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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Teacher REYMARK A. ANCHITA Learning Area ARTS
Teaching Dates & Time OCT 03, 2023 Quarter 1ST

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the use of lines, shapes, colors, texture, and the
principles of emphasis and contrast in drawing a logo and own cartoon character
using new technologies in drawing.
B. Performance Standard Creates concepts through art processes, elements, and principles using new
technologies (hardware and software) to create personal or class logo. designs
cartoon character on-the spot using new technologies.
C. Learning Competency/s: Explains the elements and principles applied in comic art
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet
presenting the new lesson of paper.
Page 2

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson A cartoon is a type of illustration, possibly animated, typically in a nonrealistic or
semi-realistic style. The specific meaning has evolved over time. but the modern
usage usually refers to either: an image of series of images intended for satire,
caricature, or humor; or a motion picture that relies on sequence of illustrations for
its animation. Someone who creates cartoons in the first sense is called cartoonist,
and in the second sense they are usually called an animator. The concept originated
in the Middle Ages, and first described a preparatory drawing for a piece of art,
such as a painting, fresco, tapestry, or stained glass window. In the 19th century,
beginning in Punch magazine in 1843, cartoon came to refer-ironically at first - to
humorous illustrations in magazines and newspapers. In the early 20th century, it
began to refer to animated films which resembled print cartoons.
C. Presenting Examples/instances of new Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False. Write your answer
lesson on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Cartoonist creates cartoons.
2. A political cartoon is a type of editorial cartoon.
3. Cartoons bring good memories to the kids.
4. A Cartoon is not a type of illustration.
5. A gag cartoon is a single-panel cartoon and has a caption beneath the drawing
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concepts and Origin of Cartoon What may be seen as possibly the earliest political cartoon is a
practicing new skills #2 mysterious woodcut permitted Le Revers du Jeudes Suysses (The Other Side of the
Swiss Game), fashioned in 1499. In this, the pope, the Holy Roman Emperor, and
the kings of France and England can be seen playing cards while under the table. A
swiss soldier heaps the decks in satirical annotations on French ambitions in Italy
(the support of elite Swiss soldiers was essential to France). At about the same
time, Pope Alexander VI was potrayed as a devil and in another drawing a Jesuit
priest is given a wolf’s head. Perhaps the most memorable sketch of this period-and
one exactly datable and attributable to a known artist - was an anti-Protestant
woodcut by Erhard Schoen of 1521, showing the Devil playing a pair of bagpipes,
the bellows of which are depicted as the head of Martin Luther.
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment)

G. Finding Practical applications of Origin of Cartoon What may be seen as possibly the earliest political cartoon is a
concepts and skills mysterious woodcut permitted Le Revers du Jeudes Suysses (The Other Side of the
Swiss Game), fashioned in 1499. In this, the pope, the Holy Roman Emperor, and
the kings of France and England can be seen playing cards while under the table. A
swiss soldier heaps the decks in satirical annotations on French ambitions in Italy
(the support of elite Swiss soldiers was essential to France). At about the same
time, Pope Alexander VI was potrayed as a devil and in another drawing a Jesuit
priest is given a wolf’s head. Perhaps the most memorable sketch of this period-and
one exactly datable and attributable to a known artist - was an anti-Protestant
woodcut by Erhard Schoen of 1521, showing the Devil playing a pair of bagpipes,
the bellows of which are depicted as the head of Martin Luther.
H. Making generalizations and What I Have Learned
abstractions about the lesson 1. A cartoon is a type of illustration, possibly animated, typically in a nonrealistic
or semi-realistic style.
2. Someone who creates cartoons in the first sense is called cartoonist. 3. A political
cartoon, a type of editorial cartoon, is a graphic with caricatures of public figures,
expressing the artist’s opinion.

4. The first artist to earn a living solely by this kind of work that the modern
cartoon can be said to have been molded was Pier Leone Ghezzi.
5. A gag cartoon is most often a single-panel cartoon, usually including a caption
beneath the drawing.
6. Cartoons bring out good memories of the childhood’s carefree life.
7. A cartoon character can easily tap into viewer’s deepest emotion. 8. A well-
designed cartoon character actually posses numerous super powers that any human
spokesman would hardly compete with.
9. Cartoon character works in favor of increasing the engagement and contributes to
achieve the desirable business goals.
10. The marketers use a clever cartoon character design as a tool to form a strong
customer - brand relationship.

I. Evaluating Learning Assessment Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.Page 7

J. Additional activities for application or Tell the learners to use the pictures of the cartoon character that have been shown to
remediation them. They are going to write their observations about the art processes, elements,
and principles in cartoon character making in their art notebook.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% on
the formative assessment
B. No. of Learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked by:

Master Teacher I


Principal II

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