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Movement Disorders in Genetic Pediatric

Simone Gana, MD1 and Enza Maria Valente, MD, PhD1,2,*

ABSTRACT: Background:
Background Genetic pediatric ataxias are heterogeneous rare disorders, mainly inherited as
autosomal-recessive traits. Most forms are progressive and lack effective treatment, with relevant
socioeconomical impact. Albeit ataxia represents the main clinical feature, the phenotype can be more
complex, with additional neurological and nonneurological signs being described in several forms.
Results In this review, we provide an overview of the occurrence and spectrum of movement
Methods and Results:
disorders in the most relevant forms of childhood-onset genetic ataxias. All types of hypokinetic and
hyperkinetic movement disorders of variable severity have been reported. Movement disorders occasionally
represent the symptom of onset, predating ataxia even of a few years and therefore challenging an early
diagnosis. Their pathogenesis still remains poorly defined, as it is not yet clear whether movement disorders
may directly relate to the cerebellar pathology or result from an extracerebellar dysfunction, including the basal
Conclusion Recognition of the complete movement disorder phenotype in genetic pediatric ataxias has
important implications for diagnosis, management, and genetic counseling.

The word “ataxia” derives from the Greek language, meaning expectancy of life. Thus, ataxias have a strong social impact and
"lack of order," and defines a clinical picture characterized by high economic costs that often rest largely on the patients’
unsteadiness, imbalance, clumsiness, and slurred speech attributed families.
to lack of muscle control during voluntary activity. Gait and bal- Ataxia is especially debilitating in the pediatric age, as children
ance problems often progress to the point at which patients are still developing and learning motor competency; moreover,
become wheelchair bound and, in general, the level of disability its recognition can be particularly difficult in early childhood,
progresses at the cost of functional independence. Cerebellar delaying diagnosis and management. In a child suspected of hav-
ataxia is caused by dysfunction of the complex circuitry con- ing ataxia, a detailed clinical assessment is mandatory to rule out
necting the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex, any other developmental, physical, neurological, or behavioral
whereas the less frequent form of sensory ataxia refers to a dys- disorders, as clumsiness, imbalance, and lack of motor control
function of the proprioceptive sensory activity at the level of the can be key features of many conditions. For instance, the so-
peripheral nerves or the posterior columns of the spinal cord. called Developmental Coordination Disorder is characterized by
Ataxic syndromes are characterized by wide clinical and similar features presenting in children with preserved intellectual
genetic heterogeneity, with dominant, recessive, or mitochon- abilities and in the absence of any physical, sensory, or neurologi-
drial inheritance. To date, more than 100 hereditary disorders cal abnormalities, and its early identification and diagnosis is cru-
have ataxia as the predominant sign (so called primary or pure cial to establish prompt educational interventions and avoid
ataxias), and the number of genetic disorders that can occasion- negative consequences on activities of daily living, particularly
ally feature ataxia as part of their clinical spectrum is even school learning.3 Similarly, a suggestive perinatal history and the
higher.1,2 For most ataxic disorders, therapeutic strategies are lac- co-occurrence of pyramidal and/or extrapyramidal signs can be
king or result only in limited improvements in quality and indicative of a disorder of central origin such as cerebral palsy.

IRCCS Mondino Foundation, Pavia, Italy; 2Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
*Correspondence to: Dr. Enza Maria Valente, Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Pavia, via Forlanini 14, 27100 Pavia, Italy;
Keywords: pediatric ataxias, hereditary ataxias, movement disorders, extrapyramidal, genetics.
Relevant disclosures and conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.
Received 19 November 2019; revised 24 February 2020; accepted 8 March 2020.
Published online 6 April 2020 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/mdc3.12937

MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE 2020; 7(4): 383–393. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12937

© 2020 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

TABLE 1 Differential diagnosis of the most common forms of primary pediatric ataxias
Clinical and Imaging
Disease Gene Onset (Years) Features Laboratory Features Refs.

FA FXN 2nd decade Cardiomyopathy, axonal #Frataxin level in 18–21

(4–40) sensory neuropathy, leucocytes
Babinski sign,
ARSACS SACS Childhood Spasticity, Abnormally fused 30–33
demyelinating or mitochondrial
axonal neuropathy, network in fibroblasts
typical imaging at
brain MRI
AOA1 APTX 1st–2nd decade Oculomotor apraxia, #albumin, "cholesterol, 35–37, 39, 41
axonal normal α-FP
sensorimotor neuropathy
AOA2 SETX 2nd decade (7–25) Oculomotor apraxia, "α-FP, "cholesterol, "CK 43, 44, 46, 49
axonal (occasionally), "serum
sensorimotor neuropathy IgG/IgA
AT ATM 1st decade Oculomotor apraxia "α-FP, #serum IgG/IgA, 50, 51, 53, 54
telangiectasias, chromosomal
immunodeficiency, instability
cancer susceptibility
AVED TTPA 2nd decade (2–52) Similar to FA, head ##Plasma vitamin E 61, 62, 64, 67
titubation, pigmentary
SCA28 AFG3L2 1st–6th decade Nystagmus, ptosis, – 68
increased tendon
SCA29 ITPR1 Early childhood Mild cognitive – 72, 75
FA, Friedreich ataxia; ARSACS, autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix–Saguenay; AOA1, ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1; AOA2,
ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 2; AT, ataxia telangiectasia; AVED, ataxia with vitamin E deficiency; SCA28, spinocerebellar ataxia type 28;
SCA29, spinocerebellar ataxia type 29; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; α-FP, α-fetoprotein; CK, creatin kinase; Refs., references.

Lastly, disorders of the peripheral neuromuscular system should recessive primary pediatric ataxias and in some rarer autosomal
be envisaged in the presence of muscle weakness or abnormal dominant forms (summarized in Table 1 and Fig. 1). Finally, we
stretch reflexes. briefly summarize movement disorders in episodic ataxias and in
The overall prevalence of childhood ataxias in Europe has neurometabolic diseases having ataxia as a relevant feature.
been estimated to be 26 per 100,000 children, with genetic
forms accounting for the majority of cases (14.6 per 100,000
children). Yet these figures are probably underestimated, and the
true worldwide prevalence is likely higher.4 Pathophysiology
Autosomal dominant ataxias usually manifest in adulthood,
and pediatric presentations are rare. Conversely, recessive forms of Movement Disorders
present typically during childhood or teens and often with com-
plex phenotypes that can include neuropathy, pyramidal, and
in Ataxic Syndromes
extrapyramidal involvement, ophthalmoplegia, cognitive/behav- Classically, the cerebellum has been suggested to modulate
ioral impairment, seizures, retinopathy, and other nonneurologic movement control through its influence on the primary motor
signs. All types of hypokinetic and hyperkinetic movement disor- cortex. It is now clear that the cerebellum works in concert with
ders are also commonly observed in pediatric patients with both the cortex and the basal ganglia in regulating motor and
hereditary ataxias. Their severity can vary from mild to severe, cognitive tasks of various complexity. Indeed, numerous evi-
and in some cases, involuntary movements may represent the dences demonstrate that the cerebellum and the basal ganglia
dominant or presenting feature, challenging the diagnosis. receive input from and send output to different cortical areas
Here we aim to provide an overview of the occurrence of through multisynaptic loops, and studies on different animal
movement disorders in pediatric genetic ataxias. We divide this models clearly showed that the cerebellum and basal ganglia are
review into 3 sections. First, we briefly discuss the pathophysiol- directly connected by bidirectional pathways.5 These observa-
ogy underlying the link between ataxia and movements disor- tions indicate that the basal ganglia and cerebellar motor net-
ders, referring to specific reviews for a more in-depth revision of works are not independent systems but may exchange
this topic. Second, we review the spectrum of involuntary information in real time to provide appropriate inputs to the
movements in the 5 best characterized and frequent autosomal frontal cortex. In mice, under physiological conditions, it has

384 MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE 2020; 7(4): 383–393. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12937

FIG. 1. Summary of movement disorders reported in the most relevant forms of genetic pediatric ataxias. The thickness of the bars correlates
with the frequency of the observed movement disorder. ARSACS, autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix–Saguenay; AOA1, ataxia
with oculomotor apraxia type 1; AOA2, ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 2; AVED, ataxia with vitamin E deficiency; SCA28, spinocerebellar
ataxia 28; SCA29, spinocerebellar ataxia 29; GLUT-1 DS, Glucose Transporter Type 1 deficiency syndrome; MD, movement disorder.

been demonstrated that stimulation of dentate neurons evokes silencing of glutamatergic signaling at olivocerebellar synapses in
short-latency responses in about half of the striatal neurons all- a mouse model resulted in severe dystonia that could be reduced
owing the basal ganglia to incorporate time-sensitive cerebellar by deep brain stimulation of the cerebellar nuclei.9 Sixth, a study
information (facilitating optimal motor control) and permitting exploring the expression pattern of genes involved in primary
cerebellar modulation of corticostriatal plasticity. Conversely, dystonia and spinocerebellar ataxia demonstrated that they share
under pathological conditions, the same pathway allows for the many molecular pathways, mainly related to synaptic transmis-
transfer of aberrant cerebellar activity to the basal ganglia causing sion and neurodevelopment. Interestingly, the overlapping genes
movement disorders such as dyskinesia and dystonia.6 Therefore, encode ion channels and a number of proteins necessary for reg-
the interconnections between the cerebellum and the basal gang- ulation of neurotransmitter synthesis, synapse formation, and
lia provide the neural basis for cerebellar involvement in disor- vesicular structures.10
ders typically associated with the basal ganglia as well as in Of note, evidence from clinical and neuroimaging studies also
normal basal ganglia functions, such as reward-related learning.5 demonstrated an involvement of the cerebellum in the patho-
As an example, we present an overview of the growing body physiology of tremor, both in Parkinson’s disease and in essential
of studies suggesting that the cerebellum may play a significant tremor,11,12 and in that of cortical myoclonus.13 Whether the
role in dystonia. First, studies on animals indicate that altered cer- cerebellum is involved in the primary pathologic process or
ebellar signaling, such as abnormal burst patterns in Purkinje cell whether the abnormalities are secondary features that compensate
firing, along with dysfunctional interactions with basal ganglia for deficient basal ganglia functioning (eg, increased activity in
activity and alterations in Purkinje cell morphology or cerebellar the cerebellum) is still debated.14
synaptogenesis, are all putative mechanisms involved in generat- On the other hand, it has been observed that basal ganglia
ing dystonic-like motor behaviors. Second, several clinical and may be implicated in some way in the pathogenesis of ataxic
pathologic observations indicate that dystonia may occur in com- syndromes. Neuropathological abnormalities of the basal ganglia
bination with other movement disorders, including ataxia, and have been shown in several spino-cerebellar ataxias, such as spi-
may be related to anatomic lesions of the cerebellum or its path- nocerebellar ataxia (SCA) 1, SCA2, SCA3, and SCA17 (which
ways as a result of cerebrovascular disorders or posterior fossa can occasionally present with a Parkinson disease–like pheno-
tumors. Third, both neuroimaging studies and functional mag- type).15 Moreover, in adults with ataxia-telangiectasia, functional
netic resonance imaging (MRI) have provided insight into the neuroimaging studies measuring regional brain glucose metabo-
role of cerebellar involvement in dystonia. Fourth, cerebellar lism showed hyperactivity of the globus pallidus indicative of
abnormalities in dystonia were also proven through several neu- basal ganglia involvement, besides the expected decrease in cere-
rophysiologic techniques, opening an interesting scenario in bellar metabolism.16
which the cerebellar dysfunction may lead to ataxia or dystonia, In conclusion, although a definite consensus statement on
depending on the integrity of multiple networks.7,8 Fifth, the how the cerebellum works in synergy with the basal ganglia and

MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE 2020; 7(4): 383–393. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12937 385

cortical areas has not yet been reached, there is now a general most patients were not even aware of its presence.23 In other FA
agreement on the importance of studying the cerebellar function series, generalized or focal dystonia has been only occasionally
from an integrative perspective taking into account the interplay reported.22,24,25
between cerebellar, cortical, and basal ganglia networks.5 Interestingly, scoliosis is found in >60% of FA patients and
frequently requires surgical intervention.26 Although the mecha-
nism underlying this deformity largely remains unclear, it was
suggested that, at least in some patients, scoliosis could result
Autosomal Recessive from truncal muscle spasms and axial dystonia.22

Pediatric Ataxias Chorea is rarely observed in FA although it may be the

presenting features in the absence of cerebellar signs.27–29 In a
In childhood, autosomal recessive ataxic disorders are far more sporadic case, a 4-year-old child, myoclonus was the presenting
frequent than their dominant counterparts. In Western countries, feature besides chorea.27
Friedreich’s ataxia (FA) represents the most common form,
accounting for about half of all genetically defined conditions.
Rarer recessive forms include spastic ataxia of Charlevoix– Autosomal Recessive Spastic
Saguenay (ARSACS), ataxia with oculomotor apraxia (AOA; Ataxia of Charlevoix–Saguenay
mainly types 1 and 2), and ataxia telangiectasia (AT), each
ARSACS has long been considered as exceptionally rare outside
accounting for 2% to 10% of all autosomal recessive forms. The
the region of Quebec in Canada, but recent studies have
many other autosomal recessive ataxias subtypes are generally
consistently demonstrated that this condition can also be found
very rare, albeit ataxia with vitamin E deficiency (AVED) is also
elsewhere, likely representing the second most common
worth mentioning as this is a treatable condition.17
autosomal recessive ataxia after FA.17
This chronic disorder is caused by mutations in the SACS
Friedreich’s Ataxia gene, located on chromosome 13q12.12. Symptoms usually
develop early, before 10 years of age, and are represented by the
FA has a global prevalence rate of 1 in 50000, with a carrier fre-
typical triad of slowly progressive cerebellar ataxia, lower limb
quency reaching 1 in 90 in the white population. The classic phe-
spasticity, and demyelinating or axonal polyneuropathy.30 Brain
notype is characterized by the onset of symptoms in the second
MRI demonstrates cerebellar atrophy and highly specific linear
decade (before 25 years of age), with progressive gait and trunk
hypointensities within the pons.31
ataxia, dysarthria, loss of deep tendon reflexes and of position
ARSACS is rarely complicated by movement disorders. For
sense, and progressive motor weakness as a result of axonal neu-
instance, in one of the largest published series to date, dystonia was
ropathy.18 Nonneurological complications include diabetes, hyper-
observed only in 2 of 47 patients.30 Mild dystonia was also rare in
trophic cardiomyopathy, scoliosis, and pes cavus. Occasional
other 2 studies, occurring in 3 of 23, and in 1 of 13 cases, respec-
patients have atypical phenotypes with later onset, less severe man-
tively.32,33 Myoclonus was reported only in 1 case as a complicating
ifestations, and slower progression.19,20 Neuroimaging is often
feature of classic ARSACS in addition to supranuclear gaze palsy.34
normal in the early stages of the disease, whereas atrophy of the
cervical spinal cord and cerebellum may be observed later.
FA is a genetically homogeneous disorder: up to 98% of Ataxia with Oculomotor Apraxia
patients carry homozygous expansions of a GAA trinucleotide
repeat within intron 1 of the FXN gene on chromosome AOA is defined by childhood or adolescence onset of progressive
9q13-21, whereas the remaining 2% are compound heterozygous cerebellar ataxia, commonly followed by oculomotor apraxia and
for the GAA expansion on 1 allele and a distinct FXN point peripheral neuropathy. Most patients become wheelchair bound,
mutation or deletion on the other allele. and some may show cognitive impairment.
Normally there are fewer than 36 GAA repeats, although the To date, 4 types have been described (AOA1–4), respectively
expansions associated with FA vary from 44 to 1700 repeats with caused by biallelic pathogenic variants in the APTX, SETX,
most abnormal alleles ranging from 600 to 900 GAAs.21 However, PIK3R5, and PNKP genes. As the last 2 forms have only occasion-
the exact demarcation between normal and pathological alleles has ally been reported, we focus here on AOA1 and AOA2.
not been clearly determined. The GAA repeat length on the
shorter allele correlates inversely with the age of onset and directly
AOA Type 1
with the clinical severity.21
With the exception of tremor, other hyperkinetic movement Patients with AOA1 present at a mean age of 7 years with slowly
disorders are rarely predominant in patients with FA. However, progressive cerebellar ataxia, oculomotor apraxia that progresses
these have not been well characterized and could be more com- to external ophthalmoplegia, and severe motor peripheral neu-
mon than expected.22 For instance, in a 29-patient series, pos- ropathy, leading to quadriplegia with loss of ambulation within
tural tremor of the upper limbs or head was reported in 17% of 7 to 10 years from onset. Optic atrophy and cognitive impair-
affected individuals and upper limb dystonia in 45%. Yet in these ment may be present.35,36 Cerebellar atrophy on MRI is a con-
cases dystonia was not a functionally important symptom, and stant feature. The diagnosis is based on clinical findings and is

386 MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE 2020; 7(4): 383–393. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12937

confirmed by molecular testing, which reveals biallelic mutations recognized, with ataxia starting in the third to fourth decade.51
in the APTX encoding aprataxin.37,38 Progressive ataxia is typically accompanied by noncerebellar fea-
Movement disorders are not rare in AOA1 and mainly feature tures that include oculomotor apraxia (82%), telangiectasias of
chorea and dystonia. At onset, chorea may affect as many as 80% of the conjunctivae (usually evident by age 6 years, 84%), defects of
cases, but it tends to resolve with time, being detectable in about half immune system (eg, reduced serum IgG/IgA levels) with recur-
of patients with long-term disease duration.35,36,39,40 Chorea com- rent sinopulmonary infections (67%), increased sensitivity to ion-
monly involves the face, larynx, pharynx, and limbs, sometimes lead- izing radiation, and strong predisposition to malignancy
ing to erroneous initial clinical diagnoses of juvenile Huntington’s (approximately 22% of patients will develop a cancer during the
disease, Sydenham chorea, or benign hereditary chorea. course of their illness), particularly leukemia and lymphoma.50 In
Upper limb dystonia was reported in approximately 36% to childhood, however, many of these characteristic extracerebellar
50% of AOA1 patients, sometimes being the presenting feature features might not have developed yet, challenging the diagnosis.
and resulting in delayed diagnosis.35,40–42 Other movement dis- On MRI, there is atrophy of the frontal and posterior cerebellar
orders reported in a series of 11 AOA1 patients include tremor vermis and both hemispheres.
(36%), myoclonus (18%), and parkinsonism (9%).40 AT is caused by homozygous or compound heterozygous
mutations in the ATM gene on chromosome 11q22.52 Severe
phenotypes are associated with total loss of ATM protein,
AOA Type 2 whereas milder phenotypes, characterized by slow neurological
Besides cerebellar ataxia and oculomotor apraxia (the latter not progression or later onset, are associated with the presence of
always present), patients with AOA2 feature sensorimotor axonal residual ATM kinase activity, principally caused by non-
neuropathy, pyramidal signs, mild cognitive impairment, and truncating variants.53
skeletal deformities, with onset in the second decade of life. Cere- The disease is frequently complicated by a plethora of move-
bellar atrophy and elevated alpha-fetoprotein are early features of ment disorders that tend to be progressive and may precede the
this condition.43,44 The genetic defect is represented by biallelic onset of ataxia by several years.51 In classical AT, these non-
mutations in the SETX gene (9q34) coding for senataxin.45 cerebellar symptoms may remain mild compared with ataxia, but
Similar to AOA1, hyperkinetic movement disorders such as in patients with atypical AT, progressive extrapyramidal move-
dystonia and chorea have been reported in several AOA2 cases. ments can represent the main motor feature.53,54
In a 90-patient series, dystonia was observed in 14%, head tremor Choreoathetosis, being found in nearly all affected individuals
in 14%, and chorea in 10% of patients.43 In a smaller cohort, (up to 89%), has traditionally been defined as an AT feature almost
movement disorders were more frequent (44%) and consisted as typical as cerebellar ataxia and oculocutaneous telangiectasias
mainly of dystonic posturing of the hands (28%), choreic move- and represents the initial manifestation of illness in 10% of cases.50
ments (22%), and head or postural tremor (17%), occasionally in Almost 90% of AT patients have dystonia during the course
combination. In this latter group, the initial symptom was usually of the disease, of whom 18% at onset.50 Dystonia usually mani-
gait ataxia, but it was preceded by dystonia or postural tremor in fest in the second to third decade of life; however, onset can
11% patients.46 Other extrapyramidal disorders have rarely been occasionally be as young as 2 years.55 Interestingly, older age at
reported as the initial sign in AOA2. For instance, mild chorei- onset was found to correlate directly with the likelihood of
form movements of trunk and face were the presenting feature having cervical or axial dystonia as a presenting feature.50
in 2 siblings, whereas isolated head tremor was noticed 2 years Dystonia may be focal, multifocal, or generalized and may be
before gait ataxia in a third patient.47,48 disabling56–58; moreover, phenotypes of dopa-responsive cervical
In contrast to AOA1, the severity of movement disorders is or generalized dystonia have been reported.59,60
known to remain generally stable.46 Yet there are some Jerky movements are very frequent in AT, representing either
exceptions, such as 2 Italian patients with movement disorders true myoclonus, jerky dystonia, tremor, or chorea, either alone or
(choreiform head movements and truncal dystonia or head in combination and mainly affecting the axial muscles and upper
tremor), which rapidly disappeared as the disease progressed.49 limbs.57 Yet the real occurrence of myoclonus is difficult to ascer-
Interestingly, in a large AOA2 cohort, the frequency of dystonia tain because few studies included proper diagnostic electrophysio-
was much higher (42%) for missense mutations in the helicase logical assessments. Despite myoclonus or jerky movements as
domain of SETX, whereas it significantly dropped for missense presenting features of AT have never been reported, it has been
mutations out of the helicase domain (7%) and for deletions estimated that approximately 92% of affected patients may present
or truncating mutations (9%), supporting possible genotype– these abnormal movements during the course of their illness.50
phenotype correlates.43 Rest, postural, or kinetic tremors can develop in AT patients
and may be associated with cerebellar dysfunction, dystonia, or
parkinsonism. Overall, tremor was reported in 74% patients and
Ataxia Telangiectasia as initial manifestation in 4%. Finally, albeit parkinsonism has not
AT is a clinically complex disorder accounting for about 3% to been reported as an early feature of AT, 41% of affected patients
5% of all patients with autosomal recessive ataxia. seem to develop this movement disorder at some point during
Onset is usually before the age of 5 years,50 but adolescent- their disease, which may worsen over time and contribute to the
onset and adult-onset presentations have been increasingly overall disability.50

MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE 2020; 7(4): 383–393. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12937 387

Ataxia with Vitamin E Deficiency impairment of functional autonomy even decades after onset.
Brain MRI shows cerebellar atrophy, predominantly in the supe-
AVED typically presents in late childhood or early teens with rior vermis, with sparing of the brainstem.68 SCA28 is caused by
progressive ataxia, areflexia, and loss of proprioceptive and vibra- heterozygous mutations in the AFG3L2 gene,70 whereas homo-
tory sense, resembling FA.61,62 Cerebellar atrophy is present in zygous mutations of the same gene cause a form of autosomal
approximately half of the patients. Laboratory examinations recessive spastic ataxia (SPAX5).71
reveal markedly reduced plasma vitamin E (α-tocopherol) levels Regarding movement disorders, parkinsonism or dystonia are
and a normal lipoprotein profile in the absence of known causes recognized in about 24% of SCA28 patients.68
of malabsorption. Identification of biallelic TTPA pathogenic
variants on molecular genetic testing confirms the diagnosis.63
An early diagnosis is imperative, as lifelong high-dose oral vita- Spinocerebellar Ataxia 29
min E supplementation can halt or even reverse disease progres- SCA29 is an extremely rare condition characterized by gross
sion. Thus, clinicians should always test early vitamin E in the motor delay and hypotonia in infancy followed by a very slowly
assessment of patients presenting with progressive ataxia. progressive or nonprogressive ataxia and mild cognitive impair-
AVED is uncommonly complicated by extrapyramidal move- ment. Variable features include nystagmus, dysarthria, intention
ment disorders. In a relatively large series, dystonia was reported tremor, and epilepsy, and brain imaging shows hypoplasia or par-
only in 13% of the affected patients.64 Dystonia occurs most fre- tial aplasia of the cerebellar vermis.72 SCA29 is caused by hetero-
quently in the neck, followed by upper and lower limbs, trunk, zygous mutations in the ITPR1 gene and is allelic to SCA15,
and face and can generalize in half of the patients.65 The which is distinguished by later age at onset, progressive course,
development of ataxia precedes dystonia in most cases with and normal cognition.73 Dominant or recessive variants in the
highly variable latency (from 0 to 26 years).65,66 same gene may also cause Gillespie syndrome, another form of
In 3 distinct series, head tremor occurred in 28% to 44% of pediatric ataxia associated to developmental delay, intellectual
AVED patients, possibly representing cervical dystonic tremor in disability, iris hypoplasia, and visual impairment.74
some cases.62,64,67 In an 8-year-old patient with AVED, myoclonic Extrapyramidal movement disorders do not represent relevant
dystonia involving the head and trunk was the presenting symp- complications of ITPR1-related conditions,72,75 and only a few
tom, preceding the onset of typical features of more than 6 years.66 patients have been reported with myoclonus or dystonia.76

Primary Episodic Ataxias

Autosomal Dominant Primary episodic ataxias (EAs) are a group of rare, dominantly
Ataxias inherited disorders characterized by transient recurrent episodes
of incoordination and truncal instability, often triggered by phys-
In general, autosomal dominant ataxias are less relevant to the ical exertion and emotional stress, and variably associated with
pediatric population, and pediatric neurologists should not con- progressive baseline ataxia without evidence of metabolic abnor-
sider them in the absence of a well-demonstrated family history. malities.77 In the great majority of patients, the age of onset of
Yet, infantile and childhood onset has been described in many ataxic episodes usually occurs in the first 2 decades of life (more
spinocerebellar ataxias, including SCA2, SCA7, SCA10, SCA13, commonly during early childhood).77
SCA14, SCA21, SCA25, SCA28, SCA29, SCA42, SCA44, At present, 8 EA syndromes are described according to their
and dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy.68,69 Some cases can be associated genetic loci, and the causative genes have been clearly
explained by the phenomenon of anticipation, with earlier onset established in 4 subtypes: KCNA1 for EA1, CACNA1A for
and more severe presentation in subsequent generations that is EA2, CACNB4 for EA5, and SLC1A3 for EA6.78 Because these
typical of expansion-repeat disorders.68 In the uncommon situa- genes are related to transmembrane proteins, the prevailing path-
tion of autosomal dominant ataxia presenting in childhood, the ophysiology hypothesis is that the EAs are channelopathies.
phenotype tends to be more severe and complex than pure ataxia. These conditions should be promptly recognized, as several
Presentations can include hypotonia, developmental delay, respi- different drugs are known to improve symptoms. For instance,
ratory difficulties, and apnoea in the neonatal period, and in some carbamazepine, valproic acid, and acetazolamide have been effec-
SCA2 cases, retinopathy. tive for treating EA1, whereas acetazolamide, flunarizine, and
Only a few autosomal dominant ataxias are relevant to chil- 4-aminopyridine are used in EA2 patients.79
dren, particularly SCA28 and SCA29.69 Among the 8 subtypes, EA1 and EA2 are the most common
and best characterized disorders. In these forms, ictal extrapyra-
midal movement disorders can unusually complicate the disease
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 28 course.
SCA28 is a rare neurodegenerative disorder mainly characterized EA1 is clinically characterized by brief, sudden-onset (1–2
by slowly progressive gait and limb ataxia and a plethora of neu- minutes) attacks of imbalance, incoordination, and slurred speech
rological symptoms. Age of onset can range from early childhood triggered by exertion or excitement.80 During and between
to the sixth decade, and the course is slowly progressive without attacks, patients with EA1 can have myokymia, manifesting

388 MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE 2020; 7(4): 383–393. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12937

TABLE 2 Occurrence of specific movement disorders in 9 categories of inherited errors of metabolism

IEM category Ataxia, % Dystonia, % Chorea, % Myoclonus, % Tremor, % Parkinsonism, %

Disorders of nitrogen-containing compounds 60–70 50 30–40 10 30–40 20

Disorders of vitamins, cofactors, metals, 70–80 50 30–40 <10 20 20
and minerals
Disorders of carbohydrates >80 >80 30–40 30–40 70–80 60
Mitochondrial disorders of energy 70–80 60 30–40 20 30–40 20
Disorders of lipids >80 30–40 10–20 20–30 20–30 10
Disorders of tetrapyrroles 60–70 30–40 30–40 <10 <10 <10
Storage disorders >80 30–40 10–20 50 10–20 20
Disorders of peroxisomes >80 60–70 <10 <10 10–20 <10
Congenital disorders of glycosylation 70–80 10–20 20 10 10 <10
Adapted from Figure 1, ref. 88.

clinically as undulating and rippling activity in the large and small disturbances in the IEM categories is illustrated in Table 2 (modi-
muscles of the face and hands. More sustained abnormal muscle fied from Ferreira and colleagues88).
contractions may also occur and are referred to as neu- Generally, in presence of a movement disorder, an underlying
romyotonia.80 This can cause a typical fixed hand posture resem- IEM should be suspected in cases of (1) early age of onset (the ear-
bling carpopedal spasm and mimicking dystonia. Besides this, the lier the onset, the more likely a metabolic etiology), (2) associated
other reported movement disorder is choreoathetosis.80,81 neurologic or extraneurologic signs and symptoms (motor distur-
EA2 patients typically present paroxysmal recurrent debilitat- bances rarely predominate the clinical presentation and are more
ing spells of unsteadiness, incoordination, vertigo, and slurring of frequently part of a complex picture), (3) progressive course,
speech lasting hours to days, with variable baseline progressive (4) consanguinity and/or positive family history of similar disorder,
ataxia.77 The attacks may occur spontaneously or may be trig- (5) autonomic dysfunction, (6) paroxysmal episodic events, and
gered by physical exertion, fatigue, emotional distress, or excite- (7) acute or subacute onset with or without triggering factors.88
ment. Besides ataxia, uncommon clinical features include However, the diagnosis of IEMs can be challenging as children can
paroxysmal torticollis of infancy, blepharospasm, and other focal present with nonspecific pediatric problems, such as growth falter-
dystonias.82,83 ing, recurrent vomiting, and developmental delay. In addition,
some neurometabolic disorders progress very slowly and can mimic
cerebral palsy or isolated developmental delay. The investigation of
Metabolic Ataxias these disorders requires specific metabolic screenings followed by
Inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) are a group of genetic disor- enzymatic and molecular evaluations.89,90 Recognizing the poten-
ders characterized by dysfunction of an enzyme or other protein tially treatable causes of IEMs is critical not only to implement
involved in cellular metabolism that may cause localized or sys- targeted treatments but also to establish as early a treatment as possi-
temic dysfunctions.84 The current nosology for IEMs includes ble to hopefully halt neurological deterioration or at least improve
9 categories with 130 disease groups and 1,015 distinct outcome. Even for defects lacking specific therapeutic intervention,
disorders.85 a definite diagnosis can allow genetic counseling, prenatal diagnosis,
Most IEMs involve the nervous system (neurometabolic dis- and where appropriate, screening of the wider family.
eases), but generally they do not present with an isolated neuro- Discussing all types of treatable IEMs is beyond the scope of
logic feature. Conversely, the clinical picture is usually complex, this article; thus, in this section, we focus on movement disorders
with several neurologic features (such as seizures, extrapyramidal occurring in 2 metabolic disorders of particular interest in which
movement disorders, developmental delay, ataxia, deteriorating ataxia is a prominent clinical sign and amenable to disease-
vision and hearing), behavioral problems and nonneurologic fea- specific treatment: glucose transporter type 1(GLUT-1) defi-
tures (such as dysmorphic features and eye, heart, or gastrointesti- ciency syndrome and primary coenzyme Q (CoQ)10 deficiency.
nal involvement).84 Supplementary Table S1 summarizes the list of the 37 treatable
As normal movement requires appropriate neurochemical inter- IEMs featuring ataxia and movement disorders and their primary
actions among brain regions involved in motor function, it should treatment options (modified from Ferreira and colleagues88).
not be surprising that ataxia and movement disorders are frequent
findings in IEMs.86 Indeed, about a third of patients with neuro-
metabolic disorders present with either ataxia, hyperkinetic or
GLUT-1 Deficiency Syndrome
hypokinetic-rigid phenotypes.87 All types of movement disorders The classic phenotype of GLUT-1 deficiency syndrome is char-
(except for tics and ballismus) have been described in up to acterized by infantile-onset seizures, delayed neurologic develop-
207 distinct forms of IEMs, with age of onset typically ranging ment, acquired microcephaly, and complex movement
from neonatal period to adolescence. The most common symp- disorders.91–93 Although unspecific, the single most important
toms were ataxia (73%), dystonia (47%), chorea/athetosis (24%), laboratory observation in GLUT-1 deficiency syndrome is
hypokinetic-rigid syndrome (17%), tremor (15%) and myoclonus hypoglycorrhachia (cerebrospinal fluid glucose values below
(14%).88 The relative occurrence of specific movement 60 mg/dL), with normal blood glucose concentration and the

MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE 2020; 7(4): 383–393. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12937 389

cerebrospinal fluid/blood glucose ratio ranging from 0.19 to 0.46 retinopathy, or optic atrophy).99 Because of the small number of
(average value 0.33).94 Diagnosis is confirmed by the detection patients harboring mutations in CoQ10 genes and the highly vari-
of heterozygous mutations, typically occurring de novo, in the able multisystem involvement, genotype–phenotype correlations
SCL2A1 gene, encoding for the main glucose transporter across are still scarce.
the blood–brain barrier.94 The establishment of a ketogenic COQ8A and COQ8B are the most common mutated
diet allows an alternative energy source for the brain and leads to genes.99 Although ataxia is not observed in patients with
a significant clinical improvement.95 COQ8B mutations, the phenotype associated to COQ8A muta-
Movement disorders in GLUT-1 deficiency syndrome are tions is dominated by a slowly progressive childhood-onset gait
complex may include ataxia, dystonia, chorea, tremor, myoclo- ataxia with cerebellar atrophy, frequently associated to seizures,
nus, and parkinsonism. They can be paroxysmal, continuous, or cognitive decline, and sometimes more systemic involvement
with fluctuations related to environmental stressors. Paroxysmal such as liver or kidney dysfunction.101 Until now, 48 patients
worsening often occurs before meals, during fasting, or with with COQ8A mutations have been reported.99,102 Among these,
infectious stress.92,95–97 tremor was observed in 18 (37.5%), myoclonus in 13 (27%),
Earliest symptoms are usually dominated by seizures and other dystonia in 10 (21%), and chorea in 2 (4%).
paroxysmal events. However, seizures gradually recede in early child- Very few patients with ataxia and mutations in PDSS2,
hood and are replaced by dystonic postures as the dominant paroxys- COQ4, COQ5, and COQ6 have been identified, and some of
mal manifestation thereafter.95 them also presented with dystonia, myoclonus, or tremor.99,103
In a series of 57 patients, movement disorders featured action The diagnostic process in CoQ deficiency is particularly complex,
limb dystonia (86%), mild chorea (75%), and myoclonus (16%). as there are no specific biomarkers, and there is no way to discrimi-
Nonepileptic paroxysmal events occurred in 28% patients, and nate “a priori” between a primary or secondary defect. The most
besides ataxia and weakness, they also included parkinsonism and reliable diagnostic test is the detection of reduced CoQ10 levels in
nonkinesigenic dyskinesias.92 The acute presentation of dystonia skeletal muscle by high-performance liquid chromatography.99
has been also reported.98 As for other treatable IEMs, early diagnosis is crucial because
high-dose CoQ oral supplementation was shown in most cases
to induce dramatic improvements, blocking the progression of
Primary Coenzyme Q10 the disease in critical tissues such as the kidney or the central
nervous system.104 Alternatively, some 4-Hydrozybenzoate
Deficiencies analogs, such as vanillic acid and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoate, have
Primary CoQ10 deficiencies constitute a very rare and heteroge- been proposed as potential bypass molecules increasing CoQ
neous group of autosomal recessive conditions with primary defi- bioavailability.99
ciencies caused by mutations in genes encoding CoQ10
biosynthesis enzymes (secondary forms of CoQ10 deficiency are
related to mutations that indirectly affect CoQ10 biosynthesis).
Approximately 200 patients have been described in the literature Conclusions
so far.99
In childhood, ataxia represents a relatively common disorder often
CoQ10 is a lipid-soluble component located in the inner
complicated by additional neurological and nonneurological signs;
mitochondrial membrane. In the mitochondrial respiratory chain,
except for some neurometabolic diseases, it usually lacks effective
CoQ10 is vital for the transport of electrons from complex I
treatments and bears a strong social impact. Movement disorders,
(NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase) and complex II (succinate-
ranging from mild to severe, are among the most common non-
ubiquinone oxidoreductase) to complex III (ubiquinol-cytochrome
cerebellar features at least in some primary pediatric ataxias
c reductase). It is also an antioxidant and a membrane stabilizer, and
(AT and AOA1), whereas they occur less frequently in others
its oxidized form serves as a cofactor for uncoupling proteins in
(FA, ARSACS, AOA2, AVED). Patients may manifest 1 or more
brown adipose tissue.100 Thus, the bioenergetic defect and the
movement disorders (eg, dystonia, myoclonus, chorea), which in
increased reactive oxygen species production may have a pathoge-
some cases may be the presenting or dominant feature, making
netic crucial role.
the diagnosis particularly challenging especially at disease onset.
To date, the following 10 different genes have been associated
Recognition of the complete movement disorder phenotype has
with primary CoQ10 deficiency: PDSS1, PDSS2, COQ2,
important implications for diagnosis, management, and genetic
COQ4, COQ5, COQ6, COQ7, COQ8A, COQ8B, and COQ9.
The age of disease onset is variable, ranging usually from birth
to adolescence (but can also occur in adults), and there is a marked
diversity in clinical symptoms as multiple organ systems can be
variably affected, including central nervous system (encephalopa-
thy, seizures, cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy, or intellectual disability),
peripheral nervous system, kidney (steroid-resistant nephrotic We acknowledge support from the Pierfranco and Luisa Mariani
syndrome), skeletal muscle (myopathy), heart (hypertrophic car- Foundation (PADAPORT project) and the Italian Ministry of
diomyopathy), and sensory system (sensorineural hearing loss, Health (Ricerca Corrente 2020 and 5 per mille year 2016).

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MOVEMENT DISORDERS CLINICAL PRACTICE 2020; 7(4): 383–393. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.12937 393

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