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A thesis entitled “Digital Strorytelling As A Media To Enhance Students

Speaking Skill Through Team Based Project : Collaborative Learning (A

Classroom Action Research To The Seventh Class Students’ Of SMP IT Bunaya

Bireuen, April 22nd 2024

Supervisor I Supervisor II

Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M. Pd Misnar, MA

NIDN. 0119107202 NIDN. 0127018301

Acknowledged by :
Head of English Language Education Department

Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M. Pd

NIDN. 0119107202

This is to certify that Sarjana’s thesis of Usyifa Bilhaya, NPM. 2102020030,

entitled “Digital Strorytelling As A Media To Enhance Students Speaking Skill
Through Team Based Project : Collaborative Learning (A Classroom Action
Research To The Seventh Class Students’ Of SMP IT Bunaya Lhokseumawe)”
has been approved by the Board of Examiners as the requirements for the degree
of Sarjana Pendidikan at the English Language Education Department on
Monday, April 22nd 2024.

Board Of Examiners

1. Chairman : Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M. Pd (............................)

2. Member : Misnar, MA (............................)

3. Member : Misnawati, M.Pd., CIIQA (............................)

4. Member : Zuraini, M. Pd (............................)

Acknowledgement By, Approved By,

Head of English Language Education Dean of Faculty of Education And
Department Teacher Training

Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M. Pd Drs. M. Taufik, M. Pd

NIDN. 0119107202 NIDN. 19690710 199412 1 001

I certify that this thesis with the title “Digital Strorytelling As A Media To

Enhance Students Speaking Skill Through Team Based Project :

Collaborative Learning (A Classroom Action Research To The Seventh Class

Students’ Of SMP IT Bunaya Lhokseumawe)”, in fulfillment of the

requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in the English Language

Education Department, and submitted in Almuslim University is an original

outcome of my research work under the guidance of Dr. Silvi Listia Dewi, M.Pd

and Misnar, MA . The issue embodied in this thesis has not been submitted

for a Sarjana Degree of any other University/Institute.

Signature :

Name : Usyifa Bilhaya

Date : April 12th, 2024


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Usyifa Bilhaya

NPM : 2102020030
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Fakultas : FKIP
Universitas : Universitas Almuslim

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa judul skripsi “Digital Strorytelling As A

Media To Enhance Students Speaking Skill Through Team Based Project :

Collaborative Learning (A Classroom Action Research To The Seventh Class

Students’ Of SMP IT Bunaya Lhokseumawe)” beserta seluruh isinya adalah

benar karya sendiri dan bukan merupakan hasil jiplakan atau plagiat dari karya

orang lain karena hal tersebut melanggar kode etik karya ilmiah yang berlaku.

Atas pernyataan ini, saya bersedia menanggung resiko atau sangsi yang dijatuhkan

kepada saya apabila di kemudian hari ternyata terdapat pelanggaran tulisan

terhadap etika keilmuan dalam karya saya ini.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat, tanpa adanya tekanan atau

paksaan dari siapapun, untuk dapat dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Bireuen, 12 April 2024

Usyifa Bilhaya
NPM. 2102020030

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