Brochure Earth and Life

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The Planets of the Solar System
Planets are nearly spherical celestial objects
that orbit around the Sun. In our solar
system, there are eight planets, which are
divided into two groups; the Terrestrial
planets and Jovian planets. The four
Terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth,
and Mars are the four small planets inside
the asteroid belt that have surfaces of rock.
The four Jovian planets Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune are the four big planets
outside the asteroid belt that have surfaces
of gases and have rings. The planet with the
most moons is Jupiter. The only planets that
do not have natural satellites orbiting them
are Mercury and Venus. The planet with the
most visible or prominent rings is Saturn.
The largest planet is the Jovian planet
Jupiter, while the smallest planet is the
Terrestrial planet Mercury. The hottest
planet is Venus due to its atmosphere of
carbon dioxide that traps heat, while the
coldest planet is Neptune.

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