TYCTSW Spelling L1 Instructor Manual Lesson 1-5

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Michael Maloney
Lynne Brearley

Teach Your Children Well Press

Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Copyright© 2006 by Teach Your Children Well

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
by any means, without written permission from the authors.

Printed in Canada by:

Teach Your Children Well

208-210 Front Street, Second Floor
P.O. Box 908, Belleville, Ontario K8N 5B6

ISBN 1-894595-79-3
This book is dedicated to Rikki-Anne McNaught,

a lover of Spelling, a friend, advisor and liaison at Essence Communications Group, printer of the

Teach Your Children Well series. Rikki-Anne’s patience, expertise and sunny personality

continually make our work much easier. Thanks for being there for us, Rikki-Anne!
Michael Maloney is a teacher, principal and author of the best-selling
book, Teach Your Children Well and the co-author of the Teach Your
Children to Read Well series. He created Scholastic’s Math Tutor, an
award-winning software system for teaching arithmetic. Michael has
founded or assisted others to found 20 learning centers and schools
across North America for children and adults with learning difficulties.
He was the winner of the Canada Post National Literacy Award in

Michael Maloney, M.A.

Lynne Brearley has taught high school English and Physical

Education, as well as elementary school French. When she is not
writing or editing, Lynne loves to read, travel, sail, play tennis and
rollerblade. With a diploma in Graphic and Web Design, she puts her
skills to good use in the creation of the Teach Your Children Well
series of reading and spelling books as well as the day-to-day
management of the teachyourchildrenwell.ca website.

Lynne Brearley, B.A. (Hon)

INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDE Behavior Management is a method for
getting the student under instructional
Congratulations! By choosing this book you control so that you can teach and s/he can
have taken the first step in teaching learn effectively. No one teaches or learns
someone you care about to become a well in the midst of chaos. Behavior
competent speller. Management strategies are included to
motivate and reward the learner. This
Features of the Series approach has been soundly supported by
almost fifty years of empirical research.
Teach Your Children To Spell Well is a
rules-based series which teaches students Placement Tests
everything they need to learn in order to
spell fluently. The series consists of multiple Each Level of the Teach Your Children To
Levels which span the elementary school Spell Well series contains a Placement
years. At each Level the student will master Test which will assist the instructor in
increasingly complex spelling skills. The placing the student(s) in the appropriate
teaching of these concepts is carefully program. The Placement Test is on the
arranged in a sequential order. Each of the back cover of each of the books in the
Levels has two texts - an Instructor’s series as well as on our website at
Manual and a Student Workbook. www.teachyourchildrenwell.ca.

The Teach Your Children To Spell Well Using the Instructor’s Guide
series combines three highly successful
educational technologies - Direct Do yourself and your student(s) a favor
Instruction, Precision Teaching and and read the Guide carefully before you
Behavior Management. begin to teach. It will save time, effort and
frustration for both you, as the instructor,
Direct Instruction is based on the premise and the student(s). There is a direct cause
that quality teaching is a critical variable in and effect relationship between how well
student success. In over thirty years of the instructor is prepared and how well the
educational research involving hundreds of student(s) learns. Remember: If the
thousands of children, Direct Instruction student didn’t learn, the teacher didn’t
has been proven to be far and above the teach.
most effective teaching method. It looks
carefully at how material is organized and Learning Objectives
presents concepts so that they will not be Learning objectives are the framework for
confusing to the student. the job of teaching someone to spell. They
are a list of the skills you want the learner
A measurement system, derived from to know when the program is completed.
Precision Teaching, quickly and easily These objectives are specified so that the
determines the student’s progress. It instructor can see the contents of each
enables the instructor to gather data Lesson, the order in which new skills are
quickly and accurately and to make introduced and the Lessons in which these
decisions immediately. It signals the need skills will be reviewed. The learning
for review as well as the need for objectives for Level 1 of Teach Your
additional practice. It might even Children To Spell Well are outlined in the
recommend skipping Tasks or Lessons. Scope and Sequence Chart which follows.

SCOPE AND SEQUENCE CHART ~ Level 1 Lessons 1-30
Lesson Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

See Sounds/Say Sounds .................................................. a t ● d h ● sh o
m é i th n l
s r c f e
See Sounds/Mark Sounds ................................................ ● ● ●
See Words/Say Sounds in Words .................................... ● ● ● ●
See Alphabet Letters/Say Alphabet Letter Names ............ ● ● ● ●
See Alphabet Letters/Print Alphabet Letters...................... ● ● ● ●

See Words/Count Sounds in Words .................................. ● ● ● ● ●

See Words/Spell Words .................................................... ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

See Letters/Say Letter Names .......................................... ● ● ●

See Pictures/Print Picture Names...................................... ● ●
Hear Sounds/Say Letter Names ........................................ ● ● ●

See Alphabet Letters/Say Alphabet Letters Fluency Check ● ● ● ● ●

See/Say Vowels and Consonants Fluency Check ............ ● ● ● ● ●

Hear Words/Spell Words.................................................... ●

Hear Words/Print Words .................................................... ● ●
Hear Words Spelled/Say Words ........................................ ●

See Words/Print Words......................................................

Think/Print Alphabet Letters Fluency Check......................
Hear Sounds/Print Sounds in Words ................................
Spelling Dictation ..............................................................
See Sounds/Say Sounds Fluency Check ........................
See/Say Vowel Sounds or Vowel Names ........................
Final E Rule ......................................................................
Hear Sounds/Print Letter Names ......................................
Double Consonant Rule ....................................................
Workbook Exercises .......................................................... ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

g y b j ol al
w u x p wa ar
ing v z or
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SCOPE AND SEQUENCE CHART ~ Level 1 Lessons 31-60
Lesson Number 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39


See Words/Say Sounds in Words .................................... ● ●

See Words/Count Sounds in Words .................................. ● ● ●

See Words/Spell Words .................................................... ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

See Pictures/Print Picture Names...................................... ● ● ●

Hear Words/Spell Words.................................................... ● ● ●
Hear Words/Print Words ................................................... ● ● ● ●

Hear Words Spelled/Say Words ........................................ ●

See Words/Print Words...................................................... ● ●

Think/Print Alphabet Letters Fluency Check...................... ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Hear Sounds/Print Sounds in Words ................................ ● ●
Spelling Dictation .............................................................. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

See/Say Vowel Sounds or Vowel Names ........................ ● ● ●

Final E Rule ...................................................................... ● ● ●

Double Consonant Rule .................................................... ● ● ●

Workbook Exercises .......................................................... ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

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Tasks with him/her. This is known as the lead.
When the instructor is satisfied that the
Using Teach Your Children To Spell Well is student(s) knows the correct procedure or
as simple as following a recipe. It provides answer, the instructor gives the student(s)
a complete set of instructions that tells the the chance to do it independently, thereby
instructor what to say and what to expect testing the student’s ability to do the Task.
the student(s) to respond. Each Lesson is
divided into a number of Tasks, each of If the instructor is working with a group of
which teaches a particular skill. All Tasks students, s/he will follow the group test with
are carefully scripted. As the instructor you turns for individual students on the same
need only to follow the script and the Task. These individual turns are used with
objectives will be covered by the end of groups so that the instructor is assured that
the program. every member of the group can perform the
Task. Usually the student most at risk of
Instructions to the instructor are written in failing the Task is included in the individual
regular script. turns.
Statements said by the instructor are
written in bold-face script. For the first several times they appear, the
Responses of the student are written in Tasks are quite detailed. They become
italic print. shorter as both you, as the instructor, and
the student(s) become comfortable with
There are 15 major Task formats that the them.
instructor needs to present proficiently.
Like an actor in a play, it is critical that the Correction Procedures
instructor knows his/her part. It is well Specific Correction Procedure formats are
worth the time and effort involved to scripted for each type of Task across all
become thoroughly familiar with each format. Levels of the series. It is critical for you as
the instructor to listen for and correct every
In the Instructor’s Manual an asterisk indicates error that the student makes. The student
each time a new Task is introduced. The new should complete a Task quickly, completely
Task can be learned by the instructor before and correctly before moving on to the next
commencing that Lesson. Do not begin a new part of the Lesson. Sloppy error corrections
Lesson until you are completely familiar with allow students to progress when, in fact,
the material it contains. Each format should be they have not mastered the material.
learned so that it can be delivered at a normal Instructors who either do not catch, or
speaking rate without hesitation or errors. worse, neglect to correct errors, are setting
Poorly presented formats create errors and the student up for future failure. Every error
attention loss for both the instructor and the must get corrected every time it occurs.
student. Most corrections follow the Model-Lead-
Test-Repeat procedure.
Most of the Task formats follow a procedure
called “Model - Lead - Test.” First the
instructor models the Task so the student(s) Signals are a critical part of teaching these
can understand what the correct answer is. programs well. They are especially
After modeling the Task, the instructor will important when teaching a group of
ask the student(s) to repeat the procedure students. Signals are used in the same

way a choir conductor uses them to keep Let’s take a detailed look at each of these
everyone singing in unison. Signals tell the Tasks:
students when to respond. This is important
in order to be sure that every student can 1. See Sounds/Say Sounds
do the task. Most groups have some
students who are overeager to answer and In order to learn to spell, the student needs to
some who are happy to stay in the know the sounds and sound combinations
background. If the overeager student gives that make up words. Sounds and sound
the answer before the other students, the combinations are formed by individual letter
instructor never really knows if the quiet or letter combinations. Each letter or letter
student knows the answer or is just copying combination in the English language has one
the overeager student. To avoid this or more sounds. In all, Level 1 of the Teach
problem, saying “Ready,” followed by a Your Children to Spell Well series contains
signal such as a tap on the table or a snap 33 sounds and sound combinations. To avoid
of your fingers, is used so that all of the confusion, each sound or sound combination
students say the answer at the same time. in the program has one and only one sound.
The time frame between saying, “Ready,” In the case of vowels, which always have two
and giving the signal is about half a second. sounds, a line is placed above the letter to
It is important that this pause remains indicate that the sound says the vowel’s
consistent. When the students say the name. If the sound or sound combination
correct answer together, the response is appears in a word but has a different sound,
clear. When one or more students respond that word will be considered as an irregular
slightly earlier or slightly later than the rest, word. Irregular words will be taught in the
the instructor hears a ragged jumble of program using different strategies. The list of
answers. That tells you to do the Task the 33 sounds and sound combinations found
again. at this Level appears on the next page.

Major Tasks included in this program are: Students who do not know these sounds and
sound combinations should not be placed in
1. See Sounds/Say Sounds this spelling program until they master their
2. See Alphabet Letters/Say Alphabet phonics. They should be begin Level 1A of
Letter Names the Teach Your Children to Read Well series,
3. See Alphabet Letters/Print Alphabet or, if the student is 8 years of age or older,
Letters begin Reading 1 of The Toolbox Series for
4. See Letters/Say Letter Names Literacy.
5. Hear Sounds/Say Letter Names
6. Hear Sounds/Print Letter Names Students who are currently in either of the
7. See Words/Say Sounds in Words above books should remain at least ten
8. See Words/Count Sounds in Words Lessons further ahead in their Reading
9. See Words/Spell Words program than they are in Level 1 of the
10. See Words/Print Words Spelling program. This will ensure that they
11. See Pictures/Print Picture Names have learned the sounds and sound
12. Hear Sounds/Print Sounds in Words combinations used in the Spelling program.
13. Hear Words Spelled/Say Words
14. Hear Words/Spell Words If the student is currently using some other
15. Hear Words/Print Words reading program, the instructor will have to
determine whether or not all of the 33 sounds
and sound combinations used in this program

have been taught. If they have, begin Level 1 of Teach Your Children to Spell Well. If not,
either wait until the student has been taught the 33 required sounds or sound combinations or
teach any of the missing sounds using the list below. To ensure success in the program
students must be able to correctly identify the sounds in the Fluency Check on the opposite
page at 50-60 sounds per minute with no more than two errors.

NOTE: Throughout the program both lower- and upper-case letters are used.

All sounds and sound combinations are in lower-case letters.

eg. When saying the sounds in the word man, you would see the lower-case letters m, a, n.

All letter names are in upper-case letters.

eg. When spelling the word man, you would see the upper-case letters M-A-N.

List of Sounds and Sound Combinations Found in Level 1

Lesson Symbol Sound As in Short/Continuous
1 a aaa am continuous
1 m mmm am continuous
1 t t at short
1 é ééé me continuous
1 s sss sat continuous
1 r rrr rat continuous
3 d d mad short
3 i iii it continuous
3 c c cat short
3 h h him short
3 th ththth the continuous
3 f fff fat continuous
8 n nnn man continuous
8 sh shshsh she continuous
8 e eee met continuous
8 o ooo on continuous
8 l lll let continuous
13 ing ing sing continuous
13 g g gas short
13 w wooo wing continuous
13 y yééé yes continuous
13 u uuu sun continuous
21 b b bat short
21 x ksss ox continuous
21 v vvv van continuous
21 j j jet short
21 p p pig short
21 z zzz zebra continuous
25 ol ólll old continuous
25 wa wooo water continuous
25 or órrr for continuous
25 al olll tall continuous
25 ar orrr art continuous


t r i 25 wa p 5

or 10 al s u
d sh 10

z é ar w 35 n 15

b ol 20 x e h 20

5 c o g óy ing 25

j f wa 30 or l 30

c 15 ar th m á 35

ol al d v 40 j 40

2. See Alphabet Letters/Say Alphabet Letter 7. See Words/Say Sounds in Words
Students can learn to spell thousands of
Another tool skill that students require in phonetically regular words by saying each
order to learn to spell is to be able to sound or sound combination in the word. This
recognize the names of the letters of the Task begins with simple phonetically regular
alphabet. Students should know their words that are made from the sounds and
alphabet before being placed in this program. sound combinations reviewed in the Lessons
up to that point.
3. See Alphabet Letters/Print Alphabet
Letters 8. See Words/Count Sounds in Words

In this Task the student is given practice In this Task the student says and counts the
printing the alphabet in correct order. The sounds in a variety of phonetically regular
aim is to make the student more fluent in words.
printing alphabet characters in order to
eventually print words quickly and well. This 9. See Words/Spell Words
Task is meant as a review, not as initial
teaching. Students should be able to print the As an intermediary step to spelling words
letters of the alphabet before beginning Level from memory, this Task gives the student the
1 of the Spelling series. opportunity to spell words while looking at
them. This process leads to fewer errors and
4. See Letters/Say Letter Names helps build the students’ spelling skills and
their confidence in spelling words. In early
Students are given practice in discriminating Lessons simple words are used; in later
quickly between vowel letters and consonant Lessons more complex words are added.
letters of the alphabet. Throughout the series students will see and
spell a word at least four times before being
5. Hear Sounds/Say Letter Names expected to spell that word from memory.

In this Task the student hears a sound or 10. See Words/Print Words
sound combination and has to say which
letter or letters make that sound or sound Copying words correctly is another important
combination. This is an important tool skill to spelling skill. The program provides students
help the student translate the sound(s) into with the opportunity to copy words that they
letter(s) in order to spell words. New sounds are in the process of learning before they are
and sound combinations are added asked to spell them from memory.
throughout the Lessons until all have been
reviewed. 11. See Pictures/Print Picture Names

6. Hear Sounds/Print Letter Names In this Task the student is asked to look at a
picture and then copy the picture word.
Transcribing sounds into letters is another
necessary tool skill in becoming successful at 12. Hear Sounds/Print Sounds in Words
spelling. This skill is needed so that students
can print the character or characters which In this Task the student hears the individual
make up a sound or sound combination. sounds that make up phonetically regular
words and then prints those sounds in order

to make the word. Spelling Dictation
13. Hear Words Spelled/Say Words Level 1 contains opportunities for a number
of spelling dictations of ten words that have
In this Task the student hears a word spelled been taught up to that point in the program.
and then has to determine which word it is. In Spelling dictation is easy if you are working
dictation exercises students are expected to with a single student. You say the word,
listen to words spelled aloud in order to do wait for the student to print or write it, and
corrections. This Task prepares the student then provide the next word. This process
for such an exercise. continues until you have completed the
entire list.
14. Hear Words/Spell Words
Spelling dictation can be more of a problem
In this Task students practice spelling words
that are presented to them orally. Again, all if you have a large group and/or there are
words appear in other Tasks at least four weak students in the class. The weaker
times beforehand in order to familiarize the students cannot print as quickly as their
students with them. peers; they cannot spell as well. They are
consistently asking the instructor to wait or
to repeat a word. As a result spelling
15. Hear Words/Print Words
dictation becomes a chore because some
students are finished and getting distracted
One of the most common tasks in spelling is
to have the student listen to specific words while others are struggling and getting
and then print those words correctly. In this frustrated.
program only words which have been
presented at least four times in other Tasks Here is a method for dictation to use for a
are given either to spell from memory or to group of students. Say the first word. Pause
print in a dictation. for approximately five seconds. Repeat the
word. Pause for another five seconds. Go
Teaching Spelling Rules on to the next word.

In this program students learn three rules. If one or more students consistently fail to
These are the discrimination between print the words in the time allotted, consider
vowel sounds and vowel names; secondly, placing those students in a setting where
the final E rule; and thirdly, the final double they can practice their letter-printing skills.
consonant rule. In subsequent programs
increasingly more sophisticated rules are A Spelling Dictation sheet is found on page
introduced. At each Level of the series the 12. This sheet may be copied for daily
student will learn and use each of the dictations. In order to keep track of the
spelling rules in order to become a student’s scores on each dictation, a
competent speller. In teaching these rules, dictation chart is provided on page 172 of
the instructor must make sure that the the Student Workbook.
student learns the rules exactly and can
repeat any rule in its entirety. Students who
do not learn the rules fluently soon forget

Spelling Dictation

Student Name: _______________

Dictation Number: ____
Attempt: 1 2 3 Test

Dictation Words Correction Practice











Fluency Checks
One of the major breakthroughs of achieved the standard or there is no
Precision Teaching lies in its development increase in corrects or decrease in errors,
of the concept of fluency. Fluency is that you need to practice and review before
level to which a skill is learned so that it is moving on to a new Fluency Check.
performed almost automatically and is not
lost during periods of non-use. Group Work

Fluency Checks provide the essential data A successful strategy for completing
which signify success or the need for more Fluency Checks with a group is to divide
practice. Students whose scores reach the students into triads. Each group of
fluent levels are learning the skills well. three students has a specific composition,
Students whose scores fail to reach the a top student, an average student, and a
standard, drop or remain the same, need lower performing student. The students
more instruction, coaching and practice work together to become fluent on a variety
until they reach the goal set for that fluency. of tasks in each Lesson. The top student is
capable of monitoring the performance of
Conducting Fluency Checks the other two students. The average student
can most likely monitor the performance of
In order to do a Fluency Check the instructor the top student. The low performing student
needs a timer that is accurate for measuring may not yet have sufficient skills to monitor
periods of up to one minute, a pencil and another student accurately, but can be
the recording Charts found at the back of involved in practicing with the other two
the Student Workbook. When the student students.
has the correct page open to the desired
Fluency Check, the instructor describes the Each member of the group is given an
task to the student as outlined in the opportunity to complete the fluency task for
Instructor’s Manual. Then the instructor will a specifically measured time period as
say, “Ready. Please begin.” At the end of outlined in the Lesson. The student who is
the 30-second timing, s/he will say, “Thank acting as monitor counts the number of
you.” Do not use words such as “Get errors and the total number of responses.
ready, set, go!” and “Stop.” This is not a With younger students, this can be done by
race, but simply the collection of a sample simply marking the spot in the list with a
of performance. Do not imitate competitive pencil where the student ended when the
situations by using competitive language. time elapses. The student then writes
When the student has finished, count and down the number of errors and corrects
record the number of corrects/incorrects on and gives the results to the teacher.
the appropriate Chart. Compare that day’s
results with those from previous days. A During Fluency Checks the teacher goes
student should demonstrate fluent from group to group assisting the students
performances three times before discontinuing and ensuring that the counts for both
that particular Fluency Check. If, however, correct responses and errors are accurate.
after five times the student has not

Beginning in Lesson 5 of this program, the legibly. Adults can typically generate 150-
student will complete one or two Fluency 160 letters of the alphabet per minute. By
Checks on specific skills per Lesson. the end of Level 1 students should be able
to print 80-100 alphabet letters per minute.
There are four different Fluency Checks in
Level 1. These include: A template for doing the Think/Print
Alphabet Letters Fluency Checks is found
1. See Alphabet Letters/Say Alphabet on page 15. This sheet may be copied for
Letter Names daily use. The charts for keeping student
scores are found on pages 170 and 171 of
As previously mentioned in this Guide, the Student Workbook.
students must know the names of the letters
of the alphabet in order to spell well. This 4. See Sounds/Say Sounds
Fluency Check is measured for 30 seconds
and scores are doubled and reported as In this Fluency Check the student is
per-minute scores. Students at this Level presented with a sheet of sounds and
should be able to say alphabet letters in a sound combinations reviewed up to that
random order at 100 or more letters per point. The student should be able to identify
minute with no more than two errors. sounds and sound combinations at a rate
of 50-60 per minute with no more than two
2. See Vowels and Consonants/Say errors. As with the three other Fluency
Vowels and Consonants Checks, this one is usually done for a 30-
second time period with the scores doubled
In order to apply the rules taught in the and reported as a per-minute score.
program, the student has to be able to tell
the difference between vowel letters and There are three Sound Fluency Checks in
consonant letters. In this Fluency Check Level 1. In order to ensure success in the
the student is presented with a page of program, make sure that the student
random letters and is asked to specify reaches the standard of 50-60 correctly
whether each letter is a vowel or a said sounds in each Check. Students with
consonant. Students should be able to do weak phonics skills will find learning to
80 to 100 discriminations between vowels spell unnecessarily difficult.
and consonants with no more than two
errors. As with the Alphabet Fluency The scripted formats for Fluency Checks
Check, this task is completed in 30 are practically identical. Once you learn
seconds with scores doubled and reported one, the others are easy. A sample of one
as per-minute scores. of the student’s Sound Fluency Checks
follows on page 16. It will help you to
3. Think Alphabet Letters/Print Alphabet familiarize yourself with measuring a
Letters student’s skills in this manner. As mentioned,
all scores are entered into the Fluency
A prerequisite to printing or writing words Charts found at the back of the Student
correctly is the student’s ability to print or Workbook. A sample of how scores are
write letters of the alphabet quickly and recorded on this chart is shown on page 17.

Think/Print Alphabet Letters

Student Name: _______________

Fluency Check Number: ____
Day: 1 2 3 4 5


Sample of a Sound Fluency Check


e i é 25 r u 5

th 10 ing c d th 10

a t h d 35 s 15
Example of a
pencil mark to
show where
the student
stopped after
n é 20 s c g 20

30 seconds.
(One if student
chose to go
down, the other
5 i t l o f 25

if student chose
to go across.)
The numbers
sh e u n g
She said 27
sounds. 30 30 running down
the right-hand
side of the page
are for words
l 15 m t h r 35 being read

w y th ing 40 h 40
There are 40
sounds in every
Sound Fluency

The student made four mistakes.

The numbers here are
Subtract the errors and put a star
for students who
beside the number of sounds said
choose to read down
correctly. Leave this star. The student
the rows.
will try to go further than this on the
next attempt.

1 2 3 Find the Fluency Check that
the student has been timed





d Co








1 46 8
The student had four errors
in 30 seconds. Multiply this
by two for one minute.
2 Record 8 in this column.

On the sample Fluency

3 Check the student said 23
sounds correctly in 30
seconds. Multiply this
4 number by two. Enter 46 in
this column for Day 1.

If the student wishes to do
more than one timing, record
D 6 only the best score of the
D day.
I 7
L 8
Sample of a
R Sound Fluency Chart
A 9
C 10

If, after five attempts, the student has not

yet reached fluency, review the previous
five Lessons and enter scores for additional
practice in these columns.

The Student Workbook hard and are not yet competent spellers,
the incentive of collecting points to earn
The Student Workbook is comprised of two something special is a very good motivator.
types of tasks. The first tasks are for Points are like putting money into a bank
practicing the skills that were taught in the account. They can be saved up and used
oral part of the Lesson. This may also to “buy” things the student might want.
entail the review of some skills from a
previous Lesson. The points system is optional. Whether or
not to use it is a decision made by the
The second set of tasks in the Student instructor or parents or both. If you do
Workbook are fun exercises. These include choose to award points, tell the student,
puzzles, mazes, word searches and other before you begin the program, that points
activities that are not only a reward for the will be awarded for working hard, paying
student but also a fun way to practice attention, following instructions, completing
spelling many of the words taught previously. Workbook Exercises and doing well on
Fluency Checks. Then determine what the
The directions for each of the Workbook points can be used for. One option is to
activities are part of the Instructor’s make up a menu and allow the students to
Manual. They are scripted in the same way select from it. The menu should include
as the other Tasks. The fun activities can suggestions from the student and should
be given to the student after the Lesson to pay reasonably well for hard work insofar
do independently as time allows. The as the parent can afford it. Students need
Workbook activities can be done as seat- to know the value of items. For smaller
work to give the classroom teacher time to things a penny-a-point seems to work well.
work with individual students or to give the Determining equivalent points for larger
homeschool instructor time to work with items or ones without monetary value is left
another child. up to the parent’s discretion. Examples of
rewards that could be “purchased” with
Praise and Points earned points include: a special event (visit
Praise is a powerful reinforcer of many to a restaurant or museum, bowling or a
behaviors. It is critical to encourage the camping trip to name just a few), renting a
student’s efforts and improvement. Praise video, treats (chocolate bars, Lifesavers,
should be as specific as possible so that it pizza), cards, inexpensive toys or even the
describes what the student did that privilege of staying up later, having a
pleased you. It is important to vary your sleepover or extra time on the computer.
praise statements. Using the same words For nutritional and health reasons some
over and over again weakens the people might not wish to use food items.
effectiveness and can become tedious. Every situation is different in terms of
family values and practices. Parents and
Ultimately we want the child’s improved teachers have to determine what kinds of
skills to be the reward for all the hard work rewards they are willing to make available.
s/he is doing. For some children the Points are awarded at the end of every
spelling activities are rewarding enough to Lesson. There is a Points Chart after the
keep them engaged in learning. For others, exercises of each Lesson in the Student
however, intervening rewards may have to Workbook. After the student has completed
be provided. When students are working the Lesson, determine and circle the

number of points earned in each category. Add the scores and enter the total for that
Lesson on the chart provided on pages 173 and 174 of the Student Workbook. A sample
of this chart and how to use it is illustrated below.

! 1 - 30
Points Chart ~ Lessons
E Points Running Points E Points Running Points
S Balance S Balance
S Earned Total Spent S Earned Total Spent

1 30 30 0 30 16
2 29 59 0 59 17
3 34 93 0 93 18
4 40 133 0 133 19
5 39 172 125 47 20
6 21
7 22
8 23
9 24
10 25
11 26
12 27
13 28
14 29
15 30

Pace of the Lesson Most people like consistent and familiar
settings. If possible the learning environment
The pace at which the teaching occurs is a should have its own specific location.
major factor in how students learn. Too Remove or minimize as many sources of
slow a pace allows student’s attention to distraction as possible to assist the student
wander, creates boredom, disinterest and in paying attention to the task at hand.
even behavior problems. Too fast a pace
forces students into errors that they would For Classroom Teachers
not usually make. A proper pace keeps the
student engaged and attentive without The Teach Your Children to Spell Well
forcing them into unnecessary mistakes. series is also designed to be taught to the
Presentations should be made at a pace at entire class as a group. The objective is to
which the weakest student in the group is complete one Lesson per day. The first
able to do each format completely and step is to give the students the Placement
correctly. Test so that you are confident that each
student is well placed in the program.
Each Lesson is designed to take
approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Some students may require more reading
If for some reason the student is having skills before they can succeed in learning
difficulty finishing the material within this to spell. Students who do not know their
time frame, take a break and continue phonics and cannot read the words that
later. Spending too much time on the same they are being taught to spell are likely to
Task will only create fatigue and frustration be frustrated. Their inability to read words
for the student. used in the spelling lessons will likely
cause problems in teaching the rest of the
class. If possible, assign them another
Getting Started activity during spelling time. Ideally this
would be extra reading instruction to get
For Tutors, Homeschooling Parents and them ready for more advanced work.
Small Group Instructors Simple seatwork exercises that build on
alphabet skills are recommended if you
If you have the luxury of teaching one have no one to supervise this group.
student or a very small group of students,
completing a Lesson each day should be Another option is to trade students with
fairly easy. Try to establish a consistent another teacher to make homogeneous
schedule for teaching the student. As much groups. One teacher takes all of the children
as possible try to arrange the lessons for who are ready to begin learning to spell.
the same time each day, preferably just The other teacher takes all those who need
before one the student’s more rewarding more instruction in reading to prepare them
activities. This will motivate the student to for spelling. If you are fortunate enough to
work diligently so as not to miss any part of have a classroom aide, a placement student
his/her favorite activity. or a parent volunteer, they can work with
the students while you teach the spelling
program to the rest of the class.

Word Lists for Level 1
Level 1 of Teach Your Children to Spell Well teaches 500 words in 60 Lessons. Included
below is a list of the words in two separate formats. Firstly, there is an alphabetized list of
all 500 words taught in this program. This is simply a guide for easy reference so that you
as the instructor know which words appear in this program. You may wish to use this list
as a pretest before you begin Spelling 2 or perhaps as a review for students who place in
higher levels of the series.

The second format found on pages 23 and 24 is a list of the 500 words in the order that
they appear. This list can be used for practicing and testing as the student moves through
the program. Note that this list also appears at the end of the Student Workbook so that
students can study or so that parents of children at school can practice with their children
at home, confident that the students have already been taught the words up to that time.

Alphabetized List of Words Taught in Level 1

above across act all almost also always
am and any are arm as at
ate away bad bag ball band bat
bay be behind below bend best bet
bid big bill bin bind bit bite
blind blow bluff bog bold both bow
box bring bug but buzz call came
can cane cap cape cash cast cat
clam clap class clay cliff cling cold
colt come con cone cop cope cost
cot craft crash cross crow cub cube
cuff cup cut cute dad day did
dig dill dim dime ding dip dish
do does dog dot drag dress drift
drop dug end fad fade fall fan
far fast fat fell felt fend few
fill fin find fine fish fist fit
five fix flap flash fling flow fluff
fog fond for forest forget forgot fort
fresh frog from front fun fuzz game
gap gape garden gas gash gate gave
get gift gill give glad glass gloss
glow go gold good got grab gram
grand grass gray great grim grin grind
grip grow gruff had hall ham hand
hard has hat hate have hay he
held help hid hide hill him hind
hip his hit hold home hop hope
hot how huff hug if ill in
into is it jam jay jet job
jug jump just land lap last late
lay left lend ess let life lift
line lip lit live live log long
lost lot love low lug mad made
mall man mane many map mass mast
mat mate math may me men mend
mess met mill mind mine miss mist
mob mold month most move mow mud
mug must name nap net new next
nine nip no north not note now
nut of off old on once one
or pal pale part pass pat path
pay pet pill pin pine pit plan
plane plant play pond port pot pray
press puff raft ram ran rap rat
rate ray red rest rid ride rim
rind ring rip rob robe rod rode
roll row rug run rush sad said
salt sand sap sat save say scarf
school scuff sell send set seven shaft
she shift ship shop short shot show
shrug side sill sin sing sip sit
site six slid slide slim slime slip
slop slope slow slug small smart smell
sniff snow snuff so soft sold some
somebody someone something sometime sometimes somewhere song
sort sow spell spill spin spine spring
staff stall stand star start state stay
step stiff still stop storm story stow
stray stress strip stripe strong stuff sun
swam swim tag talk tall tam tap
tape tax tell ten tend tent than
that the them then there these thin
thing this those thrill till time tin
tip told top torn toss tow tray
trim trip tug two up us use
van very vest vet walk wall was
wash way we well went were west
wet what where who wide will win
wind wind wine wing wish with word
work world yell yes yet you your
zap zebra zip

List of Words as They Appear in Level 1
Lesson 1 am rat sat ram tam
Lesson 2 at mat mast me
Lesson 3 sit dim it fast sad dad ham raft
Lesson 4 if did math craft fist he the mad act rid him cast
mist rim fat hat that cat
Lesson 5 hit this trim fad drift hid had
Lesson 6 No new words
Lesson 7 No new words
Lesson 8 cash in hot man met fresh them stand last ran thin left
front on shaft she then shot felt crash hand flash
Lesson 9 end fend lend mend send tend not dish lift can ten lost
Lesson 10 and fin land men cost from than held rest lit cot tin
soft rod fan red dot fish set shift fond let tent
Lesson 11 clam lot net
Lesson 12 slid
Lesson 13 dog us went with dug glad cut song frog wind gas how
swam lit yet mug
Lesson 14 sing ring ding fling cling thing wing is as are his has
sin fit sand slim must run swim month grand long grim west
fun strong
Lesson 15 rug rush tag con many drag nut grin
Lesson 16 get gift yes fog got wish
Lesson 17 grind lug most hug day go we gram dig now tug said
do to into of
Lesson 18 gash any no
Lesson 19 lay find low grow
Lesson 20 was were there where may clay
Lesson 21 rob robe ate made rate mate zip bet jet pet vet wet
Lesson 22 bay bin both jay mind but jam pay zap box crow band
van big bug
Lesson 23 bring job spring next pond ship jump zebra slop cub cute hate
slope mane site cube cone note hide
Lesson 24 good great some come one bit cop win bite cope rode wine
use slime fade slide fine
Lesson 25 line fix jug be drop hay blind dip stay
Lesson 26 mine late game those time five side plane ride state plant sort
also scarf tax old bold cold gold hold mold sold told
Lesson 27 clap pot short bend pat wash north arm top cup grab colt
strip so or nip step pit
Lesson 28 stiff well buzz glass dress pill puff fell cross stuff hip salt
trip seven almost stop new few once two does
Lesson 29 cap cape pale pin gate name tape tap these wide plan
Lesson 30 staff fuzz thrill ill across cuff will pass less sill press rip
slug star always bag vest path hard garden far for

Lesson 31 port story forget forgot storm part torn start forest away gray play
pray ray say stay stray tray way just up who what word
work world snow bat bog rap slow shop help
Lesson 32 sniff spell bill fill gloss fluff mill small tell smart fort spine
pine six
Lesson 33 grip lip gape nine cane gave dime line home hope came nap
Lesson 34 lap mob sip
Lesson 35 yell miss sell off class spill dill roll smell mess bid school
you your walk talk very stripe shrug
Lesson 36 live show bad all ball call fall hall mall stall tall wall
Lesson 37 pal blow
Lesson 38 grass till toss hill
Lesson 39 life have live give love above move
Lesson 40 cliff mass stress huff still behind bind hind rind
Lesson 41 No new words
Lesson 42 No new words
Lesson 43 someone somebody sometime sometimes something somewhere
Lesson 44 flap gap map sap
Lesson 45 No new words
Lesson 46 No new words
Lesson 47 No new words
Lesson 48 No new words
Lesson 49 No new words
Lesson 50 No new words
Lesson 51 bow row flow below mow tow glow sow stow
Lesson 52 No new words
Lesson 53 No new words
Lesson 54 bluff gruff scuff snuff
Lesson 55 No new words
Lesson 56 No new words
Lesson 57 No new words
Lesson 58 No new words
Lesson 59 No new words
Lesson 60 No new words

LESSON 1 • There are four rows of sounds. Find the
first row. Touch the sound at the
*TASK 1: SEE SOUNDS/ beginning of that row. Check to see that
SAY SOUNDS the student has touched the circled m.
Ask, What’s that sound? Ready. Signal.
• Say to the student, Open your • Student says, m.
Workbook to page 1. Put your finger on • Yes, m. That m has a circle around it.
Exercise 1. You are going to find all of the m’s in
• Say, In this Exercise you are going to the row and draw a circle around them.
say some sounds. • Touch the first sound. Is that m? Ready.
• Touch the first sound. What’s that Signal.
sound? Ready. Signal. • Student says, no.
• Student says, a. • That’s right. Touch the next sound. Is
that m? Ready. Signal.
• Next sound. Ready. Signal. • Student says, no.
• Student says, m. • Right again. Touch the next sound. Is
that m? Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each sound in the list. • Student says, yes.
• Do the Task until the student can say all • Good. Now draw a circle around that m.
the sounds correctly.

a m s t é r ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error say,
s t m é a t That sound is (correct sound).
Say that sound for me. Ready.
a r é s t é Signal.

r s m t r a • Repeat for each sound in the row.

• Say, Now find the next row of sounds.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error, say,
Touch the sound at the beginning of the
row. Check to see that the student has
touched the crossed-out t. What’s that
That sound is (sound).
Say that sound with me. Ready. sound? Ready. Signal.
Signal. • Student says, t.
Say that sound by yourself. Ready. • Yes, t. That t is crossed out. You are
Signal. going to find all of the t’s in the row and
Good. Now start again at the cross them out.
beginning of the row. • Touch the first sound. Is that t? Ready.
*TASK 2: SEE SOUNDS/ • Student says, no.
MARK SOUNDS • That’s right. Touch the next sound. Is
that t? Ready. Signal.
• Say, Now let’s look at Exercise 2. • Student says, yes.
• In this Exercise you will be crossing out • Good. Now cross out that t.
or circling certain sounds.

• Repeat for each sound in the row. Say, Do that with me. What’s that
sound? Ready. Signal. Repeat.
• Repeat for the circled s’s and the When the student has said the sound
crossed-out r’s. correctly with you, say, Good. You
got it. Now say that sound all by
*TASK 3: SEE WORDS/ yourself. Ready. Signal.
SAY SOUNDS IN WORDS Go back and do the Task again.

• Say to the student, Look at Exercise 3 rat

at the top of the next page.
• Say to the student, Touch the second
am word. Read that word. Ready. Signal.
• Student reads, rat.
• Touch the first word. What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. • Say, I am going to say the sounds in
• Student says, am. rat.
• My turn. Listen. The first sound is r. The

next sound is a. The last sound is t.
Correction Procedure • Listen again to the sounds in the word
If the student does not read the word rat. The first sound is r, the second
correctly, say, Listen. That word is sound is a, the last sound is t.
am. What’s that word? Ready.
Signal. • Your turn to say the sounds in the word
• Say, I am going to say the sounds in • First sound. Ready. Signal.
am. • Student says, r.
• My turn. Listen. The first sound is a. The • Next sound. Ready. Signal.
next sound is m. • Student says, a.
• Listen again to the sounds in the word • Last sound. Ready. Signal.
am. The first sound is a, the second • Student says, t.
sound is m.
• Say, Great!
• Your turn to say the sounds in the word
am. • Repeat Task for each word in the list:
• First sound. Ready. Signal.
• Student says, a. 3. sat
• Next sound. Ready. Signal. 4. ram
• Student says, m. 5. tam
• Say, That’s correct. Good work. *TASK 4: SEE ALPHABET LETTERS/

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say any sound
• Say to the student, In Exercise 4 you
see all the alphabet letters printed.
correctly, say, Listen. My turn. That Touch each letter and tell me its name.
sound is (sound). Repeat.

• First letter. colored. That sound will be the mystery
• Ready. Signal. sound and you will print it in the space
• Have student repeat each letter. beside the big question mark.
• Say, First you are going to color all of
Aa Bb Cc Dd the t’s yellow.
• Touch the first sound. Is that a t?
Ee Ff Gg Hh Ready. Signal.
Ii Jj Kk Ll • Student answers, no.
Mm Nn Oo Pp
Xx ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student identifies a sound
Yy Zz incorrectly, say, That sound is
(correct sound). What’s that sound?
Ready. Signal.

✓ Correction Procedure
Say, That letter’s name is (letter
• Touch the next sound. Is that a t?
Ready. Signal.
name). • Student answers, yes.
Say that letter’s name for me. Ready. • Say, Good. Color that t yellow.
• Repeat for the rest of the sounds and
have the student color each t yellow.

• Repeat for: s = blue, m = red, a =

• Say, Now you are going to practice orange, é = green.
printing the alphabet letters. You will
print each letter between the lines • When the student has finished
underneath the letters in Exercise 4. coloring all the above sounds, say,
Print as neatly as you can. There is one sound that is not colored.
What sound is it? Ready. Signal.

✓ Correction Procedure
Watch the student carefully as s/he

Student answers, r.
Say, That’s right! The sound r is the
mystery sound. Print an r on the line
prints the alphabet letters. If s/he next to the big question mark.
makes an error printing any letter,
have him/her erase that letter. Print a
faint letter for him/her to copy.


✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says an incorrect sound
PRINT MYSTERY SOUND as the mystery sound, say, The only
sound that is not colored is r. What
sound? Ready. Signal.
• Say, Let’s look at Exercise 5 at the top
of page 3 in your Workbook. In this If the student prints the sound r
Exercise you are going to color certain incorrectly, have him/her erase it and
sounds with the colors that I say. There print a faint r for him/her to copy.
will be one sound at the end that is not
(Refer to page 18 SAY SOUNDS
for detailed information concerning
Student Points.)
• Say to the student, Open your
Workbook to page 4. Put your finger on
• Say to the student, Look after Exercise Exercise 1.
5 in your Workbook. You will see a
• Say, In this Exercise you are going to
Points Chart.
review the sounds you did in Lesson 1.
• Remember, in every Lesson you will
• Touch the first sound. What’s that
earn points for working hard, paying
sound? Ready. Signal.
attention, following instructions and
• Student says, m.
completing Workbook Exercises.
• Remind the student that the points are Next sound. Ready. Signal.

being saved for a particular reward.
• Student says, r.
• Say, Let’s look at each category and
• Repeat for each sound in the list.
decide how many points you earned
• Do the Task until the student can say all
the sounds correctly.
• Determine and circle the number of
points the student has earned in each
category. Add the four scores. m r a é t s
• Record the total points for Lesson 1 on
the chart provided on page 173 of the r t m é s t

End of Lesson 1 a r t a r s
é s t m a r

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error, say,
That sound is (sound).
Say that sound with me. Ready.
Say that sound by yourself. Ready.
Good. Now start again at the
beginning of the row.



• Say to the student, Look at Exercise 2.

at • Student reads, mat.

• Touch the first word. What’s that word? • Say, I am going to say the sounds in
Ready. Signal. mat.
• Student says, at. • My turn. Listen. The first sound is m. The
next sound is a. The last sound is t.
• Listen again to the sounds in the word
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not read the word
mat. The first sound is m, the second
sound is a, the last sound is t.
correctly, say, Listen. That word is at.
What’s that word? Ready. Signal. • Your turn to say the sounds in the word
• Say, I am going to say the sounds in • First sound. Ready. Signal.
at. • Student says, m.
• My turn. Listen. The first sound is a. The • Next sound. Ready. Signal.
next sound is t. • Student says, a.
• Listen again to the sounds in the word • Last sound. Ready. Signal.
at. The first sound is a, the second • Student says, t.
sound is t.
• Say, Great!
• Your turn to say the sounds in the word
at. • Repeat Task for each word in the list:
• First sound. Ready. Signal.
• Student says, a. 3. sat
• Next sound. Ready. Signal. 4. am
• Student says, t. 5. mast
• Say, That’s correct. Good work. *TASK 3: SEE WORDS/

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say any sound

Say, Put your finger on Exercise 3 at
the top of the next page.
Touch the first word. That word is me. I
correctly, say, Listen. My turn. That
sound is (sound). Repeat. am going to say and count the sounds
Say, Do that with me. What’s that in the word me.
sound? Ready. Signal. Repeat.
When the student has said the sound me
correctly with you, say, Good. You
got it. Now say that sound all by • Listen. My turn. The first sound (hold up
yourself. Ready. Signal. Go back and one finger) is m. The second sound
do the Task again. (hold up a second finger) is é.
• Listen again to the sounds in the word
mat me. The first sound (one finger up) is m,
the second sound (another finger up) is
• Say to the student, Touch the second é.
word. Read that word. Ready. Signal.

• Your turn to say and count the sounds second sound (hold up a second finger)
in the word me. is a. The third sound in the word mat
• Say the first sound and hold up one (hold up a third finger) is t.
finger. Ready. Signal. • Listen again to the sounds in the word
• Student says, m with one finger up. mat. The first sound (one finger up) is m,
• Now say the next sound. Hold up the second sound (another finger up) is
another finger. Ready. Signal. a, the third sound (third finger up) is t.
• Student says, é with two fingers up.
• Your turn to say and count the sounds
• Say, That’s correct. How many fingers in the word mat.
are you holding up? Ready. Signal. • Say the first sound and hold up one
• Student says, two. finger. Ready. Signal.
• So how many sounds are there in the • Student says, m with one finger up.
word me? Ready. Signal. • Now say the next sound. Hold up
• Student says, two. another finger. Ready. Signal.
• Right on. Good work! • Student says, a with two fingers up.
• Now say the third sound. Hold up

another finger. Ready. Signal.
Correction Procedure • Student says, t with three fingers up.
If the student does not say a sound
correctly, say, Listen. My turn. That • Say, That’s correct. How many fingers
sound is (sound). Repeat. are you holding up? Ready. Signal.
Say, Do that with me. What’s that • Student says, three.
sound? Ready. Signal. Repeat. • So how many sounds are there in the
When the student has said the sound word mat? Ready. Signal.
correctly with you, say, Good. You • Student says, three.
got it. Now say that sound all by
yourself. Ready. Signal. • Say, Great!

If the student does not count the • Repeat Task for each word in the list:
sounds correctly, say, The first sound
is (sound). Hold up one finger. 3. at
The second sound is (sound). Hold 4. ram
up another finger. 5. rat
Say, There are two sounds in the
word me. *TASK 4: SEE WORDS/
Go back and do the Task again. SPELL WORDS

• Say, Finger on the next word. That • Say to the student, Find Exercise 4.
word is mat. • Say, In this Exercise you are going to
spell the words that you have practiced
mat in Lessons 1 and 2.
• Touch the first word. Read that word.
• I am going to say and count the sounds Ready. Signal.
in the word mat. Listen. My turn. The • Student reads, at.
first sound (hold up one finger) is m. The

• Good. Listen. I am going to spell the • First letter.
word at. A-T. • Ready. Signal.

• Spell the word at with me. Ready. • Have student repeat each letter.
• Student spells, A-T with instructor. Aa Bb Cc Dd
• Well done. Now spell the word at by Ee Ff Gg Hh
yourself. Ready. Signal. Ii Jj Kk Ll
• Student spells, A-T. Mm Nn Oo Pp
Qq Rr Ss Tt
✓ Correction Procedure
If student reads the word incorrectly,
Ww Xx
say, That word is at. What’s that
word? Ready. Signal. Repeat Task.

If student misspells the word, say, My

turn to spell at. A-T. What word did I
✓ Correction Procedure
Say, That letter’s name is (letter
spell? Ready. Signal. Your turn to name).
spell at. Ready. Signal. Say that letter’s name for me. Ready.
• Second word. Read that word. Ready. *TASK 6: SEE LETTERS/SAY
• Student reads, me.
• Good. Listen. I am going to spell the
word me. M-E. • Say, Some letters in the alphabet are
called vowels. Other letters are called
• Spell the word me with me. Ready. consonants.
• Student spells, M-E with instructor. • Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo and Uu are vowel letters.
They are underlined.
• Well done. Now spell the word me by • The rest of the letters are consonant
yourself. Ready. Signal. letters.
• Student spells, M-E.
• Say each letter and tell me if it is a
• Repeat for each word in the list: 3. rat, vowel letter or a consonant letter.
4. am, 5. sat, 6. mast, 7. ram, 8. mat. Ready. Signal.


SAY ALPHABET LETTER NAMES ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error
• Say to the student, Turn the page. In identifying a letter, tell him/her the
Exercise 5 you see all the alphabet correct answer and repeat the Task
letters printed. Touch each letter and from the beginning.
tell me its name.

• Say, Now you are going to practice
printing the alphabet letters. You will • Say, Open your Workbook to page 7.
print each letter between the lines Find Exercise 1.
underneath the letters in Exercise 5. • Let’s see if you can say all of those
Print as neatly as you can. sounds.
• Finger on the first sound. What’s that

✓ Correction Procedure
Watch the student carefully as s/he

sound? Ready. Signal.
Student says, a.
prints the alphabet letters. If s/he • Next sound. Ready. Signal.
makes an error printing any letter, • Student says, m.
have him/her erase that letter. Print a
faint letter for him/her to copy. • Repeat for each sound in the list.


a m s d f
• Say to the student, Look after Exercise t h r i c
5 in your Workbook. You will see a
Points Chart.
• Remember, in every Lesson you will
c th d é m
earn points for working hard, paying
attention, following instructions and t r a f t
completing Workbook Exercises.
• Remind the student that the points are h c i é f
being saved for a particular reward.

• Say, Let’s look at each category and

decide how many points you earned
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error, say,
That sound is (sound).
• Determine and circle the number of Say that sound with me. Ready.
points the student has earned in each Signal.
category. Add the four scores. Say that sound by yourself. Ready.
• Record the total points for Lesson 2 on Signal.
the chart provided on page 173 of the Good. Now start again at the
Workbook. beginning of the row.
End of Lesson 2 TASK 2: SEE SOUNDS/

• Put your finger on Exercise 2.

• In this Exercise you will be crossing out

or circling certain sounds. • Repeat for each sound in the row.
• There are four rows of sounds. Find the
first row. Touch the sound at the • Repeat for the circled f’s in the third row
beginning of that row. Check to see that and the crossed-out c’s in the fourth
the student has touched the circled th. row.
Ask, What’s that sound? Ready. Signal.
• Student says, th. TASK 3: SEE ALPHABET LETTERS/
• Yes, th. That th has a circle around it. SAY ALPHABET LETTER NAMES
You are going to find all of the th’s in
the row and draw a circle around them. • Say to the student, Turn the page. In
• Touch the first sound. Is that th? Ready. Exercise 3 you see all the alphabet
Signal. letters printed. Touch each letter and
• Student says, no. tell me its name.
• That’s right. Touch the next sound. Is
that th? Ready. Signal. • First letter.
• Student says, no. • Ready. Signal.
• Right again. Touch the next sound. Is
that th? Ready. Signal. • Have student repeat each letter.
• Student says, yes.
• Good. Now draw a circle around that th. Aa Bb Cc Dd
Ee Ff Gg Hh
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error, say,
That sound is (correct sound).
Say that sound for me. Ready. Qq Rr Ss Tt
Signal. Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
• Repeat for each sound in the row.

• Say, Now find the next row of sounds.

Touch the sound at the beginning of the
row. Check to see that the student has
✓ Correction Procedure
Say, That letter’s name is (letter
touched the crossed-out d. What’s that name).
sound? Ready. Signal. Say that letter’s name for me. Ready.
• Student says, d. Signal.
• Yes, d. That d is crossed out. You are
going to find all of the d’s in the row and
cross them out.
• Touch the first sound. Is that d? Ready.
• Student says, no. • Say, Remember in the last Lesson we
• That’s right. Touch the next sound. Is talked about vowels and consonants.
that d? Ready. Signal. • Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo and Uu are vowel letters.
• Student says, yes. The rest of the letters are consonant
• Good. Cross out that d. letters.

• Now touch each letter in the alphabet • Your turn to say and count the sounds
and tell me if it’s a vowel letter or a in the word sit.
consonant letter. Ready. Signal. • Say the first sound and hold up one
finger. Ready. Signal.

• Student says, s with one finger up.
Correction Procedure • Now say the next sound. Hold up
If the student makes an error another finger. Ready. Signal.
identifying a letter, tell him/her the • Student says, i with two fingers up.
correct answer and repeat the Task • Now say the last sound. Hold up
from the beginning. another finger. Ready. Signal.
• Student says, t with three fingers up.
PRINT ALPHABET LETTERS • Say, That’s correct. How many fingers
are you holding up? Ready. Signal.
• Say, Now you are going to practice • Student says, three.
printing the alphabet letters. You will • So how many sounds are there in the
print each letter between the lines word sit? Ready. Signal.
underneath the letters in Exercise 3. • Student says, three.
Print as neatly as you can. • Good work!

✓ Correction Procedure
Watch the student carefully as s/he
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say a sound
prints the alphabet letters. If s/he correctly, say, Listen. My turn. That
makes an error printing any letter, sound is (sound). Repeat.
have him/her erase that letter and Say, Do that with me. What’s that
print a faint letter for him/her to copy. sound? Ready. Signal. Repeat.
When the student has said the sound
TASK 6: SEE WORDS/ correctly with you, say, Good. You
COUNT SOUNDS IN WORDS got it. Now say that sound all by
yourself. Ready. Signal.
• Say, Now look at Exercise 4.
• Touch the first word. That word is sit. I If the student does not count the
am going to say and count the sounds sounds correctly say, The first sound
in the word sit. is (sound). Hold up one finger.
The second sound is (sound). Hold
sit up another finger.
The third sound is (sound). Hold up a
• Listen. My turn. The first sound (hold up third finger.
one finger) is s. The second sound Say, There are three sounds in the
(hold up a second finger) is i. The third word sit.
sound is t. Go back and do the Task again.
• Listen again to the sounds in the word
sit. The first sound (one finger up) is s, • Say, Finger on the second word. That
the second sound (another finger up) is word is mast.
i, the third sound (three fingers up) is t.

mast 8. sad
9. dad
• I am going to say and count the sounds
in the word mast. Listen. My turn. The *TASK 7: SEE PICTURES/
first sound (hold up one finger) is m. The PRINT PICTURE NAMES
second sound (hold up a second finger)
is a. The third sound in the word mast • Say, Now let’s do Exercise 5 at the top
(hold up a third finger) is s. The fourth of page 9. In this Exercise you are
sound (hold up a fourth finger) is t. going to practice printing some words.
• Listen again to the sounds in the word • Touch the first picture. Tell me what that
mast. The first sound (one finger up) is picture is. Ready. Signal.
m, the second sound (another finger up) • Student says, a mat.
is a, the third sound (third finger up) is s, • That’s right! Look beside the picture of
the fourth sound (fourth finger up) is t. the mat. The word mat is printed there.
Print another mat between the lines
• Your turn to say and count the sounds under this.
in the word mast.

• Say the first sound and hold up one
finger. Ready. Signal. Correction Procedure
• Student says, m with one finger up. If the student uses a different word
• Now say the next sound. Hold up for the picture, say, Yes, but we’re
another finger. Ready. Signal. going to call it a mat. What’s that a
• Student says, a with two fingers up. picture of? Ready. Signal.
• Now say the third sound. Hold up
another finger. Ready. Signal. If the student makes an error printing
• Student says, s with three fingers up. the word, have him/her erase the
• Now say the last sound. Hold up mistake. Print a faint letter for
another finger. Ready. Signal. him/her to copy.
• Student says, t with four fingers up.
• Repeat for: 2. rat, 3. ham, 4. raft, 5.
• Say, That’s correct. How many fingers ram.
are you holding up? Ready. Signal.
• Student says, four. TASK 8: AWARD POINTS
• So how many sounds are there in the
word mast? Ready. Signal.
• Student says, four. • Say, Look at the Points Chart after
Exercise 5 in your Workbook. Let’s
• Say, Good work! decide how many points you earned.

• Repeat Task for each word in the list: • Determine and circle the number of
points earned. Add the four scores.
3. dim • Record the total points for Lesson 3 on
4. tam page 173 of the Workbook.
5. it
6. am End of Lesson 3
7. fast
• Say to the student, Turn to page 10 in
• Listen. I’m going to say a sound. After I your Workbook. Find Exercise 1.
say the sound, you will say the letter • Say, In this Exercise you are going to
name of that sound. read and spell some words.
• Touch the first word. Read that word.
a Ready. Signal.
• Student reads, if.
• First sound. a. What letter makes the • Good. Listen. I am going to spell the
sound a? Ready. Signal. word if. I-F.
• Student answers, A.
• Spell the word if with me. Ready.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student repeats the sound, say,

Student spells, I-F with instructor.

Well done. Now spell the word if by

You told me the sound, not the letter
name. The sound is a. The letter yourself. Ready. Signal.
name is A. • Student spells, I-F.
Repeat Task.

If the student says an incorrect letter

name, say, The letter name for the
✓ Correction Procedure
If student reads the word incorrectly,
sound a is A. What is the letter name say, That word is if. What’s that
for the sound a? Ready. Signal. word? Ready. Signal. Repeat Task.
Repeat Task.
If student misspells the word, say, My
f turn to spell if. I-F. What word did I
spell? Ready. Signal. Your turn to
• Next sound. f. What letter makes the spell if. Ready. Signal.
sound f? Ready. Signal.
• Student says, F. • Number 2. Read that word. Ready.
• Good job! Signal.
• Student reads, mast.
• Repeat for the rest of the list of sounds. • Good. Listen. I am going to spell the
word mast. M-A-S-T.

m i c é th • Spell the word mast with me. Ready.

• Student spells, M-A-S-T with instructor.
t r d s h
• Well done. Now spell the word mast by
yourself. Ready. Signal.
• Student spells, M-A-S-T.


• Repeat for each word in the list: 3. me,
4. did, 5. math, 6. craft, 7. fist, 8. he, 9. Correction Procedure
the, 10. mad. If the student makes an error
identifying a letter, tell him/her the
TASK 3: SEE ALPHABET LETTERS/ correct answer and repeat the Task
SAY ALPHABET LETTER NAMES from the beginning.

• Say to the student, In Exercise 2 you TASK 5: SEE ALPHABET LETTERS/

see all the alphabet letters printed. PRINT ALPHABET LETTERS
Touch each letter and tell me its name.
• Say, Now you are going to practice
• First letter. printing the alphabet letters. You will
• Ready. Signal. print each letter between the lines
underneath the letters in Exercise 2.
• Have student repeat each letter. Print as neatly as you can.

Hh ✓ Correction Procedure
Watch the student carefully as s/he
Ii Jj Kk Ll prints the alphabet letters. If s/he
Mm Nn Oo Pp makes an error printing any letter,
have him/her erase that letter. Print a
Qq Rr Ss Tt faint letter for him/her to copy.
Uu Vv Ww Xx

• Say to the student, Now let’s look at
Correction Procedure Exercise 3 at the top of the next page.
Say, That letter’s name is (letter
name). tam
Say that letter’s name for me. Ready.
Signal. • Touch the first word. What’s that word?
Ready. Signal.
TASK 4: SEE LETTERS/SAY • Student says, tam.

• Say, Remember in the last Lessons we

talked about vowels and consonants.
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not read the word
• Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo and Uu are vowel letters. correctly, say, Listen. That word is
The rest of the letters are consonant tam. What’s that word? Ready.
letters. Signal.

• Now touch each letter and tell me if it’s • Say, I am going to say the sounds in
a vowel letter or a consonant letter. the word tam.
Ready. Signal. • My turn. Listen. The first sound is t. The

second sound is a, the last sound is m. • Your turn to say the sounds in the word
• Listen again to the sounds in the word act.
tam. The first sound is t, the second • First sound. Ready. Signal.
sound is a, the last sound is m. • Student says, a.
• Next sound. Ready. Signal.
• Your turn to say the sounds in the word • Student says, c.
tam. • Last sound. Ready. Signal.
• First sound. Ready. Signal. • Student says, t.
• Student says, t.
• Next sound. Ready. Signal. • Well done. Now spell the word act.
• Student says, a. Ready. Signal.
• Last sound. Ready. Signal. • Student spells, A-C-T.
• Student says, m.
• Say, Great!
• Well done. Now spell the word tam.
Ready. Signal. • Repeat Task for each word in the list:
• Student spells, T-A-M.
3. rid
• Say, That’s correct. Good work. 4. him
5. cast
6. mist
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say any sound
7. rim
correctly, say, Listen. My turn. That
sound is (sound). Repeat. SPELL WORDS
Say, Do that with me. What’s that
sound? Ready. Signal. Repeat. • Say to the student, Look at Exercise
When the student has said the sound 4 in your Workbook.
correctly with you, say, Good. You • Say, In this Exercise you are going to
got it. Now say that sound all by spell some words that rhyme with at.
yourself. Ready. Signal.
Go back and do the Task again. at
act • Touch the word inside the cat. Read
that word. Ready. Signal.
• Say to the student, Touch number 2. • Student reads, at.
Read that word. Ready. Signal. • Good. Spell the word at. Ready. Signal.
• Student reads, act. • Student spells, A-T.
• Say, I am going to say the sounds in

My turn. Listen. The first sound is a. The
next sound is c. The last sound is t.
✓ Correction Procedure
If student reads the word incorrectly,
say, That word is at. What’s that
• Listen again to the sounds in the word word? Ready. Signal. Repeat Task.
act. The first sound is a, the second
sound is c, the last sound is t.

If student misspells the word, say, My
turn to spell at. A-T. What word did I
spell? Ready. Signal. Your turn to *TASK 1: SEE WORDS/
spell at. Ready. Signal. PRINT WORDS

fat • Find Exercise 1 on page 12 of your

Workbook. Touch the first word. Read
• Second word. Read that word. Ready. that word. Ready. Signal.
Signal. • Student reads, hit.
• Student reads, fat.

Say, Does that word rhyme with at?
Ready. Signal.
Student answers, yes.
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error, say,
That word is hit. What’s that word?
Ready. Signal.

✓ Correction Procedure
If student responds, No, say, Listen. • That’s right. Now you are going to print
the letters that are missing in the word
fat, at. The word fat rhymes with at.
Repeat Task. hit.
• Touch the first blank. What letter goes
• Say, Spell fat. Ready. Signal. in that blank? Ready. Signal.
• Student spells, F-A-T. • Student says, H.
• Good. Print H in the first blank.
• Repeat for each word in the list:

3. hat ✓ Correction Procedure

If the student makes an error, say,
4. that That missing letter is (correct letter).
5. rat Say that letter for me. Ready. Signal.
6. cat If the student makes an error
7. sat printing, print a faint letter for him/her
8. mat to copy.

• Put your finger on the next blank. What

TASK 8: AWARD POINTS letter goes in that blank? Ready. Signal.
• Student says, T.
• Determine and circle the number of • Good. Print T in the second blank.
points the student has earned in each • Ask, What word did you print? Ready.
category. Signal.
• Record the total points for Lesson 4 on • Student says, hit.
the chart provided on page 173 of the
Workbook. • Good. Spell the word hit. Ready. Signal.
• Student spells, H-I-T.
End of Lesson 4

• Read the second word. Ready. Signal.

Student reads, this.
That’s right. Now you are going to print ✓ Correction Procedure
If student reads the word incorrectly,
the letters that are missing in the word say, That word is at. What’s that
this. word? Ready. Signal. Repeat Task.
• Touch the first blank. What letter goes
in that blank? Ready. Signal. If student misspells the word, say, My
• Student says, T. turn to spell at. A-T. What word did I
• Good. Print T in the first blank. spell? Ready. Signal. Your turn to
• Put your finger on the next blank. What spell at. Ready. Signal.
letter goes in that blank? Ready. Signal.
• Student says, H.
• Good. Print H in the next blank.
• Put your finger on the next blank. What
letter goes in that blank? Ready. Signal. • Second word. Read that word. Ready.
• Student says, S. Signal.
• Good. Print S in the next blank. • Student reads, fat.
• Say, Does that word rhyme with at?
• Ask, What word did you print? Ready. Ready. Signal.
Signal. • Student answers, yes.
• Student says, this.

Yes. Spell the word this. Ready. Signal.
Student spells, T-H-I-S.
✓ Correction Procedure
If student responds, No, say, Listen.
fat, at. The word fat rhymes with at.
• Repeat for the rest of the words in the Repeat Task.
list: 3. trim, 4. craft, 5. fad, 6. drift, 7.
fast, 8. raft. • Say, Spell fat. Ready. Signal.
• Student spells, F-A-T.
SPELL WORDS • Repeat for each word in the list:

• Say to the student, Now look at 3. hat

Exercise 2.
• Say, In this Exercise you are going to
4. that
spell some words that rhyme with at. 5. rat
6. cat
at 7. sat
• Touch the word inside the cat. Read
8. mat
that word. Ready. Signal. TASK 3: SEE WORDS/
• Student reads, at. COUNT SOUNDS IN WORDS
• Good. Spell the word at. Ready. Signal.
• Student spells, A-T.
• Say, Look at Exercise 3 on top of page
13 in your Workbook.

• Touch the first word. That word is hid. I When the student has said the sound
am going to say and count the sounds correctly with you, say, Good. You
in the word hid. got it. Now say that sound all by
yourself. Ready. Signal.
If the student does not count the
• Listen. My turn. The first sound (hold up sounds correctly, say, The first sound
one finger) is h. The second sound is (sound). Hold up one finger.
(hold up a second finger) is i. The third The second sound is (sound). Hold
sound (third finger up) is d. up another finger.
• Listen again to the sounds in the word The third sound is (sound). Hold up
hid. The first sound (one finger up) is h, another finger.
the second sound (another finger up) is Say, There are three sounds in the
i, the third sound (third finger up) is d. word hid.
Go back and do the Task again.
• Your turn to say and count the sounds
in the word hid. • Say, Finger on the second word. That
• Say the first sound and hold up one word is math.
finger. Ready. Signal.
• Student says, h with one finger up. math
• Now say the next sound. Hold up
another finger. Ready. Signal. • I am going to say and count the sounds
• Student says, i with two fingers up. in the word math. Listen. My turn. The
• Now say the last sound. Hold up first sound (hold up one finger) is m. The
another finger. Ready. Signal. second sound (hold up a second finger)
• Student says, d with three fingers up. is a. The third sound in the word math
(hold up a third finger) is th.
• Say, That’s correct. How many fingers • Listen again to the sounds in the word
are you holding up? Ready. Signal. math. The first sound (one finger up) is
• Student says, three. m, the second sound (another finger up)
• So how many sounds are there in the is a, the third sound (third finger up) is
word hid? Ready. Signal. th.
• Student says, three.
• Your turn to say and count the sounds
• Spell the word hid. Ready. Signal. in the word math.
• Student spells, H-I-D. • Say the first sound and hold up one
finger. Ready. Signal.
• Good work! • Student says, m with one finger up.
• Now say the next sound. Hold up

another finger. Ready. Signal.
Correction Procedure • Student says, a with two fingers up.
If the student does not say a sound • Now say the third sound. Hold up
correctly, say, Listen. My turn. That another finger. Ready. Signal.
sound is (sound). Repeat. • Student says, th with three fingers up.
Say, Do that with me. What’s that
sound? Ready. Signal. Repeat.

• Say, That’s correct. How many fingers • Touch the next sound. Is that a vowel?
are you holding up? Ready. Signal. Ready. Signal.
• Student says, three. • Student answers, no.
• So how many sounds are there in the • Repeat until student identifies the i at
word math? Ready. Signal. the end of the top row..
• Student says, three. • Say, Yes, i is a vowel. Color that i
• Spell the word math. Ready. Signal.
• Student spells, M-A-T-H. • Repeat for the rest of the sounds and
have the student color each vowel
• Say, Well done! green.

• Repeat Task for each word in the list: • Repeat for: r, d, m, c, s = red.

3. mad • When the student has finished

4. the coloring all the above sounds, say,
5. sad There is one sound that is not colored.
6. it What sound is it? Ready. Signal.
7. act • Student answers, h.
8. did • Say, That’s right! The sound h is the
9. had mystery sound. Print a h on the line
next to the big question mark.


✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says an incorrect sound
• Say, Now let’s look at Exercise 4. In this as the mystery sound, say, The only
Exercise you are going to color certain sound that is not colored is h. What
sounds with the colors that I say. There sound? Ready. Signal.
will be one sound at the end that is not
colored. That sound will be the mystery If the student prints the sound h
sound and you will print it in the space incorrectly, have him/her erase it and
beside the big question mark. print a faint h for him/her to copy.

• Say, First you are going to color all of *TASK 5: SEE/SAY ALPHABET
the vowels green. LETTERS FLUENCY CHECK
• Touch the first sound. Is that a vowel?
Ready. Signal. (Refer to page 13 of the Instructor’s
• Student answers, no. Guide for detailed information concerning
Fluency Checks.)

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student identifies a sound
• Say to the student, Turn to page 15 in
your Workbook.
incorrectly, say, That sound is (not) a • Say, Today I am going to time you for
vowel. Repeat question. 30 seconds on saying alphabet letters.
You must be able to say at least 40

letters correctly in a 30-second time • If the student was able to say 80+
period. If you are unable to do this, we letters in one minute, s/he is fluent and
will continue to review the alphabet. does not need to repeat this Fluency
• You are going to say the letters as Check again.
quickly as you can when I say please
begin. Try not to make mistakes. *TASK 6: SEE/SAY VOWELS &
• You may go down the columns (indicate CONSONANTS FLUENCY CHECK
down) or across (indicate across)..
Which way would you like to go in this • Say, Now I am going to time you for
list? Student chooses down or across. 30 seconds on saying the vowels or
O.K., you are going to go (down or consonants on this page. You must be
across). able to say at least 30 vowels and
• Remember, I will say please begin consonants correctly in 30 seconds.
when you are to start and thank you • You may go down the columns (indicate
when you are to stop. down) or across (indicate across)..
Which way would you like to go in this
• Put your finger on the first letter. list? Student chooses down or across.
• Ready. Please begin. Time the student O.K., you are going to go (down or
for 30 seconds. across).
• Say, Thank you. • Remember, I will say please begin
when you are to start and thank you
• Make a pencil mark in the list where the when you are to stop.
student ended.. Determine the number
of errors and/or skipped letters. Subtract • Touch each letter and say vowel or
the number of errors from the total consonant.
letters said. Put a star to mark the total
number of letters the student said • Put your finger on the first letter.
correctly on this attempt. • Ready. Please begin. Time the student
for 30 seconds.
• Say to student, To know how many • Say, Thank you.
letters you said in one minute, I will
multiply your scores by 2 and we will • Make a pencil mark in the list where the
record them in the back of your student ended.. Determine the number
Workbook. of errors and/or skipped letters. Subtract
• This time you said (number) letters per the number of errors from the total
minute with (number) errors. vowels and consonants said. Put a
happy face to mark the total number of
• Record letters said correctly per minute vowels and consonants the student said
in the Alphabet Letters Said Correctly correctly on this attempt.
column for Day 1 of See/Say Alphabet
Letters Fluency Check on page 169 of • Say to student, To know how many
the Student Workbook. vowels and consonants you said in one
• Record number of errors and/or skipped minute, I will multiply your scores by 2
letters per minute in the Learning and we will record them in the back of
Opportunities column. your Workbook.


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