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Loading Tn28.lsp by CHIEN HUY

tL2: thay doi ty le ban ve
DB: ve duong bao va tinh khoi luong
sq: tinh sua kl datbao
ww: ve duong bao ben phai
HC: ve & tinh khoi luong dao huu co, h= 0.3m
VB: ve duong vet bun chieu sau 1.0m
: GH ghi cao do trong MCN
GL: ghi chieu dai
VV: tinh bu venh cac lop KCAD
MM: tinh dien tich theo ty le ban ve
Da: tinh chieu dai
va: tinh chieu dai vai cong them 1 ben 1m
GG: ghi cao do
HH: doi cao do chuan de ghi cao do
ss: cong so thu nhat vao so thu hai
ttt: tru so thu nhat vao so thu hai
ad: cong dien tich vao mot so
sub: tru dien tich cho mot so
tn: ve tam nhin tren mcn
sss: cong THEM SO 1.1
: AAA cong so thu nhat vao so thu hai
chi: tao diem chia
: stt ghi so thu tu
Q1: Khoi luong phan le duong
kl: Khoi luong cac lop ao duong
VB3: ve duong vet bun chieu sau co dinh
VB4: ve duong vet bun chieu sau co dinh
ppp: ve duong bao va tinh khoi luong

D2 : To change DIMENSION entities to layer 2
DL : To change DIMENSION entities to a specific layer
DH : To change DIMENSION entities to the default text locations.
MD : To mirror TEXT of DIMENSION entities.
H : to use new horizontal dim method
V : to use new vertical dim method
CON : to use new continuos dim method
H1 : canh le vi tri cua cac dimension ngang
H2 : canh le diem dong cua cac dimension ngang
V1 : canh le vi tri cua cac dimension doc
V2 : canh le diem dong cua cac dimension doc
Command: ap
APPLOAD DIM-UTI.LSP successfully loaded.
Command: ap APPLOAD Acad.lsp successfully loaded.
TO : To oblique or straighten up TEXT entities
CT2 : To update TEXT to style 2 and current size
CT2d : To update TEXT to style 2d and current size
CT5 : To update TEXT to style 5 and current size
CT3 : To update TEXT to style 3 and current size
VA : To align TEXT entities horizontally
CA : To switch between UPCASE and LOWCASE of TEXT entities
TC : To change layer of TEXT entities
MUL : To multiply the selected text entities to a given value
TS : To subtract the selected text entities to a given value
PRE : To insert PREFIX to the selected text entities
TT : To calculate total value of selected text entities
TUP : To update TEXT to current scale size
TCC : To change layer of numeric TEXT entities
CHNO: To +-*/ text entities with a number
MJ : Middle justify Text
CTT : Lay SL cat ngang – TEXT

BUP : Change INSERT entities to current scale
UCD : Change CD BLOCK to current height
CD : To insert a CD block
CD1 : To insert a CD block (SCALE 1:1000)
UCD1: Change CD BLOCK to current height (SCALE 1:1000)
CD2 : To insert a CD block (draw in MM)
UCD2: Change CD BLOCK to current height (draw in MM)
MC : To insert MC block
DOC : To insert a DDOC block
CB : To change BLOCK to NEW BLOCK
HW : To insert a HWL block
ktph: To insert KHUNG TEN cua Phong
ktxn: To insert KHUNG TEN cua XI nghiep
hn: To insert huong nuoc chay
oc : To insert block ghi khau do duong ong
oh : To insert block ghi khau do duong ong cong hop
so : To insert block ghi so hieu cot thep
DL: to drawing the main line
CG: to drawing the summit curve and valley curve
hh: to change datum
ll: to change basic station
Command: ap
APPLOAD ch_code.lsp successfully loaded.
CC:Change code BigFont -> VNI; BK1 <-> VNI
Command: ap
APPLOAD CH_Z_NEW.LSP successfully loaded.
CZ: Change z coordinate to 0.0
Command: ap
APPLOAD cno.LSP successfully loaded.
CNO to +-*/ text entities with a number
Command: ap
APPLOAD COO_SUB.lsp successfully loaded.
TDT : Ghi toa do cac diem mong mo-tru ra file va danh so tren ban ve
Nguyen Quoc Cuong - 12/11/2002
Command: ap
APPLOAD Curve.lsp successfully loaded.

Automatic save to C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local

Settings\Temp\Drawing1_1_3_8467.sv$ ...
DC: Calculate length of ARC between 2 points; error: An error has occurred
inside the *error* functionAutoCAD variable setting rejected: "OSMODE" nil
Command: ap
APPLOAD DIM-UTI.LSP successfully loaded.


D2 : To change DIMENSION entities to layer 2
DL : To change DIMENSION entities to a specific layer
DH : To change DIMENSION entities to the default text locations.
MD : To mirror TEXT of DIMENSION entities.
H : to use new horizontal dim method
V : to use new vertical dim method
CON : to use new continuos dim methodCommand: ap
APPLOAD Draw_Uti.lsp successfully loaded.
L O A D I N G D R A W _ U T I . L S P, SEP. 2000
CUT() : Draw expansion symbol
ST() : Bar sections
ST1() : Bar sections
CW() : Change the width of selected entities
HK() : Draw a hook
CODE to code steels in a section
BTK : Import from text file to table
DTB : Change Donut To CTHEP BLOCK
BTK1 : Import from text file to table of quantity
BTK2 : Import from text file to table of quantity
H1 : canh le vi tri cua cac dimension ngang
H2 : canh le diem dong cua cac dimension ngang
V1 : canh le vi tri cua cac dimension doc
V2 : canh le diem dong cua cac dimension doc
Command: ap
APPLOAD DT.LSP successfully loaded.
Start with AR to calculate area by pick points method
Start with AR2 to calculate haft area by pick points method
Danh VD de tinh tong chieu dai
This version is used for NGUYEN TRI PHUONG only - 3/10/1999
Command: ap
APPLOAD DTHH.LSP successfully loaded.
DTHH : Tinh dac trung hinh hoc
Command: ap
APPLOAD DTHH1.lsp successfully loaded.
DT3 : Calculating section properties.
Modified in 11/1999 - IX calculation added.
Dimensioning added for LEVEL sections
Command: ap
APPLOAD DTHH2.lsp successfully loaded.
DT2 : Calculating section properties.
Modified in 11/1999 - IX calculation added.
Command: ap
APPLOAD ENZ_text.lsp successfully loaded.
NET : Loc toa do cac TEXT cao do va ghi ra file - Lay DXF11
Command: ap
APPLOAD FG.lsp successfully loaded.
FG : ghi cao do THIET KE
Command: ap APPLOAD HH-LL.LSP successfully loaded.
Start with LT to calculate chainage
Start with HH to calculate height of points
Start with LL to calculate distance between two points
Command: ap APPLOAD huuco.lsp successfully loaded.
Command: APPLOAD IN-A3.LSP successfully loaded.
Command: APPLOAD IN-A3-2000.LSP successfully loaded.
Command: APPLOAD In-A3-2004.lsp successfully loaded.
Command: APPLOAD KH_Dim_up.lsp successfully loaded.
Command: APPLOAD Kh_Lg.lsp successfully loaded.
Command: APPLOAD KL_coBH.lsp successfully loaded.
Command: APPLOAD l1.lsp successfully loaded.
Command: APPLOAD MTEXT.LSP successfully loaded.
L O A D I N G MT E X T . L S P
CM : To update MTEXT to style 2 and current size
Command: ap
APPLOAD PLOAD.LSP successfully loaded.
Station.lsp successfully loaded.
TALUY.LSP successfully loaded.
taluy1.lsp successfully loaded.
STA : Write the CHAINAGE to the screen.
Taluy symbol loading... Written by NTTLe - NQCuong , Tedi South
TL1: draw taluy symbol for straigth line
TL2: draw taluy symbol for curved line
Taluy symbol loading... Written by NTTLe - NQCuong , Tedi South
TL1: draw taluy symbol for straigth line
TL2: draw taluy symbol for curved line
Command: ap
APPLOAD Station.lsp successfully loaded.
STA : Write the CHAINAGE to the screen.
Command: ap
APPLOAD TALUY.LSP successfully loaded.
Taluy symbol loading... Written by NTTLe - NQCuong , Tedi South
TL1: draw taluy symbol for straigth line
TL2: draw taluy symbol for curved line
Command: ap
APPLOAD taluy1.lsp successfully loaded.
Taluy symbol loading... Written by NTTLe - NQCuong , Tedi South
TL1: draw taluy symbol for straigth line
TL2: draw taluy symbol for curved line
Command: ap
APPLOAD TEXT_UTI.LSP successfully loaded.
ChCase: Change case
CC:Change code BigFont -> VNI; BK1 <-> VNI
ATEXT: Add something in front of text
CHNO to +-*/ text entities with a number
CE :
MJ: Middle justify Text
CTT: Lay SL cat ngang – TEXT
Command: ap
APPLOAD Text-sub.lsp successfully loaded.
TS : To subtract the selected text entities to a given value
Command: ap
APPLOAD Text-uti.lsp successfully loaded.
TO : To oblique or straighten up TEXT entities
CT2 : To update TEXT to style 2 and current size
CT2d : To update TEXT to style 2d and current size
CT5 : To update TEXT to style 5 and current size
CT3 : To update TEXT to style 3 and current size
VA : To align TEXT entities horizontally
CA : To switch between UPCASE and LOWCASE of TEXT entities
TC : To change layer of TEXT entities
MUL : To multiply the selected text entities to a given value
TS : To subtract the selected text entities to a given value
PRE : To insert PREFIX to the selected text entities
TT : To calculate total value of selected text entities
TUP : To update TEXT to current scale size
TCC : To change layer of numeric TEXT entities
CHNO: To +-*/ text entities with a number
MJ : Middle justify Text
CTT : Lay SL cat ngang – TEXT
Command: ap
APPLOAD tinh kltn.lsp successfully loaded.
v4 : TINH DT/2 H BU VENH (4CM: BTN min + H: BTN tho)
v1 : TINH DT/2 H1 BU VENH (4CM: BTN min + 6CM: BTN tho + H1: DA DAM)
HC : TINH DT/2 30cm VET HC
: DT/2 = 0.00
Command: ap
APPLOAD Tinhtoan.lsp successfully loaded.
ATT: Add something in front of text
ATS: Add something after text
CNO to +-*/ ++ ** text entities with a number
DA to write +- for a number
REP: change text into the same new text
REP: change text into the same new text
STT: change text into the order of numbers
sum to + text entities together
mul to * text entities together
TT to +-*/ text entities with a number
to : tinh tong trong bang thong ke
ti : tinh tich trong bang thong ke
This lisp file is written by Nguyen Duy Liem
Command: ap
APPLOAD tn28-1.lsp successfully loaded.
Loading Tn28.lsp by CHIEN HUY
tL2: thay doi ty le ban ve
DB: ve duong bao va tinh khoi luong
sq: tinh sua kl datbao
ww: ve duong bao ben phai
HC: ve & tinh khoi luong dao huu co, h= 0.3m
VB: ve duong vet bun chieu sau 1.0m
: GH ghi cao do trong MCN
GL: ghi chieu dai
VV: tinh bu venh cac lop KCAD
MM: tinh dien tich theo ty le ban ve
Da: tinh chieu dai
va: tinh chieu dai vai cong them 1 ben 1m
GG: ghi cao do
HH: doi cao do chuan de ghi cao do
ss: cong so thu nhat vao so thu hai
ttt: tru so thu nhat vao so thu hai
ad: cong dien tich vao mot so
sub: tru dien tich cho mot so
tn: ve tam nhin tren mcn
sss: cong THEM SO 1.1
: AAA cong so thu nhat vao so thu hai
chi: tao diem chia
: stt ghi so thu tu
Q1: Khoi luong phan le duong
kl: Khoi luong cac lop ao duong
VB3: ve duong vet bun chieu sau co dinh
VB4: ve duong vet bun chieu sau co dinh
ppp: ve duong bao va tinh khoi luong
Command: ap
APPLOAD TNQL1.lsp successfully loaded.
Command: n
tnql1.lsp by CHIEN HUY
Command: ap
APPLOAD Toado-BT.lsp successfully loaded.
TD : Ghi toa do diem ra file
Command: ap
APPLOAD Uti.lsp successfully loaded.
CUT() : Draw expansion symbol
ST() : Bar sections
ST1() : Bar sections
CW() : Change the width of selected entities
HK() : Draw a hook
HOR or HO to use new horizontal dim method
VER or VE to use new vertical dim method
ALI to use new ALI dim method
CON to use new continuos dim method
CODE to code steels in a section
BTK : Import from text file to table
Command: ap
APPLOAD Uti.lsp successfully loaded.
CUT() : Draw expansion symbol
ST() : Bar sections
ST1() : Bar sections
CW() : Change the width of selected entities
HK() : Draw a hook
HOR or HO to use new horizontal dim method
VER or VE to use new vertical dim method
ALI to use new ALI dim method
CON to use new continuos dim method
CODE to code steels in a section
BTK : Import from text file to table
Command: ap
APPLOAD Uti-Duong.lsp successfully loaded.
U1: Cong 1 so voi 1 so tang giam Delta.
U3: Nhan 1 so voi 1 so tang giam Delta.
W1: Chen dong TEXT 'ONG NUOC' cho trac ngang cau CO MAY.
DE: Do khoang cach le tren trac ngang.
HT: Do cao do tren trac ngang.
Command: ap
APPLOAD VETD-A3.LSP successfully loaded.
DL: to drawing the main line
CG: to drawing the summit curve and valley curve
hh: to change datum
ll: to change basic station
Command: ap
APPLOAD VETDhien-A3.LSP successfully loaded.
DL: to drawing the main line
CG: to drawing the summit curve and valley curve
hh: to change datum
ll: to change basic station
Command: ap
APPLOAD VETDhien-A3.LSP successfully loaded.
DL: to drawing the main line
CG: to drawing the summit curve and valley curve
hh: to change datum
ll: to change basic station
Command: ap
APPLOAD x2curve.lsp successfully loaded.
X2 : Cam duong cong bac 2 cho cap
Nguyen Quoc Cuong - 9/1999
Command: ap
APPLOAD x3curve.lsp successfully loaded.
X3 : Cam duong cong bac 3

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