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Proceedings of

2002 2002
The 47th ASME International June 3-6, 2002,
Gas Turbine Amsterdam,
& Aeroengine TheCongress
Technical Netherlands
June 3-6, 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands




Christian Pankiewitz∗ Thomas Sattelmayer

Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik
Technische Universität München Technische Universität München
85747 Garching, Germany 85747 Garching, Germany
Email: Email:

ABSTRACT c coefficient (FEMLAB)

A novel method for the simulation of combustion instabili- D mean combustor diameter
ties in annular combustors is presented. It is based on the idea to da coefficient (FEMLAB)
solve the equations governing the acoustics in the time domain f frequency
and couple them to a model for the heat release in the flames. The f coefficient (FEMLAB)
linear wave equation describing the temporal and spatial evolu- g coefficient (FEMLAB)
tion of the pressure fluctuations is implemented in a finite ele- h coefficient (FEMLAB)
ment code. Providing high flexibility, this code in principle al- i imaginary unit
lows both the computational domain to be of arbitrary shape and j burner number
the mean flow to be included. This yields applicability to realis- K constant in boundary condition
tic technical combustors. The fluctuating heat release acting as L length
a volume source appears as a source term in the equation to be n outward normal vector
solved. Employing a time-lag model, the heat release rate at each P thermal power
individual burner is related to the velocity in the corresponding p pressure
burner at an earlier time. As saturation also is considered, a non- q̇ volumetric heat release rate
linearity is introduced into the system. Starting the simulation q coefficient (FEMLAB)
from a random initial perturbation with suitable values for the r coefficient (FEMLAB)
parameters of the heat release model, a self-excited instability is T period
induced, leading to a finite-amplitude limit cycle oscillation. The T temperature
feasiblity of the approach is demonstrated with 3D-simulations t time
of a simple model annular combustor. The effect of the model u velocity vector (u, v, w)T
parameters and of axial mean flow on the stability and the shape u solution vector (FEMLAB)
of the excited modes is shown. x position vector (x, y, z)T
Y characteristic impedance
a velocity of sound Greek
a α coefficient (FEMLAB)
coefficient (FEMLAB)
β coefficient (FEMLAB)
γ coefficient (FEMLAB)
∗ Address all correspondence to this author.
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η heat release model parameter incorporate a non-linear heat release model combined with linear
κ ratio of specific heats acoustics. Akamatsu and Dowling [6] use an analytical approach
λ Lagrange multiplier (FEMLAB) to describe modal coupling for high frequency three-dimensional
ρ density thermoacoustic instabilities.
σ heat release model parameter Only recently, attempts can be observed to calculate ther-
τ delay time moacoustic oscillations in the time domain. With increas-
Ω domain (FEMLAB) ing computer performance computational fluid dynamics have
∂Ω boundary of domain (FEMLAB) proven to be applicable in principle [7–9]. However, compu-
ω angular frequency (2π f ) tational requirements are still high, and these techniques so far
can only be applied to simple geometries. Wake et al. [10]
Superscripts have solved the one-dimensional linearized Euler equations cou-
transpose pled with a heat release model, but as they do not include non-
linearities the amplitudes of the unstable modes increase un-
¯ mean quantity
 boundedly. Dowling [11] has shown how for a one-dimensional
fluctuating quantity
geometry a non-linear heat release model can be combined with
ˆ complex quantity
an analytical description of the acoustics so that self-excited
˜ complex quantity
limit-cycle oscillations are obtained.
Though obviously many methods have been developed, so
Subscripts far only little progress has been made in modelling combustion
0 characteristic quantity instabilities in annular combustors. Walz et al. [12, 13] inves-
1 plenum section tigate the eigenmodes of an annular combustion chamber, not
2 combustor section considering the interaction with the flames. Krüger et al. [14,15]
B burner section try to extend the one-dimensional network technique to annu-
in plenum inlet lar combustors, while Krebs et al. [16] show how the Galerkin
n outward normal direction method can be applied in principle. Stow and Dowling [17]
out combustor exit and Evesque and Polifke [18] employ low-order modelling tech-
∞ environment niques. Nevertheless the coupling of more than one heat release
zone with multi-dimensional acoustics still is not clearly under-
INTRODUCTION It is therefore appealing to simulate combustion instabilities
The calculation and modelling of combustion instabilities in an annular combustor in the time domain. If a description of
has a history reaching back to the mid of the last century, when the heat release in terms of the acoustic quantities is available, no
this problem became important for the development of rocket further assumptions about the modal coupling have to be made.
engines [1]. A large variety of methods has been developed We have developed such an approach, combining the linear wave
since, and certainly there are different ways to classify these tech- equation describing the acoustics with a non-linear heat release
niques. model. The following section introduces the governing equa-
Many approaches are based on the idea to describe the oscil- tions and the numerical tool to solve them. We then present a
lations as a superposition of single time-harmonic modes. This model annular combustor used for exemplary simulations to ver-
allows to work in the frequency domain. In the linear case the ify the feasiblity of the technique. The results of these simula-
different modes do not interact, and techniques well known from tions are given in the subsequent section. In the conclusions we
linear control theory can be applied to determine the system sta- also shortly discuss how this new method will be extended in
bility. Codes have been developed in which a complex system is future.
split into a network of essentially one-dimensional acoustic el-
ements, each of them transporting the acoustic pressure and ve-
locity and, if required, additional quantities like the equivalence DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNIQUE
ratio and entropy [2]. Governing equations
The Galerkin method has been applied especially in the field Combustion instabilities in gas turbine combustors are
of rocket engines. It allows the inclusion of non-linearities, i.e. known to exhibit pressure and velocity fluctuations whose ampli-
modal coupling [3, 4]. Non-linear acoustics are dominating here, tudes even in the case of strong oscillations are small compared
a phenomenon usually of secondary importance for gas turbine to the mean pressure and velocity of sound, respectively. As ad-
combustors as the pressure amplitudes here are much smaller. ditionally the attenuation of acoustic waves due to the viscos-
Peracchio and Proscia [5] have adopted the approach of Culick to ity of the fluid can be neglected, the linearized Euler equations

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provide a suitable description of the acoustics in the combustor. to time leads to the wave equation
These equations are derived from the conservation of mass1 ,
1 ∂2 p ∂p 
∂ρ + 2ū • ∇ + ū • ( ū • ∇)(∇p )
+ ∇ • (ρu) = 0 , (1) ā2 ∂t 2 ∂t
1  κ − 1 Dq̇
− ρ̄∇ • ∇p = 2 . (6)
and momentum, ρ̄ ā Dt

∂u 1 Compared to eqs. (4) and (5) this equation has the advantage that
+ (u • ∇)u = − ∇p , (2) we only have to solve for the acoustic pressure p but not for
∂t ρ
the three components of the sound particle velocity u . However,
eq. (6) disregards loss mechanisms like area jumps. This simpli-
when the pressure p = p̄ + p , density ρ = ρ̄ + ρ and velocity fication and neglecting entropy waves does not mean a general
u = ū + u each are written as the sum of their mean and their restriction of the technique, though. The governing equations
fluctuating part. The fluctuations of density can be attributed to could be extended to include the mentioned effects. In the frame-
the fluctuations of pressure and entropy. If the entropy fluctua- work of this work we focus on the purely acoustical mechanisms.
tions are solely caused by heat release fluctuations, the following The substantial derivative of the heat release rate fluctuations in
equation holds for the substantial derivative of the density with eq. (6) implies that changes in the heat release can be caused both
respect to time (cf. [19]): by local changes of the heat release rate and by a moving heat re-
lease zone. Equation (6) can be solved if a relation describing the
Dρ 1 Dp κ − 1 coupling of the heat release to the flow field is provided. Giving
= 2 − 2 q̇ . (3)
Dt a Dt a a very general formulation of that relation, the fluctuating heat
release may depend on both the pressure and the velocity, addi-
 tionally allowing for a time delay:
Here, a = κp/ρ is the velocity of sound, κ is the ratio of spe-
cific heats and q̇ = q̇¯ + q̇ is the rate of heat addition per unit
volume. Combining eq. (3) with the continuity equation eq. (1), q̇ (x,t) = q̇ ((p, u) (x,t, τ(x))) . (7)
linearizing the resulting expressions, and using the relation for
isentropic changes of state ρ /p = a2 , yields the linearized equa-
tions for the conservation of mass, Here, the delay time τ does not necessarily have to be a single
value but can rather be a delay time distribution. This may be im-
portant for a realistic model of a gas turbine burner flame as has
+ u • ∇ p̄ + ū • ∇p + κp ∇ • ū + κ p̄∇ • u = (κ − 1)q̇ , (4) been shown by Sattelmayer [2] and Flohr et al. [21]. Equation (6)
∂t involves p only linearly. In order to make unstable perturbations
not grow into unlimited oscillations, it is therefore important to
and momentum, include non-linearities occuring in the heat release.
Our technique for the simulation of combustion oscillations
∂u p 1 can be summed up as follows: provide a non-linear model for
+ (ū • ∇)u + (u • ∇)ū + 2 (ū • ∇)ū = − ∇p . (5)
∂t ρ̄ā ρ̄ the fluctuations of the heat release rate (eq. (7)) to solve the wave
equation eq. (6) in the time domain together with appropriate
boundary conditions. The following paragraph will give a short
These equations do not account for entropy waves, which can
description of the numerical tool we use to realize this idea.
lead to some inaccuracy only for very low frequencies. For a
discussion of this topic see Sattelmayer [2] and Polifke et al. [20].
Equations (4) and (5) can further be simplified for the case Numerical tool
of uniform mean flow. Omitting the terms involving the spatial As in the case of combustion oscillations in annular com-
derivatives of the mean quantities, applying ρ̄ā2 ∇• to the mo- bustors instabilities in the low frequency regime are dominating,
mentum equations eq. (5) and subtracting the result from the sub- and their wave lengths are of the same order as the characteris-
stantial derivative of the continuity equation eq. (4) with respect tic lengths of the combustor, even standard numerical methods
can lead to satisfying results. To solve the equations described
before, we employ the commercial tool FEMLAB. This is a fi-
1 Notation: ∇ • u = ux + vy + wz , ∇u = (ux , vy , wz )T nite element package designed to solve an arbitrary set of partial

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differential equations of the form 4
da − ∇ • (c∇u + αu − γ) + β∇u + au = f in Ω , (8)
n • (c∇u + αu − γ) + qu = g − hT λ on ∂Ω , (9)
hu = r on ∂Ω . (10)
Here, u denotes a vector of solution components in a domain Ω. 2
The coefficients da , c, α, γ, β, a, f , q, g, h and r are scalars, ve-
tors, matrices or tensors and can be complex-valued functions of
the space, time, the solution u and, except for q, g, h and r, also
of the gradient of u [22]. Equations (9) and (10) constitute a gen-
eralized Neumann boundary condition and a Dirichlet boundary
condition, respectively, where n is the outward normal vector at
the boundary, and λ is a Lagrange multiplier. The domain Ω is
triangulated with a finite element mesh consisting of tetrahedral
elements. The general formulation of the PDEs in FEMLAB, to-
gether with the possibility to model arbitrary geometries, opens 1
the way to the solution of complex problems.
In order to match the form prescribed by eq. (8), the wave
equation eq. (6) is rewritten as two first order differential equa-
tions. The solution of the resulting system of equations is based
on the method of lines. For the time integration of the result- Figure 1. ANNULAR COMBUSTOR TEST RIG REPRESENTING THE
ing ODEs we employ an implicit solver with automatic step size BASIS FOR THE MODEL COMBUSTOR. (1) PREMIXING SECTION, (2)
controll implementing a second order backward differentiation PLENUM CHAMBER, (3) COMBUSTION CHAMBER, (4) EXHAUST.
formula (BDF) method.

Boundary conditions
At the walls, the outward normal component of the sound
MODEL ANNULAR COMBUSTOR particle velocity n • u has to disappear. This is ensured by the
Geometry boundary condition
To verify the feasibility of our approach, we have chosen to
carry out calculations in a generic geometry. This model is de- n • ∇p = 0 . (11)
rived from an annular combustor test rig that in future will give
us valuable experimental information for the understanding of For the inlet and outlet boundary conditions we follow Aka-
combustion instabilities and verification of models (see fig. 1). matsu and Dowling [6] and assume that the flow both enters and
The test rig consists of an annular plenum chamber and an annu- exits the computational domain from and to a large plenum so
lar combustion chamber connected by twelve swirl burners. The that pressure perturbations there can be neglected. Then the out-
plenum chamber is supplied with an externally premixed fuel- ward normal component of the velocity fluctuation will be pro-
air mixture, so fuel inhomogeneities do not occur and entropy portional to the pressure fluctuation:
waves do not play a role in this combustor. The hot gas exits the
combustor through twelve nozzles, allowing operation at slightly
elevated pressure to establish a choked end if desired. n • u = K p . (12)
In the numerical model we avoid a detailed reproduction of
the swirl burners, exit nozzles and inlet orifices. This leads to a Using the momentum equation in the normal direction, this trans-
simple geometry consisting of an inlet plane, followed by an an- lates to
nular plenum, twelve straight ducts representing the swirler sec-
tion, the annular combustion chamber, and finally an exit plane K ∂p
n • ∇p = − , (13)
(see fig. 2). K ūn + ρ̄1 ∂t

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heat release zone f(u)

0 σuB u


Such a simple model of course is far from describing a realistic

technical flame. However, it still is suitable for verifying our
approach and investigating basic mechanisms of the combustion
1 2 3 4 5 A model fulfilling the aforementioned points was used by
Dowling [11]. We basically adopt it and write for the fluctuation
Figure 2. GEOMETRY OF THE MODEL ANNULAR COMBUSTOR of the heat release rate at one burner j
1 d q̇ j
+ q̇j = η f (uB, j (t − τ)) , j = 1, . . . , 12 , (14)
ω0 dt
where ūn is the normal component of the mean velocity (taken
positive in the outward direction). The constant K = ūn /2( p̄ − where η = q̇¯/ūB is the ratio of the mean heat release rate to the
p∞ ) can be determined from the pressure drop across the inlet mean burner exit velocity, and the function f describes how the
or exit, respectively. Except for K = 0 (closed or choked end in heat release rate fluctuates proportionally to the velocity, also
the limiting case of zero Mach number mean flow) and K → ∞ considering saturation (see also fig. 3):
(open end), only parts of the acoustic waves are reflected at these
boundaries. This establishes a loss of acoustic energy, which is 
u if |u| ≤ σūB
important for the evolution of a limit cycle as will be shown in f (u) = . (15)
the results section. sign(u)σūB if |u| > σūB

Non-linear heat release model In contrast to Dowling, we introduce the additional parameter σ
A variety of flame and heat release models is available that which allows to ‘turn on’ saturation already for fluctuations that
could be used to provide a relation for eq. (7). The assumptions are smaller than the mean value. This seems meaningfull as a real
and requirements underlying the model employed here are as fol- flame usually will be driven into the non-linear regime even for
lows: moderate fluctuations. A very extreme example has been given
by Hantschk and Vortmeyer [9]. Their numerical simulations
1. The zone of heat release is a predifined fixed region at each show that the total heat release rate might undergo non-linear
burner. There is no movement of the flame. modifications even for fluctuations which are only a few percent
2. The instantaneous rate of heat released per unit volume at of the mean value. There, this most likely has to be attributed to
each burner is related to the burner exit velocity uB at the the fact that the flame is very long so that regions with strong pos-
corresponding burner, involving a single delay time τ. itive fluctuations could compensate regions with strong negative
3. The response of the flame to velocity fluctuations is increas- fluctuations. Though we do not account for a spatial variation
ingly damped with increasing frequency. of the heat release rate and time delay, such effects to some ex-
4. The maximum and minimum heat release are limited, i.e. tent can be modelled with the parameter σ. For all calculations
saturation effects introduce a non-linearity. presented here, σ = 0.75.

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The damping of higher frequency oscillations also leads to a velocities in the plenum chamber, burners and combustion cham-
saturation amplitude decreasing with increasing frequency. This ber, calculated from the mean mass flow rate, mean density and
has experimentally been observed for example by Harper et al. the cross sectional areas.
[23]. Such an effect is also modelled with the time derivative in The mean conditions have been set according to a case
eq. (14), ω0 being the cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter. where the experimental combustor would be operated with natu-
The region of heat release is compact compared to the wave ral gas, the equivalence ratio being φ = 0.69, the fuel-air mixture
length of the instabilities expected. As additionally the delay being preheated to T1 = 770 K and the total thermal power being
time has a single value, we expect the actual spatial distribution P = 1020 kW. Then the parameters entering the model become:
of the heat release rate to be of minor importance and decide to ā1 = 1 ā2 = 1.7 ρ̄1 = 1 ρ̄2 = 0.33 η = 61.4
model the swirl stabilized flames very simply with conical shapes Kin = 0.1 Kout = 0.2 ū1 = 0.011 ūB = 0.14 ū2 = 0.06
(see fig. 2). Here Kin and Kout refer to the constant described in the boundary
To evaluate eq. (14) the burner exit velocity fluctuation uB conditions section at the inlet and outlet, respectively.
has to be known. It can easily be computed from the pressure
fluctuation field p using the continuity and momentum equa- Eigenmode analysis
tions eqs. (4) and (5) locally, provided there is either no or purely It will be usefull to compare the results from the time domain
axial mean flow. For no mean flow integration of the momen- simulations with the eigenmodes of the combustor. To compute
tum equation in axial direction at the burner exit directly yields these eigenmodes, we take eq. (6) with the right hand side set
uB . For axial mean flow first the two other momentum equations to zero and assume a solution for the pressure fluctuations p =
have to be used in the same way at adjacent grid points to deter- p̂(x)eiωt . This leads to the eigenvalue problem
mine the velocity components normal to uB and their gradients,
in order to subsequently solve for uB using the axial momentum
equation and the continuity equation. 1 2 ω2
∆ p̂ − ū • ( ū • ∇)(∇ p̂) − i ω ū • ∇ p̂ + p̂ = 0 . (16)
At each time step carried out for the solution of eq. (6), the ā2 ā2 ā2
differential equations eq. (14) are integrated numerically to pro-
vide the right hand side of eq. (6). The ODE solver used imple- As the eigenvalue ω here appears both linearly and quadratically,
ments a pair of embedded Runge-Kutta schemes of order four it is not straightforward to solve eq. (16) numerically with stan-
and five (Dormand-Prince pair). dard methods. This problem can be overcome by substituting
eq. (16) by a set of two equations,
Dimensionless quantities and mean conditions
All results in this paper will be given in a dimensionless ω
p̃ = p̂ , (17)
form. For this purpose we use the mean diameter D = 0.437 m ā
of the combustor as the characteristic length L0 and the mean 1 2 ω
∆ p̂ − 2 ū • (ū • ∇)(∇ p̂) − i ū • ∇ p̃ + p̃ = 0 , (18)
velocity of sound in the plenum chamber ā1 = 556 m/s as the ā ā ā
characteristic velocity u0 . Additionally employing the character-
istic impedance of the fluid in the plenum chamber, Y0 = ρ̄1 ā1 = which both involve ω only linearly. Then the boundary condi-
250 Pa s/m, the other characteristic quantities can be derived: tions eqs. (11) and (13) become
time t0 = L0 /u0 , frequency f0 = 1/t0 , pressure p0 = Y0 u0 , density
ρ0 = Y0 /u0 and volumetric heat release rate q̇0 = Y0 u20 /L0 . All
n • ∇ p̂ = 0 (19)
values given below are non-dimensionalized with these quanti-
The mean (steady state) conditions are assumed to be piece- and
wise constant in the different sections of the combustor. This
means the velocity of sound and the density are ā1 and ρ̄1 K
throughout the plenum chamber and the burners (ducts), and ā2 n • ∇ p̂ = −i ā p̃ . (20)
K ūn + ρ̄1
and ρ̄2 in the combustion chamber. The ratio of specific heats
enters the governing equations only in the heat release zone and
there is taken to be constant having the value of the burned gas- Equations (17) to (20) constitute a standard eigenvalue problem
air mixture, κ = 1.33. that can readily be solved within FEMLAB which also provides
Most of the results presented later are calculated for no mean an eigenvalue solver.
flow conditions, i.e. ū = 0. The cases where mean flow is in- The eigenfrequencies f and periods T of the first four eigen-
cluded are limited to axial mean flow, ū1 , ūB and ū2 being the modes of the model combustor are:

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1.0 0.05




(0,1,0) (1,0,0) 0






(1,1,0) (0,2,0)



Mode (0,1,0) (1,0,0) (1,1,0) (0,2,0)
f 0.353 0.390 0.656 0.668 -1
T 2.83 2.56 1.53 1.50
0 10 20 30 40 50 170 180 190 200 210
Mode (l,m,n) in this table refers to the contribution of modes of
order l, m and n in axial, circumferential and radial direction, re-
spectively. The eigenfrequencies for the cases with and without Figure 6. TIME EVOLUTION OF A SELF-EXCITED INSTABILITY FOR
mean flow are virtually identical, so just one frequency is given. τ = 1.9, ω0 = 5, NO MEAN FLOW.
This has to be attributed to the low Mach numbers which are
0.011, 0.14 and 0.035 in the plenum, burner section and com-
bustion chamber, respectively. FEM mesh and initial condition
The pressure distribution for these first four modes can be The combustor geometry has been discretized with a finite
seen in fig. 4. Note that the modes involving a circumferen- element mesh consisting of approximately 70,000 tetrahedral el-
tial component are doubly degenerate, i.e. there belongs a two- ements. This mesh is shown in fig. 5.
dimensional eigenfunction space to one eigenvalue. For reasons In this figure also the pressure distribution used as the initial
of simplicity we only show one of the two eigenfunctions. The condition can be seen. The pressure fluctuation at the node points
second is identical to the first rotated by π/(2m) around the axis is randomly set to values between -0.05 and 0.05. This generates
of the combustor, m being the order of the circumferential mode. an initial perturbation with a broad spectrum of wavenumbers
When there is a circumferential component, for low frequen- that is expected to trigger the growth of unstable modes.
cies the mode is prominent only either in the plenum chamber or
in the combustion chamber, not in both. This is caused by the dif-
ferent velocities of sound in the two annuli which are not integer RESULTS
multiples of each other. Here, the first two pure circumferen- Limit cycle evolution
tial modes have strong amplitudes only in the plenum chamber. In the time-domain simulation, the random perturbation in
What might appear as the first circumferential mode just of the the pressure field imposed as an initial condition induces a self-
combustion chamber under close examination reveals to be the excited instability if the parameters of the heat release model are
first combined axial-circumferrential mode, its amplitude in the set appropriately. This can be seen in fig. 6 where the fluctuation
plenum chamber only being very low. of the burner exit velocity at one specific burner in terms of the

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0˚ 45˚ 90˚ 135˚





180˚ 225˚ 270˚ 315˚

ω0 = 5, NO MEAN FLOW.

mean burner exit velocity is shown. The calculation has been 1.5 0.15

carried out for no mean flow conditions with a delay time τ = 1.9
and a cut-off frequency ω0 = 5. The initially random fluctuations 1 0.1

turn into a periodic oscillation which at first grows exponentially.

q´ / q , u´B / uB

0.5 0.05
When the velocity fluctuations become so strong that saturation

p´ / p
occurs, the growth rate gets smaller until finally the amplitude 0 0
remains constant. At this point the limit cycle is reached.
-0.5 -0.05
More information about this limit cycle can be obtained
from the evolution of the pressure distribution during one pe-
-1 -0.1
riod of the oscillation, shown in fig. 7. It turns out that the mode
excited in this case is the first combined axial-circumferential -1.5 -0.15
240 240.5 241 241.5 242 242.5 243 243.5 244
mode (1,1,0). Here this mode appears as a spinning mode, i.e. t
the node line is not stationary but rather rotates by 2π during one
cycle. This leads to a phase difference between the fluctuations
at the burners and the combustor exit, which best can be recog-
nized from the fact that the node line is oblique and not parallel to
CLE FOR τ = 1.9, ω0 = 5, NO MEAN FLOW.
the combustor axis. The pressure at the exit lags the pressure at
the burners because the information takes a certain time to travel
from the heat release zone to the exit.
The mechanism underlying the self-excited instabilty be- the heat release fluctuation is limited to a value slightly below
comes clearer examining the relation of the burner exit velocity 0.75 q̇¯ which is the value given for the onset of saturation. This
fluctuations, pressure fluctuations, and heat release fluctuations value is not fully reached because of the additional damping in
at one burner. Figure 8 shows these quantities in terms of their the heat release model. The velocity fluctuations, however, ex-
mean values for a few periods of the limit cycle. Here, the pres- ceed the saturation limit and gain an amplitude just above the
sure fluctuation at the center of the heat release zone of the cor- mean velocity, meaning that there is a short part of the cycle
responding burner is given. It can be seen that the amplitude of where reflow can be observed. The pressure fluctuations reach

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u´ / u
Normalized Magnitude


0 20 40 60 80 100


q´ / q
10 0

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 -0.5

0 20 40 60 80 100
about 10 percent of the mean pressure. This is a value probably
too high for a real combustor, but our model so far does not in-
clude any other loss mechanisms than the sound transmission at 0.02

the inlet and exit. Including other loss effects would very likely
yield lower pressure fluctuations.
From fig. 8, it is also obvious that the pressure fluctuation
lags the burner exit velocity fluctuation almost exactly by T /4,
u´B / uB

T = 1.6 being the period of the oscillation. This implies an al-

most purely imaginary impedance at the location of the flame.
As in turn the heat release fluctuation lags uB by τ = 1.9, which
is close to 5/4 T , it is nearly in phase with the pressure fluctua- -0.01
tion. This clearly means that the Rayleigh criterion is fulfilled,
and the oscillation is excited or, during the limit cycle, sustained.
The existence of saturation and thus a non-linearity leads to -0.02
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
the production of higher frequency components. This can be seen
in the spectrum in fig. 9 which was computed from the burner
exit velocity fluctuations at one burner. Besides a strong compo-
nent at 0.637 which is close to the frequency of the limit cycle Figure 11. TIME EVOLUTION OF THE VELOCITY FLUCTUATION AT
oscillation, f = 0.625, odd multiples of this value can be found. ONE BURNER FOR τ = 1.5, ω0 = 5, NO MEAN FLOW.
This is the consequence of the clipping of the heat release rate.
The amount of energy transfered to the higher harmonics rapidly
decreases with increasing frequency. pressure fluctuations. Only when losses are existent, which grow
It is worth paying some attention to the mechanism estab- quadratically with the acoustic quantities, a limit cycle can be es-
lishing a finite-amplitude limit cycle. For this reason, fig. 10 tablished when the energy gain in the flames equals the energy
shows the time evolution of the burner exit velocity and heat re- losses. It therefore must be concluded that a time domain simula-
lease rate fluctuations for a case where Kin and Kout have been tion aiming at reproducing limit cycle oscillations carefully has
set to zero so that there are absolutely no losses in the system to consider the loss mechanisms. Theoretically, a heat release
(except for numerical dissipation). It turns out that, though the model which in the saturation regime would produce decreasing
heat release rate clearly is bounded, the acoustic quantities grow heat release rate fluctuations with increasing velocity fluctuations
unboundedly but linearly. If the Rayleigh criterion is fulfilled, would also result in a finite-amplitude limit cycle [24], but it is at
a limited heat release fluctuation means that during each cycle least questionable if such a model has any relevance to a realistic
of the oscillation a constant amount of energy is added to the flame.
oscillation, which leads to a linear growth of the velocity and The cases shown so far exhibit a self-excited instability. If

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0.5 (1,0,0) (1,1,0) (1,0,0)

0.3 0.7
Cycle Increment

0.2 0.6


-0.1 0.4


0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6

τ 0.2
0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6
AND ω0 = 5 (•), ω0 = 4 (), ω0 = 3 (), NO MEAN FLOW. Figure 13. FREQUENCIES AND CORRESPONDING MODE TYPES
the model parameters are chosen appropriately, also the stable (−−) AND (1,1,0)–MODE (− · −).
case can be observed as shown in fig. 11 for τ = 1.5 and ω0 = 5.
The initial perturbations decay exponentially and ultimately van-
ish. Nevertheless, the initially random fluctuations still undergo into a self-excited limit cycle instability.
a transition to an ordered oscillation so that with increasing time In fig. 13 for the two modes observed also the eigenfrequen-
a ‘least stable’ mode becomes prominent. cies of the acoustical eigenmodes (i.e. without coupling to the
heat release zone) calculated above are given. Though the fre-
Stability and mode types quencies of the combustion oscillations lie somewhere in the
In order to investigate the influence especially of the heat vicinity of these eigenfrequencies, the deviations generally are
release model on the stability and mode types of the combustor, considerable and cannot be neglected. A pure eigenmode analy-
we have carried out calculations for different delay times in the sis of an annular combustor can therefore only give very limited
range from τ = 1.0 to τ = 2.5 for a fixed cut-off frequency ω0 = 5. information regarding the problem of combustion instabilities.
The stability can be assessed looking at the cycle increment. This The results presented so far all refer to no mean flow con-
is a measure for the part of the amplitude by which the oscillation ditions. The eigenmode analysis already has indicated that due
grows or decays during one cycle. Positive values correspond to to the low Mach numbers of the mean flow its influence should
a self-excited instability, negative values to a damped mode. The be of minor importance. To verify this assumption, we have car-
cycle increment obtained from our calculations can be found in ried out two calculations for τ = 1.0 and τ = 1.9, respectively,
fig. 12. Clearly, the stability strongly depends on the value of and ω0 = 5, where the mean mean flow has been included. In-
the delay time. For τ = 1.9 we also present two cases with a deed the frequencies and cycle increments obtained are virtually
decreased cut-off frequency, ω0 = 4 and ω0 = 3, respectively. identical to the no mean flow case. This must be attributed to the
Obviously the stronger damping has a stabilizing effect so that fact that the low Mach number effects to the acoustics can be ne-
the unstable mode can be turned into a stable mode. glected. The situation would probably be different if we included
The effect of the delay time becomes even more obvious mean flow dependent loss mechanisms and entropy waves.
when we examine the frequency and mode type corresponding However, there still is an interesting difference. While for
to each case. Figure 13 shows the frequency of the oscillation as the case with τ = 1.9 and ω0 = 5 the mode obtained for no
a function of the delay time for ω0 = 5. Additionally the type of mean flow is a spinning mode as already discussed, in the case
the (unstable and least stable, resp.) mode is given. Either the with mean flow it appears as a standing mode with a station-
pure axial mode (for the corresponding pressure distribution see ary, axis-parallel node line but identical frequency, see fig. 14.
fig. 4) or the first combined axial-circumferential mode already We have observed the standing mode in two independent calcu-
described before is observed in distinct regions for the value of lations with different random initial conditions and mean flow
τ. At the borders of these regions the corresponding modes are included, while all of the no mean flow cases have shown the
stable while they become unstable further away. This means that spinning mode. Additionally, for the two cases which have ex-
a zone of stability separates regimes of different modes that grow hibited the standing mode, the location of the node line has been

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0.8 1


u´B,max / uB
0˚ 90˚ 0 0.4

-0.2 0.2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-0.6 Burner Number

180˚ 270˚
(τ = 1.9, ω0 = 5). LIMIT FOR ONSET OF SATURATION (−−).


the two modes might easily prove to be not sufficient.
1.9, ω0 = 5, WITH MEAN FLOW.


different. Therefore it is very unlikely that this phenomenon is We have presented an approach that allows the simulation
just the consequence of different initial conditions or other nu- of combustion instabilities in an annular combustor in the time
merical effects. domain. It is based on the coupling of a non-linear flame model,
It makes an important difference if the mode is standing or describing the heat release rate at each burner, with a linear wave
spinning. This can be seen in fig. 15 where the amplitudes of equation for the acoustics, including the effects of a uniform
the burner exit velocity fluctuations in the limit cycle are given mean flow. The model has proven to be able to predict the growth
for both cases at each burner. For the spinning mode these am- of an initial perturbation into a finite-amplitude limit cycle oscil-
plitudes are nearly the same. The small differences indicate that lation as well as the ultimate decay of any disturbances, depend-
there also is a small contribution of a standing mode. In the mean ing on the parameters determining the stability of the combus-
flow case, however, the velocity fluctuation amplitudes vary in a tor. To establish a limit cycle, it is necessary to consider both
wide range from burner to burner. Especially, only few burners the saturation effects in the flame and the losses appearing in the
exhibit oscillations strong enough to drive the flame into satura- system.
tion. The results of the simulations of a model annular combus-
In the purely acoustical case each of the two degenerate tor show that, for the simple heat release model employed here,
eigenfunctions is an equally correct solution and any combina- the delay time plays a major role for the stability of the system
tion of these two solutions could be observed with equal proba- and the mode types and frequencies observed. Circumferential
bility. This changes when the coupling to the flames is included modes can occur both in a standing and a spinning form which
as then the distribution of the heat release fluctuation around the means a considerable difference regarding the behavior of the in-
circumference is different for different combinations of the two dividual burners. Here, the mean flow seems to influence which
eigensolutions. So it is conceivable that there are factors that sup- form appears. Otherwise the mean flow does not show any no-
port one solution more than the other. Here, the mean flow seems ticeable effect on the stability of the combustor and the frequen-
to play such an role. This is remarkable as the mean flow Mach cies of the oscillations.
numbers appeared to be too low to influence the pure acoustics. The heat release model is a major factor for the results of
So even if we should be careful to generalize this result it must the calculations. Future attempts to use simulations to predict
be concluded that small effects may decide whether the standing the behavior of real combustors therefore crucially rely on cor-
or spinning mode appears. This can be an important issue for rect flame models. It is especially important to identify which
active instability control, as adapting the controller to just one of acoustic quantities at which locations influence the heat release

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