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Dersity al1l2

Density is the ralio of mass and Volume.Densiby is the mensife

ment of kow tghtly a material is Packed tog ethet.
unitgm l Cm
Vrolume Km/.m
mass: Anmunt of mater Aresent in an obiectScalar 92
VOlume: HoL MNch.
:h Gavit aional Pull _On an obiect (K9)ector)
Kgmls is also called neston
kte ale 3 States of matex i
" Solid High dusity due to tiauth Pocked Prticle
liguid Relahvely Lieh dunsity dueto tigut Packecl particles
ga Iodensity due to buge open spoaces beteen Paticles.
Volume is a meoaUrement of the amount of space an chkct
takes up. neasured n milllitexs (mt) Or Cm? 1ml=4co
Density is defined amas per unt is mntaAlire
0f how tightly Packed and how heavy the mn leculeA in
an obiect.Density is the anount of matter wittin a
Certaun Volume.
Three impOrtant properties of matter

Density-shos us how tigllly facked attes i .

Volume-Shos us how muck Space mater take vp
massshas s hw much matter e have
KThe dansity of an olbject Can be influenced byi
Hass ct the pauticles
SPaces beteen the patides.
- TyRes of partieA
The force that acts on per unit
unit aea oF Surface is
Called PrsUle
la telationship bekween presSUre and force can. be dihoed
Area on which it acts.

Il is easy to push a nailL into a wooden boro with its

Pointed end instel of the hend. as tae Smaller area
hertsa laurger area for the Same amount of
Fote, and e nail qoes into the Woc wood easily
The unit f measmet of pressure in Sl System, is
hawton per Sauare hmetre shich is eqal to i Pascal

H is seen thatE flvids and gases also exert preasue Bke

A Solid generaly exerts presUre in the downward
ditection Only, hich is mostly due its weigkte
On tae conttaty, liguids aud gases exert Pressure
in all direactions It Can be noted that when a habr
pipe leaks, you can see fountaing f water Caming n
as directions. Thisis because te water exer ts a pressuR
Lon te awall of ta pipes. Similarly wlun a bqlia ne.
has holeA, the air escpes in al cifections. so His ss
Haat tue liguios and gases exert preSSUre. On te wals
of Heir COntainer
Atmosphere. presure
he thick blanket of cair that Sur rounoks. te eath
above its surfoace is teed ous atmosphere.

The PresSurehat is exerted by tue column_of air

In the atmospre is called otmospheric pressure It
IS this pressure that allOwS_a rybber Sucker t0 stay
attached to Hhe Surface.

We cannot feel tis tremendous atmospheric pressure taat

SuYOVnds us Thisis So. because tae fluid prossure
inside OUY boclies actvally Counter - balances the atrm0phen'
pressure that SUYIOUnds yS
Ardhinodos Pyocele
Ihe buoyarcy acting on an chigct Jhid is Rully or
Partially submerged in is eqval to the fluid
displaced by the obieck.
)hat Makes an olhlect Sink or float 3
Asiwer Densityis a measJre of how heavy Something is
Compaured to its Size. tf an obiectS more cunse tHan
Water t wl sink Lun phed in water, and it it
is less dense than Water it will Float mass is
2) wbat makes yoU fetl ligbter when you Floakina
Pool of Lloder
Answer As pex archinedes principle, the water Cxerts an upWard
fox ce oY buoyant force on 0Ur bOdy. This because
the weiaht of oUr bocy in woder is eguad t0e
appadent weight
3) Why does an ice cibe lot on a water but not in air
Answer:Jce floats because it is less_ dehse tan iguid water

Cruise eiglt tines danser than Water get huge
AnsLyer:If thst block is Shaped into a bolloW form, te Qyecall
dansity of the torm is kAS than water. Theefole, tae
Ship flots SBeel is admost eight tines dunser than water
Yet huge Steel Ships CrUiSe the Oceans with ease
’ Aressure and depth cf a

"Tae change in preaSUre wit deçth in
liquid can be dirorstrated ky Seling
UP a Gylindrical Jar as Shonin
te fiqure. when the Clips are Temove
trom the three tubes watex FlowS
OUt. as Shoun Al) taree jets of
Water leave the ar hori So ntaly bt
te fore of gavity Ulls_ tem dan

ae Jatar under the aratest RressUre travel' the furHest

homzontoly befoe itis All dawn he water undsr the leat
ProSure tovel's te shorcdest distarte hoizontady hefoY iH
s All doun

Hence. t Proves that moe prelsure, More deph

prolsure increa sel as dapt inreaes Prel SUre increales Wth
dapth in iquick.
Hydrolic Equipment i
IF Pressue is aplied surface of the lhquic in a
ontainer, te liuiol is ot (ompreseal
on al Purts
Hhs ontainer WthA streght

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