Speech_smpt Al Amin_muntaz m

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Nama : Muntaz Muslimatussolihah

Asal Sekolah : SMPT Al-Amin Tasikmalaya


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The honorable judges,
The honorable all committees of this event,
And dear my beloved brothers and sisters.
Allow me to introduce myself, I am Muntaz Muslimatussolihah from Integrated Junior
High School Al-Amin Tasikmalaya. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present
something at this event.
First of all, let us give thanks to allah SWT. The Lord who created this world, for His
grace so we can gather here in a good condition.
Secondly, may blessings and salutations for our prophet Muhammad SAW., who always
give goodness in the world.
Dear ladies and gentleman,
Brothers and sisters,
On this happy occasion, I stand before you today to deliver a speech about finding peace
in hardship. As we know, hardships play an important role for the progress of our live journey.
To start the discussion of this speech, I want to ask my friends first, have you ever
experienced difficulties in studying? Personally, I often experience difficulties in this learning
activity, but because of how difficult it is, I can still survive here to compete with all of you,
why is that? Because I am very sure that behind difficulties there must be ease. In fact, Allah
says in Al-Inshirah verse 5 which explain that indeed after difficulties there is ease, therefore
do not be afraid of the difficulties, because after we go through difficulties, we will find the
ease and happiness.
Dear ladies an gentleman,
Brothers and sisters.
I have ever read a very beautiful quotes on the internet "if we are alive, we are going to
have to deal with some tough times." It means that, everyone in this room, every single human
being in this earth is tasted. We are all being tasted with different problems. This is in line with
what allah SWT. says in the Holy Qur'an "and We will surely test you with something of fear
and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient." (Al-
Baqarah verse 155)
Now, let's be honest to ourselves, when we don't feel like our life is perfect, we often
become disappointed, aren't we? There're are so many reasons why we are unhappy in life;
heartbreaks, getting bad grades, worrying about our future, having quarter life crisis it does
drive us stressed and depressed. We all forget that this life was never mean to be perfect. It's
easy to let our souls be stirred by trouble.
Peace can seem especially hard to find when you are going through a difficult season.
However, finding peace doesn't have to be elusive! We need to created inner peace. Every day,
we are faced with the choice of making peace or creating stress. This can be a challenging task
on a good day. On a bad day, it feels impossible. Constant ups and downs in life are
commonplace. They are basically uncontrollable. The good news is, we can control our
response to life events. When we learn to feel at peace in difficult times, we can take back our
Dear ladies and gentleman,
Brothers and sisters.
Each of our stories is different, but we all have something in common that we seek ways
to keep our souls stable and to remain resilient. We have to occupy the stress and adversity in
addition we'll be able to recover from setbacks. Hence, it is important to have a peace calm
mind and think clearly. It is also important to maintain a sense of compassion for oneself and
Use those things to happen, to continue to become a better person. And let it make
ourselves more compassionate. Take our pain and turn it into growth!
As CS Lewis said that "Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary
destiny". I believe that each of us has the same potential to be extraordinary.
In conclusion, I hope you remember that we have the power to survive, we have the
power to deal with ups and downs in life. Thats all, I hope my speech today can be useful for
all of us. I apologize if there's mistake while I'm speaking, because the perfection only belongs
to Allah SWT.
Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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