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Republic of the Philippines

Caraga Administrative Region XIII
Butuan City Division
West Butuan District 1
Libertad, Butuan City

A Research Entitled

Effectiveness of Printed Self Learning Modules (SLM) of


Presented to

School Research and Evaluation Council (SREC)

Presented by

Teacher Researcher

Approved by:


Track Head-SHS Principal IV
I. Introduction

The study determines the efficacy of printed SLM (self-learning modules) as a

modality in teaching during pandemic time. It was designed to determine the effectiveness
of printed SLM in the context of teacher’s perspective, parent’s perspective, and student’s
perspective. The respondents will be LNHS teachers, parents, and students of SY 2020-2021.
Part I was to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender and age. A 20-item
test questionnaire was used to determine the teachers, parents, and students’ perspective
on the utilization of printed SLM as a teaching modality in part II. This research is a survey
study on the effectiveness of printed SLM according to teachers, parents, and students’
II. Research Questions

A. Statement of the Problem

Problem 1: What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender; and

1.2 Age.

Problem 2: What is the level of effectiveness of printed SLM in terms of:

1.1 Teachers Perspective.

1.2 Parents Perspective and

1.3 Students Perspective.

Problem 3: What plan of action maybe proposed based on the findings of

the study?

III. Presentation, Discussion, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

A. Sampling

The respondents of the study will be the grade twelve senior high school students,
their parents and teachers of Libertad Integrated Senior High School, Libertad, Butuan City.
The stratified sampling design for determining the number of samples of each stratum will
be applied. Hence stratified random sampling was used in this study.

Table 1: Sampling Distribution of Respondents

Respondent Sample(n) Percentage

Teachers 27 27

Parents 18 18

Students 55 55

Total 100 100

Table 1 shows the sample distribution of the number of respondents of the study.
There were 55 out of 100 respondents or 55% were students, 27 out of 100 respondents or
27% were teachers and 18 out of 100 or 18% were parents . Most of the respondents were
students because they were the recipient of the study.There is a slight difference between
teacher and parents respondents which means they were also necessary in the delivery of
learning using SLM.

B. Statistical Tools

Mean and Weighted Mean. This was to measure the level of effectiveness of printed
SLM according to teacher, parent and student perspectives.

Frequency and Percentage Distribution. This was used to describe the respondent’s
profile and the level of effectiveness of printed SLM.

The responses to the statement were determined using the following scale:

Range Verbal Description

3.25 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

2.50 – 3.24 Agree

1.75 – 2.49 Disagree

1.00 – 1.74 Strongly Disagree

C. Discussion and Interpretation of Results

Problem 1: What is the profile of teacher, parents and students’ respondents in terms of:

1.1 Gender; and

1.2 Age;

Table 2. Profile of Respondents

Profile Teachers Parents Students

Gender n % n % n %

Male 5 19 1 6 16 30

Female 22 81 17 94 38 70

Total 27 100 18 100 54 100

Mean Age 35.52 years old 42 years old 18.24 years old

Table 2 shows the profile of respondents in terms of gender and age. There were 5
out of 27 respondents or 19% were male teachers and 22 out of 27 respondents or 81%
were female teachers.
There were 1 out of 18 parent respondents or 6% were male parents and 17 out of
18 respondents or 94% were female parents.
There were 16 out of 54 student respondents or 30% were male students and 38 out
of 54 student respondents or 70% were female students.
Most of the respondents were students since they will be the recipient of this study.
Parents and teachers were also included because they are part of the learning process of
The mean age of teachers is 35.52 years old, 42 years old for the parents and 18.24
years old for the students. This means that teachers have enough experience in teaching,
parents are mature enough to guide their students while students are in their proper age as
senior high school decide for themselves.
Problem 2: What is the level of effectiveness of printed SLM in terms of:

1.1 Teachers Perspective.

1.2 Parents Perspective and

1.3 Students Perspective.

1.1 Teacher’s Perspective

Table 3

Level of Effectiveness of Printed SLM in Terms of Teacher’s Perspective

INDICATORS Mea Verbal Description


1. I have sufficient printed SLM (Self-Learning Modules) 3.22 Agree

for my students.

2. I have sufficient knowledge and skills in teaching using 3.44 Strongly Agree
printed SLM

3. Guidelines are provided before distributions of SLM 3.48 Strongly Agree

4. Printed SLM’s are easy to use in teaching 3.15 Agree

5. Happy about teaching using printed SLM(Modules) 3.00 Strongly Agree

6. I prefer to have a training/guidelines on preparing how 3.70 Strongly Agree

to teach using printed SLM(Modules)

7. Flexible hours in monitoring students 3.56 Strongly Agree

8. Lack of direct contact with students 3.15 Agree

9. I am not contented about student-teacher interaction 3.30 Strongly Agree

using IT devices.

10. Students ask questions or clear doubts using IT 3.41 Strongly Agree
devices like cell phone or laptop.

11. I find it difficult to teach using printed SLM 2.28 Disagree

12. Difficult to get an immediate feedback on what was 3.07 Agree
being taught.

13. Printed SLM(modules) as a modality in teaching 3.19 Agree

simply takes more time than face-to-face class to
effectively accomplish the lesson

14. Home environment is suitable for learning using SLM 2.85 Agree

15. Possibility of distraction from other family members 3.63 Agree

during the conduct of learning by modules

16. Printed SLM(modules) distribution is very satisfactory. 3.04 Agree

17. Printed SLM (modules) retrieval is very satisfactory. 2.96 Agree

18. Printed SLM (modules) responses/answers of my 2.85 Agree

students were satisfactory.
19. Using the modules in teaching and learning is a waste 2.81 Agree
of time, money and effort.
20. Monitoring my students is difficult. 2.93 Agree

The table3 shows level of effectiveness of printed SLM in terms of teacher’s

perspective. Respondents rated items 2 “. I have sufficient knowledge and skills in teaching
using printed SLM”, 3” Guidelines are provided before distributions of SLM”, 5” Happy about
teaching using printed SLM(Modules)”, 6” I prefer to have a training/guidelines on preparing
how to teach using printed SLM(Modules)”, 7” . Flexible hours in monitoring students”, 9” I
am not contented about student-teacher interaction using IT devices” and 10” Students ask
questions or clear doubts using IT devices like cell phone or laptop” are within the rating
scale of 3.25-4.00 with a verbal description of “Strongly Agree”. While items 1” I have
sufficient printed SLM (Self-Learning Modules) for my students”, 4” Printed SLM’s are easy
to use in teaching”, 8” Lack of direct contact with students”, 12” Difficult to get an
immediate feedback on what was being taught”, 13” Printed SLM(modules) as a modality in
teaching simply takes more time than face-to-face class to effectively accomplish the
lesson”, 14” Home environment is suitable for learning using SLM”, 15” Possibility of
distraction from other family members during the conduct of learning by modules”, 15”
Possibility of distraction from other family members during the conduct of learning by
modules”, 16” Printed SLM(modules) distribution is very satisfactory”, 17” Printed SLM
(modules) retrieval is very satisfactory”, 18” Printed SLM (modules) responses/answers of
my students were satisfactory”, 19” Using the modules in teaching and learning is a waste of
time, money and effort “and item 20” Monitoring my students is difficult” are within the
rating scale interval of 2.50-3.24 with a verbal description of “Agree”.
Data reveals that teachers perceived that they have sufficient SLM for their students,
sufficient knowledge and skills in using SLM and have a positive attitude of this modality.
They have flexible hours in monitoring but difficult to monitor the students. Students
frequently ask questions using IT devices. Teachers said that modules waste time, money
and effort but it is necessary to continue educating our students. Lastly, in terms of
distribution, retrieval and responses of their students are very satisfactory.
1.2 Parent’s Perspective

Table 4

Level of Effectiveness of Printed SLM in Terms of Parent’s Perspective

INDICATORS Mea Verbal Description


1. I receive sufficient printed SLM(Self-Learning Modules) 3.61 Strongly Agree

for my student/s.

2. I have sufficient knowledge and skills in teaching my 3.39 Strongly Agree

child/children using printed SLM

3. Using modules for my child learning is a waste of time. 2.29 Disagree

4. Printed SLM’s are easy to use in teaching my 3.22 Agree


5. I am satisfied about using printed SLM (Modules) for 3.56 Strongly Agree
my child/children.

6. I prefer to have a training/seminar on preparing how to 3.33 Strongly Agree

teach my child using printed SLM(Modules)

7. Flexible hours in teaching my child at home 3.39 Strongly Agree

8. I set rules at home how/when to answering the 3.44 Strongly Agree


9. I am not contented about the use of modules for my 2.72 Agree

10. I frequently ask questions or clear doubts about the 3.11 Agree
modules to the teachers.

11. I find it difficult to teach my child using printed SLM 2.61 Agree

12. I cannot teach my child because I don’t have the 2.83 Agree
knowledge and skills.

13. Printed SLM(modules) as a modality in teaching 3.11 Agree

simply takes more time than face-to-face class to
effectively accomplish the lesson

14. I provided a place at home for my child to answer the 3.18 Agree

15. So many distractions from other family members 2.78 Agree

during the conduct of a by modules.

16. It is easy to access/get the modules from the school. 3.44 Strongly Agree

17. It is easy to return the modules. 3.50 Strongly Agree

18. My child/children have a difficulty in learning using 2.83 Agree

19. Parent’s distribution and retrieval follows the 3.33 Strongly Agree
20. Students should be allowed to return and retrieved 3.06 Agree
the modules.

The table 4 shows level of effectiveness of printed SLM in terms of parents

perspective. Respondents rated items 1” I receive sufficient printed SLM(Self-Learning
Modules) for my student/s.”, 2” I have sufficient knowledge and skills in teaching my
child/children using printed SLM ”, 5” I am satisfied about using printed SLM (Modules) for
my child/children. ”, 6” I prefer to have a training/seminar on preparing how to teach my
child using printed SLM (Modules)”, 7” Flexible hours in teaching my child at home ”, 8” I
set rules at home how/when to answering the modules”, 16” It is easy to access/get the
modules from the school”,17” It is easy to return the modules” and 19” Parent’s distribution
and retrieval follows the schedule ” are within the rating scale of 3.25-4.00 with a verbal
description of “Strongly Agree”. While items 4” Printed SLM’s are easy to use in teaching my
child/children”, 9” I am not contented about the use of modules for my child”, 10” I find it
difficult to teach my child using printed SLM”, 11” . I frequently ask questions or clear
doubts about the modules to the teachers ”, 12” I cannot teach my child because I don’t
have the knowledge and skills ”, 13” Printed SLM(modules) as a modality in teaching simply
takes more time than face-to-face class to effectively accomplish the lesson”, 14” I provided
a place at home for my child to answer the modules”, 15” So many distractions from other
family members during the conduct of a by modules”, 18” My child/children have a difficulty
in learning using modules” and item 20” Students should be allowed to return and retrieved
the modules” are within the rating scale interval of 2.50-3.24 with a verbal description of
Data reveals that parents perceived that they have sufficient SLM for their students,
sufficient knowledge and skills in using SLM and have a positive attitude of this modality.
They have flexible hours in teaching their children. Most of them set rules at home
regarding answering the modules. They said that is was easy to get and return the modules.
Distribution and retrieval follows the schedule. They frequently ask questions to teachers
using cell phone and provided a place where their students answer the modules. However,
parents are not contented about SLM as modality of teaching. It is very difficult to teach
their students and there are so many distractions at home. It takes more time to learn than
classroom setting. Furthermore, parents perceive that SLM as a modality is a waste of time.
1.3 Student’s Perspective

Table 5

Level of Effectiveness of Printed SLM in Terms of Student’s Perspective

INDICATORS Mea Verbal description


1. I received sufficient printed SLM(Self-Learning 3.54 Strongly Agree


2. I learn more in using modules than face to face. 2.11 Disagree

3. I learn more in face to face than using modules. 3.54 Strongly Agree

4. Printed SLM’s are easy to use in learning. 2.56 Agree

5. I am confident in answering the printed SLM(Modules) 2.69 Agree

6. I prefer face to face teaching than using modules. 3.66 Strongly Agree

7. I prefer modules than face to face 1.85 Disagree

8. Lack of direct contact with my teachers. 2.76 Agree

9. It is easy to ask and clarify questions to my teachers. 2.83 Agree

10. I frequently ask questions or clear doubts using IT 3.00 Agree

devices like cell phone or laptop to my teachers.

11. I find it difficult to learn using printed SLM 2.74 Agree

12. Difficult to get an immediate feedback on what I am 2.87 Agree


13. Printed SLM(modules) as a modality in teaching 3.07 Agree

simply takes more time than face-to-face class to
effectively accomplish the lesson

14. Home environment is suitable for learning using SLM 2.98 Agree

15. I usually distracted from other family members during 2.94 Agree
the conduct of learning by modules

16. I am doing fined in doing my modules. 2.81 Agree

17. I am challenged in doing my modules. 3.39 Strongly Agree

18. Teaching and learning using modules is a waste of 2.22 Agree

time, money and effort.
19. My parents help me accomplishing my modules. 2.28 Agree

20. I am stressed in doing my modules. 2.61 Agree

The table 5 shows level of effectiveness of printed SLM in terms of students

perspective. Respondents rated items 1” I received sufficient printed SLM(Self-Learning
Modules)”, 3” I learn more in face to face than using modules ”,6” I prefer face to face
teaching than using modules ”,and 17” . I am challenged in doing my modules” are within
the rating scale of 3.25-4.00 with a verbal description of “Strongly Agree”.
While items 4” . Printed SLM’s are easy to use in learning ”, 5” I am confident in
answering the printed SLM(Modules) ”, 8” Lack of direct contact with my teachers ”, 9” It is
easy to ask and clarify questions to my teachers ”, 10” I frequently ask questions or clear
doubts using IT devices like cell phone or laptop to my teachers ”, 11” I find it difficult to
learn using printed SLM ”, 12” Difficult to get an immediate feedback on what I am doing
”, 13” Printed SLM(modules) as a modality in teaching simply takes more time than face-to-
face class to effectively accomplish the lesson ”, 14” Home environment is suitable for
learning using SLM ”, 15”I usually distracted from other family members during the conduct
of learning by modules ”, 16” I am doing fined in doing my modules’’, 18” Teaching and
learning using modules is a waste of time, money and effort”, 19” My parents help me
accomplishing my modules”, and 20” I am stressed in doing my modules” are within the
rating scale interval of 2.50-3.24 with a verbal description of “Agree”.
Data reveals that students perceived that they have sufficient SLM received. They
learn efficiently and prefer face to face learning than SLM. However, most of them
responded that they are challenged of SLM as modality in learning. They have flexible hours
and have enough time in answering the module. They frequently ask questions to teachers
using cell phone. Respondents said that SLM is easy to use in learning and confident that
they can answer the modules. However, they said that SLM is difficult to learn and cannot
get immediate feedback from their teachers. They are usually distracted by family members
and SLM takes more time than face to face learning. Although, their parents help them in
accomplishing the modules, they felt stressed.


1. There were twenty-seven out of one hundred respondents or 27% were teachers with
an average age of thirty-five years old, eighteen or 18% of the respondents were
parents with an average age of forty-two years old and fifty-four or 54% were students
with an average age of eighteen years old.

2. Most of the teachers agree that they have sufficient printed SLM (Self-Learning
Modules) for their students with a mean rating of 3.22.

3. Most of the teachers strongly agree that they have sufficient knowledge and skills in
teaching using printed SLM with a mean rating of 3.44.
4. Most of the teachers agree on providing guidelines before distributions of SLM with a
mean rating of 3.48.

5. Most of the teachers agree that printed SLM’s are easy to use in teaching with a mean
rating of 3.15.

6. Most of the teachers agree that they are happy about teaching using printed
SLM(Modules) with a mean rating of 3.00.

7. Most of the teachers agree that they prefer to have a training/guidelines on preparing
how to teach using printed SLM (Modules) with a mean rating of 3.70.

8. Most of the teachers agree on flexible hours in monitoring students with a mean rating
of 3.56.

9. Most of the teachers agree that they lack of direct contact with students with a mean
rating of 3.15.

10. . Most of the teachers agree that they are not contented about student-teacher
interaction using IT devices with a mean rating of 3.30.

11. Most of the teachers agree that students frequently ask questions or clear doubts
using IT devices like cell phone or laptop with a mean rating of 3.41.
12. Most of the teachers agree that it is difficult to teach using printed SLM with a mean
rating of 2.28.

13. Most of the teachers agree that is difficult to get an immediate feedback on what was
being taught with a mean rating of 3.07.

14. Most of the teachers agree that printed SLM (modules) as a modality in teaching
simply takes more time than face-to-face class to effectively accomplish the lesson
with a mean rating of 3.19.

15. Most of the teachers agree that home environment is suitable for learning using SLM
with a mean rating of 2.85.

16. Most of the teachers agree the possibility of distraction from other family members
during the conduct of learning by modules with a mean rating of 3.63.

17. Most of the teachers agree that printed SLM (modules) in terms of distribution is very
satisfactory with a mean rating of 3.04.

18. Most of the teachers agree that printed SLM(modules) in terms of retrieval is very
satisfactory with a mean rating of 2.96.

19. . Most of the teachers agree that printed SLM (modules) in terms of
responses/answers of my students were satisfactory with a mean rating of 2.85.

20. . Most of the teachers agree that using the modules in teaching and learning is a waste
of time, money and effort with a mean rating of 2.81.

21. Most of the teachers agree that monitoring the students is difficult with a mean rating
of 2.93.

22. Most of the parents agree that they received sufficient printed SLM (Self-Learning
Modules) for their student/s with a mean rating of 3.61.

23. Most of the parents strongly disagree that they have sufficient knowledge and skills in
teaching their students using printed SLM with a mean rating of 1.43.

24. Most of the parents agree that using modules for learning is a waste of time with a
mean rating of 2.29.

25. Most of the parents agree that they are satisfied about using printed SLM (Modules)
for my child/children with a mean rating of 3.22.
26. Most of the parents agree that printed SLM’s are easy to use in teaching my
child/children with a mean rating of 3.56.

27. Most of the parents agree to have training/guidelines on preparing how to teach using
printed SLM (Modules) with a mean rating of 3.33.

28. Most of the parents agree that they flexible hours in monitoring students with a mean
rating of 3.39.

29. Most of the parents agree of setting rules at home how/when to answering the
modules with a mean rating of 3.44.

30. . Most of the parents agree that they are not contented about the use of modules for
their children with a mean rating of 2.72.

31. Most of the parents agree that they frequently ask questions or clear doubts about the
modules to the teachers with a mean rating of 3.11.

32. Most of the parents agree that they find it difficult to teach their child/ren using
printed SLM with a mean rating of 2.61.

33. Most of the parents agree that they cannot teach their child/ren because they don’t
have the knowledge and skills with a mean rating of 2.83.

34. Most of the parents agree that printed SLM(modules) as a modality in teaching simply
takes more time than face-to-face class to effectively accomplish the lesson with a
mean rating of 3.11.

35. Most of the parents agree of providing a place at home for their child/ren to answer
the modules with a mean rating of 3.18.

36. Most of the parents agree the possibility of distraction from other family members
during the conduct of learning by modules with a mean rating of 2.78.

37. Most of the parents agree that modules are accessible from the school with a mean
rating of 3.44.

38. Most of the parents agree that is easy to return the modules with a mean rating of
39. . Most of the parents agree that their child/ren have a difficulty in learning using
modules with a mean rating of 2.83.

40. . Most of the parents agree that distribution and retrieval of modules follows the
schedule set by the school with a mean rating of 3.33.

41. Most of the parents agree that their students should be allowed to return and
retrieved the modules with a mean rating of 3.06.

42. Most of the students agree that they received sufficient printed SLM (Self-Learning
Modules) with a mean rating of 3.06.
43. Most of the students strongly disagree that they learn more in using modules than
face to face with a mean rating of1.44.
44. Most of the students agree that they learn more in face to face than using modules
with a mean rating of 3.48.

45. Most of the students agree that printed SLM’s are easy to use in learning with a mean
rating of 3.15.

46. Most of the students agree that they are confident in answering the printed
SLM(Modules) with a mean rating of 3.00.

47. Most of the students agree that they prefer face to face teaching than using modules.
with a mean rating of 3.70.

48. Most of the students agree “I prefer modules than face to face” with a mean rating of

49. Most of the students agree that they lack direct contact with their teachers with a
mean rating of 3.15.

50. . Most of the students agree that it is easy to ask and clarify questions to their teachers
with a mean rating of 3.30.

51. Most of the students agree that they frequently ask questions or clear doubts using IT
devices like cell phone or laptop to my teachers with a mean rating of 3.41.

52. Most of the students agree that they find it difficult to learn using printed SLM with a
mean rating of 2.28.

53. Most of the students agree that they find it difficult to get immediate feedback on
what they are doing with a mean rating of 3.07.
54. Most of the students agree that printed SLM (modules) as a modality in teaching
simply takes more time than face-to-face class to effectively accomplish the lesson
with a mean rating of 3.19.

55. Most of the students agree that home environment is suitable for learning using SLM
with a mean rating of 2.85.

56. Most of the students agree that they are usually distracted from other family members
during the conduct of learning by modules with a mean rating of 3.63.

57. Most of the students agree that they are doing fined in doing their modules with a
mean rating of 3.04.

58. Most of the students agree that they are challenged in doing their modules with a
mean rating of 2.96.

59. . Most of the students agree that teaching and learning using modules is a waste of
time, money and effort with a mean rating of 2.85.

60. Most of the students agree that their parents help them accomplishing their modules
with a mean rating of 2.81.

61. Most of the students agree that they are stressed in doing their modules with a mean
rating of 2.93.

Based on the results generated from the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1.Respondents were on their proper age to decide for themselves.

2.Sufficient printed SLM were provided to the students.

3.Proper guidelines were implemented in terms of distribution and retrieval of modules.

4.Respondents prefer face to face classroom teaching than printed SLM as modality in

5.Parents and teachers would like to undergo a training/seminar on conducting printed

SLM teaching modality.

6.Parents and students find it difficult to ask questions and clarifications from teachers.
They wanted to have immediate feedback of what the students are doing.

7.Most of the students were distracted from other family members during the conduct
of learning by modules.

8.Using printed SLM is a waste of time, resources and effort but its worthy to continue
the learning process of our students amid this pandemic time.

9.Respondents were challenged in printed SLM as teaching modality although they felt

10. Monitoring the learning of the students was very difficult to assess because:

a. About 5-10% of the students did not return the answered modules on time.

b. Some students return the modules without answers.

c. Some of the modules were answered by the parents.

d. Some modules were misplaced.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are suggested for

1. Face-to-face classes shall be implemented on a particular period of time; limited

number of students is scheduled and should follow health protocols.
2. Teachers should find time for online academic consultation to cater students and
parents’ queries and needs. Online academic consultation should be scheduled once
every week.
3. Teachers should consider uncontrollable factors such as connectivity and
electricity in conducting online teaching.
4. Strict implementation on the distribution and retrieval of modules to give time for
the teachers to check them so that immediate feedback will be provided.
5. There should be an open line communication between parents and teachers.
6. Teachers and parent’s training/seminar/webinar shall be provided.
7. Parents should have a schedule of classes at home.
8. The Barangay Education Committee shall create a program or project profiling the
learners on their constituents to be able to help the parents in the learning process
in this pandemic times.

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