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Nama: Tamaliyah Ridhoningsih

Kelas: XII TN - 1

1. Andre : Are you free on Sunday?

Berliana : Yes. What’s up?
Andre : Jane has completed her study at university. …?
Berliana : That’s great. Will it be held at her house?
a. What about asking her to celebrate it
b. Will you invite us for the farewell party
c. Would you like to take me to your house
d. Would you like to come to her graduation celebration
2. Dave: Nowadays technology is a powerful educational tool, and introducing new
technology into classrooms provides diverse opportunities for learning.
Barja: … Access to the latest technology in the classroom is essential for teachers
and students today.
a. I am no doubt on it.
b. I don’t agree with you.
c. I completely disagree.
d. I have no idea about it.
3. Bashar : How many books can I borrow from the library?
Librarian: Every student is allowed to borrow three books for three days
Bashar : What about if I want another book?
Librarian: … before you take another one.
a. They can be renamed
b. They must be returned
c. The library may be opened
d. The books should be checked
4. Willy : How long will this meeting last?
Cathy : Maybe about an hour. What’s up?
Willy : I have an appointment with my new client. I am
afraid if I come late, ….
a. He will not approve the contract
b. He will wait for me there
c. He will not meet me
d. He will arrange the new meeting
5. Tiara : Inna, where were you last night?
Inna : I am so sorry. ........................... there were so noisy. We enjoyed the music.
Tiara : absolutely, You didn’t hear the ringing of your phone.
a. We went to cinema
b. We watched the concert of Linking Park
c. We just stayed at home
d. I slept earlier last night
6. Wahyu : Here’s my new car. I bought it some days ago. ....
Ningsih: Wow, amazing! I think you have a great taste in everything.
Wahyu : Thank you. Do you think it’s more eye-catching than the other one?
Ningsih : Absolutely
a. How do you feel?
b. How do you think of it?
c. What do you do?
d. What would you recommend?
7. Guest : Oh, no! I’ve lost my camera. I think I put it there on the shelf after
Taking some snapshots
Receptionist : You can ask the security guard, but ....
Guest : All right. Oh, you’re right. Thanks.
a. if I were you I would report it to the police.
b. If he is in that place, he will know
c. let us wait here for a while
d. you should do it quickly
The question is based on the following dialogue.
Teacher : Hizkia, stand here before you enter the school. Why do you always come late?
Hizkia : It is the bus which makes me late.
Teacher : What time do you leave home?
Hizkia : I always leave home at quarter to six.
Teacher : How far is your home from here?
Hizkia : It is about ten kilometers from here.
Teacher : No wonder you always arrive late.
8. Where does the conversation take place?
a. At home
b. On the bus
c. On the school gate
d. In the classroom
9. From the conversation, we can conclude that the cause of Hizkia’s lateness to come to
school is ….
a. the distance from his house to school
b. the bus that he takes to school
c. the school regulation
d. the time he leaves home
Questions no 10 - 11 are based on this following dialogue
Angle : An important meeting will be held next month. Will you be there?
Bryan : of course. What subject will be discussed ?
Angle : we’ll discuss the problem of drugs in our community.
Bryan : will any law officers be invited?
Angle : yes, we’re inviting several police officers.
Bryan : the drug dealers must be arrested or we’re going to have more problems.
10. What are being discussed ?
a. Drugs abuse
b. Law firm
c. Monthly meeting
d. Community problems
11. What should be prepared before the meeting ?
a. Preparing drugs documents
b. Inviting the community
c. Inviting the police officers
d. Presenting drug dealers
Questions 12 - 14 are based on the following text.

An innovative “forest school” with outdoor classrooms and its own herd of alpacas is set to open in

The seal of approval to plans submitted by businessman Maurice Briggs to build the
alternative education centre was given by South Norfolk Council’s planning committee.

Built on 20 acres of woodland near Wymondham, the school will offer courses to young children, adults
with learning difficulties and people at risk of social isolation.

The concept, which was first introduced to the UK about 25 years ago, will offer a distinct approach to
teaching and learning with by encouraging pupils to move away from computers and into nature.

While there will be no electricity on site, the school will have a number of yurts and woodland shelters
designed to inspire children to learn through hands-on experiences.

“The focus is on physical development for strong mental health and keeping active while being at one
with nature,” the application said.

Other activities at the school will include growing, harvesting and den building, and it will be open on
weekdays between 8am and 5pm.

It will also offer activities outside school term times, closing only for two weeks over Christmas.
According to the Forest School Association(FSA), forest schools originated from Denmark in the 19th
However, they were only introduced in the UK during the Nineties.

A recent study conducted by Loughborough University, forest schools can contribute to the
development of collaborative learning skills, by encouraging children to work with others on
challenging outdoor activities.

12. What is the topic of the text?

A. A newly introduced outdoor social class
B. An innovative alpacas education center
C. A forest school committee of Norfolk
D. An outdoor nature-based learning
13. On what main point does the forest school focus?
A. Physical development for strong mental health
B. Some activities outside school term times
C. Designing electric yurts and shelters
D. Setting up computers in the nature
14. It can be concluded from the text that forest schools ...
A. are quite stimulating
B. have been very popular
C. prove to be conventional
D. will be established in the UK
15. Steven : What will you do to spend your holiday next month?
Bruce : ...
Steven : That’s great. I think you will be glad to meet them.
Bruce : Sure. I really miss them so much.
A. Yes, I will spend my holiday next week.
B. I would spend my holiday only in my home.
C. I was going to go hometown with my big family.
D. I’m going to visit my parents’ home in Bandung.
Questions 16 – 18 are based on the procedure text.
Spaghetti squash is a winter squash to become very familiar with this season. You can roast,
boil or even microwave it, and the stringy flesh can be used as a substitute for pasta noodles!
Here are the instructions on how to cook it in the oven:
1. Cut the squash in half lengthwise with a sharp knife. Be careful, go slow, and
cautiously slice the squash in half.
2. Scoop out and discard the seeds.
3. Preheat the oven to 375°F. Place squash halves cut side up on a heavy-bottomed
roasting pan. Brush with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. You don't have to
be too careful here: just slather, sprinkle, and it's ready!
4. Roast for about 45 to 50 minutes, or until a fork punctures the flesh of the squash
easily. If the squash seems to be drying out while baking, brush with an additional
tablespoon of olive oil.
5. Remove squash from the oven and allow it to cool just enough so you can handle it,
about 3 to 4 minutes. Scrape the flesh from the squash into wonderful, stringy
"noodles" with a sturdy fork and place in a small serving bowl. If some of the strands
clump, simply separate them using your hands.
6. Serve squash with a bit of butter and a teaspoon or so of your favorite fresh or dried
Additional Notes:
• If you have leftover cooked spaghetti squash, it keeps wonderfully in the refrigerator
for 3 to 4 days and reheats in the microwave.

16. What does the text mainly concern?

a. Operating the oven to cook seasonal drink
b. Steps on preparing a seasonal common dish
c. Instructions to make pasta noodles using flesh
d. Using special pasta for family’s winter gathering
17. What should we do if the food seems to dry out while cooking?
A. Puncture it with a fork
B. Remove it immediately
C. Brush it for about 3 minutes
D. Add a tablespoon of olive oil
18. “If some of the strands clump, simply separate them using your hands.” (step 5)
The synonym of the underlined word is ....
A. gather
B. spread
C. divide
D. split
Questions 19 - 21 refer to the following text.
Wakatobi is the name of an archipelago and regency in Sulawesi Tengggara, Indonesia.
The name Wakatobi is derived from the names of the main island of the archipelago:
Wangiwangi, Kaledupa, Tomea, and Binongko. The group is part of a larger group called the
Tukang besi Island.
The Archipelago, located in the diverse hotspot known as Wallacea. It is part of the
Wakatobi National Park. Wakatobi as one of the world’s marine tourism object is now
preparing it self and ready to welcome you and your family with hospitality and its particular
culture. The Wakatobi is also home to Operation Wallacea, a UK based, non profit
conservation group looking at sustainable development of fisheries and coral reef research.An
independent non commercial website has been set up about a marine park. This website
contains tourist and travel information in Wakatobi, including the biodiversity, conservation
and local people.
Wakatobi is also situated geographically at the world’s coral reef triangle center with its
942 fish species and 750 coral reef species from a total of 850 world’s collection comparing
to the two world’s famous diving center of the Caribbean Sea that owes only 50 species and
other 300 species in the red sea.

19. What is the purpose of the text above?

a To describe a place to the readers..
b. To tell how to get to the place do you want.
c. To give the information event of the day.
d. To entertain the readers.
20. What is the operation of Wallacea ?
a. Tourist and travel information about wakatobi
b. The world marine tourism object
c. Non profit conservation group looking at sustainable development of fisheries
and coral reef research.
d. The additional sources about the Biodiversity, conservation and local people.
21. “… with hospitality and its particular culture. The underlined word is synonymous with…
a. cleanness
b. brightness
c. happiness
d. friendliness
Questions 22 – 23 are based on the following text dialogue

Romeo : Hi, Juliet, what do you usually do in your leisure time?

Juliet : Hi Romeo. I usually take an aerobics class. How about you?
Romeo : I play football and I’m the best football player in my area.
Juliet : Great! How often do you play football?
Romeo : Twice a week
Juliet : Same with me. I take the aerobics class twice a week but I don’t like
Romeo : I understand that many women don’t like football.
Juliet : Yes, I’m scared of being hit by the ball. Ok I have to go to the class now.
22. Where is the dialogue take place?
A. At school
B. At the park
C. At the zoo
D. At the Juliet’s house
23. From the dialogue, we can conclude that …
A. Romeo likes what Juliet does in her leisure time
B. Romeo and Juliet usually have the same hobby
C. Romeo and Juliet spend their leisure time differently
D. Romeo and Juliet do their hobbies at different times
Questions 24 to 25 are based on the following text dialogue

Natashia : Firman, can I borrow your motorcycle?

Firman : I am sorry, you can’t. It is being repaired right now.
Sylvania : What’s wrong with your motorcycle?
Firman : Well, I found something wrong with the brakes this morning. They need to
be adjusted.
Natashia : I hope it will have finished by 12 o’clock. I need to deliver this package to a
friend of mine
Firman : Why don’t you take the car?
Natashia : I don’t think so. The traffic is quite bad in the lunch time.

24. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Delivering a package for lunch
B. Repairing the brakes of the old cars
C. Taking a motorcycle to visit a friend
D. Requesting permission to use a vehicle
25. From the text, we know that ….
A. Firman is going to lend his car
B. Natashia won’t take the motorcycle
C. Firman will take Natashia to deliver the package
D. Natashia is going to wait for the motorcycle to fix

Questions 26 to 28 are based on the following text

Jakarta post: Researches have found a technique to quickly assess disorders in
babies. This new method, published Wednesday in the magazine Science Translational
Medicine, is a proof of concept that it’s possible to quickly scan a baby’s entire DNA and
pinpoint a disease-causing mutation in a couple of days instead of the more typical weeks as
months. The study investigation to four babies said that the test could be one of the first
particle fruits of the revolution in sequencing an individual’s entire DNA.
The idea behind the test is to take advantage of what is known about disease
symptoms to narrow the search for genetic. And that is a good step in the right direction,
said Dr. Joe Gray, an expert in genome analysis at Oregon Health and Science University,.
“It’s a big genome,” said Dr. Joe Gray, who was not involved with the study. “How do you
know what part of it to search?”
While more research needs to be done before the test is ready for widespread use, he
applauded the effort “If people don’t push the envelope like this, then we won’t get there,”
Dr. Gray said.

26. What is the text about?

A. The test for healthy genetic
B. Disease symptoms in babies
C. Health analysis demonstration
D. DNA scan technique for babies
27. Besides scanning a baby’s DNA, the new method....
A. Shows disease symptoms
B. Detects its physical disorder
C. Points out its health condition
D. Explains its physical condition
28. What can be inferred from the text …
A. Researchers have found a technique to quickly assess disorders in babies
B. more research needs to be done before the test is ready for widespread use
C. The idea behind the test is to take advantage of what is known about disease
D. The revolution in sequencing an individual’s entire

Questions 29 to 31 are based on the following text

Burning a CD allows you to take music from one CD and transfer it onto another
CD. This process is possible with any computer that has a CD driver, but it is easier on a
computer that can run two CDs at once. Either way, you can copy all your music from one
CD to the next. Here is how to copy from one CD to another, using one and two CD drivers.
Instructions burning with two CD Trays
1. Insert the CD from which you want to burn music into your computer’s CD tray. Insert
a blank CD into your computer’s second CD tray.
2. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
3. Click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player. Drag the songs you want
from the list of your songs into the area on the right labeled “Burn List”.
4. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song. This can be done at the
top of the Burn List Menu.
5. Click the “Start Burn” button when you have all the song you want for the CD added to
the Burn List. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, and then take both of the CDs

29. What is the topic of the text?

A. Running two CDs.
B. Opening Media Player.
C. Copying a compact disc.
D. Choosing the blank CD.
30. What should we do after click the “burn” option at the top of Windows Media Player?
A. Choose the blank CD onto which you want to burn your song.
B. Open windows media player and wait for it to recognize the CD.
C. Wait for your computer to finish the CD, and then take both CDs out.
D. Drag the songs from the list of Songs
31. “The process of copying CD is possible with any computer…” The word “possible” is
closest in meaning to…
A. Improbable
B. Probable
C. Unlikely
D. Doubtful
Questions 32 to 34 are based on the following text
Raja Ampat or The Four Kings is a famous island located off the northwest tip of
Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia's West Papua Province. It
is well known as a diving heaven for people around the world.
Raja Ampat covers 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals,
1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. It makes Raja Ampat as the most
diverse living library for world’s coral reef and underwater biota. Besides that, Raja Ampat
has a beautiful scenery, especially from its underwater corals and its beach.
Under the water of Raja Ampat Island, we can see many natural coral’s reef that is
never touched by human. We can also see many fishes that have many colors and types.
They usually hide between the coral reefs to take a rest or brood their eggs. Not only that,
we can see many war planes and ships that were sunk in World War II.
Because of its beautiful underwater scenery, many tourists come to Raja Ampat
island. They come from Indonesia or from other countries. They come to Raja Ampat by
planes or by ships, but most tourists go to Raja Ampat by planes to shorten their trip times.
There are many things that you can catch a glimpse of beside the underwater
scenery. You can meet many fishermen around the beach. Some of them become the tourist
guides for the foreign tourists. The fishermen are very friendly and they will offer you
“Pinang” (betel nuts) or some sweet candies.

32. After reading the text, the readers will most likely ....
A. understand the origin of the name of Raja Ampat
B. donate some money to rebuild the sunk ships
C. be more knowledgeable about Raja Ampat
D. be able to take care of underwater lives
33. According to the text, Raja Ampat ....

A. is the world’s largest ocean

B. has limited types of coral fish
C. has various kinds of mollusks
D. is an endangered living library
34. “... things that you can catch a glimpse of ...” (last paragraph, 1st sentenced)
The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to ...
A. Get
B. See
C. Take
D. Cover
35. Wanda: Working for hours in front of a computer makes me so tired. My computer
is old and it takes hours to process the data. I sometimes get eyestrain because
of it.
Bram : My computer used to be like that but now it works well. ... He is talented in
repairing computer.
a. It is sent by my sister from Bandung.
b. It was upgraded by Sam last week.
c. It will be fixed by the technician.
d. It was bought by my father.

Questions 36 to 37 are based on the following text

I was on a tour bus with my classmates. We were on our trip going back to school
after a long day visiting museums and an amusement park. We felt very thirsty. We gave a
big hurrah when two of our friends distributed soft drinks.
Soon the bus was noisy with gulping sounds. Everyone was enjoying his/her own
drink. Everyone? Well, no … I found the taste of the soft drink some kind of funny. It was
sour. I felt suspicious and quickly looked for the expiry date printed on the back of the
cartoon. May 20! Gosh … that was nearly two months ago. I stood up, cleared my throat
and said, “Stop drinking! These soft drinks are already expired. The expiry date is last
May.” At once almost everyone stopped drinking. Some of my friends even threw their
half empty drinks into the garbage bins along the bus aisle.
Then, I heard a voice shouting, “You fool, that’s May next year, not May this
year!” Now everybody gave me a dark look. I felt terrible because I knew that we were
still thirsty. I found out later that the drinks tasted sour because they had a new lime flavor.

36. From the text we know that the writer …

A. knew the exact expired date of the drink
B. the writers’ friends thanked him for reminding them
C. the writer knew that the flavor of the drink was not good
D. the writer had made mistakes looking at the expired date of the drink.

37. What did the writer do when he looked at the expired date of the drink?
A. He threw the drink in the bin.
B. He gave the drink to his friend.
C. He asked his friend to stop drinking soon.
D. He kept the drink under his seat.
Questions 38 to 39 are based on the following short dialog.
Sylvania : Dad, Can I borrow your car?
Father : No, you can’t. It is being repaired right now.
Sylvania : What’s wrong with your car?
Father : Well, I found something wrong with the brakes this morning. They need to
be adjusted. Besides, the oil filter must be replaced.
Sylvania : I hope, it will have finished by this evening. I need to buy something at the
Father : Why don’t you take a bus?
Sylvania : I am not comfortable taking public transportation by myself.

38. Why can’t Sylvania use her father’s car?

a. There’s something wrong with the oil.
b. His father used the car this morning.
c. She’s supposed to take a bus.
d. The car is being fixed.
39. From the dialogue, we know that Sylvania ...
a. feels reluctant going out alone by bus.
b. loves to go to the bookstore by herself.
c. never takes public transportation to go out.
d. always asks her father’s companion to go somewhere.

Questions 40 to 42 are based on the following procedure.

1. Firstly, click on the forgotten account button on the right hand side of the login page.
2. Then, search for your account on the “find page” . Type either your username, email,
or phone number in the box provided.
3. When you see your account, confirm it by clicking “this is my account”.
4. After that, reset your password. Don’t forget to indicate how you want to receive your
code. If you choose email, you’ll get the code in your inbox.
5. When you get a notification in your email, click the link provided in your email to
have the password reset.

40. The text is mainly talking about ....

a. How to reset a Facebook account.
b. How to email a Facebook account.
c. How to create a Facebook account.
d. How to search for a Facebook account.
41. How can you receive the new code?
a. By clicking the link provided on the email.
b. By indicating how we want to get the code.
c. By searching for it on the Facebook login page.
d. By typing our username, email, or phone number.
42. “..., confirm it by clicking ....” (Step 3).
The underlined word has a similar meaning with....
a. Verify
b. Declare
c. Confess
d. Permit

Questions 43 to 45 are based on the following text.

Maimun Palace is royal house for Sultanate of Deli and becomes of tourism sites
from Medan, South Sumatra. This grand, 30-room Maimun Palace was built by the sultan
of Deli in 1888 and the architecture features Malay, Mogul and Italian influences. Only
the main room, which features the lavish inauguration throne, is open to the public. Here
you can check out a modest collection of ceremonial keris and dress up in traditional
Malay costume.
Maimun Palace is one of the most beautiful palaces still exists in Indonesia. The
Palace consists of two floors divided each into three parts: the main building, the left wing
and the right wing. Each floor has 20 rooms. The total of 40 rooms of this Palace does not
include the prison in the basement, kitchen and bathrooms. In front, about 100 meters,
stands the Mosque of Al-Maksum known as the Great Mosque of Medan.
Maimun Palace is located on Jalan Brig. Jend. Katamso in downtown Medan. This
historical building is open to the public every day, except when there are organizing a
special ceremony. The back wing of the palace is occupied by members of the sultan’s
family. The current sultan, Aria Mahmud Lamanjiji, was only eight years old when he was
installed as the 14th Sultan of Deli in 2005, replacing his father, who died in a plane crash.
He is the youngest sultan in Deli history. He currently resides in Sulawesi with his mother,
and his role is purely ceremonial.
Visitors who come to the palace still have the chance to witness the collections of
the kingdom which are displayed along the meeting room, such as the photos of the
families, antique furniture gifted by the Dutch, and various types of weapons. Patterns of
Dutch architecture with doors and window width and height, as well as Spanish-style
doors to be part of the Palace Maimun. Dutch influence was also seen on a marble slab. In
front of the marble steps are written with Latin letters in Dutch.

43. What benefit can the readers get from the text?
A. They have different opinion about the historical sites.
B. They are interested in meeting people from Medan.
C. They are keen on holding holy ceremonies in Deli.
D. They understand more about the Maimun Palace.
44. What can be said about the palace?
A. It has about 100 rooms.
B. It is a two storey building.
C. All its rooms are open to public.
D. Its design is purely of local type.
45. “He currently resides in …” (paragraph 3)
The underlined word can be replaced with ….
A. lives
B. builds
C. leaves
D. travels
Questions 46 to 48 are based on the following text.
Susi Pudjiastuti is Indonesia’s Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. She is also an
entrepreneur who runs her business in seafood and aviation.

Susi has been through tough times in the past. She didn’t manage to finish school
because she was expelled for political activism. She was involved in a protest movement
under President Soeharto’s administration.
Discontinuing her school, susi started her business from zero. She worked very hard
selling fish at Pangandaran, her hometown, west java now, she has become the president
director of PT ASI Pudjianti Marine Product, which exports fishery product.

Susi also expanded her business into aviation through Susi Air, a regional airline
company under PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation. She needed air transportation to deliver her
marine product fast to the Asian and American markets. Susi decided to get a loan from
the bank to purchase one Cessna Caravan. This was how Susi Air started.

Known as a successful entrepreneur in transportation and maritime business, she was

appointed as minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries by President Joko Widodo.
Recognized for her achievements as Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries,she
received a lot of awards. In 2016 WWF awarded her the leaders for a living planet award
in 2017, she was awarded the Peter Benchley Ocean Awards. She also received a
Honoris Causa Doctorate from Institut Teknologi Surabaya ( ITS) in 2017. It was the
second honor that she had received after her Honoris Causa Doctorate from Diponogoro
University in 2016.

46. What is the main idea of paragraph four?

A. How Susi Air started.
B. Susi's loan from the bank.
C. Susi's need for transportation.
D. Susi Air, a regional airline company.
47. What made the President appoint Susi as Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries?
A. She worked very hard selling fish at Pangandaran.
B. She received a lot of awards for her achievements.
C. She had already received Honoris Causa Doctorate twice.
D. She was successful in transportation and maritime business.
Questions 48 to 49 are based on the following short dialog.

Haris : You’d better work faster.

Adit : Why is it so?
Haris : All of the workers are being videotaped now.
Adit : I don’t like to be videotaped while I work. I feel annoyed.
Haris : This factory is being evaluated now.
Adit : Evaluated? I hope they don’t close it. I don’t want to lose this job.
Haris : We won’t lose our job if we work effectively. So, please finish your work
48. What does Haris intent to do?
A. Finish the work as soon as possible.
B. Evaluate Adit’s performance.
C. Videotape all the workers
D. Tell Adit to work hard.
49. What will Adit probably do next?
A. finish his job efficiently.
B. videotape the factory.
C. look for another job.
D. lose his job faster.

50. Harvey : Are you satisfied with the design of the exhibition poster?
Nelly : To be honest, it is too bright and the fonts are too thick.
Harvey : ... I thought it was just right.
A. I couldn’t agree more.
B. I disagree with you.
C. No doubt about it.
D. I don’t think so.

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