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DIRECTION:Choose three (3) from the given questions and
answer as extensively as you can. State relevant authors, theorists,
documents and examples, if necessary. Good luck.

1.The goals of transformative governance includestructure and

systems improvement, culture change, human- resource
development, policy and program development and
sustainability. Itencompasses three major elements: economy,
political, and administrative. Discuss briefly the definition of the
above stated elements and explain how these three are relatedly
beneficial to good governance. Answer: Economy is defined as
wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of
the production and consumption of goods and services, thru good
governance there will be an efficient utilization of resources,
better access to capital, better and higher quality employment
opportunities, and a better chance of developing in a sustained way
efficient domestic or regional capital markets. Both economy and
good governance is important for better economic growth. Another
element is Politics which is simply defined as a set of activities that
are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of
power relations among individuals, such as the distribution of
resources or status. Good governance ensures that political, social
and economic priorities are based on broad consensus in society
and that the voices of the poorest and the most vulnerable are heard
in decision-making over the allocation of development resources, it
also reduces risk, enable faster and safer growth. It can also
improve reputation and foster trust. Administrative is simply
defined as the running of businesses and organization in a country.
Good governance measures how public institutions conduct public
affairs and manage public resources and guarantee the realization of
human rights in a manner essentially free of abuse and corruption and
with due regard for the rule of law. By good governance all the
citizens especially the oppressed family and individuals will enjoy the
services and resources of the Government.

2.In the age of globalization, increased importance is given to the

study of leadership. Present-day leadership cannot afford to limit
its actions within the borders or the sovereign territory of one
nation. Modern leaders need to think globally in terms of
transformation and development, which should be relatively
interconnected with the world at large. As to what extent can
leadership influence transformative governance? Explain the
nature and styles of leadership you consider can contribute to an
effective governance.

3.Good governance as quoted in the "Philippine Governance

Assessment", 2005 states that, it is the sound exercise of
economic, political, and administrative authority to manage a country's
resources for development. It also involves the institutionalization of a
system through which citizens, institutions, organizations, and groups
in a society articulate their interests, exercise their rights, and mediate
their differences in pursuit of the collective goods. Cite the principles
of good governance that could help transform the administration's
present condition and explain the process of implementation.

4.UNDP believes that developing the capacity in transformative

governance is the primordial way to eliminate poverty as the most
important sustainable development goal. This connotes particularly the
poor and vulnerable - are at the center of the development
process, the human development.What are the five aspects to
sustainable human development? In your view, are there
obstacles in the implementation of sustainable development in the
country?If there are, what would you recommend as solutions to said

5.Organizational transformation as one of the foundations

needed in the orchestration of transformative governance. It is
a long-term effort, led and supported by top management to
improve an organization's visioning, empowerment, learning
and problem-solving processes, through an ongoing,
collaborative management or organization culture - with special
emphasis on the culture of intact work teams and other team
configurations - utilizing the consultant - facilitator role and the
theory and technology of applied behavioral science, including
action research. Explain the concept of organizational development.
What are various inputs that are required for organizational
6.Peter Senge, an American Author, and is the forefront of
Organizational Learning, described learning organizations as
"Organizations where people continually expand their capacity to
create the results, they truly desire, where new and expansive
patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspirations is set
free, and where individuals are continually learning how to learn
together". Discuss the principles of an effective learning
organizations. How can these principles helpequip organizations to
handle transformation, adapt to change, and achieve success in an ever-
more tumultuous economy?
7.The question of ethics is more pronounced in the area of
decision-making affecting transformation of governance.
Administrators, managers, and leaders have to make decisions
that will affect the entire organization. Explain the meaning of
decision making and its processes. What is its implication in
achieving the goals and objectives of an organization?
Answer:Decision making is vital to the organization as it paves the way
to achieving the vision, mission, and goals of the organization. The
decision-making process lies with the top management, in a sense they
have the final say on what to do or how to handle a situation. Before
they come up with a decision, they of course have to consult the key
people/groups that is involve in that specific context. The decision-
making process involves first identifying the issue, gathering pertinent
data, consulting with stakeholders/people concerned, listing alternative
courses of actions, weighing the pros and cons of each decision and
picking the best alternative course of action. It doesn't end there
though. They need to monitor the implementation of their decision.
They should gather feedback and tweak or change if adjustments are
needed. An organization needs a leader that is sound and just in
decision making. This is because he/she/they will not just make a
decision out of a whim. They will analyze and ensure that they are
picking the best course of action.

8.In the recent years, transformation waves in the public

sector are eminent in the vision that public administration is
dependent to laws and has been giving its place inevitably to public
management that is elastic, result-oriented, performance-based and
participative to private sector experiences. Explain the aims of the
emergence of transformative governance in the public administration
reform in the 21 century as it embraces the versatility of a globalized

phenomenon. Answer: Explanation: The rise of transformational

governance as part of the public administration reform in the
21st century is a direct reaction to the shifting requirements of a
world that is becoming more globalized. The goal of this change
is to make the public sector more efficient, effective, and
responsive to the requirements of its constituents. In order to do
this, the goals of this transformation are to raise the efficacy of
public services, boost public engagement, increase efficiency in
the delivery of those services, and build a public sector that is
more flexible. Efforts Made to Improve Productivity Increasing the
effectiveness of public services is the primary objective of adopting a
transformational governance model. Streamlining procedures, lowering
the amount of bureaucracy, and saving expenses are all necessary steps
in this process. In order to do this, the public administration must
become nimble and adaptable to shifts in the surrounding environment,
as well as more attentive to the requirements and worries of the
populace. For instance, several nations are now putting into action
various digitalization projects in order to speed up the application
processing time as well as the delivery of various services. It is possible
for governments to enhance service delivery while also lowering
expenses associated with the processing of paper applications if they
provide online access to public services to the general population.
Increasing One's Productivity Enhancing the efficiency with which
public services are delivered is the second objective of transformational
governance. This entails boosting the quality as well as the amount of
the services that are offered, as well as making certain that they are
tailored to meet the requirements of the populace. In order to
accomplish this goal, the management of public affairs must become
more responsible and transparent, as well as more open to receiving
input and comments from the general public. For instance,
governments in many different nations are now building systems that
will enable individuals to submit feedback on the quality of public
services. Engaging with individuals and gaining a knowledge of their
requirements enables governments to provide services that are more
effectively tailored to those requirements.
Increasing the Involvement of the Public The public's involvement in
the decision-making process of public administration should be
expanded as part of the third objective of transformational governance.
This includes developing channels through which individuals may
submit input and participate in the formulation of choices that will have
an impact on their lives. In order to do this, the public administration
has to be more receptive to information from a wide variety of
viewpoints as well as public consultation. For instance, the
governments of many nations are establishing online discussion groups
and many other digital platforms in order to offer their people with the
opportunity to weigh in on the formulation of public policy. It is
possible for governments to guarantee that the policy choices they
make are influenced by the many viewpoints of their population if they
provide these chances for public input and take use of them. Creating
an Adaptive Public Sector In conclusion, the fourth objective of
transformational governance is to produce a public sector that is more
flexible. This calls for the establishment of a public sector that is both
more sensitive to the requirements of residents and more adaptable to
the changing conditions of the surrounding environment. In order to do
this, the public administration has to be more receptive to novel ideas
and more eager to experiment with other ways of doing things. For
instance, governments in a lot of different nations are attempting out
new models for providing services, such public-private partnerships,
and they're learning from their experiences. It is possible for
governments to develop a more adaptable public sector that is better
adapted to the requirements of a globalized world if they facilitate the
creation of these chances for innovation. In general, the goals of public
administration reform in the 21st century, which has seen the birth of
transformational governance, are to develop a public sector that is more
effective, efficient, and responsive to the demands of people.
Governments may establish a public sector that is better adapted to the
requirements of a globalized society by making it more flexible,
adaptable, responsible, and accessible to public input and criticism.

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