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Gangra a border city in Paphlagonia in Northern Turkey at the southern shore of the black Sea
was a garrison city, it became the place where Pope Dioscorus was exiled after the council of
Chalcedon. The soldiers came to escort the saint to the ship that would take him there and one
of the soldiers treated the saint roughly. His disciple Theopistus told the soldier not to abuse
the frail old man but one of the Nestorians gave him a blow and told him: “If you go with him
into exile, go; otherwise be quiet.” .Saint Dioscorus turned around and saw his disciple crying
and he said to him: “Consider, O my son, what you can give to the world. It is not the blood
of a God, when they pierced his side with a spear, that water and blood came out of it and
saved us. Why do you cry for having received a simple blow?” I replied, “I was not crying
because of the blow I received, but because of you I saw pulled from side to side.” He
answered me:

Have they done to me a thing that has been done to my Lord? When they
brought him as a thief before a tribunal and judged him unjustly, though he is
the Lord of heaven and earth which are the work of his hands. Was a crown of
thorn been placed on my head? Have I been given blows? Was I flogged? Have
I been hit in the face? Was I hit on my head with a stick? Was I hung on the
wood of the cross? Have my hands and feet been pierced with nails? Have I
been watered with vinegar mixed with myrrh? And had anyone done all this to
me, I would have deserved more by my sins.1

We were led to the island called Gangara (Gangra) and were delivered to the hands of a
bishop who did not fear God, a man with impure heart and Nestorian, because Nestorius had
consecrated him. When he saw my father, he asked the envoy who was with us! “Who is this?”
He replied, “It is Dioscorus of Alexandria.” Now, my father was standing before him, and this
bishop was sitting. He said to him: “You are Dioscorus, so that the blood and oppression of
Archbishop Nestorius have fallen back on the throne of Alexandria, because Cyril
anathematized him madly, God did not want to deprive him of his seat because he had already
done some good deeds before, but he took it away from his disciple”.2
This is what Theopistus wrote, St. Dioscorus was telling Archimandarite Paphnutius,
who visited him in Gangra, a more charitable version of what happened:

Since your God-loving self has heard about Sabinus, the bishop of this place,
because of the evils which he did to me out of ignorance, and (since) you also
say that it is unfitting to forgive him because it was Nestorius who consecrated
him bishop - although it was the holy man, John Chrysostom who ordained him
priest, nevertheless Nestorius made him a bishop, and he is under the

History of Dioscorus chapter 10
Ibid chapter 13

impression that Nestorius is as pious as John. But God repaid him with good in
place of the evil which he had done to me and to those with me. And He did not
allow him to hurt us. But he gave profit to his soul.3

You see the greatness of the virtue of St. Dioscorus. Like his Master who prayed: “Father
forgive them for they know not what they do”, he ascribes the evils the bishop did to him and
his disciples to be “out of ignorance”, and even corrects what his disciple said about his
ordination. Through the prayers of this great saint, the man reconciled with St. Dioscorus and
thus God “gave profit to his soul”. Theopistus continues to narrate:

When he learned that we were known to the men who lived in the same place
as us, he took us away from there and took us to another place where we were
not known, so that we would suffer there. But what is worse than all, he made
us suffer for a long time from hunger, for he gave us only three little pancakes
for the three of us, that is to say for my father, for Peter and for me. As for the
other disciples who accompanied us, he gave them nothing; some of them knew
how to sew skins and others some clothes and they were not given half of what
they earned: our father ate only every two or three days and he was often sick
from one week to the next.4

Theopistus then tells us that a merchant from Alexandria came and gave some money to St.
Dioscorus, which the great saint distributed to the poor. Theopistus was upset and complained
to Peter about this. St. Dioscorus knew their thoughts and said to them:

Why do you both murmur against me secretly about the merchant who gave me
the money given by me in alms on my behalf? Did I, Dioscorus, ask to live on
alms? Even more if our need increased and if, by the living God! I had nothing
more than that tunic that covers my body and that coat, I would not yet eat this
merchant's alms, because I do not know if he acquired this money by justice or
by force. Would God not ask me before his formidable altar: ? old man, why did
you eat the work of this man and without searching if he acquired it well or

Satan entered the bishop of this island, and he sent word to my father, Dioscorus, “why did you
rob the church of Alexandria and bring (these goods) here? Why did you distribute goods
from the Church in alms? This is what was written to me by your disciple Protereos, who

Panegyric on Macarius of Tkow XIV
History of Dioscorus chapter 13
Ibid chapter 14

obeyed the king and was the first to accept the letter of Leo, and then received the
archbishopric, because he adhered to the council of Chalcedon. Now return the treasure of the
Church, O you who are not worthy of the Church; if, indeed, had you been worthy, you would
still be in your seat, like all other bishops.”6
The servants of the bishop of gangra then started abusing St. Dioscorus:

While the servants were dragging our father, the nail of one of them scratched
him in the hand, and there came out of it blood that I wiped with my hands. On
leaving this miserable one, I saw a man with a withered hand sitting by his door.
I went near this man who had his hand withered and I said to him, “Show me
your hand, are you born thus?” - O the greatness of the mercies of God! While
I was saying this to him, I made a sign of the cross on the hand with the blood
of our holy father, and immediately it was stretched out like the other hand by
the virtue of God Who dwells in His saints. I ran immediately to my father, and
this man came behind us shouting, “Long live the God of this deacon of
Alexandria!” - My father said to me as if he knew nothing: “What is it, my
son?”- I replied, “Nothing.” But this man announced throughout the island the
miracle which had been accomplished on his hand, and my holy father said to
me, “You anger me very much because of this.”7

At this news, the false bishop was filled with fear and as he was preparing a Sunday to go to
communion, and went to church with his clergy, when he was about to pass the door of the
church, his eyes were opened, he saw a formidable angel standing on the door. He carried in
his hand a drawn sword, the end of which was bent into a hook, and advanced against him
angrily. (The bishop) fled before him and hid in his clergy. The angel was not visible to others,
yet his words were heard: “Oh, impious and cursed! you dare to enter the church when you
have not asked forgiveness of the archbishop Dioscorus!”8
He immediately returned to near the church and came to us, trembling, and besought
him, saying: “Lord and holy father, have mercy on my humility, indeed, O holy father, the
irrational animals know their master and I did not know him. I humble myself in front of you,
O saint, and I implore you, by the holy spirit that dwells in you, not to do against me as I did
against you, me the wretched, who obeyed a mortal emperor and have caused you these great
Our father said to him: "It was not because of me that this happened to you, but

History of Dioscorus chapter 15
Ibid chapter 16

because of the insults you addressed to my father, St. Cyril; now praise St. Cyril and curse
Nestorius, as well as his despicable words. Deny the letter of the impious Leo and the six
hundred and thirty-four bishops who have adhered to it". This bishop consented and wrote
with his hand what his father dictated.10
After this Father Paphnutius, abbot of the monks of Tabennisi, of the sons of
Pachomius, came to the gate. At this news our father rejoiced greatly, as if he had forgotten
all the sufferings he had endured, and he went to meet holy Paphnutius. When Paphnutius saw
our father he said to him, “I have found Israel as a vine which bears fruit in the desert and as
a field which supports the roots of fig trees. Thus have I found you who battles for the
Orthodox Faith, in the midst of six hundred and thirty-four wolves”. After these words, they
embraced in tears, and Paphnutius fell immediately at the feet of our holy father Dioscorus
and clasped them. “I adore”, he said, “the earth which bears your feet, for this earth which
bears them is truly holy ground.”11
He then came with us to the place were we lived, and they discussed together the holy
fathers who had preceded them. Our father spoke of the Archbishops and of their good works,
of Archbishop Cyril. Father Paphnutius recounted the wonders and miracles of the fathers,
his predecessors; of Father Pachomius, of Petronios and of Theodore. He spoke at length also
on the subject of Father Shenoute, how he was taught and became wise even in his childhood,
and how he rode a chariot of cloud when he returned to the Imperial city in the air. While they
talked the feet of the Archbishop grew tired, and he removed the shoes which he was wearing.
Now there was a man with Father Paphnutius who suffered in his feet and who had gout. He
took these shoes, put them on his feet, and was healed. There was also a superior of a
monastery whose feet were bent behind and were hard like stone. He took the shoes which had
fitted this saint’s feet, I have confidence (he said) that at the time when they will approach my
feet the bad pain which is making me suffer will disappear and I will walk with them. When he
had put these shoes on his feet, their nerves became sensitive at once, their tendons were like
those of a child, his feet extended and he went on his way praising God and our holy father.12
And the fame of holy Dioscorus spread through all the island of Gangra. They said,
“God sent a help and a saviour to us”. God performed many wonders and miracles by his
hands which are not written down, we have written these so that you may worship God who
lives in his saints.13
Father Paphnutius gave him the news. About the departure of St. Macarius bishop of
Tkow, a chalcedonian had been sent to him, to make him adhere to the letter of impious Leo.
He did not want to subscribe to it, and the irritated envoy gave him a kick in his private parts.

History of Dioscorus chapter 16
Ibid chapter 17

He gave up his soul to God and died a martyr. The crowd of faithful took his body, burying it
with great honour and placing it close to the bodies of John the Baptist and the prophet Elisha,
in the temple which had been built there”. And our father said of him this eulogy, “I have been
young, and I have grown old, and I have never seen the righteous abandoned.”14
the first day of the month of July, St. Dioscorus saw a vision which he told his disciples:

I have seen this night my father holy Cyril standing before me, with a crowd of
bishops whom I did not know. He told me their names and I heard that he said
to the first, “Our father Alexander, and you also, our great Athanasius, bless my
son Dioscorus who was father of the Church”. He also named Ignatius, and said
to him, “Blessed Ignatius, God-filled, I know that it is your feast today, but I
desire that you come and bless my son”. And I saw the radiant Ignatius place his
hand on the head of a small child and say to him, “Severus, come see your
fathers and imitate their actions. Come kiss the feet of the pilots of the Church,
such as Alexander, imitate Athanasius and the theologians like Cyril. Suffer for
God as I and my father Ignatius, and follow the example of the holy and
persecuted Dioscorus. You will not fall into error, even if you begin to suffer
from persecution today. As for you Dioscorus, write to your son Timothy to
occupy your See because in two months and four days you will come to me”.
Such was this vision, and, since that day, this saint of God, Dioscorus, fell ill and
wrote a letter to the inhabitants of Alexandria that they should consecrate
Timothy as Archbishop.15

When Father Paphnutius left us to go to Egypt, my father called us, myself and the
Archdeacon Peter, and said to us, “Theopiste, my son, after my death leave Peter with my body
and save yourself, for a great danger will threaten you”. And two days before his departure we
heard him say, “If there should be only one day left to me on earth, I would not cease
worshipping and blessing you, O Our Lord Jesus Christ, true God”. And after this day, at the
first hour of the night, we heard a voice which said, “Behold, I have come, Severus”. We asked
him who this Severus was? “This one”, he told us, “was the bishop of Gabala”. And he said to
me, “Why are you weeping, my children?” We replied, “Because you are leaving us orphans”.
He responded to us, “Do not weep for that, because God will not abandon you. Weep rather
for your brethren who will succeed you, because the end is coming. ... After a certain time,
when the altars which are in Egypt have been destroyed, then the son of perdition will reveal
himself to all the world and there will be misfortune in the world when he reveals himself”.16
After these words he kept silent, and when the hour arrived to deliver his soul to God, he

History of Dioscorus chapter 19. This is the panegyric that we have been quoting
Ibid chapter 20

prayed and gave up his soul to God at eleven at night on the fourth of the month of
September. We buried his holy body with honour, accompanied by the songs of the Holy
Spirit. We completed the sacrifice over him according to the rite and participated in the Holy
It was Pope Timothy II (who followed him) who brought his relics back to Egypt. Pope
dioscorus wrote many letters from his exile.


I am fully aware, having been educated in the Faith, respecting Him (Christ) that He was born
of the Father, as God, and that the Same was born of Mary, as Man. Men saw Him as Man
walking on the Earth and they saw Him, the Creator of the Heavenly Hosts, as God. They saw
Him sleeping in the ship, as Man, and they saw Him walking upon the waters, as God. They
saw Him hungry, as Man, and they saw Him feeding (others), as God. They saw Him thirsty,
as Man, and they saw Him giving drink, as God. They saw Him stoned by the Jews, as Man,
and they saw Him worshipped by the Angels, as God. They saw Him tempted, as Man, and
they saw Him drive away the Devils, as God. And similarly of many (other) things. But in order
not to make much din (trouble) in writing, I will leave the matter for the purpose of collecting
testimonies of everyone of the heads together; and I mean to collect them, by the help of God,
when a convenient opportunity bids me to it. But we leave the absurdity of those who hold
opposite notions, and we confess One and the Same to be the Redeemer the Lord and God,
although we see Him to have become by Economy Man. Hold to the Confession, therefore,
of the fathers and do not listen to the soul destroying words of Heretics, nor hold intercourse
with those who divide into Two Him Who is One; for, One is our Redeemer, as I said,
although out of compassion for us He became Man. Sufficiently indeed, as I consider, to the
great confusion of Heretics, the Teachings of Holy Bishops and Orthodox Archbishops have
proved the fatuity of the Affirmations of Heretics and shewn at the same time that it is an
Impiety to speak of Two Natures in God The Word Incarnate; for, they have excommunicated
those who hold this Doctrine, and they have banished from The Hope of Christians those who
do not confess God The Word to be Consubstantial with the Father, because He became
Consubstantial with Man, taking Flesh, although He remained unchangeably what He was
before; as they had done (excommunicated and banished) with the rest of the Heretics.But to
persuade more and more those who build their foundation upon the Immoveable Rock of the
Orthodox Faith and to confute more and more the Heresies mentioned above, I adduce
testimonies from the Divine New Testament written under the Spirit, along with the
Expositions of the Holy Fathers, by whose aid it is possible manifestly to condemn the Heresies
alluded to above and to hold to the Immoveable and Blessings bringing Orthodox Faith Which
was transmitted by the Holy Apostles and by our Blessed and Learned Father (Cyril). Perhaps,
they who have fallen from and denied the Lord will hear and will repent, as said the Prophet,

History of Dioscorus chapter 20

and turn to the Lord with confession and abound in tears of Repentance, in order that they
may be healed; for, God does continually take care of, and gives His hand to, those driven
from him afar off, calling them to Him. —And after testimonies from the Scriptures— These
things, then, refer to those who will not repent and turn to The Lord, whom The Lord Jesus
Christ bought with His Own blood. For, He is Veiy God and the Eternal Life of the World, as
says John ; for, One is The Lord Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.18
St. Dioscorus did not only write against the Diophysite heretics but also about a heresy
that prevailed in the same time; that the body of the Lord was different from our own. There
is no convincing evidence that the venerable archimandarite Euteches ever taught this.
Nevertheless, this heresy became historically named “Eutychianism”. St. Dioscorus (who is
called “Eutychian” by the Chalcedonians up to this time) wrote against this heresy.


Omitting many urgent matters, this I declare, that no man shall say that the holy flesh, which
our Lord took from the Virgin Mary, by the operation of the Holy Spirit, in a manner which
He Himself knows, was different to and foreign from our body. And, indeed, since this is so,
they who affirm that Christ did not become incarnate for us, give the lie to Paul. For he has
said, “Not from angels did He take (the nature), but from the seed of the House of Abraham”;
to which seed Mary was no stranger, as the Scriptures teach us. And again, “It was right that
in everything He should be made like unto His brethren,” and that word “in everything” does
not suffer the subtraction of any part of our nature: since in nerves, and hair, and bones, and
veins, and belly, and heart, and kidneys, and liver, and lungs, and, in short, in all those things
that belong to our nature, the flesh which was born from Mary was compacted with the soul
of our Redeemer, that reasonable and intelligent soul, without the seed of man, and the
gratification and cohabitation of sleep. For if, as the heretics think, this was not so, how is He
named “our brother,” supposing that He used a body different from ours ? And how, again,
is that true which He said to His Father, “I will declare Thy name to My brethren ?” For He
was like us, for us, and with us, not in phantasy, nor in mere semblance, according to the heresy
of the Manichaeans, but rather in actual reality from Mary, the Theotokos. To comfort the
desolate and to repair the vessel that had been broken, He came to us new. And as Immanuel,
indeed, He is confessed; for He became poor for us, according to the saying of Paul, “that we,
by His humiliation, might be made rich.” He became, by the dispensation, like us ; that we, by
His tender mercy, might be like Him. He became man, and yet He did not destroy that which
is His nature, that He is Son of God ; that we, by grace, might become the sons of God. This
I think and believe; and, if any man does not think thus, he is a stranger to the faith of the

Acts of the second council of Ephesus p. 392-393
Zachariah of Mitelene Syriac Chonicle chapter 1

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