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Radiation Protection Dosimetry Advance Access published September 10, 2016

Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2016), pp. 1–8 doi:10.1093/rpd/ncw264


C. Ghetti1, O. Ortenzia1,*, F. Palleri1 and M. Sireus2
Department of Medical Physics, University Hospital of Parma, Italy
Department of Physics, University of Cagliari, Italy

*Corresponding author:

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Dose optimization in radiological examinations is a mandatory issue: in this study local Diagnostic Reference Levels
(lDRLs) for Clinical Mammography (MG), Computed Tomography (CT) and Interventional Cardiac Procedures (ICP)
performed in our Radiology Department were established. Using a dose tracking software, we have collected Average
Glandular Dose (AGD) for two clinical mammographic units; CTDIvol, Size-Specific Dose Estimate (SSDE), Dose Length
Product (DLP) and total DLP (DLPtot) for five CT scanners; Fluoro Time, Fluoro Dose Area Product (DAP) and total
DAP (DAPtot) for two angiographic systems. Data have been compared with Italian Regulation and with the recent litera-
ture. The 75th percentiles of the different dosimetric indices have been calculated. Automated methods of radiation dose
data collection allow a fast and detailed analysis of a great amount of data and an easy determination of lDRLs for differ-
ent radiological procedures.


Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) are dose levels in The study was approved by Ethics Committee of
medical radiodiagnostic practices for typical examina- University Hospital of Parma that accepted to
tions for groups of standard-sized patients or standard waive the requirement to obtain informed consent.
phantoms for broadly defined types of equipment. Before beginning the study we have worked with
These levels are expected not to be exceeded for stand- radiologists and technologists to identify the main
ard procedures when good and normal practice regard- procedures for each modality and to obtain homo-
ing diagnostic and technical performance is applied(1). geneous data.
DRL can be used as an optimization tool to Examination data was collected from two digital
reduce radiation dose to patients and to identify mammography systems, five CT scanners and two
situations or facilities where patients can receive angiographic systems using Radimetrics version
unjustified high doses. 2.5 b (Bayer HealthCare, Whippany, NY), a soft-
In order to define DRLs at local level (lDRLs), it ware tool for monitoring and tracking radiation
is necessary to collect patient data large enough to dose.
be representative of the investigated radiological Radimetrics was installed on a virtual server (OS
practice in our department. Linux Open Suse 11.3), on the existing RIS-PACS
DRL for a certain examination is commonly cho- (Esaote) infrastructure with two vCPU, 8 GB Ram,
sen as the 75th percentile (third-quartile) of dose 20 GB allocated to database, 30 GB to OS and
index distributions measured. 100 GB to studies.
The recent introduction of dose tracking software One study stored on the Radimetrics database
has the potential to facilitate the collection of data requires about 1 MB of disc space.
and investigation of unusual high dose examinations. Using a web-based approach it is possible to use
Furthermore, dosimetric data of radiological exam- each pc connected to the hospital Lan as client.
ination must be recorded and reported to face the The software can extract data from the header
request of the Euratom Directive 2013/59(2). DICOM tags, from radiation dose structured report
In this article we describe our experience with (RDSR) or directly from the modality using modal-
one of this software that has been implemented to ity performed procedure steps (MPPS).
define lDRL for selected radiological examinations Data were verified for completeness and
(Clinical Mammography, Computed Tomography, consistency.
Interventional Radiology) commonly considered Moreover, Radimetrics has been customized for
crucial in terms of dosimetric impact. data anonymization.

© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
Clinical Mammography also extracted the mean effective dose, that is the
metric used to compare dose from the different
Radimetrics was connected to GE Senographe
imaging techniques (both planar and tridimensional)
Essential and GE Senographe DS digital mammog-
used in clinical practice.
raphy systems used for Clinical Mammography only.
The Size-Specific Dose Estimate (SSDE) metric
Bilateral and monolateral mammographic exami-
has been introduced in AAPM report 204(4) to esti-
nations performed from March to August 2015 on
mate patient dose from CTDIvol by taking into con-
adult female patients have been extracted from
sideration patient size; it is recommended to
DICOM header files.
calculate SSDE on the basis of Water-Equivalent
We have examined the tube current, peak kilovol-
Diameter (WED) to effectively account for patient
tage, breast thickness, anode/filter combination,
X-ray attenuation(5).
compression force and also the Entrance Surface
Radimetrics has been customized to estimate
Dose (ESD) and Average Glandular Dose (AGD) to
WED from CT axial images: for each slice the area

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the breast. Moreover, we investigated AGD in
of the body is isolated from the background and it is
converted to a water-equivalent area on the basis of
Dosimetric parameters consistency has been veri-
pixel values(6).
fied with phantom measurements according to the
SSDE is provided by the multiplication of
European guidelines 4th edition(3). The displayed
CTDIvol with a conversion factor depending on
dose indices (AGD and ESD) and the measured
WED and reported by AAPM TG 220.
dose indices were in agreement with a discrepancy of
The value of CTDIvol/SSDE given by Radimetrics
about 10%.
for protocols with multiple acquisitions is the sum of
We report the results of this study in terms of
the CTDIvol/SSDE of single series weighted for the
mean value (MV) and 75th percentile of AGD,
scan length.
acquisition counts, compression force and breast
For a sample of exams, CTDIvol values provided
by the CT scanners were verified by direct measure-
ments in 16 and 32 cm diameter dedicated poly-
methylmethacrylate (PMMA) phantoms with a
Computed Tomography calibrated Victoreen NERO mAx 8000 equipment
Radimetrics was connected with five Siemens CT and a pencil ionization chamber model 6000–100
scanners: a Somatom Definition Flash, an Emotion (Victoreen Instrument Co., Cleveland, OH).
16, a Sensation Cardiac 64 and two Emotion 6. All A good agreement, within 8%, between recorded
scanners are equipped with mAs modulation systems. and measured values of CTDIvol was obtained, sug-
The most common CT procedures performed on gesting that subsequent clinically calculated volume
adult patients (age > 15 years) with standard size have doses were representative of actual doses.
been examined: standard head, sinuses, dental, chest, The calculation of organ doses in Radimetrics is
abdomen, chest–abdomen, chest–abdomen–pelvis obtained using pre-run simulations for different
(CAP), spine, pulmonary angiography and cardiac. types of CT scan protocols and 20 types of Cristy
The clinical indications were trauma, hemorrhage, phantoms. Organ doses are then used to calculate
neurologic deficits for head; sinus inflammation for effective dose according to the tissue weighting fac-
sinus; tooth extraction for dental; evaluation of thor- tors reported in ICRP103(7).
acic malignancies, detection of metastatic disease, A CT study can include series referring to ana-
infection and inflammations for chest; cancer diagno- tomical areas different from that investigated. In
sis, infection and inflammatory for abdomen; cancer order to obtain homogeneous dosimetric indices for
staging for CAP; trauma and general indication for each anatomical region, data have been extracted
spine; coronary disease for cardiac acquisitions. both at examination and acquisition level; in this
Data of CT examinations performed between way exams including scans of anatomical regions
March and August 2015 have been extracted from different from that investigated have been removed
the DICOM header and Dose Report files produced from statistics.
by the scanners and stored in PACS. For each CT procedure we calculated the MV,
The information collected include patient infor- 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles of CTDIvol (head or
mation (ID, age, gender, accession number), examin- body according to the anatomic area), SSDE (in
ation data (protocol name, number of acquisitions, body region) and DLP for both single acquisition
name of the device), acquisition data (scan region, and total examination.
series name and technical parameters of each scan) In cardiac CT only Coronary Angiography has
and exposure data (CTDIvol, DLP, size-specific dose been analyzed, for both electrocardiogram (ECG)-
estimates for body examinations). In dental CT we gating prospective and retrospective technique.

Interventional Cardiac Procedures In Tables 1 and 2, we show the most significant
results for single acquisition and for complete
In a period of 6 months (March–August 2015) the
most common Interventional Cardiology Procedures
The EUREF guidelines 4th edition(3) advise not
performed in our hemodynamic department have
to exceed 2.5 mGy for average glandular dose for a
been analyzed: Coronary Angiography (CA),
standard breast in a single radiogram.
Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
The ACR guidelines(8) also suggest that screen-
(PTCA), CA + PTCA, Transcatheter Aortic Valve
ing examination should be limited to technically
Implantation (TAVI). Radiation dose data collec-
adequate craniocaudal (CC) and mediolateral
tion, such as Fluoro Time, Fluoro DAP and total
oblique (MLO) views of each breast. Additional
DAP, was performed using a direct MMPS connec-
views may be required to visualize breast tissue
tion between the dose tracking software and a GE
more effectively.
Innova 2000 and GE Innova 3100.
Diagnostic mammograms instead may include

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Preliminarily, the correctness of patient and dosi-
also supplemental views like spot compressions,
metric information transfer between the angiogra-
magnifications, tangential views or other special
phies and the dose tracking software has been
views, to evaluate an area of clinical concern.
The third-quartile of acquisition counts for a com-
We have also verified that the DAP values pro-
plete exam was five images for both mammography
vided by the angiography systems were right with a
maximum discrepancy of 15%, performing a series
In few cases we found a single examination with
of independent measurements with an external DAP
more than 10 radiograms performed with a AGD
meter (Diamentor PTW—Freiburg, Germany).
above 10 mGy.
To estimate the AGD in magnifications, data have
been downloaded at acquisition level in order to
RESULTS analyze only the scans with source to patient dis-
tance equal to 366 mm and with focal spot equal to
Clinical Mammography
0.1 mm.
We have processed about 16 000 radiograms from We collected 167 magnifications that represent
3673 mammographic examinations (3025 bilateral about 1% of total acquisitions, and the 75th percent-
and 648 monolateral). ile of AGD is 3.2 mGy (Figure 1). This value is
The 70% of exams were performed on GE about 2.5 times the 75th percentile of AGD referring
Senographe DS, the remaining on GE Senographe to single radiogram.
Essential. The mean age of the patients was 57 years
and the mean compression force was 187 N.
Computed Tomography
The MV of AGD for each radiogram calculated
for GE Senographe DS and GE Senographe Overall, 17 659 examinations and 40 326 acquisitions
Essential systems was 1.1 and 1.3 mGy, respectively. have been extracted. The 27% of CT examinations
The MV of total AGD calculated for GE extracted have been removed from statistics because
Senographe Essential and for GE Senographe DS they included series referring to anatomical areas
systems was 4.8 and 5.4 mGy, respectively. different from that studied.

Table 1. Results of significant parameters referring to single acquisition for both mammographic systems.

MG MV AGD SD AGD 75th AGD MV breast MV compression

(mGy) (mGy) (mGy) thickness (mm) force (N)

Senographe DS 1.1 0.4 1.2 41.4 174

Senographe Essential 1.3 0.2 1.4 56.5 181

Table 2. Results of significant parameters referring to complete exam for both mammographic systems.

MG MV AGD SD AGD 75th AGD MV /75th # MV compression

(mGy) (mGy) (mGy) acquisition count force (N)

Senographe DS 4.8 2.6 5.7 4.6/5.0 185

Senographe Essential 5.4 1.7 6.2 4.3/5.0 191

The sample included 9737 patients (4811 men and sinuses (2%), dental (0.9%) and cardiac CT
and 4926 women). The mean age of the two groups (0.8%). The distribution of examinations in the dif-
was 65 ± 18 and 68 ± 18 for men and women ferent CT scanners is reported in Figure 2.
respectively. For head protocols we reported the MV, 25th,
A total of 12 766 examinations and 21 744 acquisi- 50th and 75th percentiles of CTDIvol, DLP and total
tions have been analyzed: they correspond to the DLP (Table 3). Results have been compared with
71% of the total CT examinations performed in current Italian regulations(9) and with values
adults in our Diagnostic Imaging Department. reported in the most recent studies(10–15) (Table 4).
The 10 examined regions were head (33%), chest In the same way, we reported dosimetric values
(11%), abdomen (9%), chest–abdomen (6%), CAP for body scan protocols (Table 5). For five anatomic
(4%), CT pulmonary angiography (2%) spine (2%) regions (chest, abdomen, chest–abdomen, CAP and
pulmonary angiography) we also calculated SSDE
distributions. The comparison of our results with

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values reported in law and in international litera-
ture(9–18) is shown in Table 6.
DRLs reported in D.Lgs. 187/2000 for CTDI are
expressed in terms of weighted CTDI (CTDIw).
Since our 75th percentiles values of CTDIvol and
CTDIw are the same for head, chest and abdomen,
we decided to add also this values in Tables 4 and 6,
marking them with a star.
We pointed out that cardiac CT examinations
result mainly performed with a prospective ECG-
gating technique: it enables an effective dose reduc-
tion compared to the retrospective way.
As regards the 75th values of SSDE in CT body
protocols, it is nearly 30% higher than the corre-
sponding values of CTDIvol.
Finally, almost all dental CT examinations are
performed with a Siemens Emotion 6 CT scanner
Figure 1. Distribution of AGD values in magnifications. and the MV of effective dose is 343 µSv.

Figure 2. Distribution of examinations in the different CT scanners.

Table 3. Number of exams and acquisitions for CT head protocols; mean value, 25th, 50th, 75th percentiles of CTDIvol
(mGy) referenced to 16 cm PMMA phantom, DLP (mGy cm) and DLPtot (mGy cm).

CT protocol #Exams #Acq Parameter MV 25th 50th 75th

Head 5947 6848 CTDIvol 58 51 62 63

DLP 869 787 914 916
DLPtot 953 807 914 1005
Sinuses 199 199 CTDIvol 12 7 9 17
DLP 154 90 114 222
Dental 120 134 CTDIvol 12 12 12 12
DLP 106 87 100 119
DLPtot 122 92 106 139

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Table 4. Comparison between 75th percentiles of CTDIvol surgery: for this reason, TAVI dosimetric data are
(mGy), DLP (mGycm) and DLPtot (mGy cm) for CT head very rare.
protocols, recent International DRLs and Italian DRLs (the We have verified that our TAVI results are com-
values marked with * is expressed in terms of CTDIw). parable to those presented in a recent publication(20).
In this paper, for 31 patients subjected to a TAVI
Anatomic region and country 75th Percentile procedure, a median DAP value of 102.4 Gy cm2
and a median Fluoro Time of 23.9 min are reported.
CTDIvol DLP DLPtot These data are really similar to our TAVI results: the
median values of DAP and Fluoro Time provided by
Head Radimetrics in fact are 103.7 Gy cm2 and 23.4 min,
Present study 63 916 1005 respectively.
D.Lgs187/2000 60* 1050 —
Italy 2014(10) 69 1312 1382
California 2015(11) 62 — 1300 DISCUSSION
Canada 2015(12) 53 865 —
Ireland 2012(13) — 940 — Clinical Mammography
Germany 2010(14) 65 950 —
Sinuses We have evaluated the 75th percentile of AGD for
Present study 17 222 — each radiogram on both mammography systems and
California 2015(11) 29 530 610 the values are dosimetrically correct. The MV of
Switzerland 2010(15) 25 350 — these results was defined as our local LDR. For
Germany 2010(14) 9 100 — exams performed with more than five acquisitions
Ireland 2012(13) 16 210 — for breast, an alert message has been introduced in
the Radimetrics system.

Interventional Cardiac Procedures Computed Tomography

We have analyzed 1028 Interventional Cardiology Dosimetric data of the most common CT procedures
Procedures: 772 CA, 131 PTCA, 104 CA + PTCA, performed on adult patients in our department have
21 TAVI. The patients were 358 women and 670 been analyzed.
men with respectively a mean age of 73 and 68 years In most cases our values result lower or compar-
and standard size. able with values reported in recent scientific litera-
All ICP procedures are performed in both angio- ture and in Italian law. However, for some
graphic systems except for TAVI procedure that is procedures we pointed out a deviation: in CAP and
carried out exclusively on GE Innova 2000. chest–abdomen examinations the 75th percentile of
In Table 7, we show the values obtained in term of DLP is between 40 and 60% lower than published
MVs and 75th percentiles for CA, PTCA, CA + value while total DLP result comparable(10, 11). The
PTCA and TAVI for Fluoro Time, Fluoro DAP and reason is that in our department chest–abdomen and
total DAP. CAP examinations are performed with an average of
As reported in Table 8 CA and PTCA dosimetric three scans.
data (Fluoro Time, total DAP) are similar to values In prospectively triggered cardiac CTA the 75th
presented in the DIMOND study(19). percentile of CTDIvol results nearly 85% lower than
TAVI procedure has very recently become an values reported in literature(18): the use of a Dual
accepted treatment for aortic stenosis in patients Source Somatom Definition Flash CT scanner and
who are considered at high risk for conventional high-pitch acquisitions enable the acquisition of the

Table 5. Number of exams and acquisitions for CT body protocols; mean value, 25th, 50th, 75th percentiles of CTDIvol
(mGy) referenced to 32 cm PMMA phantom, SSDE (mGy), DLP (mGy cm) and DLPtot (mGy cm).

CT protocol #Exams #Acq Parameter MV 25th 50th 75th

Chest 1976 2611 CTDIvol 9 7 8 10

SSDE 11 9 11 13
DLP 278 212 274 349
DLPtot 361 239 297 408
Abdomen 1794 4950 CTDIvol 8 5 7 9
SSDE 10 7 9 11
DLP 385 243 335 467
DLPtot 1080 610 951 1389

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Chest–abdomen 1119 3246 CTDIvol 11 7 9 14
SSDE 13 9 11 18
DLP 482 269 412 620
DLPtot 1409 846 1161 1749
CAP 765 2368 CTDIvol 12 10 12 14
SSDE 16 14 16 18
DLP 550 337 499 706
DLPtot 1735 1219 1615 2138
Spine 327 416 CTDIvol 20 13 18 25
DLP 326 162 261 430
DLPtot 419 228 355 520
Pulmonary angiography 416 869 CTDIvol 5 4 5 6
SSDE 7 5 6 8
DLP 169 98 133 199
DLPtot 395 243 305 426
Prosp. 66 66 CTDIvol 3 3 3 4
DLP 61 56 61 64
Retros. 37 37 CTDIvol 55 37 54 67
DLP 854 566 855 1078

entire volumetric information within one cardiac decided to introduce a new optimized protocol with
cycle. As a consequence, the patient is exposed to a a lower kVp value (110 instead of 130). Physicians
low radiation dose. accepted the consequent change in image quality.
The dose tracking software has also allowed us to The mean effective dose of dental CT performed
easily calculate the distribution of SSDE for body with the new protocol is 190 µSv, a value closer to
protocols. dose resulting from 2D imaging methods.
SSDE values for chest, abdomen and chest–abdo- Finally, since our values are generally inferior or
men found in this study result between 10 and 40% comparable to the recent data we decided to estab-
lower than values reported in Smith–Bindman’s lish our lDRLs in terms of 75th percentiles of
study(11). CTDIvol/SSDE, DLP and DLPtot.
Even if the effect of body size on patient dose is a The introduction of new CT scan protocols is fre-
matter of interest in the scientific community, there quent in our department. With Radimetrics we can
are only few SSDE data published at the moment. easily monitor dosimetric indices and if they exceed
In our survey we also indicate SSDE values in pul- our lLDRs we eventually optimize the protocol.
monary angiography and CAP CT examinations. For example, we realized that both in a Head and
In dental field, recent literature reports an effective a Sinus CT protocols recently introduced the values
dose ranging between 199 and 1410 µSv for MSCT, of CTDIvol were higher respect lDRLs (+30 and
between 46 and 1073, 9 and 560 and 5 and 652 µSv, +100% respectively). We decided with physicians to
respectively, for CBCTs with large, medium and low the exposure values of these new protocols by
small field of views(21). Effective dose for panoramic reducing mA.
radiography instead ranges from 2.7 to 24.3 µSv(22)
and cefalometric radiography between 2 and
10 µSv.(23)
Interventional Cardiac Procedures
Our value of effective dose in dental CT examina-
tions were comparable to data reported for MSCT The hemodynamic interventional procedures exam-
and CBCT. However, to reduce effective dose we ined were dosimetrically comparable with literature.

Table 6. Comparison between 75th percentiles of CTDIvol/ Table 7. Local DRLs in Interventional Cardiology
SSDE, DLP, DLPtot for CT body protocols, recent Procedures.
International DRLs and Italian DRLs (values marked with *
are expressed in terms of CTDIw). Exam type # Fluoro Fluoro DAPtot
Exams Time DAP (Gy cm2)
Anatomic region and 75th Percentile (min) (Gycm2)
CTDIvol/ DLP DLPtot MV 75th MV 75th MV 75th
CA 772 7.7 10.5 27.4 35.0 43.5 55.5
Chest PTCA 131 12.2 15.8 42.8 56.9 56.7 76.6
Present study 10/13 349 408 CA + PTCA 104 11.2 14.1 42.5 50.7 62.7 84.4
D.Lgs187/2000 30* 650 — TAVI 21 24.4 26.8 93.0 96.9 124.9 129.5
Italy 2014(10) 15 569 754

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Germany 2010(14) 12 400 —
Ireland 2012(13) 9 390 —
Portugal 2014(16) 14 470 —
California 2015(11) 17/20 610 830 Table 8. Comparison between our dosimetric results in
Abdomen Interventional Cardiology Procedures and Dimond study
Present study 9/11 467 1389 data.(19)
D.Lgs 187/2000 35* 800 —
Italy 2014(10) 18 555 2157 Exam type #Exams 75th Fluoro 75th DAPtot
Ireland 2012(13) 13 — 1115 Time (min) (Gy cm2)
Portugal 2014(16) 18 800 —
California 2015(11) 17/19 860 1460 CA
Chest–abdomen Present 772 10.5 55.5
Present study 14/18 620 1749 study
California 2015(11) 17/20 1800 2020 Dimond(19) 672 6.5 45.0
Present study 14/18 706 2138 Present 131 15.8 76.6
Italy 2014(10) 17 1200 2115 study
Ireland 2012(13) 12 850 — Dimond(19) 662 15.5 85.0
Switzerland 2010(15) 15 1000 —
Present study 25 430 520
Italy 2014(10) 42 888 1060 CONCLUSIONS
Korea 2010(17) 40 1216 —
Angiography pulmonary
Before Radimetrics installation we have analyzed
Present study 6/8 199 426 some CT dosimetric data using a home-made soft-
Ireland 2012(13) 13 430 — ware that extracts information from the DICOM
Canada 2015(12) 16 — 579 fields of the images extracted from PACS one by
Cardiac one. This method is very time consuming and it is
Present study Prosp. = 4 Prosp. = 64 not possible to use it for an extensive evaluation but
Retrosp. = Retrosp. = only to analyze a sample of selected data.
67 1078 Automated methods of radiation dose data col-
France 2014(18) Prosp. = Prosp. = lection allow a fast and detailed analysis of a great
26 370
Retrosp. = Retrosp. =
amount of data and an easy determination of
44 870 lDRLs for different radiological procedures at
acquisition or examination level according to proto-
col and equipment. Furthermore the definition of
lDRLs enables to identify protocols that need an
Furthermore, DRL for TAVI has been established Alert, productivity and benchmarking tools, avail-
at a local level and now it is a reference for the cardi- able in Radimetrics, enable to control the dosimetric
ologists involved in this procedure. trend of our radiological examinations and to per-
It is well known(24) that a DAP limit of 500 Gy cm2 form the necessary corrective actions in real time.
can be identified as the threshold for patient follow-
up in order to detect deterministic cutaneous
effects, so we have inserted an alert in Radimetrics
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