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DSP circuits
Generally, DSPs are dedicated integrated circuits; however DSP functionality
can also be produced by using field-programmable gate array chips (FPGAs).
Embedded general-purpose RISC processors are becoming increasingly DSP like in
functionality. For example, the OMAP3 processors include an ARM Cortex-A8 and
C6000 DSP.

DSP in hardware
Digital Signal Processors (DSP) take real-world signals like voice, audio, video,
temperature, pressure, or position that have been digitized and then mathematically
manipulate them. A DSP is designed for performing mathematical functions like
"add", "subtract", "multiply" and "divide" very quickly.
The processor is a simple chip or logic circuit that responds to basic instructions
as well as input processes to control the processing unit. The processor is an
essential component in electronic systems like smartphones, embedded systems,
laptops, computers, etc. The two essential components of a processor are ALU and
the control unit. There are different types of processors available in the market
which is used based on the requirement like microcontroller,
microprocessor, digital signal processor, embedded processor, etc. So this article
discusses one of the types of processors namely digital signal processors.

What is a Digital Signal Processor?

Digital signal processor definition is, a digital signal processor is a special type of
microprocessor which is fabricated on metal oxide semiconductor integrated
circuits. DSPs are extensively used in different applications like digital image
processing, telecommunications, audio signal processing, speech recognition
systems, sonar, radar, etc, and also used in consumer electronics like mobile
phones, HDTV (high-definition television) products, disk drives, etc.

Digital Signal Processor

How Does Digital Signal Processor Work?
The digital signal processor mainly works by using real-world signals like audio,
voice, temperature, and video, digitizing them & after that mathematically
manipulating them. A DSP performs different mathematical functions very quickly
like add, subtract, multiply & divide.
A digital signal processor includes main components like program memory, data
memory, compute engine, and Input/Output.
 Program memory is used to store the programs to process data.
 Data Memory is used to store the data to be processed.
 Compute engine executes the mathematical operations, access the data from
the data memory & program from the program memory.
 Input/Output serves different functions to connect to the external world.
Digital Signal Processor Block Diagram
The block diagram of the digital signal processor is shown below.
DSP Boards
DSP boards or digital signal processor computer boards are central to the
implementation of high-performance industrial systems. They collect and process
digital data from many sources, and distribute the results to other elements of the
system. There are three main sources of data in a real system: signals (in and out
from the DSP processor), messages to communicate with system controllers, and
messages to communicate with other DSP boards. Important features of DSP boards
include a fast processor and good communication channels as DSP boards need to
collect and distribute data from/to many different sources.
Computer backplane or bus choices for DSP boards include PCI, ISA or EISA,
PCMCIA, PC/104, Mac PCI, SUN Sbus, PMC bus, PXI bus, Multibus, STD bus,
VME bus, VXI or MXI bus, and DT-connect I and II interface. PCI is a local bus
system designed for high-end computer systems. ISA is a standard for I/O buses
that was set back in 1984 when IBM was the standard.
Functional block diagram in DSP

The Function Block Diagram is a graphically oriented programming

language. It works with a list of networks. Each network contains a graphical
structure of boxes and connection lines which represents either a logical or
arithmetic expression, the call of a function block, a jump, or a return instruction.
The concept of DSP is illustrated by the simplified block diagram in Figure
1, which consists of an analog filter, an analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) unit, a
digital signal (DS) processor, a digital-to-analog conversion (DAC) unit, and a
reconstruction filter.
Is block code a programming language?

Block-based coding is a form of programming language where the developer
issues instructions by dragging and dropping blocks. This helps to prevent syntax
errors and developers do not have to memorize syntax to write code

Fixed point – Floating point – Number precision

DSP software – Introduction to CCS - Applications of DSP

A digital signal processor (DSP) is a specialized microprocessor chip, with

its architecture optimized for the operational needs of digital signal
processing.[1]: 104–107 [2] DSPs are fabricated on metal–oxide–
semiconductor (MOS) integrated circuit chips.[3][4] They are widely used in audio
signal processing, telecommunications, digital image
processing, radar, sonar and speech recognition systems, and in common consumer
electronic devices such as mobile phones, disk drives and high-definition
television (HDTV) products.[3]
The goal of a DSP is usually to measure, filter or compress continuous real-
world analog signals. Most general-purpose microprocessors can also execute
digital signal processing algorithms successfully, but may not be able to keep up
with such processing continuously in real-time. Also, dedicated DSPs usually have
better power efficiency, thus they are more suitable in portable devices such
as mobile phones because of power consumption constraints.[5] DSPs often use
special memory architectures that are able to fetch multiple data or instructions at
the same time.
Software architecture
By the standards of general-purpose processors, DSP instruction sets are often
highly irregular; while traditional instruction sets are made up of more general
instructions that allow them to perform a wider variety of operations, instruction
sets optimized for digital signal processing contain instructions for common
mathematical operations that occur frequently in DSP calculations. Both traditional
and DSP-optimized instruction sets are able to compute any arbitrary operation but
an operation that might require multiple ARM or x86 instructions to compute might
require only one instruction in a DSP optimized instruction set.
One implication for software architecture is that hand-optimized assembly-
code routines (assembly programs) are commonly packaged into libraries for re-use,
instead of relying on advanced compiler technologies to handle essential
algorithms. Even with modern compiler optimizations hand-optimized assembly
code is more efficient and many common algorithms involved in DSP calculations
are hand-written in order to take full advantage of the architectural optimizations.
Hardware architecture[edit]
In engineering, hardware architecture refers to the identification of a system's
physical components and their interrelationships. This description, often called a
hardware design model, allows hardware designers to understand how their
components fit into a system architecture and provides to software component
designers important information needed for software development and integration.
Clear definition of a hardware architecture allows the various traditional
engineering disciplines (e.g., electrical and mechanical engineering) to work more
effectively together to develop and manufacture new machines, devices and
Hardware is also an expression used within the computer engineering industry to
explicitly distinguish the (electronic computer) hardware from the software that
runs on it. But hardware, within the automation and software engineering
disciplines, need not simply be a computer of some sort. A modern automobile runs
vastly more software than the Apollo spacecraft. Also, modern aircraft cannot
function without running tens of millions of computer instructions embedded and
distributed throughout the aircraft and resident in both standard computer hardware
and in specialized hardware components such as IC wired logic gates, analog and
hybrid devices, and other digital components. The need to effectively model how
separate physical components combine to form complex systems is important over a
wide range of applications, including computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs),
cell phones, surgical instrumentation, satellites, and submarines.
Memory architecture[edit]
DSPs are usually optimized for streaming data and use special memory
architectures that are able to fetch multiple data or instructions at the same time,
such as the Harvard architecture or Modified von Neumann architecture, which use
separate program and data memories (sometimes even concurrent access on
multiple data buses).
DSPs can sometimes rely on supporting code to know about cache hierarchies and
the associated delays. This is a tradeoff that allows for better performance[clarification
. In addition, extensive use of DMA is employed.
Addressing and virtual memory[edit]
DSPs frequently use multi-tasking operating systems, but have no support
for virtual memory or memory protection. Operating systems that use virtual
memory require more time for context switching among processes, which increases
 Hardware modulo addressing
o Allows circular buffers to be implemented without having to test for
 Bit-reversed addressing, a special addressing mode
o useful for calculating FFTs
applications of DSP?
DSP is used primarily in areas of audio signal, speech processing, RADAR,
seismology, audio, SONAR, voice recognition, and some financial signals. For
example, digital signal processing is used for speech compression for mobile
phones, as well as speech transmission for mobile phones.

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