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(20 Marks)

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik dan isikan tempat kosong.

1 Daniel is playing with his toy ______.

A dolls
B cars
C kites

2 An owl perches ___ that tree.

A on
B in
C under
3 ____ cat sits on the table while the dog sleeps ________ it.

A An … on
B Two… in
C The … under

4 Sophia’s favourite toy is ________ unicorn.

A a
B an
C the

5 Is this your pencil, Reena?

A Yes, it is.
B Yes, I do.
C Yes, I am.

Question 6

Choose the word with the correct spelling.

Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul
6 Chameleons ___________ themselves when they are in danger.
A camoflage
B camouflage
C camauflage

Question 6 and 7

Choose the most suitable answer.

Pilih jawapan yang paling tepat.

7 I like cats. What about you?

A I like cats too.
B Cats are wonderful pets.
C I have five cats at home.

8 Is that a kangaroo?

A Kangaroo can be found in Australia.

B Kangaroo puts its young in its pouch.
C Yes, it is.

9 I _______ ice cream because it’s sweet but I _________ medicine because it is bitter.
A like … like
B don’t like … like
C like … don’t like

10 “________ name is Ameera and _________ name is Batriysia. We are best friends.” said

A My … her
B Her … your
C My … your
Questions 11 to 14

Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

Teliti gambar dan pilih jawapan yang betul.

11 Have I got any eggs in the refrigerator?

A Yes, I do.
B Yes, I have.
C Yes, they are.

12 Have we got any broccoli in the refrigerator?

A No, we don’t
B No, we haven’t.
C No, they aren’t.

13 Have we got any chicken in the refrigerator?

A Yes, we are.
B Yes, we has.
C Yes, we have.

14 Have we got any oranges in the refrigerator?

A No, we don’t
B No, we haven’t.
C No, we aren’t.
Question 15 and 16

Choose the correct sentence

Pilih ayat yang betul.

15 A Her name is Dhiya.

B She name is Dhiya.
C Hers name is Dhiya.

16 A The lizard is in the wall.

B The lizard is on the wall.
C The lizard is under the wall.

Questions 17 to 20

Choose and circle the best answer to fill in the blanks.

Pilih jawapan yang betul untuk diisi pada tempat-tempat kosong.
Kiesya is feeling sad because she lost her smartphone. She has been looking for it
everywhere (17) ________ her bedroom but she couldn’t find it. She also searched for
it (18) __________ the dining table, (19) ________ the sofa and (20) __________ the
toilet but still couldn’t find it. She cried buckets because the smartphone was a
birthday present from her parents.

17 A in 18 A on 19 A in 20 A in
B on B in B on B on
C under C under C under C under

(30 Marks)

Question 21
Choose a suitable response for each picture. Tick ( √ ) the correct answer.
Pilih jawapan yang sesuai bagi setiap gambar. Tandakan ( √ ) pada jawapan yang betul.

(a) How old are you?

My name is Andy.

I am seven years old.

I go to Sekolah Kebangsaan
Pengalat Kecil.

[2 marks]

Do you like
ice cream? Yes, I do.

Yes, I have.

Yes, I have got.

[2 marks]
Pass me the salad,
please. You can try the curry chicken.

I’m sorry, we are out of salad.

Sure, here you go.

[2 marks]

(d) What is your favourite

colour, Ben?
Orange is my favourite colour.

Let’s go to the library together.

I am so happy today.

[2 marks]

Question 22
Look at the passage and write your answer in the space provided.
Teliti petikan dan tulis jawapan pada ruang yang disediakan.

[8 mark]

Question 23
Rewrite the story using the correct punctuation.
Tulis semula cerita dengan menggunakan tanda baca yang betul.

Last Sunday, haiqal and iman played at the playground near their house. suddenly,
they found three cute kittens under a tree. they are orange ( ) yellow and brown
colour. The kittens look hungry, so they decided to bring the kittens home and give
them some food( )







[6 marks]

Question 24
Rearrange the words to form a correct sentence.
Susun perkataan untuk membentuk ayat yang betul.

1. My - name - Adam. - is
My name is Adam.

2. apples. - I - eat - to - like


3. Tuesday. - Today - is


4. lizard- The - the - on - desk- is


5. tiger - hides - The - tall grass.- in


[4 marks]

Question 25
Match the pictures to the correct sentences.
Padankan gambar dengan ayat yang betul.

(a) Throw rubbish into the

Close the door, please.

(c) Queue up before you get

in the bus.

Take off your shoes

before entering the

[4 marks]

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