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Submitted to: Qasim Ali Shah Foundation

Submitted By: Faisal Zaman(™ Batch-11)

The Best in Islam

There are following points are describe which are best in Islam

Best Life: In Islam, the best life is one lived in accordance with the guidance of the
Qur'an and the Sunnah (the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad). It
involves fulfilling one's religious obligations, maintaining good character, and striving for
a balance between worldly pursuits and spiritual growth.

Best Character: The Prophet Muhammad said, "The best among you are those who
have the best manners and character." Good character in Islam includes traits like
honesty, humility, patience, kindness, and generosity.

Best Charity: The best form of charity is giving in secret to those in need, ensuring the
dignity of the recipient. It also includes consistent, regular charity, such as the obligatory
Zakat, and voluntary acts of kindness.

Best Day: Friday (Jumu'ah) is considered the best day of the week in Islam. It is a day
of congregational prayer, special supplications, and increased blessings.

Best Dealings: Ethical dealings in Islam emphasize fairness, honesty, and integrity in
all transactions and interactions, whether in business or personal relationships.

Best Deeds: The best deeds are those that are done consistently, even if they are
small. Acts of worship like prayer, fasting, seeking knowledge, and helping others are
highly valued.

Gentleness and Mercy: The Prophet Muhammad emphasized gentleness and mercy,
saying, "Allah is gentle and loves gentleness in all things." This extends to all
interactions, advocating compassion and kindness.

Best Marriage: The best marriage in Islam is built on mutual respect, love, and mercy.
It involves fulfilling the rights and responsibilities towards each other and striving for
harmony and companionship.

Best Family Man: The Prophet Muhammad said, "The best of you is the one who is
best to his family." A good family man in Islam takes care of his family's needs, shows
kindness, and leads by example.
Strong Believer: A strong believer is one who has firm faith, performs religious duties
diligently, and is resilient in the face of challenges. Strength in faith and character is
valued highly.

Importance of Socialization: Islam encourages community building and social

interaction. Attending the mosque, participating in community events, and helping
neighbors are important aspects of social life in Islam.

Controlling the Tongue: Controlling one’s speech is crucial in Islam. Speaking

truthfully, avoiding gossip, slander, and harsh words, and using speech to spread good
and kindness are emphasized. The Prophet Muhammad said, "Whoever believes in
Allah and the Last Day should speak good or remain silent."

These facets collectively contribute to living a holistic and fulfilling life in accordance
with Islamic principles.

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