholders from dynamic complexities of a CIP project and the
across different national and international consistency of CIP RA evaluations.
Objective 2: Investigate how various decision-making Based on the previous, one of the most interesting find­
heuristics and biases currently affect the implementation ings of our study is related to the fact that the approach
of the RA process within the context of CIP. to the two ‘challenges’ originally selected for indepen­
The fact that human decision-making (both on the dent investigation (transnationalism and decision-
individual and the team level) is affected by heuristics making heuristics and biases) ‘converge’ in their linear
and biases has been well discussed in academic litera­ approach to process during the analysis of the RA CIP
ture. In the domain of RA in particular, the impact of literature. This finding showcases the need for further
decision-making heuristics on the professional’s percep­ investigation of the topics considered, as this is dis­
tion of risk is a significant consideration. The limited cussed in the following paragraph.
literature discussing the effect of decision-making heur­ Objective 3: Identify specific gaps and opportunities in
istics and biases in RA within the context of the CIP relation to the challenges outlined in the previous objec­
process was therefore the second unexpected and tives and formulate questions which will drive future
important finding of this study. research work in this domain.

The findings of this study which were discussed transnational CI projects and to recognize the full extent
within the context of study objectives 1 and 2 provide of the human decision-making influence on the RA
a convenient basis for the identification of the main gaps process itself can only be the outcome of thorough
which currently exist in the literature. In general, it can analysis of numerous case studies. Whilst this cannot
be said that academic studies related to the analysis of be possible in a paper of this nature given the restrictive
the overall RA process within the specific context of CIP word-count limitation, two CI examples portray signs of
have been limited. Naturally, this means that studies for these traits.
specific RA considerations within the context of CIP, The first example relates to the 2013 terrorist attack
such as transnational considerations and decision- at the Statoil In Amenas gas facility in Algeria. An
making heuristics and biases would also be limited. investigation into the attack (Equinor, 2013) whose
However, what was rather unexpected (as discussed in purpose was to clarify the chain of events and to facil­
the previous paragraphs) was not only the fact that the itate learning and further improvements within risk
number of studies on these particular considerations assessment, security, and emergency preparedness
was very low but also the observation that the limited revealed a number of security vulnerabilities and short­
attempts which have appeared in the literature have not comings stemming from a combination of a number of
seemed to trigger the implementation of further factors including the project’s transnational nature.
research work on their analysis. This gap is especially Concerns were raised in reference to the scope of the
important when viewed under the analysis presented in risk assessment at the terminal for failing to capture and
this paper (sections 3.3 and 4.3), which showcased how consider the significance of regional geopolitical events
the CIP RA process can potentially be affected by these and their potential impact (Institute of Strategic Risk
unique challenges. Management, 2023). Risk Assessment activity was ‘split’
Looking into the gaps identified for the transnation­ between Statoil’s Algiers office with emergency response
alism challenge in particular, it can be said that there is plans influenced by the experience in Egypt and Libya,
a need to analyze in depth the process of aggregating the London office, and company headquarters in
risk across CI during a vulnerability assessment of Norway with stakeholders spread across geographies,
a transnational CIP project. Current RA models do businesses, and functions (Statoil, 2013). In fact,
not accommodate this calculation, and it is not readily Lambrechts and Blomquist (2017) suggest that Statoil
obvious how this process should be performed. At the lacked a holistic approach to risk management, with
same time, there seem to be no models available which political risk seen as a public relations issue and security
allow the assessment of cascading effects of a CI failure risk normally outsourced.
on transnational, interdependent CIP projects. Last but The second relates to the BTC (Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan)
not least, there is a gap in the investigation of the effects pipeline and the RA failings that supposedly led to the
of governance issues on the implementation of the CIP attack in 2008, although the accuracy of the cyber-attack
RA process in transnational projects. report itself has been questioned (Lee, 2015). These
Challenges and issues have also been identified based failings suggest that actual security infrastructure and
on the analysis of decision-making heuristics and biases the socio-political risks may not have been adequately
during the implementation of the CIP RA process. The addressed. This may be an outcome of the transnational
horizontal RA nature of these challenges means that nature of the project which led to differing levels of
models and procedures do exist in the literature which activity at the national, tri-party, and regional levels
provide solid frameworks for their analysis. However, for delivering protection (Starr & Cornell, 2005), non-
once the specific characteristics which underline the aligned regional and local cooperation fora, and ad hoc
unique nature of the CIP process are considered (com­ geographical security alliances beyond the tri-party
plexity of the adaptive system, transnationalism), our organization involving subsets of the BTC consortium
analysis showcases that current approaches might be state players and other regional states. Furthermore,
ineffective in modelling and managing the individual even the language barriers at the risk assessment practi­
and team-based decision-making characteristics of the tioner level may have contributed as well (Kogan, 2014)
risk assessor in CIP projects. The gap becomes especially in addition to decision-making biases which have con­
evident in the case of the generic team-based RA deci­ tributed to disasters in the past like the Challenger Space
sion-making approaches which, as reported in the lit­ Shuttle Disaster in 1986 through confirmation bias
erature, do not readily accommodate the characteristics which allowed launching during suboptimal tempera­
of complex, transnational CIP projects. tures (Murata, Nakamura, & Karwowski, 2015),
Validation through real-world examples of the pro­ Hurricane Katrina in 2005 where optimistic bias was
posed failure of the RA process to capture the realities of a major contributing factor to inadequate response

(Trumbo, Lueck, Marlatt, et al., 2011), and the Global focused on investigating how this process addresses
Financial Crisis in 2008 where confirmation biases led the specific CIP challenges in consideration.
to the underestimation of the risks (Shefrin, 2015). The Our study showcased that the implementation of RA
previous discussion provides the basis for the formula­ within the context of CIP processes has not been ade­
tion of a number of fundamental research questions on quately addressed. In particular, not only is the number
the implementation of RA within the context of a CIP of publications explicitly discussing the topic limited but
process. These questions can potentially be investigated also, as showcased by our critical analysis, the imple­
through future research activities on the topics consid­ mentation of the generic ‘gold standard’ RA process fails
ered. In particular: to capture the realities of transnational CI projects and
to recognize the full extent of the human decision-
● How do CIP risk assessors perceive the applicabil­ making influence on the RA process itself.
ity and relevance of the generic ISO31000 ‘gold Our study suggests that the lack of homogeneity
standard’ RA process to the implementation of across assets, stakeholders, countries, paradigms, and
the CIP RA process? people in transnational CIP environments challenges
● How are CIP risk assessors influenced by transna­ the existing generic RA processes. An improved,
tionalism considerations (including vulnerability, domain-specific RA process within the context of CIP,
interdependence, and governance) during the can potentially provide the framework for improved
implementation of their tasks within the context protection of CI. Nevertheless, it is evident that addi­
of a CIP process? tional research work is necessary in order to better
● How are CIP risk assessors influenced by decision- understand the challenges considered.
making heuristics and biases during the implementa­
tion of their tasks within the context of a CIP process?
Disclosure statement
● How do CIP risk assessors perceive the applicabil­
ity and relevance of generic team-based decision- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
making approaches to the implementation of the
CIP RA process?
Notes on contributors
● How can RA tasks which are implemented within
the context of a CIP process be improved in order to Michalis Papamichael was born in Larnaca, Cyprus, in 1964.
explicitly address the unique characteristics of CI? is a PhD Candidate in the Occupational Safety and Health
Program at the European University Cyprus. He has over 32
years’ experience in the entirety of oil and gas value chain
The development of research designs which would
(upstream, midstream, and downstream) in regional roles of
investigate the practitioners’ perception of the RA increasing accountability in the engineering, business, secur­
implementation within the context of a CIP process ity, emergency management, and risk management context in
can provide the basis for addressing these questions. Europe, the UK, and the Eastern Mediterranean. In his cur­
The authors of this paper are committed to further rent role, he is the regional Security and Emergency Response
investigating this topic. Manager for an oil and gas major and a member of the
company’s Global Corporate Emergency Response Team.
Michalis holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering from Brown
6. Conclusions University, USA (1988), an MBA from Brunel University, UK
(1997), and an MSc in Security and Risk Management from
The main aim of this paper was to provide the University of Leicester, UK (2014). He holds certifications
a theoretical contribution towards a better under­ in the Incident Command System (now part of the National
Incident Management System [NIMS] in the US), Kidnap for
standing of some of the unique challenges faced dur­
Ransom incident management, the management of major
ing the implementation of RA within the context of emergencies including oil spill management, International
a CIP process. In particular, the influence of transna­ Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code at a Vessel,
tional considerations as well as of decision-making Company, and Facility security level, Security Consultancy,
heuristics and biases was investigated. Our study was Business Continuity and Resilience, Intelligence Analysis,
primarily based on the use of a non-systematic, nar­ Open-source intelligence (OSINT) analysis, and investiga­
tions. He is an Honorary Research Fellow of the European
rative literature review on the implementation of RA University, Cyprus, and the co-chair of the OSAC (Overseas
tasks in CIP projects, which discussed existing works Security Advisory Council of the US State Department)
that discuss the challenges of transnationalism and Cyprus chapter.
decision-making heuristics and biases. The review Christos Dimopoulos was born in Athens in May 1973.
was supported by a critical analysis of the implemen­ Christos is an Associate Professor of Computer Science &
tation generic ‘gold standard’ RA process, which Engineering, and co-Director of the Centre of Excellence in

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