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Grant T McIntyre

Management of Patients with Non-

Syndromic Clefts of the Lip and/
or Palate Part 3: From Age 10 until
Abstract: Parts 1 and 2 of this article addressed the care of children with cleft of the lip and/or palate until age 10. The third part of this
article discusses their care until adulthood.
Clinical Relevance: Dentists should be aware of the different types of cleft lip and/or palate that occur and the role of the dentist in the
overall management of patients who have clefts.
Dent Update 2014; 41: 876–881

Age 10 to overall health. As children begin early Charities, such as the Cleft Lip
adolescence, they become more interested and Palate Association (CLAPA), Changing
Just as at age 5, a series of audit
in their appearance. Body image concerns Faces (, Let’s
records are undertaken at age 10 (Table 3, Part
resulting from lip scars, abnormal dentofacial Face It (, and
1) including an assessment of speech, hearing
relationships and negative self-perception, in Contact a Family (
and psychology, with parent and patient
addition to speech problems and difficulties provide invaluable resources and support
satisfaction and the outcome of alveolar bone
with hearing, can affect self-confidence and for individuals and families. All provide
grafting being recorded on the audit database.
relationship building.1 Where there are any their information in different formats with
concerns about psychological well-being, different levels of interactivity to suit their
Psychology of children with psychological support and intervention primary users and, with the ability to browse
cleft lip and palate may be necessary during childhood and web pages and social media on mobile
adolescence and, on occasion, in adulthood devices, there is non-NHS psychological
The psychological health of
as well to help the patient and family support available for all. The ability for
children (and indeed their family) is crucial
develop coping strategies. The transitions patients to get involved in fundraising
between these stages are often the times and supporting other families through
at which input from a clinical psychologist these charities and local CLAPA groups
is most desirable as transitioning involves is often humbling for members of the
Grant T McIntyre, BDS, FDS establishing new relationships, among multidisciplinary cleft team.
RCPS(Glasg), MOrth RCS(Edin), PhD, other challenges. Unfortunately, in some
FDS(Orth) RCPS(Glasg), FDS RCS(Edin), geographic areas of the UK, clinical
Consultant Orthodontist and Honorary psychology services for cleft lip and palate Age 12−15
Senior Lecturer, Dundee Dental Hospital care are poorly resourced. However, other Orthodontic care
and School, 2 Park Place, Dundee, DD1 members of the multidisciplinary team offer All children with a cleft involving
4HR, UK. help and advice where possible. the alveolus and most children with other
876 DentalUpdate December 2014

types of cleft will require orthodontic patient and parents being informed of that transpire, whilst velopharyngeal
treatment. Severely rotated incisors, the potential requirement for adjunctive insufficiency (VPI) issues that develop with
hypoplasia/microdontia (Figure 1), orthognathic surgery at the completion of further growth require further assessment
hypodontia (Figure 2), supernumerary skeletal growth. and surgical care where appropriate.
teeth and delayed eruption of permanent Audiological problems are also addressed
teeth are frequent occlusal anomalies in Speech, hearing and dental care as they arise and regular contact with
children with alveolar clefts. While those the audiologist/ENT specialist via the
Speech and language therapy
with isolated lip or palate clefts usually multidisciplinary clinic can identify issues
may be required for articulation disorders
have localized occlusal anomalies, such as that require further investigation. Chronic
incisor rotations, crowding or crossbites, otitis media can result in destruction of
there is an increased prevalence of Class the middle ear bones and ear drum. In
III malocclusions and underlying Class III such cases, conventional hearing aids are
skeletal discrepancies among children unlikely to offer any hearing improvement
with clefts (Figure 3 a, b). The growth and a bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA)
disturbance is thought to be in part may be considered. Clearly, regular input
as a consequence of primary surgery, from the primary care dentist to ensure
although other non-cleft family members good oral health is important, particularly
may also have Class III relationships. When during periods of active orthodontic
set against a background of non-cleft treatment. Dietary counselling by the
Figure 1. Microdont maxillary lateral incisor in a
orthodontic problems, such as loss of
child with a left-sided cleft lip.
arch length from extraction of deciduous
teeth, impacted incisors/premolars/molars,
generalized crowding, etc, the orthodontic
management for children with clefts is
complex. Some patients with clefts have
impacted canines despite alveolar bone
grafting (Figure 4), requiring exposure and
orthodontic traction. Parents are reassured
that all children with a cleft of the lip and/
or palate score 5p on the Dental Health
Component of the Index of Orthodontic
Treatment Need (IOTN), irrespective of
any other occlusal traits, and are therefore
eligible for fully funded NHS treatment in
the UK.
Treatment should be
co-ordinated by the cleft orthodontist Figure 2. Hypodontia in a patient with a cleft palate.
to ensure orthodontic treatment does
a b
not conflict with other ongoing care
(eg speech and language therapy) and
also to minimize the burden of care by
integrating audit record collection with
active orthodontic treatment. Tooth
movement will invariably involve fixed
appliances (Figure 5) and extraction
planning can be complex, particularly
where there are issues with tooth
morphology, tooth position and/or tooth
quality. In cases with a missing permanent
maxillary lateral incisor tooth, a decision
will need to be made about opening space
for a bridge or implant-retained crown
or, alternatively, closing the space and
re-shaping the permanent canine (Figure
6).2 Where a marked Class III malocclusion
is emerging, alignment of the upper arch Figure 3. Class III malocclusion and Class III skeletal relationship: (a) patient with BCLP; and (b) patient
with CP.
may be undertaken in isolation, with the
December 2014 DentalUpdate 877

primary care dentist is required where years, the underlying dentoskeletal advice will be given about corrective
any caries or erosion is detected. Second relationships will become established velopharyngeal surgery afterwards. Pre-
permanent molars and premolars should and, as described above, any marked surgical orthodontic treatment involves
be fissure-sealed and a fluoride-containing discrepancy will have been identified fixed appliances (Figure 8) and, although
mouthwash prescribed for children at by the cleft orthodontist. Patients and full decompensation will be desirable
high risk of further caries, while good parents are often eager to find out what (in order to achieve the maximal
communication with the cleft orthodontist treatment will be possible to correct surgical change), issues such as tooth
is essential where there are teeth of severe Class III occlusal and skeletal morphology and extent of alveolar bone
poor prognosis requiring extraction.3 relationships (Figure 7). Therefore, an may limit this. As the surgical procedure
Adolescent patients with clefts will take orthognathic surgery consultation is is more complex than in a non-cleft
an increasing interest in dental aesthetics worth considering at an early stage in patient due to scarring and underlying
and can be disappointed to discover order to provide general information anatomical variations, distraction
that any advanced restorative dentistry on the interaction and sequence of osteogenesis may be considered to
may need to be postponed until other treatment. This will usually indicate that, minimize the effect of the maxillary
aspects of care/facial growth are complete. as skeletal growth is being completed, advancement on the soft-palate function
Composite resin build-ups can, however, a follow-up consultation to discuss the for speech. Post-surgery, the case is
be used to improve dental aesthetics on proposed treatment in more detail will completed with a continuation of the
a short- to medium-term basis. Advice be required. As most patients with a orthodontic treatment to establish as
should be sought at this stage about the cleft and a severe Class III malocclusion near as possible an ideal occlusion, with
need for further bone grafting should will require a maxillary advancement, the retention phase being monitored
an implant-retained crown be under arrangements will be made at this point closely as the potential for surgical
consideration for a missing permanent for an assessment of the velopharyngeal and orthodontic relapse following
maxillary lateral incisor, which occurs in function using lateral videofluoroscopy an orthodontic/orthognathic case is
50% of cases with alveolar clefts.4 (Figure 4, Part 2) and nasendoscopy. This increased in patients with a cleft. Finally,
will help determine the effects of any a follow-up velopharyngeal function
maxillary advancement on the speech assessment is undertaken at six months
Orthodontic/orthognathic quality and resonance and, where the post-surgery to determine the impact on
treatment patient is considered to be at high speech, with any further speech surgery
During the adolescent risk of VPI post-orthogathic surgery, being discussed with the patient.

Revision surgery
Any revision surgery is
planned, as necessary, for the individual
patient. A lip revision or dermal filler
may be considered where there is any
aesthetic impairment at rest or during
function from earlier surgery. Many
patients will request a rhinoplasty to
improve nasal symmetry and projection
(Figure 9). This must, however, be
Figure 6. Start and finish models for orthodontic
Figure 4. Impacted canine post-alveolar bone treatment showing the maxillary left canine
graft. being substituted for the absent lateral incisor.

Figure 8. Decompensated Class III case ready for

Figure 5. Fixed appliances for orthodontic Figure 7. Class III malocclusion requiring surgery (interdental hooks placed to assist inter-
treatment. combined orthodontic/orthognathic care. maxillary fixation during surgery).

878 DentalUpdate December 2014


deferred until after the orthognathic contribute to the breakdown of

surgery has been completed as the family relationships. These can be
effect of any maxillary surgery on nasal compounded by social difficulties due
projection is impossible to determine. to speech and hearing problems, which
Finally, any residual fistulae that are can result in high levels of negative self-
symptomatic should be closed at this perception and complex body image
stage and problems with velopharyngeal issues. It is known that educational
insufficiency should be investigated and achievement in people with clefts
treated as necessary. For some patients is lower,5 whilst employability and
with VPI, where surgery is not indicated, economic performance are sadly
a palatal lift appliance (Figure 10) will reduced. The prospects for fulfilling
be indicated to ‘lift’ the soft palate to personal and romantic relationships Figure 9. Nasal asymmetry.
improve speech quality. can sometimes be severely adversely
affected. Of note is the fact that the
rate of suicide is higher for young
Adulthood adults with clefts than in the general multidisciplinary cleft team. In the
All aspects of care provided population.6 Therefore, where there absence of any neurogenic cause (eg
by the multidisciplinary cleft team are significant psychological issues, the dysarthia, stroke, cranial nerve injury),
should be complete by age 20 and clinical psychologist will aim to up-skill patients may not demonstrate any other
although, in general, no formal the patient to engender resilience to phenotypic signs and the aetiology is
arrangements are made for follow-up deal with the challenges of day-to-day considered to be structural, resulting
after this point, most teams are more life through a ‘person first, cleft second’ from a tissue deficiency. In other cases,
than happy to provide ongoing care, strategy. In time it is hoped that social subtle phenotypic features can lead the
as necessary, for patients with a cleft. networking will be able to provide 1:1 cleft team to a potential diagnosis of
This may involve further aesthetic and psychological support for patients with syndromic VPI, such as velocardiofacial
functional surgery, speech and language psychological issues. syndrome or DiGeorge syndrome.
therapy and audiological support and Confirmation of one of the chromosome
orthodontic advice and treatment, as 22q11 microdeletion syndromes by the
necessary. The primary care dentist Other patients clinical geneticist can be very useful
will be able to continue to provide Multidisciplinary cleft teams for the family in co-ordinating other
ongoing dental care and either carry also provide care for a cohort of non- aspects of medical care (eg cardiac
out, or refer the patient for, advanced standard patients, including those anomalies, autoimmune disorders,
restorative dentistry, as necessary, with submucous cleft palate, non-cleft seizures due to hypocalcaemia, etc)
particularly where dental implants are velopharyngeal insufficiency and and accessing learning support for
under consideration. It is unfortunate migrant families. educational difficulties and learning
that, in some areas of the UK, advanced disabilities at school. Diagnosis of other
restorative dentistry in secondary care syndromes may require the assistance
Submucous cleft palate
is not fully funded for patients with of a dysmorphology database where
Submucous cleft palate
clefts. Finally, most cleft teams will offer there are less common phenotypic
occurs where there is mucosal
a clinical genetics referral to all patients features. For these patients, surgical and
continuity, but submucosally the
around age 20 in order that they have speech and language therapy follows
posterior aspect of the hard palate and
appropriate family planning information the principles outlined above, although
soft palate have a cleft. This is nearly
regarding the recurrence risk in any intellectual impairment may impact on
impossible to diagnose in babies and
children they may have. the overall outcome of care.
can be difficult to diagnose in young
It is important that the Where Stickler syndrome
children, but poor speech development
patient is offered an opportunity is confirmed by a clinical geneticist,
can be an indicator. Following diagnosis
to discuss any remaining concerns referral to an ophthalmic surgeon
via digital palpation of the hard and
with the clinical psychologist at the for an assessment of retinal health
soft palate and other tests, as necessary,
end of the schedule of co-ordinated (vitreoretinal changes such as thinning
treatment follows the same principles
care, particularly around the time of the retina are characteristic of Stickler
as detailed earlier.
when orthognathic surgery is syndrome) and the potential for retinal
being considered.1 Psychosocial detachment is essential. As Stickler
problems involving perceived poor Non-cleft velopharyngeal insufficiency syndrome is an autosomal dominant
facial appearance and personality Children without a cleft can condition, consideration should be
stereotyping may contribute to suffer from non-cleft velopharyngeal given for an assessment by the
poor social standing and poor social insufficiency and account for around ophthalmic surgeon of other family
interaction and, in addition, may 20% of the overall caseload of a members as well.
880 DentalUpdate December 2014

to the new multidisciplinary team to ensure involvement of the psychologist in

overall cleft care continues. Multidisciplinary services for people born with a cleft
cleft teams find patients from other areas of lip and/or palate: CLP series part 3.
the globe, especially the developing world, Ortho Update 2012; 5: 78−81.
a challenge, particularly where there are 2. Semb G, Ramstad T. The influence
poor records of the presenting phenotype/ of alveolar bone grafting on the
care provided to date. This is in addition to orthodontic and prosthodontic
the communication issues where the first treatment of patients with cleft lip
language is not English, which has added and palate. Dent Update 1999; 26:
complexities for speech and language 60−64.
therapy. 3. Rivkin CJ, Keith O, Crawford PJ,
Hathorn IS. Dental care for the
Summary patient with a cleft lip and palate.
The care of patients Part 2: The mixed dentition stage
Figure 10. Palatal lift appliance. with clefts of the lip and/or palate is through to adolescence and young
challenging and requires input from adulthood. Br Dent J 2000; 188:
a diverse group of medical, surgical, 131−134.
dental and parasurgical specialties. 4. Savarrio L, McIntyre GT. To open or
Co-ordination of care is of paramount to close space − that is the missing
importance to ensure that patients lateral incisor question. Dent Update
receive the right care at the right time 2005; 32: 16−25.
delivered by the right professional in the 5. Persson M, Becker M, Svensson
correct location. In addition to individual H. Academic achievement in
patient care, the multidisciplinary cleft individuals with cleft: a population-
team has a role in monitoring care based register study. Cleft palate
through defined audit programmes and Craniofac J 2012; 49: 153−159.
reconfiguring services, where necessary, 6. Christensen K, Juel K, Herskind AM,
to ensure public sector resources are Murray JC. Long term follow up
Figure 11. Unrepaired palatal cleft managed with used as effectively as possible. study of survival associated with
an obturator denture. The primary care dentist cleft lip and palate at birth. Br Med J
has an important role in the overall 2004; 328: 1405.
management of patients with clefts,
both in relation to prevention of caries,
Adults with unrepaired clefts
In earlier sections of this
erosion and periodontal disease, and Further reading
also in monitoring developing occlusal
article, electropalatography and palatal lift 1. The Royal College of Surgeons of
problems, undertaking extractions and
appliances have been described and can England. The Treatment of Cleft Lip
in providing routine and advanced
also be of use in older patients to assist with and Palate: A Parents’ Guide. Cleft Lip
restorative dentistry, as appropriate for
speech. In some patients, surgical closure of and Palate Association. www.clapa.
the patient. Because the dentist-patient/
the palatal cleft is not possible due to a lack com
parent relationship is of a long-term
of soft tissue to close the defect fully and, in 2. How Do I Feed My Baby? Cleft Lip and
nature, the primary care dentist can also
other cases, medical complications preclude Palate Association.
provide useful support and advice for
surgery. Furthermore, there is a small group 3. Pre-conception − Advice and
families as they progress through the care
of gerodontic patients who were never Management. Clinical Knowledge
offered a comprehensive surgical service. Summaries, September 2010. www.
For these patients, an obturator may be
considered to close the defect and, in Acknowledgements 4. Antenatal Diagnosis of Cleft Lip
certain cases, this can be incorporated in a I would like to thank Simon and Palate. Cleft Lip and Palate
complete upper denture (Figure 11). Scott, Nicky Goodfellow and Claire Association.
Thompson of Medical Illustration at 5. Children Born with Cleft Lip and
Dundee Dental Hospital and Perth Royal Palate. The School Years. Information
Migrant families Infirmary for their help in the production for teachers, parents and carers. Cleft
Families moving within the of the images used in this paper. Lip and Palate Association. www.
UK can access care in a relatively seamless
manner, however, where transfer of care 6. Meeting People and Joining
between multidisciplinary teams fails, the References In. Changing Faces. www.
primary care dentist should refer the patient 1. Hammond V. Longitudinal

December 2014 DentalUpdate 881

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