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TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... i

UNIT 1 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................................................... 1
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
MEANING OF INFORMATION SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
COMPONENTS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................................. 1
MEDIA TYPES USED IN PRESENTING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 1
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MANUAL AND COMPUTERIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM ................................................................. 1
TYPES OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Transaction Processing Systems ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Office Automation System (OAS) .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Management Information Systems (MIS) ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Knowledge Work Systems (KWS) ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Decision Support Systems (DSS) ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Executive Support Systems (ESS) ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
ATTRIBUTES OF A GOOD INFORMATION SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................................... 3
TYPES OF INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
By Framework within which data is used ................................................................................................................................................... 3
By Business Categorization ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
By Time ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
By Quantifiable ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
THE ROLE OF INFORMATION IN SOCIETY ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
UNIT 2 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE ....................................................................................................................... 5
OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
GENERAL ISSUES CONCERNING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 5
Digital Culture .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
ROLE AND IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON EVERYDAY LIFE ................................................................................... 5
E-Business ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
E-Learning ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
E-Governance ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
E-Health ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
E-Mail........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Computer-Based Training (CBT) .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Computer Aided Design (CAD)......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Computer Assisted Manufacturing (CAM) .................................................................................................................................................. 6
UNIT 3 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
HARDWARE COMPONENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
WHAT IS COMPUTER HARDWARE? ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
HARDWARE COMPONENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Input Devices ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Output Devices ......................................................................................................................................................................................................10
UNIT 4 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY STORAGE MEDIA AND THEIR DEVICES ...................................................................................................11
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
WHAT ARE STORAGE MEDIA & STORAGE DEVICES? ..............................................................................................................................11
PRIMARY STORAGE MEDIA & THEIR FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................................................11
Random Access Memory (RAM) ....................................................................................................................................................................11
Read Only Memory (ROM) ...............................................................................................................................................................................11
Cache Memory .......................................................................................................................................................................................................12
SECONDARY STORAGE MEDIA & THEIR FUNCTIONS ..............................................................................................................................12
Secondary Storage Media .................................................................................................................................................................................12
Secondary Storage Devices ..............................................................................................................................................................................12

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
Magnetic Disk.........................................................................................................................................................................................................12
Optical Disc .............................................................................................................................................................................................................13
Solid-State Drives (SSD) ....................................................................................................................................................................................13
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY STORAGE MEDIA .....................................................................................13
THE DISK FILING SYSTEM AND HIERARCHICAL DIRECTORY STRUCTURE ..................................................................................13
Disk filing system .................................................................................................................................................................................................13
Directory Structure .............................................................................................................................................................................................13
UNIT 5 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
DATA REPRESENTATION ...........................................................................................................................................................................................14
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
DATA TYPES AND REPRESENTATION ............................................................................................................................................................14
Integers .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................14
Real Numbers ........................................................................................................................................................................................................15
Strings .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
Boolean .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
UNITS OF DATA STORAGE ....................................................................................................................................................................................15
CHARACTERS REPRESENTATION .....................................................................................................................................................................15
EBCDIC ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
Unicode .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
UNIT 6 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................17
INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SOFTWARE ....................................................................................................................................................17
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................17
TYPES OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE ...................................................................................................................................................................17
System Software ...................................................................................................................................................................................................17
Device Drivers .......................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Utility Program ......................................................................................................................................................................................................18
Application Software ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18
UNIT 7 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
WHAT IS PC? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................19
COMMON PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH PCs ...........................................................................................................................................19
ROUTINE PC MAINTENANCES ............................................................................................................................................................................21
Routine PC Maintenance Practices ...............................................................................................................................................................21
COMPUTER SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................................................................22
System Troubleshooting Skills .......................................................................................................................................................................22
SETTING UP A COMPUTER ...................................................................................................................................................................................22
INSTALLATION OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................................................24
UNIT 8 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................24
USING ICT TO LEARN ....................................................................................................................................................................................................24
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................24
CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGIES USED IN INTEGRATING ICT IN EDUCATION ........................................................................24
Multimedia ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Linear Multimedia ...............................................................................................................................................................................................25
Non-Linear Multimedia .....................................................................................................................................................................................25
Instructional Design ............................................................................................................................................................................................25
Educational Technology ....................................................................................................................................................................................25
REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGNING, CREATING AND USING MULTIMEDIA IN EDUCATION ....................................................25
ADVANTAGES OF USING MULTIMEDIA IN EDUCATION .........................................................................................................................26
Deeper Understanding .......................................................................................................................................................................................26
Improved Problem Solving Skills ..................................................................................................................................................................26
Access to Vast Variety of Information .........................................................................................................................................................26
Assists Students in Self-paced Learning ....................................................................................................................................................26
World Exploration ...............................................................................................................................................................................................26
Makes Teaching of Complex Concepts possible and easy ..................................................................................................................26

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
UNIT 9 ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................27
SPREADSHEET APPLICATION ..................................................................................................................................................................................27
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................27
WHAT IS SPREADSHEET?......................................................................................................................................................................................27
CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGIES ....................................................................................................................................................................27
FEATURES OF MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL ...................................................................................................................................................27
EDITING WORKSHEET ............................................................................................................................................................................................28
Creating Workbook and Worksheet ............................................................................................................................................................28
Saving Workbook and Worksheet ................................................................................................................................................................28
Adding and Renaming Worksheet ................................................................................................................................................................28
Adding Columns and Rows ..............................................................................................................................................................................29
DATA PROTECTION..................................................................................................................................................................................................29
FORMATTING WORKSHEET ................................................................................................................................................................................29
Formatting Numbers, Decimal Points, Dates & Times ........................................................................................................................29
DATA HANDLING.......................................................................................................................................................................................................31
Creating Graphs and Charts to Represent Data in a Worksheet .....................................................................................................31
Editing and Formatting Charts .......................................................................................................................................................................31
USING FORMULAS & FUNCTIONS ......................................................................................................................................................................32
Using Formulas .....................................................................................................................................................................................................32
Using Functions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................32
Formula Errors ......................................................................................................................................................................................................32
RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................................33
Relative References .............................................................................................................................................................................................33
Absolute References ...........................................................................................................................................................................................33
HELP FACILITY ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................33
BASIC ANALYSIS USING PIVOT TABLE ............................................................................................................................................................33
Creating Pivot Table............................................................................................................................................................................................33
Refreshing Pivot Table .......................................................................................................................................................................................34
UNIT 10 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
INTRODUCTION TO DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS .........................................................................................................................................34
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................34
CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGIES ....................................................................................................................................................................34
CREATING A DATABASE ........................................................................................................................................................................................35
Data Types in Microsoft Access .....................................................................................................................................................................35
Creating Database ................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Creating Tables .....................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Populating Tables in Access ............................................................................................................................................................................36
MANAGING DATA IN A DATABASE ...................................................................................................................................................................37
WORKING WITH QUERIES, FORMS AND REPORTS ...................................................................................................................................38
Creating Queries ...................................................................................................................................................................................................38
Creating Forms ......................................................................................................................................................................................................39
Designing and Managing Reports .................................................................................................................................................................39
UNIT 11 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................41
INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING ....................................................................................................................................................................41
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................41
INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES ...................................................................................................................................41
What is Programming? ......................................................................................................................................................................................41
What is Programming Language? .................................................................................................................................................................41
The Development of Programming Language .........................................................................................................................................41
Categories of Programming Language ........................................................................................................................................................43
FEATURES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES ...............................................................................................................................................45
Data Type .................................................................................................................................................................................................................45
Variables ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................45
Constant ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................45
Expression ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................45
Assignment .............................................................................................................................................................................................................45
Operators .................................................................................................................................................................................................................46

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
Precedence ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................46
Input/Output Statements .................................................................................................................................................................................46
Built-in Functions ................................................................................................................................................................................................46
Sequential Execution ..........................................................................................................................................................................................46
Conditional Execution ........................................................................................................................................................................................46
Looping Constructs .............................................................................................................................................................................................46
TERMINOLOGIES ASSOCIATED WITH PROGRAMMING ..........................................................................................................................47
PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE .........................................................................................................................................................48
Phases of Program Development Life Cycle .............................................................................................................................................48
ALGORITHMS ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................49
Algorithm Building Blocks ...............................................................................................................................................................................50
FLOWCHARTS .............................................................................................................................................................................................................52
Factors to Consider in Constructing Flowcharts ....................................................................................................................................52
Flowchart Symbols ..............................................................................................................................................................................................53
Constructing Flowchart .....................................................................................................................................................................................53
UNIT 12 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................55
INTRODUCTION TO DESKTOP PUBLISHING APPLICATION .......................................................................................................................55
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................55
DESKTOP PUBLISHING APPLICATION WINDOW .......................................................................................................................................55
Desktop Publishing Application Packages ................................................................................................................................................55
UNIT 13 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................56
NETWORKING ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................56
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................56
NETWORK CONCEPTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................56
TYPES OF NETWORKS ............................................................................................................................................................................................57
NETWORK TOPOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................................................................57
Types of Network Topology ............................................................................................................................................................................57
UNIT 14 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................58
INTRODUCTION TO WEBSITE DESIGNING .........................................................................................................................................................58
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................................................................................................................58
INTRODUCTION TO HTML ....................................................................................................................................................................................58
BASIC STRUCTURE OF HTML CODING ............................................................................................................................................................59
HTML Section .........................................................................................................................................................................................................59
Header Section ......................................................................................................................................................................................................59
Body Section ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................59
BASIC HTML TAGS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................59
DESIGNING A WEBSITE USING HTML .............................................................................................................................................................62
CREATING TABLES USING HTML ......................................................................................................................................................................62
FORMATTING TEXT USING HTML CODE........................................................................................................................................................65
DESIGNING HTML FORMS .....................................................................................................................................................................................66
CREATING LISTS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................69
INSERTING IMAGES .................................................................................................................................................................................................72
INSERTING HYPERLINKS ......................................................................................................................................................................................72

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
The student will be able to:

1. Explain the term information system.

2. Discuss the media types in presenting information.
3. Distinguish between manual and computerized information.
4. Discuss the types of information systems.
5. Describe the attributes of a good information system.
6. Outline the processes (building blocks) for the development of information.
7. Distinguish among different types of information.
8. Indicate the role of information in society.


An information system is a set of interrelated components working together to collect, retrieve, process, store and
disseminate information for the purpose of facilitating planning, controlling, coordination and decision making. It refers
to the information and communication Technology (ICT) that an organization uses and the way in which people interact
with this technology in support of business processes.


1. Hardware: The physical device that processes the data to create information. It includes the keyboard, mouse,
monitor, system unit, etc.
2. Software: A set of instructions given to the computer to perform a task
3. Data: Raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images and sound
4. Liveware: It refers to the user of the system. Professional information system personnel include development and
maintenance managers, system analysts, programmers, etc who are often with highly specialized skills. End users
are the people who use information systems or their information output.
5. Procedures: They are the policies and methods to be followed in using, operating and maintaining an information
system. They are specifications for the use, operation, and maintenance of information systems. They are often
collected in help facilities, user manuals, operator manuals and similar documents.


1. Text: It is a human-readable sequence of characters and the words they form that can be encoded into computer
readable formats.
2. Pictures: It is a visual representation or image painted, drawn, photographed or otherwise rendered on a flat
3. Sound: It is a vibration that typically propagates as an audible wave of pressure, through a transmission medium
as a gas, liquid or solid.
4. Graphics: They are visual representations on a surface, such as computer screen. Examples are photographs,
drawings, graphic designs, maps, engineering drawings or other images. Graphics often combine text and
5. Statistics: A branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation and
organization of data.
6. Animation: An illusion of movement created by showing a series of still pictures in rapid succession.


A manual information system is one that does not rely on any computer-based system for its operation. It usually
records and keeps information in files in paper form. A computerized information system stores data on various
computer programs such as databases, word documents and spreadsheets. Both types of information systems are
designed to help a business carry out its day-to-day running and operations.

A manual information system is considered to be cheaper, however it may contribute to lower levels of staff
productivity. In addition, having data stored manually in files or boxes is not environmentally friendly and could also

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
lead company documentation at risk. A computer-based information system may be considered to be more cost effective
and efficient than manual system. It speeds up operations and can back up important information. It is however very
expensive to set up and may need to be maintained by technical support advisors on regular basis.


• Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
• Office Automation Systems (OAS)
• Management Information Systems (MIS)
• Knowledge Work Systems (KWS)
• Decision Support Systems (DSS)
• Executive Support Systems (ESS)

Transaction Processing Systems

A Transaction Processing System (TPS) helps an organization to keep track of routine operations and records these
events in a database. For this reason, some firms call this the data processing system. The data from operations make
up databases that record the transactions of the company or organization. This database of transactions is used to
support an MIS, DSS and ESS. One of the most essential transaction processing systems for any organization is in the
accounting area. Every accounting department handles six basic activities. Five of these are sales order processing,
accounts receivable, inventory and purchasing, account payable, and payroll. All of these are recorded in the general
ledger, which is the sixth activity.

Office Automation System (OAS)

Office automation is a general term that describes the different types of computer systems and software that are used
to collect digitally, store, transfer, alter and utilize office information to execute tasks. Office automation has many
benefits including reduction of manual effort to achieve tasks, minimization of human and manual errors, decreased
processing time for task completion, better decision-making based on data and forecasts, etc.

Management Information Systems (MIS)

A Management Information System (MIS) is a computer-based information system that produces standardized reports
in summarized structured form. It is used to support middle managers. An MIS differs from a transaction processing
system in a significant way. Whereas transaction processing system creates databases, MIS uses databases. An MIS can
draw from the databases of several departments. Thus, MIS requires a database management system that integrates the
databases of different departments. Middle managers need summary data often drawn from across different functional

MIS produces reports that are predetermined. That is, they follow a predetermined format and always show the same
kinds of content.

Knowledge Work Systems (KWS)

Knowledge work systems are specialized information systems used by some professionals to create information in their
areas of expertise. For example, engineers involved in product design and manufacturing use Computer-Aided Design
(CAD) and Computer-Assisted Manufacturing (CAM) systems. These KWSs consist of powerful microcomputers running
special programs that integrate the design and manufacturing activities. CAD and CAM are widely used in the
manufacture of automobiles and other products.

Decision Support Systems (DSS)

A Decision Support System (DSS) enables managers get answers to unexpected and generally nonrecurring kinds of
problems. Frequently, a team is formed to address large problems. A group decision support system is then used to
support this collective work. A DSS is used to analyze data. Moreover, it produces reports that do not have a fixed format.
This makes the DSS a flexible tool for analysis. At first, most DSSs were designed for large computer systems. Now,
microcomputers with their increased power and sophisticated software such as spreadsheet and database programs
are widely used for DSS. Users of a DSS are managers, not computer programmers. Thus, a DSS must be easy to use.

Executive Support Systems (ESS)

An ESS may be defined as an information system that supports the information and decision-making needs of top
executives for solving the unstructured and semi-structured problems by presenting information mainly in the form of

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
graphics. Executive information systems support top managers with conveniently displayed summarized information,
customized for them. They make a variety of internal and external information readily available in a highly summarized
and convenient form. EIS are used to:

• Monitor the performance of the organization

• Assess the business environment
• Develop strategic directions for the company’s future


• Relevance: Information is good only if it is relevant. This means that it should be pertinent and meaningful to the
decision maker and should be in his area of responsibility.
• Accuracy: Information system should be accurate and avoid any inclusions of estimates or probable costs. Making
decisions based on estimates can lead to cost overruns or lower profits from operations. It should not have any
arithmetical and grammatical errors.

• Timely: Information must be delivered at the right time and the right place to the right person. Premature
information can become obsolete or be forgotten by the time it is actually needed. Similarly, some crucial decisions
can be delayed because proper and necessary information is not available in time, resulting in missed opportunities.

• Complete: Information should contain all the facts that are necessary for the decision maker to satisfactorily solve
the problem at hand using such information. Nothing important should be left out. Although information cannot
always be complete, every reasonable effort should be made to obtain it.

• Cost-effective: The information is not desirable if the solution is more costly than the problem. The cost of
gathering data and processing it into information must be weighed against the benefits derived from using such
• Clarity and Concise: Any given information must be brief but comprehensive. It must be clear and in a few words.
Too much information is a big burden on management and cannot be processed in time and accurately
• Trustworthy: Information must be objective, impartial, and credible. It must be free from exaggerations pertaining
to a specific outcome.


• Creating • Manipulating
• Collecting • Storing (saving) and retrieving
• Organizing • Communicating

By Framework within which data is used
1. International 4. Departmental
2. National 5. Individual
3. Corporate

By Business Categorization
1. Strategic Information: The strategic information refers to what an organization wants to achieve in the short or
long term. An organization’s strategic information can be formulated from external inputs such as change in
government policies, macroeconomic environment, what competitors are doing, etc. Strategic information can also
be formulated from internal input such as company vision and mission, top management input, audits and feedback,
learning from the past, future challenges, etc.
2. Tactical Information: A tactic is a concept-based approach to achieving a short-term goal. Tactical information is
used by organizations to achieve short-term goals. This includes planning one or more specific tasks and working
on them to improve the available opportunities or schemes.

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
Differences between Strategic Information and Tactical Information
• Strategy refers to the “what” and “why” a company plans to do in the future, and tactical refers to “how” it plans
to implement it.
• Strategy formulation involves consideration of all types of external and internal input while tactics is actually
the actions to implement the strategy.
• Strategic information is needed for long-term planning and directions. Tactical information is required to
achieve short-term goals to achieve performance and profitability.
• Strategic information involves a period generally up to five years while tactical information involves a period
of up to a year.
3. Operational Information: Operational information is information about ongoing, daily operations and what needs
to be done to meet short-term goals and immediate requests. This information is required by the operational and
the lower levels of the management. The main purpose of this information is fact finding and taking such actions or
decisions which will affect the operations at a micro level. The decisions may be to stay on overtime, draw additional
material, change the job from one machine to the other, and send a reminder to the supplier for the supply of

By Time
1. Past information: Past information refers to information about events, activities and transactions which happened
in the past. They are also called historical information. Examples are date of birth, place of birth, etc.
2. Present information: Present information refers to information on current issues and day-to-day activities or
3. Future information: Future information refers to predictions and projections about activities and events likely to
take place in the future. It is usually deduced from present and past information. Example is weather forecasting.

By Quantifiable
1. Quantitative: Quantitative information is the information that can be counted or measured in numerical values.
Examples of quantitative information are height in feet, age in years, time in days or weeks, weight in pounds, etc.
2. Qualitative: Quantitative information is descriptive information that is not expressed numerically. It is expressed
in words or visuals. Examples include gender, religion, marital status, qualification, native language, etc.


• Information enables people have facts for decision making.
• It keeps people informed on current issues.
• It enhances efficiency.
• It provides a competitive edge to an organization.

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
The student will be able to:

1. Explain general issues concerning Information Technology.

2. Analyse the role and impact of Information Technology on everyday life.


Computers and telecommunication devices have made it easier for us to collect, store, manipulate and share data and
information, both individually and within organizations, large and small, public and private. ICT has become such an
integral part of our daily lives that sometimes we barely notice its effects. It has had a major impact on the way we live,
work and play.

Digital Culture
Culture is the way of life of a group of people. Digital culture is a concept that describes the idea that technology and the
internet significantly shape the way we interact, behave, think, and communicate as human beings in a society.

The Internet
The Internet is the world’s largest interconnected group of computer networks. It is simply a network of various
networks of computers that are able to communicate and share information with one another.

Computer Crime
Computer crime is the crimes that use computer networks or devices to advance through other means to defraud and
steal other people’s valuables. It is also called Cybercrime. Examples of computer crimes are malware, hacking and

• Malware is software which is specially designed to disrupt, damage or gain unauthorized access to a computer or
• Hacking refers to the practice of modifying or altering computer software and hardware to accomplish a goal that
is considered to be outside of the creator’s original objective. Those individuals who engage in computer hacking
activities are called Hackers.
• Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details often
for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.


ICT has immensely impacted in the field of education, business, health, governance, etc. The following are some of the
ways ICT has made impact in our everyday lives.

E-Business means Electronic Business. It is the conduct of business processes on the Internet. It is the use of the Web,
Internet, intranets, extranets or some other combinations thereof to conduct business. It comprises e-commerce, which
is the buying and selling of products and services online. It also includes a much wider range of business processes, such
as supply chain management, electronic order processing and customer relationship management. E-business
processes, therefore, help companies to operate more effectively and efficiently.

E-learning, also referred to as online learning or electronic learning, is the acquisition of knowledge which takes place
through electronic technologies and media. Typically, e-learning is conducted on the Internet, where students can
access their learning materials online at any place and time. It most often takes place in the form of online courses,
online degrees, or online programs.

E-Governance, that is Electronic Governance is the use of Information Technology for delivering government services
to citizens. The basic purpose of e-governance is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens, businesses, etc.
The government of Ghana has implemented several e-governance processes some of which are paperless port, mobile

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
money interoperability, digital passport application and acquisition, etc. Among the benefits of e-governance are
reduced corruption, high transparency, increased convenience, growth in GDP, expanded reach of government, etc.

E-Health stands for Electronic Health. It refers to healthcare practices supported by electronic processes. ICT has
impacted the health sector in diverse ways as enumerated below:

Patients Records Management

Patients personal information and health history are stored electronically in databases. These computers are networked
making the health records accessible to doctors and other health professionals from different departments in the health

Patient Diagnosis
Diagnosis is the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms. In the past,
doctors and nurses have had the trouble of making a diagnosis based on the mere symptoms you tell them, and on basic
readings such as temperature, blood pressure and blood samples. However, with the introduction of computers into
our health system, doctors can now diagnose patients with the aid of telemedical equipment such as Computer Aided
Tomography (CAT) scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanners, which allow doctors to investigate what is
happening inside a patient’s body without intrusive surgery.

Patient Treatment
Once a diagnosis has been made, the correct method of treatment can be chosen. Technology is used to treat many
medical and surgical conditions. Examples include the Intravenous (IV) drip and ventilators. Intravenous drip is a way
of delivering fluids and medicine into patient over a period of time. It can be automated so that the medicine is delivered
at specific time of day and at a program level. Ventilators on the other hand are used for patients considered too ill to
breathe for themselves, perhaps after major surgery or a fatal accident.

E-Mail stands for Electronic Mail. It is a system for sending and receiving messages electronically over a computer
network. E-mail is asynchronous and does not require the receiver of the message to be online at the time the message
is sent or received. E-mail also allows a user to distribute messages to large numbers of recipients instantaneously.

Computer-Based Training (CBT)

Computer-Based Training (CBT) is any course of instruction whose primary means of delivery is a computer. It involves
the use of a personal or networked computer for the delivery and access of training programs. CBT can be synchronous
and asynchronous. It is particularly useful when training learners on a specific computer application, but can also be
built to train learners on general knowledge or skills. The greatest disadvantage of CBT is that it is expensive to develop
and deliver, especially for smaller groups of students.

Computer Assisted Learning (CAL)

Computer-Assisted Learning (CAL) may be defined as any learning that is mediated by a computer and which requires
no direct interaction between the user and a human instructor in order to run. It is the process of using computers and
computer programs to help students to learn. CAL presents the user with an interface (constructed by an educator
skilled in the field of study) which allows the user to follow a lesson plan or may allow self-directed access to particular
information of interest.
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is a way to digitally create two-dimensional (2D) drawings and three-dimensional (3D)
models of real-world products before they are manufactured. The software helps to create, modify, analyze, and
enhance a design. They are mostly used in architecture and engineering.
Computer Assisted Manufacturing (CAM)
Computer Assisted Manufacturing (CAM) is the use of computer systems to plan, manage and control the operations of
a manufacturing plant through either direct or indirect computer interface with the plant production resources. CAM is
used in the production of circuit boards, car manufacturing, pattern cutting for clothing manufacturing, etc.

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
The student will be able to:
1. describe functions of hardware components of a computer system
2. identify the types of input and output devices.
3. identify the main parts of the CPU.
4. describe the processes involved in the machine cycle.


Computer hardware is the physical components that a computer system requires to function. It is the collection of all
the parts you can physically touch. It encompasses everything with a circuit board that operates within a computer. It
includes the motherboard, graphics card, CPU, ventilation fans, webcam, power supply, keyboard and so on.

The components of the computer hardware are:

1. Input devices 4. Storage devices

2. Processing devices 5. Communication devices
3. Output devices
Input Devices
Input devices are hardware that can send data into the computer for processing. They help users to interact with the
computer. They convert data from any convenient external format into binary codes that a computer can store and
manipulate internally. The types of input devices are keyboards, pointing devices and source data entry devices.
Keyboards: A computer keyboard is an input device used to enter characters and functions into the computer system
by pressing buttons, or keys. It is the primary device used to enter text. It typically contains keys for individual letters,
numbers and special characters, as well as keys for specific functions. The most widely used keyboard type is
called QWERTY, named after the sequence of the first six letters from the top left. A keyboard is connected to a computer
system using a cable or a wireless connection. Among the keys on the keyboard are function keys, numeric keypad,
alphanumeric keys, arrow keys, etc.

Figure 1: Keyboard
Pointing devices: They are input devices used to control the movement of a cursor on a computer screen. They are used
to point at and manipulate objects or text on the screen. They are also used to select an icon from a list of icons. Examples
are mouse, touch screen, joystick, stylus/light pen, trackball, touchpad, pointing stick, etc.

Figure 2: Joystick

Figure 3: Stylus/Light Pen

ICT (Elective) for SHS - by Frederick Arhin
Figure 4: Pointing Stick

Figure 5: Touchpad

Figure 6: Touch Screen

Figure 7: Trackball

Figure 8: Mouse
Source Data Entry Devices: Source data entry devices are used for audio input, video input and to enter the source
document directly to the computer. Source data entry devices do not require data to be typed-in, keyed-in or pointed to
a particular location using mouse or keyboard. Examples are microphone, digital camera, scanner, Optical Character
Recognition (OCR), Optical Mark Recognition (OMR), Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR), Barcode Reader, etc.
• Speech Recognition Input Device: The speech recognition systems use microphone as medium of input. To operate
it we require using a microphone to talk to the computer. Also, we need to add a sound card to the computer. A
sound card translates analog audio signals from microphone into digital codes that the computer can store and
process. Sound card also translates back the digital sound into analog signals that can be sent to the speakers.

Figure 9: Microphones
• Digital Camera: Pictures taken using a digital camera are stored inside its memory and can be transferred to a
computer by connecting the camera to it.

Figure 10: Digital Cameras

• Scanner: Scanner is an input device that accepts paper document as an input. It is used to input data directly into
the computer from the source document without copying and typing the data. The input data to be scanned can be
a picture, a text or a mark on a paper. It is an optical input device and uses light as an input source to convert an
image into an electronic form that can be stored on the computer.

Figure 11: Scanners

• Optical Character Recognition (OCR) device: OCR is the ability of machine to recognize characters. OCR is a type
of optical scanner, which can detect alphanumeric characters printed on paper. The OCR uses special light, or optic
to read text from a piece of paper. A special font standard is needed to recognize character. OCR is used for large
volume processing application such as reading of passenger tickets, processing motor vehicles registration etc.

Figure 12:Optical Character Recognition Devices

• Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) Device: OMR is used to detect marks on a paper. The marks are recognized by
their darkness. OMR uses an optical mark reader to read the marks. The OMR reader scans the forms, detects the
mark that is positioned correctly on the paper and is darker than the surrounding paper, and passes this
information to the computer for processing by application software. OMR is widely used to read answers of
objective type tests, where the student marks an answer by darkening a particular circle using a pencil. OMR is also
used to read forms, questionnaires, order forms, etc.

Figure 13: Optical Mark Recognition Devices

• Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) Device: MICR is used in banks to process large volumes of cheques.
It is used for recognizing the magnetic encoding numbers printed at the bottom of a cheque. The numbers on the
cheque are human readable, and are printed using an ink which contains iron particles. These numbers are
magnetized. MICR uses magnetic ink character reader for character recognition. When a cheque is passed through
Magnetic Ink Character Reader, the magnetic field causes the read head to recognize the characters or numbers of

cheque. The readers are generally used in banks to process the cheques. The numbers in the bottom of the cheque
include the bank number, branch number and cheque number. The reading speed of MICR is faster than OCR.

Figure 14: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Devices

• Barcode Reader: Barcodes are adjacent vertical lines of different width that are machine readable. Goods available
at supermarkets, books, etc. use barcode for identification. Barcodes are read using reflective light by barcode
readers. This information is input to the computer which interprets the code using the spacing and thickness of
bars. Barcode readers are fast and accurate. They enable faster service to the customer and are also used to
determine the items being sold, number of each item sold or to retrieve the price of item.

Figure 15: Barcode Readers

• Biometric Devices: Biometrics is the science of measuring individual body characteristics, then using them to
identify a person through a fingerprint, hand, eye, voice, or facial characteristics. For example, laptop nowadays
equip with biometric sensors that read user’s facial characteristics before allowing access to networks.

Figure 16: Biometric Devices

Output Devices
An output device is any hardware used to communicate the result of data processing carried out by the CPU. There are
two kinds of output: Soft copy output and Hard copy output.
Soft copy output is a temporary output that refers to information displayed on a screen or in audio form through
speakers. This output disappears when the computer is switched off. Some of the softcopy output devices are monitor,
projector and speaker. Hard copy output is a permanent output that refers to any output printed onto paper or film.
Examples of hard copy output devices are printers and plotters.

A monitor is the visual display unit of the computer. It displays the data processed on a screen. Some of the types of
monitors are CRT, LCD, and LED. CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) is a vacuum tube used as a display screen in a computer
monitor or TV. The viewing end of the tube is coated with phosphors, which emit light when struck by electrons.

Figure 17: CRT Monitors

Both LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and LED (Light Emitting Diodes) monitors use liquid crystals to help create an image.
The difference is in the backlights. While LCD monitor uses fluorescent backlights, an LED monitor uses light-emitting
diodes for backlights. LED monitors usually have superior picture quality.

Figure 18: LCD Monitors

The student will be able to:
1. Identify the main and backup storage media and their devices.
2. Discuss the functions of the primary and secondary storage media and their devices.
3. Distinguish between the primary and secondary storage media.
4. Describe the disk filing system and hierarchical directory structure.


Storage media are the hardware components on which data or information is stored. Examples are RAM, ROM, CD,
Hard disk, etc. Storage devices are the hardware components that read or write data or information on the storage
media. Examples are hard disk drive, CD/DVD drive, floppy disk drive, etc.


Primary storage media is the component of the computer that holds data, programs and instructions that are currently
in use. Primary storage is located on the motherboard. This gives the processor fast access to the data and instructions
that the primary storage holds. Examples of primary storage media are Random Access Memory (RAM), Read Only
Memory (ROM) and Cache memory.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

RAM is the main memory of the computer. It holds data, programs and instructions that are currently being worked on
by the processor. It is volatile. This means any data or instruction on the RAM is lost when the computer is turned off.

Figure 19: RAM

Read Only Memory (ROM)
ROM holds data and instructions that necessary for starting up the computer. It is commonly used for storing system
level programs such as the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) program. The ROM is hard-wired, meaning instructions
on it are stored at the time of the manufacture and cannot easily be altered. It is non-volatile (i.e. instructions on it
remains even if computer is turned off).

Figure 20: ROM

Cache Memory
Cache Memory is a high-speed holding area between the memory and the processor. It is used to store frequently used
data and programs. It is volatile. It makes data retrieval easier and efficient.

Figure 21: Cache Memory


Secondary Storage Media
Secondary storage media refers to a memory that is stored external to the computer. It is mainly used for the permanent
and long-term storage of programs and data. It is sometimes called Auxiliary Storage. It is non-volatile media that holds
data until it is deleted or overwritten. Hard disk, CD, DVD, SD (Secure Digital) card, floppy disk, etc. are examples of
secondary storage media.

Secondary Storage Devices

Secondary storage devices are the hardware components that read or write data or information on the secondary
storage media. Examples are hard disk drive, CD/DVD drive, floppy disk drive, Zip disk drive, Flash drive etc.

Types of Secondary Storage Media

• Magnetic disk
• Optical disc
• Solid-State Drives (SSD)

Magnetic Disk
A magnetic disk is a storage device that uses a magnetization process to write, rewrite and access data. It is covered
with a magnetic coating and stores data in the form of tracks, spots and sectors. Hard disks, zip disks and floppy disks
are common examples of magnetic disks.

Hard Disk
Hard disk is a secondary storage device coated with magnetic material for storing computer programs and data. It is
the main storage device in the computer. It is divided into tracks and sectors where data is positioned into these tracks
and sectors. It is non-volatile.

Figure 22: Hard disk

Floppy Disk
Floppy disk is a flexible plastic disk coated with magnetic material and covered by a protective jacket, used to store data
or programs. They were being used in the 1980s and 1990s. They had storage capacity of about 5 MB. They were also
called Diskette.

Figure 23: Floppy disk

Zip Disk
Zip disk is a computer disk, similar to a floppy disk but capable of storing greater amounts of data. It was an advanced
version of the floppy disk. Zip disks were available in 100 and 250 MB capacities and were used to store, share and back
up large amounts of data, which was not possible with ordinary floppy disks.

Optical DiscFigure 24: Zip Disk

An optical disk is an electronic data storage medium that can be written to and read from using a laser beam. It has
plastic coating and has a higher storage capacity than floppy disk. Examples are CD, DVD and Blu-ray.

Figure 25: Optical Disk

Solid-State Drives (SSD)

Solid-State Drives are storage devices that use integrated circuit assemblies to store data electronically on flash memory
chips. Examples are flash drive and SD (Secure Digital) card.

Figure 26: Solid State Drives



It is the main memory of the computer It is an external memory.

It stores data temporarily It stores data permanently.

It is volatile It is non-volatile

It is faster. It is slower.

It stores data that the computer is currently using. It stores data in various formats that can be accessed at any


Disk filing system
A file system is the structure and logic rules used to manage the groups of information and their names. A disk file
system is a system which manages data on permanent storage devices. It controls how data is stored and retrieved.
Directory Structure
A directory structure is the way an operating system’s file system and its files are displayed to the user. Files are
typically displayed in a hierarchical tree structure. A tree structure is a way of representing the hierarchical nature of a

structure in a graphical form. It is named a tree structure because the graphical representation resembles a tree, with
the root directory at the top and the leaves beneath. E.g.


BISECO Pictures

Assessment Class List 2020 2021

2019-20 Engagement Wedding


• D:/BISECO/Class List/2019-20
• D:/Pictures/2021/Wedding
• D:/Pictures/2020
• D:/Pictures/2021
• D:/BISECO/Assessment, etc.

The student will be able to:
1. Identify data types
2. Explain units of storage
3. Explain how characters are represented
4. Perform binary arithmetic
5. Convert from decimals to binary coded decimal and vice versa
6. Convert octal and hexadecimal numbers to binary and vice versa.
A data type is a set of possible values and a set of mathematical, relational or logical operations that may be applied to
the values. A data type tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data.
The data types are:
1. Integers
2. Real numbers
3. Strings
4. Boolean
5. Character
An integer is a positive or negative whole number. Examples of positive integers are 1, 2, 3, 4 and examples of negative
integers are -1, -2, -3, -4. The number 0 is also considered an integer. In most programming languages, you can convert

a number into an integer using the int function. Integer data types often represent whole numbers in programming. An
integer's value moves from one integer to another without acknowledging fractional numbers in between.
Real Numbers
A Real data type is numerical data which contains decimal numbers. It usually stores numbers with decimal places. It is
sometimes called Floating-pointing data type. It comes under different names in different languages such as double or
float. Double data types have 8 bytes (64 bits) of memory, while float data types have 4 bytes (32 bits) of memory.
Strings are a sequence of characters used to store words or plain text. They are used for alphanumeric characters.
Characters may be letters of the alphabet, a digit, a blank space, a punctuation mark, etc. It is a sequence of characters
and the most commonly used data type to store text.
Boolean is used for representing logical values: TRUE or FALSE intended to clarify conditional statements. Sometimes
a boolean value is also represented as 0 (for false) and 1 (for true).
The character data type represents individual or single characters. It is used to store a single letter (both upper and
lower case), digit (0 to 9), punctuation mark, symbol, or blank space. It is sometimes abbreviated as char.
The memories of all digital computers are two-state devices. These two states are represented by a zero (0) or one (1),
and are called Bits. Bits mean Binary Digits. Bits are the smallest/basic unit of storage in a computer. A bit holds one
of two possible values: 0 (OFF) and 1 (ON). A bit which is OFF is considered to be FALSE or NOT SET, while a bit which
is ON is considered to be TRUE or SET.
The amount of data and instructions that can be stored in the memory of computer is measured in bytes. A byte is a
group of 8 bits. One byte can represent a number from 0 (00000000) to 255 (11111111), thus 256 (2 8) distinct states.
A nibble is a group of 4 bits. A word is equal to 16 bits. A double word is 32 bits.
• 1024 bytes = 1 Kilobyte (KB) • 10245 bytes = 1 Petabyte (PB)
• 10242 bytes = 1 Megabyte (MB) • 10246 bytes = 1 Exabyte (EB)
• 10243 bytes = 1 Gigabyte (GB) • 10247 bytes = 1 Zettabyte (ZB)
• 10244 bytes = 1 Terabyte (TB) • 10248 bytes = 1 Yottabyte (YB)
The computer uses a byte to represent each character. It uses a particular set of bits to represent specific characters.
Since we need to communicate with the computer and with each other, it is appropriate that we use a common scheme
for data representation. That is, there must be agreement on which groups of bits represent which characters. The three
common coding schemes are EBCDIC, Unicode and ASCII.
EBCDIC stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. It uses 8 bits to represent a character (4 bits for
zone and 4 bits for the character). It is used to represent 256 unique symbols or characters. It represents decimal
numbers (0-9), lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), special characters, etc. It is mainly used in mainframe
Unicode is a universal character encoding standard for the representation of text which includes letters, numbers and
symbols in multi−lingual environments. It uses 32 bits to represent a character. It allows 4,294,967,296 (4 billion +)
combinations/characters. It can uniquely represent any character or symbol present in any language like Chinese,
Japanese, etc. An advantage of Unicode is that it is compatible with the ASCII−8 codes. The first 256 codes in Unicode
are identical to the ASCII-8 codes.
ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is the most widely used binary coding scheme.
ASCII codes are of two types: ASCII−7 and ASCII−8.

ASCII-7 is a 7-bit code (1st 3 bits for zone and last 4 bits for the character). It allows 128 combinations; thus 128 unique
symbols/characters are represented using ASCII-7. ASCII-7 has been modified by IBM to ASCII-8.
ASCII-8 is an extended version of ASCII-7. It is an 8-bit code (4 bits for zone and 4 bits for character). It represents 256
unique symbols/characters.
❖ 48 to 57 are used to represent numbers (0−9).
❖ 65 to 90 stand for uppercase letters (A−Z).
❖ 97 to 122 stand for lowercase letters (a−z).
❖ 128 to 255 are the extended ASCII codes.

ASCII-8 Code Table


0 00110000 48
1 00110001 49

2 00110010 50

3 00110011 51

……. …….. ………

9 00111001 57


A 01000001 65
B 01000010 66

C 01000011 67

D 01000100 68
…… …….. ………
Z 01011010 90


a 01100001 97
b 01100010 98

c 01100011 99
d 01100100 100

….. …….. ………

z 01111010 122

The student will be able to:

1. Distinguish among the various types of computer software.

2. Discuss the types of operating system.
3. Explain the functions of the operating system.
4. Identify and state the uses of utility programs.
5. Distinguish among the different types of application software.
6. Discuss the functions of the application software.


Computer software is the set of instructions given to the computer to perform a task. The types of computer software

1. System software
2. Application software

System Software
System software is the type of software that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the other
software. It is responsible for the management of various activities of the computer and the sharing of computer
resources. Examples of system software are:

1. Operating System
2. Utility Programs
3. Device Drivers

Operating System
The operating system is system software that controls the application software and manages how the hardware devices
work together. It is the basic software of the computer system. Examples of operating system are Windows, Linux, Unix,
and Macintosh.

Windows operating system is developed by Microsoft Corporation. Some of the versions are Windows 1.0, Windows 98,
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, etc.

Linux OS is developed by Linus Torvalds. Some of the versions are Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Mandrake, etc.

Unix OS is developed by Unix Open Group. Some of the versions are Solaris, Unixware, IRIX, etc.

Macintosh OS is developed by Apple Inc. Some of the versions are Puma, Jaguar, Tiger, Leopard, Lion, Catalina, Monterey,

Types of operating system

1. Single-user Operating System
2. Multi-user Operating System
3. Single-tasking/Single Programming Operating System
4. Multi-tasking/Multi-programming Operating System
5. Networked Operating System

Single-User Operating System

Single-user Operating System is an operating system that allows only one person at a time to use the system. It is also
called personal user operating system because it is basically designed to be used by individuals. Single-user operating
systems can be single-tasking or multi-tasking. In Single-user single-tasking operating systems, only one user is
permitted to perform only one task at a time. Examples of single-user single-tasking operating systems are MS-DOS,
Palm OS, etc.

Single-user multi-tasking operating systems are developed for one user, but this single user can perform two or more
tasks running at the same time. The user can be creating document, while surfing the internet and listening to music at
the same time. Examples of single-user multi-tasking operating systems are Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000,

Multi-User Operating System

Multi-user Operating System is an operating system that allows two or more people to use the system at a time.
Different users can access the system with the help of several terminals which are connected together in a network.
Examples are Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and later versions of Windows, Macintosh OS, operating systems
that run on mainframe computers, etc.

Networked Operating System

A networked operating system (NOS) is designed primarily to support personal computers, workstations and other
devices like printers that are connected on a Local Area Network (LAN). It runs on a server and allows these multiple
devices within the network to communicate and share resources with one another. Examples are Windows Server 2003,
Windows Server 2008, Mac OS X, Novell NetWare, etc.

Functions of Operating System

1. Management of file systems: Operating systems help in creating, copying, moving, and deleting, files and folders.
They also check and defragment disks.
2. Memory management: The operating system allocates main memory and secondary storage areas to the system
and user programs and data.
3. Device management: Keeps track of all devices and manages how they will communicate together.
4. Maintains security: Keeps register of all users so that only persons with valid usernames or IDs and passwords can
access the system.
5. Protects the data and information against malware threat.
6. Manages tasks: Helps the CPU in multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is the ability of the computer to run two or more
programs at the same time.
7. Manages Input/Output System: Coordinates and assigns different input and output devices to processes and
8. Networking: helps devices and processes to communicate with one another within a network.

Device Drivers
A device driver is a piece of software that interfaces a particular piece of hardware. It helps hardware peripherals to
communicate with the rest of the computer system. Examples of hardware peripherals that require device drivers are
printer, sound card, scanner, modem, video card, etc.

Utility Program
Utility Program is system software designed to help manage, maintain and control computer resources. Operating
systems typically contain the necessary tools for this, but separate utility programs can provide improved functionality.

Uses of Utility Program

1. Antivirus software: Scans the computer for threat of computer viruses and fixes them.
2. Back up software: Allows you to make duplicate of your files on an external storage.
3. Disk cleaner: Scans the computer for files that are unnecessary or not being used but takes considerable space and
helps the user to delete them.
4. File defragmentation software: Detects files whose contents are scattered in several locations on the hard disk
and move the fragments (several pieces of the files) and store them in contiguous sectors to increase efficiency.

Application Software
Application software is a program that is used to perform specific task on the computer. It is the instructions for
handling and transforming data. It is designed to help users to perform single or multiple related tasks.

Types and Functions of Application Software

1. Word Processing Software: Used to create documents. Examples are Microsoft Word, Star Word, Writer, Notepad,
WordPad, Text Editor, etc.

2. Spreadsheet application: Used for Mathematical, Accounting and Scientific operations. Examples are Microsoft
Excel, Lotus 123, Calc, etc
3. Database Management software: Used for creating and managing data in databases. Examples are Microsoft
Access, MySql, Base, etc.
4. Presentation software: Used to display information in the form of slide show. Examples are PowerPoint,
EasyWorship, Impress, etc.
5. Educational software: Used to facilitate learning. Examples are Microsoft Encarta, Microsoft Student, Mavis
Beacon, Schoology, Google Classroom, etc.
6. Games: Used for playing games. Examples are Pro Evolution Soccer, Mortal Kombat, Need for Speed, Zuma,
Solitaire, Pinball, etc
7. Web Browsers: Used for accessing resources on the internet. Examples are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,
Opera Mini, Google Chrome, etc
8. Authoring Software: Used to create multimedia applications for manipulating multimedia objects. Some are
specifically used to create websites. Examples are Adobe Dream Weaver, Microsoft FrontPage, WordPress, etc.
9. Graphics software: Used to manipulate images. Examples are Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw,
Adobe Fireworks, Microsoft Paint, etc.
10. Desktop Publishing software: Used for creating visual communications such as brochures, books, etc. Examples
are Page Maker, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe InDesign, etc.
11. Movie Maker Software: Used to create, edit and produce movies and animations. Examples are Adobe Premiere,
Windows Movie Maker, Camtasia Studio, Filmora, etc.

The student will be able to:

1. Identify common problems associated with PCs and their suggested solutions.
2. Perform routine PC maintenance.
3. Perform basic computer system troubleshooting.
4. Mount and set up a computer.
5. Install and/upgrade software on a computer.

PC stands for Personal Computer. It is the computer designed to be used by one person at a time. Examples are desktop
computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone, etc.


1. Computer is not Powering on: If your PC is not powering on at all – not even a single light in it, then there must
be a problem with the power source. For desktop, check if PC’s extension cord, power outlet, and other
connections are working correctly. If so, then check the PC’s power cable. Replace the power cable of the monitor
with that of the system unit (if you don’t have a spare cable) to see if it turns on. For Laptop, take out the battery
and put it back before starting the laptop. If this doesn’t work, connect the adaptor and start the PC. You should also
remove all types of external devices connected to your PC while trying out these.
2. The Screen is Blank: If the computer is on but the monitor isn’t showing anything, there could be a problem with
the monitor itself or the graphics card. A computer may appear “not to be on" when actually it's just having
problems resuming from either the Standby/Sleep or Hibernate power saving mode in Windows. If so, press any
key on the keyboard or shake the mouse. If not resolved, check to see if the monitor is plugged into a power source
and that the connection between the monitor and system unit is secure. If so, then replace the power cable with a
working one and see if it solves the problem. If problem still persist, connect the monitor to another system unit to
see whether the problem is with the monitor or the system unit.

If it’s a laptop, it could be that the power has completely run out, so connect the power adaptor and leave it to charge
for some minutes. If not resolved, power off your computer by holding the power button down for 3 to 5 seconds.
After the power is completely off, turn on your PC and test to see if it will boot normally.
3. Computer is Slow: This could be as a result of too much pressure on the RAM or the presence of malware. You can
fix it by closing some open programs or files that are not needed. If closing them is being difficult, you can run the
Task Manager by right clicking the task bar and selecting Task Manager or press Ctrl+Shift+Escape and end those
tasks that are not needed. If it’s malware, update and scan your device using Windows Defender or install 3 rd party
antivirus software and use regularly.
4. The Screen is Frozen: This is when the computer refuses to respond to any instructions given. It is termed
Hanging. It is resolved by restarting the computer. If not possible, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and restart the computer.
5. Windows does not Boot: This might be as a result of external devices connected, corrupted hard drive, RAM or
operating system. It can be resolved by removing all external devices connected and booting the computer again.
You can also change the RAM and see if it works. If not resolved, reinstall the operating system.
6. PC Overheating: This is the situation where your PC’s temperature rises beyond the normal. A heating PC slows
down the whole system and leads to frequent crashes. Additionally, PC components may also get permanently
damaged due to constant exposure to heat. There are two main reasons your PC heats up, i.e. either the cooling
system isn’t working properly or the PC is heating to the point your cooling system can’t handle it anymore.
Check if the fan is working or not by opening up the PC or using a flashlight to see inside the PC’s ventilation holes
for running fan.
Avoid blocking the vents: You should never place your PC on your bed, blanket or any other soft surface while
working. Such soft and uneven surfaces block the airflow from the vents, warming up the PC. Instead, always place
the PC on a hard surface, preferably a wooden table or laptop tray/stand, so that the ventilation area never gets

Figure 27: Laptop Trays

Clean up the PC: Dirt is probably the cause if not any of the causes above.
• First, completely turn off the PC and unplug it.
• Open the cover and you should be able to see visible dust.
• Use PC air blower to blow the main PC components with air, especially the fans, from both front and back
• You can also use cotton buds to clean up the narrow spaces.

Figure 28: PC Air Blower

7. Noisy PC: If you hear a lot of extra noise while using the PC, it is most probably caused by dust. Get it cleaned or use
a dust blower to clean it up. There is also a chance that a disc inside the DVD ROM is making the extra sound, so

check and remove it. Hard drives often make noise just before they fail, so you will have to back up your information
just in case it is the hard drive.
8. Blue Screen of Death: A Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) also referred to as “blue screen,” happens after a critical error
that the system is unable to process and repair automatically. It is usually encountered when upgrading to a new
version of Windows, during startup, or suddenly while actively using the computer. It is usually encountered due
to corrupted drivers, too much pressure on the RAM, faulty hard disk drive, and overheating.
Check that there is enough space for updates: BSoD is usually a problem occurring due to corrupted files, file
system failures and system spaces. Sometimes, your system space may get filled during the update, causing some
of the files to be missing, hence resulted in a corrupted file.
Scan your system for viruses: Some viruses can cause a Blue Screen of Death, especially ones that infect the boot
Update your hardware drivers: Most Blue Screens of Death are hardware or driver related, so updated drivers
could fix the cause of the STOP error.

9. System automatically restarts: This can be as a result of various issues, including corrupted drivers, faulty
hardware, and malware infection, among others. It can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what keeps your computer
in a reboot loop. This can be fixed by:
Updating drivers: When your drivers are outdated, it is possible for your computer to get stuck in a reboot loop.
This is because your devices are not able to properly communicate with your system. As such, it is important to
check if your drivers are up to date.
Checking hardware issues: Check if external devices connected are all working correctly.
Scanning for viruses: It is possible that your computer has been infected by a virus. You can run a complete virus
scan by using Windows Defender or with an installed antivirus.

10. Printer isn’t printing: There are many reasons why your printer won’t print, so start with the basics such as
checking to see whether there is an error message or warning light on the printer. Make sure there is paper in the
tray(s), check the ink or toner cartridges aren’t empty, the USB cable is plugged in or the printer is connected to Wi-
Restart the printer: Simply cancel all the active printing work and restart the printer. This is because the printer
might be overloaded.
Check for issues on the computer: Every printer has its own driver so make sure you have selected the appropriate
driver for that particular printer.

Routine maintenance for a computer involves taking regular steps that make your computer faster, more secure and
less cluttered. If your computer seems slow, displays an error message about low disk space or takes a long time to boot
up, doing routine maintenance can fix the issue and help your computer last longer. While some routine computer
maintenance tasks prevent future problems like viruses or data loss, others free up space and even fix software bugs.
Routine PC Maintenance Practices
1. Blowing dust from computer
• First, completely turn off the PC and unplug it.
• Open the cover and dust will be visible inside.
• Use PC air blower to blow the main components with air.
• You can also use cotton buds to clean up the narrow spaces.
2. Scan for virus: Computers use antivirus software such as Windows Defender or 3rd party antivirus that can
perform real-time scans on files you download and those you copy from external drives. These viruses can slow
your computer, destroy important system files or lead to theft of passwords and other personal information. When
your antivirus program detects a threat, it will alert you to delete the file or move it to a self-contained location
where it can't cause harm to your computer. For the strongest protection, set your antivirus software to download
automatic updates to protect you from the latest viruses.

3. Clean up hard disk: As you use your computer, temporary internet files, downloaded files and cache files build up
and leave you with less hard-drive space. Running utilities such as the built-in Disk Cleanup for Windows can locate
and clear these files for you. Since visiting many websites collects files that can make your web browser sluggish, it
also helps to check your browser's preferences or settings to find its option to clear the cache or temporary internet
files. In addition to removing junk files, occasionally checking your hard drive for unused programs and files you
no longer use and removing them can restore space. If you're a Windows user, you can also try the built-in
defragmentation utility, which reorganizes the data on your drive so your computer can boot up and access files
4. Defragment hard disk: Defragmentation is the process of reorganizing the data stored on the hard drive so that
related pieces of data are put back together, all lined up in a continuous fashion. It picks up all of the pieces of data
that are spread across your hard drive and puts them back together again. Defragmentation increases computer
performance. For Windows you can launch Defragment and Optimize Drives and be aided to defragment all your

Figure 29: Optimize Drives dialog box

5. Operating System and Applications Updates: Installing operating system updates and keeping all your programs
updated are important PC maintenance tasks that improve your computer's security and stability. Both Windows
and Macintosh systems have the option to automatically download and install operating system updates, but you
can manually check for updates at any time using Windows Update option for Windows. Application programs also
need regular updates to fix bugs, improve performance and add new features. These programs might download
updates automatically and prompt you to install them, or you may need to check the software's help menu or
website to determine if an update is available.

6. File Backup: Backup is a copy of computer data taken and stored elsewhere so that it may be used to restore the
original after the loss of the data through deletion, corruption, hard drive crash or to recover data from an earlier
time. Backup and Restore for Windows is a utility for backups that can create a full system image, back up selected
files and let you set a frequency and time for future backups. You can use an external hard drive, flash drive or DVDs
to save your backups and then use the utility to easily restore individual files or return your computer to a previous
state. If you prefer storing important files online, you can use OneDrive, Dropbox or another cloud storage service
to have more flexible access to your data on any device that can access the service's website.


Troubleshooting is a systematic process used to locate the cause of a fault in a computer system and correct the relevant
hardware and software issues. It is a way of discovering what is causing a problem and fixing it.

System Troubleshooting Skills

Computer system troubleshooting skills include finding out why:
1. Computer slows down 6. Computer displays blue screen
2. Computer is not booting 7. PC makes excessive noise
3. Monitor is not displaying 8. PC is overheating
4. Printer is not printing 9. PC is frozen, etc.
5. System automatically restarts
Setting up a computer is the act of connecting and preparing a computer for use.
Follow the steps below to set up a desktop computer:
1. Unpack the components: First, take out the monitor, system unit, keyboard, mouse and the cables from their
2. Position the computer
• Set the monitor on the desk and put the system unit on or next to the desk. If your computer desk offers a
small cabinet for the system unit, mount it there.
• Place the mouse and keyboard that came with the computer on the desk or table, in front of the monitor.
3. Connect all cables

Figure 30: System Unit Ports

a. Connect the DVI (Digital Visual Interface), VGA (Video Graphics Array) or HDMI (High Definition Multimedia
Interface) cable to the corresponding port on both system unit and the monitor.

Figure 31: VGA Cable and Port

Figure 32: DVI Cables

Figure 33: HDMI Cables
b. Connect keyboard and mouse: The keyboard and mouse usually connect to the computer with a PS/2 (Personal
System/2) or USB (Universal Serial Bus) connector. These connectors are usually on the back or front of the

Figure 35: PS/2 Ports and Cables

Figure 34: USB Ports and Cable
c. Connect Power Cable: Find the power cable and connect one end into the back of the system unit. Connect the other
end of the cable into an extension board or surge protector or UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). Use another
power cable to connect the monitor too to the power source.
d. Connect extension board, surge protector or UPS to an AC outlet.
Figure 36: Power Ports and Cables
4. Turn on the Computer: You can now turn on the computer by pressing the power button on both the system unit
and the monitor.

Figure 37: Power buttons


Software installation refers to the particular configuration of a software with a view to making it usable with the
computer. Software for installation can be obtained from the vendors on a CD-ROM or downloaded from the internet
either for free or purchased.
When downloaded from the internet, locate the setup, thus the executable file (with the file extension .exe) from
Downloads folder and double click on it. Follow the steps to install the software. When installing from a CD-ROM, insert
the disc into the CD drive and follow the steps to install.

The student will be able to:
1. Explain concepts associated with ICT in education.
2. State the requirements for designing, creating and using multimedia in education.
3. List the advantages of using multimedia in education.


Multimedia is a representation of information in an attractive and interactive manner with the use of a combination of
text, audio, video, graphics and animation. The common components of multimedia are text, graphics, audio, video and
Text is a collection of words or letters, numbers and other characters that are understandable by the reader.
A graphic is an image or visual representation of an object. They can be photographs or pictures, drawings, and graphs
from a spreadsheet.
Audio is a term used to describe any sound or noise in a range the human ear is capable of hearing. The audio signal on
a computer is generated using a sound card and heard through speakers or headphones.
Video is a digital moving picture.

Computer animation is the art of creating moving images via the use of computers. It simulates moving objects on-
Linear Multimedia
Linear multimedia is multimedia that is designed to be presented in a sequential manner.
Information is read or viewed in a continuous sequence without any sort of navigational abilities. They usually begin at
a predetermined starting point and end at a predetermined end point. They are usually intended for display purposes
with not much interaction or distraction from the audience or the user. They are usually referred to as Passive
Multimedia. Examples are PowerPoint presentation, slideshow of pictures, movie, TV show, etc.
Non-Linear Multimedia
Non-linear multimedia is a nonsequential type of multimedia where the person’s participation is crucial. With the
presence of an interface, the user and the media interact with each other. From a starting point, the user is given a range
of options that, according to his own preferences, will lead him to a new information. The user has the option to choose
what to watch at what time making him in control of the experience. It is usually called Interactive Multimedia.
Examples include websites, games, hypermedia, etc.

Figure 38: Non-Linear Multimedia Interface

Instructional Design
Instructional design can be defined as the creation of instructional materials, modules or lessons. It is the creation of
learning experiences and materials in a manner that results in the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills.
It follows a system of assessing needs, designing a process, developing materials and evaluating their effectiveness.
Educational Technology
Educational Technology is the technological tools and media that assist in the communication of knowledge, and its
development and exchange. It is the combined use of computer hardware, software, and educational theory and
practice to facilitate learning.
The Multimedia must include a combination of words and images
Information is transferred, processed, and maintained better by the learner when the teaching environment links words
and images. According to the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia learning model, when both words and images are used,
they create in the long-term memory a fuller and more structured representation that contributes to the acquisition of
The words must be presented simultaneously with the corresponding images
Humans learn best when relevant text and visuals are physically close together. Graphics must be present next to the
text mentioned, as distance generates increased cognitive load.
The multimedia must avoid unnecessary texts, sounds, and images
The multimedia must focus only on the presentation of the necessary information. Adding interesting but unnecessary
material can hurt the learning process since it risks the cognitive load.
The multimedia must add examples
The use of analytical examples contributes to better comprehension and transfer of knowledge by learners.

There must be enough exercises
Having gone through the worked examples, the multimedia must present series of exercises to train the learners.
Add cues that highlight the organization of the essential material
Humans learn best when they are shown exactly what to pay attention to on the screen.
This is achieved by thoughtfully using features such as highlighting important words and using animated arrows to
point out significant information.
With an audio narration voiceover, use only graphics on screen
Humans learn best with narration and graphics, as opposed to narration, graphics, and text.
If you design multimedia that has narrated audio, try to use only graphics or text but not both. Try to limit the amount
of text you use, rely more on visuals. Text should be used only for key definitions, lists and directions.
Produce multimedia in segments
Humans learn best when information is presented in segments, rather than one long continuous stream. This principle
suggests that learning is broken up into smaller chunks.
Make sure that no one lesson, slide, or video has too much information packed in it.
Create an introductory guide that teaches the basic definitions, terms and concepts
People learn better from a multimedia lesson when they know the names and characteristics of the main concepts.
Instead of having learners begin the learning experience right away, provide a bit of pre-training to introduce them to
the basic definitions, terms, or concepts.
Deeper Understanding
Multimedia learning takes advantage of the brain's ability to make connections between verbal and visual
representations of content, leading to a deeper understanding and retention of the learning experience.
Improved Problem Solving Skills
With increased students’ attention, understanding and retention, they are better able to transfer the learning experience
into identifying and solving problems.
Access to Vast Variety of Information
Computer Aided Learning (CAL) is an educational environment where a computer program is used to assist the user in
learning a particular subject. It is the use of computer technologies to enhance the learning experience. With multimedia
made available on computers, tablets, smartphones and the internet, students are today better equipped to search and
find the information they need.
Assists Students in Self-paced Learning
Multimedia in education allows students to use materials and resources to customize the way they learn which
increases their motivation. It allows students to design their own learning experience, at their own pace, according to
their own interests and learning preferences. They can pause and replay any media content, and in the case of
interactive multimedia, choses to watch any component of interest at any time and gets prompt feedback.
World Exploration
With the help of multimedia learners can explore and learn about places they have never been to. In a geography class
for example, students can explore different cities of the world, the tallest mountains and the most dangerous jungles. In
a Science class, space and planets exploration is now possible. In a biology class, the dissection of rare animals and
different habitats exploration are made simple for students benefiting of a multimedia learning environment.
Makes Teaching of Complex Concepts possible and easy
Virtual Reality (VR) is used by instructors to deliver practical contents that are difficult to implement using real life.
Virtual Reality is the use of computer modeling and simulation that enables a person to interact with an artificial three-
dimensional visual or other sensory environment. Virtual Reality applications immerse the user in a computer-
generated environment that simulates reality through the use of interactive devices, which send and receive
information and are worn as goggles, headsets, gloves, or body suits. They are usually used in areas such as military
training, training of pilots and doctors, etc.
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is used by engineers, architects, and construction managers for creating their designs
in either 2D or 3D so that they can visualize the construction.

The student will
By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain spreadsheet application and give examples.
2. Describe at least two concepts and terminologies used in spreadsheets.
3. Identify at least three (3) features of Microsoft Office Excel interface
4. Enter and save data.
5. Edit data.
6. Apply protection techniques to data.
7. Format numbers, decimal points, dates and times.
8. Highlight values that meet specified conditions.
9. Merge cells.
10. Create graphs and charts to represent data.
11. Edit and format charts.
12. Work with formulas and functions in spreadsheet application.
13. State the importance of the Help Facility in spreadsheet application.
A spreadsheet is a computer application for organization, analysis, and storage of numeric data in tabular form.
It consists of a table made up of rows and columns.
Examples of spreadsheet application are:
• Microsoft Office Excel • EasySpreadsheet
• Lotus 1-2-3 • Mariner Calc
• Quatro Pro • Kingsoft Office Spreadsheet, etc
Column: Column is the vertical arrangement of cells. Columns are labelled using letters of the alphabets. The first
column is labelled A.
Row: Row is the horizontal arrangement of cells. Rows are labelled using numbers. The first row is labelled 1.
Cell: A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. Cells are named using column and row labels, e.g. A1, B4, C10 etc.
Workbook: A workbook is a spreadsheet file containing one or more sheets. Workbook starts with three worksheets
by default.
Worksheet: A worksheet is a ‘page’ in the workbook on which you enter and work with data.

Figure 39: Features of MS Excel

Quick Access Toolbar: The Quick Access Toolbar displays commands that are commonly used such as the Save feature.
It is located either above or below the ribbon. By default, it contains three commands which are Save, Undo and Redo.
You can add and remove commands to and from the toolbar by clicking on “Customize Quick Access Toolbar” icon
(which is an arrow at the right end of the toolbar).
Ribbon: The Ribbon is a graphical element on the interface that replaces the menus and toolbars in the older versions
of Microsoft Office. It is designed to help users quickly find the commands they need to complete tasks. Commands on
the ribbon are organized in logical groups, which are collected together under tabs. Each tab relates to a type of activity.
To reduce clutter, some tabs are shown only when needed, and are called Contextual tabs. The Table Tools tab for
example, is shown only when a table is inserted or selected.
Title Bar: The title bar is located at the top of the interface. It displays the title of the document, and the name of the
Control buttons: The control buttons are located at the right side of the title bar. It is a set of three buttons: minimize,
maximize or restore down and close buttons. The minimize button drops the window from view to the taskbar, but does
not close the program. The maximize button operates in two modes: maximize and restore down. When it has one
square, it increases the size of the window to cover full screen; on the other hand, it shrinks the window from the full
screen mode to cover a portion of the screen when it has two squares. The close button exits the window from the
screen. The active window can also be closed by pressing and holding Alt on the keyboard and pressing F4.
Name box: Displays the name or address of the active cell.
Formula bar: Displays the content of the active cell.
Active cell: The active cell is the selected cell in which data is entered when you begin typing. It is usually surrounded
by a thick border. Only one cell is active at a time.
Worksheet tab: Worksheet tab is used to display the worksheet that a user is currently editing. By clicking a worksheet
tab, users may move between the various worksheets. Every Excel file may have multiple worksheets, but the default
number is three in most versions. These tabs are labeled "Sheet 1," "Sheet 2," and "Sheet 3”. The newer versions of Excel
have only one worksheet by default. Users may add, move, and rename worksheets.
Workbook views: This bar provides different options for viewing the sheets in an Excel workbook. Excel offers 3
different workbook views: Normal, Page Layout and Page Break Preview.
Normal: This is the default workbook view. It displays the worksheet in the usual normal view.
Page Layout: It displays the worksheet as it will appear on a printed page. It displays horizontal and vertical ruler that
can be used to adjust the page. In Page Layout view you can add or change headers and footers, and check and adjust
Page Break Preview: Page Break Preview gives you a nice overview of where pages start and end when you print the
Zoom: The zoom feature in Excel changes the scale or magnification of a worksheet. It allows you to see more or less of
a worksheet. You can adjust the scale by clicking on the plus (+) or minus (-) sign at both ends of the bar or click and
drag the zoom slider on the bar to the right or left.
Creating Workbook and Worksheet
You create workbook by launching a spreadsheet application. You create a worksheet by entering letters, numbers,
date, symbols, formulas and functions into the individual cells. To begin entering data, move the cell pointer to the
desired cell in the worksheet and type the information that is needed to appear in the cell. Complete the entry by
pressing the Enter key or by moving the cell pointer to another cell.
Saving Workbook and Worksheet
Follow the steps below to save a workbook:
• Click on Office button.
• Click on Save As, or press F12 on the keyboard, or press and hold Control and press S (Ctrl+S).
• Browse through the folders to select location for your file.
• Type the name of the file in the File name textbox.
• Click on Save.
Adding and Renaming Worksheet
A workbook has three worksheets by default (the newer versions of Microsoft Excel has only one worksheet). The
worksheets are named Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3. You can add more sheets and rename them as well.

To create more worksheets:
• Click on the last sheet tab in the row.
• Click on Insert Worksheet button on the right side of the last sheet tab.
To Rename Worksheet:
• Right-click on the sheet tab of the sheet you want to rename.
• Click on Rename from the menu that appears.
• Type the name you want to give the sheet.
• Press Enter on the keyboard.
To Delete Worksheet:
• Right-click on the sheet tab of the sheet you want to delete.
• Click on Delete from the menu that appears.
To Hide Worksheet:
• Right-click on the sheet tab you want to hide.
• From the menu, click on Hide.
To display a hidden worksheet:
• Right-click on any sheet tab.
• Click on Unhide.
• Select the name of the sheet you want to display from the dialog box.
• Click on OK.
Adding Columns and Rows
To add column or row:
• Choose where you want to add the row or the column by selecting row or column at the location.
• Click on Home tab and select Insert in the Cells group.
• Then click on Insert Sheet Columns if you are adding a column or Insert Sheet Rows if you are adding a row.
To delete column or row:
• Select the column or row you want to delete.
• Click on Home tab and select Delete in Cells group.
• Click on Delete Sheet Columns or Delete Sheet Rows depending on either row or column being deleted.
Data protection refers to the legal control over access to and use of data stored in computers. It is the process of
safeguarding important information from corruption, compromise or loss. One basic way of protecting data is the use
of passwords.
To set password on workbook:
• Click on Office button.
• Click on Prepare.
• Click on Encrypt Document.
• Type the password and click on OK.
• Retype password to confirm.
• Click on OK.
To remove password on workbook:
• Click on Office button.
• Click on Prepare.
• Click on Encrypt Document.
• Remove password in textbox.
• Click on OK.
Formatting Numbers, Decimal Points, Dates & Times
To format the content of a cell, row or column as number, decimal, date or time:
• Select the cell, row or column
• Click on Home tab
• In the Number group, click on arrow on Number Format.
• Select the format from the menu.

To format decimal points:
• Select the cell, row or column
• Click on Home tab
• In the Number group, click on Increase Decimal or Decrease Decimal.
Thousands Separator: The thousands separator is used to insert a comma after every three digits of a number.
To insert the thousands separator:
• Select the cell, row or column
• Click on Home tab
• In the Number group, click on Comma Style icon.
Changing Font: A font is a set of characters all of one style and one size. Examples of font are Calibri, Ariel, Times New
Roman, Algerian, Cambria, Bernard MT, Broadway, etc.
To change font:
• Select the text.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Font group, click on arrow on Font command.
• Select from the list of fonts.
Changing Font Size:
• Select the text.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Font group, click on arrow on Font Size command.
• Select the preferred size from the list.
Increasing Font Size:
• Select the text.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Font group, click on Increase Font Size command until the required size is selected
Decreasing Font Size:
• Select the text.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Font group, click on Decrease Font Size command until the required size is selected.
Bold, Italics and Underline
• Select the text.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Font group, click on Bold (Ctrl+B), Italics (Ctrl+I) or Underline (Ctrl+U) depending on the one you want
to apply.
Changing Font Colour
• Select the text.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Font group, click on arrow on Font Color command.
• Choose from the available colours.
Changing Fill Color: Fill Color is used to change the background of cells to make them stand out. To change Fill Color:
• Select the cell.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Font group, click on arrow on Fill Color icon.
• Choose from the list of colours.
Changing Borders: A border is a line around a cell or a block of cells in Excel. Generally, cell borders are used to make
a specific section of a spreadsheet stand out. For example, you can insert a border to draw attention of viewers to totals
or other important data on the sheet. To change borders:
• Select the cell.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Font group, click on arrow on Borders command.
• Choose the preferred border style from the list.

Sorting: Sorting is used in spreadsheet to organize data in a certain order. It is used to sort a text column in alphabetical
order, or numerical column from largest to smallest or smallest to largest. It is also used to sort a date and time column
from oldest to newest or newest to oldest. To sort data:
• Select the data or column.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Editing group, click on Sort & Filter.
• Select Sort A to Z (for alphabetical or ascending order) or Sort Z to A (for descending order).
Wrap Text: Wrap Text is a feature that shows all information in a cell, even if it overflows the cell boundary. It displays
the cell contents on multiple lines, rather than one long line by forcing the text to move to the next line if full words
wouldn't be readable. To wrap text:
• Select the cell or cells.
• Click on Home tab.
• Click on Wrap Text command in the alignment group.
Conditional Formatting: Conditional formatting is a feature of spreadsheet applications that allows you to apply
special formatting to cells that meet certain specified criteria. It is most often used to highlight, emphasize, or
differentiate among data. To apply conditional formatting:
• Select the data within which the conditional formatting is to be applied.
• Click on Home tab.
• In the Styles group, click on Conditional Formatting.
• Select the category of criteria from the menu.
• Specify the criteria in the dialog box that appears and click on OK.
Merging Cells: Merging is the process of combining two or more cells to become one. To merge cells:
• Select the cells to merge
• Click on Home tab
• In the alignment group, click on Merge & Centre.
Creating Graphs and Charts to Represent Data in a Worksheet
A graph or chart is a visual element that represents data in a worksheet to bring more understanding to the data than
just looking at the numbers. Examples are column chart, bar chart, pie chart, doughnut chart, line chart, area chart, etc.
To insert a chart:
• Enter the data for the chart.
• Select the data.
• Click on Insert tab.
• In the Charts group, click on the type of chart you want to use and select the subtype.
Editing and Formatting Charts
Moving chart to new sheet:
• Click any part of the chart.
• Click on Design tab.
• Click on Move Chart in Location group.
• Select New sheet from the dialog box and click on OK.
Giving Chart a Title
• Click any part of the chart.
• Click on Layout tab.
• In Labels group, click on Chart Title and select from the options.
• Type the title you want to give the chart.
Giving chart a Legend
Legend is a small visual representation of the chart's data series to understand each without confusion. If the data
includes many colored visuals, legends show what each visual label means. To create a Legend:
• Click any part of the chart.
• Click on Layout tab.
• In Labels group, click on Legend and select from the options.

Creating Axis Titles:
• Click any part of the chart.
• Click on Layout tab.
• In Labels group, click on Axis Titles.
• Click on Primary Horizontal Axis Titles (for the horizontal axis) or Primary Vertical Axis Title (for the vertical
• Select from the options.
• Type the title you want to give to the axis.
Using Formulas
A formula is an expression that operates on values in a range of cells. Formulas enable you to perform calculations such
as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Excel formulas are typed beginning with the equal sign. Examples
are “=A1+D1”, “=C6-C5”, etc.
Adding the content of two cells (e.g. A1 and D1) using a formula:
• Click in the cell which will display the result.
• Type equal to (=) and click on the 1st cell (A1).
• Type the operator (+) and click on the 2nd cell (D1).
• Press Enter on the keyboard.
Editing a formula:
• Double-click on the cell containing the formula and edit, or
• Click on the cell containing the formula, press F2 and edit, or
• Click on the cell containing the formula and edit it in the formula bar.
Using Functions
A Function is a predefined formula that performs calculations by using specific values, called arguments, in a particular
order, or structure. You can find all of Excel's functions on the Formulas tab on the Ribbon or click a cell and
press SHIFT+F3, which will launch the Insert Function dialog.
Examples of functions are:
1. Financial functions: e.g. FV, NPV, PV, RATE, RECEIVED, PRICE, DURATION, etc.
2. Logical functions: e.g. IF, AND, OR, NOT, TRUE, FALSE, etc,
3. Text functions: e.g. CONCATENATE, UPPER, LOWER, FIND, REPLACE, SEARCH, etc.
4. Date and Time functions: e.g. DAY, MONTH, YEAR, DATE, NOW, TODAY, SECOND, MINUTE, WEEKDAY, etc.
5. Lookup and Reference functions: e.g. LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, ADDRESS, COLUMN, ROW, etc.
6. Math and Trig functions: e.g. SUM, PRODUCT, QUOTIENT, COS, TAN, LCM, LOG, RAND, ROUND, etc.
7. Statistical function: e.g. COUNT, AVERAGE, FREQUENCY, MAX, MIN, MEDIAN, etc.
Structure: The structure of a function begins with an equal sign (=), followed by the function name, an opening
parenthesis, the arguments for the function separated by commas, and a closing parenthesis. E.g. =AVERAGE(F5:F8)
Arguments: Arguments can be numbers, text, cell references, constants, formulas, other functions, etc.
Argument tooltip: A tooltip with the syntax and arguments appears as you type the function. For example,
type =ROUND( and the tooltip appears.
Nesting Excel functions: In certain cases, you may need to use a function as one of the arguments of another function.
E.g. =IF(SUM(A1:D1)>50, “Pass”, “Fail”). In the example above, the SUM function is nested within the IF function.
Nesting level limits: A formula can contain up to seven levels of nested functions. When one function (we'll call this
Function B) is used as an argument in another function (we'll call this Function A), Function B acts as a second-level
function. For example, in the formula above, the SUM is a second-level function used as argument of the IF function. A
function nested within the nested SUM function is then a third-level function, and so on.
Formula Errors
Formula errors are messages that tell you clearly that something is wrong. If Excel cannot properly evaluate a
worksheet formula or function, it displays an error value. Some of the error codes are:
The #NULL! error occurs when a space character is used instead of a comma (,), colon (:) or mathematical operator
between two or more cell references. For example =A1 C5 or =SUM(A1 D1)

The #REF! occurs when a reference becomes invalid. In many cases, this is because sheets, rows, columns or cells have
been removed, or because a formula with relative references has been copied to a new location where references are
Divide by zero (0) error occurs when a formula attempts to divide by zero. The divisor or denominator in a division
operation is equal to zero, such as =A5/0, or the divisor references a cell that is blank.
The #NAME? error indicates that Excel does not recognize something. This could be a function name misspelt, a named
range that doesn't exist, or a cell reference entered incorrectly. For example, If you misspell a function name, like
=SUME(A1:A10) instead of =SUM(A1:A10), then Excel will return a #NAME? error.
The #NUM! error occurs when a number is too large or small, or when a calculation is impossible. For example, if you
try to calculate the square root of a negative number, you'll see the a #NUM error.
#N/A error
The #N/A error appears when something can't be found. It tells you something is missing or misspelled. This could be
a product code not yet available, an employee name misspelled, a color that doesn't exist, etc. The functions most
commonly affected by the #N/A error are classic lookup functions, including VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, LOOKUP, and
The #VALUE! error appears when a value is not an expected or valid type (i.e. date, time, number, text, etc.). This can
happen when a cell is left blank, when a text value is given to a function that expects a numeric value, or when dates are
evaluated as text by Excel.


Relative References
Relative reference is a formula that changes when it is copied to another cell. By default, all cell references are relative
references. When copied across multiple cells, they change based on the relative position of rows and columns. For
example, if you copy the formula =A1+B1 from row 1 to row 2, the formula will become =A2+B2. Relative references
are especially convenient whenever you need to repeat the same calculation across multiple rows or columns.

Absolute References
Absolute references do not change when copied. They are used to keep a row and/or column constant no matter where
they are copied. An absolute reference is designated in a formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($) before the column
and row. For example =A2+$B$2. If the dollar sign precedes the column or row (but not both), it's known as Mixed
Reference. Mixed references are used to keep either a row or column constant when copied.

$A$2 The column and the row do not change when copied.

A$2 The row does not change when copied

$A2 The column does not change when copied

The help facility is a feature used in Spreadsheet application to offer assistance to users in executing tasks with the
application. The icon is located at the right side of the title bar beside the control buttons. It can also be launched by
pressing F1 on the keyboard.


Data in spreadsheet can be analyzed using pivot table. Pivot table is a feature used in spreadsheet to arrange and
summarize complex data. It helps you to organize and manipulate the raw data, giving you insight into patterns or
relationships that might not be obvious at first glance. You can base a pivot table on data in your current workbook or
even external data from another source.

Creating Pivot Table

• Select the range of data that you want to base the table on.
• Click on the Insert tab on the ribbon.
• In the Tables group, click on PivotTable command.
• From the Create PivotTable dialog box, choose where you want the pivot table report to be placed: either in
New Worksheet or Existing Worksheet.
• Click on OK.
Refreshing Pivot Table
The data in a pivot table is not linked directly to the source table or data. Instead, the pivot table is based on a hidden
copy of the source data that is kept in memory by Excel. This means that changes to the original source data will not be
automatically updated in the pivot table. If you make changes in the source data, you must refresh the pivot table to
update it.

To refresh a pivot table:

• Click on Options tab on the ribbon.
• Click on Refresh in Data group.

The student will be able to:
1. Explain concepts and terminologies associated with databases.
2. Design and create a database using a variety of ways.
3. Administer a database.
4. Create and use a query.
5. Create and use forms.
6. Design and manage reports.


Database: Database is a collection of data or information which is held together in an organized or logical way. It is the
collection of interrelated stored data or information that serves the needs of multiple users within one or more

Data: Data refers to known facts that can be recorded and have an implicit meaning.

Database Management System (DBMS): Database management system is a software package or system that
facilitates the creation and maintenance of a computerized database. It is an application that is used to manage a
database. Examples are MS Access, MySQL, DB2, Oracle, Apache, etc.

Table: A table is a collection of data about a specific topic that is stored in rows and columns.

Relationship: Relationship is a situation that exists between two relational database tables when one table has a
foreign key that references the primary key of the other table. It allows relational databases to split and store data in
different tables, while linking different data items.

Relational Database: A relational database is a database structured to recognize relations between stored items of
information. It is a type of database that stores and provides access to data points that are related to one another. It
organizes data into tables.

Primary Key: A primary key is a special relational database table column (or combination of columns) designated to
uniquely identify all table records. The primary key must contain a unique value for each row of data. It cannot contain
null values.

Foreign Key: A foreign key is a column or group of columns in a relational database table that provides a link between
data in two tables. It acts as a cross-reference between tables because it references the primary key of another table,
thereby establishing a link between them.

Fields: A field is a column in a table. It represents a defined attribute that is stored for all the records in a table.

Records: A record is a row in a table. It contains organized details about a person, location or some other real-world

Report: A database report is the formatted result of database queries and contains useful data for decision-making and

Forms: A form is a database object that you can use to create a user interface for a database application. It is a window
or screen that contains numerous fields, or spaces to enter data. It is usually used to insert data in a table, to modify the
existing data in a table or to delete data from a table.

Queries: A query is a request for data or information from a database table or combination of tables.

In creating a database, one must go through two design exercises: Conceptual design and Physical design

Conceptual Design
Conceptual design of a database is an abstract model of the database from a business perspective. It is a set of concepts
to describe the structure of and operations on a database. It consists of the activities requirements gathering and
analysis. It requires a detailed description of the information needs of actual end users of the database.

Physical Design
Physical database design is the process of transforming a data model into the physical data structure of a particular
database management. It shows how the database is actually arranged on direct access storage devices. Physical
database design represents the materialization of a database into an actual system.

Data Types in Microsoft Access

A data type is a set of possible values and a set of mathematical, relational or logical operations that may be applied to
the values. It tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data. Data types in Access are
properties that define the field’s characteristics and behavior. It determines what kind of data the field can store or hold.

Text/Short Text: Short Text (formerly Text) is an alphanumeric data, used for letters of alphabets and numbers that
are not used for mathematical calculations. It is used for names, addresses, and other relatively short pieces of text. It
can store up to 255 characters.

Memo/Long Text: Memo, now called Long text in newer versions of Microsoft Access is used for long pieces of text,
such as notes and long descriptions. It can store up to 64,000 characters.

Number: Number is a numeric data used for numbers that are needed to be used in mathematical calculations.

Date/Time: It is used for storing date and time.

Currency: Currency is used for storing currency.

AutoNumber: AutoNumber is unique sequential numbers or random numbers automatically inserted when you create
a record. It is used to create a primary key.

Yes/No: This is a logical data used when only one of two values is valid. E.g. Yes/No, True/False, Male/Female.

Hyperlink: Hyperlink is used to store hyperlinks.

Attachment: Attachment data type is used to store attachments.

OLE Object: OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding. It is used to attach an object such as Word document, Excel
Spreadsheet, PowerPoint presentation, etc.

Creating Database
To create a database:
• Launch MS Access.
• Click on Blank database.
• Type name of database.
• Choose a location for the database.
• Click on Create.
• Once the database is created, a default Table1 will be created with it.
There are two views of a table in Access:
• Datasheet View: This is used to populate the table.
• Design View: This is used to define the table structure.

To switch views:
• Click on Home tab, or Fields tab of Table Tools contextual tab.
• In views group, click on View command to switch between the views or click on arrow on View command and
select the preferred view.

Creating Tables
• Click on Create tab.
• Click on Table, or Table Design in tables group.
• Switch to Design View which will require you to save the table giving it a name.
• Define table structure by typing names for the fields and selecting data types.
• You can always modify table structure by switching to Design View and making the necessary changes.

Assigning Primary Key

• Switch to Design View.
• Select the field you want to use as the primary key.
• Click on Design in the Table Tools contextual tab.
• Click on Primary Key in Tools group.

Creating Foreign Key

• From the Datasheet View, click on Table tab of Table Tools, or from the Design View, click on Design tab of
Table Tools.
• Click on Relationships in Relationships group.
• From the Show Table dialog box, select the tables you want to link and click on Add.
• Click on Close when you are done selecting the tables.
• Click and drag one of the fields being linked and drop it on the field to be linked to in the other table.
• From the Edit Relationships dialog box that pops up, click on Enforce Referential Integrity to tick it and do same
for the other two check boxes.
• Click on Create.

Populating Tables in Access

Populating a database is the process of entering data into a table of a database.
• From the left pane which displays list of objects, double click on the table you want to populate.
• Click on View command to switch to Datasheet View and enter text as required.

Printing Tables
Printing is the process of transferring documents from the computer onto paper. The documents are transferred to a
printer which then converts them to a physical form where the information can be read on paper.

Print Preview
Print Preview displays how the table, query or report will look when printed. It allows you to check features of the table
and the overall layout before printing.

To preview:
• Select the table you want to print.
• With the table displayed in Datasheet View, click on File.
• Click on Print from the Office menu.
• From the submenu, click on Print Preview.

To print a table:
• Select the table you want to print.
• With the table displayed in Datasheet View, click on File.
• Click on Print from the Office menu.
• From the submenu, click on Print.
• Select the type of printer, pages you want to print and specify copies to be printed from the Print dialog box.
• Click on OK.


Adding Data
• Click on the New (Blank) Record button on the Navigation bar located at the bottom-left corner.
• Type the new data in the cells.

Deleting Record
• Select the record you want to delete.
• Right-click and select Delete Record, or press Delete on the keyboard.
• A dialog box appears telling you the action can’t be undone and asking if you are sure you want to delete.
• Click Yes if you want to go ahead and delete, or No to cancel.

Copy and Paste Record

• Highlight the record you want to copy.
• Click on Home tab.
• Click on Copy in the Clipboard group, or right-click in the highlighted record and select Copy. You can also press
and hold Control and C (Ctrl+C) on the keyboard.
• Highlight where you want to paste the record.
• Click on Paste in the Clipboard group or press and hold Control and V (Ctrl+V) on the keyboard.
Cut and Paste Record (Moving Record)
• Highlight the record you want to cut.
• Click on Home tab.
• Click on Cut in the Clipboard group, or right-click in the highlighted record and select Cut. You can also press
and hold Control and X (Ctrl+X) on the keyboard.
• A dialog box appears telling you the action can’t be undone and asking if you are sure you want to delete.
• Click Yes if you want to go ahead and cut, or No to cancel.
• Highlight where you want to paste the record.
• Click on Paste in the Clipboard group or press and hold Control and V (Ctrl+V) on the keyboard.

Sorting Data
Sorting is used to rearrange the record according to selected criteria. It can be done in ascending or descending order.
To sort data:
• Highlight the field you want to sort.
• In the Home tab, and in Sort & Filter group, click on Ascending or Descending.
To remove sort, click on Home tab, and click on Remove Sort in the Sort & Filter group.
Filtering Data
Filtering is a useful way to see only the data that you want displayed in Access database. It is used to display specific
records in a form, report, query, or datasheet, or to print only certain records from a report, table, or query. It helps to
limit the data in a view without altering the design of the underlying object. To Filter Data:
• Highlight the field you want to filter.
• In the Home tab, and in Sort & Filter group, click on Filter.
• From the dialog box displayed, choose the criteria for the filter and click on OK.
Indexing a Table
An index is used in Access to find and sort records faster. It stores the location of records based on the field or fields
that you choose to index. After Access obtains the location from the index, it can then retrieve the data by moving
directly to the correct location. The primary key of a table is automatically indexed. You cannot index a field whose data
type is OLE Object, Calculated, or Attachment.

To Create an Index:
• In the Navigation Pane, right-click the name of the table that you want to create the index in, and then
click Design View on the shortcut menu. Or double click the name of the table, and change the view to Design
View by clicking on View from the Home tab or Fields tab.
• Click the Field Name for the field that you want to index.
• Under Field Properties, click the General tab.
• In the Indexed property, click Yes (Duplicates OK) if you want to allow duplicates, or Yes (No Duplicates) to
create a unique index.
• To save your changes, click Save on the Quick Access Toolbar, or press CTRL+S.
To View and Edit an Index:
• In the Navigation Pane, right-click the name of the table that you want to delete the index in, and then
click Design View on the shortcut menu. Or double click the name of the table, and change the view to Design
View by clicking on View from the Home tab or Fields tab.
• On the Design tab, in the Show/Hide group, click Indexes.
• The Indexes window appears. Resize the window so that some blank rows appear and the index properties are
• All indexes will show, select the row or rows that contain the index that you want to edit, and edit the index
properties to suit your needs.
• To save your changes, click Save on the Quick Access Toolbar or press CTRL + S.
• Close the Indexes window.
To Delete an Index:
An index may be deleted when it becomes unnecessary or is having too great an impact on performance. When you
delete an index, you remove only the index and not the field or fields on which it is built.
• In the Navigation Pane, right-click the name of the table that you want to delete the index in, and then click Design
View on the shortcut menu. Or double click the name of the table, and change the view to Design View by clicking
on View from the Home tab or Fields tab.
• On the Design tab, in the Show/Hide group, click Indexes.
• The Indexes window appears. Resize the window so that some blank rows appear and the index properties are
• In the Indexes window, select the row or rows that contain the index that you want to delete, and then press
• To save your changes, click Save on the Quick Access Toolbar or press CTRL + S.
• Close the Indexes window.
Finding and Deleting Duplicate Records
• On the Create tab, in the Queries group, click Query Wizard.
• In the New Query dialog box, click Find Duplicates Query Wizard, and click OK.
• In the list of tables, select the table you want to use and click Next.
• Select the fields that you want to match and click Next.
• In the list of available fields, select the field or fields that contain the data that you want to update and click Next.
• Accept the suggested query name or enter a name, and click Finish to run the query.
• After you locate duplicate records, you can either edit or delete duplicate records with a query.
Renaming a Table
• In the Navigation Pane, right-click the table that you want to rename, and then click Rename on the shortcut
menu. You must close all open objects that reference the table before you can rename it.
• Type the new name and then press ENTER.
• To save your changes, click Save on the Quick Access Toolbar.


Creating Queries
A query is a request for data or information from a database table or combination of tables. Queries are fundamental
means of accessing and displaying data from tables. They help retrieve information from a database. Queries can give
information you might not be able to find out simply by examining the data in your tables. They are created basically
using Query Wizard, or Query Design.

Creating a Query
• Click Create tab.
• Select Query Wizard.
• Select Simple Query Wizard, and click OK.
• Select the table that contains the field
• Add the Available Fields you want displayed to the ‘Selected Fields’, and select Next.
• Accept the suggested query name or enter a name for the query.
• Choose whether you want to ‘Open the query to view information’ or ‘Modify the query design.
• Select Finish.

Editing Query Results

If you make any changes to the records shown in the query result, the same changes will reflect in the table on which
the query is based.
❖ Locate the query you want to edit in the Navigation pane, and double-click to open.
❖ Edit the necessary records.
❖ Click the Save button to save changes.

Filtering Query Results

❖ From the Navigation pane, select the query you want to filter.
❖ Click on View command from the Home tab to switch to the Design view.
❖ In the query design grid, make the necessary changes (like sorting in ascending order).
❖ Click the Run command in the Results group of the Design tab.
❖ Click the Save button to save changes.

Creating Forms
A form is a window or screen that contains numerous fields, or spaces to enter data. It is usually used to insert data in
a table, to modify the existing data in a table or to delete data from a table. While making an entry into fields of a form,
it is important to be careful about field’s data types, which are generally, set when the form is created.
Forms can be created in many different ways in MS Access:
• Creating a default form based on all of the fields available in a table or query.
• Creating a form based on a number of different wizards that walk the user through the forms creation process.
• Creating the form by hand using a Design view.

To create a form from a table or query:

• From the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains the data for your form.
• Click on Create tab and select Form from Forms group.
• Access creates a form and displays it in Layout view. You can make design changes like adjusting the size of the
text boxes to fit the data, if necessary.

To create a form using Form Wizard:

• From the Navigation Pane, click the table or query that contains the data for your form.
• Click on Create tab and select Form Wizard from Forms group.
• From the Form Wizard dialog box displayed, move the fields from the Available Fields column to the Selected
• Click on Next.
• Select a layout for your form. Some of the layouts available are Columnar, Tabular, Datasheet, and Justified.
• and click on Next.
• Give the form a title and click on Finish.

Designing and Managing Reports

Reports are used to retrieve data from one or more tables and display the records. Unlike queries, reports add
formatting to the output including fonts, colours, backgrounds and other features. To create report:
• In the Navigation Pane, click the table or query on which you want to base the report.
• Click on Create tab
• In the Reports group, click Report. MS Access builds the report and displays it in Layout view.
Creating Report using Report Wizard
• In the Navigation Pane, click the table or query on which you want to base the report.
• Click on Create tab
• In the Reports group, click Report Wizard.
• From the Report Wizard dialog box, move the fields you want to use for the report to the Selected Fields column
and click on Next.
• Determine the grouping levels and click Next.
• Select the sort order you want for your report and click Next.
• Select layout and orientation for the report and click Next.
• Give the report a name and click on Finish.

Creating Mailing Lists and Mailing Labels

Labels are usually used for mailing purposes. The report gets the address data from the tables or queries containing the
addresses. Printing the report gives you a single label for each address from the underlying record source.
To Create a Label:
• In the Navigation Pane, select the object that contains the data you want to display on your labels.
• On the Create tab, in the Reports group, click Labels.
• Make your selections from the Label Wizard dialog box and click Next.
• Choose font characteristics for the label and click Next.
• Choose the fields you want to use on your mailing label and click Next.
• Select the fields you want to use to sort your label and click Next.
• Give it a name and click Finish.

By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain programming language.
2. Trace the development of programming languages from 1954 to date.
3. Identify the categories of programming languages.
4. State the differences between the categories of programming languages.
5. Describe the features of particular Programming Languages.
6. Explain common terminologies associated with programming.
7. State the basic steps involved in the development of a computer program.
8. Explain the concept of Algorithms.
9. Explain the techniques used for representing Algorithms.
10. State the Algorithm building blocks.
11. Explain the concept of flow chart.
12. Explain the factors to consider in constructing flowcharts.
13. Construct a flow chart.
14. Identify flow chart symbols.
15. Identify types of flow chart.


What is Programming?
A program or software is a set of instructions that tell the computer how to perform a task.
It is a specific set of ordered operations for a computer to perform. Programming is the process of creating a set of
instructions that tell a computer how to perform a task. It is the process of writing code to facilitate specific actions in
a computer. It is also called Coding.
What is Programming Language?
A programming language is a standardized communication technique for expressing instructions to a computer. It is
used to create programs to control the behaviour of a computer. The main purpose of programming languages is to
provide instructions to a computer. Programming languages differ from most other forms of human expression in that
they require a greater degree of precision and completeness. When using a natural language to communicate with other
people, human authors and speakers can be ambiguous and make small errors, and still expect their intent to be
understood. However, computers do exactly what they are told to do, and cannot understand the code the programmer
"intended" to write. The combination of the language definition, the program, and the program's inputs must fully
specify the external behaviour that occurs when the program is executed.
Programming languages are split into 2 components: Syntax and Semantics.

Syntax refers to the rules that define the structure of a language. It is the rules that control the structure of the symbols,
punctuation, and words of a programming language. It tells us what arrangements of characters create a valid
statement in a language. It determines how we organize the elements in our code to make it legible to the computer.
Semantics is the meaning that the elements in a code convey. The semantic value of a line of code is its content or
The Development of Programming Language
The first programming language was developed in 1883 when Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage worked together on
the Analytical Engine, which was a mechanical computer. Lovelace wrote an Algorithm for the Analytical Engine to
compute Bernoulli numbers. This algorithm is considered to be the 1st programming language.

In 1949, Assembly language was first used as a type of computer programming language that was able to simplify
machine code language, which is necessary for telling a computer what to do.

In 1952, Autocode was developed by Alick Glennie for the Mark 1 computer at the University of Manchester in the U.K.
Autocode is considered to be the first compiled computer programming language, meaning that it can be translated
directly into machine code using a program called a compiler.

In 1957, John Backus created FORTRAN which is used for scientific, mathematical, and statistical work. FORTRAN
stands for Formula Translation. It is one of the oldest computer programming languages still in use today.

In 1958, a committee created Algol for scientific use. Algol stands for Algorithmic Language. Algol served as a starting
point in the development of languages such as Pascal, C, C++, and Java.

In 1959, COBOL was created by Dr. Grace Murray Hopper as a computer programming language that could run on all
brands and types of computers. COBOL stands for Common Business Oriented Language. It is used in ATMs, credit
card processing, telephone systems, hospital and government computers, automotive systems, and traffic signals.

Again, in 1959, John McCarthy created LISP which is still in use. LISP stands for List Processing language. It was
originally created for artificial intelligence research but today can be used in situations where Ruby or Python are used.

In 1964, BASIC was developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College so that students who did
not have a strong technical or mathematical understanding could still use computers. BASIC stands for Beginner’s All-
purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.

Pascal was developed by Niklaus Wirth in 1970. It was named in honor of the French mathematician, physicist, and
philosopher Blaise Pascal. It is easy to learn and was originally created for teaching computer programming. It was the
main language used for software development in Apple’s early years.

In 1972, Smalltalk was developed by Alan Kay, Adele Goldberg, and Dan Ingalls at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.
Smalltalk allowed computer programmers to modify code.

C was developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in 1972. C is considered by many to be the first high-level language. A
high-level computer programming language is closer to human language and less to machine code. C was created so
that an operating system called Unix could be used on many different types of computers. It has influenced many other
languages, including Ruby, C#, Go, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, and Python.

In 1972, SQL was developed by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce at IBM. SQL stands
for Structured Query Language. It is used for viewing and changing information that is stored in databases. SQL uses
command sentences called queries to add, remove, or view data.

In 1978, MATLAB developed by Cleve Moler. MATLAB stands for Matrix Laboratory. It is one of the best computer
programming languages for writing mathematical programs and is mainly used in mathematics, research, and
education. It can also be used to create two- and three-dimensional graphics.

In 1983, Objective-C was created by Brad Cox and Tom Love. Objective-C is the main computer programming language
used when writing software for macOS and iOS, Apple’s operating systems.

In 1983, C++ which is an extension of the C language was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is one of the most widely
used languages in the world. C++ is used in game engines and high-performance software like Adobe Photoshop. Most
packaged software is still written in C++.

In 1987, Perl was originally developed by Larry Wall as a scripting language designed for text editing. Its purpose was
to make report processing easier. It is now widely used for many purposes, including Linux system administration, Web
development, and network programming.

Haskell was developed in 1990. it was named after Haskell Brooks Curry, an American logician and mathematician.
Haskell is called a purely functional computer programming language, which basically means that it is mostly
mathematical. It is used by many industries, especially those that deal with complicated calculations, records, and

In 1991, Python was designed by Guido Van Rossum. Python is easier to read and requires fewer lines of code than
many other computer programming languages. It was named after the British comedy group Monty Python. Popular
sites like Instagram use frameworks that are written in Python.

In 1991, Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft. It allows programmers to choose and change pre-selected chunks of
code in a drag-and-drop fashion through a graphical user interface (GUI).

In 1993, R was developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. R is named
after the first names of the first two authors. It is mostly used by statisticians and those performing different types of
data analysis.

In 1995, Java was developed by Sun Microsystems. It was originally called Oak It was intended for cable boxes and
hand-held devices but was later enhanced so it could be used to deliver information on the World Wide Web. Java is
everywhere, from computers to smartphones and the rest.

In 1995, PHP was created by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP is used mostly for Web development and is usually run on Web
servers. It originally stood for Personal Home Page, as it was used by Lerdorf to manage his own online information.
PHP, now being referred to as Hypertext Preprocessor is widely used to build websites and blogs.

In 1995, Ruby was created by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, who combined parts of his favorite languages to form a new
general-purpose computer programming language that can perform many programming tasks. It is popular in Web
application development. Ruby code executes more slowly, but it allows for computer programmers to quickly put
together and run a program.

In 1995, JavaScript was created in just 10 days by Brendan Eich. It is mostly used to enhance many Web browser
interactions. Almost every major website uses Javascript.

In 2000, C# was developed by Microsoft with the goal of combining the computing ability of C++ with the simplicity of
Visual Basic, C# is based on C++ and is similar to Java in many aspects. It is used in almost all Microsoft products and is
primarily used for developing desktop applications.

In 2003, Scala was created by Martin Odersky. Scala is a computer programming language that combines functional
programming, which is mathematical, with object-oriented programming, which is organized around data that controls
access to code. Its compatibility with Java makes it helpful in Android development.

In 2003, Groovy was developed by James Strachan and Bob McWhirter, Groovy is derived from Java and improves the
productivity of developers because it is easy to learn and concise.

In 2009, Go was developed by Google to address problems that can occur in large software systems. It was intended to
improve the working environment for programmers so they could write, read, and maintain large software systems
more efficiently.

In 2014, Swift was developed by Apple as a replacement for C, C++, and Objective-C, Swift is supposed to be easier to
use and allows less room for mistakes. It is versatile and can be used for desktop and mobile apps and cloud services.

Today, computer programming languages in use were built on the concepts designed in older languages. Meanwhile,
many older languages are still in use or are being used as a foundation for new languages. The newer computer
programming languages often aim to simplify the work of programmers.

Categories of Programming Language

Programming language can be categorized into two (2): High-Level Programming Language and Low-Level Language

High-Level Programming Language

High-level languages are procedure-oriented languages that are intended to be independent of the computer’s
hardware architecture. Programs are written in statements in English language, thus they use natural language like
structures and familiar mathematical symbols. These languages require translators for execution. Programs written in
high-level language can be ported on any computer, and are called machine independent. Examples are C, C++, C#,
FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Java, JavaScript, Algol, Ada, Pascal, Prolog, LISP, etc.

Advantages of High-Level Language
• High-level languages are easier to learn than assembly language.
• Less time is required to write programs.
• They provide better documentation.
• They are easier to maintain.
• They have an extensive vocabulary.
• They are portable – not designed to run on just one type of machine

Disadvantages of High-Level Language

• A long sequence statement is to be written for every program.
• Additional memory space is required for storing compiler or interpreter.
• Execution time is very high as high-level language programs are not directly executable.

Low-Level Language
Low-level languages are programming languages that use only primitive operations of the computer. They contain basic
instructions recognized by a computer. They are used to write programs that relate to the specific architecture and
hardware of a particular type of computer. Since the architecture of computer differs from one machine to another, each
type of computer has a separate low-level language. In other words, programs written in one low-level language for one
architecture cannot be ported to any other machine. Programs written in a low-level language are directly executable
on the computing hardware without any interpretation or translation. They are closer to the native language of a
computer, making them harder for programmers to understand. Examples are Machine Language and Assembly
Machine Language
Machine language is a collection of binary digits or bits that the computer reads and interprets. All the instructions
including operations, registers, data and memory locations are given in the binary equivalent making them directly
executable on the computer without any translations. It is also known as 1st Generation Programming Language or
Machine Code or Object Code. Example of machine language for the text, “Hello” is
01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111

Assembly Language
An assembly language is a type of low-level programming language that is intended to communicate directly with a
computer’s hardware. Unlike machine language, which consists of binary and hexadecimal characters, assembly
languages are designed to be readable by humans. It substitutes alphabetic or numeric symbols for the binary codes of
machine language. Assembly language requires a translator known as Assembler for translating the codes into machine
language. It is referred to as 2nd Generation Programming Language. The most commonly used assembly languages
include ARM, MIPS, and x86.

Advantages of Low-Level Language

• Low-level languages make efficient use of computer resources like registers and memory.
• Instructions are directly executable so there is no need of translators.
• It has high execution speed due to direct processing of memory and registers.

Disadvantages of Low-Level Language

• Low-level languages are machine dependent, so programs are not portable from one computer to another.
• It requires a high level of programming skills and knowledge of computer architecture of the particular machine.
• Programs written in machine language are more error prone and difficult to debug.

Differences between High-Level and Low-Level Languages

High-Level Language Low-Level Language

Programmer friendly Machine friendly

Less memory efficient Highly memory efficient

Easy to understand for programmers Difficult to understand for programmers

Simple to debug Complex to debug comparatively

Simple to maintain Complex to maintain comparatively
Portable Not portable

Can run on any platform Machine dependent

Needs compiler or interpreter for translation Needs assembler for translation

Widely used for programming Not commonly used in programming

Slow in execution Fast in execution


Data Type
Data type is a classification of data which tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the data.
It is a set of possible values and a set of mathematical, relational or logical operations that may be applied to the values.
It defines the operations that can be done on the data, the meaning of the data, and the way values of that data can be
stored. Data types used in QBasic are String, Integer, Long, Single and Double.
String refers to text and characters, such as names of people and places. In QBasic, the symbol for String is $.
Integer is non-floating-point numbers from -32,768 to 32,767. The symbol for Integer is %.
E.g. 67, -34, -100, 203, 1022, -1, 0
Long is non-floating-point numbers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. The symbol for Long is &. Examples:
560005, 3, -2, 0, -867000, 14, 8, -10
Single refers to floating-point numbers from -3.37x10^38 to 3.37x10^38. The symbol for Single is !. Examples: 4.3,
25.4567, -35.87, 0.35, -3.14
Double refers to floating-point numbers from -1.67x10^308 to 1.67x10^308. The symbol for Double is #. Examples:
745663.90596, -98.12, 4859903.094491
A variable is a storage location paired with an associated symbolic name (an identifier), which contains some known
and unknown quantity of information. a variable is a value that can change, depending on conditions or on information
passed to the program. Variables are associated with data storage locations, and values of a variable are normally
changed during the course of program execution. Data in locations changes during execution while locations and names
are fixed. Variables are declared in QBasic using DIM, e.g. DIM A AS STRING, DIM FirstN AS STRING, DIM Num1 AS
A constant is a value that cannot be changed by the program during normal execution. They are used to store fixed
An expression is a combination of one or more precise values, constants, variables, operators and functions that the
programming language interprets and computes to produce another value. E.g. 2 + 8 is an arithmetic expression which
evaluates to 10.
An assignment is a statement in computer programming that is used to set a value to a variable name. The operator
used to do assignment is the equal sign (=). This operand works by assigning the value on the right-hand side of the
operand to the operand on the left-hand side. E.g. C = 12.

Operators are various symbols used to perform arithmetic and logical operations in programming language. E.g. 18 +
56, in this expression, + is the operator and 18 and 56 are operand. In A – B > C, - and > are the operators, while A, B and
C are operand. Operators can be classified into 4 types:
❖ Arithmetic operators
❖ Relational operators
❖ Logical operators
❖ String operators

Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used to perform basic mathematical calculations such as addition (+), subtraction (-),
multiplication (*), division (/) and exponentiation (^).
Relational operators
Relational or comparison operators are used to compare two values. The relational operators used in QBASIC are equal
to (=), not equal to (<>), greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (>=), and less than or equal to (<=)
Logical operators
Logical operators are used to combine two or more relational expressions. It gives two logical values "True" or "False".
The logical operators used in QBASIC are AND, OR, NOT.
String operator
String operator joins two or more strings. This process is called concatenation. The '+' sign is used as the String operator.
Precedence determines the order in which operations are evaluated. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated
first. Its order follows the acronym BEDMAS (Bracket, Exponent (^), Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction). E.g.
Input/Output Statements
Input/output statement is a portion of program that instructs a computer how to read and process information. It puts
together information from an input device or sends information to an output device. In QBasic, INPUT is a keyword used
to request input from the user before the program would continue to run. E.g. INPUT “What is your name? ”
Built-in Functions
A built-in function is a function that is already available in a programming language, and can be accessed by end
users. They are reserved words used in a particular programming language. They are pre-defined by the library of the
language. In QBasic, we have examples like PRINT, INPUT, END, CLS, DIM, IF, etc.
❖ CLS stands for Clear Screen. It is used to clear the output screen.
❖ REM is used to add comments anywhere in the program. It helps to make the source code simpler for humans to
understand and is ignored while running the program.
❖ PRINT is used to display the output on the screen. We can also use question mark (?) to mean PRINT.
❖ INPUT is used to accept keyboard input when the program is running. This statement allows a user to input data
into the computer’s memory. The corresponding variables store the input value.
❖ END is used to terminate the execution of the program. It is usually used at the end of the program to stop further
❖ LET is used to assign value to a variable. The LET statement allows us to assign any value to a variable. Eg. LET A$
❖ LINE INPUT is used to input a line of data at a time and after entering it acts as a string. It is commonly used to read
a line from a sequential file into a String or Variant variable.
❖ SWAP is used to exchange the value of two variables having the same data types. E.g. SWAP A, B
Sequential Execution
This is when your instructions are executed in the same order that they appear in the program, without repeating or
skipping any instructions from the sequence.
Conditional Execution
Conditional execution is a feature of programming which performs different computations or actions depending on
whether a specified Boolean condition evaluates to true or false. Examples are seen in IF statements.
Looping Constructs
A loop is a sequence of instructions that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached.

Nested Loop
Nested loop is a loop within another loop.
Single Dimensional Array
An Array is a variable which stores different values of the same data type. It is used to organize multiple variables. Single
dimensional array can be thought of as a single column of a specified number of rows used to hold related data. It is a
single list of elements. To declare an array DIM (dimension) statement is used. E.g. DIM A(2), 2 inside the parenthesis
means this array can hold 3 elements, thus 0 to 2. If you want to create a string array variable then you need to add
dollar ($) at the end of the name of array variable. E.g. DIM A$(2)
Source Code
A source code is any collection of computer instructions, written using a human-readable programming language,
usually as plain text. It is the set of instructions and statements written by a programmer using a computer
programming language. It is later translated into machine language by a compiler. It contains declarations, instructions,
functions, loops and other statements, which act as instructions for the program on how to function.
Boolean Expression
Boolean expression is a logical statement which is evaluated to be True of False. E.g. A > B
A class is a blueprint that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind.
Comment is a programmer-readable explanation in the source code of a computer program. It is added with the purpose
of making the source code easier for humans to understand and generally ignored by compilers and interpreters.
A compiler is a special program that translates a programming language's source code into machine
code. The Assembler is used to translate the program written in Assembly language into machine code.
An interpreter is a special program that translates a single statement of a source program into machine code and
executes them immediately before moving on to the next line. If there is an error in the statement, the interpreter
terminates its translation process at that statement and displays an error message. The interpreter moves on to the
next line for execution only after the removal of the error. An Interpreter directly executes instructions written in a
programming or scripting language without previously converting them to an object code or machine code. Example:
Perl, Python and Matlab. etc.
Differences between Compiler and Interpreter

Compiler Interpreter

Converts the entire source code of a programming Interpreter takes a source program and runs it line by
language into executable machine code for a CPU line, translating each line as it comes to it

Takes a large amount of time to analyze the entire source Takes less amount of time to analyze the source code but
code but the overall execution time of the program is the overall execution time of the program is slower.
comparatively faster.

Generates the error message only after scanning the Its Debugging is easier as it continues translating the
whole program, so debugging is comparatively hard as the program until the error is met.
error can be present anywhere in the program

Requires a lot of memory for generating object codes. Requires less memory than a compiler because no object
code is generated.

A bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or
unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.
Debugging is the routine process of locating and removing computer program bugs, error or abnormalities, which is
methodically handled by software programmers via debugging tools.
Syntax Error
A syntax error is an error in the source code of a program, such as spelling and punctuation errors which causes an
error message to be generated by the compiler.
Compile-Time Error
Compile-time is the time at which the source code is converted into an executable code.
Compile-time error occurs when we write the wrong syntax or semantics. If we write the wrong syntax or semantics of
any programming language, then the compile-time errors will be thrown by the compiler. The compiler will not allow
to run the program until all the errors are removed from the program.
Runtime Error
Runtime is the time at which the executable code is started running. Runtime errors are errors that occur during
program execution after successful compilation. Some of the common run-time errors are division by zero also known
as Division error, determining the square root of a negative number.
Differences between Compile-Time Error & Runtime Error


Occurs at a time when the source code is converted Occurs at a time when the executable code is started
into an executable code. running.
The compiler prevents the code from execution if it The compiler does not detect the error, so it cannot
detects an error in the program. prevent the code from execution and therefore
produce wrong results.

It contains the syntax and semantic errors such as It contains the errors such as division by zero,
missing semicolon at the end of the statement. determining the square root of a negative number.

A Code refers to the set of instructions, or a system of rules, written in a particular programming language. Coding is
the process of transforming ideas, solutions, and instructions into the language that the computer can understand. It is
the process of creating instructions for computers using programming languages.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a computer programming model that organizes software design around data, or
objects, rather than functions and logic. It relies on classes and objects. It is used to structure a software program into
simple, reusable pieces of code blueprints, usually called classes, which are used to create individual instances of
objects. Examples of object-oriented programming languages, including JavaScript, C++, Java, Python, etc.
Program development is the process of creating application programs. The program development life cycle (PDLC) is a
set of steps or phases which are used to create a program in any programming language. It is a systematic way of
developing quality software. It provides an organized plan for breaking down the task of program development into
manageable chunks, each of which must be successfully completed before moving on to the next phase.
Phases of Program Development Life Cycle
Program Development Life Cycle has six (6) phases:
1. Problem definition
2. Problem analysis
3. Algorithm design and representation
4. Actual coding
5. Testing and debugging
6. Complete documentation and operator procedures ready for implementation
Problem Definition
Problem definition is the stage where we define the problem statement and decide the boundaries of the problem. We
seek to understand the problem statement, the requirements, and the output of the problem solution.
Problem Analysis
The analysis stage includes gathering all the specific details required for a new system. This includes all the
specifications for software, hardware, and network requirements for the system they plan to build. We collect precise
requirements from the customer to present a solution fine-tuned to their needs.
Algorithm Design and Representation
During this phase, we develop a step by step procedure to solve the problem using the specification given in the analysis
phase. We write the solution in step by step statements using pseudo code or flowchart.
Actual Coding
This phase, also called development stage is the part where developers actually write code and build the application
according to the earlier design documents and outlined specifications. The developer writes the program to solve the
given problem using a programming language.
Testing and Debugging
Software testing is the process of assessing the functionality of a software. It is the process of verifying a system with
the purpose of identifying any errors, gaps or missing requirement. In this phase, we check whether the written code in
the previous step is solving the specified problem or not. It is used by developers to identify bugs or defects that need
to be tracked and fixed. It is done to determine if it is providing the desired output or not.
Complete documentation and operator procedures ready for implementation
Software documentation is written text or illustration that accompanies computer software or is embedded in the
source code. This stage involves user training, installation of hardware, installation of software onto production
computers, and integration of the system into daily work processes. The users are trained on, or aided with the
documentation on how to operate the software and how to keep the software operational. The software is maintained
timely by updating the code according to the changes taking place in user end environment or technology
Algorithm is a set of instructions followed to produce a solution to a given problem. It is a step by step instructions for
solving a recurrent problem. Algorithms are usually in five (5) states:
Techniques for Representing Algorithms
1. Pseudo Code
2. Flowcharts
3. Actual Code
Pseudo Code
Pseudo code is a readable description of what a computer program or algorithm must do. It is a plain language
description of the steps in an algorithm. It is expressed in a formally-styled natural language rather than in a
programming language. It resembles and models a real programming code. For example:
1. Finding sum of two numbers
Accept first number
Accept second number
Compute sum of the two numbers
Display sum of the two numbers
2. Converting temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit.
Accept value of temperature in Celcius
Compute value of Fahrenheit using the accepted Celcius value
Display the value of Fahrenheit
Algorithm Building Blocks
Algorithm building blocks are the three (3) forms problems can be solved using an algorithm. All problems can be solved
by employing any one or combinations of the following:
❖ Sequences
❖ Conditionals
❖ Loops
Sequences are step by step instructions that are executed in the precise order they are written in. All instructions are
executed one after another. They are usually written in:
statement block 1
statement block 2
statement block 3
E.g. Algorithm for adding two numbers
Get two numbers as input and store them into A and B
Add the numbers A and B and store into C.
Display the value of C
Write pseudo code for:
1. Finding average of four numbers when sum is given
2. Finding product of three numbers
3. Adding 5,15, 25, 35, 40
4. Displaying name, index number and examination score of a student.
The program selects between alternative courses of action depending upon the evaluation of a condition. It allows the
program to choose only one action among several alternative conditions. It causes the program control to be transferred
to a specific part of the program based upon the condition. If the conditional test is true, one part of the program will be
executed, otherwise it will execute the other part of the program. It is also called Selection. It is usually written as:
If condition = true
statement block 1
statement block 2
End if
If condition = true
statement block 1
Elseif condition = false
statement block 2
statement block 3
End if
1. Finding biggest among two numbers
Get two numbers as input and store into D and E
If D is greater than E then
Print D is bigger
Print E is bigger
End if

2. Determining whether an age is greater than, less than or equal to 18
Accept the age and store into f
If f is greater than 18 then
Display You are greater than 18
Else if f is less than 18 then
Display You are less than 18
Display You are equal to 18
End if
3. Write a pseudo code to determine grade of student’s exam score using:
80-100 – A1
60-79 – B2
40-59 – B3
<40 – F9
A loop is a set of statements that is repeatedly executed as long as a condition is true. It is used to execute a part of a
program more than once. It is also called Iteration. Looping in qBasic is done using:
FOR…..NEXT allows you to execute a part of a program a certain number of times.
FOR counter = start TO end [STEP increment]
[statement block]
NEXT counter
1. Algorithm to display “I love Programming” five times
FOR a = 1 to 5
Display I Love Programming
2. Algorithm to display 1,3,5,7,9
FOR b = 1 to 10 STEP 2
Display b
3. Algorithm to display 7,4,1,-2,-5
FOR c = 7 to -6 STEP -3
Display c

Do…….LOOP is used to repeat a block of statements while a condition is true or until a condition becomes true.
DO [{WHILE : UNTIL} condition
[statement block]
[statement block]
LOOP [{WHILE : UNTIL} condition]

1. Loop to sum numbers up to 100
initialize sum to zero
DO WHILE sum < 100
Compute sum of the numbers
Display the value of sum
initialize sum to zero
Compute sum of the numbers
LOOP WHILE sum < 100
Display the value of sum

WHILE……WEND is used to execute a series of statements as long as a specified condition is true. If the condition is
True, all statements are executed until WEND keyword is encountered. If the condition is false, the loop is exited and
the control jumps to very next statement after WEND keyword.
WHILE condition
1. Algorithm to display natural numbers from 1 to 10
Initialize counter to 1
WHILE n <= 10
Display n
Increase n by 1
2. Algorithm to display even numbers up to 20
Initialize counter to 2
WHILE c <= 20
Display c
Increase c by 2

Flowcharting is a method of pictorially representing a step-by-step solution to a problem before you actually start to
write the computer instructions required to produce the desired results. It combines symbols and flow lines to
graphically show the operation of an algorithm. A Flowchart is a diagram made up of shapes connected by arrows. Each
shape represents a step in the process and the arrows show the order in which they occur.
Factors to Consider in Constructing Flowcharts
1. Think through the problem solution step-by-step.
2. Analyse the specifications in terms of:
a. The required inputs
b. The output desired
c. The operations and procedures required to produce the output
3. Clarify the problem by having a narrative definition of the problem definition.

4. Develop a flowchart showing the logic, steps, and sequence of steps you want the computer to execute in order to
solve the problem.
Flowchart Symbols
❖ The basic symbols usually used in flowcharting include:
a. Terminal
b. Process
c. Input/output
d. Decision
e. Connector
f. Predefined process, etc

Constructing Flowchart
Flowchart for finding average of 6 numbers, where the sum of the numbers is given.

Flowchart to accept 2 numbers, calculate sum and product and display answer on screen

Flowchart to find the biggest among 2 numbers

Program repeatedly asks for entry of a number in the range 1 to 100 until a valid number is entered.

After going through this lesson, you should be able to:
• Identify the types of desktop publishing application package
• Identify the features of the desktop publishing application
• Explain the terminologies in desktop publishing application
• Explain the principles of designing publications
• Plan a publication for designing
• Design publication
• Edit publication
• Format background of publication
• Format text in a publication
• Print publication
Desktop publishing is the design and production of publications using personal computers with graphics capability. It
allows individuals, businesses and other organizations to self-publish a wide range of printed matters. It allows you to
use different typefaces, specify various margins and justifications and embed illustrations and graphs directly into the
text. It is used for printing magazines, newsletters, brochures, greeting cards, invitation cards, posters, business cards,
letterheads, certificates, banners, books, etc.
Desktop Publishing Application Packages
Desktop publishing application package is a software on personal computers that have graphics capabilities for the
design and production of publications. Examples are Adobe InDesign, PageMaker, QuakXpress, Publisher, PagePlus,
Adobe InDesign
Adobe InDesign is the most common program from the list of desktop publishing software examples, introduced by
Adobe Systems/Inc. in 1999. This program is used by marketers, designers, publishers, and many other specialists all
over the world to create high-quality documentation. It is known for its unrivaled features used for creating
professional publications, interactive documents, and multimedia proposals, adding audio or video elements, etc.

After going through this lesson, you should be able to:

• Explain concepts of networking

• State the types of networks
• Identify types of network topology
• Identify various network architecture
• Discuss the media used in network transmission
• Configure a simple network
• Explain data communication and its related concepts
• Discuss the role hardware, software and communication channels play in data communication
• Discuss the various directions for transmitting data
• Discuss the various forms of data transmission signals
• Discuss the various forms of data communication
• Discuss the ways of data security over a transmission media

Networking is the process of connecting two or more computers to share resources.
Server: Server is a computer that provides resources to other computers on a network.
Client: Client is a personal computer in networking that connects to the server and uses the network services to
perform user’s tasks.
Protocol: Network protocols are a set of rules outlining how connected devices communicate across a network to
exchange information easily and safely. They serve as a common language for devices to enable communication
irrespective of differences in software, hardware, or internal processes. It determines how data is transmitted
between different devices in the same network.
Modem: Modem stands for Modulator-Demodulator. It is a computer hardware device that converts data from a
digital format into analog format suitable for transmission through medium such as telephone or radio.
Router: A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. It is designed to
receive, analyze, and forward data packets between computer networks. They are sometimes confused with network
hubs, modems, or network switches. However, routers can combine the functions of these components, and connect
with these devices, to improve Internet access or help create business networks.
Network Switch: A network switch is a device that connects devices in a network to each other, enabling them to
exchange data packets.
Network Hub: A hub is a device which is used to connect multiple devices in a network. It is simple and less
sophisticated than a switch. It is also used to broadcast data to every computer or other devices connected to the hub.
Network hubs are best suited for small, simple Local Area Network (LAN) environments.
Network Interface Card (NIC): A Network Interface Card (NIC) is a hardware component, typically a circuit board or
chip, which is installed on a computer so it can connect to a network.
Gateway: A gateway is a device that connects two networks and translates information from one to the other. It
allows data to be transmitted between two dissimilar networks.
Node: A node is a connection point in a network. A network node is a type of endpoint that receives, transmits,
exchanges and stores digital information within a network. E.g. router, switch, client, printer, etc
1. Local Area Network (LAN)
2. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
3. Wide Area Network (WAN)
Local Area Network (LAN): LAN is a computer network that links devices in one physical location, such as a building,
office, or home.
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): A metropolitan area network (MAN) is the interconnection of computers that
spans an entire city or campus, or some other municipal or organizational territory. MANs are formed by connecting
multiple LANs.
Wide Area Network (WAN): A wide area network or WAN is a network that extends over a large geographic area,
connecting multiple LANs. It is used by businesses, education and government entities to relay data and information
at different geographical locations.
Network topology is the arrangement of the elements of a network.
Types of Network Topology
❖ Bus or linear topology
❖ Ring topology
❖ Star topology
❖ Tree topology
Bus Topology
Bus topology is the type of topology in which all the nodes are connected to a single cable which has exactly two ends.
It is easy to connect computers and requires less cable length. One disadvantage of bus topology is that the entire
network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable.

Ring Topology
A ring topology is a network topology where device connections create a circular data path. Each networked device is
connected to two others. When a device sends data, it must travel through each device on the ring until it reaches the
destination. One disadvantage is that the breakdown of any computer on the ring can disable the entire system.

Star Topology
Star topology is a network topology in which each network component is physically connected to a central node such
as hub or switch. The central hub acts like a server and the connecting nodes act like clients. When the central node
receives a packet from a connecting node, it can pass it on to other nodes. The network does not necessarily have to
resemble a star but all of the nodes must be connected to a central device. The star topology is considered the easiest
topology to design and set up. It is simple to add nodes. The breakdown of any node does not affect the network.
However, when the central node breaks down, the whole network cannot function.

Tree Topology
Tree topology combines the characteristics of star and bus topologies. It is a type of topology in which a number of
star networks is connected using bus.

By the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain the term HTML.
2. State the basic structure for HTML coding
3. Use basic HTML tags
4. Explain some best practices in website designing
5. Create tables using HTML code
6. Format tables (width, height, cellpadding, border)
7. Insert text into table
8. Format text using HTML code
9. Create an ordered and unordered list
10. Insert images
11. Insert hyperlinks
12. Create HTML forms

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN, which is a European
Laboratory for Particle Physics in Geneva. Hypertext is any text which serves as a link to another resource. Markup
refers to the symbols or sequence of characters added to the ordinary text to define the structure of the text. HTML is a
method where ordinary text can be converted into hypertext using a special set of symbols to control the layout and
appearance of text. It is a platform independent language that can be used on any platform such as Windows, Linux,
Macintosh, etc.
To display a document in web, it is essential to markup the different elements such as headings, paragraphs, tables, etc.
of the document with HTML tags. To view a markup document, user has to open the document in a browser. A browser

understands and interprets the HTML tags, identifies the structure of the document and makes decisions about
presentation of the document. HTML document is created using a text editor such as Notepad or WordPad. It is saved
with the file extension .htm or .html.
HTML tags are written within the less than (<) and greater than (>) signs, also known as angle brackets. They signify
the opening and closing of the commands. The closing of the command has a forward slash sign (/) attached to it.
HTML document has 3 basic sections:
1. HTML section
2. Header section, and
3. Body section
HTML Section
Every HTML document begins with an opening HTML tag and end with a closing HTML tag (<HTML> … … </HTML>).
The HTML tag tells the browser that the content between these two tags is an HTML document.
Header Section
The header section begins with a <HEAD> tag and ends with a closing head tag </HEAD>. It contains the title that is
displayed in the navigation bar of the webpage. The title itself is enclosed within a TITLE tag, which begins with <TITLE>
tag and is closed with </TITLE> tag. The browser uses the Title to store bookmarks. The title also serves as keyword
when users are searching for information.
Body Section
The body section comes after the head section. It contains the text, images and links that you want to display in your
webpage. It begins with a <Body> tag and ends with a </Body>. E.g.
<title> TRIAL </title>


The paragraph tag (<p> … </p>) is used to create paragraph in html. The opening tag (<p>) is used to mark the start of
a new paragraph, however the closing tag (</p>) is optional. The next instance of an opening tag will automatically
begin a new paragraph.
<br>…</br> tag is used to create line breaks in the html document. E.g.
<title> TRIAL </title>
<p>MY 1ST HTML. Things are moving on well. </p>
<p>MY 1ST HTML. <br>
Things are moving on well. </p>

Bold, Underline, Italics

• The <b>…</b> tag is used to make text appear bold.
• <u>…</u> tag is used for underline
• <i>…</i> tag is used for italics.
<title> TRIAL </title>
<p><i> MY 1ST HTML. </i> Things are moving on well. </p>
<p><b><i> MY 1ST HTML. </i> </b><br>
<u> Things are moving on well. </u></p>

Horizontal Line/Rule
<hr>…</hr> tag is used to rule horizontal line across the page above the text carrying the tag. E.g.
<title> HORIZONTAL LINE </title>
<p><i> MY 1ST HTML. </i> <hr>
Things are moving on well.</hr></p>

The align attribute is used to align HTML elements such as text, images, paragraphs, divisions, etc. on the webpage. E.g.
<title> ALIGNMENT </title>
<p align = center><b> ALIGNMENT</b>
<p align = left> This text is left aligned
<p align = right> This text is right aligned
<p align = justify> This text is justified

The heading element is used to provide a heading for the content displayed on the webpage. The headings are displayed
bigger and bolder than the regular text. There are 6 heading sizes available in html, H1 to H6.

<title> HEADINGS STYLES </title>
<H1> HEADING 1 </H1>
<H2> HEADING 2 </H2>
<H3> HEADING 3 </H3>
<H4> HEADING 4 </H4>
<H5> HEADING 5 </H5>
<H6> HEADING 6 </H6>

Best Practices in Website Designing
Thorough planning on paper: Developing a website begins by thoroughly planning on paper about the content and
the design of the webpages. You must determine what must go into the website on paper before implementation.
Use images: Images are vital elements of webpages. The quality of images you use will make your website appealing to
users. Quality images convey a sense of quality in your website. You must use high quality images that can also load
easily on all web applications since it is frustrating when webpages take a long time to load images.
Choice of Colours: A website that has too many different colours not only makes it difficult to digest information but
also makes your work look unprofessional. Try to use 3 to 6 colours at most throughout the website.
Use of Fonts: Choose not more than two different font families and not more than three different sizes of the font.
Make Text Legible: When overlaying text on top of images, always make sure the text is readable.
Be efficient with space: Do not overcrowd too much information in a small area of your webpage. Communicate
information well without overpopulating your pages text, links and graphics.
We use tables to display data in tabular form with rows and columns. A table gives us a certain amount of control over
the placement of text and images on the webpage.
Tags for Creating Table
The <table> tag is used to create table in the HTML document. Each row of the table is defined using <tr> tag. Cells
within the table are created using <td> tag. The <th> tag is used to specify the header cells which usually renders text
centered and bold. For Example
<title> TABLES </title>
<table border = 1>
<th> NAME OF STUDENT </td>
<th> INDEX NUMBER </td>
<th> CLASS </td>
<td> Christabel </td>
<td> 31 </td>
<td> Sc.3 </td>
<td> Jennifer </td>
<td> 32 </td>
<td> Sc.3 </td>

Formatting Table Height, Width, Border & Cell Padding
You can always specify the width, height, border, header and cell padding of your table in the <table> tag.
Cellpadding: Cellpadding is used to specify the amount of space between the border of a table cell and its contents. E.g.
<table cellpadding = 10>
Border: Border is used to set lines at the edges of cells and the table. E.g. <table border = 3>
For Example: Width, Height, Border & Cell Padding of Table
<title> FORMATTING TABLES </title>
<table border = 3 width = 600 height = 200 cellpadding = 10>
<th> NAME OF STUDENT </th>
<th> INDEX NUMBER </th>
<th> CLASS </th>
<td> Christabel </td>
<td> 31 </td>
<td> Sc.3 </td>
<td> Jennifer </td>
<td> 32 </td>
<td> Sc.3 </td>

Adding Caption to a Table

You can add a caption to a table using the <caption> tag. Captions usually appear at the top of the table.
E.g. <caption> MARKS OF STUDENTS </caption>
<title> CAPTION </title>
<table border =1>
<caption> LIST OF STUDENTS </caption>
<td> NAME OF STUDENT </td>
<td> INDEX NUMBER </td>
<td> MOBILE NUMBER </td>
Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns
Deleting Row or Column: To delete a row, the <tr> tag along with its corresponding <td> tags is deleted from the HTML
source file. To delete a column, all <td> tags forming the column are deleted.
Inserting Row or Column: To insert a new row, add <tr> tag with its corresponding <td> tags. To insert a column, add
<td> tags to the <tr> tags where you want to insert the column.
Merging Cells
Merging is the process of combining two or more cells into a single cell. We can create a column to span more than one
row, or create a row to span more than one column. We use colspan attribute to create merged cells in a row, and
rowspan for merged cells in a column. In other words, colspan will merge columns together, while rowspan will merge
rows together.
Example: Colspan
<title> COLSPAN </title>
<table border =1>
<th colspan = 2> BIODATA </th>
<th colspan = 1> CLASS </th>
<td> NAME OF STUDENT </td>
<td> INDEX NUMBER </td>
<td> CLASS </td>
<td colspan = 2> Christabel </td>
<td> Sc.3 </td>

Example: Rowspan
<title> ROWSPAN </title>

<table border = 1>
<th> NAME OF STUDENT </td>
<th> INDEX NUMBER </td>
<th> CLASS </td>
<td> Christabel </td>
<td> 31 </td>
<td rowspan = 2> Sc.3 </td>
<td> Jennifer </td>
<td> 32 </td>


Formatting is the process of changing the appearance of text. The <font> tag is used to specify attributes like size, colour,
and style. You can set the font attribute for the entire document by placing the element within the body tag.
In addition, the font attribute can be specified for the individual words, sections and elements on the page.
Face Attribute: Face attribute is used to specify the type of the font.
Color Attribute: The color attribute is used to specify the colour of the font. You can use the colour names or specify
the hexadecimal value.
Size Attribute: The size attribute is used to specify the size of the font. You can specify a range of sizes from 1 to 7. The
largest size is 7 and the smallest is 1. You can also use a base size and specify subsequent sizes relative to the base size.
E.g. with 3 as base size, then Size = +4 will increase the size to 7, while Size = -1 will decrease the size to 2. E.g.
<title> FONT </title>
<font size = 5 color = blue face = algerian>
<p align = center><b> FONT ATTRIBUTES
<font size = -1 color = red face = cambria>
<p align = left> This text is left aligned
<p align = justify> This text is justified </font>

Background Colour
In addition to the text and other elements, you can add colour to the background of the page. You can use the colour
names or specify the hexadecimal value. Hexadecimal colour code is derived from combination of Red, Green and Blue,
which is also called RGB color code. It is a 6-digit colour code (#RRGGBB), e.g.
• #FF0000 – Red • #00FF00 – Green • #0000FF – Blue
• #000000 – Black • #FFFFFF – White
Background colour is set using bgcolor attribute in the <body> tag.
<title> BACKGROUND COLOUR </title>
<body bgcolor = #FFEA22>
<font size = 6 color = blue face = cambria>
<p align = center><b> BACKGROUND
COLOUR </b></font>


HTML forms are objects that are used to collect information from users, such as names, addresses, passwords, phone
numbers, etc. It is also called Web Form. It has input elements like text area, checkboxes, radio buttons, submit buttons,
etc. It also has legend and label elements. Some of the commonly used tags for creating HTML forms are:
• <form>: It defines an HTML form to receive input from the user.
• <input>: It defines an input control.
• <textarea>: It defines a multi-line input control.
• <label>: It creates a caption for input elements.
• <select> & <option>: It creates a drop-down menu with various options. The <select> tag defines the selection
or the drop-down, while the <option> tag represents all the options in the list.
• <optgroup>: It creates a drop-down list of related options.
• <fieldset>: It groups the related elements in a web form.
• <legend>: It defines a caption for the fieldset element.
• <button>: It creates a clickable button.
• <output>: It is used for defining the result of a calculation.
Creating Forms
To create an HTML form, we use the <form> element. It starts with the <form> tag and ends with the </form> tag.
The input elements are placed within the form tags for taking inputs. To create form fields to receive input from the
user, we use <input> element. Various input fields or form controls are available for taking different information from
the user. We use type attribute to specify the kind of input field you want to create. Some of these input fields or form
controls are:
❖ Text ❖ Checkbox
❖ Password ❖ Submit button
❖ Radio button
Text Input Control: The <input type = “text”> control is used to define a single-line text input. If the user input may be
longer than a one line, we use <textarea> tag for creating multi-line input control. E.g.
<title> FORM - TEXT </TITLE>
First Name: <input type = "text" name = "fname"><p>
Last Name: <input type = "text" name = "lname">

Password Input Control: We use the type value as ‘password’ to take the password as input. The password entered by
the user will not be visible in password field control. E.g.
<label> Username: <input type = "text"></label><p>
<label> Password: <input type = "password"></label>

Radio Button Control: Radio button lets users select one option out of many options. We create radio button control
using <input> tag and the type attribute will be radio. E.g.
<input type = "radio" name = "Gender" value = "Male">
Male <p>
<input type = "radio" name = "Gender" value = "Female">

Checkbox Control: The checkbox is used when more than one option is to be selected from the given options. It is
created using the <input> tag and setting the type attribute to checkbox. E.g.
<b> Subjects Offered </b><br>
<input type = "checkbox"> English <br>
<input type = "checkbox"> Maths <br>
<input type = "checkbox"> E.ICT <br>
<input type = "checkbox"> E.Maths

Submit Button: We can create clickable buttons in HTML using the <input> tag and setting its type attribute to submit.
On clicking on submit button, users can submit the details provided in the form for processing. E.g.
Username: <input type = "text"><p>
Password: <input type = "password"><p>
<input type = "submit“ value = "Submit">

Fieldset and Legend: <fieldset> tag is used to group related elements in a web form. It ends with </fieldset>. <legend>
tag defines a caption for the fieldset element. E.g.
<legend> Gender </legend>
<input type = "radio" name = "Gender" value = "Male"> Male <p>
<input type = "radio" name = "Gender" value = "Female"> Female

Lists are used for summarizing information to make it easier to understand and digest. They can be added to html
documents to group related information together. The types of list that can be inserted in html documents are:
❖ Ordered list
❖ Unordered list
❖ Definition list

Ordered Lists
An ordered list is a numbered list that is preceded by sequentially increasing numbers, alphabets or Roman numerals.
It is used when a sequence of information is important. They are enclosed within <OL> … </OL> tags. Each item in the
list is marked with <LI> tag, where LI stands for List Item. You can add attribute in order to define the numbering system
that is generated for the list items. By default, it chooses numbers for the list items.

Attribute Tag
Upper Roman Numerals <OL type = I>

Lower Roman Numerals <OL type = i>

Uppercase Letters <OL type = A>
Lowercase Letters <OL type = a>

Numbers <OL type = n>

<li> Headmaster </li>
<li> Assistant Headmaster (Administration) </li>
<li> Assistant Headmaster (Academic) </li>
<li> Assistant Headmaster (Domestic) </li>
<li> Senior House Master </li>

<ol type = a>
<li> Headmaster </li>
<li> Assistant Headmaster (Administration) </li>
<li> Assistant Headmaster (Academic) </li>
<li> Assistant Headmaster (Domestic) </li>
<li> Senior House Master </li>

Unordered Lists: Unordered list is a bulleted list that is prefixed with bullets. It is enclosed within <UL> … </UL> tags.
Each item in the list is marked with <LI> tag. E.g.
<li> Mouse </li>
<li> Keyboard </li>
<li> Microphone </li>
<li> Stylus </li>
<li> Touch screen </li>

Definition Lists: Definition lists are used to generate a list of items and their definitions. They are enclosed within <DL>
… </DL> tags. <DT> tag is used to specify the definition term, while <DD> tag is used to specify the definition itself.
<dt> COBOL
<dd> Common Business Oriented Language
<dt> BASIC
<dd> Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
<dt> CD
<dd> Compact Disk


Images that are inserted into a web page are called in-line images. They can be icons, bullets, photographs, charts,
company logo, etc. The common graphics formats that can be displayed in most browsers are:
❖ PNG (Portable Network Graphics - .png)
❖ JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group - .jpeg)
❖ GIF (Graphics Interchange Format - .gif)
The <img> tag is used to insert images into HTML documents. The <img> tag has no content but displays the contents
specified in the SRC attribute. The syntax is <img src = url>, where SRC (source) is the attribute and the value is a URL
which specifies the exact location of the image. If the image to be inserted is located in the same folder as the html file,
just specify the name of the image and the extension as the URL.
<img src = "B.jpg"/>
<img src = "D:\biseco\ict\elective\lesson slides\introduction to website

A hyperlink is an element in an electronic document that links to another place in the same document or to entirely
different document. Hyperlinks can either be internal or external:
❖ Internal links are links to sections within the same document or the same website.
❖ External links are links to pages on other websites or servers.
The anchor <A> tag is used to identify the text or image that will serve as the hyperlink in the HTML document. The
HREF (hypertext reference) parameter is used to specify the address or URL of the document or file that is to be linked.
E.g. <a href = “D:\elective ict book.docx ”> ICT Book </a>.

If the document to be linked to is located in the same folder as the html file, just specify the name of the document and
the extension as the URL. E.g. <a href = “ordered list.html”> Click Here for Ordered List </a>
<a href = "D:\elective ict Book.docx"> ICT Book </a> <p>
<a href = "ordered list.html"> Click Here for Ordered List </a>


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