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Aproximación a la didáctica de la Especialidad I

Methodology: Everything that the teacher does in classes.

Approach (That help us how we teach or how to learn the language, as rules
theories), Design, Method (How to practice this elements to class), Procedures
(Sequences in class) and Techniques (Activities)

The nature of the language: Are elements for how to learn the language

1. Sound System: Related to Phonetics (the study of speech sounds) and

- Articulatory phonetics: how speech sounds are produced
- Acoustic phonetics: the transmission and physical properties of speech
- Auditory phonetics: perception of speech sounds.
About Phonology; the study of how sounds are organized and used in natural
language. It studies PHONEMES (a basic sound unit of a language) AND
ALLOPHONES (the phonetic variant of phoneme)
2. Syntax: Related to Grammar; the order of the elements in a sentence.
- Prescriptive Grammar (Prescription, it’s written for pp who rules the
- Descriptive Grammar
3. Morphology and the lexicon: The study of the structure of words & how
words are formed (from morphemes)
- Morpheme: The smallest unit of language that carries meaning
(maybe a words or not a word) A minimal unit of meaning or
grammatical function (Free Morpheme is a lexical & functional unit and
Bound Morpheme is a derivational & inflectional)
- Lexical: Content words with Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs
- Functional: Function words: Context with conjunctions, prepositions,
articles and pronouns.
- Derivational: It changes the category and/or the new type of meaning
of the world, so it’s said to create a new world.
- Inflectional: It doesn't change either the grammatical category of the
type of meaning found in the word.
4. Semantics: The study of meaning. Knowledge of the semantics of a
language entails knowledge of the reference of words.
5. Pragmatics: The way in which we used language in context. How the
meaning of the parts of a sentence contribute to the whole. Rather than trying
to specify the semantics of “red” and “ball”. They suggest how the meaning of
“red ball” is composed of the meaning of “red” and “ball”. Language users,
- Constructing meaning (deixis, presupposition)
- Speech Acts
- Implicated meaning (Conversational Implications)
- Conversational Structure

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