TOS_Math_Grade 10_Summative Test_SY 2023-2024

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


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Cognitive Domain Test Items
COMPETENCY Taugh Number Answer
t of Items R U A A E C

generates patterns. 2
Which of the following completes the sequence 1,2,3,5,8,__,__,__?
1 1 a. 13,21,34 b. 12,17,23 c. 11,14,17 d. 12,14,17 A
illustrates an
arithmetic 2 What do you call the sequence in which the difference between any two consecutive terms is equal?
sequence 1 2 a. Fibonacci b. Arithmetic c. Geometric d. Harmonic B
arithmetic means,
nth term of an
sequence and sum
of the terms of a What is the ntℎ term of the arithmetic sequence whose first term is 16 and common difference 4 ?
given arithmetic
sequence. 1 3 a. a n=4 n+16 b. a n=4 n+12 c. a n=16 n+ 4 d. a n=16 n −12 B
illustrates a
geometric 2 What do you call the sequence in which the ratio between any two consecutive terms is equal?
sequence. 1 4 a. Fibonacci b. Arithmetic c. Geometric d. Harmonic C
differentiates a
sequence from an 2 Which of the following illustrates a geometric sequence?
sequence. 1 5 a. a n=3 n+ 4 b. a n=a r
c. a n=a n− 1+ 1 d. a n=a n− 1 an −2 B
geometric means,
nth term of a
sequence and sum 4
of the terms of a 3 3 3
given finite or What is the sum of the geometric series 3+ + + ⋯ ?
infinite geometric 2 4 8
sequence 1 6 a. 6 b. 9 c. 12 d. Infinity A
Which of the following sequence are both arithmetic and geometric sequence?
a. a n=1 b. a n=3 n
c. a n=a n− 1 d. a n=0
A frog can jump 20 cm at full strength but halves the distance every after jump. Until the time the frog
solves problems
involving 4 gets totally exhausted, how far has the frog travelled?
sequences. a. 30 cm b. 40 cm A
c. 50 cm d. 60 cm

2 7 8 B
performs division
of polynomials
using long 2 What will you multiply of 3 x − 4 to get 6 x 3 +7 x 2 −11 x −12 ?
division and
synthetic division. 1 9 a. 2 x 2 −5 x +3 b. 2 x 2+5 x − 3 c. 2 x 2+5 x +3 d. 2 x 2 −5 x − 3 C
proves the
Theorem, Factor
Theorem and the
Rational Root What is the remainder when 6 x 3 +7 x 2 −11 x −12 is divided by x +1?
Theorem. 1 10 a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 A
If a polynomial P(x) has a factor of x-1, which of the following is true?
a. P(1)=0 b. P(0)=1 c. P(− 1)=0 d. P(0)=−1
3 2
What are the factors of the polynomial 2 x + x −2 x −1 ?
4 a. (2 x+ 1)(x −1)(x+1) b. (2 x − 1)( x −1)( x −1) A
c. (2 x − 1)(x +1)(x+1) d. (2 x − 1)(x −1)(x+1)

2 11 12 A
polynomial 2 What do you call the highest exponent of a term in a polynomial?
equations. 1 13 a. First Term b. Constant c. Degree d. Function C
solves problems 4 1 14 A polynomial equation with degree 3 has zeros at x=0 , 1 ,− 1. What is the polynomial equation if A
polynomials and P ( 2 )=3 ?
polynomial 1 b. P ( x )=x ( x+ 1)(x −1)
equations. a. P ( x )= x ( x +1 ) ( x −1 )
P ( x )=2 x ( x+ 1 )( x −1 )
c. d. P ( x )=3 x (x+1)(x − 1)
illustrates What can be said about the exponents of a polynomial?
polynomial 2 a. Can never be negative b. Can never be irrational
functions. 1 15 c. Always a whole number d. All of the Above D
A polynomial function has three turning points, which of the following is true?
describe, and a. The polynomial has a minimum/maximum point
interpret the 2 b. The polynomial can never have an odd degree
graphs polynomial c. The polynomial has the least degree of 4
1 16 d. All of the Above D
3 1
solves problems The sales and expenses of a certain company follow the equation, s ( x )= x +2 and e ( x ) = x+ 4 , for
5 5
polynomial every product x sold. How many products must be sold for the business to break even?
1 17 a. 0 units b. 1 unit c. 5 units d. 10 units C
proves theorems
related to chords,
arcs, central 4
angles, and If the measure of a central angle is 30 ° what is the measure of its intercepted arc?
inscribed angles. 1 18 a. 15 ° b. 30 ° c. 60 ° d. 90 ° B
proves theorems
related to chords,
arcs, central 4
angles, and An intercepted arc measures 60 ° what is the measure of its inscribed angle?
inscribed angles. 1 19 a. 30 ° b. 60 ° c. 90 ° d. 120 ° A
illustrates secants,
segments, and
1 What do you call the line which intersects the circle in two different points?
sectors of a circle. 1 20 a. Radius b. Diameter c. Secant d. Chord C
proves theorems
on secants,
tangents, and
2 AB and AC are two tangents of a circle. What is the value of x if AB=2x+5 and AC=15?
segments. 1 21 a. 2 b. 3 c. 5 d. 10 C
The three biggest universities in the area are located at ( 1 , 2 ) , ( 5 , 2 ) , and ( 5 , 0 ) . At what location will a
solves problems
on circles.
3 dormitory business be located so that it will be equidistant to the three universities?
1 22 a. ( 3 , 1 ) b. ( 1 , 3 ) c. ( 1 ,1 ) d. (3 , 3) A
applies the
distance formula Points A and B are located 5 units above and 12 units to the left of (3,4), respectively. What is the
to prove some 2
distance between A and B?
properties. 1 23 a. √ 13 b. 13 c. 26 d. 169 B
illustrates the Which of the following is the radius – center form of a circle?
center-radius form a. x 2 − y 2=r 2
2 b. ( x − ℎ )2 + ( y −k )2=r 2
of the equation of
a circle. 1 24 c. ( x − ℎ )2 − ( y −k )2 =r 2 d. ( x − ℎ )2 + ( y −k )2=r B
determines the 2 1 25 Which of the following is a circle centered at (3,4) with radius 5? B
center and radius
of a circle given a. 32 − 42=5 2 b. ( x − 3 )2 + ( y − 4 )2=52
its equation and
vice versa. c. ( x − 3 )2 − ( y − 4 )2=52 d. ( x − 3 )2 + ( y − 4 )2=5
graphs and solves
involving circles
and other 4
geometric figures
on the coordinate
What is the area of the circle x 2+ 6 x+ y 2 − 4 y=0?
plane. 1 26 a. √ 13 π b. 13 π c. 26 π d. 169 π B
Which of the following is true about permutations?
illustrates the a. Used to determine the number of b. The arrangement ABC is different from
permutation of 2 arrangements BCA
objects. n! d. All of the Above
c. It is given by n Pr =
1 27 ( n− r ) ! D
How many ways can you arrange the letters of the word “MATHEMATICS”?
11! 11! 6! 2! 2 ! 2 !
a. b. c. d.
6! 2! 2 ! 2 ! 11! 11!

solves problems How many ways can we arrange 5 Math, 6 Science, and 4 English books in a shelf?
involving 4 a. 5 ! 6 ! 4 ! b. 15 ! c. 3 ! 5 ! 6 ! 4 ! 15!
permutations d.
5! 6! 7 !

2 28 29 C
Which of the following is true about combinations?
illustrates the a. Used when choosing a team or a group b. The arrangement ABC is the same as BCA
combination of 4
n! d. All of the Above
objects. c. It is given by n C r=
1 30 ( n −r ) ! r ! D
permutation from How many times more is the permutation greater than combination of n objects taken r at a time?
combination of 4
a. r ! 1 c. n ! 1
objects taken at a b. d.
time. 1 31 r! n! A
solves problems Among the 6 boys and 4 girls in the group, how many ways can we form a committee consisting of 3
permutations and
4 boys and 2 girls?
combinations 1 32 a. 10 C5 b. 6 C 4 ( 3 C2 ) c. 6 C 3 ( 4 C 2 ) d. 6 C 2 ( 4 C 3 ) C
illustrates events,
and union and
intersection of
4 What symbol is used to show the intersection of sets A and B?
events. 1 33 a. A ∪ B b. A ∩ B c. A ∨ B d. A ∧ B B
illustrates the What formula is used to show the probability of A ∪ B?
probability of a
union of two
4 a. P ( A ∪ B )=P ( A ) + P(B) b. P ( A ∪ B )=P ( A ) − P(B)
events. 1 34 c. P ( A ∪ B )=P ( A ) + P ( B ) − P( A ∩ B) d. P ( A ∪ B )=P ( A ) − P ( B ) + P( A ∩ B) C
finds the Let |A|=|B|. What can be said about the two sets if P ( A ∪ B )=P( A)+ P(B)?
probability of 4 a. A and B are disjoint. b. Sets A and B are equivalent
1 35 c. A and B are equal sets d. All of the Above A
mutually 1 What do you call two sets which does not have a common element?
exclusive events. 1 36 a. Disjoint b. Union c. Intersecting d. Subset A
solves problems 50 Students are surveyed, and they found out that 30 students love math and 35 love science. What is the
involving 3 probability that a student only loves one subject?
probability. a. 0.3 b. 0.35 c. 0.6 d. 0.7
1 37 D
illustrates the
measures of
position: quartiles,
deciles and What measure of positions divides the whole distribution into 10 equal parts?
percentiles 1 38 a. Median b. Quartile c. Decile d. Percentile C
For Items, 39, 42, and 43, consider the frequency distribution below.
x f
calculates a 96 – 100 26
specified measure
of position (e.g. 4
91 – 95 19
90th percentile) of 86 – 90 35
a set of data 81 – 85 20
If the passing score is the third quartile, around how many students did not pass the exam?
1 39 a. 3 b. 25 c. 55 d. 75 D
interprets What can be said about P90 ?
measures of 4 a. 90% of the data is greater than P90 b. 90% of the data is less than P90
1 40 c. 90% of the data is greater than 90 d. 90% of the data is less than 90 B
What measure of positions divides the whole distribution into 100 equal parts?
a. Median b. Quartile c. Decile d. Percentile

solves problems What is the probability that a student belongs to the 60tℎ percentile class?
measures of
8 a. 0.19 b. 0.2 c. 0.26 d. 0.35
position A
What score is the 75tℎ percentile?
a. 75 b. 75.69 c. 85.69 d. 95.69
3 41 42 43 D
What part of a research paper shows the different studies involving you topic of interest? A
statistical mini- 3 44 45 46 a. Review of Related Literature b. Methodology
c. Results and Discussion d. Abstract

What statistical tool is used to determine the position of data?

a. Mean b. Standard Deviation c. Range d. Median

research You have noticed that the price of electricity increases during the months of March to July. What would
be the best mini-research idea can be made from this observation?
a. To determine the relationship between the months and price of electricity D
b. To determine the difference of the price of electricity per month
c. To determine the amount of rainfall per month
d. To determine the relationship of gasoline price to the price of electricity A
What statistical tool is used to determine the amount of variation in the data set?
a. Mean b. Percentile c. Standard d. T-test

Two data set, A and B, has the same mean but the standard deviation of A is greater than B. What can be
said about the two data set?
a. The scores in A is greater than B b. The scores in A is closer to each other
than B
c. The scores in B is greater than A d. The scores in B is closer to each other
uses appropriate than A
measures of
position and other
statistical methods 8 A statistical result shows that the 30tℎ percentile of the result is 50. Which of the following gives a correct
in analyzing and interpretation?
research data. a. 30% of the respondents got a score of 50
b. 30% of the respondents got a score lower than or equal to 50 C
c. 30% of the respondents got a score greater than or equal to 50
d. 50% of the respondents got a score of 30
A statistical result shows that the 5 0tℎ percentile of the result is 80. Which of the following gives a D
correct interpretation?
a. 50% of the respondents got a score of 80 B
b. 50% of the respondents got a score lower than or equal to 80
49 c. 80% of the respondents got a score greater than or equal to 80
3 47 48 50 d. 80% of the respondents got a score of 50 B

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Teacher III Master Teacher I Head Teacher III Principal III

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