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FAQ for Installing Relive App & PKNS 60KM Adventure Challenge

1. What is Relive App and the PKNS 60KM Adventure Challenge?

Relive is a mobile app that turns your outdoor ac5vi5es
The PKNS 60KM Adventure Challenge is an external event u5lizing Relive for tracking.

2. When PKNS 60km Adventure Challenge Start & End?

Start: June 10, 2024,
End: June 30, 2024,
Time: Any5me

3. Where can I get Relive App?

You can download Relive from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android). Here are
the links:
App Store: hTps://
Play Store:

4. How do I install Relive and join the PKNS challenge?

Step 1: Download the app using the provided links.
Step 2: Create a username on Relive.
Step 3: Input your Relive username into the Google Excel spreadsheet provided as shown
Note: You can find your username on your Relive profile.

5. What permissions does Relive need for the challenge?

You need to provide your username to join the PKNS challenge, along with access to your
loca5on (GPS) and use your phone to record the ac5vi5es

6. Is Relive available worldwide?

Yes, Relive is accessible in most countries.

7. Is my data safe?
Relive priori5zes privacy and has measures to safeguard your data.

8. Rewards:
- Top 10 fastest par5cipants will receive awards.
- All finishers of the 60km challenge will receive an eMedal and a Cer5ficate of Achievement.

9. How can I get support?

For support, refer to Bryan Yap from the Innova5on Department.
Phone: +6016 681 5818

Thank you.

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