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Thank you for handing me the floor.

The first thing I want to say is

that music industry opens employment opportunities, and even
collaborations with other professions, from musicians and
composers to marketers. (Tu imam već dvije natuknice) So, I hope
that everyone of you have heard about the Vienna Philharmonic.
They are famous for their New Year's concerts. So, how would you
picture the audience, how are they dressed and why are they there?
You see it as something expensive, or exquisite, or posh. Well, you
are absolutely right, it is expensive. The tickets vary from 30 euros to
1200 euros. Because how we depict classical music as something
upscale and expensive, there is an opportunity for marketing
expensive brands. Target audience are usually the people who have
money. If you go to the Vienna Philharmonic website, on the corner is
a Rolex clock and when you click it, you will automatically enter their
website. And the second thing is, of course, job creation and
economic development. A good example is that shop owners can
even hire composers to make music for their stores. It creates higher
profits, more dynamic money circulation and changes in buying

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