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Guide to Synchronising and Load Sharing

Author: - Anthony Manton

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 1

Deep Sea Electronics Plc
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Deep Sea Electronics Guide to Synchronising and Load Sharing –Issue 4

Changes over previous edition (Issue 3): Updated supported governor and AVR types. Updated
configuration description for load sharing.

© 2002-2003 Deep Sea Electronics Plc

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including
photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means or other) without the written permission
of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988.
Applications for the copyright holder’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication
should be addressed to Deep Sea Electronics Plc at the address above.

Any reference to trademarked product names used within this publication is owned by their
respective companies.

Deep Sea Electronics Plc reserve the right to change the contents of this document without prior

1. Diesel generator handbook. L.L.J.Mahon. ISBN 0-7506-1147-2
2. On-Site Power Generation. EGSA Education Committee. ISBN 0-9625949-3-8

2 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Section Page
1 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 2
2 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 6
3 STEP BY STEP GUIDE.................................................................................... 6
PUBLICATION. ...............................................................................................................................7
4.1 SINGLE SET NO BREAK RETURN WITH MAINS .............................................................8
4.2 BASE LOAD PEAK LOPPING / PEAK SHAVING..............................................................9
4.2.1 SINGLE SET .................................................................................................................9
4.3 MULTIPLE SET PRIME POWER.......................................................................................10
4.4 MULTIPLE SET STANDBY TO MAINS SUPPLY .............................................................11
5 GENERATOR USES ...................................................................................... 12
5.1 STANDBY GENERATORS................................................................................................12
5.1.1 TRANSFER SWITCH..................................................................................................12
5.1.2 NO BREAK TRANSFER .............................................................................................12
5.2 CONTINUOUS PARALLEL OPERATION.........................................................................13
5.3 BASE LOAD PEAK LOPPING WITH 555 CONTROLLER...............................................13
5.3.1 PEAK LOPPING..........................................................................................................14
6 MULTIPLE GENERATORS ........................................................................... 15
6.1 MUTIPLE SET PRIME POWER.........................................................................................15
6.2.1 LOAD-SWITCHING USING 530 ATS .........................................................................15
6.3 MULTIPLE SETS (STANDBY) – NO BREAK TRANSFER ..............................................16
7 LOAD SHARING ............................................................................................ 17
7.1 ACTIVE POWER SHARING ..............................................................................................17
7.2 REACTIVE POWER SHARING .........................................................................................17
8 THE NEED FOR SYNCHRONISING.............................................................. 18
9 METHODS OF ADJUSTING VOLTAGE & FREQUENCY............................. 19
9.1 REMOTE SPEED / VOLTAGE POTENTIOMETERS........................................................19
9.2 DC VOLTAGE INPUT ........................................................................................................19
9.3 RAISE / LOWER PUSH BUTTONS...................................................................................19
10.1 GOVERNOR AND GOVERNOR INTERFACE ..................................................................20
10.1.1 ISOCHRONOUS ACTIVE LOAD SHARING...............................................................20
10.1.2 DROOP ACTIVE LOAD SHARING.............................................................................20
10.2 GENERATOR AND AVR ...................................................................................................21
10.2.1 DROOP REACTIVE LOAD SHARING........................................................................21
10.2.2 AUTOMATIC REACTIVE LOAD CONTROL...............................................................21
10.3 55X CONTROLLER ...........................................................................................................22
10.3.1 FUNCTION COMPARISON CHART...........................................................................22
10.3.2 CONNECTION DETAILS ............................................................................................23
10.3.3 AUTOMATIC SYNCHRONISING................................................................................24
10.3.4 DROOP LOAD SHARING ...........................................................................................24
10.3.5 ISOCHRONOUS LOAD SHARING.............................................................................25
11 LOAD SWITCHING DEVICES .................................................................... 26
11.1 CHOOSING A LOAD SWITCHING DEVICE .....................................................................26
11.1.1 CONTACTORS ...........................................................................................................26
11.1.2 CHARGED SPRING BREAKERS...............................................................................26

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 3

11.1.3 AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS (ACBS) ............................................................................ 26
11.1.4 MOTOR OPERATED BREAKERS ............................................................................. 26
12 P120 ANALOGUE GOVERNOR INTERFACE MODULE............................27
12.1 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 27
12.2 CASE DIMENSIONS ......................................................................................................... 27
12.3 CONNECTION DETAILS .................................................................................................. 28
12.4 P120 SELECTOR SWITCH SETTINGS............................................................................ 29
12.4.1 SW1 ............................................................................................................................ 29
12.4.2 SW2 ............................................................................................................................ 29
12.4.3 SW1 / SW2 SELECTOR SETTINGS.......................................................................... 29
12.4.4 LOCATION OF SW1 AND SW2 SELECTORS .......................................................... 30
P120 ANALOGUE GOVERNOR INTERFACE PHYSICAL LAYOUT ................................... 30
13 P121 ANALOGUE AVR VOLTAGE MODULE ............................................31
13.1 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 31
13.2 CASE DIMENSIONS ......................................................................................................... 31
13.3 CONNECTION DETAILS .................................................................................................. 32
13.4 P121 SELECTOR SWITCH SETTINGS............................................................................ 34
13.4.1 SW1 ............................................................................................................................ 34
13.4.2 SW2 ............................................................................................................................ 34
13.4.3 SW1 / SW2 SELECTOR SETTINGS.......................................................................... 34
13.4.4 LOCATION OF SW1 AND SW2 SELECTORS .......................................................... 35
P121 ANALOGUE AVR INTERFACE PHYSICAL LAYOUT ................................................. 35
14 P122 DIGITAL RESISTANCE MODULE .....................................................36
14.1 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................. 36
14.2 CASE DIMENSIONS ......................................................................................................... 36
14.3 CONNECTION DETAILS .................................................................................................. 37
14.4 P122 MODE SELECTOR SETTING.................................................................................. 37
15 55X MULTISET COMMUNICATIONS LINK ................................................38
15.1 MULTISET COMMUNICATIONS LINK CONNECTION DETAILS................................... 38
15.2 MULTISET COMMUNICATION LINK SETTINGS ............................................................ 39
15.3 MULTISET COMMUNICATIONS LINK SPECIFICATIONS ............................................. 40
15.4 MULTISET COMMUNICATIONS LINK ALARMS ............................................................ 41
15.4.1 MSC ID ALARM .......................................................................................................... 41
15.4.2 MSC DATA ERROR ................................................................................................... 41
15.4.3 MSC FAILURE............................................................................................................ 41
16.1 CHECK SYNC SETTINGS ................................................................................................ 42
16.2 AUTO SYNC SETTINGS ................................................................................................... 44
17.1 MULTI-SET SETTINGS ..................................................................................................... 46
17.2 LOAD CONTROL .............................................................................................................. 49
17.2.1 LOAD CONTROL........................................................................................................ 49
17.2.2 KW / KVAR LOAD RAMP ........................................................................................... 50
18 ON SITE COMMISSIONING ........................................................................51
18.1 DISABLING REMOTE ADJUSTMENT OF THE GOVERNOR / AVR .............................. 51
18.1.1 RAISE/LOWER INPUTS............................................................................................. 51
18.1.2 P120 ANALOGUE GOVERNOR INTERFACE MODULE .......................................... 51
18.1.3 P121 ANALOGUE AVR INTERFACE MODULE ........................................................ 51
18.1.4 P122 DIGITAL RESISTANCE MODULE.................................................................... 51
18.1.5 ELECTRONIC / MOTORISED POTENTIOMETERS ................................................. 52
18.2 SETTING GOVERNOR SPEED AND AVR VOLTAGE .................................................... 52
18.3 55X CONTROLLER COMMISSIONING ADJUSTMENTS ............................................... 53
18.3.1 MULTISET SETTINGS (NOT APPLICABLE TO MODEL 555).................................. 54
18.3.2 VIEWING THE 55X SYNCHROSCOPE INSTRUMENT ............................................ 55
18.3.3 SYNCHROSCOPE OPERATION ............................................................................... 56

4 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

18.3.4 FREQUENCY SYNCHRONISER SETUP...................................................................57
18.3.5 VOLTAGE MATCHING SETUP ..................................................................................59
LOAD SHARE / CONTROL SETUP ..........................................................................................60
NO AVR CONTROL) .................................................................................................................62
19 INTERFACING TO GOVERNORS .............................................................. 63
19.1 BARBER COLMAN ...........................................................................................................63
19.1.1 DYN1 10502, 10503, 10504, 10506............................................................................63
19.1.2 DYN1 10693, 10694, 10695, 10752, 10753, 10754, 10756 .......................................65
19.1.3 DYN1 10794* ..............................................................................................................66
19.1.4 DYN1 10871................................................................................................................67
19.1.5 DYNA 8000* ................................................................................................................68
19.2 CUMMINS...........................................................................................................................69
19.2.1 EFC* ............................................................................................................................69
19.2.2 QST 30 ........................................................................................................................70
19.2.3 QSX 15 ........................................................................................................................71
19.2.4 QSK 45/60 ...................................................................................................................71
19.3 DETROIT DIESEL ..............................................................................................................72
19.3.1 DDEC III ......................................................................................................................72
19.4 G.A.C. (GOVERNORS AMERICA CORP.) .......................................................................73
19.4.1 5100 - 5500 SERIES*..................................................................................................73
19.5 HEINZMANN ......................................................................................................................75
19.5.1 E6, E6V, E10, E16, E30 ..............................................................................................75
19.5.2 KG SERIES (6-04 TO 10-04) ......................................................................................76
19.6 MTU ....................................................................................................................................77
19.6.1 MDEC 4000.................................................................................................................77
19.7 VOLVO ...............................................................................................................................79
19.7.1 873979* .......................................................................................................................79
19.7.2 EDC III .........................................................................................................................79
19.8 WOODWARD .....................................................................................................................80
19.8.1 721 DIGITAL SPEED CONTROL ...............................................................................80
19.8.2 2301A SPEED CONTROL ..........................................................................................81
19.8.3 EPG (ELECTRICALLY POWERED GOVERNORS)* .................................................82
19.8.4 PROACT I / II ..............................................................................................................83
20.1 BASLER .............................................................................................................................84
20.1.1 AVC63-4 ......................................................................................................................84
20.1.2 DECS 100 (DIGITAL EXCITATION CONTROL SYSTEM).........................................84
20.2 COSIMAT ...........................................................................................................................85
20.2.1 COSIMAT N ................................................................................................................85
20.3 LEROY SOMER .................................................................................................................86
20.3.1 R230 / R438 ................................................................................................................86
20.3.2 R610 3F.......................................................................................................................87
20.4 MARATHON.......................................................................................................................88
20.4.1 SE350..........................................................................................................................88
20.4.2 SE100A .......................................................................................................................88
20.4.3 MAGNAMAX DVR2000 / DVR2000C .........................................................................89
20.4.4 DVR2000E ..................................................................................................................90
MARELLIMOTOR S.P.A...............................................................................................................91
20.4.5 M40FA610A ................................................................................................................91
20.5 MECC ALTE S.P.A. ...........................................................................................................92
20.5.1 S.R.7, S.R.7/2 .............................................................................................................92
20.5.2 U.V.R.6, U.V.R.7 .........................................................................................................92
20.6 NEWAGE INTERNATIONAL .............................................................................................93
20.6.1 MA325, MA327............................................................................................................93
20.6.2 MX321 .........................................................................................................................94
20.6.3 MX341 .........................................................................................................................95
20.6.4 SX421, SX440, SX465-2.............................................................................................96
20.6.5 SX460..........................................................................................................................97

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 5

20.7 WEG................................................................................................................................... 98
20.7.1 GRT7-TH .................................................................................................................... 98
21 APPENDICES..............................................................................................99
21.1 530 AS MAINS / GENERATOR BUS TRANSFER SWITCH............................................ 99

This manual is intended to provide a guide to panel designers for interfacing the 550 / 555
Synchronising / Load Sharing Controller to many of the most popular engine speed governors and
automatic voltage regulators.
A general overview of generator uses is given including synchronising. This is only to be treated as
a guide to newcomers to this particular subject, and should not be treated as a total learning
Connection diagrams included within this manual are intended as a guide only, Engineers must be
familiar with the AVR / Governor being used, and should always refer to the respective
manufacturers instructions.
If your AVR / Governor is not covered within this manual, please contact our technical support
department for advice using the contact details below.


This section details the mains steps that need to be taken in producing your synchronising / load
sharing system. This is intended as a guide only and is not a substitute for in depth knowledge of
the synchronising and load sharing.

• Identify your base application. Applications supported by the DSE 55x controllers are detailed
in the section headed ‘55x synchronising and load sharing solutions’.
• Identify your governor and AVR interface methods. Details of this are contained in the sections
headed ‘Interfacing to governors’ and ‘interfacing to Automatic voltage regulators’.
• Design your panel and system wiring. DSE can assist with your specific questions on this but
cannot design your panel for you. If you want a panel designing, please contact DSE Technical
Support Department who may be able to recommend a third party panel designer / builder
capable of producing a synchronising / load sharing system.
• Check / adjust the 55x module’s configuration using P810 for Windows. If it is a MultiSet
system, ensure that the settings for MultiSet Comms Link are correctly configured and the
MultiSet comms cable is of the correct specification.
• Commission each set in the system as a single standalone set. Before doing this, ensure the
governor/AVR interface is disabled as detailed in the section entitled ‘On site commissioning’.
• Set up the governor and AVR as detailed in their respective manufacturers handbooks.
• Before synchronising sets for the first time, double check that all the Bus wiring is correct and
that the controllers initial settings are suitable. This may include lowering the settings for ‘gain’
and ‘stability’ in the synchronising, voltage matching and load control sections. Details of ways
to verify these are included in the section entitled ‘55x controller commissioning adjustments’.

Should you have any queries arising from this manual please contact our Technical
INTERNATIONAL TEL: +44 (0) 1723 890099
INTERNATIONAL FAX: +44 (0) 1723 893303

6 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Highlights an essential element of a procedure to ensure

NOTE: correctness.
Indicates a procedure or practice which, if not strictly observed,
CAUTION! could result in damage or destruction of equipment.
Indicates a procedure or practice, which could result in injury to
WARNING! personnel or loss of life if not followed correctly.
DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC own the copyright to this manual,
 which cannot be copied, reproduced or disclosed to a third party
without prior written permission.
Compliant with BS EN 60950 Low Voltage Directive
Compliant with BS EN 50081-2 EMC Directive
Compliant with BS EN 50082-2 EMC Directive

ˆD Year 2000 Compliant

Two crossing wires with no interconnection between the two.

Three wires, all connected together

Connections to the 55x controller’s battery supply negative terminal,

usually the earthed battery –ve terminal.
Automatic Voltage Regulator. Fitted to the alternator to regulate the
output of the generator.
Engine Speed Governor. Fitted to the engine to electronically control
the speed of the engine.
When load is applied to a generator fitted with a droop governor /
AVR, the speed/voltage will drop. This is called droop. It is common
for a droop set to drop between 3% and 10% in speed / voltage from
no load applied to full load applied.
A governor with no speed droop, or where speed droop is disabled is
Isochronous known as an isochronous governor. The engine speed remains
constant so long as the load levels are within the set’s capability.

Synchronise To get the supplies identically matched, ready for paralleling.

Connect two or more supplies together. These supplies must be in

synchronism before this can occur.
‘centre’ point of an electronic pot, digital resistance or
The nominal voltage or frequency of the system i.e. 230V 50Hz. This
is not necessarily the same as the Datum.
(i.e. when droop governors/AVRs are used, the datum will be higher
than the nominal )
The AC distributed power supply of a power generation company.
Mains supply
Often also called the ‘grid’, or ‘utility’ supply.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 7

As the 550 and 555 synchronising and load sharing controllers can be used in many varying
configurations, this chapter explains how the controllers are utilised and what controller options
must be fitted.
Where droop governors or AVRs are required, this is also mentioned.
A more detailed description on synchronising and load sharing follows this section.


A single set primarily used to provide backup to the mains supply should it fail. When the mains
supply returns, the generator is synchronised to the mains supply and momentarily closed in
parallel with it before opening the generator load switching device. This is often called ‘no break
back synching’.

555 auto sync. (Load share version not

Controller :

Governor :
Droop 9
Interface 55x Raise/lower relays,
method P122 digital resistance

Droop 9
Interface 55x Raise/lower relays,
method P122 digital resistance
Load Share
• No load share available.
options :
As no load sharing capability exists, no control
is made over the reactive / active load share. In
applications of this type, this is not normally a
However, if load sharing is required during this
short-term parallel, a load sharing 555 module
can be used. This will provide the additional
function of load ramping (soft transfer) during
“mains available” transfers. (see ‘base load
peak lopping’ example below for details of this)

NOTE: - It is recommended that ROCOF (Rate of change of frequency) or vector shift

detection components are fitted when paralleling a generating set with the mains.
Additional equipment of this type is normally specified by the local electricity Supply
Company to protect against the generator feeding the mains grid in the case of a mains
failure. However, in applications of this type, where parallel time is kept to a minimum, this
is usually not a requirement.
If in doubt, you should refer to your local Electricity Supply Company for advice.

8 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM



A single set is used for multiple purposes. These can be:

• Backup to the mains supply in case of mains failure and ‘no break return’ back to mains.
• Supplement to the mains supply to reduce mains supply load and hence reduce supply costs.

Controller : 555 load sharing controller.

Governor :
Droop 8
Interface P120 analogue governor
method interface

Droop 9
Interface P121 analogue AVR
method interface
Load Share • KW control.
options : • Var/pf control (P121 interface only)
The set will produce a fixed amount of power
and will therefore export power to the mains
supply (utility) if the load falls below the
configured load control level.

CAUTION!:- External ROCOF/Vector

shift detection equipment MUST be fitted to
the incoming mains supply to detect loss of
Description mains when in parallel.
This external relay MUST be used to
provide a signal into one of the 555’s digital
inputs configured to “Auxiliary mains
This is used to ensure termination of the
power export function upon loss of the
mains supply during paralleling.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 9


Two or more sets are used to provide power to the load, sharing power equally as a percentage of
the sets full load rating. Sets are automatically started and stopped depending upon load levels
allowing economic use of the available generators.

Controller : 550 Load sharing controller

Governor :
Droop 8
Interface P120 analogue governor
method interface

Droop 9
Interface None, P121 analogue AVR
method interface
Load Share
• Load share kW
options :
Full control of the kW load share is possible,
the sets equally sharing the kW load between
them pro rata (i.e. same percentage of their
No control of VAr load sharing is made as the
AVR droop kits help to eradicate circulating
The AVRs must be correctly set to keep the
voltages of the sets as close together as
The P121 AVR interface can be used if voltage
matching is required.

NOTE: - It is recommended that ROCOF (Rate of change of frequency) or vector shift

detection components are fitted when paralleling a generating set with the mains.
Additional equipment of this type is normally specified by the local electricity Supply
Company to protect against the generator feeding the mains grid in the case of a mains
failure. However, in applications of this type, where parallel time is kept to a minimum, this
is usually not a requirement.
If in doubt, you should refer to your local Electricity Supply Company for advice.

10 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

Two or more sets are used to provide backup to the mains supply. When the mains supply fails,
the sets are started, synchronised and paralleled together. The generators bus is then closed to
feed the load, the sets sharing power equally as a percentage of their full load rating. Sets are
automatically started and stopped depending upon load levels allowing economic use of the
available generators.
If the mains supply returns, there will be a break in supply to the load while the transfer takes

Controller : 550 load sharing controller.

Governor :
Droop 8
Interface P120 analogue governor
method interface
Droop 9
AVR : None , P121 analogue AVR
interface (if voltage matching
is required)
• Load share kW.
• kVAr load sharing is achieved by the AVR
Load Share
droop function. The 550 controller will
options :
make no changes to alternator excitation
when the supplies are in parallel.
A DSE 530 controller will monitor the mains
supply and signal the sets to start should the
supply fail.
All available sets will start and after
successfully paralleling with each other will
signal their availability to the 530 transfer
switch controller. The 530 will then transfer the
load to the generator bus.
The generators will then share power using
their load sharing communications link, sets
being stopped / started depending upon load
Upon mains restoration, the 530 controller will
change the load back to the mains supply, then
instruct the generating sets that they are no
longer required.
See Appendix 1 for further details of this

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 11

AC Power Generators are widely used to supply power to a load at “mains” voltage levels.
Most people first encounter a generating set when used as the primary power source. An example
of this is the small trailer mounted generators often seen in use supplying power to highway
maintenance equipment.
Other terms used to describe a generator as the sole supply are ‘Primary power’ or ‘Prime power’.
Knowledge of prime power generation in this way is assumed and is not covered within this


Generators are commonly used as a backup to the mains supply. Due to their nature, backup
supply generators are rarely seen by the public! Should the mains supply fail, the generator will be
started and used to provide power until it returns. Applications include factories, offices, schools,
emergency services (including hospitals), airports, telecommunications providers etc.

Backup generators fall into two main categories:

Illustration Description
5.1.1 TRANSFER SWITCH The most common form of backup generator to the mains
supply is a single generator in “standby” mode. When the
mains supply fails, the load is left without power until the
generator is started. Once the set is “available”, the
transfer switch changes over so that the load is supplied by
the generator.
Typically, the “down time” will be around 15 seconds, but
may be longer depending upon the time taken to run the
engine to nominal speed and other application dependent
factors. When the mains supply returns, the load-switching
device (contactors/breakers) will momentarily remove
power from the load (typically 1 second) before transferring
the load back to mains supply power.
5.1.2 NO BREAK TRANSFER The break in supply when transferring back to the mains
can be eradicated by synchronising the generator supply to
the returned mains supply, and closing the supplies in
parallel with each other for a short period of time. Then, the
generator load switch is opened, returning the mains to
supply power to the load. There has been no break in
supply to the load during this return transfer process.
Terms often used for this procedure are “bumpless
transfer”, “no break return” and “no break transfer”.
Additionally, the same procedure can be used to transfer
from mains supply to generator supply enabling, for
instance, “on load” testing of the genset with no break in
supply to the load. This can also be performed if the supply
authority informs customers of a scheduled break in

12 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

Electricity supply boards have many tariffs
based upon the customer’s load demand. In
some cases, the tariffs can treble during certain
times of the year if a specific load level is
In this example, the customer is charged more
for his electricity in the hours around midday, as
his load level places his power usage into the
next charging tariff.
In some cases, it can be more cost effective for the customer to provide an alternative power
supply during this time of high tariff. There are a number of possibilities open to him:

Illustration Description
GENSET SUPPLY. During the time of high load level a single
(or multiple) generator(s) could be started,
then used to power the load using a ‘no
break’ transfer. This genset supply must be
capable of supplying the entire load during
this time of high usage.

5.3 BASE LOAD PEAK LOPPING WITH In this example, a 555 load-sharing
555 CONTROLLER controller is being used in a base load
peak lopping system. The controller has
been configured to start the generating set
at 10am, synchronise with the mains and
parallel the supplies. It will then export a
fixed amount of power (kW) to the load and
maintain a specified power factor (both
configured using P810 for Windows

Another alternative for automatically

starting the set is to utilise an external load
monitor relay. This would monitor the
power being taken by the load, and when a
pre-set level is reached, would give the
“remote start on load” signal to the 555
controller. The set would be automatically
started, synchronised and paralleled with
the mains supply, utilising load-sharing
equipment to minimise usage of the mains
When load levels drop, the set would be
automatically stopped.
The set can also act as standby to the
mains providing the set is rated to provide
the full site load, or external switching-out
of non-essential loads is performed should
the mains supply fail. Detection of mains
supply failure while in parallel with the
generating set must be performed
externally using either ROCOF (Rate Of
Change Of Frequency) or Vector shift
detection relays.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 13

Illustration Description
5.3.1 PEAK LOPPING. A more advanced variation of the peak
lopping system described above is to use
an RS485 enabled 555 load control
module in conjunction with an external
device (such as a PLC and a kW
transducer), variable Peak Lopping can be
The PLC will monitor the site load levels
and instruct the 555 module to vary it’s
power production using the Modbus
protocol. This can be used to ensure the
set is used at it’s most economic load level.

NOTE: - It is recommended that ROCOF (Rate of change of frequency) or vector shift

detection components are fitted when paralleling a generating set with the mains.
Additional equipment of this type is normally specified by the local electricity Supply
Company to protect against the generator feeding the mains grid in the case of a mains
failure. If in doubt, you should refer to your local Electricity Supply Company for advice.

14 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

There are many reasons for requiring more than one generator on the same site.
The most commons reasons are described below:

Illustration Description
6.1 MUTIPLE SET PRIME In this example, the site has four generating sets, used as
POWER the primary power source.
One genset will be running all the time, to provide power to
the site. If the load demand of the site increases, one or
more generators will be automatically called to start. They
will then synchronise onto the bus, and provide power in
parallel with the other set(s). At this point, the sets
connected to the bus will share the load, normally utilising
load sharing equipment.
Using multiple generating sets rather than one large set
allows for maintenance to be performed on one of the sets
while the other set(s) are still available for duty.
Additionally, if load demands are low, individual generators
can be started as required, rather than one large generator
being used at (for instance) only 25% of its full load rating.
If the overall size of the load increases, for instance due to
factory expansion another set can be added to increase
capacity with minimal disruption to the rest of the system.
6.2 MULTIPLE SETS If multiple gensets in parallel are used to backup the mains
PROVIDING STANDBY supply, care should be taken when designing the system.
In the example above for instance, should the mains supply
TO THE MAINS fail, two possibilities exist. Firstly, if only two generating
SUPPLY sets are providing power to the bus, they must be capable
of supplying the currently active load. Secondly, if none of
the sets are available, they will all start up simultaneously.
The first set will close onto the dead bus, and supply power
to the load. Again, the set must be capable of supplying
this power to the currently active load.
Two solutions exist :
a) Ensure each generating set is capable of supplying the
entire load so that the above situations will not occur.
b) Ensure before closing the load switch and powering
the load with the generating sets, that all of the
generating sets are available and synchronised onto
the generator bus. While running in this manner, not in
parallel with the mains supply, this is called ‘islanded
The DSE 530 automatic transfer switch can be used to monitor the mains supply to ensure it is
within limits. Should the mains supply fail, the 530 can be used to ‘remote start on load demand’
the 550 controllers used in the example shown. All sets in the system will start together. The first
available set will close onto the dead bus, also closing it’s load switch auxiliary contact. The other
generating sets will synchronise onto the generator bus, and then close in parallel with it.
Connect all of the generating set load switch auxiliary contacts in series and connecting into the
auxiliary generator ready input (terminal 10) of the DSE 530 automatic transfer switch in
conjunction with further external relay logic to latch this signal. (Further details of this can be found
in Appendix 1 of this publication).
The DSE 530 module will sense the generator bus voltage and frequency, and once within limits
will ‘wait’ for the presence of the auxiliary generator ready input. This signifies the correct closure of
all sets in the system onto the generator bus. The mains – generator load transfer is then
performed by the 530 automatic transfer switch controller.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 15

Illustration Description
6.3 MULTIPLE SETS (STANDBY) In the example above, it was not possible to perform
– NO BREAK TRANSFER no break transfers to/from the mains supply.

If a ‘mains controller’ is fitted, to monitor the mains

supply and power supplied by the mains to the load,
additional possibilities exist, the most important of
which are :

1) Should the mains supply fail, the ‘mains

controller’ can call for the generating sets, which
will synchronise and close onto the generator
bus. When the sets are available on the
generator bus the ‘mains controller’ can close
the generator interconnecting load switch. When
the mains supply returns, the generator bus can
be synchronised and closed in parallel with it, to
allow a no break return to the mains supply.
2) As the power being supplied by the mains is also
being monitored, the mains controller can pass
this information to the generator controllers,
allowing load sharing between the generator bus
and the mains supply.
3) No-break on load testing is possible, by calling
for generators to start. The first to become
available will close onto the dead generator bus,
the remaining generators synchronising with the
now live generator bus and closing in parallel
with it. The ‘mains controller’ will then
communicate with the generating set controllers
to effect synchronism of the generator bus with
the mains supply. When synchronism has been
achieved, the ‘mains controller’ can close the
supplies in parallel.

NOTE: - This is currently not possible when

utilising the 55x load-sharing controller but is
included within this manual as a description of
the processes involved.

NOTE: - It is recommended that ROCOF (Rate of change of frequency) or vector shift

detection components are fitted when paralleling a generating set with the mains.
Additional equipment of this type is normally specified by the local electricity Supply
Company to protect against the generator feeding the mains grid in the case of a mains
failure. If in doubt, you should refer to your local Electricity Supply Company for advice.

16 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

We have discussed the synchronising of one or more supplies to the mains or bus supply. Once
these supplies are closed in parallel with each other, the power will be shared between the
supplies depending upon the generating set characteristics.

Consider firstly, two generators operating in droop, closed together in parallel. Providing that the
governors are set correctly, the ratios of the power supplied to the load by each generator will be
proportional to the ratio of governor droop in each system.
For instance for a load of 100kW, and two generators with 3% speed droop, the generators will
equally share the load, each one supplying 50kW.

Consider now one generator operating in droop, connected in parallel with the mains supply, with
the governor adjusted so that the mains and the generator are sharing the load between them.
“Backing off” the governor, decreasing the engine’s fuel supply, will result in the mains ‘motoring’
the alternator. The generator is being “reverse powered”, absorbing power from the mains supply
and not supplying any power to the load.
Instructing the governor to increase fuel to the engine will also have no effect on engine speed
because the generator is “tied” to the mains. Instead, the generator will begin to supply power to
the load. Further increasing the fuel supply increases the amount of power supplied by the
generator. This in turn decreases the amount of power supplied by the mains. This is known as
Kilowatt (kW) export.

This can be taken a step further, by paralleling multiple generating sets, all operating isochronously
(zero droop). Utilising an active load-sharing controller, precise changes can be made to the
amount of power supplied to the load by each generating set. This is achieved by altering the
amount of fuel supplied to the engine, and monitoring the amount of power supplied by the set.
Each controller can communicate with the others, passing information regarding load levels. This
can also be used to bring in or drop off other generating sets as load demands change.


Again, consider two identical generating sets closed together in parallel. Each generator has a
‘droop kit’ fitted to the AVR and the field current of each generator is the same. In this situation,
they will both supply equal reactive power (kVAr) to the load.
Adjusting the amount of field excitation in one of the generators has the effect of that generator
supplying more of the reactive power to the load, matched by an equal drop in the reactive power
supplied by the other generator.
Uses of reactive power control include:

1) Where multiple generators are used in parallel with each other, the AVRs droop kits will ensure
that the reactive power is equalised between the sets, removing circulating currents caused by
imbalance in the reactive power (VAr) supplied by the paralleled generating sets. This
circulating current generates heat in the alternator windings, which has the effect of limiting
active power (kW) output, reducing the efficiency of the generating set. If left unchecked,
excess circulating current can also damage the alternator windings.
2) Power factor control or VAr control. This feature maintains a specific power factor where one
generating set is used in parallel with the mains supply. This is normally used so that the
generator maintains its VArs to keep its output at the site load’s average power factor level, to
minimise demands on the mains supply.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 17

Before two or more A.C. supplies can be ‘closed’ together in parallel, the frequency, voltage and
phase of the supplies must be matched as closely together as possible. Collectively, frequency and
voltage matching are known as synchronisation, although voltage matching may not be required in
all applications.
Additionally, the phase rotation of the supplies must be the same, i.e. L1, L2, L3 (Anticlockwise
rotation) or L3, L2, L1 (Clockwise rotation). The 55x synchronising and load sharing modules will
check the phase rotation. If this is wrong, the controller can not act, apart from notifying the
operator with an alarm condition. The fault must be corrected before synchronising of the supplies
can be attempted.
Synchronisation is achieved firstly by adjusting the
engine speed and generator voltage to get the
frequency and voltage of the generator closely
matched to that of the bus / mains supply.
Then the phase angle of the supplies is monitored
until it is within an acceptable ‘window’ before the
supplies can be closed together in parallel.
In the example to the left, the two supplies (shown
by the two sine waves) have very similar frequencies
(seen as the distance between the “peaks” of the
waves). However, they have very different voltages
(overall heights of the waves) and the supplies are
not in phase (the two supply waves are not “on top”
of each other).
Typically, a frequency difference (called slip frequency) of 0.2Hz, a voltage difference of 5% and a
phase angle of 5° will allow for satisfactory paralleling of the supplies.
Once the supplies are closed in parallel, the phase of the supplies will not alter, they are ‘locked’ in
parallel together.

WARNING! Attempting to close the supplies in parallel when they are not in
synchronism can result in damage to the generating set system.
For example: If synchronising (using two gensets) is effected 120° out of phase, the
coupling torque can be as high as 12 times full load torque, depending on the ratio of
engine and generator inertias (Source: Diesel Generator Handbook L.L.J. Mahon).

The actual synchronising process can be achieved through various methods. Put simply, each
method involves manipulating the engine governor to increase/decrease engine speed (which has
a direct relationship with generator frequency) and the Automatic Voltage Regulator (which
controls the alternator excitation field to produce voltage).
The engine governor determines engine speed, by sensing the speed of rotation of the flywheel
(normally using a magnetic pickup probe). The governor can then control the actuator to adjust the
amount of fuel into the engine, which changes engine speed (similar to the accelerator in a car).
Most governors are also fitted with a ‘remote speed adjust’ input to allow an external device to
increase or decrease the set speed of the engine.
The Automatic Voltage Regulator effects change in the generator output voltage by controlling the
alternator’s exciter field. The AVR adjusts the voltage output to the required set voltage. Most
AVRs are also fitted with a ‘remote volts adjust’ input to allow an external device to increase or
decrease the set voltage of the alternator.
Automatic synchronisers act upon the ‘remote speed adjust’ and ‘remote volts adjust’ inputs of the
governor and AVR to affect synchronism and voltage matching.
The method of interface between the automatic synchroniser and the governor/AVR depends upon
the type of governor and AVR being used, and are described in the section entitled “Methods of
Adjusting Voltage and Frequency”.

18 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM



The most common way to remotely adjust engine speed/generator voltage is by speed/voltage
potentiometers. These are fitted to the control panel to allow the operator to adjust the supply to
the parameters required and connect directly to most AVRs/Governors, which are fitted with
terminals designed for the purpose.
A simple way to replace this manual operation with an automatic one is by utilising a motor driven
potentiometer, which is adjusted automatically by the synchronising controller.
Two popular methods of interfacing with potentiometers have been adopted by AVR/Governor
manufacturers and are commonly shown on their ‘connection diagrams’ as shown in the following
Illustration Description
Variable resistance This diagram shows a two terminal connection to the
governor/AVR. The value of the variable resistor
(rheostat) depends upon the requirements of the
governor/AVR being used.
This type of interface is suitable for connection to the
DSE P122 Digital resistance module. (see section
entitled P122 digital resistance module)
Potentiometer This diagram shows a three terminal arrangement, for
connection to a potentiometer. The value of the
potentiometer depends upon the requirements of the
governor/AVR being used.
As this method takes a reference voltage and feeds a
proportion of this into the ‘input’, this type of interface
is suitable for connection to the DSE P120 / P121
Analogue governor/AVR interface. (see section
entitled P120/P121 analogue voltage module)


Another analogue interface often used by governor manufacturers utilises a DC voltage, the level
of which is proportional to the engine speed required. An example of this is the G.A.C.ESD5500E
that accepts a DC signal from 2V to 8V to represent adjustment away from the set speed point.
When the DC level is at 5V, the engine speed is the governors’ set speed.
This type of interface is suitable for connection to the DSE P120 Analogue governor interface. (See
section entitled P120/P121 analogue voltage module).


Push buttons to raise/lower the engine speed / alternator output voltage can also be used. The
push buttons are fitted to the control panel and allow step changes in voltage / frequency with a
single press of the button.

Illustration Description
RAISE / LOWER PUSH BUTTONS This diagram shows switched inputs to the
governor/AVR to raise/lower speed/voltage.

This type of interface is suitable for direct connection

to the 55x controller, though it is usual to fit
interposing slave relays between the controller and
the governor/AVR to provide isolation between the

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 19



For synchronising purposes where active load sharing is employed, isochronous governors with
sync/load share DC analogue inputs should be used.
Isochronous active load sharing demands a fast response to variations in the measured
parameters. For this reason, we recommend the use of the P120 analogue governor interface
module in applications of this type.
Isochronous active load sharing is typically employed in mains peak lopping or multiple set prime
power applications.


Droop active load sharing is typically used in no-break changeover systems, where control of the
active load (kW) share is not made during the parallel time.
A droop governor must be fitted, with a small amount of droop configured (typically 3% to 5%).
Droop provides for a small lowering of engine speed, as the load on the set is increased.

NOTE: - Multiple identically rated sets running in parallel must have identical droop
settings on their governors to ensure equal load sharing between the generators. Non
identical droop settings will result in sharing of the load proportional to the droop ratios of
the sets.

20 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM



Droop reactive load sharing is typically used in MultiSet prime power applications to remove
circulating currents between the sets.
Voltage matching is not always required so long as the AVRs are correctly set to closely match the
voltages between the different sets in the system. Reactive circulating currents are removed by the
addition of the AVR “Droop kit”, and no control is made over the reactive power by the load sharing
Where voltage matching is required, the generator must be fitted with a remotely adjustable AVR
(automatic voltage regulator).
When utilising the 55x load sharing controller to perform power factor control or reactive load
control, the AVR must be fitted with Quadrature Droop Compensation (QDC).

NOTE: - Quadrature Droop Compensation (QDC or ‘Quad Droop’ for short) is also
sometimes referred to as Quadrature Current Compensation (QCC)

NOTE: - Multiple identically rated sets running in parallel must have identical droop
settings on their AVRs to ensure equal VAr sharing between the generators. Non identical
droop settings will result in VAr sharing proportional to the droop ratios of the sets.


Automatic reactive load control is typically used in peak lopping / peak shaving applications to
minimise the kVAr demands on the mains supply.
For voltage matching with the mains/utility supply, the generator must be fitted with a remotely
adjustable AVR (automatic voltage regulator).
The 55x Load sharing controller can take full control over the reactive power supplied by the
generating set. This can be used for exporting a fixed amount of power (VAr control)

WARNING: - Care should be taken with respect to the grounding methodology of the
generator neutrals, particularly where alternators with differing winding pitches are to be

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 21



For supply synchronising and paralleling purposes the 55x controller is available in a number of
different versions. The relative features of each version are detailed below:

550/555 non sync 555 auto sync 550 load share 555 load control
Power measurement
Only ‘enhanced’ (power
measurement) controllers. 9 9 9
Auto synchronising 8 9 9 9
Isochronous load
sharing / control 8 8 9 (see note) 9
communications 8 9 9 8
Automatic first set on
the bus determination 8 8 9 N/A

Auto start/stop on
changing load
8 N/A
9 N/A

Adjustable run priority 8 N/A

9 N/A

Reverse power
Only ‘enhanced’ (power
measurement) controllers. 9 9 9
Dead bus relay 8 9 9 9
Earth fault protection
Only ‘enhanced’ (power
measurement) controllers. 9 9 9

22 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Details of connections to the 55x controller are contained within the 55x operators manual and the
Link500Plus Communications software manual. However, the following diagram is included to
clarify positions of the connectors for synchronising and load sharing applications.

Modem serial connector Connector D (Not fitted to

(RS232 version only) Connector A 550 non-sync/non load share

Modem power/reset (RS232

only) or RS485 connector P810 interface socket
(RS485 version only)

Digital expansion for:

P122 digital resistance
MultiSet Communications 157 relay expansion
Link (load sharing versions only) 545/548 LED expansion

P120/P121 analogue
governor/AVR connector
(load sharing versions only)
Connector B Connector C

NOTE: - Details of connections to the MultiSet Communications Link and the

P120/P121 connector are detailed within this publication. See sections headed MultiSet
Communications Link, Interfacing to governors and Interfacing to AVRs.

NOTE: - All Load Sharing versions of the 55x controller are fitted with either an RS232
or an RS485 communications PCB (specified on ordering). For details of connections or
applications utilising the RS232 or RS485 connectors, please see the Link500Plus
software manual.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 23


Automatic synchronising is the control over engine speed and generator output volts prior to the
actual paralleling of the supplies. All ‘auto-sync’ and ‘load-share’ versions of the 55x controller can
perform this function, although some governors/AVRs will require an external interface device (See
sections entitled P120/P121 analogue voltage module and P122 Digital resistance module).


Droop load sharing is synchronising and closing the generator supplies in parallel. Then, utilising
the relative droops of the systems to share power proportional to their droop ratios. No external
control is made over the power share, and hence it is not necessary to use the load-sharing
version of the 55x controller. The auto-synchronising version of the controller can be used to
control the governor and AVR to effect synchronism and close the supplies in parallel.

Mullet-set droop load sharing

Using the auto synchronising 550 controller, it is possible to parallel multiple sets, and share the
load equally between them. No other control over the load sharing is necessary as this is taken
care of by the droop in the systems.
However, unless the governors are identically matched and set, the load share will not be equal. A
very small difference in governor characteristics will lead to a large difference in load shares.
Additionally as load levels increase though, the generators output frequency will lower due to the
governor droop. If these issues cannot be accepted, they can be eradicated by the use of the 550
load-sharing controller.

NOTE: - Multiple identically rated sets running in parallel must have identical droop
settings on their governors/AVRs to ensure equal load sharing between the generators.
Non identical droop settings will result in sharing of the load proportional to the droop
ratios of the sets.

Single set – mains supply droop load sharing

The auto synchronising 555 controller (again without the load sharing option) can be used in “no
break return” duty with the mains supply. The supplies are only closed in parallel for a very short
time. The amount of power being supplied by the generator at this time is dependent upon the
governor setting. The 55x module has no control over the power sharing, but in this application, it
is not normally a requirement.

24 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Isochronous load sharing is the use of isochronous (zero droop) governors, with full automatic
control over load sharing (i.e. the amount of power supplied by each set). When either off load, or
on load, the generators output frequency will remain the same (i.e. 50Hz).
The modules (when used in a MultiSet system) communicate to establish total system load. This
data is then used (when the controllers are suitably configured) to decide whether it is necessary to
call more sets for duty as the load levels increase. Additionally sets are automatically unloaded and
removed from the bus if the load level falls low enough to allow this. This allows the generating
sets to be used at a more economical level by ensuring the available (gensets currently running)
capacity is close to the actual demand. This reduces the amount of unloaded engines that are
running, hence improving efficiency and lowering fuel costs. The 555 load-control module can also
be used to maintain a specific VAr or pf level.
For isochronous load sharing, the governor must be controlled by the P120 analogue governor
interface module.

NOTE: - It is recommended that ROCOF (Rate of change of frequency) or vector shift

detection components are fitted when paralleling a generating set with the mains.
Additional equipment of this type is normally specified by the local electricity Supply
Company to protect against the generator feeding the mains grid in the case of a mains
failure. If in doubt, you should refer to your local Electricity Supply Company for advice.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 25

The paralleling of two or more supplies requires that the switching of the supplies be performed as
close to zero phase as possible. The check sync feature of the 55x synchronising and load sharing
controller can accurately measure the phase, and when within the ‘check sync’ window can issue
the load switching closure signal within a few milliseconds. However, there will be a delay in the
actual operation and physical movement of the switching device that must be minimised and taken
into account when designing and commissioning any paralleling system.
It is typically considered that load switching for parallel supplies be performed within 5 cycles of the
close signal being given to ensure the phase or the supplies has not changed too greatly after the
closing signal has been given.
Cycle time Max load switch
closing time
50Hz system 20.0 ms 100 ms
60Hz system 16.7 ms 83 ms
To assist the 55x sync check feature, the load switch closing time can be entered into the “sync
advance” time parameter that can be found on the Edit config’ | Generator | Synchronising | Check
Sync page of the P810 for Windows™ configuration software.

NOTE: - The closing time of any load switching device slave relays should also be
taken into account. For instance, plug in relays typically used in generating set control
panels have an operation time of 10-20mS.

NOTE: - If fitting a mains (utility) ‘Breaker’ with a trip position, it is recommended to fit
one equipped with auxiliary contacts to indicate the “tripped” position. This can be fed into
an input configured to “auxiliary mains failure” so that the module is ‘informed’ of mains
(utility) supply breaker tripping should this occur. This is particularly important when the
555 module is operating in parallel with the mains (utility) supply.

Contactors normally operate fast enough for paralleling applications but care should be taken to
choose a contactor that the manufacturer specifies be fast enough for use in paralleling
applications. (See above).
In general, charged spring breakers will operate much faster than contactors.
Charged spring breakers ‘pre charge’ a large spring device within the breaker, so that when
breaker operation is required, the spring is ‘released’ which operates the closing action of the
Typically, the spring is charged when the undervolts input is energised, normally when the set is
first started. Once charged, the breaker is ready for the closing signal.
A.C.B.’s normally operate fast enough for paralleling applications but care should be taken to
choose an A.C.B. that the manufacturer specifies be fast enough for use in paralleling applications.
(See above).
Some types of motor operated breakers are not suitable for paralleling operations due to the
excessive amount of time that the breaker takes to motor into position before the closing process
can be completed. Care should be taken to choose a motor operated breaker that the
manufacturer specifies be fast enough for use in paralleling applications. (See above).

26 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Description Photograph
The P120 analogue governor interface module provides an isolated,
adjustable DC voltage level to connect into the control inputs of many
governors. This replaces the manually operated or motorised
potentiometers used in many synchronising and load sharing
applications. The module is also suitable for connection to the load
sharing inputs of many popular engine speed governors.
The P120 interface is controlled directly by the 55x controller via its
P120/P121 analogue expansion port. This enables the 55x to adjust
the speed of the engine to match the mains / bus and hence get the
supplies into synchronism. The P120 module is especially suited for
use in active power sharing systems.

Item Value
DC input Voltage range 8V – 35V DC continuous. Reverse polarity protected
Max operating current 75mA at 12V, 45mA at 24V.
Output type Optically isolated DC voltage level
Minimum output load 1000Ω
Operating temperature range -30°C to +70°C
Indications Combined DC power on / Link lost LED
Fixing TS32 32mm top hat din rail fixing (din rail not supplied)
IP protection IP30
Appropriate standards BS EN 60950, BS EN 50081-2, BS EN 50082-2


DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 27

Connection to the controller is made by connecting the data cable supplied with the interface
module to the P120/P121 analogue expansion socket of 55x load sharing enabled controllers.
Where more than one analogue expansion module is required in the system, the modules can be
‘daisy-chained’ by connecting the “To further expansion” socket of one expansion module to the
“To controller” socket of another, as shown below. The order of the modules in the ‘daisy chain’ is
not important.

55x AVR/governor P120 analogue

analogue expansion governor interface Governor
port (see note)

55x module To controller


To further expansion
P121 analogue Generator
Aux3 AVR interface
To controller B

55x expansion port To further expansion

L Generator
AC supply

P157 relay expansion /

P548 LED expansion P157/P548 expansion units are
optional items and are shown as an
To controller
To 81157xx example of the connections
relay or 81548xx required.
To further expansion
LED expansion
(if required)

NOTE: - The P120 analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing enabled 55x
controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible to use the
P120 interface modules.
Where a different method of interface to the governor is used, load sharing will not be

NOTE: - As the P120 module provides a DC voltage level to the governor, it is

important that the DC supply to the module is the same supply as provided to the
governor. It is equally important that the DC supply cable length between the governor
and the P120 module is kept to an absolute minimum. It is recommended that where
possible, the P120 module be fitted in close proximity to the governor control unit to
facilitate this requirement.

NOTE: - The length of cable between the P120 interface unit and the governor should
be kept as short as possible. Foil screened cable is recommended for this purpose to
ensure integrity of the control signal.

28 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

To enable the P120 analogue Governor interface modules to interface with as many different types
of governor as possible, rotary selectors for voltage range and nominal voltage are fitted. These
allow the user to configure the output of the module to match the input of the governor.

12.4.1 SW1
The SW1 selector sets the ‘centre’ point of the interface module’s output. For example: if the output
range required is 1V to 3V, with the ‘centre’ point being at 2V, then the position of the SW1 selector
would be 4, giving a voltage offset of 2V.

12.4.2 SW2
The SW2 selector sets the voltage output range of the interface module’s output. For example: if
the output range required is 1V to 3V, then the position of the SW2 selector would be 1, giving a
voltage range of ±1V from the ‘centre’ point of 2V


For reference purposes, the switch positions perform the following functions:

SW1 setting ‘centre’ voltage of SW2 setting Voltage range of

P120 P120
0 0V 0 ±0.5V
1 0.5V 1 ±1.0V
2 1.0V 2 ±1.5V
3 1.5V 3 ±2.0V
4 2.0V 4 ±2.5V
5 2.5V 5 ±3.0V
6 3.0V 6 ±3.5V
7 3.5V 7 ±4.0V
8 4.0V 8 ±4.5V
9 4.5V 9 ±5.0V

Typical wiring diagrams for many of the most popular governors are included within this manual
(See sections entitled Interfacing to Governors).
Where these diagrams include the P120 interface module, the switch positions required for both
SW1 and SW2 are given.

NOTE: - If the governor you are using is not listed within this manual, it may still be
possible to interface to it using the P120 module. Contact your governor manufacturer to
check if the product has a DC voltage input for connection to a synchroniser / load sharer,
and if so, what the ‘voltage range’ and ‘centre voltage’ is. You can then use the tables
above to determine settings for SW1 and SW2. P120 terminal A is the negative output
terminal and B is the positive output terminal (providing governor output reversed is not
selected in the 55x controller’s configuration).

If the ‘centre voltage’ and ‘voltage range’ are not available from the governor
manufacturer, providing the input is compatible with a DC voltage signal, it still may be
possible to interface to it using the P120 modules. Contact our Technical Support
Department for advice.

If the governor is not fitted with a DC voltage input for connection to synchroniser/load
share modules, then a different interface method will be required. See section entitled
Interfacing to governors.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 29


Access to the selectors is gained by removing power to the interface module, then removing the
two screws that are used to secure the transparent cover. The selectors are positioned as shown


‘centre’ voltage (SW1) Voltage range (SW2)

Cover securing screw Cover securing screw

DSE P120 analogue governor interface

To Controller Expansion LED Output DC Supply Connections

30 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Description Photograph
The P121 analogue AVR interface modules provide an
isolated, adjustable DC voltage level to connect into the control
inputs of many automatic voltage regulators. This replaces the
manually operated or motorised potentiometers used in many
synchronising and load sharing applications. The module is
also suitable for connection to the load sharing controller
inputs of many popular AVRs.
The P121 interface is controlled directly by the 55x controller
via its AVR analogue expansion port. This enables the 55x to
adjust the alternator voltage output to match the mains / bus
and hence get the supplies into synchronism. The P121
module is especially suited for use in reactive power sharing

Item Value
AC input Voltage range 152 V AC to 305 V AC (+20%)
AC input frequency 50Hz to 75Hz at rated engine speed
Maximum burden 2VA
AC input isolation Double insulated transformer
Output type Optically isolated DC voltage level
Minimum output load 1000Ω
Operating temperature range -30°C to +70°C
Indications Combined AC power on / Link lost LED
Fixing TS32 32mm top hat din rail fixing (din rail not supplied)
IP protection IP30
Appropriate standards BS EN 60950, BS EN 50081-2, BS EN 50082-2


DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 31

Connection to the controller is made by connecting the data cable supplied with the interface
module to the P120/P121 analogue expansion socket of 55x load sharing enabled controllers.
Where more than one analogue expansion module is required in the system, the modules can be
‘daisy-chained’ by connecting the “To further expansion” socket of one expansion module to the
“To controller” socket of another, as shown below. The order of the modules in the ‘daisy chain’ is
not important.

55x AVR/governor P120 analogue

analogue expansion governor interface Governor
port (see note)

55x module To controller


To further expansion
P121 analogue Generator
Aux3 AVR interface
To controller B

55x expansion port To further expansion

AC supply Generator

P157 relay expansion /

P548 LED expansion P157/P548 expansion units are
optional items and are shown as an
To controller
To 81157xx example of the connections
relay or 81548xx required.
To further expansion
LED expansion
(if required)

NOTE: - The AVR analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing enabled 55x
controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible to use the
P121 interface modules.
Where a different method of interface to the governor is used, load sharing will not be

NOTE: - The length of cable between the P121 interface unit and the AVR should be
kept as short as possible. Foil screened cable is recommended for this purpose to ensure
integrity of the control signal.

32 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

Diagram Description
P121 AC Supply connections (230V nominal
The P121 AVR interface module is normally
sited within the generator control panel, along
with the 55x controller.
In this case, where the Ph-N voltage is between
170V and 277V, it’s AC supply terminals can be
connected to the alternator output L1 and N
terminals within the panel.

P121 AC Supply connections (230V nominal

voltage) – Alternative connection
However, the P121 may also be fitted within the
alternator box. In this instance, it’s AC supply
can be connected as shown in the example.
This allows for a more straightforward
conversion between 110V and 220V for
instance, on hire sets.

I.e. In the example shown the windings are

connected in series to give 230V. If a switch
were to alter the series links to parallel links to
give 115V, the P121 supply connections would
not need to be moved.

P121 AC Supply connections (115V nominal

When used with a 115V nominal system (or a
three phase system where the ph-ph voltage
does not exceed 277V), the P121 AC supply
connections must be wired as shown in this
example (i.e. phase to phase).

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 33

To enable the P121 analogue AVR interface module to interface with as many different types of
AVR as possible, rotary selectors for voltage range and nominal voltage are fitted. These allow the
user to configure the output of the module to match the input of the AVR.

13.4.1 SW1

The SW1 selector sets the ‘centre’ point of the interface module’s output. For example: if the output
range required is 1V to 3V, with the ‘centre’ point being at 2V, then the position of the SW1 selector
would be 4, giving a voltage offset of 2V.

13.4.2 SW2

The SW2 selector sets the voltage output range of the interface module’s output. For example: if
the output range required is 1V to 3V, then the position of the SW2 selector would be 1, giving a
voltage range of ±1V from the ‘centre’ point of 2V


For reference purposes, the switch positions perform the following functions:

SW1 setting ‘centre’ voltage of P121 SW2 setting Voltage range of P121
0 0V 0 ±0.5V
1 0.5V 1 ±1.0V
2 1.0V 2 ±1.5V
3 1.5V 3 ±2.0V
4 2.0V 4 ±2.5V
5 2.5V 5 ±3.0V
6 3.0V 6 ±3.5V
7 3.5V 7 ±4.0V
8 4.0V 8 ±4.5V
9 4.5V 9 ±5.0V

Typical wiring diagrams for many of the most popular AVRs are included within this manual (See
section entitled Interfacing to AVRs).
Where these diagrams include the P121 interface modules, the switch positions required for both
SW1 and SW2 are given.

NOTE: - If the AVR you are using is not listed within this manual, it may still be possible
to interface to it using the P121 modules. Contact your AVR manufacturer to check if the
product has a DC voltage input for connection to a synchroniser / load sharer, and if so,
what the ‘voltage range’ and ‘centre voltage’ is. You can then use the tables above to
determine settings for SW1 and SW2. P121 terminal A is the negative output terminal and
B is the positive output terminal (providing governor output reversed is not selected in the
55x controller’s configuration).

If the ‘centre voltage’ and ‘voltage range’ are not available from the AVR manufacturer,
providing the input is compatible with a DC voltage signal, it still may be possible to
interface to it using the P121 modules. Contact our Technical Support Department for

If the AVR is not fitted with a DC voltage input for connection to synchroniser/load share
modules, then a different interface method will be required. See section entitled
Interfacing to AVRs.

34 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Access to the selectors is gained by removing power to the interface module, then removing the
two screws that are used to secure the transparent cover. The selectors are positioned as shown


‘centre’ voltage (SW1) Voltage range (SW2)

Cover securing screw Cover securing screw

DSE P121 analogue AVR interface

To Controller Expansion LED Output AC Connections

WARNING! Suitable steps should be taken to isolate the generator supply from the
P121 AVR interface module before removing the cover. The cover must not be removed
while the engine is running.
Ensure the cover is correctly refitted before reconnecting the power and attempting to
start the engine.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 35


Description Photograph
The P122 digital resistance module is designed to connect to
the remote adjust inputs of many examples of automatic
voltage regulators and governors. The module replaces the
traditional “2 wire” variable resistor (rheostat). It is controlled
directly by the 55x controller via its expansion output port. This
enables the 55x to adjust the speed of the engine and voltage
of the generator to match the mains / bus and hence get the
supplies into synchronism.

Item Value
DC input Voltage range 8V to 35V DC continuous. Reverse polarity protected.
Max operating current 250mA at 12V, 125mA at 24V
Standby current (output at datum resistance) 35mA at 12V, 23mA at 24V
Output resistance range 1KΩ, 5KΩ, 10KΩ, 100kΩ (specify on ordering)
Output rating 0.6W
Operating temperature range -30°C to +70°C
Indications DC power on LED. Separate Link Lost LED
Fixing TS32 32mm top hat din rail fixing (din rail not supplied)
IP protection IP30
Appropriate standards BS EN 60950, BS EN 50081-2, BS EN 50082-2


36 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

Connection to the controller is made by connecting the data cable supplied with the interface
module to the P157/P548/P122 digital expansion socket of the 55x controller.
Where more than one digital expansion module is required in the system, the modules can be
‘daisy-chained’ by connecting the “To further expansion” socket of one expansion module to the
“To controller” socket of another, as shown below:

P122 Digital
55x module resistance Governor

+ve To controller

To further expansion

55x expansion port

P122 Digital
resistance AVR

To controller
To 81157xx
relay or 81548xx
To further expansion
LED expansion
(if required)


NOTE: - Only Relay expansion and LED expansion modules with part numbers
81157xx, 81545xx and 81548xx can be used in conjunction with the P122 digital resistance


The P122 can be used for both remote adjustments of the governor and the AVR. To facilitate this
dual use, the P122 is fitted with a ‘mode select’ switch to configure the P122 module to receive
either governor adjust or AVR adjust instructions from the 55x controller.
If the interface is connected to an AVR, the selector switch must be moved to the ‘AVR’ position. If
the interface is connected to a governor, then the selector switch must be moved to the ‘Governor’

Incorrect setting of the ‘mode select’ switch will result in incorrect behaviour of the synchronising
process and will prevent the 55x controller from being able to synchronise the supplies.
It is not necessary to remove the transparent cover of the P122 digital resistance module in order
to gain access to the mode selector switch.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 37

The 55x load-sharing module is fitted with a data communications link known as the MultiSet
Communications Link (MSC Link). This should only be connected to other DSE controllers as
shown below and must not be connected to any other device.

The MSC Link is used by the 55x controllers advanced load share functions. Some examples of
this are:
• Determining which set is to be the first to close onto a dead bus, eliminating the need for
complex external relay logic as traditionally used to perform this function.
• Determining the level of the total system load for use in load sharing applications. This is the
digital equivalent of analogue load sharing lines.
• Identifying whether the set should start / stop based upon load levels when used in running on
load demand mode.


NOTE: - The MultiSet Communications link terminals (Mh, Ml & SCR) are only to be
connected to other DSE controllers as shown, and must not be connected to any other

NOTE: - Do not connect the MSC cable screen (SCR) to earth at any point. Protection
from interference is provided within the module and may be compromised by earthing the
MSC cable screen.

38 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


The MSC link is a data transmission line, requiring that a 120Ω termination resistor is present at
the ends of the cable on the Mh and Ml lines. This termination resistor is provided within the 550
module and is enabled / disabled via a switch, located behind the module’s rear fascia plate.
To access the switch, remove the six small screws from the rear of the module and gently remove
the back plate. The switch is located above the MSC connection socket.

Switch up 120Ω termination resistor

Switch down No termination resistor

MSC Terminator switch (RS232 version)

MSC Terminator switch (RS485 version)

NOTE: - Only the “end” modules in the MSC link must have the 120Ω termination
resistor enabled (switch up). All other controllers must have the termination resistors
disabled (switch down).

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 39


Parameter Value
Connection type Twin conductors with screen. Ensure screen is connected to SCR
terminal of every controller on the bus.
Cable impedance 120Ω
Maximum cable resistance 0.050Ω/m
Maximum cable capacitance (between conductors) 75pF/m
Maximum cable capacitance (conductor to shield) 110pF/m
Termination resistors (one at each end of cable run) 120Ω 4W (switchable)
Max number of 55x controllers per bus 16 (only 3 shown above for clarity)
Max cable length 40m
Max Spur length (see note 2 below) 1m
Recommended cable BELDEN 9841 120Ω cable.

WARNING! 120Ω impedance cable must be used for the MultiSet Communications
Use of any other impedance cable may cause intermittent failures in communications,
indicated by MSC alarms although the system may function normally during engine / panel

NOTE 1: - The 120Ω terminator must be enabled on the first and last devices on the
communications bus. See section header MSC Settings for further details.

NOTE 2: - It is important that the MultiSet Communications Link cable is run from one
module to the next in a ‘bus’ fashion. ‘Spurs’ off this bus should be avoided where
possible, but where a spur is unavoidable; its length should be kept less than 1m from the
bus cable.

40 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Several alarms are provided to warn the operator of possible problems with the communication link
between the gensets.


Each genset must have a unique MSC ID so that they can properly communicate. Should two or
more sets have the same ID then one or more of the affected sets will declare “MSC ID ERROR”
this will cause an electrical trip on the affected set. The correct ID must be set using the P810

NOTE: - To avoid possible problems with spare modules it is suggested that units are
commissioned in the system starting with ID 1 and then 2,3… etc. Any modules used as
spares should be configured as number 16,15… etc. These can then be added to the
system without causing any conflicts with existing modules. Alternatively, use the P810
for Windows™ configuration software to reconfigure the module to suit.


When the sets are communicating on the MultiSet Communications link, should the data be
corrupted the affected modules will display ‘MSC DATA ERROR’. This will cause an electrical trip
on the affected set.

CAUTION! - Care should be taken to ensure that correct wiring is used between the
modules, the MSC terminator is correctly enabled on only end units on the link and that
maximum cable run distances are not exceeded. Should data error alarms be apparent,
operation of the MultiSet system may not be possible.


If the number of modules communicating on the Multset communications link should fall, then an
MSC failure alarm will occur. This can be configured to a ‘warning’ or ‘electrical trip’ type alarm.
Should the number of modules on the communications link fall below the “Minimum modules on
Multiset comms link” configurable setting, an additional alarm is triggered. This alarm can be
disabled, or configured to generate a warning or electrical trip alarm.

If the number of modules communicating on the Multset communications link should rise, then any
existing ‘MSC failure’ warning alarm is cleared, and all communicating modules are automatically
reconfigured to ‘expect’ the increased number of sets on the bus.

Additionally, one of the module’s digital inputs can be configured so that the MSC failure alarm is
disabled when the input is active. The module can be configured to alert / remind the user of this
via an indication or warning alarm if required via the “Multiset comms alarm disabled action”

NOTE:- For details on the MSC failure alarm settings, you are referred to the section
entitled “5xx controller configuration for load sharing” elsewhere in this manual.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 41

The 55x controller must be correctly configured before synchronising can take place. This
configuration is performed using the DSE P810 for Windows software, in conjunction with the P810


This setting is used to configure the synchronising mode:-
= The module will not synchronise when operating the
generator (or mains) contactors.
; = The module will not operate the generator (or mains)
contactors until both supplies (generator and Bus/or mains)
are synchronised.
This function will also show or hide the Synchroscope display
on the module LCD.

CAUTION! Synchronising must not be disabled in a

system which is not fitted with load-switching device

This setting is used to set the voltage at which the 55x

controller’s dead bus relay will operate. When the bus voltage
is above this setting, the controller will synchronise with the
bus before closing its load-switching device.
This setting is used to set the maximum frequency the
generator is allowed to be slower than the bus for
synchronising to take place. Only when the frequency is
greater that this setting will the module try to close the
If the setting is set to 0.0Hz then the generator will only be
allowed onto the bus when coming in faster than the bus
frequency. This can be used to ensure that the set will take
load when closed in parallel with the bus, and will not cause a
reverse power alarm generated by the bus “driving” the set.
This setting is used to set the maximum frequency the
generator is allowed to be faster than the bus for
synchronising to take place. Only when the frequency
difference is less that this setting will the module try to close
the contactors.
This setting is used to set the maximum voltage difference
allowed between the generator and the bus/mains supply.
Only when the voltage difference is less than this setting will
the module try to close the contactors.
This setting is used to set the maximum phase angle
difference allowed between the generator and the bus/mains
supply. Only when the phase angle difference is less that this
setting will the module try to close the contactors.
This setting is used to determine how much the module will
‘forward forecast’ the event of synchronism. The module will
use the advance time to predict when the generator and
bus/mains supply will be synchronised and issue the close
command in advance. This allows the module to ensure that
the closing delays in the contactors or breakers are minimised.
This value should be set to the typical closing time of the load-
switching device in use.

42 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

Sync Hold Time This setting is used to determine how long the module will
continue to provide a sync check ‘OK’ signal once the two
supplies have lost synchronism. This ensures that any
closure signal will be long enough for the device to close.
Fail to sync time This setting is used to determine how long the module will
allow for the generator and bus/mains supplies to synchronise.
If this timer expires and the generator and bus/mains have not
synchronised then a ‘Fail to Sync’ Warning alarm will be
Continuous Paralleling Only available on the 555 module
This settings is used to configure the paralleling mode:-
= The module will only allow both the generator and mains
to be paralleled for the duration of the Parallel run timer. This
may be used to allow no-break transfers, etc.
; = The module will allow both the generator and mains
supply to run in parallel continuously. This may be used in
peak lopping or load sharing applications.
Parallel Run Time Only available on the 555 module
This setting is used to determine how long the module will
allow the generator to run in parallel with the mains supply
once synchronised. This will be used both in transferring to
the generator and when transferring back to the mains.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 43


Generator Auto Function

Synchronising Settings
Interface Options These settings are used to configure the auto synchronising
mode of interfacing to the engine governor and AVR.
For details of connections and interface options with governors
and AVRs, please refer to the sections headed Interfacing to
Governors and Interfacing to AVRs
Internal Relays – No external interface is fitted and the governor
or motorised pot is controlled by the 55x modules own internal

NOTE: - It will be necessary to configure two of the

module relays to provide the required ‘Speed raise’ and
‘Speed Lower’ signals.
P120 Analogue module – This external interface is used to
provide a DC voltage output to interface with many engine speed
governors remote speed adjust or load sharing controller inputs.
For further information regarding this interface, refer to the
section headed “P120 Analogue governor interface module”.
P122 Digital Resistance – This external interface is used to
provide an output, which mimics that of a 2-wire rheostat
(variable resistor). For further information regarding this
interface, refer to the section headed “P122 Digital Resistance
None – No external interface is fitted between 55x controller and
the AVR and no control over voltage matching or VAr sharing will
be made.
Internal Relays – The AVR or motorised pot is controlled by the
55x modules own internal relays.

NOTE: - It will be necessary to configure two of the

module relays to provide the required ‘Voltage raise’ and
‘Voltage Lower’ signals.
P121 Analogue module - This external interface is used to
provide a DC voltage output to interface with many AVRs remote
voltage adjust or load sharing controller inputs.
For further information regarding this interface, refer to the
section headed “P121 Analogue AVR interface module”.
P122 Digital Resistance – This external interface is used to
provide an output, which mimics that of a 2-wire rheostat
(variable resistor). For further information regarding this
interface, refer to the section headed “P122 Digital Resistance
Only available in conjunction with P120, P121 or P122
This allows the module to interface with a greater diversity
of AVRs and governors.

= Lower voltage (P120/P121) or lower resistance (P122)

equates to lower speed / voltage.
; = Lower voltage (P120/P121) or lower resistance (P122)
equates to higher speed / voltage.

44 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

Generator Auto Function
Synchronising Settings
If the set is on the generator bus by itself, with no other sets
in parallel with it, then this is the action that the 55x
controller will take :

Disabled – The speed and voltage will remain at current levels.

Reset to Datum –The 55x load control module will select the
“centre point” of the control of the P120, P121, P122 or
motorised potentiometer). This disables the ‘bias’ of the 550 on
the system volts/frequency, returning them to the levels initially
set using the governor/AVRs own potentiometer settings.
Reset to Nominal (550 load share only) –The 550 load sharing
module will effect changes to the governor and/or AVR to keep
the system voltage and frequency at nominal levels. These
levels are user adjustable on the ‘generator’ tab accessible via
P810 for Windows™ configuration software.
This is used to ensure the nominal voltage/frequency of the
system is maintained even if droop is configured.

NOTE: - When multiple 550 controlled sets are in

parallel, they will share load equally (based on their
percentage of full load). In addition, the 550 modules will
act together to keep the voltage and frequency at nominal
levels. This will occur regardless of the setting of the “on
load synchronising reset” option.

NOTE: - For details on configuring non-synchronising items within the 55x controller
you are referred to the P810 for Windows product manual.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 45

The 55x controller must be correctly configured before load sharing can take place. This
configuration is performed using the DSE P810 for Windows software, in conjunction with the P810


(Only available on load sharing versions of the 550 controller, where multiple generators controlled
by 550 modules are providing prime power to the load).

The Multi-set settings page is used to configure the automatic starting and stopping of generators
based upon load level demands.
Running on load demand Description
This system is enabled by activating digital inputs on the
controllers that have been configured to Remote Start on
load demand. Every controller in the MultiSet system must
have a digital input configured and connected in this way.
This enables generating set(s) to be taken out of service
for maintenance, while still allowing the remainder of the
system to operate.
Upon activation of the Remote Start on load demand input,
all the sets in the system will start up. The first one to
become available will close onto the dead bus,
communicating with the other sets to instruct them to
synchronise onto the now live bus, before closing the load
switch in parallel with it.
If too much generating set capacity is available to supply
the current load, the sets that are not required will begin
their stop delay timers, after which they will drop off the bus
and stop.

Occasionally while one or more sets are already available

in ‘running on load demand’ mode, it may be required to
make all generating capacity in the system available to
provide power to the load. For instance, this may be
necessary prior to switching in a large load that the
currently available generating sets may not be able to
supply. To provide this function, a digital input on each
controller in the system must be configured to Remote start
on load. Activating this input will cause each controller to
start it’s generating set, synchronise with the bus and close
it’s supply in parallel with it.
The sets will continue to provide power until removal of the
Remote start on load input, when, providing the Remote
start on load Demand input is present, the system will drop
sets off the bus depending upon the total load levels.

Details of how to configure these digital input functions are

contained within the P810 for Windows software manual.

46 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

Multi-set settings Function
Multiset comms failure action : The action that will be taken
if one or more modules ‘drop off’ the multiset communications
Warning: An alarm condition will be given, but the sets will
still be able to run and take load.
Electrical trip: An alarm condition will be given, the set will be
removed from the bus and shutdown after the cooling timer.

Too few modules action : the action that will be taken if the
number of modules communication on the MSC link is less
than the “minimum modules on Multiset comms link” setting.
None : Too few modules on the MSC link will not generate an
alarm condition.
Warning: An alarm condition will be given, but the sets will
still be able to run and take load.
Electrical trip: An alarm condition will be given, the set will be
removed from the bus and shutdown after the cooling timer.
Minimum modules on Multiset comms link : The minimum
number of modules allowed on the MSC link before an alarm
is generated. The type of alarm can be configured using “Too
few modules action” detailed above.
Multiset comms alarms disabled action : The action that
will be taken if the Multiset comms alarms are disabled via
configurable input or external communications control.
None : Disabling the MSC link alarms will not generate an
alarm condition.
Indication : Disabling the MSC link alarms will generate an
‘indication’, but no alarm condition is generated.
Warning: An alarm condition will be given to remind the
user/operator that the MSC alarms have been disabled.
Load level for more sets to run: The load level at which the
550 controller decides that additional generating set capacity
is required to supply power to the load.
Once this load level is exceeded, the next highest priority set
in the sequence (determined using the Genset Run Priority)
will begin it’s start delay timer. Once this has expired, the set
will run up, synchronise and take load. Should the set fail to
take load, it will communicate this using the MultiSet
Communications Link which will signal the next generating set
in the sequence to take its place.
The starting sequence will be terminated should the load level
drop below the Load level for more sets to run while the start
delay timer is in progress. This allows for short term increases
in load.

NOTE: - It is recommended that each set in the

system have the same value configured for this

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 47

Load level for less sets to run: The load level at which the
550 controller decides that generating set capacity can be
reduced by dropping sets off the bus.
Once the load is below this level, the lowest priority set in the
sequence (determined using the Genset Run Priority) will
begin it’s stop delay timer. Once this has expired, the set will
ramp off load and stop. Should the set fail to shed load, it will
communicate this using the MultiSet Communications Link,
and the next lowest set will take its place.
Should the load level rise above this set point during the stop
delay timer, then the timer is cancelled and the set will
continue to supply power to the load.
This allows for short term drops in load, without decreasing
supply capacity, only for it to be increased again a short while

NOTE: - It is recommended that each set in the

system have the same value configured for this

48 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

(Only available on load sharing versions of the 55x controller)

Soft transfer Description

When either of the load sharing modes
are selected (see below), the 55x
controller will perform a ‘soft’ load transfer
when taking up or shedding load.

Upon activation of the load-switching

device, the 55x load sharing system
controls the generating set to take up the
minimum load. Load is then ramped up to
either the set’s share of the load (Load
share mode) or to the maximum load
level (Load level control mode).

When a paralleled set is to shed it’s load,

first the load is ramped down to the
minimum load level, and then the load
switch is deactivated, removing the
generator from the bus.

‘Soft transfers’ of this type have many benefits, the most obvious of which are:
• When the generator is removed from the bus, other sets in the system are not suddenly loaded
with the load share that was being supplied by the generator being removed. Instead, the load
is slowly ramped, allowing time for the remaining sets to take up their share of the load.
• Opening of the load switch occurs at a much lower load level, helping to reduce arcing of the


Load control mode

Options :
Disabled: No load sharing will take place.
Load Share (550 only): The load will be shared between all
the sets in the system.
kW fixed export (555 only): The generator will export a fixed
amount of active (kW) power.

NOTE: - kW fixed export is only used in conjunction

with generating sets in parallel with the mains supply.

Generator full load rating: The full load rating (in kW) of the

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 49

Reactive load control mode
Not available when Active (kW) load share mode is set to

Options :
Disabled: No reactive power (VAr/pf) sharing will take place.
VAr Share: Reactive power (VAr) will be shared between all
the sets in the system.
VAr fixed export: The generator will produce a fixed amount
of reactive power (VAr) for use when in parallel with the mains
supply (555 only)

Generator full VAr rating: The full load rating (in VAr) of the
set. This setting is used in conjunction with the full load rating
(VAr) of the other sets in the system to determine the load
share that this set will take (550 only).


Load ramp rate: The rate at which the generator will be

ramped onto and off the load.

NOTE:- The set will initially take load at the level set
by load ramp minimum and will then increase it’s load
share at this rate until either
• All the sets have an equal share of the load (550
module only)
• The generated power is equal to the setting for ‘load
parallel power’ (555 only)

When the set is unloaded it will ramp down at this rate

from the current load level to the level set by load
parallel ramp minimum before being removed from the
bus (mains supply in the case of 555).

50 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

During commissioning, the remote adjust signals to the governor and AVR must be disabled to
ensure that the only method of adjustment is the governor/AVRs main internal adjustment. The
method of disabling this signal depends upon the method of interface between the 55x controller
and the governor / AVR:


When using the 55x controllers internal raise/lower outputs to remotely adjust speed / voltage, they
must be disabled by one of the two following methods:
a) Utilise the P810 configuration software to set the 55x auxiliary outputs to “unused” (taking care
to make a backup copy of the module’s configuration before doing this).
b) Remove the connections to the 55x controllers raise/lower outputs (taking care to correctly
insulate the removed wire ends).


When using a P120 analogue governor interface module to control the governor, this interface
module must be partially disabled. To do this, remove the data connection cable from the “From
Controller” socket.
After three seconds, the P120’s LED will begin to flash. This indicates loss of data communication
with the 55x controller, and the P120 will automatically select its centre point, removing any
controlling signal from the governor’s speed bias input.

NOTE: - The DC supply must be correctly connected to the P120 module when
performing this operation.


When using a P121 analogue AVR interface module to control the AVR, this interface module must
be partially disabled. To do this, remove the data connection cable from the “From Controller”
When the generator begins producing electricity and supplies power to the P121 module, the
P121’s LED will begin to flash. This indicates loss of data communication with the 55x controller,
and the P121 will automatically select its centre point, removing any controlling signal from the
AVRs voltage bias input.

NOTE: - The AC supply must be correctly connected to the P121 module when
performing this operation.

NOTE: - The Link Lost LED will be extinguished until the generator begins to supply
voltage to the ‘AC supply’ terminals of the P121 module.


When using a P122 digital resistance module to control the governor/AVR, this interface module
must be partially disabled. To do this, remove the data connection cable from the P122s “From
Controller” socket.
The P122’s POWER LED will remain lit, but after three seconds the LINK LOST LED will begin to
flash. This indicates loss of data communication with the 55x controller, and the P122 will
automatically select its centre point, removing any controlling signal from the AVRs/Governors
voltage/speed bias input.

NOTE: - The DC supply must be correctly connected to the P122 module when
performing this operation.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 51

When using an electronic or motorised potentiometer to remotely adjust the speed / voltage, this
must be disabled before adjusting the governor/AVRs datum point. The method of disabling varies
between different equipment manufacturers. You should refer to the documentation provided with
your electronic / motorised potentiometer for details of how to achieve this.


Once the remote adjustments have been disabled, the AVR and governor commissioning
instructions can be followed to set their datum point (speed and voltage with no load and no
external adjustments). After this has been performed and correctly verified, the remote adjustment
connections can be re-enabled by reversing the instructions previously followed.

NOTE: - When setting the off load speed and voltage, use the 55x’s built in
instrumentation to verify the settings. Adjusting voltage to an accuracy of ±1V and
frequency to an accuracy of ±0.1Hz between the different sets will ease the process of
setting up the load sharing parameters later.

52 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

The P810 for Windows Software Recalibrate page gives access to a number of adjustable
parameters on the Sync and Load control page. These items can be adjusted “live” while the
engine is running to set up and finely tune the synchronising process.

WARNING: - Until all synchronising adjustments have been satisfactorily completed,

ensure the generator contactor/breaker is disabled. You can do this by either disabling the
controllers contactor/breaker output using the P810 configuration software, or by simply
removing the connections to the contactor/breaker. Ensure any disconnected wires are
suitably insulated.

Synchronising lamps

Modern electronic techniques ensure the correct operation of the ‘check sync’ and load switching
process, but this operation depends upon the correct wiring of the bus and incoming generator
supplies right through the system. This is the point that most errors are likely to creep in. It is very
important that wiring of the supplies is double and triple checked before the system is run for the
first time.
The inbuilt phase sequence / rotation protection goes some way to verify the wiring of the supplies
to the 55x controller. However, it is common practice to employ a secondary ‘sync check’ during
commissioning to double check the correct connection of the supplies.
The diagram to the left shows a busbar and
incoming generator supply. The synchronising
lamps can be used as a simple ‘check sync’
When the lamps are dim, the supplies are ready
for paralleling.

NOTE: - The lamps must be rated to at

least twice the system voltage. In this
example, the supply voltage is 230V (line-
Neutral). The lamps are 230V AC bulbs. Two
are connected in series to allow connection
to the supply. If the incoming generator
supply is 180° out of phase with the bus
supply, the voltage across the lamps would
be 460V (2 x 230V).

WARNING! Before re-enabling the load switching device double check ALL wiring
between the alternator output, the 55x controller and the synchronising lamps.
Additionally, verify the correct operation of the synchronising process.

NOTE: - When using the P120 interface to control the electronic governor controller, it
is easy to verify its connections. When the set is running ‘off load’, simply turn the P120s
SW1 switch clockwise one position. The engine speed should change slightly. Remember
to return the switch to its previous position before continuing.
This procedure can only be applied to the alternator output voltage where the P121 is
being used in conjunction with the AVR.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 53


MultiSet comm’s (MSC) ID: Each controller in

the system must have a unique MultiSet
comm’s identifier number. If two or more
modules detect that they share the number with
another controller, this will generate an alarm on
the offending set(s) and these set(s) will be
unable to start the engine until the MSC Ids are
all unique.

Genset run priority: This is the priority of the

genset when used in a MultiSet system. The
lowest number denotes the highest priority and
if that set is not running on load when required,
the next highest priority set will take over. If less
sets are required, priority will be given to sets
with lower numbers (higher priority) and lower
priority sets will be stopped until the required
number are left powering the load. This value
can also be changed from the module’s fascia.
See P550 operators manual for details of this.

54 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Setting up the synchroniser and voltage matcher is made easier by viewing the 55x Synchroscope
display. This can be viewed on the Generator Settings page of the 55x controller'’

To see this, press the ‘page’ button…

Until the LED above the generator icon is lit :

The display will display “Generator Settings” for a short time, before displaying the first generator

The synchroscope display is the ‘last’ instrument in the list of generator instruments…

Press the ‘previous instrument’ button…

Until the synchroscope display is shown :

Hz +2.9 V +0.2

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 55


Display Detail
The Initial stage of the Synchronising
display will only show the difference
between the Mains/Bus Supply and the
Generator Output. Here the display is
showing a frequency difference of
+2.9Hz. The generating set frequency
is too high (indicated by the up arrow)
and will be automatically reduced. The
voltage is +0.2 volts high, but is within
the limits set for RMS check sync
voltage (shown by the tick symbol).
Once the difference between the
bus/mains supply and the Generator
output has been reduced, the
‘Synchroscope’ display will become
active. The moving indicator will roll
from left to right or right to left
depending on the polarity of the
difference between the Mains/bus
supply and the generator output. A
generator frequency greater than the
mains/bus frequency will cause the
indicator to move from left to right (and
Synchronising will only occur when both
the frequency and the voltage
differences are within acceptable limits
– Indicated by ‘Tick’ marks on the top of
the display. Then the moving bar
display will show the phase of the
supplies. Synchronising will now
cease, as the voltage and frequency
are within the check synch window. As
the phase changes, the indicator will
move across the display.
The picture to the left shows the
position of the phase indicator relative
to the phase of the two supplies. For
instance when the phase is 0° or 360°
(supplies in synchronism), the indicator
dot is in the middle of the display, within
the check sync window. When the
phase is 180°, the indicator is at the
extreme left or right of the display, the
furthest point away from the check sync
When the phase falls within the check
sync window, the indicator appears
‘locked’ between the bars of the phase
check sync window. At this time, the
command to close the contactor /
breaker is given. Should synchronism
be broken (i.e. the load switch does not
operate) then the indicator will pass out
of the synchronising window and the
‘locked’ indication will clear.

56 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


WARNING: - Until all synchronising adjustments have been satisfactorily completed,

ensure the generator contactor/breaker is disabled. You can do this by either disabling the
controllers contactor/breaker output using the P810 configuration software, or by simply
removing the connections to the contactor/breaker. Ensure any disconnected wires are
suitably insulated.

The method of setting up the 55x synchroniser depends upon the interface method between the
55x controller and the AVR/Governor.
If your interface method uses the internal 55x raise/lower relays or the P122 digital resistance
module, then you will use the ‘pulse’ scheme.
If your interface method uses the P120 / P121 analogue interface module, then you will use the
‘analogue’ scheme.

NOTE: - There are four possible combinations of interface method:

1) P122 module (or internal raise/lower relays) to interface to governor and AVR (both
using the ‘pulse scheme’)
2) P122 module (or internal raise/lower speed relays) to interface to governor (‘pulse’
scheme) and P121 module to interface to AVR (‘analogue’ scheme).
3) P120 module to interface to governor (‘analogue’ scheme) and P122 module (or
internal raise/lower voltage relays) to interface to AVR.
4) P120 module to interface to governor and P121 module to interface to AVR (both using
the ‘analogue scheme’)

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 57

Slip frequency: The difference between
generator frequency and the bus/mains
The 55x controller will adjust engine speed until
the frequency difference matches the slip
frequency. The phase of the supplies will then
drift in and out of synchronism at a rate of 1/slip-
frequency times per second.
I.e. for Slip frequency of 0.2Hz, the supplies will
be in phase once every five seconds.
Pulse rate (Not applicable when using P120
governor interface module)

The number of raise/lower changes per second

of the P122 interface or 55x raise / lower relay

Pulse length (Not applicable when using P120

governor interface module)

The length of raise/lower pulses of the P122

interface or 55x raise / lower relay outputs.

Gain / Stability: In general, a lower setting

results in a slow voltage matching process, but
too high a setting may cause instability
(hunting). If this occurs, lower the stability
setting. If this has no effect, lower the gain

NOTE: - Gain setting only applicable

when using P120 governor interface

NOTE: - Start with gain and stability at the minimum settings. Increase gain until the
engine speed becomes unstable, then half the gain setting.
Now increase the stability setting until the engine speed again becomes unstable, then
lower a little.
You may need to perform the synchronising process a number of times to see the effect of
your changes. You can also ‘knock’ the governor actuator, or change the ‘slip frequency’
setting to disturb the engine speed and force the controller into making further changes.

NOTE: - As shown in the ‘graph’ images above, correct setting of gain/stability is

achieved when the engine speed ‘overshoots’ it’s target two or three times before settling.
Less undershoot will result in a slower synchronising process. More overshoots will lead
to an unstable engine speed.

58 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


Pulse rate (Not applicable when using P120

governor interface module)

The number of raise/lower changes per second

of the P122 interface or 55x raise / lower relay

Pulse length (Not applicable when using P120

governor interface module)

The length of raise/lower pulses of the P122

interface or 55x raise / lower relay outputs.

Gain / Stability: In general, a lower setting

results in a slow voltage matching process, but
too high a setting may cause instability
(hunting). If this occurs, lower the stability
setting. If this has no effect, lower the gain

NOTE: - Gain setting only applicable

when using P121 AVR interface module.

NOTE: - Start with gain and stability at the minimum settings. Increase gain until the
generator voltage becomes unstable, then half the gain setting.
Now increase the stability setting until the voltage again becomes unstable, then lower a
You may need to perform the voltage-matching process a number of times to see the effect
of your changes.

NOTE: - As shown in the ‘graph’ images above, correct setting of gain/stability is

achieved when the voltage ‘overshoots’ it’s target two or three times before settling.
Less undershoot will result in a slower voltage-matching process. More overshoots will
lead to an unstable voltage.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 59


Gain and stability: In general, a lower setting results in

slower changes to the load control. Too high a setting may
cause instability in changes to the load control. If this occurs,
lower the settings.

NOTE: - Start with gain and stability at the minimum settings. Increase gain until the
engine speed becomes unstable, then half the gain setting.
Now increase the stability setting until the engine speed again becomes unstable, then
lower a little.
You may need to change load levels a number of times to see the effect of your changes.
You can also ‘knock’ the governor actuator, or change the ‘load parallel power’ setting
(555 only) to disturb the load-share process and ‘force’ the controller into making further

NOTE: - As shown in the ‘graph’ images above, correct setting of gain/stability is

achieved when the %age load share passes it’s target two or three times before settling.
When using multiple 550 controllers, stability is considered to once the %age share of all
controllers in the system are less than 2% apart while no load changes take place, this is
considered to be stable.
If the %age load share passes it’s target twice or less before achieving stability, this is
considered to be too slow. If it passes its target more than 2 or three will lead to an
unstable load share between controllers which could ultimately lead to the set being
reversed powered by the bus (or utility supply on 555) and in the case of multiple
generators being on the bus, may result in the set reverse powering one or more of the
other generators on the bus.

60 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

Load parallel ramp minimum: The level to which the
generator will ramp down to before being removed from the
bus (mains supply in the case of 555).

Load parallel power: The amount of power that the set will
produce when used in ‘Load level control’ mode. (Only
available on 555 when Load Control Mode is set to Load Level

NOTE: - If the load level is below this setting, then the

generator will export power to the mains grid. If no
export agreement with the Electricity Supply Company
exists, a reverse power unit on the incoming mains
supply should be utilised to prevent this situation

KVAr control: The amount of reactive power that the set will
produce when used in ‘load level control’ mode. . (Only
available on 555 when Reactive Load Control Mode is set to
Load Level Control)

Pf control: The power factor that the set will maintain when
used in ‘load level control’ mode. . (Only available on 555
when Reactive Load Control Mode is set to Load Level

NOTE:- At low load levels it may not be possible to

maintain the power factor.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 61


In this situation, as reactive power sharing is controlled purely by the generator’s AVR, it is the
AVR voltage setting that must be adjusted to make any changes to the kVAr (reactive power)

Example: With two sets in parallel, and one generator is supplying more VAr than the other. The
voltage setting of the AVRs must be adjusted slightly to transfer the share from one generator to
the other. Increasing the setting on one AVR has the effect of increasing that set’s share of the
reactive power, and decreasing the other set(s) share of reactive power.

As this will have slightly altered the generators output voltage, it should be checked to ensure that
it has not been altered by too much. This procedure may have to be conducted more than once,
possibly adjusting the other AVR(s) a little the following times to ensure a suitable reactive load
share between the sets, while maintaining a suitable off load generator voltage.

NOTE: - Many AVRs have only a single turn potentiometer for adjusting the output
voltage. This has the effect of making reactive power sharing adjustments very sensitive.
Care should be taken to make small changes to the adjustment, and to ensure that the
voltage / VAr is stable (i.e. not changing) before further changes are made.

NOTE: - Ensure the “Check voltage” window is suitably set to allow voltages to match
even when the generator(s) already on the bus are loaded. Remember that a loaded
generator with an AVR droop kit will give a lower voltage than an unloaded generator.

62 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

This section details the interface connections between the 55x controller and the most popular
engine speed governors used with diesel generating sets.
If your particular type of Governor is not covered within this section, please contact our technical
support department for advice using the contact details provided in the section headed


19.1.1 DYN1 10502, 10503, 10504, 10506

Using P120 Analogue governor interface module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue 10502/3/4/6
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A 7 (+4V)
To further expansion B 8 (In)
4 (2V) 3 (±2V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 63

(DYN1 10502, 10503, 10504, 10506 continued)

Using external motorised potentiometer:

55x module (See note)

(Interposing relay) DYN1

Aux1 CW
+ve 6
Aux2 inc
Aux3 (Interposing relay) CCW 7
(See note)
Aux4 5KΩ motorised potentiometer

55x expansion port

NOTE: - Interposing relay should connect to recommended polarity and voltage for
potentiometer input. Refer to potentiometer manufacturer for details.


Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 1 Energise Speed Raise Relay
Aux. 2 Energise Speed Lower Relay

64 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

19.1.2 DYN1 10693, 10694, 10695, 10752, 10753, 10754, 10756

Using a P120 Analogue Governor Interface:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue 10693/4/5
55x module governor interface 10752/3/4/6
Aux1 To controller
+ve A 7 (+4V)
To further expansion B 9 (In)
4 (2V) 3 (±2V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 65

19.1.3 DYN1 10794*

Using P120 Analogue Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue 10794
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A 9
To further expansion B 8
Aux3 120KΩ
4 (2V) 3 (±2.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

66 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

19.1.4 DYN1 10871

Using a P120 Analogue Governor Interface:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue 10871
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A 12
To further expansion B 11
5 (2.5V) 4 (±2.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using discrete raise / lower inputs:

(Interposing relay)
55x module 15


(Interposing relay) 1 (+ve)


55x expansion port


DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 67

19.1.5 DYNA 8000*

Using P120 Analogue governor interface module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
DYNA 8000
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A 7 (+4V)
To further expansion B 9 (In)
4 (2V) 3 (±2V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using external motorised potentiometer:

55x module (See note)

(Interposing relay) DYNA 8000

Aux1 CW
+ve 6
Aux2 inc
Aux3 (Interposing relay) CCW 7
(See note)
Aux4 5KΩ motorised potentiometer

55x expansion port

NOTE: - Interposing relay should connect to recommended polarity and voltage for
potentiometer input. Refer to potentiometer manufacturer for details.


Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 1 Energise Speed Raise Relay
Aux. 2 Energise Speed Lower Relay

68 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


19.2.1 EFC*

Using P120 Analogue governor interface module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A 9 (+4v)
To further expansion B 8 (In)
Aux3 120KΩ
Aux4 0 (0V) 2 (±1.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 69

19.2.2 QST 30

Using P120 Analogue Governor Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

+ve To controller A 17(+5V ref)
To further expansion B 16 (speed bias)

SW1 SW2 19 (screen)
0 (0V) 4 (±2.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - Ensure that the QST30 adjustable parameter Speed Bias Input Type is set to

NOTE: - Setting the QST adjustable parameter Woodward scale factor to 60rpm/Volt
gives a ±300RPM window of adjustment to engine speed.

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

70 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

19.2.3 QSX 15
19.2.4 QSK 45/60

Using P120 Analogue Governor Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
QSX15 /
P120 Analogue QSK45/60
55x module governor interface

+ve To controller A 06(+5V ref)
To further expansion B 11 (speed bias)

SW1 SW2 20 (screen)
0 (0V) 4 (±2.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - Ensure that the QSK45/60 adjustable parameter Speed Bias Input Type is set
to ‘Woodward’.

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 71


19.3.1 DDEC III

USING P120 Analogue Governor Interface:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A C3 (Ref.)
To further expansion B D1 (Speed)
Aux4 5 (2.5V) 4 (±2.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

72 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


19.4.1 5100 - 5500 SERIES*

Using P120 Analogue Governor Interface Module:

ESD5100 -
55x AVR/governor 5500 series
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
Aux2 A G (gnd)
To further expansion
B N (input)
9 (±4.5V) 2 (±1.5V)

55x expansion port


The 5100-5500 uses lower voltage on input N = higher speed. Therefore, we need to configure the
55x controller to ‘reverse’ the polarity of the P120’s voltage output:

Configuration item Selection

Reverse voltage output

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 73

(5100-5500 Series continued)

Using P122 Digital Resistance module:

55x module 5100 - 5500

P122 Digital series
Aux1 resistance (5KΩ)
Aux2 To controller

Aux3 J
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR


The 5100-5500 uses lower resistance on input N = higher speed. Therefore, we need to configure
the 55x controller to ‘reverse’ the operation of the P122’s resistance output:

Configuration item Selection

Reverse governor output

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

74 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


19.5.1 E6, E6V, E10, E16, E30

55x module (Interposing relay) E6, E6V, E10,

(See note)
E16, E30
Aux1 CW
+ve A
Aux2 B
Aux3 (Interposing relay) CCW C
(See note)
Aux4 5KΩ motorised potentiometer

55x expansion port

NOTE: - Interposing relay should connect to recommended polarity and voltage for
potentiometer input. Refer to potentiometer manufacturer for details.


Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 1 Energise Speed Raise Relay
Aux. 2 Energise Speed Lower Relay

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 75

19.5.2 KG SERIES (6-04 TO 10-04)

Using P120 analogue governor interface:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
KG series
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A C (gnd)
To further expansion B B (input)
5 (2.5V) 4 (±2.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

76 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

19.6 MTU

19.6.1 MDEC 4000

Using P120 analogue governor interface:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
MDEC 4000
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A 7 (X1-BB REF +5V)
To further expansion B 8 (X1-AA input)

0 (0V) 7 (±4.0V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The range of speed adjustment possible is configurable within the MDEC 4000
controller. You are referred to the MDEC 4000 operating instructions for further details of
this function.

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 77

(MDEC 4000 continued)

Using 55x internal raise/lower relays:

(Interposing relay)
MDEC 4000

55x module 3 (X1-FF SPEED +)

Aux1 4 (X1-EE)

(Interposing relay) +24V (X5-A SPEED - )


55x expansion port 14 (X1-I)

13 (X1-V)


Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 1 Energise Speed Raise Relay
Aux. 2 Energise Speed Lower Relay

NOTE: - Briefly activating the input for less than 1s increases or decreases the
nominal speed by 1 RPM.
When the input is activated for more than 1s, the nominal speed is adjusted automatically
at a configurable rate. Source mtu ELEKTRONIK ECU 4/G Documentation (Part 1)

78 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

19.7 VOLVO

19.7.1 873979*

This governor is manufactured by for Volvo by G.A.C. See section entitled G.A.C. 5100-5500
Series for connection details.

19.7.2 EDC III

Using P120 Analogue Governor Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

Aux1 To controller
Aux2 A POT -
To further expansion
6 (3V) 2 (±1.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 79



Using P120 analogue governor interface:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

+ve To controller A 46 (-)
To further expansion B 45 (+)
0 (0V) 9 (±4.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using discrete raise/lower inputs:

(Interposing relay)

55x module 28


(Interposing relay) 1 (+)


55x expansion port



Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 1 Energise Speed Raise Relay
Aux. 2 Energise Speed Lower Relay

80 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

19.8.2 2301A SPEED CONTROL

Using P120 analogue governor interface

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

+ve To controller A 17 (Gnd)
To further expansion B 15
5 (2.5V) 9 (±4.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using P122 Digital resistance module

55x module 2301A

P122 Digital
Aux1 resistance (128Ω)
To controller
Aux3 12
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 81


Using P120 analogue governor interface

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion
P120 Analogue
55x module governor interface

+ve To controller A 12(-)
To further expansion B 11 (+)
0 (0V) 4 (±2.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P120 interface module. A different method of interface to the governor must be

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using P122 Digital Resistance Module:

55x module EPG

P122 Digital resistance
Aux1 (1KΩ)
Aux2 To controller

Aux3 8
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

82 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

19.8.4 PROACT I / II

(Interposing relay)

ProAct I / II
55x module 19


(Interposing relay) 24 (+)


55x expansion port



Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 1 Energise Speed Raise Relay
Aux. 2 Energise Speed Lower Relay

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 83

This section details the interface connections between the 55x controller and the most popular
Automatic voltage regulators used with diesel generating sets.
If your particular type of A.V.R. is not covered within this section, please contact our technical
support department for advice using the contact details provided in the section headed


20.1.1 AVC63-4

55x module AVC63-4

P122 Digital
+ve Aux1 resistance (1KΩ)
Aux2 To controller
To further expansion

55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.


(Interposing relay)
55x module DECS100

Aux3 (Interposing relay)

55x expansion port


Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 3 Energise Voltage Raise Relay
Aux. 4 Energise Voltage Lower Relay

84 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


20.2.1 COSIMAT N

Using P121 Analogue AVR Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion Cosimat N
P121 Analogue
55x module AVR interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A n (-)
Aux2 B M/m (In)
To further expansion
9 (4.5V) 8 (±4.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P121 interface module. A different method of interface to the AVR must be used.

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 85


20.3.1 R230 / R438

55x module R230 /

P122 Digital R438
+ve Aux1 resistance (1KΩ)
Aux2 To controller

To further expansion

55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

NOTE: - The remote adjust input on the AVR are terminals ST4. Polarity of the
connections between the terminals ST4 and the P122 is not important.

86 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

20.3.2 R610 3F

Using P121 Analogue AVR Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion R610 3F
P121 Analogue
55x module AVR interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A 23 (-)
Aux2 B 22 (In)
To further expansion
0 (0V) 9 (±4.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P121 interface module. A different method of interface to the AVR must be used.

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using external motorised potentiometer:

55x module (Interposing relay) R610 3F

(See note)

Aux1 CW
+ve 21
Aux2 22
Aux3 (Interposing relay) CCW 23
(See note)
Aux4 10KΩ motorised

55x expansion port

NOTE: - Interposing relay should connect to recommended polarity and voltage for
potentiometer input. Refer to potentiometer manufacturer for details.


Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 1 Energise Voltage Raise Relay
Aux. 2 Energise Voltage Lower Relay

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 87


20.4.1 SE350

55x module SE350

P122 Digital
+ve resistance (1KΩ)
Aux2 6
To controller
Aux3 7
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

20.4.2 SE100A

55x module SE100A

P122 Digital
+ve resistance (1KΩ)
Aux2 6
To controller
Aux3 7
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

88 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

20.4.3 MAGNAMAX DVR2000 / DVR2000C
(Interposing relay)
55x module DVR2000

Aux3 (Interposing relay)

55x expansion port


Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 3 Energise Voltage Raise Relay
Aux. 4 Energise Voltage Lower Relay

NOTE: - The Interposing relays must have contacts rated for 240V 1A AC. Care is
required because “input power” voltages are present between 6U & 7 and 6D & 7. (Source:
Marathon Electric Magnamax Technical Manual for Model DVR® 2000)

NOTE: - The MagnamaxDVR ™ AVR disables the voltage raise/lower inputs when in the
select mode. I.e. The 55x controller cannot ‘remotely adjust’ the generator’s output
voltage while the MagnamaxDVR ™ AVR is in Select mode.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 89

20.4.4 DVR2000E

Using P121 Analogue AVR Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion DVR 2000E
P121 Analogue
55x module AVR interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A A
Aux2 B B
To further expansion
Aux4 2 (±1.5)
0 (0V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P121 interface module. A different method of interface to the AVR must be used.

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

NOTE:- Setting SW2 to position 1 (1.5V) gives the possibility of +/- 10% adjustment in
voltage. This is normally considered enough for voltage matching. If more adjustment is
required, increase SW2. The Marathon DVR2000E’ s input can accept upto a maximum of
+/-3V to give +/- 30% adjustment range. This can be achieved by setting P121 SW2 = 6 (3V)

90 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


20.4.5 M40FA610A

Using P121 analogue interface module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion M40FA610A
P121 Analogue
55x module AVR interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A 6
Aux2 B 8
To further expansion
0 (0V) 5 (±3.0V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P121 interface module. A different method of interface to the AVR must be used.

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using P122 digital resistance module:

55x module M40FA610A

P122 Digital
Aux1 resistance (1KΩ)
To controller

Aux3 Q
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 91


20.5.1 S.R.7, S.R.7/2

55x module S.R.7,
P122 Digital S.R.7/2
Aux1 resistance (100KΩ)
To controller

Aux3 7
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

20.5.2 U.V.R.6, U.V.R.7

55x module U.V.R.6
P122 Digital U.V.R.7
Aux1 resistance (100KΩ)
To controller

To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

92 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM


20.6.1 MA325, MA327

Using P121 Analogue AVR Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion MA325,
P121 Analogue
55x module AVR interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A A2 (-)
Aux2 B A1 (+)
To further expansion
0 (0V) 2 (±1.0V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P121 interface module. A different method of interface to the AVR must be used.

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 93

20.6.2 MX321

Using P121 Analogue AVR Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion MX321
P121 Analogue
55x module AVR interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A A2 (-)
Aux2 B A1 (+)
To further expansion
0 (0V) 1 (±1.0V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P121 interface module. A different method of interface to the AVR must be used.

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using P122 Digital resistance Module:

55x module MX321

P122 Digital
+ve Aux1 resistance (5KΩ)
1 Aux.
Aux2 To controller connector
2 block
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

94 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

20.6.3 MX341

Using P121 Analogue AVR Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion MX341
P121 Analogue
55x module AVR interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A A2 (-)
To further expansion B A1 (+)

0 (0V) 1 (±1.0V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P121 interface module. A different method of interface to the AVR must be used.

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using P122 Digital resistance module:

55x module MX341

P122 Digital
+ve Aux1 resistance (1KΩ)
1 Aux.
Aux2 To controller connector
2 block
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 95

20.6.4 SX421, SX440, SX465-2

Using P121 Analogue AVR Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion SX421,
P121 Analogue
55x module AVR interface SX465-2

Aux1 To controller
+ve A A2 (-)
To further expansion B A1 (+)

0 (0V) 2 (±1.0V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - Ensure the “VTrim” adjustment for the SX440’s voltage adjustment input is set
to accept a signal of ±1V DC.

NOTE:- Ensure that some droop is configured using the AVRs “Droop” adustment.
(typically 5%).

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P121 interface module. A different method of interface to the AVR must be used.

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using P122 Digital Resistance module:

55x module SX421 / SX440 /

P122 Digital SX465-2
+ve Aux1 resistance (1KΩ)
1 Aux.
Aux2 To controller connector
2 block
To further expansion


55x expansion port AVR

NOTE: - If the 55x expansion port is already in use, the data connection to the P122
digital resistance module can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of either
an 81157xx relay board, 81548xx annunciator, or another P122 digital resistance module.

96 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

20.6.5 SX460

As this AVR has no provision for the addition of a ‘droop kit’, it is not suitable for use in
synchronising / load sharing applications.

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 97

20.7 WEG

20.7.1 GRT7-TH

Using P121 Analogue AVR Interface Module:

55x AVR/governor
analogue expansion GRT7-TH
P121 Analogue
55x module AVR interface

Aux1 To controller
+ve A A (-)
Aux2 B B (-)
To further expansion
0 (0V) 9 (±4.5V)

55x expansion port

NOTE: - Using a P121 for AVR interface gives approximately +/- 5% adjustment of
generator output voltage.

NOTE: - The AVR/Governor analogue expansion port is only fitted to load sharing
enabled 55x controllers. Where this function is not fitted to the controller, it is not possible
to use the P121 interface module. A different method of interface to the AVR must be used.

NOTE: - If the 55x AVR/Governor expansion port is already in use, the data connection
to the P120 governor interface can be connected to the “To further expansion” socket of a
P121 AVR interface module.

Using external motorised potentiometer:

55x module (Interposing relay) GRT7-TH

(See note)

Aux1 CW
+ve 6
Aux2 7
Aux3 (Interposing relay) CCW
(See note)
Aux4 5KΩ 3W motorised

55x expansion port

NOTE: - Interposing relay should connect to recommended polarity and voltage for
potentiometer input. Refer to potentiometer manufacturer for details.


Module relay Polarity Output source
Aux. 1 Energise Voltage Raise Relay
Aux. 2 Energise Voltage Lower Relay

98 DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM

Using DSE model 530 to control the generator bus
load switching device of a MultiSet system (2-16
controllers), allows the 550 controller to be used as a
MultiSet backup to the mains supply. Upon a mains
supply failure, the 530 instructs all sets in the system
to start, the first closing onto the dead bus, with the
remaining sets synchronising and paralleling with it.
When all ‘available’ sets are on the generator bus, a
signal is made to the 530’s “Aux. generator ready”
input, allowing the 530 to changeover the transfer
switch. This signal comes from an auxiliary output on
each 550 module (outputs paralleled together),
configured to All available sets on bus.
Any sets not in the ‘Auto’ mode, or with shutdown
faults present will not be ‘available’ so are not required
to be on the bus before the signal to close the
generator bus switching device is given.

NOTE: - When using version 3 or earlier model 550, the All available sets on bus output
source is not available, this feature is included in version 4 or higher model 550s. However
a similar function can be achieved using external logic derived from a module output
configured to System healthy and an auxiliary contact on each generator’s bus contactor /
breaker to indicate availability on the bus (see diagram below).

NB. For "Not Healthy" signal, configure a 55x output to

"De-energise", "System Healthy"

Gen1 not healthy

Battery positive

Gen1 Contactor Auxiliary

Gen2 not healthy

Gen2 Contactor Auxiliary

Gen3 not healthy

10 - Aux Gen Ready

DSE Model 530

Gen3 Contactor Auxiliary
Close Generator output

Gen bus interconnector auxiliary

31 32

Load L

Gen bus contactor

NB only one pole of the four pole Gen bus

contactor is shown for clarity
Gen bus N Gen bus L

DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing ISSUE4 19/5/03 AM 99

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