TYCTRW Level 1A Instructors Manual

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Michael Maloney
Lynne Brearley
Judie Preece

Teach Your Children Well Press

Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Copyright© 2001 by Teach Your Children Well

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
by any means, without written permission from the authors.

Teach Your Children Well

208-210 Front Street, Second Floor
P.O. Box 908, Belleville, Ontario K8N 5B6

ISBN 1-894595-01-7
This book is dedicated to the memory of

Joos Pusswald
(November 14, 1947 - May 9, 1999)

Friend, educator, publisher and founder of Lipura Verlag.

This book is to honor his life’s work of providing better
instructional programs for teachers, students and parents.
Michael Maloney is a teacher, principal and author of the
best-selling book, Teach Your Children Well. He co-authored
Scholastic’s Math Tutor, an award-winning software system for
teaching arithmetic. Michael has founded or assisted others to found
20 learning centers and schools across North America for children
and adults with learning difficulties. He was nominated and was a
finalist for the Canada Post National Literacy Awards in 2000.

Michael Maloney, M.A.

Lynne Brearley has taught high school English and Physical

Education, as well as elementary school French. When she is
not writing or editing, Lynne loves to read, travel, sail, play tennis
and rollerblade.

Lynne Brearley, B.A. (Hon)

Judie Preece is a retired high school teacher and administrator.

She is the author of another work of non-fiction, What’s in a Name?
Judie enjoys traveling with her husband and friends, reading,
rollerblading, painting and the companionship of her dog and
three cats.

Judie Preece, B.A.

The authors wish to thank the following people for their effort and support in the creation of
Teach Your Children to Read Well:

Willi Zaback (graphic artist), Bob House (photographer), Essence Printing, Susan Pearce,
Laurel Coo, Lovorka Fabek-Fischer, Mark Bishop, Kay Snedden, Susan Sweet, Patti Clapp,
Judy Ruttan and Tammy Belliveau.
INSTRUCTOR’S GUIDE control so that you can teach and s/he can
learn effectively. No one teaches or learns
Congratulations! By choosing this book you well in the midst of chaos. Behavior
have taken the first step in teaching Management strategies are included to
someone you care about to become a motivate and reward the learner. This
competent reader. approach has been soundly supported by
almost fifty years of empirical research.
Features of the Series
Placement Tests
Teach Your Children To Read Well is a
phonics-based series which teaches Each Level of the Teach Your Children To
students everything they need to learn in Read Well series contains a Placement
order to read fluently. The series consists Test which will assist the instructor in
of four Levels - 1A and 1B, 2, 3 and 4 - placing the student(s) in the appropriate
which span the elementary school years. program. The placement test is on the
Each Level contains 60 lessons and covers back cover of the Instructor’s Manual for
approximately two grades of reading skills. each Level.
Each of the four Levels has three texts - an
Instructor’s Manual, a Student Reader and Using the Instructor’s Guide
a Student Workbook. It is important not to assume that you know
all of the necessary skills to teach
The Teach Your Children To Read Well someone to read. Study the Instructor’s
series combines three highly successful Guide first. Do yourself and your student(s)
educational technologies - Direct a favor and master the Guide before you
Instruction, Precision Teaching and begin to teach. It will save time, effort and
Behavior Management. frustration for both you, as the instructor,
and the student(s). There is a direct cause
Direct Instruction is based on the premise and effect relationship between how well
that quality teaching is a critical variable in the instructor is prepared and how well the
student success. In over thirty years of student(s) learns to read. Remember: If the
educational research involving hundreds of student didn’t learn, the teacher didn’t
thousands of children, Direct Instruction teach.
has been proven to be far and above the
most effective teaching method. It looks Learning Objectives
carefully at how material is organized and
presents concepts so that they will not be Learning objectives are the framework for
confusing to the student. the job of teaching someone to read. They
are a list of the skills you want the learner
A measurement system, derived from to know when the program is completed.
Precision Teaching, quickly and easily These objectives are specified so that the
determines the student’s progress. It instructor can see the contents of each
enables the instructor to gather data Lesson, the order in which new skills are
quickly and accurately and to make introduced and the Lessons in which these
decisions immediately. It signals the need skills will be reviewed. The learning
for review as well as the need for objectives for Level 1 of Teach Your
additional practice. It might even Children To Read Well are outlined in the
recommend skipping Tasks or Lessons. Scope and Sequence Chart which follows.

Behavior Management is a method for

getting the student under instructional
Lesson Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Teaching Sounds .............................................................. a é d h n g w u
m s i th sh e wh y
t r c f ing o l
Practicing Sounds ..............................................................       
Sounding Out Words..........................................................        
Teaching/Practicing Alphabet Letters ................................         
Teaching/Practicing Vowels and Consonants....................        
Sounding Out Words that Begin With Short Sounds ........     
Reading Words ..................................................................   
Reading Rhyming Words ...................................................   
Saying the Underlined Sounds and Reading the Words ..    
Reading Sentences............................................................  
Teaching/Practicing Irregular Words..................................    
Sound Fluency Check ........................................................     
Word Fluency Check..........................................................     
Story Reading .................................................................... 
Vowel Letter Sounds ..........................................................
Alphabet Letters Fluency Check ........................................
Story Reading Fluency Check ..........................................
Teaching Quotation Marks ................................................
Teaching/Reviewing the Final e Rule ................................
Workbook Exercises ..........................................................         

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

í k b x j qu p or er tch
ó ck v ol al ir
ú ch ur


Lesson Number 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Teaching Sounds .............................................................. ÿ æ ar
z ai oi/oy
ou oo
Practicing Sounds ..............................................................  
Sounding Out Words ........................................................      
Sounding Out Words that End in e-d ..............................
Sounding Out Words that Begin With Short Sounds ........ 
Reading Words ..................................................................     
Reading Rhyming Words ..................................................    
Saying the Underlined Sounds and Reading the Words ..     
Reading Sentences ..........................................................  
Teaching/Practicing Irregular Words ................................  
Sound Fluency Check........................................................         
Word Fluency Check ........................................................         
Story Reading ....................................................................     
Story Reading Fluency Check ..........................................         
Teaching/Reviewing the Final e Rule ................................  
Sounding Out Double Consonants .................................... 
Workbook Exercises ..........................................................         

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

au igh wa oa kn ph tion
aw ea gi,e ly sion
ould ci,e



Tasks Most of the Task formats follow a procedure
called “Model - Lead - Test.” First the
Using Teach Your Children To Read Well instructor models the Task so the student(s)
is as simple as following a recipe. It can understand what the correct answer is,
provides a complete set of instructions that and equally important, what it is not, as well
tells the instructor what to say and what to as the steps for arriving at the correct
expect the students to respond. Each answer. After modeling the Task the
Lesson is divided into a number of Tasks. instructor will ask the student(s) to repeat the
Each Task teaches a particular skill, such procedure with him/her. This is known as the
as learning new sounds. Each Task is lead. When the instructor is satisfied that the
carefully scripted. As the instructor you student(s) knows the correct procedure or
need only to follow the script and the answer, the instructor gives the student(s)
objectives will be covered by the end of the chance to do it independently, thereby
the program. testing his/her ability to do the Task.
Instructions to the instructor are written in For the first several times they appear, the
regular script. Tasks are very detailed. They become
Statements said by the instructor are shorter as both you, as the instructor, and
written in bold face. the student(s) become comfortable with
Responses of the student are written in them.
italic print.
Correction Procedures
There are 14 major Task formats that the
instructor needs to learn in order to teach Specific Correction Procedure formats are
this program. Once they are learned, the scripted for each type of Task across all
procedures can be applied to other Tasks. Levels of the series. It is critical for you as
Samples of these major Task formats the instructor to listen for and correct every
along with annotated instructions are error that the student makes. The student
included in this Guide. Like an actor in a should complete a Task quickly, completely
and correctly before moving on to the next
play, it is critical that the instructor knows
part of the Lesson. Sloppy error corrections
his/her part. It is well worth the time and
allow students to progress when, in fact,
effort involved to become thoroughly they have not mastered the material.
familiar with each format. Instructors who either do not catch, or
worse, neglect to correct errors, are setting
As the instructor you do not have to learn all the student up for future failure. Every error
14 formats before beginning to teach the must get corrected every time it occurs.
program. In the Instructor’s Manual an asterisk Most corrections follow the
indicates the first time a new Task is Model-Lead-Test-Repeat procedure.
introduced. The new Task can be learned by
the instructor before commencing that Lesson. Signals
Do not begin a new Lesson until you are
thoroughly familiar with the material it contains. Signals are a critical part of teaching these
Each format should be learned so that it can programs well. They are especially
be delivered at a normal speaking rate important when teaching a group of
without hesitation or errors. Poorly presented students. Signals are used in the same
formats create errors and attention loss for way a choir conductor uses them to keep
both the instructor and the student. everyone singing in unison. Signals tell the

students when to respond. This is important Let’s take a detailed look at each of these
in order to be sure that every student can Tasks:
do the task. Most groups have some
students who are overeager to answer and Teaching Sounds and Sound Combinations
some who are happy to stay in the
background. If the overeager student gives Each letter or letter combination in the
the answer before the other students, the English language has one or more sounds.
instructor never really knows if the quiet There are two types of sounds - continuous
student knows the answer or is just copying and short. Fifty of the sixty-six sounds and
the overeager student. To avoid this sound combinations taught in Levels 1A
problem, saying “Ready,” followed by a and 1B are continuous sounds. This
signal such as a tap on the table or a snap means that you can say them for as long
of your fingers, is used so that all of the as you have breath. All vowels, most
students say the answer at the same time. consonants and most sound combinations
The time frame between saying, “Ready,” are continuous sounds. When they are
and giving the signal is about half a second. introduced and practiced, they are marked
It is important that this remain consistent. with a dot under them. The student must
When the students say the correct answer be taught to hold continuous sounds for
together, the response is clear. When one one second.
or more students respond slightly earlier or The 16 other sounds and sound
slightly later than the rest, the instructor combinations are short sounds. They
hears a ragged jumble of answers. That cannot be said for more than a fraction of a
tells you to do the Task again. second. The sounds b, c, d, g, g(i,e), h, j,
k, p and t are short sounds, as are the
The following is a list of the 14 major Tasks sound combinations ck, ch, tch, ould, tion
to be mastered by the instructor: and sion. They are marked with an arrow
under them. It is imperative that students
1. Teaching Continuous Sounds and be taught to differentiate between
Sound Combinations continuous and short sounds before they
2. Teaching Short Sounds and Sound begin to blend these sounds into words.
3. Practicing Sounds and Sound In order to make learning easier for the
Combinations student, some sounds and sound
4. Sounding Out Words combinations have horizontal lines marked
5. Sounding Out Words that Begin with over them. For example, when a vowel letter
Short Sounds says its name, a line appears over the sound.
6. Saying the Underlined Sounds and (Exceptions are long vowels in irregular
Reading the Words words and in words with a final e. They are
7. Reading Rhyming Words not marked. The student is taught to
8. Teaching Irregular Words recognize these words without prompts.) In
9. Story Reading Levels 2, 3 and 4 these marks are faded out.
10. Teaching the Final e Rule
11. Using the Final e Rule Listed below are the sounds and sound
12. Sounding Out Words with Double combinations taught in Levels 1A and 1B of
Consonants the series. The sounds are organized and
13. Sound Fluency Check taught in such a way as to be most readily
14. Story Reading Fluency Check distinguished from other similar looking or
similar sounding ones. This way they are
least likely to be confusing for the learner.
Previously taught sounds and sound which they are taught, what each sound
combinations are thoroughly reviewed in says, an example of a simple word which
subsequent Lessons and in Fluency contains that sound and whether the sound
Checks at the end of each Lesson. The list is a continuous or short sound.
below shows the sounds, the Lesson in

Lesson Symbol Sound As in Short/Continuous

Level 1A ........ 1 a aaa am continuous
1 m mmm am continuous
1 t t at short
2 é ééé me continuous
2 s sss sat continuous
2 r rrr rat continuous
3 d d mad short
3 i iii it continuous
3 c c cat short
4 h h him short
4 th ththth the continuous
4 f fff fat continuous
5 n nnn man continuous
5 sh shshsh she continuous
5 ing ing sing continuous
6 g g gas short
6 e eee met continuous
6 o ooo on continuous
8 w wooo wing continuous
8 wh wooo when continuous
8 l lll let continuous
9 u uuu sun continuous
9 y yééé yes continuous
10 á ááá ate continuous
10 í ííí find continuous
10 ó óóó no continuous
10 ú úúú use continuous
11 k k king short
11 ck k kick short
14 b b bat short
15 x ksss ox continuous
15 v vvv van continuous
17 j j jet short
18 qu cooo quick continuous

18 ol ólll old continuous
20 p p pig short
24 or órrr for continuous
24 al olll tall continuous
24 ch ch chip short
27 er rrr term continuous
27 ir rrr sir continuous
27 ur rrr turn continuous
30 tch tch match short
Level 1B ....... 34 ÿ ííí my continuous
34 z zzz zebra continuous
37 æ ééé meat continuous
37 ou owww out continuous
37 ai ááá sail continuous
39 ar orrr art continuous
39 oi/oy óyééé oil / boy continuous
39 oo ooo cool continuous
40 au/aw ooo auto/saw continuous
40 ould ould would short
41 igh ííí high continuous
41 ea eee head continuous
44 wa wooo water continuous
44 gi,e j ginger short
44 ci,e sss ice continuous
46 oa óóó boat continuous
47 kn nnn knee continuous
47 ly lééé quickly continuous
49 ph fff phone continuous
51 tion/sion shun motion/tension short

Learning these sounds and sound say the 66 sounds and sound combinations in
combinations is one of the two most important one minute. On page 10 is a practice sheet of
skills in learning to read. Before you can sounds and sound combinations taught in
teach a student the sounds, you must have a Level 1A. Again, a dot under the sound
thorough knowledge what sound each letter indicates that it is a continuous sound. Hold
or combination of letters makes. Many these sounds for one second. An arrow
individuals taught to read during the last 20 to indicates a short sound. Do not hold these
30 years were taught without an emphasis on sounds. Use this sheet to practice and
phonics (recognizing individual symbols and become thoroughly familiar with the sounds
the sounds they make). As a result, these you will be teaching. Refer to the list of
instructors may not be completely fluent with sounds on pages 8 and 9 to ensure that you
the phonics used in this series. Fluency are saying all the sounds and sound
involves being able to recognize and correctly combinations correctly.

r sh ck 25 f p 5

• • > • >
qu 10 a w x ur 10

• • • • •
wh k á s 35 e 15

• > • • •
h t 20 o n ch 20

> > • • >

5 m ing ir v é 25

• • • • •
l i tch 30 d or 30

• • > > •
al 15er g u y 35

• • > • •
ol j th c 40 b 40

• > • > >

Now let’s look at the scripted formats of the Tasks for Teaching both Continuous and
Short Sounds and Sound Combinations as well as the Task for practicing these sounds.
Instructions to the instructor
SOUND a as in am
are written in normal script. Point to the sound a.
The instructor’s spoken Say to the student, I am going to touch this sound Model - First the instructor
instructions to the student and say it. demonstrates the sound or
are written in bold script. Listen. Touch the dot under the a and say aaa for one sound combination twice.
second. Lift your finger.
The instructor says “Ready” and then
Say, Listen again. Touch the dot and say aaa.
touches the dot and holds his/her
Lift your finger.
finger on it for one second while
saying the sound with the student(s). Say to the student, Say the sound with me. When I
Lead - The instructor then says
Try to look at each student to see touch the sound, we will both say it. We’ll keep on
the sound or sound combination
that they are saying the sound. If in saying it as long as I touch it.
with the student two or more
doubt, do the lead again. Ready. Touch the dot under the a and say aaa with the
student for one second.
Lift your finger and stop saying the sound.
Be sure to reinforce correct Say, Good saying aaa. Let’s do that again. Remember,
answers with positive comments. when I touch the sound we both say it. We’ll keep on
saying it as long as I touch it.
Listen carefully to hear if all of the Ready. Signal.
students respond at the same time. Repeat the task until the student does it as instructed.
Be particularly attentive to any
Say, Now it is your turn to say the sound. When I Test - The instructor then listens
student who responds late.
touch the sound, you say it. Keep on saying it as long to the student say the sound or
as I touch it. sound combination on his/her
Student responses are written in Ready. Touch the dot under the a and listen to the own.
italic script. student say aaa.
Lift your finger after one second. Student stops saying
It is important to vary your praise the sound.
statements so as not to Say, Great! Do that again. Remember, when I touch
become repetitive and tedious. the sound, you say it.
Keep on saying it as long as I touch it.
There is a dot under the sound a Ready. Signal.
because a is a continuous sound Repeat the task until the student does it as instructed.
which the student should say for one
second. With a sound combination

such as shshsh, there will also
be a dot because it too is a Correction Procedure
continuous sound. If the student does not say the sound correctly or
does not hold the sound for one second, say, I’ll
Correction Procedure - If any
say this sound. Listen. Touch the dot under the
student makes an error, use the
All Correction Procedures are sound and say aaa for one second.
Correction Procedure in a
indicated with a check mark. Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal. Repeat the
step-by-step fashion to correct it.
task. When the student has said the sound
Then redo the entire Task with
correctly with you, say, Nice going! You got it.
the whole group.
Now say that sound all by yourself when I touch it.
Touch the dot under the sound and listen to the
student say aaa.
Instructions to the instructor
are written in normal script. Point to the sound t.
The instructor’s spoken Say to the student, This is a short sound. I am Model - First the instructor
instructions to the student going to touch this sound and say it. demonstrates the sound or
are written in bold script. Listen. Tap the arrow under the t and lift your finger sound combination twice.
immediately as you say t.
Listen again. Tap, lift and say t.
The instructor says “Ready,” then
taps the arrow and lifts his/her Do that with me. When I touch the sound,
finger while saying the we will both say it.
sound with the student(s). Ready. Tap the arrow under the t and say t with the Lead - The instructor then says
student. the sound or sound combination
Try to look at each student to see Good saying t. Let’s do that again. Remember, with the student two or more
that they are saying the sound. when I touch it we both say the sound. times.
If in doubt, do the lead again. Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task until the student does it as instructed.
Listen carefully to hear if all of the
students respond at the same time. Say, Now it’s your turn. Say the sound when I
Be particularly attentive to any touch it. Test - The instructor then listens
student who responds late. Ready. Tap under the t and listen to the student to the student say the sound or
Student responses are written say t. sound combination on his/her
in italic script. Say, Super! Do that again. own.
Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task until the student does it as instructed.
There is an arrow under the sound
t because t is a short sound which t
the student should not hold. >
With a sound combination such as
ck, there will also be an arrow
because it too is a short sound.
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound correctly or
Correction Procedure - If any
student makes an error, use the
holds the sound, say, I’ll say this sound. Listen.
Correction Procedure in a step-
Tap the arrow under the sound, say the sound
by-step fashion to correct it.
and lift your finger.
Then redo the entire Task with
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal. Repeat the
the whole group.
When the student has said the sound correctly
with you, say,
Be sure to reinforce correct All right! You got it. Now say that sound all by
answers with positive comments. yourself when I touch it. Ready. Tap the arrow
under the sound, lift your finger and listen to the
student say t.


In this format, only sounds and/or Say, Now let’s see if you can remember all of the
sound combinations which have sounds you have learned.
been taught in previous Lessons I am going to touch each of the sounds.
are grouped together for review. When I touch the sound, you say it. If you make
See Correction Procedure below. three mistakes, we will practice the sounds and then try
The instructor uses the
Ready signal and touches Put your finger on the first sound.
each continuous sound Say, What’s this sound?
for one second. Ready. Signal. Student says, mmm.
The instructor uses the Ready
signal and taps each short sound, Next sound.
quickly lifting his/her finger. Ready. Signal. Student says, t.

Repeat for each sound in the list. Remember to touch

and hold the dot under the continuous sounds for one
Continuous sounds and sound second and to tap the arrow under the short sounds.
combinations will have a dot
under them. Students will hold m t a é t r t m é
these sounds for one second.
• > • • > • > • •
Short sounds and sound
combinations will have an arrow
t s a r a r m é s
under them. Students should not
> • • • • • • • •
hold these sounds.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student is not able to say all of the sounds
in the list with fewer than three errors, change the If an error occurs, the
task. Model the sounds in the first row and have instructor follows the
the student practice only that row three or four Model-Lead-Test-Repeat
times. Correction Procedure.
Then model the sounds in the next row and have
the student do it three or four times. Do not spend
more than one minute practicing each row. If the
student is still having difficulty, take a short break
and repeat the Lesson from the beginning.

Sounding out Words
Once the student can attach a sound to a suggested that for teaching one student the
symbol, s/he must then be taught to blend instructor sits on the student’s left. Place the
those sounds together to produce a word. Manual on the table between you. Touch
This is undoubtedly the most important part the bullets with your left index finger to
of the program. The critical aspect in easily follow the scripted format. Use your
teaching blending skills is to make sure the right index finger to touch the dots and
student does not stop between the sounds arrows. For groups, the instructor will sit in
in a word. S/he must be taught to go from front of the students with the Manual held
one sound to the next without gaps up so that each student can see it.) To
between the sounds. This is particularly sound out the word, the instructor says
difficult to achieve with words such as “cat” “Ready,” then slides his/her finger along the
which begin with a short sound. There is a line to the dot under the first sound. Dots
natural tendency to say the sound c and along the line signify continuous sounds or
then stop. The student needs to be taught sound combinations that must be held for
to blend the c into the aaa and say “caaa” one second. Arrows denote short sounds or
without a break between the two sounds. sound combinations. They indicate that the
Learning proper blending skills allows the student should say but not hold the sound
student to decode the thousands of and keep moving along the line to the next
phonetically regular words in the English sound. These dots and arrows help the
language. instructor and the student to determine
which letters to hold and which to blend into
To help students sound out words, lines the next sound. Step-by-step procedures for
with dots and arrows appear under them. sounding out a word starting with a
The big dot at the front of the line is where continuous sound and a word beginning
the instructor puts his/her finger to focus with a short sound are shown in the
the student’s attention on the word. (It is diagrams on page 15.

Sounding out a word that starts with a continuous sound.

Focus student’s
attention on the
word by putting
your finger on
the big dot.
Say, “Ready.”
Wait for half
a second.
s t i ff
Slide to the Slide right past Hold the i for Slide to the dot Slide along
dot under s. the arrow under one second under the ff. the arrow.
The student the t as the as the student Hold for one
says sss. student says t says tiii. second as the
Hold for to the dot student says fff.
one second. under
the i.

Sounding out a word that starts with a short sound.

Focus student’s
attention on the
word by putting
your finger on
the big dot.
Say, “Ready.”
Wait for half
a second.
c a s t ing
 >   > 
Slide right Touch the Slide to Slide right Hold for one Slide along
past the arrow dot under the the dot past the second as the the arrow.
under the c a for one under the arrow under student says
as the student second as s. Hold for the t as the ting.
says c to the the student one second student
dot under says caaa. as the says t to
the a. student the dot under
says sss. the ing.

Thoroughly learn the formats on pages 16 and 17 for teaching students how to sound out words.


Most students who have difficulty Say, Now we are going to learn to sound out words. When
learning to read cannot blend we sound out words, we say the sounds in the words without
sounds together without stopping stopping between the sounds.
between the sounds, despite Put your finger on the dot in front of the first word.
Model - The instructor
knowing their phonics. It is critical Say, My turn. I’m going to say the sounds in the word mat .
demonstrates how to sound
that students do not stop between Listen. Slide to the dot under the m and say mmm for one
out the word twice.
the sounds. Even very slight pauses second.
can create errors. Slide to the dot under the a and say aaa for another second.
Slide through the arrow under the t and say t.
Keep on sliding along the arrow.
Do not stop between the sounds.

The instructor says, “Ready,” pauses Put your finger on the dot in front of mat.
briefly and then slides along to the dot Say to the student, Do that with me. Say the sounds in mat.
under the first sound. Ready. Slide through the dots and arrows as above as you Lead - The instructor then
and the student say mmmaaat. sounds out the word with the
Say, You got it. Good sounding out mat . student two or more times.
Let’s do that one more time.
Ready. Signal.

Say, Now do that all by yourself. Say the sounds in mat .

Remember, when I touch the sounds, you say them. Keep on
saying them as long as I touch them. Don’t stop between
Listen carefully to hear if all of the
the sounds. Test - The instructor then listens
students respond at the same time.
Ready. Put your finger on the dot in front of mat and slide to the student sound out the
Be particularly attentive to any
through the dots and arrows as the student sounds out word on his/her own.
student who responds late.
Say, What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. Student says mat.
Say, That’s right. You sounded out mat . Nice work.
Focus the student’s attention by put-
ting your finger on the big dot in front m a t
of the word.  • • >
Lines with dots and arrows are
provided under the words to show the
instructor where to pause while the
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sounds correctly, does
student says the sounds in the word. not hold the sounds a or m for one second, holds the
sound t, or stops between the sounds when you touch The Correction

them, say, Listen. I’ll show you how to sound out this Procedure follows the

word. Model the task for the student by sliding through Model-Lead-Test-Repeat format.

the dots and arrows without stopping.

Then say, Do it with me. Ready. Signal.
When the student says the sounds correctly with your
assistance, say, Now it’s your turn. Say the sounds in
mat all by yourself. Remember not to stop between the
sounds. Ready. Slide through the dots and arrows and
listen to the student say the sounds.
Say, Great job! Let’s do that one more time. Repeat.


Students with weak blending skills Now we are going to sound out some words. These
have particular difficulty with these words begin with short sounds. We have to put the
types of words. Such words are sounds together without stopping.
hard because the student naturally
stops after having said a short I will show you how to do that.
sound. Listen. Put your finger on the dot in front of cat. Slide
The instructor models the correct
past the arrow under the c to the dot under the a and
response so that students can
say caaa.
hear how to blend an initial short
Remember not to stop between the c and the a. Hold
sound into the nearest
the aaa for at least one second, then slide past the t
continuous sound.
and say t.
Say to the student, Listen while I do that again.
Repeat task.

Say, Do that with me. When I touch the sounds, say

Lead - The instructor then
them with me.
sounds out the word with the
Ready. Signal. Repeat the task.
student two or more times.
Say, Good sounding out cat . You didn’t stop between
the sounds.

Now try it all by yourself.

Pay particular attention to errors Test - The instructor then listens
Ready. Signal. Student sounds out caaat while you
where the student fails to blend the to the student sound out the
slide along the dots and arrows with your finger.
initial short sound into the next word on his/her own.
Say, Do that for me one more time.
available continuous sound.
Ready. Signal.

What’s that word?

Ready. Signal. Student says cat.
An arrow indicates that the
instructor should slide past the short c a t
sound until s/he reaches  > • >
the first continuous sound that the
student can hold. This shows the
student how to blend the two
sounds into one. It helps to teach
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student miscalls a sound or stops between
the sounds, say, My turn. Slide along the dots
him/her how to successfully sound
and arrows as you sound out the word. The Correction
out words that begin with short
Then say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal. Sound Procedure follows the
out the word with the student. Model-Lead-Test-Repeat format.

Say, Good work! Now it’s your turn to sound out

the word. Slide your finger along the dots and
arrows as the student sounds out the word.

Reading Words

Once students have practiced sounding thousand most commonly used words in
out phonetically regular words, they are the English language are phonetically
soon able to read the entire word without regular and can be sounded out. Estimates
sounding it out first. This allows them to suggest that more than eighty percent of
read thousands of phonetically regular our reading and writing consists of these
words as sight words. If they should have most frequently occurring thousand words.
difficulty remembering the word, they can At the end of Level 1 students will have
revert to a reliable strategy for sounding it mastered many of these words.
out. Approximately four-fifths of the

This format teaches students to TASK 6: SAYING THE UNDERLINED SOUNDS

recognize sounds they have AND READING THE WORDS
learned when those sounds are
Put your finger on the underlined sound in the first word.
embedded in words.
Say, Tell me the sound that is underlined.
The student isolates the sound Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa.
and decodes it. That’s right, aaa.

Then the student says the entire Now tell me the word.
word without sounding it out. Ready. Signal. Student says, rat.

Repeat Task for each of the words in the list.

rat mé rid
sit cat dim
am sad th é
tr im
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error saying the sound or
the word, say, The underlined sound is (correct
Do that sound with me. Ready. Signal. Student
says, (correct sound) with you. The Correction
Your turn. Tell me the underlined sound. Ready. Procedure follows the
Signal. Model-Lead-Test-Repeat format.
If the student is having difficulty Good. Now sound out the word. Ready. Slide your
reading the word, have him/her finger along the arrow as the student sounds out
sound it out first. the word.
Say, That’s right. Now say the word.
Repeat the entire row before Good. Let’s start that row over again. Go back to
continuing on with new words. the beginning of the row and redo the row before
going on to the next one.

TASK 7: READING RHYMING WORDS Teaching rhyming words is a fast way to expand reading
vocabulary. By pairing previously learned sounds with a
Say, Now we are going to read some words that rhyming word, the student learns many new words with
rhyme with at . minimal effort.
Touch the dot in front of the word at. Slide your finger Don’t sound the word out. Read it as you slide your finger
along the line and say at. along the line.

Say, What’s that word?

Ready. Signal. Student replies, at.

Touch the dot in front of the next word, fat.

Say, This word rhymes with at .

My Turn. Listen. Slide your finger along the line and

Model the rhyming word.
say fat.

Do that with me.

Lead - Read the word with the student.
Ready. Signal. Repeat task with student.

Say, Your turn to rhyme with at .

Test - Have the student read the word alone.
What’s this word?
Ready. Slide your finger along the line under fat and
listen to the student say fat.

Repeat for each word.









✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the word correctly, say,
Correct the misread word and repeat the entire list.

This word is (correct word). What word?

Repeat Task from beginning.

Teaching Irregular Words

Approximately one-fifth of the most frequent irregular words in English are

frequently used one thousand words in taught in Levels 1A and 1B of the series.
English are phonetically irregular. That They are taught as sight words. Irregular
means that they can not be reliably words are introduced in small numbers and
sounded out. (e.g. was, his, friend) continually practiced in other formats
Students need to be able to decode throughout the program. Other irregular
irregular words as well as phonetically words are systematically presented and
regular words in order to become good taught in Levels 2, 3 and 4.
readers. Approximately 144 of the most


Say, Here are some new irregular words. This is the third most important format
First I will read the word, then you will read for teaching students to be able to
the word and spell it. crack the reading code. It completes
the strategies for word reading and
Listen. The first word is his . allows students to read any word they
What word? might encounter.
Ready. Signal.
Yes, his .
By definition irregular words can not be
Spell his . easily sounded out, so another strategy
Ready. Signal. is required. Students learn to spell
these words as a means of helping
Repeat for each word. them to remember them.

his has
• •
to into
• •
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say or spell a word correctly,
model it for them, have them repeat it and start at the
beginning of the Task.

Reading Sentences and Stories

Starting in Lesson 4 of Level 1A, students introduced. Story reading is an essential

begin to read sentences in the Student part of each Lesson in all Levels of the
Reader. To reduce errors and prevent series. In Level 1 stories begin with simple
guessing, sentences are constructed only sentences and build in complexity and
from words that have been previously length as more sounds, sound
taught. In Lesson 8 the first brief story is combinations and words are learned.


Say to the student, Now you are going to read a story.

Turn to Lesson 11 on page 13 in your Reader.

Say, The title is written at the top of the story. Titles, quotation marks, contractions
What does the title tell you? and the past tense are taught when
Ready. Signal. they appear in the Reader.
That’s right, the title tells you what the story is about.
Ask the student to read the title.
Say, So what do you think this story is about?
Accept reasonable answers.

Say, Good. Now let’s read the story. Read as well as you can. The instructor needs to monitor student
If you make an error, I will help you. If you make more than 7 reading to make sure that the student
errors, we will go back to the beginning and read the story stops at the ends of sentences and
again. does not add, delete or miscall words.

Put your finger on the first word. Students read stories aloud so that the
Now read the sentence. instructor knows that the student is
Ready. Signal. able to read quickly and accurately.

Lost in the fog

Fred and Edith got on a red raft to fish. Sentences and stories in the Student
The red raft had a mast. Reader begin at 30 point font, are
Fred got a fat cat fish with a rod and a frog. reduced to 24 point in Lesson 31, then
Then the mist got thick. to 20 point from Lessons 46 to 60. The
Fred and Edith got lost in the fog. stories appear in a smaller font in the
Fred and Edith can not see land. Instructor’s Manual so that the
The raft is rocking. instructor can follow along as students
The deck is slick and wet. in a group read the story in their
Fred lands on his hands on the deck. Reader.
He has a cut on his left hand.
Edith is wishing that some one will come.
A craft with three men finds them.
Now Fred and Edith are glad.
Fred thanks the three men.
This is the end

✓ Correction Procedure
Say to the student, Wait. That word is (correct word).
What is that word? Ready. Signal.
Good. Now read that sentence again.
Count each error. If the student makes 7 errors, reread
the story from the beginning.

Teaching Rules

In Level 1 students learn a few rules. particularly important rules are the Final e
These rules give them a strategy to easily Rule and the Doubling Rule.
decode hundreds of new words. Two

TASK 10: TEACHING THE FINAL e RULE This rule allows students to
discriminate between many similar
Point to the first word in the list below and say to the
looking words. Knowing that an e at
student, Read this word for me.
the end of the word makes the vowel
Ready. Signal. Student reads, rob.
say its name gives them a strategy for
Say, Yes, that word is rob .
sounding out hundreds of new words
Now read the rest of the words in the list. that end in e.


• The exceptions to the rule (some,
come, live, love, etc.) are taught as
• irregular words.



With a pencil add an e to the end of each of the
words in the list.

Then say, We are going to learn a rule about Students must be taught the rule
words that end with an e. verbatim and must be able to say the
Listen. An e at the end of a word makes the rule as well as being able to apply it.
vowel say its name.
Listen again. An e at the end of a word makes
the vowel say its name.

Say that rule with me.

Ready. Signal.
Repeat the rule with the student until the student
can state the rule with you.

Then say, Your turn to say the Final e Rule. The instructor needs to make sure that
Ready. Signal. every student can repeat the rule as a
Repeat until student says the rule correctly. first step in using it.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student is unable to say the rule correctly, model the
rule for the student two more times. Say the first part of
the rule and have the student repeat it. Then say the
second part of the rule and have the student repeat it.
Then see if the student can repeat the whole rule with
Pay careful attention to see which words in the rule the
student is unable to repeat. Say that part of the rule with
the student two or three times, then try the entire rule.

Point to the list of words below and say to the Once the student can repeat the Final
student, You’re going read this list of words for me. e Rule, they need to learn to apply it
consistently when they encounter
First word. words which end in e.
Ready. Signal. Student reads, tap.

Now read the rest of the words in the list.

Ready. Signal.







With a pencil add an e to the end of each of the To assist the student, non-examples
words in the list. are changed into examples of the rule
by adding a final e. Or examples of
Say, Remember the rule about words that final e words are changed into
end with an e. non-examples by removing the final e.
Listen. An e at the end of a word makes In either case students are forced to
the vowel say its name.
discriminate between words which
follow the final e rule and words which
What’s that rule?
look similar but do not follow the rule.
Ready. Signal.

That’s right. Now read these words all

by yourself.
Ready. Signal.

If the student makes an error, review the Instructors must be willing to provide
Final e Rule and begin the Task again. enough practice and correction to
make sure the student can reliably
determine when the rule does and
does not apply.


Say, In some words you must double the final consonant Some words double the final consonant
before you add an ending. before adding an ending. These words
You are going to sound out some of these words. sound out the doubled consonant as if
it were a single one. The doubled
Put your finger on the first word. consonant avoids having the word look
Sound the first word out. like an example of a final e word and
Ready. Signal. Student sounds out, rrruuunnning. being miscalled.
Yes, running.

Sound out the next word.

Ready. Signal.

Repeat for all of the words in the list.

r u nn ing
 • • • •
b i gg er
 > • > •
p l a nn er
 > • • • •
g e tt ing
 > • > •
s e tt ing
 • • > •

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student miscalls the word by making the first vowel The key to success with this format is
long, cover up the ending and the 2nd consonant of the to learn the Correction Procedure well.
pair so that only the root word is visible. e.g. run[ning].
Say, My turn. Sound out, rrruuunnn.
Say that with me. Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,
rrruuunnn with you.
Your turn to sound out run. Ready. Signal. Student
sounds out, rrruuunnn.
Uncover the ending and the second consonant and say,
Now let’s look at the whole word.
My turn. Listen. rrruuunnning.
Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
Your turn. Ready. Signal.
Say, Now let’s go back to the top of the list and start again.

Fluency Checks

One of the major breakthroughs of Students are expected to read over 60

Precision Teaching lies in its development words in a list in a one-minute timing with
of the concept of fluency. Fluency is that no more than two errors.
level to which a skill is learned so that it is
performed almost automatically and is not Fluency in story reading is over 200 words
lost during periods of non-use. Students per minute with fewer than three errors.
learn at different rates. Some learn easily;
some need more instruction and more The scripted formats for Sound and Word
practice. Fluency checks of sounds, words Fluency Checks are practically identical.
and stories are the quality control checks Once you learn one, the other is easy. The
for each block of five Lessons. Unless Story Reading Fluency Check format is
students are fluent with the material in slightly different. Samples of the Sound
those Lessons, they will almost certainly and Story Reading Fluency Check formats,
have great difficulty with new work if they plus an actual sample of one of the
keep moving ahead in the program. student’s Sound Fluency Checks, follow on
pages 26 and 27. They will help you to
Students should be able to identify sounds familiarize yourself with measuring a
quickly and easily. The fluent range is student’s skills in this manner. All scores
50-60 sounds per minute. That means that are entered into the Fluency Charts found
they should be able to say one sound per in the Student Workbook. A sample of how
second. Students should not do more than scores are recorded on this chart is shown
one sound per second because it will on page 28.
cause them not to hold the continuous
sounds. Rushing will teach them to treat all
sounds as short sounds. This will
dramatically affect their blending skills.


When teaching a group, do the To be done with one student at a time.

Fluency Checks with one student Say to the student, Turn to page 2 in your Reader.
at a time. Help student to find the correct page.
This is a list of all the sounds you have learned so far. Only sounds learned to this point

I want to find out how well you know these sounds. in the program are included in

I am going to time you for 30 seconds now to see how the Check.
Students should be timed for
30 seconds. Saying sounds for longer many of these sounds you can say correctly.
periods is almost punishing. We will practice this list for five Lessons. You must Fluency Checks are a part of
be able to say at least 25 sounds correctly in the every Lesson.
30-second time period. If you are unable to do To be unable to say 25 sounds

this, I will reteach you the first five Lessons. in 30 seconds indicates that the

Pay particular attention to this. Remember to hold each sound with a dot under it for student has not mastered the

one second. Remember not to hold the short sounds. material. Further instruction and
review are imperative. Do NOT
They have an arrow under them. You will have 30
move on to the next Lesson.
seconds to say as many sounds as you can. Try not to
A skipped sound counts as a make mistakes. If you do not know a sound, go to the
mistake. Mistakes are recorded as next one.
Learning Opportunities. You may go down the columns (indicate down) Each student has his/her own
or across (indicate across).. Which way would you like learning style. Give him/her a

to go in this list? Student chooses down or across. O.K., choice here. However, once a

you are going to go (down or across). choice is made, it must be done

Keep these instructions that way for each attempt at that
Remember, I will say please begin when you are to
consistent. Go! and Stop! tend to particular Fluency Check.
start and thank you when you are to stop.
send kids into panic mode.

Put your finger on the first sound.

Ready. Please begin. Time student for 30 seconds.
Say, Thank you.

Make a pencil mark in the list where the student ended..

See sample of Sound Fluency Determine the number of errors and/or skipped sounds.
Check on page 27. Subtract the number of errors from the total sounds
said. Put a star to mark the total number of sounds the
student said correctly on this attempt.
Say to student, To know how many sounds you said in Fluency scores are always
one minute, I will multiply your scores by 2 and we will recorded as a per-minute count.
record them in the back of your Workbook. This time you
said (number) sounds per minute with (number) errors.
Using a pencil, record sounds said correctly per minute
See sample of Fluency Chart on
in the Sounds Said Correctly column for Day 1 of
page 28.
Sound Fluency Check 1 on page 122 of the Student
Record number of errors and/or skipped sounds per
Many students will want to keep
trying to better their score. Encourage
minute in the Learning Opportunities column.
the extra practice but don’t let them If the student wants to do the task again, give him/her
wear themselves out. Set a time limit the opportunity to improve his/her score. Record the
for Fluency Checks and stick to it. best score of the day as today’s score.
Sample of a Sound Fluency Check


All continuous
sounds are marked
m sh t 25 s é 5 with a dot. Make
sure student holds
• • > • • these sounds.

d 10 i r c h 10
All short sounds
> • • > > are marked with
an arrow. Students
ing th n f 35 sh 15 should know not to
hold these sounds.
Example of a
pencil mark to
• • • • •
show where
the student
n c 20 th r h 20
stopped after
30 seconds.
• > • • >
5 a ing sh t f 25
(One if student
chose to go
down, the other
if student chose
• • • > •
to go across.)
She said 27
a i d 30 é s 30 The numbers
running down the
sounds. • • > • • right-hand side of
the page are for
m 15 i n ing f 35 words being read
• • • • •
sh r f h 40 m 40 There are 40
sounds in every
• • • > • Sound Fluency
Check. There are
60 words in Word
The numbers here are The student made four mistakes. Fluency Check 1
for students who Subtract the errors and put a star and 100 words in
choose to read down beside the number of sounds said all others.
the rows. correctly. Leave this star. The student
will try to go further than this on the
next attempt.

Alphabet LettersY
Fluency Chart Sound Fluency Chart Find the Fluency Check that
Fluency Check Y1 1 2 3 4 5 the student has been timed
Number on.













n i







C o
g Op



g Op

g Op

g Op

g Op
g Op
















1 Y46 8
The student had four errors
1 Y
in 30 seconds. Multiply this
by two for one minute.
2 Y 2 Y Record 8 in this column.

3 Y 3 Y On the sample Fluency

Check the student said 23
4 Y 4 Y sounds correctly in 30
seconds. Multiply this
number by two. Enter 46 in
5 Y 5 Y
this column for Day 1.
D 6 Y D 6 Y
I I If the student wishes to do
I 7 Y I 7 Y more than one timing, record
O O only the best score of the
A A day.
L 8 Y L 8 Y
A 9 Y A 9 Y
C 10 C 10

If, after five attempts, the student

has not yet reached fluency, review
the previous five Lessons and enter
scores for additional practice in
these columns.


Work with one student at a time. Say, Now we are Each of these stories is different and
going to do another kind of Fluency Check. This time includes words learned in the program
you are going to read a story. up to that point.
After five days of practice you must be able to read
at least 200 words correctly in a one-minute time period. Unlike the Sound and Word Fluency
If you are unable to do this, you will continue to Checks, the number of words read in a
practice each day until you can. story is timed for one minute.
When I say please begin, you are going to start reading
the story as quickly as you can. You will have one
minute. When the time is up, I will say thank you.
Try not to make mistakes. If you do not know a word, Miscalled, skipped and/or added words
skip it and continue reading. are counted as errors.

Get set to read the title and then the story. The title is an important part of the
Ready. Please begin. Time student for 1 minute. story. Always have the student read it.
At the end of 1 minute say, Thank you. It is counted in the total number of
Make a pencil mark where the student read to. Determine
the number of errors and/or skipped words. Subtract the number Follow the same procedure to record
of errors from the total words read. Put a star to mark the total scores as in the Sound and Word
number of words the student read correctly on this attempt. Fluency Checks.
Record words read correctly in the Words Read Correctly column
for Day 1 of Story Reading Fluency Check 1 on page 124 of the
Student Workbook.
Record errors and/or skipped words in the Learning
Opportunities column.
As with the Word Fluency Check allow the student the
opportunity to do the task again to try to improve his/her score If a student achieves fluency before
if s/he so chooses. five attempts, s/he should be timed on
a story of his/her choice in the Student
Reader. All stories there are also

The Student Workbook

The exercises in the Student Workbook prelearned skillset. Therefore, how to print
practice the skills learned in each Lesson. letters is taught, as are numbers to twenty
Material from previous Lessons is also and letters of the alphabet.
included to provide continual review. As The Workbook offers the student a wide
with the Student Reader, the Workbook range of activities. Many are fun and
Exercises contain only material which has entertaining, as well as being valuable
been previously taught. It is not assumed learning tools. Sounds are practiced by
that a student begins this program with a both printing and reading them. Sentences

or stories from the Lesson are reviewed should be as specific as possible so that it
with a variety of questions. Regular and describes what the student did that
irregular words are also practiced in pleased you. It is important to vary your
puzzles, riddles and mazes. There are praise statements. Using the same words
even a few drawing and coloring exercises over and over again weakens the
which most young students enjoy. In all, effectiveness and can become tedious.
there are approximately 20 different
Workbook Exercise formats. Most of them Ultimately we want the child’s improved
reoccur often throughout the 60 Lessons. skills to be the reward for all the hard work
These formats are quite straightforward. s/he is doing. For some children the
You need only to read the instructions and reading activities are rewarding enough to
monitor the student’s responses. As with keep them engaged in learning. For others,
the Task formats in the Instructor’s Manual, however, intervening rewards may have to
the Workbook formats become less be provided. When students are working
detailed as you and the student become hard and are not yet competent readers,
comfortable with them. Exercises found in the incentive of collecting points to earn
the Workbook include: something special is a very good motivator.
Points are like putting money into a bank
1. Printing Sounds/Words account. They can be saved up and used
2. Circling and/or Crossing out Sounds, to “buy” things the student might want.
Vowels or Consonants
3. Matching Sounds and Words The points system is optional. Whether or
4. Joining Dots/Numbers to Make a not to use it is a decision made by the
Picture instructor or parents or both. If you do
5. Unscrambling Letters to Make Words choose to award points, tell the student,
6. Making New Words from the Letters in before you begin the program, that points
a Word will be awarded for working hard, paying
7. Practicing Numbers attention, following instructions, completing
8. Putting Letters and Words in Workbook Exercises and doing well on
Alphabetical Order Fluency Checks. Then determine what the
9. Vowel Power! points can be used for. One option is to
10. Rhyme Time! make up a menu and allow the students to
11. Filling in the Blanks select from it. The menu should include
12. Answering Questions on Sentences suggestions from the student and should
and Stories in the Reader pay reasonably well for hard work insofar
13. Practicing Rules as the parent can afford it. Students need
14. Word Search Puzzles to know the value of items. For smaller
15. Crossword Puzzles things a penny-a-point seems to work well.
16. Drawing and Coloring Pictures Determining equivalent points for larger
17. Solving Codes items or ones without monetary value is left
18. Mazes up to the parent’s discretion. Examples of
rewards that could be “purchased” with
Praise and Points earned points include: a special event (visit
to a restaurant or museum, bowling or a
Praise is a powerful reinforcer of many
camping trip to name just a few), renting a
behaviors. It is critical to encourage the
video, treats (chocolate bars, Lifesavers,
student’s efforts and improvement. Praise

pizza), cards, inexpensive toys or even the Lesson. There is a Points Chart after the
privilege of staying up later, having a exercises of each Lesson in the Student
sleepover or extra time on the computer. Workbook. After the student has completed
For nutritional and health reasons some the Lesson, determine and circle the
people might not wish to use food items. number of points earned in each category.
Every situation is different in terms of Add the scores and enter the total for that
family values and practices. Parents have Lesson on the chart provided on page 125
to determine what kinds of rewards they of Workbook Level 1A and page 141 of
are willing to make available. Workbook Level 1B. A sample of this chart
and how to use it is illustrated below.
Points are awarded at the end of every

Y 1 - 30
Points Chart ~ Lessons
E Points Running Points E Points Running Points
S Balance S Balance
S Earned Total Spent S Earned Total Spent

1 30 30 016 30
2 29 59 0 59 17
3 34 93 0 93 18
4 40 133 0 133 19
5 39 172 125 47 20
6 21
7 22
8 23
9 24
10 25
11 26
12 27
13 28
14 29
15 30

Pace of the Lesson Getting started
The pace at which the teaching occurs is a All families have busy lives but it is
major factor in how students learn. Too important to try to establish a consistent
slow a pace allows student’s attention to schedule for teaching the student to read.
wander, creates boredom, disinterest and As much as it is possible, try to sit down
even behavior problems. Too fast a pace with the student at the same time each
forces students into errors that they would day, preferably before one of his/her
not usually make. A proper pace keeps the favorite activities. This will motivate him/her
student engaged and attentive without to do the work quickly and well.
forcing them into unnecessary mistakes.
Presentations should be made at a pace at Most people like consistent and familiar
which the weakest student in the group is places. If possible the learning setting
able to do each format competely and should have its own specific location.
correctly. Remove or minimize as many sources of
distraction as possible to assist the student
Each Lesson is designed to take to do his/her best.
approximately 30 to 60 minutes to
complete. If for some reason the student is You should now be all set to begin to
having difficulty finishing the material within Teach Your Children to Read Well. Good
this time frame, take a break and continue luck!
later. Spending too much time on the same
Task will only create fatigue and frustration
for the student.


• Say to the student, Starting today you hard, following instructions and doing
are going to learn how to read. Point to well on the Workbook Exercises. You
the Instructor’s Manual and say, This is can cash in the points you earn for
my book. It tells me what to teach you. some kind of neat reward. Let’s talk
about what you might want to work
• Pick up the Student Reader and say, towards earning. Refer to page 30 for
This book is your Reader. You will soon information concerning Points and
be reading sentences and stories in Rewards.
your Reader.
• When the student has decided what
• Point to the Student Workbook and say, s/he is saving points for, say,
This is your Workbook. After every Remember, you will earn points for
Lesson you will do written exercises in paying attention, working hard, following
this book. instructions and doing a good job on the
Workbook Exercises. Let’s see how
• We will try to do one Lesson each day. many points you can earn today. Turn
Learning to read is fun but it is also a lot to Lesson 1 on page 34 and say, Let’s
of work. In each Lesson you will earn start learning to read!
points for paying attention, working

LESSON 1 a ●
SOUND a as in am ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound
correctly or does not hold the sound
• Point to the sound a.
for one second, say, I’ll say this
• Say to the student, I am going to touch sound. Listen. Touch the dot under
this sound and say it.
the sound and say aaa for one
• Listen. Touch the dot under the a and
say aaa for one second. Lift your finger.
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
• Listen again. Touch the dot and say
Repeat the task.
aaa. Lift your finger.
When the student has said the
sound correctly with you, say, Good.
• Say to the student, Say the sound with You got it. Now say that sound all by
me. When I touch the sound, we will
yourself when I touch it. Ready.
both say it. We’ll keep on saying it as
Touch the dot under the sound and
long as I touch it.
listen to the student say aaa.
• Ready. Touch the dot under the a and
say aaa with the student for one TASK 2: TEACHING THE
second. Lift your finger and stop saying SOUND m as in am
the sound.
• Say, Good saying aaa. Let’s do that
• Point to the sound m.
again. Remember, when I touch the
• Say to the student, I am going to say
sound we both say it. Keep on saying it
this sound.
as long as I touch it.
• Listen. Touch the dot under the m and
• Ready. Signal.
say mmm for one second. Lift your
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.
• Say, Listen again. Touch the dot and
say mmm. Lift your finger.
• Say, Now it is your turn to say the
sound. When I touch the sound, you
• Say to the student, Say the sound with
say it. Keep on saying it as long as I
me. When I touch the sound, we will
touch it.
both say it. We’ll keep on saying it as
• Ready. Touch the dot under the a and
long as I touch it.
listen to the student say aaa. Lift your Ready. Touch the dot under the m and

finger after one second. Student stops
say mmm with the student for one
saying the sound.
second. Lift your finger and stop saying
• Say, Great! Do that again. Remember,
the sound.
when I touch the sound, you say it.
• Say, Good saying mmm. Let’s do that
Keep on saying it as long as I touch it.
again. Remember, when I touch the
• Ready. Signal.
sound we both say it. We’ll keep on
• Repeat the task until the student does it saying it as long as I touch it.
as instructed. Ready. Signal.

• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed. • Listen again. Tap, lift and say t.

• Say, Now it’s your turn to say the • Do that with me. When I touch the
sound. When I touch the sound, you sound, we will both say it.
say it. Keep on saying it as long as I • Ready. Tap the arrow under the t and
touch it. say t with the student.
• Ready. Touch the dot under the m and • Say, Good saying t. Let’s do that again.
listen to the student say mmm. Lift your Remember when I touch it, we both say
finger after one second. Student stops the sound.
saying the sound. • Ready. Signal.
• Say, Super! Do that again. Remember, • Repeat the task until the student does it
when I touch the sound, you say it. as instructed.
Keep on saying it as long as I touch it.
• Ready. Signal. • Say, Now it’s your turn. Say the sound
• Repeat the task until the student does it when I touch it.
as instructed. • Ready. Tap under the t and listen to the
student say t.

• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound

correctly or does not hold the sound
for one second, say, I’ll say this Correction Procedure
sound. Listen. Touch the dot under If the student does not say the sound
the sound and say mmm for one correctly or holds the sound, say, I’ll
second. say this sound. Listen. Tap the arrow
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal. under the sound, say the sound and
Repeat the task. lift your finger immediately.
When the student has said the sound Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
correctly with you, say, Good. You Repeat the task.
got it. Now say that sound all by When the student has said the sound
yourself when I touch it. Ready. correctly, say, Good. You got it. Now
Touch the dot under the sound and say that sound all by yourself when I
listen to the student say mmm. touch it. Ready. Tap the arrow under
the sound, lift your finger and listen to
*TASK 3: TEACHING THE the student say t.
SOUND t as in at
• Point to the sound t. SOUNDS a m t
• Say to the student, This is a short
sound. I am going to touch this sound • Say, Now you are going to practice
and say it. these sounds so that you can say them
• Listen. Tap the arrow under the t and lift quickly and correctly.
your finger immediately as you say t.

• When I touch the sound, you say it. • Listen. Slide to the dot under the a and
Keep on saying it as long as I touch it. say aaa for one second. Slide to the dot
under the m and say mmm for another
• First sound. second. Then slide your finger along the
• Ready. Signal. arrow. Do not stop between the sounds.

• Do each sound in the list. • Put your finger on the big dot in front of
• Touch the dot under the sounds a and am.
m for one second. Lift your finger. • Say to the student, Do that with me.
• Tap the arrow under the t. Do not hold Say the sounds in am .
the sound. • Ready. Slide to the dot under a and say
• Do the task until the student can say all aaa for one second, then slide to the
the sounds correctly. dot under the m and say mmm for
another second with the student. Slide
a t m t m •
your finger along the arrow.
Say, You got it. Good sounding out am .
● > ● > ● • Let’s do that one more time.
• Ready. Signal. Repeat the task.
a m a t m • Say, Now do that all by yourself. Say
● ● ● > ●
the sounds in am .
• Remember, when I touch the sounds,
t m a a m you say them. Keep on saying them as
long as I touch them. Don’t stop
> ● ● ● ●
between the sounds.
• Ready. Put your finger on the big dot in
a m a t t front of am and slide to the dot under
● ● ● > > the a. Hold your finger under the a for

one second and then quickly slide to the
Correction Procedure dot under the m. Hold your finger under
If the student makes 5 errors, reteach the m for one second, then slide off
the sounds in Tasks 1, 2 and 3. Then along the arrow.
redo Task 4. • Repeat.

*TASK 5: SOUNDING • Say, What’s that word?

OUT WORDS • Ready. Signal. Student says, am.

• Say, Now we are going to learn to • Say, That’s right. You sounded out am .
sound out words. When we sound out Nice work.
words, we say the sounds in the words

without stopping between the sounds.

Put your finger on the big dot in front of ●

am● ●
the first word.
• Say, My turn. I’m going to say the • Say, Let’s do another word.
sounds in the word am .

• Put your finger on the big dot in front of • Put your finger on the big dot in front of
at. mat.
• Say, My turn. I’m going to say the • Say, My turn. I’m going to say the
sounds in the word at . sounds in the word mat .
• Listen. Slide to the dot under the sound • Listen. Slide to the dot under the sound
a and say aaa for one second. Slide m and say mmm for one second. Slide
through the arrow under the sound t to the dot under the a and say aaa for
and say t. Keep on sliding along the another second. Slide through the arrow
arrow. Do not stop between the sounds. under the sound t and say t. Keep on
sliding along the arrow. Do not stop
• Put your finger on the big dot in front of between the sounds.
• Say to the student, Do that with me. • Put your finger on the big dot in front of
Say the sounds in at . mat.
• Ready. Slide to the dot under a and say • Say to the student, Do that with me.
aaa for one second,, then slide through Say the sounds in mat .
the arrow under the t and say t as you • Ready. Slide to the dot under the m and
continue to slide along the arrow. say mmm for one second with the student.
• Say, You got it. Good sounding out at . Slide to the dot under a and say aaa for
• Let’s do that one more time. one second,, then slide through the arrow
• Ready. Signal. Repeat the task. under the t and say t as you continue to
slide along the arrow.
• Say, Now do that all by yourself. Say • Say, You got it. Good sounding out
the sounds in at . mat.
• Remember, when I touch the sounds, • Let’s do that one more time.
you say them. Keep on saying them as • Ready. Signal. Repeat the task.
long as I touch them. Don’t stop
between the sounds. • Say, Now do that all by yourself. Say
• Ready. Put your finger on the big dot in the sounds in mat .
front of at and slide to the dot under the • Remember, when I touch the sounds,
a. Hold your finger under the a for one you say them. Keep on saying them as
second and then slide through the long as I touch them. Don’t stop
arrow under the t as the student says t. between the sounds.
• Repeat. • Ready. Put your finger on the big dot in
front of mat and slide to the dot under
• Say, What’s that word? the m. Listen to the student say mmm
• Ready. Signal. Student says, at. for one second. Slide to the dot under
• Say, That’s right. You sounded out at . the a. Hold your finger under the a for
Good work. one second as the student says aaa
and then slide through the arrow under

at● >

the t as the student says t.

• Say, Let’s do another word.

ma t
● ● >
• Say, What’s that word? • Your turn to say this letter’s name.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, mat. • Ready. Touch Aa. Student says, Aa.

• Say, That’s right. You sounded out mat . • Repeat the Task for letters Bb through
Well done! Gg.

ma t
● ● >
Aa Bb Cc Dd
Ee Ff Gg
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the NOTE: Some students may already know
sounds correctly, does not hold the the alphabet letter names and may require
sounds a or m for one second, holds only a brief review of these letters.
the sound t, or stops between the
sounds when you touch them, say,
Listen. I’ll show you how to sound out
✓ Correction Procedure
Stop the student. Say, That letter’s
this word. Model the task for the name is (letter name).
student by sliding through the dots Say that letter’s name for me. Ready.
and arrows and saying each of the Signal.
sounds without stopping between the
Then say, Do it with me. Ready. AND CONSONANTS
Signal. Repeat the task, saying each
of the sounds with the student. • Point to the alphabet letters in Task 6.
When the student says the sounds • Say, Some letters in the alphabet are
correctly with your assistance, say, called vowels. Other letters are called
Now it’s your turn. Say the sounds in consonants.
(am , at , mat ) all by yourself.
Remember not to stop between the • While indicating Aa and Ee, say, Aa
sounds. Ready. Slide through the and Ee are vowel letters. They are
dots and arrows and listen to the underlined.
student say the sounds.
Say, Great job. Let’s do that one • Point to the other letters and say, Bb,
more time. Repeat the exercise. Cc, Dd, Ff and Gg are consonant
ALPHABET LETTERS • Touch each letter. Ask the student, Is
this a vowel letter or a consonant letter?
• Say, Now we are going to learn the
names of some letters of the alphabet. ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error
• I will touch the letter and say its name. identifying a letter, tell them the
• Touch the letter Aa and say, This correct answer and repeat the Task
letter’s name is Aa. from the beginning.

shows you to trace the line down. Trace
*TASK 8: WORKBOOK the line that follows the arrow down.
EXERCISES • Ready. Student traces a line that goes
(Refer to page 29 down.
in the Instructor’s Guide for detailed • Good for you! You printed the sound
information on the Workbook Exercises.) aaa. What sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa.
• Say, Now we are going to do the • Yes, aaa. Look at the next aaa and get
Workbook part of the Lesson. ready to trace it.
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 1 on • Student uses the balls and arrows to
page 1. Help the student find Lesson 1 trace all six of the sound aaa.
on page 1 of the Student Workbook. • Repeat instructions as needed for t and
• Say, You can earn points for working
hard on these exercises. NOTE: The balls and arrows are provided
when the sound is first introduced to show
*Exercise 1: Printing Sounds the student where to begin and what
direction to go. After several practice
• Let’s look at Exercise 1. Help student opportunities they are gradually faded out.
find the first exercise. You are going to Some children may already know how to
print the letters for sounds that you print and may do the printing exercises
know. Every time you see a picture of a independently. Be sure, however, that the
big pencil like this one (point to pencil student is printing each letter correctly. If
graphic beside Exercise 1),, it means s/he has poor habits, follow the instructions
that you will be printing sounds or with the balls and arrows.
words. Other children might have considerable
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that difficulty printing letters. You may have to
sound. use a hand-over-hand technique to guide
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. the student until s/he can do the task with
• Yes, aaa. Find the next aaa. There is a verbal instructions only.
big ball on this letter to show you where
to start printing. Put your pencil on the *Exercise 2: Printing Initial Sounds
big ball. Check to make sure that student
has his/her pencil on the big ball. • Say, Find Exercise 2. In Exercise 2
• Good, your pencil is on the big ball. there are some pictures with some
There is an arrow that shows you which letters beside them.
way to go. Follow the arrow and trace • Touch the first picture. What is that a
the loop. picture of?
• Ready. Student traces the line to make • Ready. Signal. Student says, an apple.
the loop for a. • Yes, that is a picture of an apple. What
• Say, Good, you followed the arrow and sound does the word apple begin with?
traced the loop. • Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa.
• Now put your pencil on the small ball. • Yes, aaa. Now you are going to print
Check to see that student has his/her the sound aaa. Put your pencil on the
pencil on the small ball. big ball. Follow the arrow and trace the
• That’s right. There is an arrow that loop. Student traces the line to make

the loop for a. • Ready. Signal. Student says, t.
• Put your pencil on the small ball. Trace • Yes, t. That t is crossed out. You are
the line down. Student traces a line that going to find all of the t’s in the row and
goes down. cross them out.
• Say, Good for you! You printed the • Touch the first sound. Is that t?
sound aaa. What’s that sound? • Ready. Signal. Student says, no.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. • That’s right. Touch the next sound. Is
• Look at the next aaa and get ready to that t?
trace it. Student traces four more aaa’s. • Ready. Signal. Student says, yes.
• Repeat instructions for mouse (mmm) • Good. Now cross out that t.
and tiger (t). • Repeat for each sound in the row.

*Exercise 3: Circling and Crossing out *Exercise 4: Matching Sounds

• Find Exercise 4 on your worksheet.
• Put your finger on Exercise 3. The Check to see that the student has the
picture for this exercise tells you that correct exercise.
you will be crossing out or circling • The line with the dots (touch the
certain sounds. graphic) tells you that you are going to
• There are two rows of sounds. Find the draw a line to match the same sounds.
first row. Touch the sound at the • Touch the sound in the first mitt. Check.
beginning of that row. Check to see that What’s that sound?
the student has touched the circled m. • Ready. Signal. Student responds, aaa.
What’s that sound? • Yes, aaa. Now touch the second group
• Ready. Signal. Student says, mmm. of sounds. Check to see if the student
• Yes, mmm. That mmm has a circle has touched the sounds on the right.
around it. You are going to find all of the • Find the sound aaa in that group.
mmm’s in the row and draw a circle • Good. Now draw a line to join those two
around them. aaa’s.
• Touch the first sound. Is that mmm? • Repeat for mmm and t.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no. • The crayon (touch the graphic) tells you
• That’s right. Touch the next sound. Is that you are going to color the mitts.
that mmm? • You are going to find the mitts with the
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no. same sounds and color them the same.
• Right again. Touch the next sound. Is • Touch the first mitt. What’s that sound?
that mmm? • Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, yes. • Yes, aaa. What color would you like to
• Good. Now draw a circle around that color the two mitts with the sound aaa
mmm. in them? Student chooses a color and
• Repeat for each sound in the row. colors the matching mitts.
• Repeat for the mitts with mmm and t.
• Say, Now find the next row of sounds.
Touch the sound at the beginning of the *Exercise 5: Unscrambling Words
row. Check to see that the student has
touched the crossed out t. What’s that • Find Exercise 5. The juggling hands tell
sound? you that this is an exercise where you

are going to unscramble some letters to • Good, now it’s your turn to say those
spell a word you know. numbers by yourself. Touch each
• You are looking for another word for number and say it.
what Aladdin travels on. • Ready. Signal.
• Touch the picture. What is that a picture • Repeat task.
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, a mat. NOTE: Students need to be able to read
• Yes, that is a mat. The sounds for the numbers in order to find parts of the
word mat are written beside the picture exercises in their Workbook.
(point to the letters a-m-t),, but they are Some students may already know their
not in the right order. There are blanks numbers and may find these exercises
above these scrambled letters to print very easy. Review these exercises quickly
the word mat the right way. and give generous praise for a job well
• Listen. mmmaaat. What is the first done.
sound in mat ?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, mmm. *TASK 9: AWARDING POINTS
• That’s correct. Now print mmm in the
first blank. Check. Find mmm in the (Refer to page 30
scrambled word and cross it out. Check. for detailed information concerning
• Good. Listen again. mmmaaat. What is Student Points.)
the next sound in mat ?
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, aaa. • Say to the student, Look after Exercise
• Yes, aaa. Now print aaa in the next 6 in your Workbook. You will see a
blank. Check. Find the aaa in the Points Chart.
scrambled word. Cross it out. Check. • Remember, in every Lesson you will
• Listen again. mmmaaat. What is the last earn points for working hard, paying
sound in mat ? attention, following instructions and
• Ready. Signal. Student says, t. completing Workbook Exercises.
• Yes, t. Now print t in the last blank. Find • Remind the student that the points are
the t in the scrambled word. Cross it being saved for a particular reward.
out. Check.
• What word did you print? What does • Say, Let’s look at each category and
Aladdin travel on? decide how many points you earned
• Ready. Signal. Yes, a mat. today.
• Determine and circle the number of
*Exercise 6: Reading Numbers points the student has earned in each
category. Add the four scores.
• Find Exercise 6. The numbers on the • Record the total points for Lesson 1 on
blocks (point to graphic) tell you that the chart provided on page 125 of the
this exercise will help you practice some Workbook.
• The numbers 1 to 5 are written here. End of Lesson 1
I’m going to touch each number. You
say the numbers with me.
• Ready. Instructor touches each number
and says the numbers with the student.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound
SOUND é as in me correctly or does not hold the sound
for one second, say, I’ll say this
sound. Listen. Touch the dot under
• Point to the sound é.
• Say to the student, I am going to touch the sound and say ééé for one
this sound and say it. second.
• Listen. Touch the dot under the é and Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
say ééé for one second. Lift your finger. Repeat the task.
• Say, Listen again. Touch the dot and When the student has said the sound
say ééé. Lift your finger. correctly with you, say, Good. You
got it. Now say that sound all by
yourself when I touch it. Ready.
• Say to the student, Say the sound with
me. When I touch the sound, we will Touch the dot under the sound and
both say it. We’ll keep on saying it as listen to the student say ééé.
long as I touch it.
Ready. Touch the dot under the é and TASK 2: TEACHING THE

SOUND s as in sat
say ééé with the student for one
second. Lift your finger and stop saying
the sound. • Point to the sound s.
• Say, Good saying ééé. Let’s do that • Say to the student, I am going to touch
again. this sound and say it.
Ready. Signal. • Listen. Touch the dot under the s and

• Repeat the task until the student does it say sss for one second. Lift your finger.
as instructed. • Say, Listen again. Touch the dot and
say sss. Lift your finger.
• Say, Now it is your turn to say the
sound. When I touch the sound, you • Say to the student, Say the sound with
say it. Keep on saying it as long as I me. When I touch the sound, we will
touch it. both say it. We’ll keep on saying it as
Ready. Touch the dot under the é and long as I touch it.

• Ready. Touch the dot under the s and
listen to the student say ééé. Lift your
finger after one second. Student stops say sss with the student for one second.
saying the sound. Lift your finger and stop saying the
• Say, Good! Do that again. sound.
• Ready. Signal. • Say, Good saying sss. Let’s do that
• Repeat the task until the student does it
• Ready. Signal.
as instructed.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

é ●
• Say, Now it is your turn to say the
sound. When I touch the sound, you
say it. Keep on saying it as long as I
touch it.

• Ready. Touch the dot under the s and both say it. We’ll keep on saying it as
listen to the student say sss. Lift your long as I touch it.
finger after one second. Student stops • Ready. Touch the dot under the r and
saying the sound. say rrr with the student for one second.
• Say, Well done! Do that again. Lift your finger and stop saying the
• Ready. Signal. sound.
• Repeat the task until the student does it • Say, Good saying rrr. Let’s do that
as instructed. again.
• Ready. Signal.


Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

Say, Now it is your turn to say the

sound. When I touch the sound, you
say it. Keep on saying it as long as I
• Say, Good job. Let’s go to the next
touch it.
• Ready. Touch the dot under the r and

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound
listen to the student say rrr. Lift your
finger after one second. Student stops
saying the sound.
correctly or does not hold the sound
• Say, Great! Do that again.
for one second, say, I’ll say this
• Ready. Signal.
sound. Listen. Touch the dot under
• Repeat the task until the student does it
the sound and say sss for one
as instructed.
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task.
When the student has said the sound
correctly with you, say, Good. You
got it. Now say that sound all by
yourself when I touch it. Ready.
Touch the dot under the sound and
listen to the student say sss.
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound
correctly or does not hold the sound for
TASK 3: TEACHING THE one second, say, I’ll say this sound.
SOUND r as in rat Listen. Touch the dot under the sound
and say rrr for one second.
• Point to the sound r. Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
• Say to the student, I am going to touch Repeat the task.
this sound and say it. When the student has said the sound
• Listen. Touch the dot under the r and correctly with you, say, Good. You got
say rrr for one second. Lift your finger. it. Now say that sound all by yourself
• Say, Listen again. Touch the dot and when I touch it. Ready. Touch the dot
say rrr. Lift your finger. under the sound and listen to the
student say rrr.
• Say to the student, Say the sound with
me. When I touch the sound, we will

TASK 4: sounds in the next row and have the
PRACTICING SOUNDS student do it three or four times.
Repeat for the rest of the rows. Do
• Say, Now let’s see if you can remember not spend more than two or three
all of the sounds you have learned. minutes practicing this Task. If the
• I am going to touch each of the sounds. student is still having difficulty, take a
When I touch the sound, you say it. If short break and repeat the Lesson
you make three mistakes, we will from the beginning.
practice the sounds and then try again.
• Put your finger on the first sound. SOUNDING OUT WORDS
• Say, What’s this sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, mmm. • Say, Now we are going to sound out
some words that are made from the
• Next sound. sounds we have learned. I will touch the
• Ready. Signal. Student says, sss. sounds in the first word and say them.
• Listen. Slide your finger along the dots
• Repeat for each sound in the list. for the sounds in me and say them.
Remember to touch and hold the dot
under the continuous sounds for one • Say to the student, Say the sounds with
second and to tap the arrow under the me.
short sound t. • Ready. Slide your finger along the dots,
say the sounds and listen as the student
says the sounds with you. Repeat.
m s a é t • Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
● ● ● ● > word me .

r t m é s •

Now do that all by yourself.
Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
● > ● ● ● as the student says the sounds.
a r a r t • Say, Good saying the sounds.
● ● ● ● > • What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, me.
é s m a r • Say, Listen while I say the sounds for
● ● ● ● ●
the next word.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student is not able to say all of
• Repeat Task for each word in the list.

the sounds in the list with fewer than

three errors, change the task. Model
the sounds in the first row and have ●
mé● ●
the student practice only that row
three or four times. Then model the

Aa Bb Cc Dd

s a t
● ● > Ee Ff Gg

r a t
● ● >
✓ Correction Procedure
Stop the student. Say, That letter’s
name is (letter name).

ma t
● ● >
Say that letter’s name for me. Ready.
Say, Now start again at the beginning
of that row.

r am
● ● ●

• Say to the student, Remember, some

letters in the alphabet are called vowels.
Correction Procedure Other letters are called consonants.
If the student says the wrong sound,
stops between the sounds or does • While indicating Aa and Ee in Task 6,
not say the sounds when you touch say, Aa and Ee are vowel letters. They
them, say, Listen to me say these are underlined.
sounds. Sound out the word.
Then say, Say these sounds with me. • Point to the other letters and say, Bb,
Ready. Slide your finger along the Cc, Dd, Ff and Gg are consonant
dots and arrows and say the sounds letters.
with the student. Say, You did it!
Let’s do that one more time. Ready. • When I touch each letter, you tell me
Signal. whether it is a vowel or a consonant.
Say, Now it is your turn to say these
sounds. Ready. Slide your finger • First letter.
along the dots and arrows and listen • Ready. Signal.
to the student say the sounds.
Say, Good job. Let’s go on to the • Repeat for each letter.

sounds in the next word.
Correction Procedure
TASK 6: PRACTICING If the student makes an error
ALPHABET LETTERS identifying a letter, tell them the
correct answer and repeat the Task
• Say, You are going to tell me the from the beginning.
names of these alphabet letters.
• When I touch each letter, you tell me its

TASK 8: sounds you learned in this Lesson.
WORKBOOK EXERCISES • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
• Say, Now we are going to do some • Ready. Signal. Student says, ééé.
Workbook Exercises. • Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 2 on the arrow and trace the line.
page 4. Help the student find Lesson 2 • Now put your pencil on the small ball.
on page 4 of the Student Workbook. Follow the arrow.
• You just printed the sound ééé . What
Exercise 1: Printing Sounds sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ééé.
• Find Exercise 1. You are going to • Have the student use the balls and
practice printing the letters for the arrows to trace all six of the sound ééé.
sounds you learned in Lesson 1. • Repeat for sss and rrr.
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that
sound. Exercise 4: Circling and Crossing out
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. Sounds
• Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow
the arrow and trace the line. • Put your finger on Exercise 4. There are
• Now put your pencil on the small ball. three rows of sounds. Find the first row.
Follow the arrow. Touch the sound at the beginning of
• You just printed the sound aaa . What that row. Check to see that the student
sound? has touched the circled é. What’s that
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. sound?
• Have the student use the balls and • Ready. Signal. Student says, ééé.
arrows to trace all six of the sound aaa. • Yes, ééé. That ééé has a circle around
• Repeat for t and mmm. it. You are going to find all of the ééé ’s
in the row and draw a circle around
Exercise 2: Reading Numbers them.
• Touch the first sound. Is that ééé ?
• Now let’s do Exercise 2. The numbers 1 • Ready. Signal. Student says, yes.
to 5 are written here. I’m going to touch • Good. Draw a circle around that ééé .
each number. You say the numbers • Repeat for each sound in the row.
with me.
• Ready. Instructor touches each number • Say, Now find the next row of sounds.
and says the numbers with the student. Touch the sound at the beginning of the
• Good. Now it’s your turn to say those row. Check to see that the student has
numbers by yourself. Touch each touched the crossed out aaa. What’s
number and say it. that sound?
• Ready. Signal. • Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa.
• Repeat task. • Yes, aaa. That aaa is crossed out. You
are going to find all of the aaa ’s in the
Exercise 3: Printing Sounds row and cross them out.
• Touch the first sound. Is that aaa ?
• Find Exercise 3. You are going to • Ready. Signal. Student says, no.
practice printing the letters for the • That’s right. Touch the next sound. Is

that aaa ? found it. Check.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no. • Repeat for each word in the list.
• Good. Touch the next sound. Is that
aaa? *Exercise 6: Vowel Power!
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no.
• Correct. Touch the next sound. Is that • Now let’s look at Exercise 6. These
aaa? letters (point to the vowel graphic) tell
• Ready. Signal. Student says, yes. you that this exercise is called Vowel
• Good. Now cross out that aaa . Power! The vowel letters a and é are
• Repeat for each sound in the row. printed here.
• Repeat Task for third row of circled • Below them there are four words. Each
sss’s. of the words has a blank. You must fill
in the blank with either an a or an é to
*Exercise 5: Word Search Puzzle make a word that you know.
• Touch the first word. What vowel goes
• Find Exercise 5. The question mark with in that blank?
the two eyes (point to the graphic) • Ready. Signal. Student responds, a.
means that you are going to do a word • Yes, a. Print a in the blank.
search puzzle. • Now read that word.
• This is a list of the words that you will • Ready. Signal. Student reads, rat.
be looking for. (Show student the list to • Repeat for each word.
the left of the clown.) Read the first
word. *Exercise 7: Following a Maze
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, me.
• Now we must look inside the box of • Find Exercise 7. In this exercise you are
letters and find the word me . Look at the mouse. You are going to follow all
the first row of letters. Is the sound of the mmm sounds through the maze
mmm in the first row? to get to the cheese without hitting a
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, yes. wall.
• Is the sound mmm followed by the • Put your pencil on the arrow. Check.
sound ééé ? Find the first mmm . Find the next
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, no. mmm. Now follow all of the mmm’s
• That’s right. Look in the next row of through the maze with your pencil until
letters. Is the sound mmm in that row? you get to the cheese. If you follow
• Ready. Signal. Student says, yes. another sound you will hit a wall. Start
• Is the sound mmm followed by the over again.
sound ééé ? • Check that the student is following the
• Ready. Signal. Student says, yes. correct path.
• Say those sounds together.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, mmmééé. TASK 9:
What’s that word? AWARDING POINTS
• Ready. Signal. Student says, me.
• That’s right. Draw a circle around the • Tell the student that s/he has completed
word me . Check. Lesson 2 and has earned points for
• Put a check mark beside the word me working hard, paying attention, following
in the list so that you know you have instructions and completing the

Workbook Exercises. LESSON 3
• Determine and circle the number of
points the student has earned in each TASK 1: TEACHING THE
category. SOUND d as in mad
• Record the total points for Lesson 2 on
the chart provided on page 125 of the • Point to the sound d.
Workbook. • Say to the student, This is a short
sound. I am going to touch this sound
End of Lesson 2 and say it.
• Listen. Tap the arrow under the d and
lift your finger immediately as you say d.
• Listen again. Tap, say d and lift your

• Say, Do that with me. When I touch the

sound, we will both say it.
• Ready. Tap the arrow under the d and
say d with the student.
• Say, Good saying d. Let’s do that again.
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

• Say, Now it’s your turn. Say the sound

when I touch it.
• Ready. Tap under the d and listen to
the student say d.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound
correctly or holds the sound, say, I’ll
say this sound. Listen. Tap the arrow
under the sound, say the sound and
lift your finger immediately.
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task.
When the student has said the sound
correctly with you, say, Good. You

got it. Now say that sound all by Repeat the task.
yourself when I touch it. Ready. Tap When the student has said the sound
the arrow under the sound, lift your correctly with you, say, Good. You
finger and listen to the student say d. got it. Now say that sound all by
yourself when I touch it. Ready.
TASK 2: TEACHING THE Touch the dot under the sound and
SOUND i as in it listen to the student say iii.

• Point to the sound i. TASK 3: TEACHING THE

• Say to the student, I am going to touch SOUND c as in cat
this sound and say it.
• Listen. Touch the dot under the i and • Point to the sound c.
say iii for one second. Lift your finger. • Say to the student, This is a short
• Repeat. sound. I am going to touch this sound
and say it.
• Say to the student, Say the sound with • Listen. Tap the arrow under the c and
me. lift your finger immediately as you say c.
• Ready. Touch the dot under the i and • Listen again. Tap, say c and lift your
say iii with the student for one second. finger.
Lift your finger and stop saying the
sound. • Say, Do that with me. When I touch the
• Repeat the task until the student does it sound, we will both say it.
as instructed. • Ready. Tap the arrow under the c and
say c with the student.
• Say, Now it is your turn to say the • Say, Good saying c. Let’s do that again.
sound. Remember when I touch it, we both say
• Ready. Touch the dot under the i and the sound.
listen to the student say iii. Lift your • Ready. Signal.
finger after one second. Student stops • Repeat the task until the student does it
saying the sound. as instructed.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed. • Say, Now it’s your turn. Say the sound
• Say, Good job. Let’s go to the next when I touch it.
sound. • Ready. Tap under the c and listen to
the student say c.


• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound

correctly or does not hold the sound
for one second, say, I’ll say this Correction Procedure
sound. Listen. Touch the dot under If the student does not say the sound
the sound and say iii for one second. correctly or holds the sound, say, I’ll
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal. say this sound. Listen. Tap the arrow

under the sound, say the sound and
lift your finger immediately. t r a é d
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal. > ● ● ● >
Repeat the task.
When the student has said the sound
correctly with you, say, Good. You t c i é a
got it. Now say that sound all by > > ● ● ●
yourself when I touch it. Ready. Tap
the arrow under the sound, lift your
finger and listen to the student say c.
m s r a é
● ● ● ● ●



Say, Now let’s see if you can remember

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student is not able to say all of the
all of the sounds you have learned. sounds in the list with fewer than three
• I am going to touch each of the sounds. errors, change the task. Model the
When I touch the sound, you say it. If sounds in the first row and have the
you make three mistakes, we will student practice only that row three or
practice the sounds and then try again. four times. Then model the sounds in
the next row and have the student do it
• Put your finger on the first sound. three or four times. Repeat for the rest
• Say, What’s this sound? of the rows. Do not spend more than
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. one minute practicing each row. If the
student is still having difficulty, take a
• Next sound. short break and repeat the Lesson from
• Ready. Signal. Student says, mmm. the beginning.

• Repeat for each sound in the list. TASK 5:

Remember to touch and hold the dot SOUNDING OUT WORDS
under the continuous sounds for one
second and to tap the arrow under the • Say, Now we are going to sound out
short sounds. some words that are made from the
sounds we have learned. I will touch the
sounds in the first word and say them.
a m s d é • Listen. Slide your finger along the dots
and arrows for the sounds in mad and
● ● ● > ●
say them.

t t r i c • Say to the student, Say the sounds with

> > ● ● > me.
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
c s d é m and arrows, say the sounds and listen
as the student says the sounds with
> ● > ● ● you.
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
word mad .

• Repeat.

Now do that all by yourself.
Ready. Slide your finger along the dots ●
ma t
● ● >
and arrows as the student says the

Say, Good saying the sounds.

a t
● >
• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, mad.

• Say, Listen while I say the sounds for

the next word. ●
s a t
● ● >

• Repeat Task for each word in the list.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says the wrong sound,

ma d
● ● >
stops between the sounds or does
not say the sounds when you touch
them, say, Listen to me say these
sounds. Sound out the word.

s i t
● ● >
Then say, Say these sounds with me.
Ready. Slide your finger along the
dots and arrows and say the sounds
with the student.

Say, You did it! Let’s do that one
more time. Ready. Signal.
Say, Now it is your turn to say these
● ● ● sounds. Ready. Slide your finger
along the dots and arrows and listen

s éé
● ●
to the student say the sounds.
Say, Good job. Let’s go on to the
sounds in the next word.

r a t
● ● >

s ad
● ● >

r i d
● ● >

c >
a t
● >
• Now we are going to sound out some
other words. These words begin with
short sounds. We have to put the
sounds together without stopping. I will ●
d >
i m
● ●
show you how to do that.
• Listen. Put your finger on the dot in
front of cat. Slide past the arrow under
the c to the dot under the a and say

t >
● ●
caaa. Remember not to stop between
the c and the a. Hold the aaa for at

least one second, then slide past the t
and say t.
Say to the student, Listen while I do that ●
t >
r i m
● ● ●
again. Repeat task.

• Say, Do that with me. When I touch the

sounds, say them with me. ●
c >
a s t
● ● >
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat the task.
• Say, Good sounding out cat . You didn’t
stop between the sounds. ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student miscalls a sound or
stops between the sounds, say, My
• Now try it all by yourself. turn. Slide along the dots and arrows
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out as you sound out the word.
caaat while you slide along the dots and Then say, Do that with me. Ready.
arrows with your finger. Signal. Sound out the word with the
• Say, Do that for me one more time. student.
• Ready. Signal. Say, Good work! Now it’s your turn to
sound out the word. Slide your finger
• Repeat task for each of the words in the along the dots and arrows as the
list. student sounds out the word.

REMEMBER: This is one of the most critical

skills in teaching someone to read. Listen TASK 7: PRACTICING
carefully for any break in the blending of the ALPHABET LETTERS
first two sounds in each word. Make sure
that the student blends the first two sounds • Say, You are going to tell me the
together without any pause between them. names of these alphabet letters.
Practice this skill for 2 to 3 minutes after • As I touch each letter you tell me its
each Task in the Lesson if necessary. For name.
further information, see page 17 in the
Instructor’s Guide.

Say that letter’s name for me. Ready.
Aa Bb Cc Dd Signal.



✓ Correction Procedure
Stop the student. Say, That letter’s

Point to the alphabet letters in Task 7
and 8.
Say, Remember, some letters in the
name is (letter name).
Say that letter’s name for me. Ready. alphabet are called vowels. Other letters
Signal. are called consonants.
Say, Now start again at the beginning • While indicating the vowels to the left,
of that row. say, Aa, Ee, Ii and Oo are vowel letters.
They are underlined.
TASK 8: TEACHING • Point to the other letters and say, The
ALPHABET LETTERS other letters are consonant letters.
• Touch each letter. Ask the student, Is
• Say, Now we are going to learn the this a vowel letter or a consonant letter?
names of some more letters of the • Ready. Signal.


I will touch the letter and say its name.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error
• Touch the letter Hh and say, This identifying a letter, tell them the
letter’s name is Hh. correct answer and repeat the Task
from the beginning.
• Your turn to say this letter’s name.
• Ready. Touch Hh. Student says, Hh. TASK 10:
• Repeat for letters Ii through Pp.
• Say, Now we are going to do the
Workbook part of the Lesson.
Hh Ii Jj Kk • Open your Workbook to Lesson 3 on
page 8. Help the student find Lesson 3
in the Student Workbook.
Ll Mm Nn Oo
Exercise 1: Printing Sounds
Pp • Find Exercise 1. You are going to
practice printing the letters for sounds
NOTE: Some students may already know that you learned in this Lesson.
the alphabet letter names and may require • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
only a brief review of these letters. sound.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, d.
✓ Correction Procedure
Stop the student. Say, That letter’s

Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow
the arrow.
Now put your pencil on the small ball.
name is (letter name).

Follow the arrow down. two-letter word in the list inside the
• You just printed the sound d. What notebook that has the sounds t and
sound? aaa?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, d. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, at.
• Have the student use the balls and That’s right, at.
arrows to trace all six of the sound d. • What sound goes in the first blank?
• Repeat for iii and c. • Ready. Signal.
• Yes, aaa goes in the first blank. Print
Exercise 2: Reading Numbers aaa in the first blank. Check.
• What sound goes in the next blank?
• Now let’s do Exercise 2. The numbers 1 • Ready. Signal. Student replies, t.
to 5 are written here. Touch each • Right again. Print t in the next blank.
number and say it. Student prints t in the next blank.
• Ready. Signal. • What is the word you printed?
• Repeat task. • Ready. Signal. Student responds, at.
• Good work. Put a check mark beside
Exercise 3: Printing Sounds the word at in the word list so you know
you have done it. Check.
• Find Exercise 3. You are going to • Repeat for each scrambled word.
practice printing the letters for some
other sounds. *Exercise 5: Printing Sounds in Objects
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that
sound. • Put your finger on Exercise 5. There are
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. five bowling pins here. Count the pins.
• Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow In each bowling pin you are going to
the arrow. Now put your pencil on the print a sound that you have learned.
small ball. Follow the arrow down. • Touch pin number 1. In this pin you are
• You just printed the sound aaa . What going to print the sound mmm . What
sound? sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. • Ready. Signal. Student says, mmm.
• Have the student use the balls and • Yes, mmm. Use the balls and follow the
arrows to trace three of the sound aaa. arrows to print the sound. Student prints
• Repeat for rrr, sss, ééé, mmm and t. mmm. Check.
• What sound did you print?
Exercise 4: Unscrambling Words • Ready. Signal. Student responds,
• Find Exercise 4. The juggling hands tell • That’s correct. Let’s do the next sound.
you that this is an exercise where you • Repeat for ééé in pin 2, rrr in pin 3, d in
are going to unscramble some letters to pin 4 and c in pin 5.
spell some words you know.
• There is a list of scrambled words (point Exercise 6: Circling and Crossing out
to that list) and a list of words inside the Sounds
notebook which are spelled correctly.
• Touch the first scrambled word. You • Find Exercise 6. There are three rows
must make a two-letter word with the of sounds. Find the first row. Touch the
sounds t and aaa . Can you find a sound at the beginning of that row.

Check to see that the student has LESSON 4
touched the circled d. What’s that
• Ready. Signal. Student says, d. SOUND h as in him
• Yes, d. That d has a circle around it.
You are going to find all of the d’s in the • Point to the sound h.
row and draw a circle around them. • Say to the student, This is a short
• Touch the first sound. Is that d? sound. I am going to touch this sound
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no. and say it.
• Repeat for each sound in the row and • Listen. Tap the arrow under the h and
check to make sure student correctly lift your finger immediately as you say h.
circles all the d’s. • Repeat.
• Repeat Task for second row of crossed-
out c’s and third row of circled iii’s. • Say, Do that with me. When I touch the
sound, we will both say it.
*Exercise 7: Answering a Riddle • Ready. Tap the arrow under the h and
say h with the student.
• Put your finger on Exercise 7. The • Say, Good saying h. Let’s do that again.
picture of the laughing boy is the • Ready. Signal.
symbol for a riddle. • Repeat the task until the student does it
• The riddle for this Lesson is: What letter as instructed.
of the alphabet sounds like a large body
of water? • Say, Now it’s your turn. Say the sound
• If the student cannot think of the when I touch it.
answer, have him/her start at the • Ready. Tap under the h and listen to
beginning of the alphabet until s/he the student say h.
gets to the letter C. • Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.
TASK 11:

• Tell the student that s/he has completed

Lesson 3 and has earned points for
working hard, paying attention, following

instructions and completing the
Workbook Exercises.
Determine and circle the number of
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound
points the student has earned in each correctly or holds the sound, say, I’ll
category. say this sound. Listen. Tap the arrow
• Record the total points for Lesson 3 on under the sound, say the sound and
the chart provided on page 125 of the lift your finger immediately.
Workbook. Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task.
End of Lesson 3 When the student has said the sound
correctly with you, say, Good. You
got it. Now say that sound all by

yourself when I touch it. Ready. Tap
the arrow under the sound, lift your
finger and listen to the student say h.

h i t
> ● >
*TASK 2:

Now we are going to sound out some ●
h i d
> ● >
words that have the short sound you
just learned. We have to put the sounds

together without stopping.
Listen. Put your finger on the dot in
front of hat. Slide past the arrow under
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student miscalls a sound, holds
a short sound or stops between the
the h to the dot under the a and say sounds, say, My turn. Slide along the
haaa. Remember not to stop between dots and arrows as you sound out
the h and the a. Hold the aaa for at the word.
least one second, then slide past the t Then say, Do that with me. Ready.
and say t. Repeat task. Signal. Sound out the word with the
• Say, Do that with me. When I touch the Say, Good work! Now it’s your turn to
sounds, say them with me. sound out the word. Slide your finger
• Ready. Signal. along the dots and arrows as the
• Repeat the task. student sounds out the word.
• Say, Good sounding out hat . You didn’t
stop between the sounds. *TASK 3: TEACHING THE
• Now try it all by yourself. th as in the
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
haaat while you slide along the arrows
and dot with your finger. • Point to the sound combination th.
• Repeat the task. • Say, When these letters are together
they say ththth.
• Repeat task for each of the words in the • Touch the dot under the th and say
list. ththth for one second. Lift your finger.
• Listen again. Touch the dot and say
ththth. Lift your finger.

h a t
> ● >
• Say to the student, Say the sound with
me. When I touch the sound, we will
both say it. Keep on saying it as long as

h am
> ● ●

I touch it.
Ready. Touch the dot under the th and
say ththth with the student for one
second. Lift your finger and stop saying
the sound.
• Say, Good saying ththth. Let’s do that
• Ready. Signal. • Listen. Slide your finger along the dots
• Repeat the task until the student does it for the sounds in the and say them.
as instructed.
• Say to the student, Say the sounds with
• Say, Now it is your turn to say the me.
sound. When I touch the sound, you • Ready. Slide your finger along the dots,
say it. Keep on saying it as long as I say the sounds and listen as the
touch it. student says the sounds with you.
• Ready. Touch the dot under the th and • Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
listen to the student say ththth. Lift your word the .
finger after one second. Student stops
saying the sound. • Now do that all by yourself.
• Say, Good! Do that again. • Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
• Ready. Signal. as the student says the sounds.
• Repeat the task until the student does it • Say, Good saying the sounds.
as instructed.
• What’s that word?

th ●

Ready. Signal. Student says, the.

Repeat Task for each of the words in

the list.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound th é
correctly or does not hold the sound ● ● ●
for one second, say, I’ll say this
sound. Listen. Touch the dot under
the sound and say ththth for one
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal. ●
th r éé
● ● ●
Repeat the task.
When the student has said the sound
correctly with you, say, Good. You
got it. Now say that sound all by ●
m a th
● ● ●
yourself when I touch it. Ready.
Touch the dot under the sound and
listen to the student say ththth. ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says the wrong sound,
*TASK 4: PRACTICING THE stops between the sounds or does
SOUND COMBINATION th not say the sounds when you touch
them, say, Listen to me say these
• Say, Now we are going to sound out sounds. Sound out the word.
some words that have the sound Then say, Say these sounds with me.
combination you just learned. I will Ready. Slide your finger along the
touch the sounds in the first word and dots and say the sounds with the
say them. student. Repeat the task.

Say, Now it is your turn to say these When the student has said the sound
sounds. Ready. Slide your finger along correctly with you, say, Good. You
the dots and listen to the student say got it. Now say that sound all by
the sounds. yourself when I touch it. Ready.
Touch the dot under the sound and
TASK 5: TEACHING THE listen to the student say fff.
SOUND f as in fat
• Point to the sound f. PRACTICING THE SOUND f
• Say to the student, I am going to touch
this sound and say it. • Say, Now we are going to sound out
• Listen. Touch the dot under the f and some words that have the sound you
say fff for one second. Lift your finger. just learned. I will touch the sounds in
• Repeat. the first word and say them.
• Listen. Slide your finger along the dots
• Say to the student, Say the sound with and arrow for the sounds in fat and say
me. them.
• Ready. Touch the dot under the f and
say fff with the student for one second. • Say to the student, Say the sounds with
Lift your finger and stop saying the me.
sound. • Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
• Repeat the task until the student does it and arrow, say the sounds and listen as
as instructed. the student says the sounds with you.
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
• Say, Now it is your turn to say the word fat .
• Ready. Touch the dot under the f and • Say, Now do that all by yourself.
listen to the student say fff. Lift your • Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
finger after one second. Student stops and arrow as the student says the
saying the sound. sounds.
• Repeat the task until the student does it • Say, Good saying the sounds.
as instructed.
• What’s that word?


Ready. Signal. Student says, fat.

Repeat Task for each word in the list.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound ●
f a t
● ● >
correctly or does not hold the sound
for one second, say, I’ll say this
sound. Listen. Touch the dot under
the sound and say fff for one second.
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal. ●
f ad
● ● >
Repeat the task.

• Say, Good saying the sounds.

f éé d
● ● >

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. Student says, if.

f i s t • Repeat Task for each word in the list.

● ● ● ● >
i f
✓ Correction Procedure
● ● ●

th a t
If the student says the wrong sound,
stops between the sounds or does
not say the sounds when you touch
them, say, Listen to me say these ● ● ● >
sounds. Sound out the word.
Then say, Say these sounds with me.
Ready. Slide your finger along the
dots and arrow and say the sounds ●
f a
● ●
s t
● >
with the student.
Say, Now it is your turn to say these
sounds. Ready. Slide your finger
along the dots and arrow and listen
to the student say the sounds. ●

> ●


m i
● ●
s t
● >
• Say, Now we are going to sound out

some words that are made from the
sounds we have learned. I will touch the
sounds in the first word and say them.
Listen. Slide your finger along the dots ●
ma● ●
s t
● >
for the sounds in if and say them.

• Say to the student, Say the sounds with

me. ●
m i
● ●
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots,

say the sounds and listen as the
student says the sounds with you.
Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
word if . ●
i t
● >

Now do that all by yourself.
Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
as the student says the sounds. ●
th i
● ●
s ●

• Touch the dot in front of the next word,

a c t s
● > > ●

Say, This word rhymes with at .

• My Turn. Listen. Slide your finger along

s t i ff
● > ● ● •
the line and say fat.

Do that with me.

• Ready. Signal. Repeat task with
• Say, Your turn to rhyme with at .
• What’s this word?
• Turn to TASK 7 in this Lesson. • Ready. Slide your finger along the line
• Say, Now you are going to practice the under fat and listen to the student say
words you sounded out so that you can fat.
read them quickly and correctly. When I
touch each word, you read it. • Repeat for each word.

First word.
Ready. Slide finger under word. Student

reads, if.

• Next word.

• Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word in list.


✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error,

miscalls the word or guesses,
practice sounding out the word three
or four times and then try the Task rat
again. ●

*TASK 9: mat

• Say, Now we are going to read some that

words that rhyme with at . ●
• Touch the dot in front of the word at.
Slide your finger along the line and say sat
at. ●

• Say, What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal. Student replies, at.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the word
Your turn. Tell me the underlined
sound. Ready. Signal.
correctly, say, This word is (correct Good. Now sound out the word.
word). What word? Repeat task from Ready. Slide your finger along the
beginning. dots and arrows as the student
sounds out the word.
*TASK 10: SAYING THE Say, That’s right. Now say the word.
UNDERLINED SOUNDS AND Good. Let’s start that row over again.
READING THE WORDS Go back to the beginning of the row
and redo the row before going on to
the next one.
• Put your finger on the underlined sound
in the first word.
• Say, Tell me the sound that is
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa.
• Say to the student, As I touch each
• That’s right, aaa.
letter you tell me its name.
• Now tell me the word.
• First letter.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, rat.
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat Task for each of the words in
the list. Aa Bb Cc Dd
rat mé rid sad Ee Ff Gg Hh
sit cat dim tr im Ii Jj Kk Ll
am th é fat ham Mm Nn Oo Pp

hi d sat hat séé ✓ If the student makes an error, use the

correction procedure (my turn, do it
with me, your turn) as in previous
cast mat hit ma d Lessons and begin that row again.



✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error saying
• Say to the student, As I touch each
letter, tell me whether it is a vowel or a
the sound or the word, say, The consonant.
underlined sound is (correct sound).
Do that sound with me. Ready. • First letter.
Signal. Student says (correct sound) • Ready. Signal.
with you.
✓ If the student makes an error, use the
correction procedure as in previous
TASK 14:
• Say, Now we are going to do the
*TASK 13: Workbook part of the Lesson.
READING SENTENCES • Open your Workbook to Lesson 4 on
page 12. Help the student find Lesson 4.
• Now you are going to read some
sentences in your Reader. Turn to page Exercise 1: Printing Sounds
1. Check to make sure that the student
has the correct page. • In Exercise 1 you are going to practice
• The sentences are made up of words printing the letters for sounds that you
that you know. know.
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that
• Put your finger on the first sentence. sound.
• Read that sentence. • Ready. Signal. Student says, t.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, He sees • Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow
the mast. the arrow and trace the line down.
• Say, Good reading! • Now put your pencil on the small ball.
Follow the arrow across.
• Put your finger on number 2. Read that • You just printed the sound t. What
sentence. sound?
• Ready. Signal. • Ready. Signal. Student says, t.
• Have the student use the balls and
• Repeat for each sentence in the exercise. arrows to trace three of the sound t.
• Repeat for rrr, mmm, iii, ééé and aaa.
1. He sees the mast.
2. the fast cats hid the fat ham. *Exercise 2: Joining the Dots
3. A sad ram hit the mat.
4. that hat fits this rat. • Find Exercise 2. In this exercise you are
5. He hits a fist at the mitt. going to join the dots to make a picture.

• Put your pencil on the big dot on the
Correction Procedure picture. Check.
If the student reads a word • Now trace the dots. What picture did
incorrectly, say, Sound out that word you trace?
for me. Ready. Signal. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, a mitt.
Say, That’s right. Now read the • You’re right. Now you are going to print
sentence over again. Ready. Signal. the word mitt in the blanks inside the
If the student skips a word or adds a picture. Follow the dots and arrows and
word, say, Wait. You missed (or print the sounds in the word mitt .
added) a word. Look at each word Check.
and say it. • What’s that word?
Start that sentence over from the • Ready. Signal. Student says, mitt.
beginning, please. Ready. Signal.
If the student makes more than 6
errors on this task, review the entire
Lesson and do the exercise again.
Exercise 3: Printing and Coloring numbers by yourself. Touch each
number and say it.
• In Exercise 3 you see some mitts. How • Ready. Signal.
many mitts are there? • Repeat.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, three.
• Right! You are going to print the word Exercise 6: Printing Sounds
three beside the mitts. The first sound
in the word three is done for you. • In Exercise 6 you are going to practice
What’s that sound? printing the letters for sounds that you
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ththth. learned in this Lesson.
• Listen. thththrrr. What’s the next sound? • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
• Ready. Signal. Student says, rrr. sound.
• That’s correct. Follow the dots and • Ready. Signal. Student says, h.
arrows and print the sound rrr . Check. • Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow
• Repeat for the two ééé’s. the arrow and trace the line down.
• What’s that word? • Now put your pencil on the small ball.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, three. Follow the arrow.
• Good work. Now color the three mitts. • You just printed the sound h. What
Exercise 4: Printing Initial Sounds • Ready. Signal. Student says, h.
• Have the student use the balls and
• Now let’s do Exercise 4. arrows to trace all six of the sound h.
• Touch the first picture. What is that a • Repeat for ththth and fff.
picture of?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, a cat. Exercise 7: Printing Sounds in Objects
• Yes, a cat. What sound does the word
cat begin with? • Find Exercise 7. You are going to print
• Ready. Signal. Student says, c. sounds in each of the boxes.
• Yes, c. Now you are going to print the • Touch Box 1 at the top of the pile. You
sound c. Put your pencil on the ball. are going to print the sound mmm in
Follow the arrow and trace the loop. that box. What sound?
• Say, Good for you! You printed the • Ready. Signal. Student says, mmm.
sound c. What’s that sound? • Print the sound mmm in Box 1. Check.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, c. • Find Box 2. Check. You are going to
• Repeat for the rest of the c’s. print the sound iii in that box. What
• Repeat instructions for sun (sss) and sound?
dog (d). • Ready. Signal. Student says, iii and
prints the sound in Box 2.
Exercise 5: Reading Numbers • Repeat for each box. 3 = aaa, 4 = h,
5 = ththth, 6 = t, 7 = c, 8 = d, 9 = fff,
• Find Exercise 5. The numbers 1 to 10 10 = rrr.
are written here. I’m going to touch
each number. You say the numbers Exercise 8: Answering a Riddle
with me.
• Ready. Instructor touches each number • Put your finger on Exercise 8. The
and says the numbers with the student. picture of the laughing boy is the
• Good. Now it’s your turn to say those symbol for a riddle.
• The riddle is: Why was 6 afraid of 7? LESSON 5
• Because . . . Read the numbers to
answer the riddle. (7 “ate” 9!) TASK 1: TEACHING THE
SOUND n as in man
TASK 15:
AWARDING POINTS • Today we’re going to learn a new
• Tell the student that s/he has completed • Listen. Touch the dot under the n and
Lesson 4 and has earned points for say nnn for one second. Lift your finger.
working hard, paying attention, following • Repeat.
instructions and completing the
Workbook Exercises. • Say the sound with me.
• Determine and circle the number of • Ready. Signal.
points the student has earned in each • Repeat.
• Record the total points for Lesson 4 on • Your turn.
the chart provided on page 125 of the • Ready. Signal.
Workbook. • Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.
End of Lesson 4


✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.

• Say, Now we are going to sound out
some words that have the sound you
just learned. I will touch the sounds in
the first word and say them.
• Listen. Slide your finger along the dots
and arrow for the sounds in need and
say them.

• Say to the student, Say the sounds with

• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
and arrow, say the sounds and listen as
the student says the sounds with you.
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
word need .
• Say, Now do that all by yourself. they say shshsh.
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots • Touch the dot under the sh and say
and arrow as the student says the shshsh for one second. Lift your finger.
sounds. • Listen again. Touch the dot and say
• Say, Good saying the sounds. shshsh. Lift your finger.

• What’s that word? • Say to the student, Say the sound with
• Ready. Signal. Student says, need. me.
• Ready. Touch the dot under the sh and
• Repeat Task for each word in the list. say shshsh with the student for one
second. Lift your finger and stop saying

n éé d
● ● >

the sound.
Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

• Say, Now it is your turn to say the

th a n
● ● ●

Ready. Touch the dot under the sh and
listen to the student say shshsh. Lift
your finger after one second. Student

ma n
● ● ●

stops saying the sound.
Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says the wrong sound,
sh ●
stops between the sounds or does

not say the sounds when you touch
them, say, Listen to me say these Correction Procedure
sounds. Sound out the word. If the student does not say the sound
Then say, Say these sounds with me. correctly or does not hold the sound
Ready. Slide your finger along the for one second, say, I’ll say this
dots and arrows and say the sounds sound. Listen. Touch the dot under
with the student. Repeat. the sound and say shshsh for one
Say, Now it is your turn to say these second.
sounds. Ready. Slide your finger Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
along the dots and arrows and listen Repeat the task.
to the student say the sounds. When the student has said the sound
correctly with you, say, Good. You
TASK 3: TEACHING THE got it. Now say that sound all by
SOUND COMBINATION yourself when I touch it. Ready.
sh as in shé Touch the dot under the sound and
listen to the student say shshsh.
• Point to the sound combination sh.
• Say, When these letters are together
TASK 4: PRACTICING THE not say the sounds when you touch
SOUND COMBINATION sh them, say, Listen to me say these
sounds. Sound out the word.
• Say, Now we are going to sound out Then say, Say these sounds with me.
some words that have the sound Ready. Slide your finger along the
combination you just learned. I will dots and arrows and say the sounds
touch the sounds in the first word and with the student. Repeat the task.
say them. Say, Now it is your turn to say these
• Listen. Slide your finger along the dots sounds. Ready. Slide your finger
and arrow for the sounds in sheet and along the dots and arrows and listen
say them. to the student say the sounds.

• Say to the student, Say the sounds with TASK 5: TEACHING THE
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots ing as in sing
and arrow, say the sounds and listen as
the student says the sounds with you. • Point to the sound combination ing.
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the • Say, When these letters are together
word sheet . they say ing.
• Touch the dot under the ing and say
• Now do that all by yourself. ing. Lift your finger. Repeat.
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
and arrow as the student says the • Say to the student, Say the sound with
sounds. me. When I touch the sound, we will
• Say, Good saying the sounds. both say it.
• Ready. Touch the dot under the ing and
• What’s that word? say ing with the student. Lift your finger
• Ready. Signal. Student says, sheet. and stop saying the sound.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
• Say, Listen while I say the sounds for as instructed.
the next word.
• Repeat Task for the word shaft. • Say, Now it is your turn to say the
sound. When I touch the sound, you

sh éé t
● ● >

say it.
Ready. Touch the dot under the ing and
listen to the student say ing. Lift your
finger. Student stops saying the sound.

sh a f t
● ● ● >
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

✓ Correction Procedure
ing ●
If the student says the wrong sound,
stops between the sounds or does

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound s ing
correctly, say, I’ll say this sound. ● ● ●
Listen. Touch the dot under the
sound and say ing.
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task.
When the student has said the sound ●
th ing
● ●
correctly with you, say, Good. You
got it. Now say that sound all by
yourself when I touch it. Ready.
Touch the dot under the sound and

r ing
● ●
listen to the student say ing.


SOUND COMBINATION ing ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says the wrong sound,
• Say, Now we are going to sound out stops between the sounds or does
some words that have the sound not say the sounds when you touch
combination you just learned. I will them, say, Listen to me say these
touch the sounds in the first word and sounds. Sound out the word.
say them. Then say, Say these sounds with me.
• Listen. Slide your finger along the dots Ready. Slide your finger along the
for the sounds in sing and say them. dots and say the sounds with the
student. Repeat.
• Say to the student, Say the sounds with Say, Now it is your turn to say these
me. sounds. Ready. Slide your finger
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots, along the dots and listen to the
say the sounds and listen as the student say the sounds.
student says the sounds with you.
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
word sing .

• Now do that all by yourself.

• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
as the student says the sounds.

• What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal. Student says, sing.

• Repeat for each word in the list.


PRACTICING SOUNDS Correction Procedure
If the student is not able to say all of
• Say, Now let’s see if you can remember the sounds in the list with fewer than
all of the sounds you have learned. three errors, change the task. Model
• I am going to touch each of the sounds. the sounds in the first row and have
When I touch the sound, you say it. If the student practice only that row
you make three mistakes, we will three or four times. Then model the
practice the sounds and then try again. sounds in the next row and have the
student do it three or four times.
• Put your finger on the first sound. Repeat for the rest of the rows. Do
• Say, What’s this sound? not spend more than two to three
• Ready. Signal. Student says, sss. minutes on this Task. If the student is
still having difficulty, take a short
• Next sound. break and repeat the Lesson from the
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ééé. beginning.

• Repeat for each sound in the list. TASK 8:

Remember to touch and hold the dot SOUNDING OUT WORDS
under the continuous sounds for one
second and to tap the arrow under the • Say, Now we are going to sound out
short sounds. some words that are made from the
sounds we have learned. I will touch the
s é d i m •
sounds in the first word and say them.
Listen. Slide your finger along the dots
● ● > ● ●
and arrow for the sounds in fast and
say them.
f t sh a ing • Say to the student, Say the sounds with
● > ● ● ●
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
h r th c n and arrow, say the sounds and listen as
the student says the sounds with you.
> ● ● > ●
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
word fast .
sh f n th ing
● ● ● ● ● • Now do that all by yourself.
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
h c r i d and arrow as the student says the
> > ● ● > • Say, Good saying the sounds.

é s t sh m •

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. Student says, fast.
● ● > ● ●

• Repeat Task for each word in the list.


f a s t
● ● ● >
● ● ● >

s t and

r an
● ● ●
● ● > ● ● >

th i n

sh é
● ●
● ● ● ●

✓ Correction Procedure

sh i f t
● ● ● >
If the student says the wrong sound,
stops between the sounds or does not
say the sounds when you touch them,
say, Listen to me say these sounds.

i t s
● > ●
Sound out the word.
Then say, Say these sounds with me.
Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
and arrows and say the sounds with the
student. Repeat.

s éé m
● ● ●
Say, Now it is your turn to say these
sounds. Ready. Slide your finger along
the dots and arrows and listen to the
student say the sounds.

ma s t
● ● ● >

f i sh
● ● ●
• Now we are going to sound out some
words that begin with short sounds.
Remember, we have to put the short
sound together with the next sound

f éé d
● ● > •
without stopping.

I will show you how to do that.

i f
● ●

• Listen. Put your finger on the dot in
front of can. Slide past the arrow under
the c to the dot under the a and say
caaa. Remember not to stop between ●
i m
● ●
the c and the a. Hold the aaa for at
least one second, then slide to the dot
under the n and say nnn for one
second. ●
i d
● >
• Say to the student, Listen while I do that
again. Repeat task.

• Say, Do that with me. When I touch the

sounds, say them with me. ●
r i m
● ● ●
• Ready. Signal. Repeat the task with the

Say, Good sounding out can . You didn’t
stop between the sounds. ●
i n
● ●

h and
• Now try it all by yourself.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
caaannn while you slide along the dots
and arrow with your finger. Repeat. ● > ● ● >

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. Student says, can.

i d
● >
• Repeat task for each of the words in the
d ad
c >
an ● > ● >
● ● ●
c a sh

c >
a t s >
● > ● ●

● ●
Correction Procedure

h >
i m
● ●
If the student miscalls a sound or
stops between the sounds, say, My
turn. Slide along the dots and arrows
as you sound out the word.
Then say, Do that with me. Ready.

h >
● >
Say, Good work! Now it’s your turn to
sound out the word.

TASK 10: PRACTICING NOTE: Some students may already know
ALPHABET LETTERS the alphabet letter names and may require
only a brief review of these letters.

• Say to the student, Let’s practice some
alphabet letters. As I touch each letter, Correction Procedure
tell me its name. Stop the student. Say, That letter’s
name is (letter name).
• First letter. Say that letter’s name for me. Ready.
• Ready. Signal. Signal.

• Repeat for each letter. TASK 12: TEACHING

Aa Bb Cc Dd • Point to the alphabet letters in Tasks 10
and 11.
Ee Ff Gg Hh • Say, Remember, some letters in the
alphabet are called vowels. Other letters
are called consonants.
Ii Jj Kk Ll
• While indicating the vowels, say, Aa,
Ee, Ii, Oo and Uu are vowel letters.
Mm Nn Oo Pp They are underlined.

✓ If the student makes an error, use the

correction procedure (my turn, do it
• Point to the other letters and say, The
other letters are consonants.
with me, your turn) as in previous
Lessons and begin that row again. • Touch each letter. Ask the student, Is
this a vowel letter or a consonant letter?
TASK 11: TEACHING • Ready. Signal.

• Say, Now we are going to learn the names

of some more letters of the alphabet.
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error
identifying a letter, tell them the
correct answer and repeat the Task
• I will touch the letter and say its name. from the beginning.
• Touch the letter Qq and say, This letter’s
name is Qq .
• Your turn to say this letter’s name. IRREGULAR WORDS
• Ready. Touch Qq. Student says, Qq.
• Say, Now we are going to learn some
• Repeat for letters Rr through Vv. words that sound funny if you sound
them out correctly. They are called
Qq Rr Ss Tt irregular words.

Uu Vv
• Point to is. Say, This word says is . • Remember to hold each sound with a
• What does this word say? dot under it for one second. Remember
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, is. not to hold the short sounds. They have
• That’s right, is . an arrow under them. You will have 30
seconds to say as many sounds as you
• Spell is . can. Try not to make mistakes. If you do
• Ready. Signal. Student spells, i-s. not know a sound, go to the next one.
• You may go down the columns (indicate
• What does i-s spell? down) or across (indicate across)..
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, is. Which way would you like to go in this
• You got it. list? Student chooses down or across.
O.K., you are going to go (down or
• Repeat for as, are. across).
• Remember, I will say please begin
is as are when you are to start and thank you
● ● ● when you are to stop.

• Put your finger on the first sound.
Correction Procedure • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
If the student does not say or spell a 30 seconds.
word correctly, model it for them, • Say, Thank you.
have them repeat it and start at the
beginning of the Task. • Make a pencil mark in the list where the
student ended.. Determine the number
TASK 14: of errors and/or skipped sounds.
SOUND FLUENCY CHECK 1 Subtract the number of errors from the
total sounds said. Put a star to mark the
(For detailed total number of sounds the student said
information regarding Fluency Checks, correctly on this attempt.
see page 25 of the Instructor’s Guide.) • Say to student, To know how many
sounds you said in one minute, I will
• To be done with one student at a time. multiply your scores by 2 and we will
Say to the student, Turn to page 2 in record them in the back of your
your Reader. Help student to find the Workbook. This time you said (number)
correct page. sounds per minute with (number) errors.
• This is a list of all the sounds you have • Using a pencil, record sounds said
learned so far. I want to find out how correctly per minute in the Sounds Said
well you know these sounds. I am going Correctly column for Day 1 of Sound
to time you for 30 seconds now to see Fluency Check 1 on page 122 of the
how many of these sounds you can say Student Workbook.
correctly. • Record number of errors and/or skipped
• We will practice this list for five sounds per minute in the Learning
Lessons. You must be able to say at Opportunities column.
least 25 sounds correctly in the • If the student wants to do the task
30-second time period. If you are again, give him/her the opportunity to
unable to do this, I will reteach you the improve his/her score. Record the best
first five Lessons. score of the day as today’s score.
TASK 15: • Say to student, To know how many
WORD FLUENCY CHECK 1 words you read in one minute, I will
(Remember to refer multiply your scores by 2 and we will
to page 25 in the Instructor’s Guide for record them in the back of your
detailed information concerning Workbook.
Fluency Checks.) • This time you read (number) words per
minute with (number) errors.
• To be done with one student at a time. • Using a pencil, record words read
Say to the student, On page 3 in your correctly per minute in the Words Read
Reader there is a list of words from the Correctly column for Day 1 of Word
Lessons you have done. Fluency Check 1 on page 123 of the
• You are going to be timed reading this Student Workbook.
list now, and again following Lessons 6, • Record number of errors and/or skipped
7, 8 and 9. words per minute in the Learning
• You must be able to read at least 30 Opportunities column.
words correctly in a 30-second time • If the student wants to do the task
period. If you are unable to do this, I will again, give him/her the opportunity to
reteach you the first five Lessons. improve his/her score. Record the best
• You are going to read these words as score of the day as today’s score.
quickly as you can when I say please
begin. You will have 30 seconds to read TASK 16:
as many words as you can. Try not to WORKBOOK EXERCISES
make mistakes. If you do not know a
word, go to the next one. • Say, Now we are going to do the
• You may read down the columns Workbook Exercises.
(indicate down) or across (indicate • Open your Workbook to Lesson 5 on
across).. Which way would you like to page 15. Check.
read this list? Student chooses down or
across. O.K., you are going to read Exercise 1: Printing Sounds
(down or across).
• Remember, I will say please begin • Find Exercise 1. You are going to
when you are to start and thank you practice printing the letters for the new
when you are to stop. sounds that you learned.
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that
• Put your finger on the first word. sound.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for • Ready. Signal. Student says, nnn.
30 seconds. • Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow
• Say, Thank you. the arrow and trace the line down.
• Now put your pencil on the small ball.
• Make a pencil mark in the list where the Follow the arrow.
student ended.. Determine the number • You just printed the sound nnn . What
of errors and/or skipped words. Subtract sound?
the number of errors from the total • Ready. Signal. Student says, nnn.
words read. Put a star to mark the total • Have the student use the balls and
number of words the student read arrows to trace four of the sound nnn.
correctly on this attempt. • Repeat for shshsh and ing.

Exercise 2: Reading Numbers • Touch the picture at the top of the
puzzle. Check. What is that a picture
• Find Exercise 2. The numbers 1 to 10 of?
are written here. I’m going to touch • Ready. Signal. Student says, a hand.
each number. You say the numbers • That’s right. Listen. haaannnd. What’s
with me. the first sound in the word hand ?
• Ready. Instructor touches each number • Ready. Signal. Student says, h.
and says the numbers with the student. • Follow the balls and arrows and print
• Good. Now it’s your turn to say those the sound h in that box. Check. What
numbers by yourself. Touch each sound did you print?
number and say it. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, h.
• Ready. Signal. • Yes, h. The next two sounds are done
• Repeat task. for you. What are those sounds?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa and
Exercise 3: Printing Initial Sounds nnn.
• Good. Listen again. haaannnd. What’s
• Say, Find Exercise 3. In Exercise 3 the last sound in hand?
there are some pictures with some • Ready. Signal. Student says, d.
letters beside them. • Follow the balls and arrows to print the
• Touch the first picture. What is that a sound d. Check.
picture of? • That’s correct. You printed the word
• Ready. Signal. Student says, a fish. hand. What word?
• Yes, that is a picture of a fish. What • Ready. Signal. Student says, hand.
sound does the word fish begin with? • Repeat for man, fan and can.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, fff.
• Yes, fff. Now you are going to print the Exercise 5: Printing Sounds
sound fff . Put your pencil on the big
ball. Follow the arrow and trace the line. • In Exercise 5 you are going to practice
• Put your pencil on the small ball. Trace printing the letters for other sounds that
the line across. you know.
• Say, Good for you! You printed the • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
sound fff . What’s that sound? sound.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, fff. • Ready. Signal. Student says, ééé.
• Look at the next fff and get ready to • Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow
trace it. Student traces four more fff’s. the arrow and trace the line.
• Repeat instructions for ring (rrr) and hat • Now put your pencil on the small ball.
(h). Follow the arrow.
• You just printed the sound ééé . What
*Exercise 4: Crossword Puzzle sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ééé.
• Find Exercise 4. Check. This graphic • Have the student use the balls and
(point to it) tells you that you are going arrows to trace three more ééé’s.
to do a crossword puzzle. • Repeat for d, iii, sss, c and ththth.
• There are pictures near the puzzle to
help you know what word to print in the

Exercise 6: Answering a Riddle LESSON 6
• Put your finger on Exercise 6. It’s a TASK 1: TEACHING THE
riddle! SOUND g as in gas
• The riddle is: What do you call a fish
with no eye? • This is a short sound.
• To answer this riddle you are going to • Listen. Tap the arrow under the g and
cross out all the short sounds t. The lift your finger immediately as you say g.
letters that are left will be the answer. • Repeat.
• Take your pencil and cross out all the
t’s. Check. • Do that with me.
• Now print the letters that remain in the • Ready. Signal.
spaces below. • Repeat.
• So what do you call a fish with no eye?
• That’s right, fsh! • Now it’s your turn. Say the sound when
I touch it.
TASK 17: • Ready. Signal.
AWARDING POINTS • Repeat until the student says the sound
• Tell the student that s/he has completed
Lesson 5 and has earned points for
working hard, paying attention, following
instructions, completing the Workbook
Exercises and for doing well on the
Sound and Word Fluency Checks. >
• Determine and circle the number of
points the student has earned in each
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
• Record the total points for Lesson 5 on
the chart provided on page 125 of the
End of Lesson 5
• Now we are going to sound out some
words that have the short sound you
just learned. We have to put the sounds
together without stopping.

• Listen. Put your finger on the dot in dots and arrows as you sound out
front of gas. Slide past the arrow under the word.
the g to the dot under the a and say Then say, Do that with me. Ready.
gaaa. Remember not to stop between Signal.
the g and the a. Hold the a for at least Say, Good work! Now it’s your turn to
one second, then slide to the dot under sound out the word. Slide your finger
the s and say sss for one second. along the dots and arrows as the
• Repeat. student sounds out the word.

• Say, Do that with me. When I touch the TASK 3: TEACHING THE
sounds, say them with me. SOUND e as in met
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat. • Now we’re going to learn another new
• Say, Good sounding out gas . You didn’t sound.
stop between the sounds. • Listen. Touch the dot under the e and
say eee for one second. Lift your finger.
• Now try it all by yourself. • Repeat.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
gaaasss while you slide along the arrow • Say the sound with me.
and dots with your finger. • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat.
• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, gas. • Your turn.
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat the Task for each of the words • Repeat the task until the student does it
in the list. as instructed.

ga s e ●
● > ● ●

t ag ✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
> > your turn) as in previous Lessons.
● ●


g a sh •

Say, Now we are going to sound out

● > ● ●
some words that have the sound you
just learned. I will touch the sounds in

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student miscalls a sound, holds

the first word and say them.
Listen. Slide your finger along the dots
and arrow for the sounds in set and say
a short sound or stops between the
sounds, say, My turn. Slide along the
• Say to the student, Say the sounds with Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
me. and arrows and say the sounds with the
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots student. Repeat.
and arrow, say the sounds and listen as Say, Now it is your turn to say these
the student says the sounds with you. sounds. Ready. Slide your finger along
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the the dots and arrows and listen to the
word set . student say the sounds.

• Say, Now do that all by yourself. TASK 5: TEACHING THE

• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots SOUND o as in on
and arrow as the student says the
sounds. • Time to learn one more new sound.
• Say, Good saying the sounds. • Listen. Touch the dot under the o and
say ooo for one second. Lift your finger.
• What’s that word? • Repeat.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, set.
• Say the sound with me.
• Repeat Task for each word in the list. • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat.

se● ●

Your turn.
Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed.

en● ●
d> o●

me● ●
t> ✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

r e
● ●
s t
● >
your turn) as in previous Lessons.


✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says the wrong sound,
• Say, Now we are going to sound out
some words that have the sound you
just learned. I will touch the sounds in
stops between the sounds or does not
say the sounds when you touch them, the first word and say them.
say, Listen to me say these sounds.
Sound out the word.
Then say, Say these sounds with me.

• Listen. Slide your finger along the dots Say, Now it is your turn to say these
and arrow for the sounds in rod and say sounds. Ready. Slide your finger
them. along the dots and arrows and listen
to the student say the sounds.
• Say to the student, Say the sounds with
me. TASK 7:
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots PRACTICING SOUNDS
and arrow, say the sounds and listen as
the student says the sounds with you. • Say, Now let’s see if you can remember
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the all of the sounds you have learned.
word rod . • I am going to touch each of the sounds.
When I touch the sound, you say it. If
• Say, Now do that all by yourself. you make three mistakes, we will
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots practice the sounds and then try again.
and arrow as the student says the
sounds. • Put your finger on the first sound.
• Say, Good saying the sounds. • Say, What’s this sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, c.
• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, rod. • Next sound.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ééé.
• Repeat Task for each word in the list.
• Repeat for each sound in the list.

r od
● ● >
Remember to touch and hold the dot
under the continuous sounds for one
second and to tap the arrow under the
short sounds.

ho t
> ● >
c é s o
> ● ● ●

sh o t
● ● >
g e d th
> ● > ●

é m a ing r
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says the wrong sound,
● ● ● ● ●

stops between the sounds or does

not say the sounds when you touch
them, say, Listen to me say these
h o n sh f
> ● ● ● ●
sounds. Sound out the word.
Then say, Say these sounds with me.
Ready. Slide your finger along the g ing n sh f
dots and arrows and say the sounds > ● ● ● ●
with the student. Repeat.
th h c i r f r om
● > > ● ●
● ● ● ● ●

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student is not able to say all of ma n
the sounds in the list with fewer than ● ● ● ●
three errors, change the task. Model

th i s
the sounds in the first row and have the
student practice only that row three or
four times. Then model the sounds in
the next row and have the student do it ● ● ● ●
three or four times. Repeat for the rest
of the rows. Do not spend more than
two to three minutes on this Task. If the
student is still having difficulty, take a ●
m i ss
● ● ●
short break and repeat the Lesson from

s t i ff
the beginning.


• Say, Now we are going to sound out

some words that are made from the
sounds we have learned. I will touch the
s ing
sounds in the first word and say them. ● ● ●
• Listen. Slide your finger along the dots

for the sounds in from and say them.

Say to the student, Say the sounds with ●


e nd
● ● >
Ready. Slide your finger along the dots,
o ff

say the sounds and listen as the
student says the sounds with you.
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the ● ● ●
word from .

Now do that all by yourself.
Ready. Slide your finger along the dots ●


as the student says the sounds.

a dd
• Say, Good saying the sounds.

• What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal. Student says, from. ● ● >

• Repeat Task for each word in the list.


o f t en
● ● > ● ● •

Turn to TASK 8 in this Lesson.

• Say, Now you are going to practice the

so ng words you just sounded out so that you

can read them quickly and correctly.
When I touch each word, you read it.
● ● ● ● >
• First word.


r éé
● ●
• Ready. Slide finger under word. Student
reads, from.

• Next word.
• Ready. Signal.

r i m • Repeat for each word in list.

● ● ●
Correction Procedure


n ●
If the student makes an error, miscalls
the word or guesses, practice
sounding out the word three or four
times and then try the task again.


dd >

• Now we are going to sound out some

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says the wrong sound,
words that begin with short sounds.
Remember, we have to put the short
sound together with the next sound
stops between the sounds or does
not say the sounds when you touch without stopping.
them, say, Listen to me say these
sounds. Sound out the word. • I will show you how to do that.
Then say, Say these sounds with me. • Listen. Put your finger on the dot in
Ready. Slide your finger along the front of cot. Slide past the arrow under
dots and arrows and say the sounds the c to the dot under the o and say
with the student. Repeat. cooo. Remember not to stop between
Say, Now it is your turn to say these the c and the o. Hold the o for at least
sounds. Ready. Slide your finger one second, then slide past the arrow
along the dots and arrows and listen under the t as you say t.
to the student say the sounds. • Say to the student, Listen while I do that
again. Repeat task.

• Say, Do that with me. When I touch the

sounds, say them with me.

Ready. Signal. Repeat the task with the
Say, Good sounding out cot . You didn’t
g r i n
● > ● ● ●
stop between the sounds.

Now try it all by yourself.
Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
cooot while you slide along the dots and
g r i m
arrows with your finger. Repeat. ● > ● ● ●

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. Student says, cot.

t i n
> ● ●
• Repeat task for each of the words in the

c o t ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student miscalls a sound or
> > stops between the sounds, say, My
● ●
turn. Slide along the dots and arrows
as you sound out the word.

ge t Then say, Do that with me. Ready.

Say, Good work! Now it’s your turn to
● > ● > sound out the word. Slide your finger
along the dots and arrows as the

go t student sounds out the word.



d r ag •

Say, Now we are going to read some
words that rhyme with end .
Touch the dot in front of the word end.
● > ● ● > Slide your finger along the line and say

> ● ● >

Say, What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. Student replies, end.

g r éé n ●
● > ● ● ●

• Touch the dot in front of the next word, • First letter.
send. • Ready. Signal.
• Say, This word rhymes with end .
• My Turn. Listen. Slide your finger along • Repeat for each letter.
the line and say send.

• Do that with me. Aa Bb Cc Dd

• Ready. Signal. Repeat task with
student. Ee Ff Gg Hh
• Say, Your turn to rhyme with end .
• What’s this word? Ii Jj Kk Ll
• Ready. Slide your finger along the line
under send and listen to the student
say send. Mm Nn Oo Pp
• Repeat for each word. Qq Rr Ss Tt
● Uu Vv

send ✓ If the student makes an error, use the
correction procedure (my turn, do it
with me, your turn) as in previous
mend Lessons and begin that row again.


• Say, We are going to read the irregular
tend words you learned in the last Lesson.
● First I will read the word, then you will
read the word and spell it.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the word

The first word is is .
What word?
correctly, say, This word is (correct • Ready. Signal. Student says, is.
word). What word? Repeat task from • Yes, is.
• Spell is .
TASK 12: PRACTICING • Ready. Signal. Student spells, i-s.
• Repeat for each word.
• Say to the student, As I touch each
letter, tell me its name. is as are
● ● ●

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student reads a word incorrectly
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say or spell a
or does not know a word, say, That word correctly, model it for them,
word is (correct word). have them repeat it and start at the
Say that word with me. Ready. beginning of the Task.
What’s that word? Ready. Signal. TASK 15: SOUND
If the student misspells a word, say, FLUENCY CHECK 1
That word is spelled (correct
spelling). • To be done with one student at a time.
Spell that word with me. Ready. Say to the student, Turn to page 2 in
Signal. your Reader. Check.
Your turn to spell that word. Ready. • This is the list of sounds from Lessons
Signal. 1 to 5. Find the star which shows how
many sounds you said correctly last
IRREGULAR WORDS • Let’s see if you can say more sounds
today. Say them quickly but remember
• Say, Here are some new irregular to hold the sounds with a dot under
words. First I will read the word, then them for one second. Remember not to
you will read the word and spell it. hold the short sounds with the arrow
under them. Try not to make mistakes.
• Listen. The first word is his . If you do not know a sound, go to the
• What word? next one.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, his. • Last time you went (down or across).
• Yes, his. You will go that way again.
• Remember, I will say please begin
• Spell his . when you are to start and thank you
• Ready. Signal. Student spells, h-i-s. when you are to stop.

• Repeat for each word. • Put your finger on the first sound.
• Ready. Please begin.
his • Time student for 30 seconds.
● • Say, Thank you.

has • Make a pencil mark in the list where the

student ended.. Determine the number

of errors and/or skipped sounds.
to Subtract the number of errors from the
total sounds said. Put a star to mark the

total number of sounds the student said
into •
correctly on this attempt.
Say to student, To know how many

sounds you said in one minute, I will
multiply your scores by 2 and we will

record them in the back of your correctly on this attempt.
Workbook. This time you said (number) • Say to student, To know how many
sounds per minute with (number) errors. words you read in one minute, I will
• Using a pencil, record sounds said multiply your scores by 2 and we will
correctly per minute in the Sounds Said record them in the back of your
Correctly column for Day 2 of Sound Workbook. This time you read (number)
Fluency Check 1 on page 122 of the words per minute with (number) errors.
Student Workbook. • Using a pencil, record words read
• Record number of errors and/or skipped correctly per minute in the Words Read
sounds per minute in the Learning Correctly column for Day 2 of Word
Opportunities column. Fluency Check 1 on page 123 of the
• If the student wants to do the task Student Workbook.
again, give him/her the opportunity to • Record number of errors and/or skipped
improve his/her score. Record the best words per minute in the Learning
score of the day as today’s score. Opportunities column.
• If the student wants to do the task
TASK 16: WORD again, give him/her the opportunity to
FLUENCY CHECK 1 improve his/her score. Record the best
score of the day as today’s score.
• To be done with one student at a time.
Say to the student, Turn to page 3 in TASK 17:
• This is the list of words from Lessons 1
to 5. Find the star which shows how • Say, Now we are going to do the
many words you read correctly last Workbook part of the Lesson.
time. • Open your Workbook to Lesson 6 on
• Let’s see if you can read more words page 18. Check.
today. Read as quickly as you can. Try
not to make mistakes. If you do not Exercise 1: Printing Sounds
know a word, go to the next one.
• Last time you read (down or across). • Find Exercise 1. You are going to
You will read that way again. practice printing the letters for sounds
• Remember, I will say please begin that you know.
when you are to start and thank you • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
when you are to stop. sound.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, sss.
• Put your finger on the first word. • Put your pencil on the ball. Follow the
• Ready. Please begin. arrow and trace the loop.
• Time student for 30 seconds. • Have the student use the ball and arrow
• Say, Thank you. to trace three sss’s.
• Repeat for c, ééé, d, h and nnn.
• Make a pencil mark in the list where the
student ended.. Determine the number *Exercise 2: Crossing Out Short Sounds
of errors and/or skipped words. Subtract
the number of errors from the total • Find Exercise 2. Some of the words that
words read. Put a star to mark the total are printed here have short sounds.
number of words the student read You must look at each word and cross
out every short sound. • The four words with a blank in front of
• Find the first word. What is that word? them all rhyme with end . You must add
• Ready. Signal. Student says, from. one of the sounds in the megaphone to
• Say the first sound in from . the beginning of each word to make it
• Ready. Signal. Student says, fff. rhyme.
• That’s correct. Is fff a short sound? • What is the first sound in the
• Ready . Signal. Student says, no. megaphone?
• So do we cross it out? • Ready. Signal. Student says, sss.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no. • Yes, sss. Print the sound sss in the first
• What is the next sound in from ? blank. Check.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, rrr. • Now sound out that word. Student
• Is rrr a short sound? sounds out, ssseeennnd.
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, no. • What word?
• So do you cross it out? • Ready. Signal. Student says, send.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no. • That’s good, send .
• Repeat for each sound in each word. • Repeat for each sound.
• Which one of these four words uses a
Exercise 3: Printing Sounds needle and thread?
• That’s right, mend . Print the word
• In Exercise 3 you are going to practice mend in the blanks. Check.
printing the letters for the new sounds
that you learned. Exercise 5: Word Search Puzzle
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that
sound. • Find Exercise 5. It’s a word search
• Ready. Signal. Student says, g. puzzle.
• Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow • In this puzzle the words in the list (point
the arrow and trace the loop. to list on right) can go across or down.
• Now put your pencil on the small ball. There are three words that go down.
Follow the arrow down. They have been done for you. Find
• You just printed the sound g. What those words and read them.
sound? • Ready. Signal. Student answers, often,
• Ready. Signal. Student says, g. set, green.
• Have the student use the balls and • Now read the first word in the list that
arrows to trace all six of the short sound you will be looking for. They will all go
g. across.
• Repeat for ooo. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, grin.
• Look inside the box of letters. Go
*Exercise 4: Rhyme Time! through each row until you find the
letters g-r-i-n.
• Find Exercise 4. The big ear (point to • Draw a circle around the word grin .
the graphic) tells you that this is a • Put a check mark beside the word grin
Rhyme Time! exercise. in the list so that you know you have
• There are some sounds written inside found it.
the megaphone. Read these sounds. • Repeat for each word in the list.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, sss,
mmm, fff and t as you touch each of
TASK 18:
• Tell the student that s/he has completed
Lesson 6 and has earned points for • Say, Now we are going to sound out
working hard, paying attention, following some words that are made from the
instructions, completing the Workbook sounds we have learned. I will touch the
Exercises and for doing well on the sounds in the first word and say them.
Sound and Word Fluency Checks. • Listen. Slide your finger along the dots
• Determine and circle the number of and arrow for the sounds in not and say
points the student has earned in each them.
• Record the total points for Lesson 6 on • Say to the student, Say the sounds with
the chart provided on page 125 of the me.
Workbook. • Ready. Signal.
• Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
End of Lesson 6 word not .

• Now do that all by yourself.

• Ready. Signal.
• Say, Good saying the sounds.

• What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal. Student says, not.

• Repeat Task for each word in the list.

no t
● ● >

s éé m
● ● ●

r ed
● ● >

sh o t
● ● >

th r éé
● ● ●

Correction Procedure
If the student says the wrong sound,
stops between the sounds or does
not say the sounds when you touch

th e n
● ● ● ●
them, say, Listen to me say these
sounds. Sound out the word.
Then say, Say these sounds with me.
Ready. Signal. Say, You did it!

r a f t
● ● ● >
Say, Now it is your turn to say these
sounds. Ready. Signal.


É d i th
● ● > ● ●

Turn to TASK 1 in this Lesson.
Say, Now you are going to practice the
words you just sounded out so that you

f i s t
● ● ● > •
can read them quickly and correctly.
When I touch each word, you read it.

First word.
• Ready. Slide finger under word. Student

sh i f t
● ● ● ● > •
reads, not.

Repeat for each word in list.

sh a f t ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error,
miscalls the word or guesses,
● ● ● ● >
practice sounding out the word three
or four times and then try the task

f i sh
● ● ●

f i sh ing
● ● ● ● ●

f i n s
● ● ● ●

TASK 3: SAYING THE the row and redo the row before
UNDERLINED SOUNDS AND going on to the next one.
• Put your finger on the underlined sound WORDS THAT BEGIN WITH
in the first word. SHORT SOUNDS
• Say, Tell me the sound that is
underlined. • Now we are going to sound out some
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. words that begin with short sounds.
• That’s right, aaa. Remember, we have to put the short
sound together with the next sound
• Now tell me the word. without stopping.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, at.
• I will show you how to do that.
• Repeat Task for each of the words in • Listen. Put your finger on the dot in
the list. front of had. Slide past the arrow under
the h to the dot under the a and say
haaa. Remember not to stop between
at th is an the h and the a. Hold the aaa for at
least one second, then slide past the d
and say d.
can sh é if • Say to the student, Listen while I do that
again. Repeat task.

thin him fast • Say, Do that with me. When I touch the
sounds, say them with me.
• Ready. Signal. Repeat the task with the
and it hid student.
• Say, Good sounding out had . You didn’t
stop between the sounds.
ham mast
• Now try it all by yourself.

• Ready. Signal. Repeat.
Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error saying • What’s that word?
the sound or the word, say, The • Ready. Signal. Student says, had.
underlined sound is (correct sound).
Do that sound with me. Ready. • Repeat task for each of the words in the
Signal. Student says, (correct sound) list.
with you.
Your turn. Tell me the underlined
sound. Ready. Signal.
Good. Now sound out the word.
Ready. Signal. ●
> ● >
Say, That’s right. Now say the word.
Good. Go back to the beginning of

turn. Slide along the dots and arrows

d i d
> ● >
as you sound out the word.
Then say, Do that with me. Ready.
Say, Good work! Now it’s your turn to

g r éé n sound out the word. Slide your finger

along the dots and arrows as the
student sounds out the word.
● > ● ● ●


● > ● ● > • Say to the student, As I touch each

letter, tell me its name.

r ●
a sh
● ●

First letter.
Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each letter.

a ●
t s
> ● Aa Bb Cc Dd

a ●
s t s
● > ●
Gg Hh
Kk Ll
c a s t ing Mm Nn Oo Pp
● > ● ● > ●
Qq Rr Ss Tt

h i t s
> ●
> ●

c r a f t ✓ Correction Procedure
Say, That letter’s name is (letter
● > ● ● ● > Say that letter’s name for me. Ready.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student miscalls a sound or
stops between the sounds, say, My


• Say, Now we are going to learn the names • Say, We are going to read the irregular
of the rest of the letters of the alphabet. words you have learned. First I will read
the word, then you will read the word
• I will touch each letter and say its name. and spell it.
• Listen. Touch the letter Ww and say, This
letter’s name is Ww . • The first word is his .
• What word?
• Your turn to say this letter’s name. • Ready. Signal.
• Ready. Touch Ww. Student says, Ww. • Yes, his .

• Repeat for letters Xx through Zz. • Spell his .

• Ready. Signal.
Ww Xx Yy Zz • Repeat for each word.
NOTE: Some students may already know
the alphabet letter names and may require

only a brief review of these letters.

✓ Correction Procedure
Say, That letter’s name is (letter ●
Say that letter’s name for me. Ready. to
Signal. ●



• Point to the alphabet letters in Tasks 5 is

and 6. ●
• Say to the student, As I touch each
letter, tell me whether it is a vowel or a as
consonant. ●

First letter.
Ready. Signal.

Repeat for each letter.

If the student makes an error, use the

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student reads a word incorrectly
correction procedure as in previous or does not know a word, say, That
Lessons. word is (correct word).
Say that word with me. Ready.

What’s that word? Ready. Signal. added) a word. Look at each word
If the student misspells a word, say, and say it.
That word is spelled (correct Start that sentence over from the
spelling). beginning, please. Ready. Signal.
Spell that word with me. Ready. If the student makes more than 6
Signal. errors on this TASK, review the entire
Your turn to spell that word. Ready. Lesson and do the TASK again.
• To be done with one student at a time.
• Now you are going to read some Say to the student, Time for another
sentences made up of words that you Sound Fluency Check. Turn to page 2
know. in your Reader. Check to make sure the
• Turn to Lesson 7 on page 4 in your student has the correct page.
Reader. Check to make sure the • Find the star which shows how many
student has the correct page. sounds you said correctly last time.
• Put your finger on the first sentence. Let’s see if you can say more sounds
• Read that sentence. today.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, Edith has • Last time you went (down or across).
a fast craft. You will go that way again.
• Say, Good reading!
• Put your finger on the first sound.
• Put your finger on number 2. Read that • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
sentence. 30 seconds.
• Ready. Signal. • Say, Thank you.

• Repeat for each sentence in the Exercise. • Make a pencil mark in the list where the
student ended.. Determine the number
1. Edith has a fast craft. of errors and/or skipped sounds.
2. This fast craft is a raft. Subtract the number of errors from the
3. The raft has a mast. total sounds said. Put a star to mark the
4. Edith is fishing. total number of sounds the student said
5. Edith can see three fast fish. correctly on this attempt.
6. She casts ham at the fish. • Say to student, To know how many
7. A fat fish hits the ham. sounds you said in one minute, I will
8. Edith has a fat fish. multiply your scores by 2 and we will

record them in the back of your
Correction Procedure Workbook. This time you said (number)
If the student reads a word sounds per minute with (number) errors.
incorrectly, say, Sound out that word • Using a pencil, record sounds said
for me. Ready. Signal. correctly per minute in the Sounds Said
Say, That’s right. Now read the Correctly column for Day 3 of Sound
sentence over again. Ready. Signal. Fluency Check 1 on page 122 of the
If the student skips a word or adds a Student Workbook.
word, say, Wait. You missed (or • Record number of errors and/or skipped
sounds per minute in the Learning • If the student wants to do the task
Opportunities column. again, give him/her the opportunity to
• If the student wants to do the task improve his/her score. Record the best
again, give him/her the opportunity to score of the day as today’s score.
improve his/her score. Record the best
score of the day as today’s score. TASK 12:
FLUENCY CHECK 1 • Say, Now we are going to do the
Workbook part of the Lesson.
• To be done with one student at a time. • Open your Workbook to Lesson 7 on
Say to the student, Time for another page 21. Check.
Word Fluency Check. Turn to page 3 in
your Reader. Exercise 1: Connecting Sounds to Words
• Find the star which shows how many
words you read correctly last time. Let’s • Look at Exercise 1. In this exercise
see if you can read more words today. there is a list of short sounds (point to
• Last time you read (down or across). the list of sounds on the left) and a list
You will read that way again. of words (point to the list of words on
the right).. You must connect each of the
• Put your finger on the first word. short sounds to a word that has that
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for sound in it.
30 seconds. • What is the first short sound in the list?
• Say, Thank you. • Ready. Signal. The student responds, t.
• That’s correct. Now read the first word
• Make a pencil mark in the list where the in the list.
student ended.. Determine the number • Ready. Signal. Student reads, on.
of errors and/or skipped words. Subtract • Yes, on . Does on have the short sound
the number of errors from the total t?
words read. Put a star to mark the total • Ready. Signal. Student says, no.
number of words the student read • Repeat with each word until the student
correctly on this attempt. finds the short sound t.
• Say to student, To know how many • Then say, Draw a line to join the short
words you read in one minute, I will sound t to the word raft . Check.
multiply your scores by 2 and we will • Repeat for each sound in the list.
record them in the back of your
Workbook. This time you read (number) Exercise 2: Printing Words
words per minute with (number) errors.
• Using a pencil, record words read • Now let’s do Exercise 2. You are going
correctly per minute in the Words Read to practice printing some words that
Correctly column for Day 3 of Word have sounds that you know.
Fluency Check 1 on page 123 of the • Touch the first word. Tell me that word.
Student Workbook. • Ready. Signal. Student says, fishing.
• Record number of errors and/or skipped • Good reading! Follow the balls and
words per minute in the Learning arrows and trace the sounds in the word
Opportunities column. fishing.
• Repeat for can, dog and thin.

*Exercise 3: Circling the Correct Word from • Now sound out the words to find out
the Reader what kind of dog has no tail.
• That’s right, a hot dog!
• Find Exercise 3. The picture of the book
(point to the book graphic) tells you that TASK 13:
you are going to be doing some AWARDING POINTS
questions about a story in your Reader.
Turn to Lesson 7 on page 4 in your • Tell the student that s/he has completed
Reader. Lesson 7 and has earned points for
• In Exercise 3 there are sentences with working hard, paying attention, following
blanks. At the end of each sentence are instructions, completing the Workbook
three choices. You are going to find the Exercises and for doing well on the
correct answer in your Reader and then Sound and Word Fluency Checks.
circle that word here. • Determine and circle the number of
• Read the first sentence. points the student has earned in each
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, Edith has category.
a fast blank. • Record the total points for Lesson 7 on
• Yes, Edith has a fast blank. There are page 125 of the Workbook.
three words to choose from. Read the
three choices. End of Lesson 7
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, craft,
song, hat.
• Which answer goes in the blank?
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, craft.
• That’s correct. Circle the word craft .
Now read the sentence again.
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each sentence.

Exercise 4: Following a Maze

• Find Exercise 4. In this exercise you are

going to take each of these letters (point
to the letters) through the maze to a box
below (point to the boxes).. The
unscrambled letters will spell the
answer to the riddle, What kind of dog
has no tail?
• Put your pencil on the first letter. What’s
that sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, d.
• Yes, d. Follow this letter’s path to the
end. Check that the student is following
the correct path.
• Now print that letter on the line in the
• Repeat for each letter.

THE SOUND w as in wing
wh ●

• Today we’re going to learn some new

✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
• Listen. Touch the dot under the w and
say wooo for one second. Lift your fin- TASK 3: PRACTICING
ger. THE SOUNDS w/wh
• Repeat.
• Now you are going to sound out some
• Say the sound with me.
words that have the sounds you just
• Ready. Signal.
learned. As I touch the sounds, you say
• Repeat. them.
• First word.
• Your turn.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
• Ready. Signal.
word. Repeat.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed. Good work. What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal. Student says, wet.

w ●

Yes, wet .

Repeat for each word in the list.

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me, we t
your turn) as in previous Lessons. ● ● ● >
wh as in when

wh e n
● ● ●

• When these two letters are together,

they also say the sound wooo.
Listen. Touch the dot under the wh and
say wooo for one second. Lift your finger. ●
w i th
● ● ●

Say the sound with me. Keep on saying
it as long as I touch it.
Ready. Signal.

wh a m
● ● ●

• Your turn.

Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed. ●
> ● ●
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,


your turn) as in previous Lessons and
begin the list again.


SOUND l as in let ●


We’re going to learn one more sound.
Listen. Touch the dot under the l and
say lll for one second. Lift your finger.
Repeat. ●

f t
● >

Say the sound with me.
Ready. Signal.
Repeat. ●

a sh
● ●

• Your turn.
• Ready. Signal. If any error occurs, use correction
• Repeat the task until the student does it procedure (my turn, do it with me,
as instructed. your turn) as in previous Lessons and
begin the list again.



✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me, • Say, Now let’s see if you can remember
all of the sounds you have learned.
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
• I am going to touch each of the sounds.
TASK 5: PRACTICING When I touch the sound, you say it. If
THE SOUND l you make three mistakes, we will
practice the sounds and then try again.
• Now you are going to sound out some
words that have the sound you just
learned. As I touch the sounds, you say
• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
word. Repeat.

• Good work. What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal. Student says, lot.

• Repeat for each word in the list.

• Put your finger on the first sound. not spend more than two to three
• Say, What’s this sound? minutes on this Task. If the student is
• Ready. Signal. Student says, c. still having difficulty, take a short
break and repeat the Lesson from the
• Next sound. beginning.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, lll.
• Repeat for each sound in the list. SOUNDING OUT WORDS
Remember to touch and hold the dot
under the continuous sounds for one • Say, Now we are going to sound out
second and to tap the arrow under the some words that are made from the
short sounds. sounds we have learned. I will touch the
sounds in the first word and say them.
c l s o i • Listen. Slide your finger along the dots
and arrow for the sounds in rod and say
> ● ● ● ● them.

g l d t wh • Say to the student, Say the sounds with

> ● > > ●
• Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
and arrow, say the sounds and listen as
e d w ing r •
the student says the sounds with you.
Say, That’s right! You sounded out the
● > ● ● ●
word rod .

h o n sh f • Now do that all by yourself.

Ready. Slide your finger along the dots
> ● ● ● ● •
and arrow as the student says the
g é n m f • Say, Good saying the sounds. Repeat.
> ● ● ● ●
• What’s that word?
th h a i r • Ready. Signal. Student says, rod.

● > ● ● ● • Say, Listen while I say the sounds for

the next word.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student is not able to say all of
• Repeat Task for each word in the list.

r od
the sounds in the list with fewer than
three errors, change the task. Model
the sounds in the first row and have
the student practice only that row ● ● ● >
three or four times. Then model the
sounds in the next row and have the
student do it three or four times.
Repeat for the rest of the rows. Do ●
f an
● ● ●
r e s t
● ● ● ● > ●
n éé d
● ● >

o ff
● ● ● ●
wh éé l
● ● ●

l a s t
● ● ● ● > ●
so f t
● ● ● >

Me g ●
a c r o ss
● > ● ● ●
● ● ● >

f r og ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student says the wrong sound,
stops between the sounds or does
● ● ● ● > not say the sounds when you touch
them, say, Listen to me say these

l and
● ● ● >
sounds. Sound out the word.
Then say, Say these sounds with me.
Ready. Signal. Repeat.
Say, Now it is your turn to say these

g l ad sounds. Ready. Signal.

● > ● ● >
• Turn to TASK 7 in this Lesson.

w i sh
● ● ●
• Say, Now you are going to practice the
words you just sounded out so that you
can read them quickly and correctly.
When I touch each word, you read it.

song >

First word.
Ready. Slide finger under word. Student
● ● ● ● reads, rod.

s t r ong ✓
> >
• Repeat for each word in list.

Correction Procedure
● ● ● ● ● If the student makes an error,
miscalls the word or guesses, the sound or the word, say, The
practice sounding out the word three underlined sound is (correct sound).
or four times and then try the task Do that sound with me. Ready.
again. Signal. Student says, (correct sound)
with you.
TASK 9: SAYING THE Your turn. Tell me the underlined
UNDERLINED SOUNDS AND sound. Ready. Signal.
READING THE WORDS Good. Now sound out the word.
Ready. Signal.
• Put your finger on the underlined sound Say, That’s right. Now say the word.
in the first word. Good. Let’s start that row over again.
• Say, Tell me the sound that is Go back to the beginning of the row
underlined. and redo the row before going on to
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. the next one.
• That’s right, aaa.
TASK 10:
• Now tell me the word. READING WORDS
• Ready. Signal. Student says, had.
• Go to Task 9. Say, Now we are going to
• Repeat Task for each of the words in read these words.
the list.
• Put your finger on the first word. Say,
First word.
h ad him dad • Ready. Signal. Student says, had.
• Say, Good reading.
raft hits fast • Repeat for each word in the list.

sh ift shaft sing ✓ Correction Procedure

If the student makes an error reading
a word, have him/her sound out the
tin on it word and then read it. Go back to the
beginning of the row and redo the
row before going on to the next one.
a nd stand shé
fat th an craft ALPHABET LETTERS

• Say to the student, As I touch each let -

fish ing fins rim ter, tell me its name.

• First letter.
ra m thé th réé • Ready. Signal.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error saying
• Repeat for each letter.

page 5 in your Reader. Check to make
Aa Bb Cc Dd sure the student has the correct page.

Ee Ff Gg Hh • Say, The title is written at the top of the

story. In your Reader the title of the
story will always be underlined.
Ii Jj Kk Ll • Say, Touch the title. Check to see that
the student has his/her finger on the
Mm Nn Oo Pp
• Say, The title tells you what the story is
Qq Rr Ss Tt •
Listen again. The title of a story tells
you what the story is about.
Uu Vv Ww Xx
• Ask the student to read the title.
• Say, The title says Fishing , so what is
Yy Zz this story about? Accept reasonable

✓ Correction Procedure
Say, That letter’s name is (letter

Say, Good. Now let’s read the story.
Read as well as you can. If you make
name). an error, I will help you. If you make
Say that letter’s name for me. Ready. more than 7 errors, we will go back to
Signal. the beginning and read the story again.

TASK 12: PRACTICING • Put your finger on the first word.

VOWELS AND CONSONANTS • Now read the sentence.
• Ready. Signal.
• Say to the student, As I touch each
letter, tell me whether it is a vowel or a Fishing
Dad is on the raft.
• First letter. He is singing a song.
• Ready. Signal. He sees three fast fish.
Dad casts ham at the fish.
• Repeat for each letter. A cat fish is flashing its fins.

✓ If the student makes an error, use the

correction procedure as in previous
It sees the ham.
Meg is at the mast.
She has a frog on a rod.
Lessons. The cat fish is fat and fast.
It hits the frog.
*TASK 13: Meg gets the fat cat fish.
STORY READING She is glad.
The fat cat fish is sad.
• Say to the student, Now you are going The end
to read a story. Turn to Lesson 8 on

correctly per minute in the Sounds Said
Correction Procedure Correctly column for Day 4 of Sound
Say to the student, Wait. That word is Fluency Check 1 on page 122 of the
(correct word). Student Workbook.
What is that word? Ready. Signal. • Record number of errors and/or skipped
Good. Now read that sentence again. sounds per minute in the Learning
Count each error. If the student Opportunities column.
makes 7 errors, reread the story from • If the student wants to do the task
the beginning. again, give him/her the opportunity to
improve his/her score. Record the best
TASK 14: SOUND score of the day as today’s score.
NOTE: If the student has said 50+ sounds FLUENCY CHECK 1
correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive
days, s/he may discontinue timings on NOTE: If the student has read 60+ words
Sound Fluency Check 1 if s/he so chooses. correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive
days, s/he may discontinue timings on
• If the student has not yet accomplished Word Fluency Check 1 if s/he so chooses.
this, say, Time for another Sound
Fluency Check. Turn to page 2 in your • If the student has not yet accomplished
Reader. this, say, Time for another Word
• Let’s see if you can say more sounds Fluency Check. Turn to page 3 in your
than you did the last time. Reader.
• You are going (down or across) in this • Let’s see if you can read more words
list. than you did the last time. You are
reading (down or across) in this list.
• Put your finger on the first sound.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for • Put your finger on the first word.
30 seconds. • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
• Say, Thank you. 30 seconds.
• Say, Thank you.
• Make a pencil mark in the list where the
student ended.. Determine the number • Make a pencil mark in the list where the
of errors and/or skipped sounds. student ended.. Determine the number
Subtract the number of errors from the of errors and/or skipped words. Subtract
total sounds said. Put a star to mark the the number of errors from the total
total number of sounds the student said words read. Put a star to mark the total
correctly on this attempt. number of words the student read
• Say to student, To know how many correctly on this attempt.
sounds you said in one minute, I will • Say to student, To know how many
multiply your scores by 2 and we will words you read in one minute, I will
record them in the back of your multiply your scores by 2 and we will
Workbook. This time you said (number) record them in the back of your
sounds per minute with (number) errors. Workbook. This time you read (number)
• Using a pencil, record sounds said words per minute with (number) errors.

• Using a pencil, record words read • Ready. Signal. Student says, wooo.
correctly per minute in the Words Read • Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow
Correctly column for Day 4 of Word the arrow and trace the line down and
Fluency Check 1 on page 123 of the up.
Student Workbook. • Now put your pencil on the small ball.
• Record number of errors and/or skipped Follow the arrow down and up.
words per minute in the Learning • You just printed the sound wooo . What
Opportunities column. sound?
• If the student wants to do the task • Ready. Signal. Student says, wooo.
again, give him/her the opportunity to • Have the student use the balls and arrows
improve his/her score. Record the best to trace all six of the sound wooo.
score of the day as today’s score. • Repeat for wooo and lll.

TASK 16: Exercise 3: Circling the Correct Word from


• Say, Now we are going to do the • Find Exercise 3. Turn to Lesson 8 on

Workbook part of the Lesson. page 5 in your Reader.
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 8 on • In Exercise 3 there are sentences with
page 24. Check. blanks. Under each blank are three
choices. You are going to find the
Exercise 1: Circling and Crossing out correct answer in your Reader and
Sounds circle that word here.
• Read the first sentence.
• Let’s look at Exercise 1. • Ready. Signal.
• Touch the sound at the beginning of the • Yes, blank is on the raft. There are
first row. What’s that sound? three words under the blank. Read the
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ththth. three choices.
• Yes, ththth. That ththth has a circle • Ready. Signal. Student reads, Dim,
around it. You are going to find all of the Dad, Did.
ththth’s in the row and draw a circle • Which answer goes in the blank?
around them. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, Dad.
• Touch the first sound. Is that ththth ? • That’s correct. Circle the word Dad .
• Repeat for each sound in the row. Now read the sentence again.
When student identifies a ththth, have • Ready. Signal.
him/her circle it. • Repeat for each sentence.
• Repeat for crossed out shshsh’s and
circled g’s. Exercise 4: Printing Words

Exercise 2: Printing Sounds • Now let’s do Exercise 4. You are going

to practice printing two words that have
• Find Exercise 2. You are going to sounds that you know.
practice printing the letters for sounds • Touch the first word. Tell me that word.
that you learned in this Lesson. • Ready. Signal. Student says, fog.
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that • Good reading! Follow the balls and
sound. arrows and trace the sounds in the word

fog. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, This raft
• Repeat for song. is red.
• What colour will the raft be?
Exercise 5: Rhyme Time • Ready. Signal. Student says, red.
• That’s correct. Color the raft red.
• Find Exercise 5. There are some • Have the student read each sentence
sounds written inside the cat’s tail. and then draw and/or color each part of
Read these sounds. the picture.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, sss, fff,
rrr, mmm, c as you touch each of them. TASK 17:
• The words with a blank in front of them AWARDING POINTS
all rhyme with at . You must add one of
the sounds in the cat’s tail to the • Tell the student that s/he has completed
beginning of the word to make a Lesson 8 and has earned points for
rhyming word. working hard, paying attention, following
• What is the first sound in the cat’s tail? instructions, completing the Workbook
• Ready. Signal. Student says, sss. Exercises and for doing well on the
• Yes, sss. Print the sound sss in the first Sound and Word Fluency Checks.
blank. Check. • Determine and circle the number of
• Now sound out that word. Student points the student has earned in each
sounds out, sssaaat. category.
• What word? • Record the total points for Lesson 8 on
• Ready. Signal. Student says, sat. the chart provided on page 125 of the
• That’s good, sat . Workbook
• Repeat for each sound.
• The word for this picture (point to the End of Lesson 8
hat below the cat) also rhymes with at.
What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, hat.
• That’s right! Print the word hat in the
blank spaces. If the student is unsure
how to spell the word hat, have him/her
sound it out and print each sound as
s/he says it.

Exercise 6: Using Instructions to Draw and

Color a Picture

• Now let’s look at Exercise 6. The crayon

(point to graphic) tells you that you are
going to draw and color a picture.
• Point to the picture of the raft. What is
this a picture of?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, a raft.
• That’s right. Now read the first

SOUND u as in sun ●
mu d
● ● >

Today we’re going to learn a new
Listen. Touch the dot under the u and ●
f un
● ● ●
say uuu for one second. Lift your finger.


Say the sound with me.

s un
● ● ●
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat.

Your turn.
Ready. Signal.
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons and
• Repeat the task until the student does it begin the list again.
as instructed.

u● •
SOUND y as in yes

Here’s another new sound.

• Listen. Touch the dot under the y and
If any error occurs, use correction say yééé for one second. Lift your
procedure (my turn, do it with me, finger.
your turn) as in previous Lessons. • Repeat.

TASK 2: PRACTICING • Say the sound with me.

THE SOUND u • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat.
• Now you are going to sound out some
words that have the sound you just • Your turn.
learned. As I touch the sounds, you say • Ready. Signal.
them. • Repeat the task until the student does it
• First word. as instructed.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,


Good work. What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal. Student says, mud. ●

• Repeat for each word in the list.

✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.

TASK 4: PRACTICING sound together with the next sound
THE SOUND y without stopping.

• Now you are going to sound out some • Listen. Put your finger on the dot in
words that have the sound yééé. As I front of tag. Slide past the arrow under
touch the sounds, you say them. the t to the dot under the a and say
• First word. taaa. Remember not to stop between
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out, the t and the a. Hold the a for at least
yéééeeesss. one second, then slide past the g and
say g.
• Good work. What’s that word? • Say to the student, Listen while I do that
• Ready. Signal. Student says, yes. again. Repeat task.

• Sound out the next word. • Say, Do that with me. When I touch the
• Ready. Signal. sounds, say them with me.
• Ready. Signal. Repeat the task with the
• Repeat for each word in the list. student.
• Say, Good sounding out tag . You didn’t

y e s •

stop between the sounds.

Now try it all by yourself.

Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
● ● ● ●
taaag while you slide along the dots and

y e t •

arrows with your finger.

What’s that word?

● ● ● >
• Ready. Signal. Student says, tag.

s t u d y • Repeat task for each of the words in the

● ● > ● > ●

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

t ag
procedure (my turn, do it with me, ● > ● >
your turn) as in previous Lessons and
begin the list again.


ga s

• Now we are going to sound out some

words that begin with short sounds.
g a sh
Remember, we have to put the short ● > ● ●


> ● ●

• Put your finger on the underlined sound

t en
> ● ●

in the first word.
Say, Tell me the sound that is
• Ready. Signal. Student says, fff.

go t •

That’s right, fff.

Now tell me the word.

● > ● > • Ready. Signal. Student says, fat.

d i g • Repeat Task for each of the words in

the list.

● > ● > fat end raf t

dug ham dad on
● > ● >
often fréé whéél

c o s t
> ● ● >
fro g gréén not
rod land send
g l ad rest
● > ● ● >

✓ Correction Procedure ✓ Correction Procedure

If the student makes an error saying
If the student miscalls a sound or the sound or the word, say, The
stops between the sounds, say, My underlined sound is (correct sound).
turn. Slide along the dots and arrows Do that sound with me. Ready.
as you sound out the word. Signal. Student says, (correct sound)
Then say, Do that with me. Ready. with you.
Signal. Your turn. Tell me the underlined
Say, Good work! Now it’s your turn to sound. Ready. Signal.
sound out the word. Ready. Signal. Good. Now sound out the word.
Ready. Signal.
Say, That’s right. Now say the word.

Good. Let’s start that row over again. • Say, Your turn to rhyme with sing .
Go back to the beginning of the row • What’s this word?
and redo the row before going on to • Ready. Slide your finger along the line
the next one. under ring and listen to the student say,
READING WORDS • Repeat for each word.

• Go to Task 6. Say, Now we are going to sing

read these words. ●

Put your finger on the first word.
Say, First word.

• Ready. Signal. Student says, fat.
• Say, Good reading. ding

• Repeat for each word in the list.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error reading ●
a word, have him/her sound out the
word and then read it. Go back to the fling
beginning of the row and redo the ●
row before going on to the next one.

• Say, Now we are going to read some

words that rhyme with sing .
✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the word
• Touch the dot in front of the word sing. correctly, say, This word is (correct
Slide your finger along the line and say word). What word? Repeat task from
sing. beginning.

• Say, What’s that word? TASK 9: PRACTICING

• Ready. Signal. Student replies, sing. ALPHABET LETTERS

• Touch the dot in front of the next word, • Say to the student, As I touch each
ring. letter, tell me its name.
• Say, This word rhymes with sing .
• My Turn. Listen. Slide your finger along • First letter.
the line and say ring. • Ready. Signal.

• Do that with me. • Repeat for each letter.

• Ready. Signal. Repeat task with

you will read the word and spell it.
Aa Bb Cc Dd
• The first word is to .
Ee Ff Gg Hh •

What word?
Ready. Signal.
• Yes, to .
Ii Jj Kk Ll
• Spell to .
• Ready. Signal.
Mm Nn Oo Pp
• Repeat for each word.
Qq Rr Ss Tt

Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz ●

✓ If the student makes an error, use the
correction procedure as in previous

Lessons and begin that row again.


• Say to the student, As I touch each
letter, tell me whether it is a vowel or a his
consonant. ●

• First letter. has

• Ready. Signal. ●

• Repeat for each letter.

✓ If the student makes an error, use the

correction procedure as in previous
Correction Procedure
If the student reads a word incorrectly
or does not know a word, say, That
Lessons. word is (correct word).
Say that word with me. Ready.
IRREGULAR WORDS What’s that word? Ready. Signal.
If the student misspells a word, say,
• Say, We are going to read some That word is spelled (correct
irregular words you have already spelling).
learned. First I will read the word, then Spell that word with me. Ready.

Signal. TASK 13: SOUND
Your turn to spell that word. Ready. FLUENCY CHECK 1
NOTE: If the student has said 50+ sounds
TASK 12: TEACHING correctly in 1 minute for any three days of
IRREGULAR WORDS the last four, s/he may discontinue timings
on Sound Fluency Check 1 if s/he so
• Say, Here are some new irregular chooses.
words. First I will read the word, then
you will read the word and spell it. • If the student has not yet accomplished
this, say, Time for another Sound
• Listen. The first word is said . Fluency Check. Turn to page 2 in your
• What word? Reader.
• Ready. Signal. • Let’s see if you can say more sounds
• Yes, said . than you did the last time. You are
going (down or across) in this list.
• Spell said .
• Ready. Signal. • Put your finger on the first sound.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for
• Repeat for each word. For the word 30 seconds.
there, say, This word means in that • Say, Thank you.
place, as in He is over there . For the
word their, say, This word means they • Make a pencil mark in the list where the
own it, as in Those are their books. student ended.. Determine the number
of errors and/or skipped sounds.
said Subtract the number of errors from the
total sounds said. Put a star to mark the

total number of sounds the student said
there •
correctly on this attempt.
Say to student, To know how many

sounds you said in one minute, I will
their multiply your scores by 2 and we will
record them in the back of your

Workbook. This time you said (number)
sounds per minute with (number) errors.
of • Using a pencil, record sounds said
● correctly per minute in the Sounds Said
Correctly column for Day 5 of Sound
do Fluency Check 1 on page 122 of the
● Student Workbook.
• Record number of errors and/or skipped

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say or spell a •
sounds per minute in the Learning
Opportunities column.
If the student wants to do the task
word correctly, model it for them, again, give him/her the opportunity to
have them repeat it and start at the improve his/her score. Record the best
beginning of the Task. score of the day as today’s score.
NOTE: If the student has been unable to words read. Put a star to mark the total
say at least 50 sounds correctly per minute number of words the student read
at least one time in Sound Fluency Check correctly on this attempt.
1, finish and correct the Workbook • Say to student, To know how many
Exercises for Lesson 9 but do not proceed words you read in one minute, I will
with new material. Instead, reteach multiply your scores by 2 and we will
Lessons 1 through 9. Include daily practice record them in the back of your
and timings on Sound Fluency Check 1 on Workbook. This time you read (number)
page 2. Circle and practice any sounds the words per minute with (number) errors.
student is having difficulty with. Record • Using a pencil, record words read
scores in the Additional Practice columns correctly per minute in the Words Read
for Sound Fluency Check 1 on page 122 of Correctly column for Day 5 of Word
the Student Workbook. Students should Fluency Check 1 on page 123 of the
continue to be awarded points for working Student Workbook.
hard, paying attention, following • Record number of errors and/or skipped
instructions and doing well on fluency words per minute in the Learning
checks. When the student is able to say Opportunities column.
50+ sounds from the list in 1 minute, begin • If the student wants to do the task
Lesson 10. again, give him/her the opportunity to
improve his/her score. Record the best
TASK 14: WORD score of the day as today’s score.
NOTE: If the student has been unable to
NOTE: If the student has read 60+ words read at least 60 words correctly per minute
correctly in 1 minute for any three days of at least one time in Word Fluency Check 1,
the last four, s/he may discontinue timings finish and correct the Workbook Exercises
on Word Fluency Check 1 if s/he so for Lesson 9 but do not proceed with new
chooses. material. Instead, reteach Lessons 1
through 9. Include daily practice and
• If the student has not yet accomplished timings on Word Fluency Check 1 on page
this, say, Time for another Word 3. Circle and practice any words the
Fluency Check. Turn to page 3 in your student is having difficulty with. Record
Reader. scores in the Additional Practice columns
• Let’s see if you can read more words for Word Fluency Check 1 on page 123 of
than you did the last time. You are the Student Workbook. Students should
reading (down or across) in this list. continue to be awarded points for working
hard, paying attention, following
• Put your finger on the first word. instructions and doing well on fluency
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for checks. When the student is able to read
30 seconds. 60+ words from the list in 1 minute, begin
• Say, Thank you. Lesson 10.

• Make a pencil mark in the list where the

student ended.. Determine the number
of errors and/or skipped words. Subtract
the number of errors from the total

TASK 15: • Touch the first word. Check. What’s that
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, fat.
• Say, Now we are going to do the • Now touch the second group of words.
Workbook part of the Lesson. Check to see if the student has touched
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 9 on the second group.
page 28. Check. • Read the first word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, sing.
Exercise 1: Printing Words • Does sing rhyme with fat ?
• Repeat until student finds the correct
• Find Exercise 1. You are going to rhyming word, cat.
practice printing some words that have • Good. Now draw a line to join the words
sounds that you know. fat and cat.
• Touch the first word. Tell me that word. • Repeat for the rest of the words in the
• Ready. Signal. Student says, gas. list.
• Good reading! Follow the balls and
arrows and trace the sounds in the word Exercise 4: Printing Sounds
• Repeat for glad, frog and wing. • Find Exercise 4. You are going to
practice printing the letters for sounds
Exercise 2: Circling Vowels/Crossing out that you know.
Consonants • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
• Let’s go on to Exercise 2. The letters of • Ready. Signal. Student says, uuu.
the alphabet are printed here. Touch • Have the student use the balls and
each letter and say the alphabet for me. arrows to trace all six of the sound uuu.
• Ready. Signal. Student says the • Repeat for yééé, ooo and lll.
• You are going to circle the vowels and Exercise 5: Matching Words
cross out the consonants.
• Touch the first letter. Is Aa a vowel or a • Find Exercise 5. You are going to fill in
consonant letter? the missing letters in these words (point
• Ready. Signal. Student says, a vowel to the words in the right-hand column).
letter. Then you are going to draw a line to
• That’s right. So are you going to circle it match the words that are the same.
or cross it out? • The first word (touch the first word in
• Ready. Signal. Student replies, circle it. the right-hand column) has two letters
• Good! The Aa has been circled for you. and ends in s.
Now let’s do the next letter. • Look down this list (point to the list to
• Repeat for each letter in the alphabet. the left)) and find a word that has two
letters ending in s. What’s the first
Exercise 3: Matching Rhyming Words word?
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, said.
• Find Exercise 3 on your worksheet. • Go through the list until the student
• You are going to draw a line to match finds the correct word.
rhyming words. • That’s right. The word is has two letters

and ends in s. What’s the other letter in LESSON 10
the word is ?
• Good. Print i on the line in front of s to *TASK 1: TEACHING
spell the word is . VOWEL LETTER SOUNDS
• Now draw a line to join the two words.
• Repeat for the rest of the words in the • Point to the vowels and say to the
list. student, These are the vowel letters of
the alphabet. Each of these letters has
Exercise 6: Answering a Riddle two sounds. You have learned one of
the sounds for each of these letters.
• Put your finger on Exercise 6. The
riddle is, What kind of food do cans • Listen while I say each of those sounds.
like? Touch each of the letters and say the
• To answer this riddle you are going to sound for that letter.
cross out all the h sounds. The letters
that are left will be the answer. • Say, Do that with me. When I touch
• Take your pencil and cross out all the each letter, we will say the sound for
h’s. that letter.
• Now print the letters that remain in the • Ready. Touch each letter and say the
spaces below. sound with the student.
• What kind of food do cans like? • Say, Good saying those vowel sounds.
• That’s right, candy!
• Now say the sounds all by yourself.
TASK 16: When I touch the letter, you say the
• Ready. Touch each vowel and listen to
• Tell the student that s/he has completed the student say its sound.
Lesson 9 and has earned points for • Good job. Do that for me one more
working hard, paying attention, following time.
instructions, completing the Workbook • Ready. Touch each letter and listen to
Exercises and for doing well on the the student say the vowel sounds.
Sound and Word Fluency Checks.
• Determine and circle the number of

points the student has earned in each
Record the total points for Lesson 9 on
ae i ou
● ● ● ● ●
the chart provided on page 125 of the
Workbook. • Say, Remember, I told you each of the
these vowels has two sounds.
End of Lesson 9 • The other sound they make is their
• To help you remember when a vowel
says its name, the vowel will have a bar
over it.

• Listen. Touch the á and say ááá. • Ready. Signal.
• Touch é.
• Say, You have already learned this • Repeat for each word in the list.
vowel sound. That sound is ééé.

• Repeat with í, ó and ú.

m i s t
● ● ● >
• Say, Do that with me. When I touch the
vowel, you say its name.
• Ready. Touch each letter and say its
name with the student. Repeat.

f í nd
● ● ● >
• Say, Your turn to say the vowel names.

When I touch each vowel letter, you tell
me its name.
Ready. Touch each letter and listen to

s t i ll
● > ● ●
the student say its name.
• Repeat.

áé í óú
● ● ● ● ●
● ● ●

✓ Correction Procedure
f l a sh ing
If the student makes an error, use the ● ● ● ● ● ●
model/lead/test correction.
Say the correct sound once or twice.
Then have the student say the sound
with you.
Finally have the student say the ●
we t
● ● >
sound for you by him/herself.
Return to the beginning and repeat
the Task.

we s t
● ● ● >

• Now you are going to sound out some

words. As I touch the sounds, you say ●
> ● ● ●

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,

sw i m
● ● ● ●

• Good work. What’s that word?


F r ed
● ● ● > ●
nu t
● ● >

s t á y ●
w i nd
● ● ● >
● ● > ● ●

s t a ff ●
m a th
● ● ●
● ● > ● ●

do t ✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
> > your turn) as in previous Lessons.
● ●


● ●
● •

Turn to TASK 2 in this Lesson.

• Now you are going to practice reading

s e
● ●
> •
the words you sounded out.

First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, mist.

mu s t • Repeat for each word in list.

● ● ● ● >
✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

f o g your turn) as in previous Lessons.

● ● ● >

wen t
● ● ● >

ne t
● ● >

TASK 4: SAYING THE Go back to the beginning of the row
UNDERLINED SOUNDS and redo the row before going on to

• Put your finger on the underlined sound TASK 5:

in the first word. READING WORDS
• Say, Tell me the sound that is
underlined. • Go back to TASK 4. Say, Now we are
• Ready. Signal. Student says, h. going to read these words.
• That’s right, h.
• Put your finger on the first word.
• Now tell me the word. • Say, First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, hot. • Ready. Signal. Student says, hot.
• Say, Good reading.
• Repeat Task for each of the words in
the list. • Repeat for each word in the list.

hot sun frogs ✓ Correction Procedure

If the student makes an error reading
a word, have him/her sound out the
re d hits e nd word and then read it. Go back to the
beginning of the row and redo the
row before going on to the next one.
can ho w ca sting
soft fell land
• You are going to read some irregular
lot miss n ot words you have already learned.

• Read the first word and spell it.

glad fun strong • Ready. Signal.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error saying
• Repeat for each word.

the sound or the word, say, The ●
underlined sound is (correct sound).
Do that sound with me. Ready.
Signal. Student says, (correct sound)

with you.
Your turn. Tell me the underlined
sound. Ready. Signal. into
Good. Now sound out the word. ●
Say, That’s right. Now say the word. are
Good. Let’s start that row over again. ●

to some
● ●

their come
● ●

his one
● ●

said ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

as TASK 8:

of • Say to the student, Now you are going

● to read a story. Turn to Lesson 10 on
page 7 in your Reader. Check to make
has sure the student has the correct page.

• Say, The title is written at the top of the
do story. Remember, the title tells you what
the story is about.

• Ask the student to read the title.

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.
• Say, The title says The red raft , so
what do you think this story is about?
Accept reasonable answers.
TASK 7: TEACHING • Say, Good. Now let’s read the story.
IRREGULAR WORDS • Read as well as you can. If you make
an error, I will help you. If you make
• Say, Here are some new irregular more than 7 errors, we will go back to
words. First I will read the word, then the beginning and read the story again.
you will read the word and spell it.
• Put your finger on the first word.
• Listen. The first word is some . • Now read the sentence.
• What word? • Ready. Signal.
• Ready. Signal.
• Yes, some . The red raft

• Spell some . Fred and Edith got on a red raft to fish.

• Ready. Signal. The red raft has a mast.
Fred got a green frog from his tin can.
• Repeat for each word. He cast it at the fat cat fish.
Fred got that fat cat fish.

Then Edith and Fred get in a fog. of errors and/or skipped letters. Subtract
There is a lot of mist. the number of errors from the total
Fred can not see land. letters said. Put a star to mark the total
Edith is not glad. number of letters the student said
This is not the end correctly on this attempt.

✓ Correction Procedure
Say to the student, Wait. That word is
• Say to student, To know how many
letters you said in one minute, I will
multiply your scores by 2 and we will
(correct word). record them in the back of your
What is that word? Ready. Signal. Workbook.
Good. Now read that sentence again. • This time you said (number) letters per
Count each error. If the student minute with (number) errors.
makes 7 errors, reread the story from • Record letters said correctly per minute
the beginning. in the Alphabet Letters Said Correctly
column for Day 1 of Alphabet Letters
*TASK 9: ALPHABET Fluency Check on page 122 of the
• Record number of errors and/or skipped
• Say to the student, Turn to page 8 in sounds per minute in the Learning
your Reader. Make sure the student Opportunities column.
has the correct page.
• Today I am going to time you for 30 • If the student is able to say 80+ letters
seconds on saying alphabet letters. You in one minute, s/he is fluent and does
must be able to say at least 40 letters not need to repeat this Fluency Check
correctly in a 30-second time period. If again.
you are unable to do this, we will
continue to review the alphabet. TASK 10: SOUND
• You are going to say these letters as FLUENCY CHECK 2
quickly as you can when I say please
begin. Try not to make mistakes. • The student has said 50+ sounds per
• You may go down the columns (indicate minute in Sound Fluency Check 1 on
down) or across (indicate across).. page 2. Say, Turn to page 9 in your
Which way would you like to go in this Reader.
list? Student chooses down or across. • This is a list of 40 sounds from Lessons
O.K., you are going to go (down or 1 to 10. You are going to say these
across). sounds as quickly as you can,
• Remember, I will say please begin remembering of course to hold the
when you are to start and thank you sounds with a dot under them for one
when you are to stop. second.
• Which way would you like to do this
• Put your finger on the first letter. list? Student chooses down or across.
• Ready. Please begin. Time the student
for 30 seconds. • Put your finger on the first sound.
• Say, Thank you. • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
30 seconds.
• Make a pencil mark in the list where the • Say, Thank you.
student ended.. Determine the number
• Determine the number of sounds said Fluency Check. This time you are going
correctly and put a star beside that to read a story. Turn to page 11 in your
sound. Reader.
• Record sounds said correctly per • After five days of practice you must be
minute in the Sounds Said Correctly able to read at least 200 words correctly
column for Day 1 of Sound Fluency in a one-minute time period. If you are
Check 2 on page 122 of the Student unable to do this, you will continue to
Workbook. practice each day until you can.
• Record number of errors and/or skipped • When I say please begin, you are going
sounds per minute in the Learning to start reading the story as quickly as
Opportunities column. you can. You will have one minute.
When the time is up, I will say thank
TASK 11: WORD you. Try not to make mistakes. If you do
FLUENCY CHECK 2 not know a word, skip it and continue
• The student has read 60+ words per
minute in Word Fluency Check 1 on • Get set to read the title and then the
page 3. Say, Turn to page 10 of your story.
Reader. This is a list of 100 words from • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
Lessons 1 to 10. 1 minute.
• You are going to read these words as • At the end of 1 minute say, Thank you.
quickly as you can. Which way would
you like to read this list? Student • Make a pencil mark in the list where the
chooses down or across. student ended.. Determine the number
of errors and/or skipped words. Subtract
• Put your finger on the first word. the number of errors from the total
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for words read. Put a star to mark the total
30 seconds. number of words the student read
• Say, Thank you. correctly on this attempt.
• Record words read correctly in the
• Determine the number of words read Words Read Correctly column for Day 1
correctly and put a star beside that of Story Reading Fluency Check 1 on
word. page 124 of the Student Workbook.
• Record words read correctly per minute • Record errors and/or skipped words in
in the Words Read Correctly column for the Learning Opportunities column.
Day 1 of Word Fluency Check 2 on • As with the Sound and Word Fluency
page 123 of the Student Workbook. Checks, allow the student the
• Record number of errors and/or skipped opportunity to do the task again to try to
words per minute in the Learning improve his/her score if s/he so
Opportunities column. chooses.



• Work with one student at a time. Say, • Say, Now we are going to do the
Now we are going to do another kind of Workbook Exercises.

• Open your Workbook to Lesson 10 on • Now read that word.
page 32. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, dot.
• Repeat for each word.
Exercise 1: Matching Alphabet Letters
Exercise 4: Printing Sounds
• Look at Exercise 1. In this exercise
there is a list of upper case alphabet • Find Exercise 4. You are going to
letters (point to the list of letters on the practice printing the letters for sounds
left) and a list of lower case alphabet that you know.
letters (point to the list of letters on the • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
right).. You must draw a line to join each sound.
upper case letter to its lower case • Ready. Signal. Student says, wooo.
partner. • Have the student use the balls and
• First say the alphabet for me. arrows to trace all six of the sound
• Ready. Signal. Student recites the wooo.
alphabet. • Repeat for lll, uuu and yééé.
• Now look at the first letter in the list.
What is that letter? Exercise 5: Printing Words
• Ready. Signal. The student responds,
F. • Now let’s do Exercise 5. You are going
• That’s correct. Now find the lower case to practice printing a word that has
f in this list (point to the list on the right). sounds that you know. Tell me that
• When the student has found the correct word.
letter, say, Draw a line to join the two • Ready. Signal. Student says, study.
f’s. Check. • Good reading! Now print the word
• Repeat for each letter in the list. study. Do the sounds sss, t and d on
your own. Follow the balls and arrows
Exercise 2: Vowel Power! for the sounds uuu and yééé . Check.

• Exercise 2 is a Vowel Power! exercise. *Exercise 6: Filling in the Blanks

• Tell me the five vowel letters.
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, a, e, i, • Exercise 6 is an exercise using your
o and u. Reader. Turn to Lesson 10 on page 7 of
• Good! Now print those letters in the your Reader.
spaces. Check. • Now let’s look at Exercise 6. There are
sentences with blanks. The sentences
Exercise 3: Vowel Power! are in the story The red raft .
• Read the first sentence.
• Exercise 3 is another Vowel Power! • Ready. Signal. Student reads sentence.
exercise. You must fill in the blanks with • Yes, blank and blank got on a red raft.
one of the vowels to make a word that • The first word has four letters. Look in
you know. your Reader and find what word this is.
• Touch the first word. What vowel goes • Yes, Fred . Now print the word Fred in
in that blank? the blanks.
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, o. • The next word has five letters. Look in
• Yes, o. Print o in the blank. your Reader and find what word this is.

• Yes, Edith . Print the word Edith in the LESSON 11
• Now read the sentence. TASK 1: TEACHING THE
• Ready. Signal. SOUND k as in king
• Repeat for each sentence.
• This is a short sound.
TASK 14: • Listen. Tap the arrow under the k and
AWARDING POINTS lift your finger immediately as you say k.
• Repeat.
• Tell the student that s/he has completed
Lesson 10 and has earned points for • Do that with me.
working hard, paying attention, following • Ready. Signal.
instructions, completing the Workbook • Repeat.
Exercises, doing well on the Alphabet,
Sound and Word Fluency Checks as • Now it’s your turn. Say the sound when
well as on the Story Reading Fluency I touch it.
Check. • Ready. Signal.
• Determine and circle the number of • Repeat until the student says the sound
points the student has earned in each correctly.
• Record the total points for Lesson 10 on
the chart provided on page 125 of the
Workbook. k>
End of Lesson 10
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.


ck as in kick

• Point to the sound combination ck.

• Say, When these letters are together
they also make the short sound k.
• Tap the arrow under the ck and say k.
Lift your finger immediately.
• Listen again. Tap the arrow and say k.
Lift your finger.

• Say the sound with me.

Ready. Tap the arrow under the ck and
say k with the student.
Repeat the task until the student does it ●
i ck
● >
as instructed.

• Say, Now it is your turn to say the

sound. ●
o ck
● >
• Ready. Tap the arrow under the ck and
listen to the student say k. Lift your

Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed. ●
i ss
● ●

c>k k ing
● > ●

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student does not say the sound th i ck
correctly or holds the sound, say, I’ll ● ● ● >
say this sound. Listen. Tap the arrow
under the sound and say k.
Say, Do that with me. Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task.

k i t
> ● >
Now say that sound all by yourself
when I touch it. Ready. Tap the arrow
under the sound and listen to the stu-
dent say k.

s l i ck
● ● ● >
COMBINATION ck ✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons and
• Now you are going to sound out some begin the list again.
words that have the sound k. As I touch
the sounds, you say them. TASK 4: PRACTICING
• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out word. • Say, Remember, each vowel letter has
• Repeat. two sounds. When you see a vowel
letter with a bar over it, that vowel says
• What’s that word?
its own name.
• Ready. Signal.
• Now let’s practice saying the sounds for
• Repeat for each word in the list. vowel letters.
• Touch the first letter and say, What’s • Repeat.
this sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, aaa. • Good work. What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat with each letter in the list.
• Repeat for each word in the list.
a ó é u á


o e ú
● ● ●

i ●
w i ll
● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●

e á o ó u
● ● ● ● ● ●
d e ck
> ● >
é í a ó í
● ● ● ● ●

d o ck
> >
e á ú i o ●

e á é u
● ● ● ●

í ●
● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student makes an error, use the sand >
model/lead/test correction. ● ● ● ●
Say the correct sound once or twice.
Then have the student say the sound
with you.
Finally have the student say the ●
sh o ck
● ● >
sound for you by him/herself.

r o ck ing
Return to the beginning of the row
and have the student do it again.


● ● ● ●

• Now you are going to sound out some

words. As I touch the sounds, you say
them. ●
k i ll
> ● ●

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
word. ●
f r on t
● ● ● ● >
w i sh ing ●
cu t
> ● >
● ● ● ● ●

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

th i n k
● ● ● >
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.


th a n k
● ● ● >


Now you are going to read some words

without sounding them out.

l o s t
● ● ● >

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student reads, rod.

• Repeat for each word in list.

f éé t
● ● > ●

l e f t
● ● ● >


wé● ● ●

th e m
● ● ●

l eg ●

● ● ● >

f ond
● ● ● >


men said
● ●

Édith is
● ●

not there
● ●

can into
● ●

fish his
● ●

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me, ●
your turn) as in previous Lessons.



• You are going to read the irregular


words you have already learned.

• Read the first word and spell it.


• Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word. are

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.
● • Say, Here are some new irregular
words. First I will read the word, then
to you will read the word and spell it.


• Listen. The first word is does . Lost in the fog
• What word?
• Ready. Signal. Fred and Edith got on a red raft to fish.
• Yes, does . The red raft had a mast.
Fred got a fat cat fish with a rod and a frog.
• Spell does . Then the mist got thick.
• Ready. Signal. Fred and Edith got lost in the fog.
Fred and Edith can not see land.
• Repeat for each word. The raft is rocking.
The deck is slick and wet.
does Fred lands on his hands on the deck.
● He has a cut on his left hand.
Edith is wishing that some one will come.
great A craft with three men finds them.
● Now Fred and Edith are glad.
Fred thanks the three men.
once This is the end

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.
Correction Procedure
Say to the student, Wait. That word is
(correct word).
What is that word? Ready. Signal.
TASK 9: Good. Now read that sentence again.
STORY READING Count each error. If the student makes 7
errors, reread the story from the beginning.
• Say to the student, Now you are going
to read a story. Turn to Lesson 11 on
page 13 in your Reader. Check. TASK 10: ALPHABET
• Say, The title is written at the top of the
story. What does the title tell you? REMINDER: If the student was able to say
• Ready. Signal. 80+ letters in one minute in Lesson 10,
• That’s right, the title tells you what the s/he is fluent and does not need to repeat
story is about. this Fluency Check again.
• Ask the student to read the title.
• Say, So what do you think this story is • If not, repeat the 30-second timing of
about? Accept reasonable answers. alphabet letters on page 8 of the
Student Reader.
• Say, Good. Now let’s read the story. • Record letters said correctly per minute
Read as well as you can. If you make in the Alphabet Letters Said Correctly
an error, I will help you. If you make column for Day 2 of Alphabet Letters
more than 7 errors, we will go back to Fluency Check on page 122 of the
the beginning and read the story again. Student Workbook.
• Record number of errors and/or skipped
• Put your finger on the first word. sounds per minute in the Learning
• Now read the sentence. Opportunities column.
• Ready. Signal.

• Time for another Sound Fluency Check. • Say to the student, We are now going
Turn to page 9 in your Reader. to do our second Story Reading
• In this list you are going (down or Fluency Check. Turn to page 11 in your
across). Let’s see if you can say more Reader.
than you did the last time. • Remember to read as quickly as you
can without making mistakes.
• Finger on the first sound.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for • Put your finger on the title. Get set to
30 seconds. read.
• Thank you. • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
1 minute.
• Record sounds said correctly per • At the end of 1 minute say, Thank you.
minute in the Sounds Said Correctly
column for Day 2 of Sound Fluency • Make a pencil mark where the student
Check 2 on page 122 of the Student read to. Determine the number of errors
Workbook. and/or skipped words. Subtract the
• Record number of errors and/or skipped number of errors from the total words
sounds per minute in the Learning read. Put a star to mark the total
Opportunities column. number of words the student read
correctly on this attempt.
TASK 12: • Record words read correctly in the
WORD FLUENCY CHECK 2 Words Read Correctly column for Day 2
of Story Reading Fluency Check 1 on
• Time for another Word Fluency Check. page 124 of the Student Workbook.
Turn to page 10. • Record errors and/or skipped words in
• In this list you are reading (down or the Learning Opportunities column.
across). Let’s see if you can read more • As with the Sound/Word Fluency
words than you did the last time. Checks, allow the student the
opportunity to do the task again to try to
• Finger on the first word. improve his/her score if s/he so
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for chooses.
30 seconds.
• Thank you. TASK 14:
• Record words read correctly per minute
in the Words Read Correctly column for • Say, Now we are going to do the
Day 2 of Word Fluency Check 2 on Workbook part of the Lesson.
page 123 of the Student Workbook. • Open your Workbook to Lesson 11 on
• Record number of errors and/or skipped page 36. Check.
words per minute in the Learning
Opportunities column. Exercise 1: Printing Sounds

• Find Exercise 1. You are going to

practice printing the letters for sounds is a k because all triangles are the letter
that you know. k.
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that • Look at the list of words in the sock.
sound. Find a five-letter word that has an a as
• Ready. Signal. Student says, yééé. its third letter and a k as its last letter.
• Have the student use the balls and What’s that word?
arrows to trace all six of the sound • Ready. Signal. Student answers, thank.
yééé. • That’s right! Now print the word thank
• Repeat for uuu and the word well. in the blanks. Check.
• Repeat for the rest of the words.
Exercise 2: Circling Initial Sounds
Exercise 5: Circling the Correct Word from
• Find Exercise 2. Touch the first picture. the Reader
What is that a picture of?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, a fish. • Find Exercise 5. You are going to be
• Yes, a fish. What sound does the word doing some questions about a story in
fish begin with? your Reader. Turn to Lesson 11 on
• Ready. Signal. Student says, fff. page 13 in your Reader.
• Yes, fff . Circle the sound fff . • In Exercise 5 there are sentences with
• Repeat for dog (d), sun (sss), nuts blanks. There are three choices to fill
(nnn), feet (fff) and cat (c). each blank. You are going to find the
correct answer in your Reader and
Exercise 3: Printing Sounds circle that word here.
• Read the first sentence.
• Find Exercise 3. You are going to • Ready. Signal.
practice printing the letters for the • Yes, Fred got a fat cat fish with a rod
sounds that you learned in this Lesson. and a blank. Read the three choices.
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that • Ready. Signal. Student reads, fish, kiss,
sound. frog.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, k. • Which answer goes in the blank?
• Have the student use the balls and • Ready. Signal. Student answers, frog.
arrows to trace all six of the sound k. • That’s correct. Circle the word frog .
• Repeat for ck. Now read the sentence again.
• Ready. Signal.
*Exercise 4: Solving Codes • Repeat for each sentence.

• Let’s look at Exercise 4. This graphic TASK 15:

(point to the dots and dashes) means AWARDING POINTS
that you are going to use a code to fill in
the letters of some words that you • Determine and circle the number of
know. points the student has earned in each
• All triangles are the sound k. All category.
squares are the sound combination ck . • Record the total points for Lesson 11 on
• The words you need to fill in the blanks page 125 of the Workbook.
are in the long sock.
• Look at the first word. It has five letters. End of Lesson 11
The third letter is an a and the last letter
• Now we are going to sound out some
• Now let’s see if you can remember all of words that begin with short sounds.
the sounds you have learned. Remember, we have to put the short
• Say the sound when I touch it. If you sound together with the next sound
make a mistake, we will practice that without stopping.
sound and then do the row again.
• First word. Listen. Put your finger on the
• What’s the first sound? dot in front of dig. Slide past the arrow
• Ready. Signal. under the d to the dot under the i and
say diii. Remember not to stop between
• Repeat for each sound in the list. the d and the i. Hold the i for at least
one second, then slide past the g and
g w o ck d •
say g.
Say to the student, Listen while I do that
> ● ● > > again. Repeat task.

c e é s th •

Say, Do that with me.
Ready. Signal. Repeat the task with the
> ● ● ● ●
• Say, Good sounding out dig . You didn’t
a k ing r u stop between the sounds.
● > ● ● ●
• Now try it all by yourself.
• Ready. Signal.
ó h i wh m • Repeat.
● > ● ● ●
• What’s that word?

t ck í y á • Ready. Signal. Student says, dig.

> > ● ● ● • Repeat task for each of the words in the

n sh f l ú
● ● ● ● ●
d i g
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
● > ● >
your turn) as in previous Lessons
and repeat the row.
● > ● >

dog ●
co s t
> ● ● >
● > ● >

h i t d r ag
● > ● > ● > ● ● >

a t
● >
g i f t
● > ● ● >

o t
● > gó
● > ●

● ● ● ✓ Correction Procedure
If the student miscalls a sound or

● ●
stops between the sounds, say, My
turn. Slide along the dots and arrows
as you sound out the word.
Then say, Do that with me. Ready.

i t
● >
Say, Good work! Now it’s your turn to
sound out the word. Ready. Signal.


ó n’ t
● ● > •

Now you are going to read some words

that rhyme with thick .
• Touch the dot in front of the word thick.

o ck
● >
Slide your finger along the line and say

• What’s that word?

e ck
● >

Ready. Signal.

All the words rhyme with thick .

• Look at the next word.

• What’s that word? TASK 4: PRACTICING
• Ready. Signal. IRREGULAR WORDS

• Repeat for each word in the list. • Here are some irregular words you
have already learned.
thick • Read the first word and spell it.

• Ready. Signal.
slick • Repeat for each word.

stick ●

tick ●

sick ●

kick ●

wick ●

nick ●

lick ●

flick ●

Rick ●

trick ●

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure as in previous Lessons.


do two
● ●

come new
● ●

their few
● ●

one ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.



has REMINDER: If the student was able to say

80+ letters in one minute in Lesson 11 or

before, s/he is fluent and does not need to
✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.
repeat this Fluency Check again.

• If not, repeat the 30-second timing of

TASK 5: TEACHING alphabet letters on page 8 of the
• Record letters said correctly per minute
• Say, Here are some new irregular in the Alphabet Letters Said Correctly
words. First I will read the word, then column for Day 3 of Alphabet Letters
you will read the word and spell it. Fluency Check on page 122 of the
Student Workbook.
• Listen. The first word is was . • Record number of errors and/or skipped
• What word? sounds per minute in the Learning
• Ready. Signal. Opportunities column.
• Yes, was .
• Spell was . FLUENCY CHECK 2
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each word. • Time for another Sound Fluency Check.
Turn to page 9 in your Reader.
was • In this list you are going (down or
across). Let’s see if you can say more

than you did the last time.
were • Finger on the first sound.

• Ready. Please begin. Time student for
30 seconds.
good • Thank you.

• Record sounds said correctly per column for Day 3 of Story Reading
minute in the Sounds Said Correctly Fluency Check 1 on page 124 of the
column for Day 3 of Sound Fluency Workbook.
Check 2 on page 122 of the Workbook. • Record errors and/or skipped words in
• Record number of errors and/or skipped the Learning Opportunities column.
sounds per minute in the Learning
Opportunities column. TASK 10:
CHECK 2 • Say, Now we are going to do the
Workbook part of the Lesson.
• Time for another Word Fluency Check. • Open your Workbook to Lesson 12 on
Turn to page 10. page 41. Check.
• In this list you are reading (down or
across). Let’s see if you can read more Exercise 1: Crossing out Vowels
than you did the last time.
• In Exercise 1 there are 16 irregular
• Finger on the first word. words. Read the first word.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for • Ready. Signal. Student reads, does.
30 seconds. • You are going to cross out the vowels in
• Thank you. each word. The first vowel in the word
does is done for you.
• Record words read correctly per minute • What’s the next vowel?
in the Words Read Correctly column for • Ready. Signal. Student says, e.
Day 3 of Word Fluency Check 2 on • Good! Cross out e.
page 123 of the Workbook. • Repeat for each of the 16 words in the
• Record number of errors and/or skipped list.
words per minute in the Learning
Opportunities column. Exercise 2: Circling the Correct Word

TASK 9: STORY READING • Find Exercise 2. In this exercise there

FLUENCY CHECK 1 are pictures with three words beside
them. You are going to circle the word
• Time for another Story Reading Fluency that matches the picture.
Check. Turn to page 11 in your Reader. • Put your finger on number 1. What is
that a picture of?
• Put your finger on the title. Get set to • Ready. Signal. Student says, a raft.
read. • Good. Read the words beside the raft.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for • Ready. Signal. Student reads, red, rat,
1 minute. raft.
• At the end of 1 minute say, Thank you. • Which word matches the picture?
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, raft.
• Determine and mark the words read • That’s correct. Circle the word raft .
correctly with a star. • Repeat for each picture.
• Record the number of words read
correctly in the Words Read Correctly

Exercise 3: Printing Words • Touch the first word you need to
unscramble. What letter does this word
• Now let’s do Exercise 3. You are going begin with?
to practice printing a word that has • Ready. Signal. Student says, w.
sounds that you know. • Yes, w. What letters are beside the
• Touch the word. Tell me that word. boxes?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, lucky. • Ready. Signal. Student says, a and s.
• Good reading! Print the sounds in the • Good. Look in the list and find a three-
word lucky . letter word with the letters a-s-w. What
word did you find?
*Exercise 4: Putting Letters in Alphabetical • Ready. Signal. Student says, was.
Order • Right. Print was in the boxes for the
first word.
• Find Exercise 4. Say these letters as I • Repeat for each word.
touch them.
• Ready. Signal. Student says alphabet Exercise 7: Rhyme Time!
from a to p.
• Now tell me the names of these letters • Find Exercise 7. It’s Rhyme Time!
(point to letters e to k). There are some sounds written inside
• In this exercise you are going to print the cannon smoke.
these letters in the order that they come • The words with a blank in front of them
in the alphabet. What letter in these all rhyme with rick . You must add one
letters - e, h, m, a, n, g, c and k - comes of the sounds in the cannon smoke to
first in the alphabet? the beginning of the word to make a
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, a. rhyming word.
• That’s right! Print a on the first line. • The first word has five letters and ends
Check. in ick . What sounds could you put in the
• Repeat for each of the eight letters. blanks?
When the student has finished doing all • Ready. Signal. Student answers, ththth.
eight of them, say, Good work! You just (or ffflll, trrr, ssslll, ssst)
put those eight letters in alphabetical • That’s good. Print that sound on the
order. lines in front of ick .
• Now read that word.
Exercise 5: Answering a Riddle • Ready. Signal. Student reads, thick (or
flick, trick, slick, stick).
• Exercise 5 is a riddle. This riddle asks, • Repeat for each word.
What item in the kitchen can’t swim?
• Any guesses? TASK 11:
• The sink! Great work! AWARDING POINTS
Exercise 6: Unscrambling Words • Determine and circle the number of
• Exercise 6 is an unscrambling exercise. points the student has earned in each
You have to unscramble words that category.
have a w in them. You will print the • Record the total points for Lesson 12 on
words in the boxes. There is a word list page 125 of the Workbook.
inside the butterfly wings to help you.
End of Lesson 12
f r on t
● ● ● ● >

• Now you are going to sound out some

words. As I touch the sounds, you say
l ong
● ● ● ● >
• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out

we s t
● ● ● >
• Good work. What’s that word?

Ready. Signal.

Repeat for each word in the list.

l i tt l e
● ● > ●

l a s t
● ● ● > m i dd l e
● ● ● ●

c r a sh
> ● ● ●
s t i ll
● ● ● ●

mó s t
● ● ● > w i nd >
● ● ● ●

s l i ck
● ● ● > w ó n’ t >
● ● ● ●

s t i ck
● > ● > l i f t >
● ● ● ●

● ● ●
a c r o ss
● ● ● ● ●


th i n k
● ● ● >

Now tell me the word.
Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each of the words in the list.

f éé t
● ● >
th ank wh am met
add odd ring

s o ck
● ● > sh éé t néé d cot

k i d
> ● >
cut th an dock
so ft leg cash
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
wh en ten
your turn) as in previous Lessons.

READING WORDS ✓ Use correction procedure (my turn, do
it with me, your turn) as in previous
• Turn to TASK 1 in this Lesson. Lessons if student makes an error.
• Now you are going to practice reading
the words you sounded out. TASK 4:
• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, last. • Go back to TASK 3. Say, Now we are
going to read these words.
• Repeat for each word in list. • First word.

• Ready. Signal.
If necessary, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me, • Repeat for each word in the list.
your turn) as in previous Lessons.


✓ If the student makes an error reading
a word, use the correction procedure
UNDERLINED SOUNDS AND as in previous Lessons.
• Touch the underlined sound in the first
word. • Now you are going to read some words
• Say, Tell me the underlined sound. that rhyme with find .
• Ready. Signal.

Touch the dot in front of the word find.

Slide your finger along the line and say


• What’s that word? great

• Ready. Signal. ●

• All the words rhyme with find . some

• Look at the next word.
• What’s that word? does
• Ready. Signal. ●

• Repeat for each word in the list. two

● good

● one

● do

● were

● few

● of
✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure as in previous Lessons.



• You are going to read some irregular
words you have already learned.

• Read the first word and spell it.

Ready. Signal.

Repeat for each word.

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

TASK 7: TEACHING sounds per minute in the Learning
IRREGULAR WORDS Opportunities column.

• Say, Here are some new irregular TASK 9: SOUND FLUENCY

words. First I will read the word, then CHECK 2
you will read the word and spell it.
NOTE: If the student has said 50+ sounds
• Listen. The first word is who . correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive
• What word? days, s/he may discontinue timings on
• Ready. Signal. Sound Fluency Check 2 if s/he so chooses.
• Yes, who .
• If not, say, Time for a Sound Fluency
• Spell who . Check. Turn to page 9 in your Reader.
• Ready. Signal. • In this list you are going (down or
• Repeat for each word.
• Finger on the first sound.
who • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
● 30 seconds.
• Thank you.
● • Record sounds said correctly per
minute in the Sounds Said Correctly
where column for Day 4 of Sound Fluency
● Check 2 on page 122 of the Student

If necessary, use correction • Record number of errors and/or skipped
procedure from previous Lessons. sounds per minute in the Learning
Opportunities column.
REMINDER: If the student was able to say
80+ letters in one minute in Lesson 12 or NOTE: If the student has read 60+ words
before, s/he is fluent and does not need to correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive
repeat this Fluency Check again. days, s/he may discontinue timings on
Word Fluency Check 2 if s/he so chooses.
• If not, repeat the 30-second timing of
alphabet letters on page 8 of the • If not, say, Time for a Word Fluency
Student Reader. Check. Turn to page 10.
• Record letters said correctly per minute • In this list you are reading (down or
in the Alphabet Letters Said Correctly across).
column for Day 4 of Alphabet Letters
Fluency Check on page 122 of the • Finger on the first word.
Student Workbook. • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
• Record number of errors and/or skipped 30 seconds.

• Thank you. TASK 12:
• Record words read correctly per minute
in the Words Read Correctly column for • Say, Now we are going to do the
Day 4 of Word Fluency Check 2 on Workbook part of the Lesson.
page 123 of the Student Workbook. • Open your Workbook to Lesson 13 on
• Record number of errors and/or skipped page 45. Help student.
words per minute in the Learning
Opportunities column. Exercise 1: Rhyme Time!

TASK 11: STORY READING • Find Exercise 1. There are some

FLUENCY CHECK 1 sounds written inside the box. Read
those sounds.
NOTE: If the student has read 200+ words • Ready. Signal. Student reads, fff, k,
per minute in the story three consecutive wooo, h, rrr, mmm as you touch each of
times, s/he has reached fluency and does them.
not need to try again on this Lesson unless • The words all rhyme with find. The
s/he chooses to do so. The student may picture of the eye (point to the eye) is
wish to do a fluency timing on a story in there instead of the vowel i. You must
previous Lessons. add one of the sounds from the box to
the beginning of each word to make a
• If the student has not yet reached rhyming word.
fluency, say, Time for another Story • The rhyming word is done for you.
Reading Fluency Check. Turn to page What’s that word?
11 in your Reader. Let’s see if you can • Ready. Signal. Student says, find.
read more words than you did the last • Yes, find . What’s the second sound in
time. the box?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, k.
• Put your finger on the title and get set to • That’s right. Print a k in the blank in
read the story. front of the eye. What’s that word going
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for to be?
one minute. • Ready. Signal. Student says, kind.
• Say, Thank you. • That’s good, kind. Now print kind on the
line. Check.
• Determine and mark the words read • Repeat for each sound.
correctly with a star.
• Record the number of words read Exercise 2: Reading Numbers
correctly in the Words Read Correctly
column for Day 4 of Story Reading • Find Exercise 2. The numbers 1 to 15
Fluency Check 1 on page 124 of the are written here. I’m going to touch
Student Workbook. each number. You say the numbers
• Record errors and/or skipped words in with me.
the Learning Opportunities column. • Ready. Instructor touches each number
and says the numbers with the student.
• Good. Now it’s your turn to say those
numbers by yourself. Touch each

number and say it. Check.
• Ready. Signal. • Repeat for square = f, circle = é,
• Repeat task. triangle = a.
• Good! You have figured out what each
Exercise 3: Crossing out Vowels shape’s sound is. Now let’s solve the
code to answer the question, What
• Let’s go on to Exercise 3. You are going does this elephant (point to graphic of
to read these words and cross out all elephant) have?
the vowels. • What sound goes in the square?
• Touch the first word. Read that word. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, fff.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, grin. • That’s right. Print fff in the space above
• Good! Cross out the vowel in the word the square.
grin. Check. • Repeat for the rest of the shapes.
• Repeat for each word in the list. • Now read what you have written to find
out what this elephant has.
Exercise 4: Printing Words • That’s right. Fat feet!

• Now let’s do Exercise 4. You are going Exercise 6: Matching Rhyming Words
to practice printing a word that has
sounds that you know. Tell me that • Find Exercise 6 on your worksheet.
word. • You are going to draw a line to match
• Ready. Signal. Student says, licking. rhyming words.
• Good reading! Now print that word on • Touch the first word. What’s that word?
the lines. Check. • Ready. Signal. Student responds, kiss.
• Now touch the second group of words.
Exercise 5: Solving Codes Check to see if the student has touched
the second group.
• Let’s look at Exercise 5. Remember, • Read the first word.
this graphic (point to dots and dashes) • Ready. Signal. Student reads, stick.
means that you are going to solve a • Does stick rhyme with kiss ?
code. This time the code will answer a • Repeat until student finds the correct
question. rhyming word, miss.
• In each box, there are words which • Good. Now draw a line to join the words
have the same sound missing. The kiss and miss.
diamonds (point to them) are one • Repeat for the rest of the words in the
sound, the squares are another sound, list.
the circles are a third sound and the
triangles are a fourth sound. You must TASK 13:
figure out which sound goes in each set AWARDING POINTS
of words.
• Let’s figure out the sound that goes in • Determine and circle the number of
the first set of words. Read each word. points the student has earned in each
Student reads words in the first box. category.
• What sound is missing that will • Record the total points for Lesson 13 on
complete each word? page 125 of the Workbook.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, t.
• That’s right, t. Print t in the diamond. End of Lesson 13
SOUND b as in bat
b i g
● > ● >

This is a short sound.
Listen. Tap the arrow under the b and
lift your finger immediately as you say b.
Repeat. ●
be s t
> ● ● >

Do that with me.
Ready. Signal.
Repeat. ●
b a ck
> ● >

Now it’s your turn. Say the sound when
I touch it.
Ready. Signal.
Repeat until the student says the sound ●
mo b
● ● >

✓ If the student makes an error or stops

b> between the sounds, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons and

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
begin the list again.

your turn) as in previous Lessons. PRACTICING SOUNDS

TASK 2: PRACTICING THE • Now let’s see if you can remember all of
SOUND b the sounds you have learned.
• Say the sound when I touch it. If you
• Now you are going to sound out some make a mistake, we will practice that
words that have the short sound b. sound and then do the row again.
Remember to put the sounds together
without stopping. • What’s the first sound?
• Ready. Signal.
• Sound out the first word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out, • Repeat for each sound in the list.

• What’s that word? é t u b o

• Ready. Signal. Student says, big. ● > ● > ●

• Repeat for each of the words in the list.

l i ó r m
● ● ● ● ●

ing th a d s l e t
● ● ● > ●
● ● ● >
b h f wh ck
> > ● ● >

s ó
● ●
n sh y b g
● ●

e k w á c
● > >
s i n k ing
● ● ● ● > ●
● > ● ● >

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons ●
f éé d
● ● >
and repeat the row.

f ond
● ● ● >
• Now you are going to sound out some
words. As I touch the sounds, you say

a s k
● ● >
• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out

ne t
● ● >
• Good work. What’s that word?

Ready. Signal.

Repeat for each word in the list.

an y
● ● ● ●

l ong ówn
● ● ● ● > ● ● ● ●

a l ong ●
f o ll ó w
● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ● >

• Look at the next word.

a n y th ing • What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal.
● ● ● ● ● ●
• Repeat for each word in the list.

sh ó w
● ● ●


an i mal
● ● ● ● ● ●

✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

your turn) as in previous Lessons. ●


Turn to TASK 4 in this Lesson.
Now you are going to practice reading

the words you sounded out.

• First word. hill

• Ready. Signal. Student reads word. ●

• Repeat for each word in list. dill

If necessary, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me, gill
your turn) as in previous Lessons. ●



• Now you are going to read some words sill

that rhyme with bill . ●
• Touch the dot in front of the word bill.
Slide your finger along the line and say

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure as in previous Lessons.
• All the words rhyme with bill .
● > ● > ● ●
• Now you are going to sound out some
words that begin with short sounds.
Remember to put the sounds together
without stopping.
b é gan
● > ● > ● ●
• Sound out the first word.

• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,

• What’s that word? ● > ● ● ●

• Ready. Signal. Student says, been.

• Repeat for each of the words in the list. bog

● > >
b éé n

● > ●
bod y

t r éé
> ●
✓ ●
● > ● > ●

If the student makes an error or stops

between the sounds, use correction

> ● >
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons and
begin the list again.


b é t w éé n
> ● > ● ● ● •

Turn to TASK 7 in this Lesson.

• Now you are going to read the words

ban k
> ● ● > •
you just sounded out.

First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads word.

c l i ff s • Repeat for each word in list.

● > ● ● ● ●
✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.


• You are going to read some irregular • Say, Here are some new irregular
words you have already learned. words. First I will read the word, then
you will read the word and spell it.
• Read the first word and spell it.
• Ready. Signal. • Listen. The first word is book .
• What word?
• Repeat for each word. • Ready. Signal.
• Yes, book .
● • Spell book .
• Ready. Signal.
were • Repeat for school.

new book
● ●

few school
● ●

two ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

good TASK 11:


• Now you are going to read some
great sentences made up of words that you
● know.
• Turn to Lesson 14 on page 15 in your
once Reader. Check to make sure the
● student has the correct page.

of • Put your finger on the first sentence.

● • Read that sentence.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, When will
do we be back?
● • Say, Good reading!

does • Put your finger on number 2. Read that

● sentence.

• Ready. Signal.
If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.
• Repeat for each sentence in the TASK 13: SOUND FLUENCY
exercise. CHECK 2

1. When will we be back? REMINDER: If the student has said 50+

2. He thinks that we will be back at three. sounds correctly in 1 minute for any three
3. We will see a big land with lots of thick trees days of the last four, s/he may discontinue
and big cliffs. timings on Sound Fluency Check 2 if s/he
4. Let him begin back down the left bank. so chooses.
5. Then he can see the little green bog.

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student reads a word

If not, say, Time for a Sound Fluency
Check. Turn to page 9 in your Reader.
In this list you are going (down or
incorrectly, say, Sound out that word across).
for me. Ready. Signal.
Say, That’s right. Now read the • Finger on the first sound.
sentence over again. Ready. Signal. • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
If the student skips a word or adds a 30 seconds.
word, say, Wait. You missed (or • Thank you.
added) a word. Look at each word
and say it. • Record sounds said correctly per
Start that sentence over from the minute in the Sounds Said Correctly
beginning, please. Ready. Signal. column for Day 5 of Sound Fluency
If the student makes more than 6 Check 2 on page 122 of the Workbook.
errors on this TASK, review the entire • Record number of errors and/or skipped
Lesson and do the TASK again. sounds per minute in the Learning
Opportunities column.
unable to say at least 50 sounds correctly
per minute at least one time in Sound
REMINDER: If the student was able to say
Fluency Check 2, finish and correct the
80+ letters in one minute in one previous
Workbook Exercises for Lesson 14 but do
Lesson, s/he is fluent and does not need to
not proceed to teach new material. Instead,
repeat this Fluency Check again.
reteach Lessons 10 through 14. Include
daily practice and timings on Sound
• If not, repeat the 30-second timing of
Fluency Check 2 on page 9. Circle and
alphabet letters on page 8 of the
practice any sounds the student is having
Student Reader.
difficulty with. Record scores in the
• Record letters said correctly per minute
Additional Practice columns for Sound
in the Alphabet Letters Said Correctly
Fluency Check 2 on page 122 of the
column for Day 5 of Alphabet Letters
Student Workbook. Students should
Fluency Check on page 122 of the
continue to be awarded points for working
Student Workbook.
hard, paying attention, following
• Record number of errors and/or skipped
instructions and doing well on fluency
sounds per minute in the Learning
checks. When the student is able to say
Opportunities column.
50+ sounds from the list in 1 minute, begin
Lesson 15.

REMINDER: If the student has read 60+ REMINDER: If the student has read 200+
words correctly in 1 minute for any three words per minute in the story for three of
days of the last four, s/he may discontinue the last four attempts, s/he has reached
timings on Word Fluency Check 2 if s/he fluency and does not need to try again on
so chooses. this Lesson unless s/he chooses to do so.
The student may wish to do a fluency
• If not, say, Time for a Word Fluency timing on a story in previous Lessons.
Check. Turn to page 10.
• In this list you are reading (down or • If the student has not yet reached
across). fluency, say, Time for another Story
Reading Fluency Check. Turn to page
• Finger on the first word. 11 in your Reader. Let’s see if you can
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for read more words than you did the last
30 seconds. time.
• Thank you.
• Put your finger on the title and get set to
• Record words read correctly per minute read the story.
in the Words Read Correctly column for • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
Day 5 of Word Fluency Check 2 on one minute.
page 123 of the Workbook. • Say, Thank you.
• Record number of errors and/or skipped
words per minute in the Learning • Determine and mark the words read
Opportunities column. correctly with a star.
• Record the number of words read
REMINDER: If the student has been correctly in the Words Read Correctly
unable to read at least 60 words correctly column for Day 5 of Story Reading
in 1 minute at least one time in Word Fluency Check 1 on page 124 of the
Fluency Check 2, finish the Workbook Workbook.
Exercises for Lesson 14 but do not • Record errors and/or skipped words in
proceed with new material. Instead, redo the Learning Opportunities column.
Lessons 10 through 14. Include daily
practice and timings on Word Fluency NOTE: If the student has not yet reached
Check 2 on page 10. Circle and practice fluency at 200+ words a minute in the
any words the student is having difficulty same story on at least one timing, finish
with. Record scores in the Additional and correct the Workbook Exercises for
Practice columns for Word Fluency Check Lesson 14, but do not proceed with new
2 on page 123 of the Student Workbook. material. Instead, have the student practice
Students should continue to be awarded reading the first half of the story until s/he
points for working hard, paying attention, can read it with fewer than 3 L.O.s in 30
following instructions and doing well on seconds. Then practice the next half in the
fluency checks. When the student is able same manner. Combine the two sections
to read 60+ words from the list in 1 minute, and practice until the student can read
continue with Lesson 15. them fluently in a minute. Record scores in

the Additional Practice columns for Story Exercise 3: Circling the Correct Word from
Reading Fluency Check 1. Award points the Reader
for working hard, paying attention, following
instructions and doing well in fluency • Find Exercise 3. Turn to Lesson 14 on
checks. When the student has reached page 15 in your Reader.
fluency, begin Lesson 15. • In Exercise 3 there are sentences with
blanks. Under each blank are three
TASK 16: choices. You are going to find the
WORKBOOK EXERCISES correct answer in your Reader and
circle that word here.
• Say, Now we are going to do the • Read the first sentence.
Workbook part of the Lesson. • Ready. Signal.
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 14 on • Yes, blank will we be back? There are
page 49. Check. three words under the blank. Read the
three choices.
Exercise 1: Printing Sounds • Ready. Signal. Student reads, With,
What, When.
• Find Exercise 1. You are going to • Which word goes in the blank?
practice printing the sound b. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, When.
• Put your pencil on the big ball. Follow • That’s correct. Circle the word When .
the arrow and trace the line. Now read the sentence again.
• Now put your pencil on the small ball. • Ready. Signal.
Follow the arrow. • Repeat for each sentence.
• You just printed the sound b. What
sound? Exercise 4: Reading Numbers
• Ready. Signal. Student says, b.
• Have the student use the balls and • Find Exercise 4. The numbers 1 to 15
arrows to trace all six of the sound b. are written here. I’m going to touch
each number. You say the numbers
Exercise 2: Crossing Out Short Sounds with me.
• Ready. Instructor touches each number
• Now let’s do Exercise 2. Some of the and says the numbers with the student.
words that are printed here have short • Good. Now it’s your turn to say those
sounds. You must look at each word numbers by yourself. Touch each
and cross out every short sound. number and say it.
• Find the first word. What is that word? • Ready. Signal.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, long. • Repeat task.
• Say the first sound in long .
• Ready. Signal. Student says, lll. That’s Exercise 5: Rhyme Time!
correct. Is lll a short sound?
• Ready . Signal. Student says, no. • Find Exercise 5. There are some
• So do we cross it out? sounds written inside the circle. Read
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no. these sounds as I touch them.
• Repeat for each sound in each word. • Ready. Signal.
• The words with a blank in front of them
all rhyme with bill . You must add one of

the sounds in the circle to the beginning LESSON 15
of the word to make a rhyming word.
• What is the first word? TASK 1: TEACHING THE
• Ready. Signal. Student says, bill. SOUND x as in ox
• Yes, bill . Print the sound b in the first
blank. Check. • Today we’re going to learn a new
• What’s that word? sound.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, bill. • Listen. Touch the dot under the x and
• That’s good, bill . say ksss for one second. Lift your
• Have student say each sound in the finger.
circle, print the sound in the blank and • Repeat.
say the word.
• Say the sound with me.
Exercise 6: Answering a Riddle • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat.
• Put your finger on Exercise 6. It’s a
riddle. Read the riddle. • Your turn.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, What is • Ready. Signal.
green and in a mist? • Repeat the task until the student does it
• To answer this riddle you are going to as instructed.
cross out all the b sounds. The letters
that are left will be the answer.

Take your pencil and cross out all the
Now print the letters that remain in the

spaces below.
What is green and in a mist?
That’s right, a fog frog!
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
TASK 17:
• Determine and circle the number of THE SOUND x
points the student has earned in each
• Record the total points for Lesson 14 on • Now you are going to sound out some
page 125 of the Workbook. words that have the sound ksss. As I
touch the sounds, you say them.
End of Lesson 14

• First word. • Repeat the task until the student does it
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out as instructed.
word. Repeat.

Good work. What’s that word?
Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each word in the list.
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

your turn) as in previous Lessons.



• Now you are going to sound out some
words that have the sound you just
learned. As I touch the sounds, you say


x t
● >

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
word. Repeat.


Great. What’s that word?
Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word in the list.

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me, v an
your turn) as in previous Lessons and ● ● ● ●
begin the list again.


SOUND v as in van

v es t
● ● ● >
• Here’s another new sound.

Listen. Touch the dot under the v and
say vvv for one second. Lift your finger.
Repeat. ●
s ev en
● ● ● ● ●

• Say the sound with me.
• Ready. Signal. If any error occurs, use correction
• Repeat. procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons
• Your turn. and begin the list again.
• Ready. Signal.

• Now you are going to read some words
that rhyme with show . thrów
• Touch the dot in front of the word show. ●
Slide your finger along the line and say
show. ✓ Use correction procedure as in
previous Lessons if necessary.
• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. TASK 6: PRACTICING
• All the words rhyme with show .
• You are now going to read some
• Look at the next word. irregular words you have already
• What’s that word? learned.
• Ready. Signal.
• Read the first word and spell it.
• Repeat for each word in the list. • Ready. Signal.

shów • Repeat for each word.

slów ●

snów ●

lów ●

grów ●

bélów ●

rów ●

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.


• First word.
• Say, Here are some new irregular • Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
words. First I will read the word, then word.
you will read the word and spell it.
• Good work. What’s that word?
• Listen. The first word is have. • Ready. Signal.
• What word?
• Ready. Signal. • Repeat for each word in the list.
• Yes, have .

Spell have .
Ready. Signal.

l i
● ●
tt l e
> ●
• Repeat for each word.


t r
> ●
a ck
● >


s i
● ●
x ●

love ●
f e
● ●
l t
● >


l o
● ●
ck >

very ●
f r
● ●
e sh
● ●

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.

w i
● ●
n s
● ●



Now you are going to sound out some ●

r u
● ●
n ●
words. As I touch the sounds, you say

w e ll
● ● ●
> >
● ●

f éé l
● ● ● b i g
● > ● >
n e ck

● ● >
If any error occurs, use correction
d i g
> >
procedure (my turn, do it with me, ● ●
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
● ● >

• Now you are going to sound out some

words that begin with short sounds.
Remember to put the sounds together ●
o ck
● >
without stopping.

Sound out the first word.
Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,
duuug. ●
● ● ●

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. Student says, dug.
Repeat for each of the words in the list. ●
e t
● >

> > ●
e s t
● ● >
● ●

bug b
r ing
● > ● > ● ● ●

bog ●
d i sh
> ● ●
● > ● >
✓ If the student makes an error or stops
between the sounds, use correction
column for Day 1 of Sound Fluency
Check 3 on page 122 of the Workbook.
procedure (my turn, do it with me, • Record number of errors and/or skipped
your turn) as in previous Lessons and sounds per minute in the Learning
begin the list again. Opportunities column.



• If the student has been unable to say • The student has read 60+ words per
80+ letters in one minute in the minute in Word Fluency Check 2 on
Alphabet Fluency Check, repeat the page 10. Say, On page 17 of your
30-second timing of alphabet letters on Reader there is a list of words from
page 8 of the Student Reader as part of Lessons 1 to 15.
each Lesson until s/he achieves • You are going to read these words as
fluency. quickly as you can. Which way would
• Record letters said correctly per minute you like to read this list? Student
in the Alphabet Letters Said Correctly chooses down or across.
column of the Alphabet Letters Fluency
Check on page 122 of the Student • Put your finger on the first word.
Workbook. • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
• Record number of errors and/or skipped 30 seconds.
sounds per minute in the Learning • Say, Thank you.
Opportunities column.
• Record words read correctly per minute
TASK 11: SOUND FLUENCY in the Words Read Correctly column for
CHECK 3 Day 1 of Word Fluency Check 3 on
page 123 of the Workbook.
• The student has said 50+ sounds per • Record number of errors and/or skipped
minute in Sound Fluency Check 2 on words per minute in the Learning
page 9. Say, Turn to page 16 in your Opportunities column.
Reader. There is a list of sounds from
Lessons 1 to 15. TASK 13: STORY READING
• You are going to say these sounds as FLUENCY CHECK 2
quickly as you can, remembering to
hold the sounds with the dots under • The student has reached fluency (200+
them for one second. words/minute) in Story Reading Fluency
• Which way would you like to do this Check 1. Say, Now we are going to do
list? Student chooses down or across. a new Story Reading Fluency Check.
Turn to page 18 in your Reader.
• Put your finger on the first sound.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for • Put your finger on the title. Get set to
30 seconds. read the story.
• Say, Thank you. • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
1 minute.
• Record sounds said correctly per • At the end of 1 minute say, Thank you.
minute in the Sounds Said Correctly
• Determine and mark the words read each number. You say the numbers
correctly with a star. with me.
• Record the number of words read correctly • Ready. Instructor touches each number
in the Words Read Correctly column for and says the numbers with the student.
Day 1 of Story Reading Fluency Check 2 • Good. Now it’s your turn to say those
on page 124 of the Workbook. numbers by yourself. Touch each
• Record errors and/or skipped words in number and say it.
the Learning Opportunities column. • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat task.
TASK 14:
WORKBOOK EXERCISES Exercise 4: Filling in the Blanks

• Say, Now we are going to do some • Find Exercise 4. There are blanks in
Workbook Exercises. front of the letters o and w. You must fill
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 15 on in the blanks to print a word that you
page 53. Check. know. The letters you will use are in the
Exercise 1: Connecting Words to Pictures • Look at the first word. It has two blanks
and then o-w . Look at the letters in the
• Look at Exercise 1. In this exercise snowflake. Which two letters can you
there is a list of words (point to the list put in the blanks to make a word you
of words on the left) and ten pictures know?
(point to the pictures on the right).. You • Ready. Signal. Student says, s-h.
must connect the word to the picture • That’s right. Print s-h in the blanks.
that it matches. Check. What’s that word?
• What is the first word in the list? • Ready. Signal. Student says, show.
• Ready. Signal. The student responds, • Repeat for the rest of the words.
• That’s correct. Draw a line to join the Exercise 5: Rhyme Time!
word bug to the picture of a bug.
Check. • Find Exercise 5. Here you see some
• Repeat for each word in the list. pictures. There are blanks beside each
picture. You must fill in the blanks to
Exercise 2: Printing Words print a word which matches the picture.
The words you will use are in the
• Now let’s do Exercise 2. You are going snowflake frame. They all rhyme with
to practice printing a word that has show.
sounds that you know. • Look at the first picture. What is it?
• Touch the word. Tell me that word. • Ready. Signal. Student says, a turtle.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, bobby. • Good! Now find a word in the frame that
• Good reading! Print the sounds in the tells how a turtle walks.
word bobby . Check. • Good! Print the word slow in the blanks
beside the picture of the turtle.
Exercise 3: Reading Numbers • Repeat for the rest of the pictures.

• Find Exercise 3. The numbers 1 to 20

are written here. I’m going to touch
Exercise 6: Printing Sounds LESSON 16
• Find Exercise 6. You are going to TASK 1: SAYING THE
practice printing the letters for sounds UNDERLINED SOUNDS AND
that you know. READING THE WORDS
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ksss. • Touch the underlined sound in the first
• Have the student use the balls and word.
arrows to trace all six of the sound • Say, Tell me the underlined sound.
ksss. • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for vvv.
• Now tell me the word.
Exercise 7: Filling in the Blanks • Ready. Signal.

• Find Exercise 7. In this exercise you • Repeat for each set of words in the list.
must print the sounds ksss and vvv in
the blanks to make words that you
big felt stick van
• Put your finger on the first word. Check.
Follow the balls and arrows to print the
dig left stack fan
sound ksss.
• Good printing! Now read that word for stock
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, box.
• Repeat for the rest of the words. dent bill thi ck gri n
TASK 15:
bent dill thi nk gr im
• Determine and circle the number of
gr am
points the student has earned in each
• Record the total points for Lesson 15 on trick well cat s fill
page 125 of the Workbook.
track will cast fell
End of Lesson 15


✓ Use correction procedure (my turn,
do it with me, your turn) as in
✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.
previous Lessons if student makes
an error. TASK 3: TEACHING
IRREGULAR WORDS • Say, Here are some new irregular
words. First I will read the word, then
• You are going to read some irregular you will read the word and spell it.
words you have already learned. • Listen. The first word is walk .
• What word?
• Read the first word and spell it. • Ready. Signal.
• Ready. Signal. • Yes, walk .

• Repeat for each word. • Spell walk .

• Ready. Signal.
● • Repeat for talk.

what walk
● ●

where talk
● ●

who ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.



love • Now you are going to read some words

that rhyme with the irregular word book .

• Touch the dot in front of the word book.
Slide your finger along the line and say
live book.

• What’s that word?
give • Ready. Signal.

have ●

• All the words rhyme with book .

• Look at the next word.
• What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word in the list. went

look when

cook dog

hook thin

nook fresh

rook band

took bank

✓ Use correction procedure as in

previous Lessons if necessary. said


• Now you are going to read some words
without sounding them out. end
• First word. ●
• Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word in the list.


win bring
● ●

lock ✓ If the student makes an error reading
a word, use the correction procedure
as in previous Lessons.

STORY READING ✓ Correction Procedure
Say to the student, Wait. That word is
(correct word).
• Say to the student, Now you are going What is that word? Ready. Signal.
to read a story. Turn to Lesson 16 on Good. Now read that sentence again.
page 20 in your Reader. Check. Count each error. If the student
makes 7 errors, reread the story from
• Say, The title is written at the top of the the beginning.
story. What does the title tell you?
• Ready. Signal. TASK 7: SOUND FLUENCY
• That’s right, the title tells you what the CHECK 3
story is about.
• Ask the student to read the title. • Time for another Sound Fluency Check.
• Say, So what do you think this story is Turn to page 16 in your Reader. Time
about? Accept reasonable answers. student for 30 seconds as in previous
Fluency Checks.
• Say, Good. Now let’s read the story. • Record scores for Day 2 of Sound
Read as well as you can. If you make Fluency Check 3 on page 122 of the
an error, I will help you. If you make Workbook.
more than 7 errors, we will go back to
the beginning and read the story again. TASK 8: WORD FLUENCY
• Put your finger on the first word.
• Now read the sentence. • Time for another Word Fluency Check.
• Ready. Signal. Turn to page 17. Time student for 30
seconds as in previous Fluency Checks.
Rick, his dog and his van
• Record scores for Day 2 of Word
Rick has a van and a dog. Fluency Check 3 on page 123 of the
Rick is a dog fan and a van fan. Workbook.
Rick’s dog is a thin dog with a thick neck.
Rick took the dog and his slick van to the TASK 9: STORY READING
He is going to run the van on the track with the
dog. • Say to the student, We are now going
He tells the dog that if he wins he will get a to do our second Story Reading
can of fresh fish. Fluency Check. Turn to page 18 in your
Rick got a shock. Reader. Time student for 1 minute.
The dog ran fast to the end of the track.
But Rick’s van did not go fast. • Record scores for Day 2 of Story
Rick is a grim man. Reading Fluency Check 2 on page 124
He has to tow his slow van back. of the Student Workbook.
The dog has a big grin.
He gets the can of fresh fish.
The end

TASK 10: • That’s right, an umbrella!
Exercise 4: Filling in the Blanks
• Say, Now we are going to do the
Workbook part of the Lesson. • You need your Reader for Exercise 4.
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 16 on Turn to Lesson 16 on page 20 of your
page 58. Help student find page. Reader.
• You are going to fill in the blanks in
Exercise 1: Printing Sounds Exercise 4 with the correct word from
the story.
• Find Exercise 1. You are going to • Read the first sentence.
practice printing the letter for the sound • Ready. Signal.
vvv. • Find the correct words that complete
• Have the student use the ball and that sentence and print those words in
arrows to trace all six of the sound vvv. the blanks. Check.
• Now read the whole sentence.
Exercise 2: Filling in the Blanks • Repeat for each sentence.

• Find Exercise 2. You are going to print Exercise 5: Word Search Puzzle
the sounds vvv or wooo in the blanks
to make words that you know. • Exercise 5 is a word search puzzle.
• Touch the first word. Are you are going • In this puzzle words can go across or
to print the sound vvv or wooo in that down. The pointing fingers tell you what
blank? direction the words go. There are three
• Ready. Signal. Student says, wooo. words that go down. One has been
• Good! Print the sound wooo . Check. done for you. Find that word and read it.
• Now read that word. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, fresh.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, below. • Good! Now read the first word in the list
• Repeat for the rest of the words. of the words that you will be looking for.
It will go across.
Exercise 3: Answering a Riddle • Ready. Signal. Student reads, wins.
• Now look inside the box of letters. Go
• Put your finger on Exercise 3. The through each row until you find the
riddle is, What goes up when rain letters w-i-n-s .
comes down? • That’s right. Draw a circle around the
• To answer this riddle you are going to word wins .
cross out all the ksss and vvv sounds. • Put a check mark beside the word wins
The letters that are left will be the in the list so that you know you have
answer. found it.
• Take your pencil and cross out all the • Repeat for each word in the list.
vvv and ksss sounds.
• Now print the letters that remain in the Exercise 6: Reading Numbers
spaces below.
• Sound that word out. • Find Exercise 6. The numbers 1 to 20
• Ready. Signal. are written here. I’m going to touch
• What goes up when the rain comes each number. You say the numbers
down? with me.
• Ready. Instructor touches each number LESSON 17
and says the numbers with the student.
• Good. Now it’s your turn to say those TASK 1: TEACHING THE
numbers by yourself. Touch each SOUND j as in jet
number and say it.
• Ready. Signal. • This is a short sound.
• Repeat task. • Listen. Tap the arrow under the j and lift
your finger immediately as you say j.
Exercise 7: Printing Words • Repeat.
• Now let’s do Exercise 7. You are going • Do that with me.
to practice printing a word that has • Ready. Signal.
sounds that you know. • Repeat.
• Touch the word. Tell me that word.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, box. • Now it’s your turn. Say the sound when
• Good reading! Now print the sounds in I touch it.
the word box . • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat until the student says the sound
Exercise 8: Putting Letters in Alphabetical correctly.

Find Exercise 8. Say the alphabet for
Ready. Signal. Student says alphabet.
• Now tell me the names of these letters >

(point to letters l to y).
In this exercise you are going to print
these letters in the order that they come
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
in the alphabet. What letter in these
letters - l, k, c, d, a, v, t, x, m, b, n, g, TASK 2: PRACTICING
w or y - comes first in the alphabet? THE SOUND j
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, a.
• That’s right! Print a on the first line. • Now you are going to sound out some
Check. words that have the short sound j.
• Repeat for each of the letters. When the Remember to put the sounds together
student has finished doing all of them, without stopping.
say, Good work! You just put those
letters in alphabetical order.

TASK 11:

• Record the total points for Lesson 16 on

page 125 of the Workbook.

End of Lesson 16

• Sound out the first word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out


• What’s that word? talk

• Ready. Signal. Student says, jet. ●

• Repeat for each of the words in the list. there

j e t
> >

● ●
j am

● ● ● ●

j i m

● ● ●

j ob
> > ●
● ●

✓ If the student makes an error or stops

between the sounds, use correction ●
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons few
and begin the list again. ●



• You are going to read some irregular once

words you have already learned. ●
• Read the first word and spell it.
• Ready. Signal. great

• Repeat for each word.

very into

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

Good work. What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. Student says, trees.

TASK 4: TEACHING • Repeat for each word in the list.


• Say, Here are some new irregular

words. First I will read the word, then

t r éé s
> ● ● ●
you will read the word and spell it.

Listen. The first word is work .
What word?
Ready. Signal.
w ing
Yes, work .
● ● ●

Spell work .
Ready. Signal. j u s t
> >
● ● ●
• Repeat for each word.


c r a sh
> ● ● ●

world ●
l o s t
● ● ● >


den t
> ● ● >

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.
m éé t
TASK 5: SOUNDING ● ● ● >

• Now you are going to sound out some

words. As I touch the sounds, you say ●
b ó th
> ● ●

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,
trrrééésss. ●
mó s t
● ● ● >


bu t
> ● >

✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

your turn) as in previous Lessons. thick


• Now you are going to read some words
you already know. hit
• First word. ●
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, big.
• Repeat for each word in list. ●

big gas
● ●

séés bégan
● ●

lots sink
● ●

lands grim
● ●

long down
● ●

fast fínd
● ●

cliffs ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.



• Say to the student, Now you are going • Say to the student, Let’s stop here for a
to read a story. Turn to Lesson 17 on minute. Look at that sentence. It has
page 22 in your Reader. some marks around some words.

• Say, The title is written at the top of the • Find the word We . Touch the marks in
story. What does the title tell you? front of that word.
• Ready. Signal. • That is a quotation mark.
• That’s right, the title tells you what the
story is about. • Follow the sentence and look at the
• Ask the student to read the title. end, after the word land . That is also a
• Say, So what do you think this story is quotation mark.
about? Accept reasonable answers.
• Here is a rule about quotation marks.
• Say, Good. Now let’s read the story. • Quotation marks tell you what a person
Read as well as you can. If you make said.
an error, I will help you. If you make • Listen again. Quotation marks tell you
more than 7 errors, we will go back to what a person said.
the beginning and read the story again.
• Say that rule with me.
NOTE: TASK 8 teaches the student about • Ready. Signal.
quotation marks. This TASK comes right • Now say it all by yourself.
after the sentence, He said, “We will find • Ready. Signal.
land.” Be sure to stop the student there
and follow the instructions in TASK 8 • I am going to read the words inside the
below. quotation marks to find out what the
person said. I will start with the word
• Put your finger on the first word. We.
• Now read the sentence. • Put your finger on that word. Check to
• Ready. Signal. make sure the student has his/her
finger on the correct word.
Jim and his jet • Say, Follow along as I read. I will stop
when we reach the next quotation mark.
Jim sees lots of new lands in the world. • Read the quote. Say to the student,
He has a great job on a big jet. That is what Jim said.
The jet is very long and fast.
It moves above the cliffs and the trees. • Now you read the words inside the
Often the jet got into mist and thick fog. quotation marks to see what Jim said.
Jim did not get lost. • Ready. Signal. Student reads the
He said, “We will find land.” sentence.

• What did Jim say?

• Ready. Signal. Student says, We will
find land.

• That’s right. Let’s continue reading the TASK 10: WORD FLUENCY
story. CHECK 3

✓ Correction Procedure
If the student cannot repeat the rule
• Time for another Word Fluency Check.
Turn to page 17. Time student for 30
about quotation marks, say the rule seconds.
two or three times.
Have the student say it with you. • Record scores for Day 3 of Word
Have the student repeat the rule by Fluency Check 3 on page 123 of the
him/herself. Workbook.

And he did. TASK 11: STORY READING

Once a fat bat hit the jet. FLUENCY CHECK 2
There was a big dent on the wing.
But the jet did not crash. • Time for another Story Reading Fluency
Once the jet had little gas. Check. Turn to page 18 in your Reader.
The long jet began to sink fast. Time student for 1 minute.
Jim was grim.
Jim just got the long fast jet down. • Record scores for Day 3 of Story
It did not crash into the trees. Reading Fluency Check 2 on page 124
Jim loves to work on the big jet. of the Workbook.
This is the end

TASK 12:
Correction Procedure WORKBOOK EXERCISES
Say to the student, Wait. That word is
(correct word). • Say, Now we are going to do the
What is that word? Ready. Signal. Workbook part of the Lesson.
Good. Now read that sentence again. • Open your Workbook to Lesson 17 on
Count each error. If the student page 63. Check.
makes 7 errors, reread the story from
the beginning. Exercise 1: Printing Sounds

TASK 9: SOUND FLUENCY • Find Exercise 1. You are going to

CHECK 3 practice printing the letters for sounds
that you know.
• Time for another Sound Fluency Check. • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
Turn to page 16 in your Reader. Time sound.
student for 30 seconds. • Ready. Signal. Student says, j.
• Have the student use the ball and arrow
• Record scores for Day 3 of Sound to trace all six of the sound j.
Fluency Check 3 on page 122 of the • Repeat for b and ksss.
Exercise 2: Rhyme Time!

• Find Exercise 2. There are some

sounds written inside the balloons.

• The words with a blank in front of them letter e?
all rhyme with book . You must add one • Ready. Signal. Student answers, 2.
of the sounds in the balloons to the • Repeat for each letter.
beginning of these words to make • The first letter you must print in the
rhyming words. Be careful, some of the blank is the letter represented by the
sounds will not be used because the number 5. What’s that letter?
word they make will not make sense. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, j.
• What is the first sound in the balloon? • Yes, j. Print a j on the first line.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, sss. • Repeat for the rest of the letters.
• Yes, sss . Sound out a word beginning • So what is the main idea of the story in
with sss that rhymes with book . Student Lesson 17?
sounds out the word. • Yes, Jim loves his jet job. Great work!
• Is that a word?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no. Exercise 5: Crossword Puzzle
• Repeat for each sound and have the
student print correct sounds in the • Exercise 5 is a crossword puzzle. The
blanks to spell words that rhyme with words in the puzzle come from the story
book. Jim and his jet in your Reader. Open
your Reader to Lesson 17 on page 22.
Exercise 3: Circling and Crossing Out • Some of the words go down. Some of
Words with Short Sounds them go across.
• The picture of the magnifying glass
• Now let’s do Exercise 3. Some of the (point to it) means the sentences below
words here begin with short sounds. are the clues for the words you will fill in
You are going to circle these words. the boxes of the crossword puzzle.
Some other words end in short sounds. • Read sentence number 1.
You will cross out those words. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, Jim sees
• Read the first word. blank of new lands.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, began. • Good reading. Look in your Reader.
• Say the first sound in began . What word is missing from this
• Ready. Signal. Student says, b. sentence?
• That’s correct. Is b a short sound? • Ready. Signal. Student says, lots.
• Ready . Signal. Student says, yes. • Good. Print the word lots in the boxes
• So do we circle that word? for number 1 going down. Check.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, yes. • Repeat for the rest of the words.
• Repeat for each word.
TASK 13:
Exercise 4: Solving a Code AWARDING POINTS

• Exercise 4 asks the question, What is • Record the total points for Lesson 17 on
the main idea of the story Jim and his page 125 of the Workbook.
• To answer this question you are going End of Lesson 17
to solve the code. Each alphabet letter
is represented by a number. All letter
b’s are number 1. What number is the

qu i ck >
qu as in quick
• When these two letters are together,
they say the sound cooo.
qu i t >
• Listen. Touch the dot under the qu and ● ● ●
say cooo for one second. Lift your

Listen again. Repeat. qu éé n
• Say the sound with me. ● ● ● ●

• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat. If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
• Your turn. your turn) as in previous Lessons
• Ready. Signal. and begin the list again.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed. TASK 3: TEACHING THE
ol as in old
qu • When these two letters are together,
they say the sound ólll.

• Listen. Touch the dot under the ol and
If any error occurs, use correction say ólll for one second. Lift your finger.
procedure (my turn, do it with me, • Listen again. Repeat.
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
• Say the sound with me.
TASK 2: PRACTICING THE • Ready. Signal.

• Now you are going to sound out some • Your turn.

words that have the sound combination • Ready. Signal.
qu in them. As I touch the sounds, you • Repeat the task until the student does it
say them. as instructed.

• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
word. Repeat.

• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
• Repeat for each word in the list. your turn) as in previous Lessons.
TASK 4: PRACTICING THE make a mistake, we will practice that
SOUND COMBINATION ol sound and then do the row again.

• Now you are going to sound out some • What’s the first sound?
words that have the sound combination • Ready. Signal.
ólll in them. As I touch the sounds, you
say them. • Repeat for each sound in the list.

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student sounds out qu á m d v
word. Repeat. ● ● ● > ●

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal.
th c ol ck s
● > ● > ●

• Repeat for each word in the list.

t h é r o
ol d > > ● ● ●

● ● >
ó i w ing k
b ol d
● ● ● ●

● > ● > wh sh j x b
● ● > ● >

c ol d
> ● >

g e n
> ● ●

r ol l ✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
● ● ● ● your turn) as in previous Lessons

and repeat the row.
If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me, TASK 6: SAYING THE
your turn) as in previous Lessons UNDERLINED SOUNDS AND
and begin the list again. READING THE WORDS

TASK 5: • Touch the underlined sound in the first

• First word. What sound?
• Now let’s see if you can remember all of • Ready. Signal.
the sounds you have learned.
• Say the sound when I touch it. If you
ne xt
• What word? TASK 8: READING
• Ready. Signal. RHYMING WORDS
• Repeat for each of the words in the list.
• Now you are going to read some words
that rhyme with old .
next mend box • Touch the dot in front of the word old.
Slide your finger along the line and say
jam west só old.

• What’s that word?

bad as k lend • Ready. Signal.
• All the words rhyme with old .
wing yes gó • Look at the next word.
• What’s that word?
back went gold • Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word in the list.

yet tri ck deck

bo th fun mud
king job kick ●

nó móst sold

✓ Use correction procedure (my turn,

do it with me, your turn) as in

previous Lessons if student makes
an error.
TASK 7: ●
• Turn to Task 6. Say, Now you are going ●
to read these words.
• First word. hold
• Ready. Signal. ●

• Repeat for each word in the list. bold

✓ If the student makes an error reading
a word, use the correction procedure

✓ Use correction procedure as in

as in previous Lessons. previous Lessons if necessary.


NOTE: If the student has said 50+ sounds • Now open your Workbook to Lesson 18
correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive on page 67. Check.
days, s/he may discontinue timings on
Sound Fluency Check 3 if s/he so chooses. Exercise 1: Printing Sounds
• If not, say, Time for a Sound Fluency • Find Exercise 1. You are going to
Check. Turn to page 16 in your Reader. practice printing the letters for the
Time student for 30 seconds. sound combinations you learned in this
• Record scores for Day 4 of Sound Lesson.
Fluency Check 3 on page 122 of the • Touch the first sound combination. Tell
Workbook. me that sound.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, cooo.
TASK 10: WORD FLUENCY • Have the student use the balls and
CHECK 3 arrows to trace five of the sound cooo.
• Repeat for ólll.
NOTE: If the student has read 60+ words
correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive Exercise 2: Word Search Puzzle
days, s/he may discontinue timings on
Word Fluency Check 3 if s/he so chooses. • Exercise 2 is a word search puzzle.
• In this puzzle words can go across,
• If not, say, Time for a Word Fluency down or backwards. There are two
Check. Turn to page 17. Time student words which go backwards. One is cold
for 30 seconds. (point to cold) and the other is bold
• Record scores for Day 4 of Word (point to bold).
Fluency Check 3 on page 123. • Read the first word in the list of the
TASK 11: STORY READING words that you will be looking for.
FLUENCY CHECK 2 • Ready. Signal. Student reads, sold.
• The arrow beside the word tells you
NOTE: If the student has read 200+ words whether the word goes across, down or
per minute in the story three consecutive backwards. Look in the puzzle. Go
times, s/he has reached fluency and does through each row until you find the
not need to try again on this Lesson unless letters s-o-l-d going across.
s/he chooses to do so. S/he may wish to • That’s right. Draw a circle around the
practice reading one of the stories word sold . Check.
previously done in the Student Reader. • Put a check mark beside the word sold
in the list so that you know you have
• If the student has not yet reached found it.
fluency, say, Time for another Story • If the student is having problems finding
Reading Fluency Check. Turn to page the word, repeat steps above for each
18 in your Reader. Time student for one word in the list. If s/he can do the
minute. puzzle independently, allow him/her to
• Record scores for Day 4 of Story do so.
Reading Fluency Check 2 on page 124
of the Workbook.
Exercise 3: Printing Sounds i. Now read that word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, hit.
• Find Exercise 3. You are going to • Repeat for all five words.
practice printing the letters for sounds
that you know. Exercise 6: Putting Letters in Alphabetical
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that Order
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ksss. • Find Exercise 6. Say these letters as I
• Have the student use the balls and touch them.
arrows to trace all six of the sound • Ready. Signal. Student says the letters
ksss. r to m.
• Repeat for j. • In this exercise you are going to print
these letters in the order that they come
Exercise 4: Unscrambling a Word to Solve in the alphabet. What letter in those
a Riddle letters comes first in the alphabet?
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, a.
• Find Exercise 4. The riddle is, What is a • That’s right! Print a on the first line.
jelly jar’s favorite month? To answer the Check.
riddle, you are going to unscramble • Repeat for each of the letters. When the
three letters to spell a word you know. student has finished doing all of them,
• The letters are a, j and m. Can you say, Good work! You just put those
think of a three-letter word with those letters in alphabetical order.
• Yes, jam . Print the word jam in the Exercise 7: Following a Maze
• So what is a jelly jar’s favorite month? • Find Exercise 7. In this exercise you are
• Yes, jam-uary! the queen. You must follow the path
through the maze to get to the castle
*Exercise 5: Making New Words without hitting a tree along the way.
• Put your pencil on the crown. Now
• In Exercise 5 the picture of the rabbit follow the path through the maze with
coming out of the magician’s hat tells your pencil until you get to the castle. If
you that you are going to make some you hit a tree, start over again and
new words. follow another path.
• All the vowels in the new words are • Check that the student is following the
done for you. You must print the first correct path.
sound of each picture in the boxes to
spell the rest of the new words. TASK 13:
• Put your finger on number 1. What is AWARDING POINTS
the first sound in hand ?
• Yes, h. Print h in the first box. Check. • Record the total points for Lesson 18 on
• Point to the 10. What number is this? page 125 of the Workbook.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ten.
• Yes. What’s the first sound in the word End of Lesson 18
• Yes, t. Print t in the box after the vowel


a s t
● ● >

• Now you are going to sound out some

words that begin with short sounds. ●
● ●
l ów
● ●
Remember to put the sounds together

without stopping.

Sound out the first word.


d s
> ●
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal. Student says, told. ●
● ●
l d>

• Repeat for each of the words in the list.

t a x
t ol d ● > ● ●

● > ● >
c a sh
d i sh ● > ● ●

● > ● ●
b o d y

t o ss
> ● ●
● > ● > ●

g r and

k i ss
> ● ●
● > ● ● ● >

b l an k ●
t a s k
> ● ● >
● > ● ● ● >

c l am j u s t
> >
> ● ● ●
● ● ● ●


b é t w éé n
> ● > ● ● ●


ben t
> ● ● >


✓ If the student makes an error or stops

between the sounds, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons
and begin the list again. jack


• Now you are going to read some words
that rhyme with back . tack
• Touch the dot in front of the word back. ●

Slide your finger along the line and say
back. Use correction procedure as in
previous Lessons if necessary.
• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. TASK 3: SOUNDING
• All the words rhyme with back .
• Now you are going to sound out some
• Look at the next word. words. As I touch the sounds, you say
• What’s that word? them.
• Ready. Signal.
• First word.
• Repeat for each word in the list. • Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
● • Good work. What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal.
● • Repeat for each word in the list.


s end
● ● ● >


l i ck
● ● > •

Turn to TASK 3 in this Lesson.

• Now you are going to practice reading

m i dd l e
● ● > ● •
the words you sounded out.

First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads word.

f l a sh • Repeat for each word in list.

● ● ●
✓ ● ● If necessary, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

sw i m
● ● ● ●
your turn) as in previous Lessons.


s t and
● > ● ● >
• You are going to read some irregular
words you have already learned.

• Read the first word and spell it.

r o ck
● ● >

Ready. Signal.

Repeat for each word

a l ong ●

● ● ● ● ● > what

● ●
f éé d● > ●

th e m
● ● ●

✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

your turn) as in previous Lessons.

• Turn to Lesson 19 on page 24 in your
word Reader.

• Read the first sentence.
world • Ready. Signal.

• Number 2. Read that sentence.
move • Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each sentence in the
new exercise.

1. The kids held the black dish.
few 2. He went down a big rock.
● 3. How long is that stick?
4. The jet will not crash.
took 5. When will the king send his thanks?

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure as in previous Lessons.

school CHECK 3

REMINDER: If the student has said 50+
sounds correctly in 1 minute for any three
does days of the last four, s/he may discontinue
● timings on Sound Fluency Check 3 if s/he
so chooses.
● • If not, say, Time for a Sound Fluency
Check. Turn to page 16 in your Reader.
walk Time student for 30 seconds.

• Record scores for Day 5 of Sound
talk Fluency Check 3 on page 122 of the
● Workbook.

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.
REMINDER: If the student has been
unable to say at least 50 sounds correctly
per minute at least one time in Sound
TASK 6: Fluency Check 3, finish and correct the
READING SENTENCES Workbook Exercises for Lesson 19 but do
not proceed to teach new material. Instead,
• Now you are going to read some reteach Lessons 15 through 19. Include
sentences. daily practice and timings on Sound

Fluency Check 3 on page 16. Circle and the student is able to read 60+ words from
practice any sounds the student is having the list in 1 minute, continue in the Reader
difficulty with. Record scores in the with Lesson 20.
Additional Practice columns for Sound
Fluency Check 3 on page 122 of the TASK 9: STORY READING
Student Workbook. Students should FLUENCY CHECK 2
continue to be awarded points for working
hard, paying attention, following REMINDER: If the student has read 200+
instructions and doing well on fluency words per minute in the story for three of
checks. When the student is able to say the last four attempts, s/he has reached
50+ sounds from the list in 1 minute, begin fluency and does not need to try again on
Lesson 20. this Lesson unless s/he chooses to do so.
The student may wish to do a fluency
TASK 8: WORD FLUENCY timing on a story in previous Lessons.
• If the student has not yet reached
REMINDER: If the student has read 60+ fluency, say, Time for another Story
words correctly in 1 minute for any three Reading Fluency Check. Turn to page
days of the last four, s/he may discontinue 18 in your Reader. Time student for one
timings on Word Fluency Check 3 if s/he minute.
so chooses.
• Record scores for Day 5 of Story
• If not, say, Time for a Word Fluency Reading Fluency Check 2 on page 124
Check. Turn to page 17. Time student of the Workbook.
for 30 seconds.
NOTE: If the student has not yet reached
• Record scores for Day 5 of Word fluency at 200+ words a minute in the
Fluency Check 3 on page 123 of the same story on at least one timing, finish
Workbook. and correct the Workbook Exercises for
Lesson 19, but do not proceed with new
REMINDER: If the student has been unable material. Instead, have the student practice
to read at least 60 words correctly in 1 reading the first half of the story until s/he
minute at least one time in Word Fluency can read it with fewer than 3 L.O.s in 30
Check 3, finish the Workbook Exercises for seconds. Then practice the next half in the
Lesson 19 but do not proceed with new same manner. Combine the two sections
material. Instead, redo Lessons 15 through and practice until the student can read
19. Include daily practice and timings on them fluently in a minute. Record scores in
Word Fluency Check 3 on page 17. Circle the Additional Practice columns for Story
and practice any words the student is Reading Fluency Check 2. Award points
having difficulty with. Record scores in the for working hard, paying attention, following
Additional Practice columns for Word instructions and doing well in fluency
Fluency Check 3 on page 123 of the checks. When the student has reached
Student Workbook. Students should fluency, begin Lesson 20.
continue to be awarded points for working
hard, paying attention, following instructions
and doing well on fluency checks. When

TASK 10: • Have the student use the ball and arrow
WORKBOOK EXERCISES to trace all six of the sound j.
• Repeat for cooo.
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 19 on
page 71. Check. Exercise 3: Vowel Power!

*Exercise 1: Completing Various Tasks on • Now let’s look at Exercise 3. It’s a

Sentences from the Reader Vowel Power! exercise.
• Tell me the five vowel letters.
• In Exercise 1 you are going to work with • Ready. Signal. Student answers, a, e, i,
some sentences from your Reader. o and u.
• Look at the first sentence in your • Right! Now you must fill in the blanks
Workbook. Read that sentence. with one or two of those vowels to make
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, The kids a word that you know. The words you
held the black dish. need are printed in the apples.
• You are going to cross out all the short • Touch the first word in the boxes.
sounds. What is the first short sound in Check that the student has his/her
this sentence? finger on the word t_lk. What vowel
• Ready. Signal. goes in that blank?
• Yes, k. Cross out that sound. • Ready. Signal. Student responds, a.
• Repeat for the rest of the short sounds • Yes, a. Print a in the blank.
in sentence 1. • Now read that word.
• Read sentence 2. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, talk.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, He went • Put a check mark beside talk in the
down a big rock. apple so that you know that you have
• You are going to circle all the vowels in done it.
this sentence. Go through each word • Repeat for each word.
and have the student recognize and
circle all the vowels. Exercise 4: Answering a Riddle
• Read sentence 3. Put a square around
the irregular word in this sentence. • Exercise 4 is a riddle. This riddle asks,
Check. What kind of sand is always in a hurry?
• Read sentence 4. In the blanks print • To answer the riddle you are going to
five words that rhyme with the word will . print the alphabet letter that comes right
Check. before the letter below the line.
• Read sentence 5. Circle the sound • What’s the first letter below the line?
combinations. Check. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, r.
• Yes, r. What letter in the alphabet
Exercise 2: Printing Sounds comes right before the letter r?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, q.
• Find Exercise 2. You are going to • That’s right, q. Print a q on the first line.
practice printing the letters for sounds • Repeat for the rest of the letters.
that you know. • So what kind of sand is always in a
• Touch the first sound. Tell me that hurry?
sound. • Quicksand! Great work!
• Ready. Signal. Student says, j.

Exercise 5: Rhyme Time! LESSON 20
• Find Exercise 5. There are some words TASK 1: TEACHING THE
written inside the big sack of money. SOUND p as in pig
Read these words.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads words. • This is a short sound.
• All those words rhyme with rack. You • Listen. Tap the arrow under the p and
must print a word from the sack that lift your finger immediately as you say p.
matches the picture beside the blanks. • Repeat.
• What’s the first picture?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, a tack. • Do that with me.
• That’s good. Print tack in the blanks. • Ready. Signal.
Check. Put a check mark beside the • Repeat.
word tack in the word list so that you
know you have done it. • Now it’s your turn. Say the sound when
• Repeat for each word. I touch it.
• Ready. Signal.
TASK 11: • Repeat until the student says the sound
• Record the total points for Lesson 19 on
page 125 of the Workbook.

End of Lesson 19
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.


• Now you are going to sound out some

words that have the short sound p.
Remember to put the sounds together
without stopping.

• Sound out the first word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out


• What’s that word? at

• Ready. Signal. ●

• Repeat for each of the words in the list. mad

pe t
> >

● ●
pon d
> >

• With a pencil add an e to the end of

● ● ● each of the words in the list.

t r i p
> >

Then say, We are going to learn a rule
about words that end with an e.
Listen. An e at the end of a word makes
● ● ● the vowel say its name.
• Listen again. An e at the end of a word

p l a n t
> >

makes the vowel say its name.

Say that rule with me.

● ● ● ● • Ready. Signal.

✓ If the student makes an error or stops

between the sounds, use correction
• Repeat the rule with the student until
the student can state the rule with you.

procedure (my turn, do it with me, • Then say, Your turn to say the Final e
your turn) as in previous Lessons Rule.
and begin the list again. • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat until student says the rule

FINAL e RULE Correction Procedure
If the student is unable to say the rule
• Point to the first word in the list above correctly, model the rule for the
and say to the student, Read this word student two more times. Say the first
for me. part of the rule and have the student
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, rob. repeat it. Then say the second part of
• Say, Yes, that word is rob . the rule and have the student repeat
• Now read the rest of the words in the it. Then see if the student can repeat
list. the whole rule with you. Pay careful

attention to see which words in the • Repeat the question, Is there an e at
rule the student is unable to repeat. the end of this word? Student responds,
Say that part of the rule with the Yes.
student two or three times, then try • Say, That’s correct. There is an e at the
the entire rule. end of the word, so this vowel (touch
the o in robe) says its name.
TASK 4: USING THE • Tell me this vowel’s name. Ready.
FINAL e RULE Signal. Student responds, o.
• That’s right, o. So what is this word?
• Point to the e at the end of robe. Ready. Signal. The student says, robe.
• Say, Remember the rule. An e at the
end of a word makes the vowel say its TASK 5: SOUNDING
• There is an e at the end of this word
(point to robe),, so this vowel (point to • Now you are going to sound out some
the o) will say its name. words. As I touch the sounds, you say
• This vowel’s name is o, so this word them.
says robe .
• First word.
• Your turn to use the rule. • Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
• Point to robe. word.
• Ask, Is there an e at the end of this
word? • Good work. What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, yes. • Ready. Signal.

• Touch the o and say, So what will this • Repeat for each word in the list.
vowel say?

Ready. Signal. Student responds, its

What is that vowel’s name? ●

ol d
● >
• Ready. Signal. Student says, o.

So what is this word?
Ready. Signal. Student says, robe.
qu i t >
• Say, Good work! ● ● ●

Repeat for each word in the list.

Correction Procedure ●
an ima l
● ● ● ● ● ●
If student responds, No, when asked
if there is an e at the end of the word,
point to the e and say, There IS an e
at the end of this word. So the vowel
will say its name. ●
áb le
● > ●

up > ●
s t u ff
● > ● ●
● ●

wh i p ●
secon d
● ● > ● ● >
● ● ● >
✓ If any error occurs, use correction

w r on g >
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.

● ● ● ● ● TASK 6:

sh o p >
• Turn to TASK 5 in this Lesson. Say,
Now you are going to practice reading
● ● ● the words you sounded out.

s t op
> >

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student reads, old.

● ● ● • Repeat for each word in list.

k éé p ✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
● > ● >

s p l a sh


You are going to read some irregular

● ● ● ● ● words you have already learned.

m i l k
● ● ● >

Read the first word and spell it.
Ready. Signal.

Repeat for each word.

e gg s>

● ● ●

his who
● ●

their live
● ●

to some
● ●

what ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

is TASK 8:

good • Now you are going to read some

sentences with these irregular words in

school • Turn to Lesson 20 on page 25 in your
Reader. Check.

• Read the first sentence.
does • Ready. Signal.

• Number 2. Read that sentence.
new • Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each sentence in the
where exercise.

1. Is his book good?
one 2. Where is their work?
● 3. Who has an idea?
4. Some walk to school.
work 5. What world does the new one live in?

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure as in previous Lessons.

has CHECK 4

• The student has said 50+ sounds per
minute in Sound Fluency Check 3 on
walk page 16. Say, Turn to page 26 in your

Reader. There is a list of sounds from Turn to page 28 in your Reader.
Lessons 1 to 20.
• You are going to say these sounds as • Put your finger on the title. Get set to
quickly as you can, remembering to read the story.
hold the sounds with the dots under • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
them for one second. 1 minute.
• Which way would you like to do this • At the end of 1 minute say, Thank you.
list? Student chooses down or across.
• Record scores for Day 1 of Story
• Put your finger on the first sound. Reading Fluency Check 3 on page 124
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for in the Workbook.
30 seconds.
• Say, Thank you. TASK 12:
• Record scores for Day 1 of Sound
Fluency Check 4 on page 122 of the • Say, Now you are going to do the
Workbook. Workbook Exercises.
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 20 on
TASK 10: WORD FLUENCY page 75. Check.
Exercise 1: Printing Sounds
• The student has read 60+ words per
minute in Word Fluency Check 3 on • Find Exercise 1. You are going to
page 17. Say, On page 27 there is a list practice printing the letters for sounds
of words from Lessons 1 to 20. that you know.
• You are going to read these words as • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
quickly as you can. Which way would sound.
you like to read this list? Student • Ready. Signal. Student says, j.
chooses down or across. • Have the student use the ball and arrow
to print all six of the sound j.
• Put your finger on the first word. • Repeat for cooo and p.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for
30 seconds. Exercise 2: Crossing Out Short Sounds
• Say, Thank you.
• Now let’s do Exercise 2. Some of the
• Record scores for Day 1 of Word sounds that are printed here are short
Fluency Check 4 on page 123 in the sounds. You must look at each sound
Workbook. and cross it out if it is a short sound.
• What is the first sound?
TASK 11: STORY READING • Ready. Signal. Student says, p.
FLUENCY CHECK 3 • Is p a short sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, yes.
• The student has reached fluency (200+ • That’s right. Cross it out.
words/minute) in Story Reading Fluency • Repeat for each sound.
Check 2. Say, Now we are going to do
a new Story Reading Fluency Check.

Exercise 3: Printing Words • When the student has successfully
gone through the maze and has printed
• In Exercise 3 you are going to fill in the the six letters in the blanks, say, So
boxes to print some words that you how do fish weigh themselves?
know. • That’s right! On their scales!
• Touch the first word in the castle.
Check. This word has two letters and *Exercise 6: Practicing the Final e Rule
ends in a p. Look at the list of words in
the triangle and find one with two letters • Find Exercise 6. In this exercise you are
ending in a p. What is it? going to practice the Final e Rule.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, up. • Read the list of words.
• Good! Print a u in the box before the p. • Ready. Signal. Student reads the eight
Now read that word. words.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, up. • Good. Now take your pencil and add an
• Repeat for the rest of the words. e to each word.
• Now read the words.
Exercise 4: Printing Rhyming Words
Exercise 7: Drawing and Coloring Pictures
• Find Exercise 4 on your worksheet. You
are going to print some rhyming words. • Now let’s look at Exercise 7. The crayon
• Read the word in number 1. (point to graphic) tells you that you are
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, fan. going to draw and color some pictures.
• Now touch the list of words on the next Read the word under the first box.
page that the man is pointing to. Check. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, cane.
Read the first word. • Now read the word under the other box.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, black. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, can.
• Does black rhyme with fan ? • Draw and color pictures of those words
• Repeat until student finds the correct in the boxes.
rhyming word, van.
• Good. Now print the word van in the TASK 13:
blanks beside the word fan . AWARDING POINTS
• Repeat for numbers 2 to 10.
• Record the total points for Lesson 20 on
Exercise 5: Following a Maze to Answer a page 125 of the Workbook.
End of Lesson 20
• Find Exercise 5. In this exercise you are
going to go through the fish maze to
collect some letters to answer the
riddle, How do fish weigh themselves?
• Put your pencil on the arrow at the top
of the fish. Check. Now start through
the maze. When you get to a letter,
print it in the blanks below. If you hit a
wall start over again. Check that the
student is following the correct path.

PRACTICING SOUNDS • Say, Last Lesson we learned a rule
about words that end with an e. It was
• Now let’s see if you can remember all of called the Final e Rule.
the sounds you have learned. • Listen. An e at the end of a word makes
• Say the sound when I touch it. If you the vowel say its name.
make a mistake, we will practice that • Listen again. An e at the end of a word
sound and then do the row again. makes the vowel say its name.

• What’s the first sound? • Say that rule with me.

• Ready. Signal. • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat.
• Repeat for each sound in the list.
• Your turn to say the Final e Rule.
• Ready. Signal.
p k w sh é • Repeat until student says the rule
> > ● ● ● correctly.

wh y o ck ó • Point to the first word in the list below

and say to the student, Read this word
● ● ● > ● for me.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, rob.
b l u c e •

Say, Yes, that word is rob .
Now read the rest of the words in the
> ● ● > ● list.

t h d r i ●
> > > ● ●

ol g th qu v ●
● > ● ● ●
s n m a f ●

● ● ● ● ●

ing a x i j mat
● ● ● ● >

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me, • With a pencil add an e to the end of
each of the words in the list.
your turn) as in previous Lessons
and repeat the row.
• Point to the e at the end of robe. TASK 3: PRACTICING THE
• Say, Remember the rule. An e at the FINAL e RULE
end of a word makes the vowel say its
name. • Point to the list of words below and say
• There is an e at the end of this word to the student, You’re going to read this
(point to robe),, so this vowel (point to list of words for me.
the o) will say its name.
• This vowel’s name is o, so this word • First word.
says robe . • Ready. Signal. Student reads, hat.

• Your turn to use the rule. • Now read the rest of the words in the
• Point to robe. list.
• Ask, Is there an e at the end of this • Ready. Signal.
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, Yes. hat

• Touch the o and say, So what will this
vowel say?
Ready. Signal. Student responds, its
• ●

• What is that vowel’s name?


• Ready. Signal. Student says, o.

• So what is this word?


• Ready. Signal. Student says, robe.
• Say, Good work!
• Repeat for each word in the list. ●

✓ Correction Procedure
If student responds, No, when asked ●
if there is an e at the end of the word,
point to the e and say, There IS an e can
at the end of this word. So the vowel ●
will say its name.
Repeat the question, Is there an e at fin
the end of this word? Student ●
responds, Yes.
Say, That’s correct. There is an e at bit
the end of the word, so this vowel ●
(touch the o in robe) says its name.
Tell me this vowel’s name. Ready.
Signal. Student responds, o.

That’s right, o. So what is this word?
Ready. Signal. The student says,
sam make cats like

fat write g et name

came d ad th ese

th ose th em cash
• With a pencil add an e to the end of
each of the words in the list. take g ot l et
• Say, Now read these words all by
yourself. qu ite odd from
• Ready. Signal.

✓ If the student makes an error, review

the Final e Rule and begin the Task
add late side
again. in
✓ If the student makes an error where
the Final e Rule applies, use the
Final e correction procedure as in
the previous Lesson.
• Now you are going to read some words For other words, use the model, lead,
with underlined vowels. Some of these test correction procedure and begin
words will follow the Final e Rule, some the row again.
will not.
• First check to see if there’s an e at the STORY READING
end of the word.
• Then you will read the underlined • Now it’s time to read a story. Turn to
vowel. Lesson 21 on page 31 in your Reader.
• Then you will read the word. Check.
• Put your finger on the first word. NOTE: TASK 6 reviews quotation marks.
• Say, Is there an e at the end of the This TASK comes right after the sentence,
word? King Tim said, “This jam is quite grand.
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, yes. But this new jam needs a name.” Be
sure to stop the student there and follow
• What will the underlined vowel say? the instructions in TASK 6 below.
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, ááá.
• Put your finger on the first word.
• Good. Now read the word. • Now read the sentence.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, make. • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each word in the list.
A fine jam • Let’s continue reading the story.

Old King Tim and Queen Sam went for “I have a plan,” said Queen Sam.
a plane ride. “We will call this fine jam Queen Sam’s
The plane was a quick black jet. grand jam.”
Queen Sam took a sack on the plane. The end

In the sack was some fine new jam.
The jam was made from a pond plant. If the student has a problem with any
Queen Sam took a bit. word, have him/her sound it out, say
King Tim ate a bite. it and then start at the beginning of
King Tim said, “This jam is quite grand. that sentence again. If the student
But this new jam needs a name.” makes 7 errors, reread the story from
the beginning.
• Say to the student, Let’s stop here for a
minute. Look at that sentence. It has • Time for another Sound Fluency Check.
quotation marks around some words. Turn to page 26 in your Reader. Time
student for 30 seconds.
• Remember the rule about quotation
marks. • Record scores for Day 2 of Sound
• Quotation marks tell you what a person Fluency Check 4 on page 122 of the
said. Workbook.

• Say that rule with me. TASK 8: WORD FLUENCY

• Ready. Signal. CHECK 4

• Now say it all by yourself. • Time for another Word Fluency Check.
• Ready. Signal. Turn to page 27. Time student for 30
• Read the words inside the quotation
marks to find out what the person said. • Record scores for Day 2 of Word
• Ready. Signal. Student reads the Fluency Check 4 on page 123 of the
sentence. Workbook.
• Say to the student, Good reading! That
is what King Tim said. TASK 9: STORY READING

Correction Procedure
If the student cannot repeat the rule • Say to the student, We are now going
about quotation marks, say the rule to do our second Story Reading
two or three times. Fluency Check. Turn to page 28 in your
Have the student say it with you. Reader. Time student for 1 minute.
Have the student repeat the rule by
him/herself. • Record scores for Day 2 of Story
Reading Fluency Check 3 on page 124
of the Student Workbook.

TASK 10: • Ready. Signal. Student reads, Old King
WORKBOOK EXERCISES Tim and Queen Sam went for a plane
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 21 on • There are three words below the blank.
page 79. Check. Read those words.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, rid, rest,
Exercise 1: Connecting Words to Pictures ride.
• What is the word that completes that
• Look at Exercise 1. In this exercise sentence?
there is a list of words (point to the list • Ready. Signal. Student says, ride.
of words on the left) and ten pictures • Yes! Circle the word ride and print it in
(point to the pictures on the right).. You the blank. Check. Now read the whole
must connect the word to the picture sentence.
that it matches. • Repeat for each sentence.
• What is the first word in the list?
• Ready. Signal. The student responds, Exercise 4: Crossing Out Sounds to
fire. Answer a Question
• That’s correct. Draw a line to join the
word fire to the picture of a fire. Check. • Put your finger on Exercise 4. You are
• Repeat for each word in the list. going to cross out all the yééé sounds.
The letters that are left will be the
Exercise 2: Printing Sounds and Words answer to the question, What is the
name of the jam?
• Now let’s do Exercise 2. You are going • Take your pencil and cross out all the
to practice printing the sound sounds yééé. Check.
combination cooo. • Now print the letters that remain in the
• Have the student follow the balls and spaces below. Check.
arrows to print cooo five times. • What is the name of the jam?
• Good printing! Now you are going to • That’s right, Queen Sam’s grand jam.
print a word that has sounds that you
know. *Exercise 5: Making New Words
• Touch the word. Tell me that word.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, jump. • Find Exercise 5. The picture of the
• Good reading! Print the sounds in the rabbit coming out of the magician’s hat
word jump . Check. tells you that you are going to make
some new words from the letters in
Exercise 3: Circling the Correct Word and another word.
Filling in the Blanks • Read the sentences beside the man
who is fishing.
• You need your Reader for Exercise 3. • Ready. Signal. Student reads the three
Turn to Lesson 21 on page 31 of your sentences.
Reader. Check. • Good reading! You must try to make
• You are going to circle and fill in the five new words from the word fishing .
blanks with the correct word from the Look carefully. Can you see another
story A fine jam . word that you can make from the letters
• Read the first sentence. in fishing ? (Words can be very short,

for example, is) LESSON 22
• Good! Print that word on the first line.
NOTE: If the student is having difficulty, tell SHORT SOUNDS
him/her a possible word, then have him/her
print that word on the line. Or perhaps give • Now you are going to sound out some
the student the first one or two letters of a words that begin with short sounds.
word and let him/her fill in the rest. Remember to put the sounds together
Students will find this type of exercise without stopping.
easier after they have had some practice.
• Sound out the first word.
*Exercise 6: Putting Words in Alphabetical • Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,
Order baaat.
• Find Exercise 6. Read the words. • What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. Student reads from bit to • Ready. Signal.
• In this exercise you are going to print • Repeat for each of the words in the list.
these words in alphabetical order. You
must look at the first letter in each word.

What first letter in these words (point to
list) comes first in the alphabet?
Ready. Signal. Student answers, bit. ●
ba t
> ● >
• That’s right! Bit is done for you. Put a

check mark beside it.
What is the word with a first letter that
comes next in the alphabet?
pa t
> >
• Ready. Signal. Student says, cane. ● ●
• Well done. Print cane on the second

line. Check.
Repeat for the rest of the words. When
the student has finished doing all six of ●
b i t
> ● >
them, say, Good work! You just put

p i t
those six words in alphabetical order.

TASK 11:

be t
• Record the total points for Lesson 21 on
page 125 of the Workbook.

End of Lesson 21 ● > ● >

pe t
> >

● ● • Now you are going to sound out some

words. As I touch the sounds, you say

do t
> ● > •

First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
po t
> >

Good work. What’s that word?
Ready. Signal.
● ●

• Repeat for each word in the list.

d i d
● > ● >
y e ll
b i d ● ● ● ●

● > ● >
th e y
bag ● ● ● ●

● > ● >
sh ó w
t ag ● ● ● ●

● > ● >

f o ll ó w
● ● ● ● ●

d ó n’ t
● > ● ● >
bé l ów ● ● >

> ● ● ● ●

If the student makes an error or stops

upon >
between the sounds, use correction ● ● ● ●
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons
and begin the list again.

bu t
> ● >
s t ud y > >
● ● ● ●

un t i l
● ● > ● ●
● ● ●

g ó ing
t own
● ● ● ● ● ● ●

ye t > ●
mu s t
● ● ● >
● ● ●

s e ll ●
m o n th
● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

s p e ll
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
● ● ● ●

p l an t
> >
• Turn to TASK 2 in this Lesson. Say,
Now you are going to practice reading
● ● ● ●
the words you sounded out.

s p i ll

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student reads, yell.
● ● ● ●
• Repeat for each word in list.

r un ✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
● ● ● ● your turn) as in previous Lessons.


Now you are going to read some words
that rhyme with bug .
Touch the dot in front of the word bug.
✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure as in previous Lessons.
Slide your finger along the line and say
• What’s that word?
• Now you are going to read some words
• Ready. Signal. Student says, bug.
you have already learned.
• First word.
• All the words rhyme with bug .
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, men.
• Look at the next word.
What’s that word? • Repeat for each word in the list.

• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each word in the list. ●

bug when
● ●

dug sick
● ●

hug shock
● ●

jug stock
● ●

lug lost
● ●

mug little
● ●

rug back
● ●

shrug next
● ●

slug job
● ●
grand world
● ●

rock love
● ●

wing move
● ●

west have
● ●

quick give
● ●

king live
● ●

win book
● ●

six took
● ●

✓ If the student makes an error reading

a word, use the correction procedure ●
as in previous Lessons.



• You are going to read some irregular

words you have already learned.
✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

• Read the first word and spell it. IRREGULAR WORDS
• Ready. Signal.
• Say, Here are some new irregular
• Repeat for each word. words. First I will read the word, then
you will read the word and spell it.


• Listen. The first word is something . • Record scores for Day 3 of Word
• What word? Fluency Check 4 on page 123 of the
• Ready. Signal. Workbook.
• Yes, something .
• Spell something . FLUENCY CHECK 3
• Ready. Signal.
• Time for another Story Reading Fluency
• Repeat for each word. Check. Turn to page 28 in your Reader.
Time student for 1 minute.
● • Record scores for Day 3 of Story
Reading Fluency Check 3 on page 124
someone of the Workbook.

TASK 11:

• Say, Now we are going to do the
Workbook part of the Lesson.
sometime • Open your Workbook to Lesson 22 on

page 84. Check.
somewhere Exercise 1: Crossing Out Short Sounds

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.
• Look at Exercise 1. All of the words
printed here have some short sounds.
You must look at each word and cross
out every short sound.
TASK 8: SOUND FLUENCY • Find the first word. What is that word?
CHECK 4 • Ready. Signal. Student says, bat.
• What are the short sounds in bat ?
• Time for another Sound Fluency Check. • Ready. Signal. Cross them out. Check.
Turn to page 26 in your Reader. Time • Repeat for each word.
student for 30 seconds.
Exercise 2: Printing Sounds and Words
• Record scores for Day 3 of Sound
Fluency Check 4 on page 122 of the • Now let’s do Exercise 2. You are going
Workbook. to practice printing the sound
combination cooo.
TASK 9: WORD FLUENCY • Have the student follow the balls and
CHECK 4 arrows to print cooo five times.
• Good printing! Now you are going to
• Time for another Word Fluency Check. print a word that has sounds that you
Turn to page 27. Time student for 30 know.
seconds. • Touch the word. Tell me that word.

• Ready. Signal. Student says, pup. the box with those four letters is the
• Good reading! Print the sounds in the opposite of the word go ?
word pup . Check. • That’s right! Come . Print come in the
blanks. Check it off in the box.
Exercise 3: Circling the Correct Word • Repeat for each scrambled word.

• In Exercise 3 there are pictures with two Exercise 6: Following a Maze

words beside them. You are going to
circle the word that matches the picture. • Exercise 6 is on the next page. In this
• Read the first two words. exercise you are going to take each
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, hug, bug. letter (point to the letters) through the
• Which word matches the picture? maze to a box below (point to the
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, bug. boxes).. The unscrambled letters will
• That’s correct. Circle the word bug . spell the answer to a riddle. Read the
• Repeat for each picture. riddle.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, What is
Exercise 4: Connecting The Beginning of a another name for an insect’s coffee
Word to its End cup?
• Good reading! Put your pencil on the
• Look at Exercise 4. In this exercise first letter. Follow this letter’s path to the
there is a list of the beginning of some end. Check that the student is following
irregular words (point to the list of words the correct path.
on the left) and a list of the endings of • Now print that letter on the line in the
these words (point to the list of words box.
on the right).. You must connect the two • Repeat for each letter.
which go together. • So what is another name for an insect’s
• Look at the first word. Find the end of coffee cup?
this word. Draw a line to join the two • That’s right! A bug mug!
parts together. Check.
• Now read that word. TASK 12:
• Repeat for the rest of the words. AWARDING POINTS

Exercise 5: Unscrambling Words • Record the total points for Lesson 22 on

page 125 of the Workbook.
• Find Exercise 5. You are going to
unscramble some letters to spell some End of Lesson 22
words that you know.
• The unscrambled word will be the
opposite of the word in front of it.
Opposite means completely different. In
number 1 the scrambled letters p-u
make the word up . Up is the opposite
of the word down . Number 1 is done for
• Look at number 2. The scrambled word
has four letters, m-c-e-o . What word in

LESSON 23 slid

THE FINAL e RULE • With a pencil add an e to the end of
each of the words in the list.
• Point to the list of words below and say
to the student, You’re going to read this • Say, Remember the rule about words
list of words for me. that end with an e. It is called the Final
e Rule.
• First word. • Listen. An e at the end of a word makes
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, dim. the vowel say its name.

• Now read the rest of the words in the • What’s that rule?
list. • Ready. Signal.
• Ready. Signal.
• That’s right. Now read these words all
dim •
by yourself.
Ready. Signal.

fat ✓ If the student makes an error, review
the Final e Rule and begin the Task



• Now you are going to read some words
with underlined sounds. Some of these
strip words will follow the Final e Rule, some
● will not.
• First you will check to see if there’s an e
not at the end of the word. Then you will
● say the underlined sound, then you will
read the word.
● • Put your finger on the first word. Is
there an e at the end of that word?
hat • Ready. Signal. Student says, yes.

• What’s the underlined sound?
grim • Ready. Signal. Student says, ííí.
● Good. Now read the word.

• Ready. Signal.
● • Repeat for each word in the list.
time sack sh ack
black la ck tack
p i cni c
> > >
● ● ● ●
bi t bite bet
bu t pot bid e gg s
● ● ●
hi d hide bl ast
sp ell
sp ill
ride ●
t o ss
> ● ●

rid gold win c ol t

✓ If the student makes an error where
the Final e Rule applies, use the
● > ● >

Final e correction procedure as in

previous Lessons.
For other words, use the model, lead,
t r i p s
> >
test correction procedure and begin ● ● ● ●
the row again.

c up
> >
● ●
• Now you are going to sound out some
words. As I touch the sounds, you say

● ● ●
• First word.

g am
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
• Good work. What’s that word? ● > ● ●
• Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word in the list.

d r i n k
> ● ● ● >
m i l k
● ● ● ● >

c ake
> ● >

h ol d
> ● >

sh o p >

● ● ● ●

g r ów ●

● > ● ● ● his
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

your turn) as in previous Lessons.


• Turn to TASK 3 in this Lesson. Say,
Now you are going to practice reading is
the words you sounded out. ●

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student reads, milk.

• Repeat for each word in list.
✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

your turn) as in previous Lessons. someone


• You are going to read some irregular
words you have already learned.
• Read the first word and spell it. ●
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each word. ●

what something
● ●

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

Read the title please.
Ready. Signal.

TASK 6: TEACHING • Now read the story.

IRREGULAR WORDS • Ready. Signal.

• Say, Here are some new irregular Bob at the picnic

words. First I will read the word, then
you will read the word and spell it. Bob went to the shop.
He needs some milk and some eggs.
• Listen. The first word is earth . He must make a big cake to take to the picnic.
• What word? There will be hot dogs and drinks and cake.
• Ready. Signal. When he gets to the picnic, he is glad.
• Yes, earth . There are lots of games and fun things to do
• Spell earth . Bob can win a game if he can toss the ring
• Ready. Signal. into the can.
Bob did win and he got a black colt to ride.
• Repeat for each word. Now Bob must run with a cup of hot milk to the
end of the track.
earth If he spills the milk, he will not win.
● Bob trips and can not hold the cup.
He did not win the gold.
eye But he still has lots of fun at the picnic.
This is the end

you ✓ If the student has a problem with any
word, have him/her sound it out, say
it and then start at the beginning of
your that sentence again. If the student
makes 7 errors, reread the story from

the beginning.

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.
NOTE: If the student has said 50+ sounds
correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive
days, s/he may discontinue timings on
TASK 7: Sound Fluency Check 4 if s/he so chooses.
• If not, say, Time for a Sound Fluency
• Now it’s time to read a story. Turn to Check. Turn to page 26 in your Reader.
Lesson 23 on page 33 in your Reader. Time student for 30 seconds.
• Record scores for Day 4 of Sound
• Put your finger on the title.
Fluency Check 4 on page 122 of the Exercise 1: Printing Sounds
• Find Exercise 1. You are going to
TASK 9: WORD FLUENCY practice printing the letter for the sound
CHECK 4 p. What’s that sound?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, p.
NOTE: If the student has read 60+ words • Have the student use the balls and
correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive arrows to trace all six of the sound p.
days, s/he may discontinue timings on
Word Fluency Check 4 if s/he so chooses. Exercise 2: Practicing the Final e Rule

• If not, say, Time for a Word Fluency • Find Exercise 2. In this exercise you are
Check. Turn to page 27. Time student going to practice the Final e Rule.
for 30 seconds. • Read the list of words.
• Ready. Signal.
• Record words read correctly per minute • Good. Now take your pencil and add an
in the Words Read Correctly column for e to each word.
Day 4 of Word Fluency Check 4 on • Now read the words.
page 123 of the Workbook.
Exercise 3: Filling in the Blanks
FLUENCY CHECK 3 • Find Exercise 3. Here you see some
pictures. There are blanks beside each
NOTE: If the student has read 200+ words picture. You must fill in the blanks to
per minute in the story three consecutive print the word which matches the
times, s/he has reached fluency and does picture. The words you will use are in
not need to try again on this Lesson unless the list in Exercise 2.
s/he chooses to do so. Do a timing on a • Look at the first picture. What is it?
story of the student’s choice in the Reader. • Ready. Signal. Student says, a slide.
• Good! Now find the word slide in the
• If the student has not yet reached list. Print the word slide in the blanks
fluency, say, Time for another Story beside the picture of the slide. Check.
Reading Fluency Check. Turn to page • Repeat for the rest of the pictures.
28 in your Reader. Time student for one
minute. *Exercise 4: Circling Vowels that Say their
• Record scores for Day 4 of Story
Reading Fluency Check 3 on page 124 • Now let’s do Exercise 4. You must read
of the Workbook. each word. Then you will circle any
vowel that says its name.
TASK 11: • Find the first word. What’s that word?
WORKBOOK EXERCISES • Ready. Signal. Student says, win.
• Is there a vowel that says its name in
• Say, Time to do the Workbook win?
Exercises. • Repeat for each word.
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 23 on
page 88. Check.
Exercise 5: Crossword Puzzle LESSON 24
• Exercise 5 is a crossword puzzle. The TASK 1: TEACHING THE
words for the puzzle come from the SOUND COMBINATION
story Bob at the picnic in your Reader. or as in for
Open your Reader to Lesson 23 on
page 33. Check.
• Some of the words go across. Some of • When these two letters are together,
them go down. they say the sound órrr.
• Find the words that go across under the • Listen. Touch the dot under the or and
clue graphic. Check. say órrr for one second. Lift your finger.
• Read sentence number 1. • Listen again. Repeat.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads the
sentence. • Say the sound with me. Keep on saying
• Good reading. What word is missing it as long as I touch it.
from this sentence? • Ready. Signal.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, games. • Repeat.
• Good. Print the word games in the
boxes for number 1 across. Check. • Your turn.
• Repeat for the rest of the words. • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
TASK 12: as instructed.

• Record the total points for Lesson 23 on

page 125 of the Workbook.
or ●

End of Lesson 23
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.



• Now you are going to sound out some

words that have the sound combination
you just learned. As I touch the sounds,
you say them.
• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
• Good work.

f or
● ●
• What’s that word? TASK 4: PRACTICING THE
• Ready. Signal. SOUND COMBINATION al
• Repeat for each word in the list.
• Now you are going to sound out some

t or n
> ● ●
words that have the sound combination
you just learned. As I touch the sounds,
you say them.

• First word.

f or e s t
● ● ● ● >

Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
Good work.

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal.
your turn) as in previous Lessons
and begin the list again. • Repeat for each word in the list.


al as in tall

f al l
● ● ●

When these two letters are together,
they say the sound olll.
Listen. Touch the dot under the al and
say olll for one second. Lift your finger. ●
t al l
> ● ●
• Listen again. Repeat.

• Say the sound with me. Keep on saying

it as long as I touch it. ●
s m al l
● ● ● ●
• Ready. Signal.


Your turn.
Ready. Signal. ●
c al l
> ● ●
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed. ✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

al ●
your turn) as in previous Lessons
and begin the list again.

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.

ch as in chip

m u ch
● ● >
• When these two letters are together,

they say the short sound ch .
Listen. Tap the arrow under the ch and
say ch. Lift your finger. ●
l u n ch
● ● ● >
• Listen again. Repeat.

Say the sound with me.
Ready. Signal.

ch éé r
> ● ●
• Repeat.

Your turn.
Ready. Signal.
Repeat the task until the student does it ●
r i ch
● ● >
as instructed.
✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons
and begin the list again.

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons. • Now let’s see if you can remember all of
the sounds you have learned.
TASK 6: PRACTICING THE • Say the sound when I touch it. If you
SOUND COMBINATION ch make a mistake, we will practice that
sound and then do the row again.
• Now you are going to sound out some
words that have the sound combination • What’s the first sound?
ch. As I touch the sounds, you say • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each sound in the list.
• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
wh ck g d w
• Good work.
● > > > ●

What’s that word?
Ready. Signal.
é al y í e
● ● ● ● ●

• Repeat for each word in the list.

r k th or h
● > ● ● >
u t p qu b more

● > > ● >
ch l o f sh ●
> ● ● ● ●
c n ó ol a ●

> ● ● ● ●

j ing m s x shore
> ● ● ● ●

ú v á i al wore
● ● ● ● ● ●

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me, ●
your turn) as in previous Lessons
and repeat the row. tore


• Now you are going to read some words

that rhyme with for .
Touch the dot in front of the word for.
Slide your finger along the line and say
✓ Use correction procedure as in
previous Lessons if necessary.
• What’s that word? SHORT SOUNDS
• Ready. Signal.

• All the words rhyme with for . • Now you are going to sound out some
words that begin with short sounds.
• Look at the next word. Remember to put the sounds together
• What’s that word? without stopping.
• Ready. Signal.
• Sound out the first word.
• Repeat for each word in the list. • Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,
for • What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each of the words in the list.

p a ck

c ol t
> ● >
● > ● >

g r am j ug
> >
● ●
● > ● ● ●

ch i p ●
t a s k
> ● ● >
● > ● >
k éé p

c r a ck
> ● ● >
● > ● >

g r ów ●
b é s i de
> ● ● ● >
● > ● ● ●

ch e ck
he l p ● > ● >

● > ● ● >
p a dd l e
g r ab ● > ● > ●

● > ● ● > ✓ If the student makes an error or stops

between the sounds, use correction

dá y
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons
and begin the list again.
● > ● ●

p i ck

• You are going to read some irregular

● > ● > words you have already learned.

• Read the first word and spell it. • If not, say, Time for a Sound Fluency
• Ready. Signal. Check. Turn to page 26 in your Reader.
Time student for 30 seconds.
• Repeat for each word.
• Record scores for Day 5 of Sound
earth Fluency Check 4 on page 122 of the
● Workbook.

move REMINDER: If the student has been unable

to say at least 50 sounds correctly per

minute at least one time in Sound Fluency
love Check 4, finish and correct the Workbook
Exercises for Lesson 24 but do not proceed

to teach new material. Instead, reteach
idea Lessons 20 through 24. Include daily
practice and timings on Sound Fluency

Check 4 on page 26. Circle and practice
any sounds the student is having difficulty
word with. Record scores in the Additional
● Practice columns for Sound Fluency Check
4 on page 122 of the Student Workbook.
want Students should continue to be awarded
● points for working hard, paying attention,
following instructions and doing well on
work fluency checks. When the student is able to
● say 50+ sounds from the list in 1 minute,
begin Lesson 25.
● REMINDER: If the student has read 60+
words correctly in 1 minute for any three
eye days of the last four, s/he may discontinue
● timings on Word Fluency Check 4 if s/he

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.
so chooses.

• If not, say, Time for a Word Fluency

Check. Turn to page 27. Time student
TASK 11: SOUND FLUENCY for 30 seconds.
• Record scores for Day 5 of Word
REMINDER: If the student has said 50+ Fluency Check 4 on page 123 of the
sounds correctly in 1 minute for any three Workbook.
days of the last four, s/he may discontinue
timings on Sound Fluency Check 4 if s/he REMINDER: If the student has been unable
so chooses. to read at least 60 words correctly in 1
minute at least one time in Word Fluency seconds. Then practice the next half in the
Check 4, finish the Workbook Exercises for same manner. Combine the two sections
Lesson 24 but do not proceed with new and practice until the student can read
material. Instead, redo Lessons 20 through them fluently in a minute. Record scores in
24. Include daily practice and timings on the Additional Practice columns for Story
Word Fluency Check 4 on page 27. Circle Reading Fluency Check 3. Award points
and practice any words the student is for working hard, paying attention, following
having difficulty with. Record scores in the instructions and doing well in fluency
Additional Practice columns for Word checks. When the student has reached
Fluency Check 4 on page 123 of the fluency, begin Lesson 25.
Student Workbook. Students should
continue to be awarded points for working TASK 15:
hard, paying attention, following instructions WORKBOOK EXERCISES
and doing well on fluency checks. When the
student is able to read 60+ words from the • Say, Now we are going to do the
list in 1 minute, continue in the Reader with Workbook part of the Lesson.
Lesson 25. • Open your Workbook to Lesson 24 on
page 92. Check.
FLUENCY CHECK 3 Exercise 1: Solving Codes

REMINDER: If the student has read 200+ • Let’s look at Exercise 1. You are going
words per minute in the story for three of to solve a code to answer a riddle. Look
the last four attempts, s/he has reached below the boxes and read the riddle.
fluency and does not need to try again on • Ready. Signal. Student reads, What do
this Lesson unless s/he chooses to do so. you call a horse in a snowstorm?
Do a timing on a story of the student’s • Good reading! In each box, there are
choice in the Reader. words which have the same sound
• If the student has not yet reached • Let’s figure out the sound that goes in
fluency, say, Time for another Story the first set of words. Read each word.
Reading Fluency Check. Turn to page Student reads words in the first box.
28 in your Reader. Time student for one • What sound is missing that will
minute. complete each word?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, o.
• Record scores for Day 5 of Story • That’s right, o. Print o in the triangle.
Reading Fluency Check 3 on page 124 Check.
of the Workbook. • Repeat for circle = c, diamond = d,
hexagon = t and square = l.
NOTE: If the student has not yet reached • Good! You have figured out what each
fluency at 200+ words a minute in the shape’s sound is. Now let’s solve the
same story on at least one timing, finish code to answer the riddle.
and correct the Workbook Exercises for • What sound goes in the circle?
Lesson 24, but do not proceed with new • Ready. Signal. Student answers, c.
material. Instead, have the student practice • That’s right. Print c in the space above
reading the first half of the story until s/he the circle.
can read it with fewer than 3 L.O.s in 30 • Repeat for the rest of the shapes.
• Now read what you have written to find see another word that you can make
out what you call a horse in a from some of the letters in something ?
snowstorm. (a cold colt) (Words can be very short. eg. in)
• Good! Print that word on the first line.
Exercise 2: Printing Sounds • Have the student find and print six more
words. Help if necessary.
• Find Exercise 2. You are going to
practice printing the letters for the Exercise 5: Rhyme Time!
sound combinations that you learned in
this Lesson. • In Exercise 5 there are some sounds
• Touch the first sound combination. Tell written inside the flag. Read those
me that sound. sounds.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, órrr. • Good. The words with blanks in front of
• Have the student print four of the sound them all rhyme with for . You must add
combination órrr. one of the sounds in the flag to the
• Repeat for ólll and ch. beginning of each word to make a
rhyming word.
Exercise 3: Circling and Crossing Out • Have student add each sound to the
Words with Short Sounds blanks and then read the rhyming word.
• Now look below the words at the clue.
• Now let’s do Exercise 3. Some of the Read that letter and number.
words here begin with short sounds. • This is another word that rhymes with
You are going to circle these words. for. What is it?
Some other words end in short sounds. • Ready. Signal. Student says, before.
You will cross out those words. • Right! Print that word in the blanks.
• Read the first word. Check.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, lunch.
• Say the first sound in lunch . Exercise 6: Putting Words in Alphabetical
• Ready. Signal. Student says, lll. That’s Order
correct. Is lll a short sound?
• Ready . Signal. Student says, no. • Find Exercise 6. Read the words.
• So do we circle that word? • Ready. Signal. Student reads from us to
• Ready. Signal. Student says, no. lunch.
• Say the last sound in lunch. • In this exercise you are going to print
• Ready. Signal. Student says, ch. these words in alphabetical order. You
• Good. Is ch a short sound? must look at the first letter in each word.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, yes. What first letter in these words (point to
• That’s right. Cross out the word lunch . list) comes first in the alphabet?
• Repeat for each word. • Ready. Signal. Student answers, colt.
• That’s right! Print colt in the blanks. Put
Exercise 4: Making New Words a check mark beside it.
• What is the word with a first letter that
• Find Exercise 4. It’s called Something comes next in the alphabet?
else! You are going to make some new • Ready. Signal. Student says, forest.
words from the letters in the word • Well done. Print forest on the second
something. Look carefully. Can you line. Check.

• Repeat for the rest of the words. When LESSON 25
the student has finished doing all six of
them, say, Good work! You just put TASK 1: SOUNDING
those six words in alphabetical order. OUT WORDS
TASK 16: • Now you are going to sound out some
AWARDING POINTS words. As I touch the sounds, you say
• Record the total points for Lesson 24 on
page 125 of the Workbook. • First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
End of Lesson 24 word.

• Good work. What’s that word?

• Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word in the list.

s t op > >
● ● ●

i m p or t a n t
● ● ● > ● > ● ● >

al l● ●

b al l
> ● ●

nu t
● ● >

w or e
● ●

óp en
> ●
r u sh
● ● ●
● ● ● ●

wr i te >
s p or t > >
● ● ● ● ● ● ●

n or th
● ● ● ●
l ów
● ● ●

t e ll
> ● ●
sh r u g >
● ● ● ●

s t or y
s n a ck >
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

s m al l
● ● ● ● ●
c o l or
> ● ● ●

s u ch ✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
● ● ● >

sh or e
● ● •

Say, Here are some words that rhyme

with may .

ch i l d r e n
> ● ● > ● ● ●
• Touch the dot in front of the word may,
slide your finger along the line and say

• What’s that word?

us ● ●

Ready. Signal.

All the words rhyme with may .

• Look at the next word.

• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word in the list.
máy ●

sáy ●

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

● • Now you are going to practice reading
some words you have already learned.
● • First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads word.
● • Repeat for each word in list.

stáy hold shów

● ● ●

gráy much wón’t

● ● ●

tráy black until

● ● ●

wáy month run

● ● ●

háy ówn yell

● ● ●

láy kiss jam

● ● ●

jáy help slów

● ● ●

quit bégin sometime
● ● ●

bent follów your

● ● ●

flashing act somewhere

● ● ●

next ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
• Say, Here are some new irregular
TASK 4: PRACTICING words. First I will read the word, then
IRREGULAR WORDS you will read the word and spell it.

• Now let’s review some irregular words • Listen. The first word is towards .
you have already learned. • What word?
• Ready. Signal.
• Read the first word and spell it. • Yes, towards .
• Ready. Signal.
• Spell towards .
• Repeat for each word. • Ready. Signal.

someone • Repeat for each word.

took ●

somebody ●

does ●

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.


TASK 6: SOUND FLUENCY in the Words Read Correctly column for
CHECK 5 Day 1 of Word Fluency Check 5 on
page 123 in the Workbook.
• The student has said 50+ sounds per • Record number of errors and/or skipped
minute in Sound Fluency Check 4 on words per minute in the Learning
page 26. Say, Turn to page 35 in your Opportunities column.
Reader. Check. There is a list of sounds
from Lessons 1 to 25. TASK 8: STORY READING
• You are going to say these sounds as FLUENCY CHECK 4
quickly as you can, remembering to
hold the sounds with the dots under • The student has reached fluency (200+
them for one second. words/minute) in Story Reading Fluency
• Which way would you like to do this Check 3. Say, Now we are going to do
list? Student chooses down or across. a new Story Reading Fluency Check.
Turn to page 37 in your Reader. Check.
• Put your finger on the first sound.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for • Put your finger on the title. Get set to
30 seconds. read the story.
• Say, Thank you. • Ready. Please begin. Time student for
1 minute.
• Record sounds said correctly per • At the end of 1 minute say, Thank you.
minute in the Sounds Said Correctly
column for Day 1 of Sound Fluency • Record the number of words read
Check 5 on page 122 in the Workbook. correctly in the Words Read Correctly
• Record number of errors and/or skipped column for Day 1 of Story Reading
sounds per minute in the Learning Fluency Check 4 on page 124 in the
Opportunities column. Workbook.
• Record errors and/or skipped words in
TASK 7: WORD FLUENCY the Learning Opportunities column.
• The student has read 60+ words per WORKBOOK EXERCISES
minute in Word Fluency Check 4 on
page 27. Say, On page 36 there is a list • Say, Now we are going to do the
of words from Lessons 1 to 25. Workbook Exercises.
• You are going to read these words as • Open your Workbook to Lesson 25 on
quickly as you can. Which way would page 96. Check.
you like to read this list? Student
chooses down or across. Exercise 1: Crossing Out Vowels that Say
their Names
• Put your finger on the first word.
• Ready. Please begin. Time student for • Let’s do Exercise 1. You must read
30 seconds. each word. Then you will cross out any
• Say, Thank you. vowel that says its name.
• Find the first word. What’s that word?
• Record words read correctly per minute • Ready. Signal. Student says, same.

• Is there a vowel that says its name in *Exercise 4: Printing Words to Match their
same? Cross it out. Meaning
• Repeat for each vowel in each word.
• Now let’s look at Exercise 4. In this
Exercise 2a: Circling the Correct Word Exercise you are going to print words to
look like their meaning. Two words are
• In Exercise 2 there are pictures with two done for you. Read those words.
words beside them. You are going to • Ready. Signal. Student reads, thin, cold.
circle the word that matches the picture. Notice how the word thin is printed very
• Read the first two words. tall and skinny. Cold looks like it is
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, pay, way. shivering.
• Which word matches the picture? • Read the other words.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, pay. • Ready. Signal.
• That’s correct. Circle the word pay . • Take your pencil and print those words
• Repeat for each picture. as best you can to match their meaning.
• Be ready to make some suggestions if
Exercise 2b: Filling in the Blanks the student is having difficulty with any
of the words.
• In Exercise 2b you are going to fill in the
blanks with the correct rhyming word. Exercise 5: Answering a Riddle
The rhyming words are in the
wheelbarrow. • Put your finger on Exercise 5. Read the
• Read those words. riddle.
• Ready. Signal. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, What do
• Now read the first sentence. frogs make notes on?
• Ready. Signal. • To answer this riddle you are going to
• Find the correct word that completes cross out all the sound combinations
that sentence and print that word in the cooo, órrr and ch. The letters that are
blank. Now read the whole sentence. left will be the answer.
• Repeat for each sentence. • Take your pencil and cross out all those
sound combinations.
Exercise 3: Making New Words • Now print the letters that remain in the
spaces below.
• In Exercise 3 you are going to make • What do frogs make notes on?
some new words from the letters in the • That’s right, lily pads!
word important .
• Can you see another word that you can TASK 10:
make from some of the letters in AWARDING POINTS
• Good! Print that word on the first line. • Record the total points for Lesson 25 on
• Monitor the student as s/he prints new page 125 of the Workbook.
words. Be ready to make some
suggestions. End of Lesson 25

LESSON 26 grim


• Point to the list of words below and say
to the student, You’re going to read this
list of words for me.

• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, tap. plan

• Now read the rest of the words in the
list. • With a pencil add an e to the end of
• Ready. Signal. each of the words in the list.

tap • Say, Remember the rule about words

that end with an e.

• Listen. An e at the end of a word makes
the vowel say its name.
● • What’s that rule?
• Ready. Signal.
● • That’s right. Now read these words all
by yourself.
gap • Ready. Signal.

If the student makes an error, review
pal the Final e Rule and begin the Task
● again.


● • Now you are going to read some words
with underlined sounds. Some of these
strip words will follow the Final e Rule, some
● will not.
• First you will read the underlined sound,
kit then you will read the word.


• Put your finger on the first word. Say, TASK 3: PRACTICING
What’s the underlined sound? IRREGULAR WORDS
• Ready. Signal.
• You are going to read some irregular
• Good. Now read the word. words you have already learned.
• Ready. Signal.
• Read the first word and spell it.
• Repeat for each word in the list. • Ready. Signal.

• Repeat for each word.

time th ese those
pot take they ●

b ut us blank people

spell made much earth

line name must one

pla nt an y wr ite once

like same life

mile wh ite for
make woke ch ildren ●

until more came eye

side state home you

✓ If the student makes an error where

the Final e Rule applies, use the

Final e correction procedure as in
previous Lessons.
For other words, use the model, lead, talk
test correction procedure and begin ●
the row again.
✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.
TASK 4: TEACHING • Repeat for each sentence in the

• Say, Here are some new irregular 1. He has the same name as Sam.
words. First I will read the word, then 2. Do they like to lick the white cake?
you will read the word and spell it. 3. They came one mile to take the children to
see those plants.
• Listen. The first word is thought . 4. He must spell any name and write it in the
• What word? blank.
• Ready. Signal. 5. She had much time but she is still late for
• Yes, thought . the game.
6. Take the time to write on the line.
• Spell thought . 7. Here is the cap and the cape that she likes.
• Ready. Signal. 8. They made plans until the sun set.
9. State your name and write it on the line.
• Repeat for each word. 10. Tim had time to hide the dime.

thought ✓ Use correction procedure as in
previous Lessons if necessary.



pull • Time for another Sound Fluency Check.

Turn to page 35 in your Reader. Time

student for 30 seconds.
full • Record scores for Day 2 of Sound

Fluency Check 5 on page 122 of the

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.


• Time for another Word Fluency Check.
Turn to page 36. Time student for 30
• Now you are going to read some
• Turn to Lesson 26 on page 40 in your
• Record scores for Day 2 of Word
Reader. Check.
Fluency Check 5 on page 123 of the
• Read the first sentence.
• Ready. Signal.

• Number 2. Read that sentence.

• Ready. Signal.

TASK 8: STORY READING • Ready. Signal.
FLUENCY CHECK 4 • You will be looking for those words in
this puzzle. The words can go across or
• Say to the student, We are now going down. One word goes backwards.
to do our second Story Reading • Read the first word in the list of the
Fluency Check. Turn to page 37 in your words that you will be looking for.
Reader. Time student for 1 minute. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, plane.
• That’s right. The word plane will go
• Record scores for Day 2 of Story across. Find that word in the puzzle.
Reading Fluency Check 4 on page 124 Draw a circle around it.
of the Student Workbook. • Put a check mark beside the word
plane in the list so that you know you
TASK 9: have found it.
WORKBOOK EXERCISES • If the student is having problems finding
the word, repeat steps above for each
• Say, Now we are going to do the word in the list. If s/he can do the
Workbook part of the Lesson. puzzle independently, allow him/her to
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 26 on do so.
page 100. Check.
Exercise 3: Adding or Crossing Out a
Exercise 1: Vowel Power! Final e

• Look at Exercise 1. It’s a Vowel Power! • Exercise 3 has some sentences from
exercise. your Reader. You are going to either
• Tell me the five vowel letters. add or cross out a final e so that the
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, a, e, i, words make sense. Number 1 has been
o and u. done for you. Read that sentence.
• Right! Now you must fill in the blanks • Ready. Signal.
with one of those vowels to make a • Good reading! A final e has been added
word that you know. to the words same and name and the
• Touch the first word. What vowel goes final e on the word Sam has been
in that blank? crossed out.
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, e. • Read sentence number 2.
• Yes, e. Print e in the blank. • Ready. Signal.
• Now read that word. • Look at the words with the blanks.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, yell. Decide if you need to add a final e,
• Repeat for each word. cross one out or leave it as is for the
word to make sense.
Exercise 2: Word Search Puzzle • Repeat for sentences 3 to 7.

• Find Exercise 2. It’s a word search Exercise 4: Putting Words in Alphabetical

puzzle. First let’s read the words below Order
the puzzle.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads the • Find Exercise 4. Read the words.
words. • Ready. Signal. Student reads from
• Add an e to each of these words. Now open to story.
read them again. • In this exercise you are going to print
these words in alphabetical order. You • Now draw a line to join the two words.
must look at the first letter in each word. Check.
What first letter in these words (point to • Repeat for the rest of the words in the
list) comes first in the alphabet? list.
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, also.
• That’s right! Print also in the blanks. Put TASK 10:
a check mark beside it. AWARDING POINTS
• What is the word with a first letter that
comes next in the alphabet? • Record the total points for Lesson 26 on
• Ready. Signal. Student says, children. page 125 of the Workbook.
• Well done. Print children on the second
set of blanks. Check. End of Lesson 26
• Repeat for the rest of the words. When
the student has finished doing all seven
of them, say, Good work! You just put
those seven words in alphabetical
• Now print the letters that are circled in
the blanks below to spell another word
that you know. What’s that word?
• That’s right, someone .

Exercise 5: Matching Words

• Find Exercise 5. You are going to fill in

the missing letters in these words (point
to the words in the left-hand column).
Then you are going to draw a line to
match the words that are the same.
• The first word has been done for you.
An a and an e were added to make a
word and then this word cane (point)
was joined with a line to this word cane
• The second word (touch the second
word in the left-hand column) has five
letters with an h as the second letter
and an e as the fourth letter.
• Look down this list (point to the list to
the right) and find a word that has five
letters with an h and an e in those
positions. What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, three.
• That’s right. Print t on the line in front of
h and then an r and a final e to spell
the word three .

LESSON 27 • What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal.
SOUND COMBINATIONS er ir • Repeat for each word in the list.
ur as in term, sir and turn

• When these letters are together, they

say the sound rrr. ●
h er
> ●
• Listen. Touch the dots under the er, ir

and ur and say rrr for one second each.
Lift your finger.
Listen again. Repeat. ●
t ur n
> ● ●

g ir l
• Say the sound with me. Keep on saying
it as long as I touch it.
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat. ● > ● ●

s ir
• Your turn.
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed. ● ● ●

er ir ur
● ● ● ●
h ur t
> ● >

✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me, p er s o n
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
● > ● ● ● ●
er ir ur

f ur
● ●
• Now you are going to sound out some
words that have the sound
combinations you just learned. As I
touch the sounds, you say them. ●
u n d er
● ● > ●

d ir t
• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
• Good work. ● > ● >

✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

f al é d
● ● ● >
your turn) as in previous Lessons and
begin the list again.
á ú
TASK 3: ● ●


Now let’s see if you can remember all

✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
of the sounds you have learned. your turn) as in previous Lessons
• Say the sound when I touch it. If you and repeat the row.
make a mistake, we will practice that
sound and then do the row again. TASK 4: SOUNDING
• What’s the first sound?
• Ready. Signal. • Now you are going to sound out some
words. As I touch the sounds, you say
• Repeat for each sound in the list. them.

• First word.
ck y th wh c • Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
> ● ● ● > word.

ol m h qu or •

Good work. What’s that word?
Ready. Signal.
● ● > ● ●
• Repeat for each word in the list.
b l n a x
> ● ● ● ●

al ●
ch o j er u
> ●

i v
> ●


r ●
f ●
ir s t
● ● >
● ● ● ● ●

ur ing sh k p ●
n ●
e v er
● ● ●
● ● ● > >


g e w
> ● ● ●
al ●
s ó
● ●

ma n y wh i ch ● ● ● >
● ● ● ● ●

m o th er n u m b er ● ● ● ● > ●
● ● ● ● ●

b r o th er ó v er
> ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●

óp en c l os e ● > ● ● ●
● ● > ● ●

r i v er e v e r y
● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ● ●

a f t er a n o th er > ● ● ● ● ● ●
● ● ● ●

m o n s t er b ur n
● ● ● ● > ●
● > ● ●

p á p er t r u ck ● > ● ● >
● > ● > ●
✓ If any error occurs, use correction

wh i l e
● ● ●
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.


● >
d i ff er e n t
● ● ● ● ● >
• Turn to TASK 4 in this Lesson. Say,
Now you are going to practice reading
the words you sounded out.

• First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads word.
sell rów
● ●
• Repeat for each word in list.
✓ If necessary, use correction

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
• Say, Here are some new irregular
words. First I will read the word, then
• Now you are going to practice reading
you will read the word and spell it.
some other words you know.
• First word. • Listen. The first word is together .
• Ready. Signal. Student reads word. • What word?
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each word in list. • Yes, together .

bégin cold • Spell together .

● ● • Ready. Signal.

milk second • Repeat for each word.

● ●
along body ●
● ●
stop bélów ●
● ●
write north ●
● ●
important small ●


held ✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.
● ●
hug town CHECK 5
● ●
• Time for another Sound Fluency Check.
story thrów Turn to page 35 in your Reader. Time
student for 30 seconds.
● ●
• Record scores for Day 3 of Sound
Fluency Check 5 on page 122 in the • That’s right! Print answer in the blanks.
Workbook. Put a check mark beside it.
• What is the word with a first letter that
TASK 9: WORD FLUENCY comes next in the alphabet?
CHECK 5 • Ready. Signal. Student says, father.
• Well done. Print father in the second
• Time for another Word Fluency Check. set of blanks. Check.
Turn to page 36. Time student for 30 • Repeat for the rest of the words. When
seconds. the student has finished doing all five of
them, say, Good work! You just put
• Record scores for Day 3 of Word those five words in alphabetical order.
Fluency Check 5 on page 123 in the • Now print the letters that are circled in
Workbook. the blanks below to spell what this
(point to tadpole) will grow up to be.
TASK 10: STORY READING What will it be?
FLUENCY CHECK 4 • That’s right, a frog.

• Time for another Story Reading Fluency Exercise 2: Matching Rhyming Words
Check. Turn to page 37 in your Reader.
Time student for 1 minute. • Find Exercise 2 on your worksheet. You
are going to draw a line to match
• Record scores for Day 3 of Story rhyming words.
Reading Fluency Check 4 on page 124 • Touch the first word. Check. What’s that
in the Workbook. word?
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, her.
TASK 11: • Now touch the second group of words.
WORKBOOK EXERCISES Read the first word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, much.
• Say, Now we are going to do some • Does much rhyme with her ?
Workbook Exercises. • Repeat until student finds the correct
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 27 on rhyming word, fur.
page 106. Check. • Good. Now draw a line to join the words
her and fur.
Exercise 1: Putting Words in Alphabetical • Repeat for the rest of the words in the
Order list.

• Find Exercise 1. Read the words. Exercise 3: Printing Sounds

• Ready. Signal. Student reads from
together to person. • In Exercise 3 you are going to practice
• In this exercise you are going to print printing the letters for the sounds that
these words in alphabetical order. You you learned in this Lesson.
must look at the first letter in each word. • Touch the first sound. Tell me that
What first letter in these words (point to sound.
list) comes first in the alphabet? • Ready. Signal. Student says, rrr.
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, • Have the student print all six of the
answer. sound combination er.

• Repeat for ir and ur. LESSON 28
Exercise 4: Crossword Puzzle TASK 1: PRACTICING
• Exercise 4 is a crossword puzzle. All
the words have the sound rrr . There are • Point to the list of words below and say
pictures beside the puzzle to help you to the student, You’re going to read this
know what word to print in the boxes. list of words for me.
• Touch number 1. What is that a picture
of? • First word.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, a • Ready. Signal. Student reads, hop.
first-place ribbon.
• That’s right. To help you spell that word • Now read the rest of the words in the
there is a word list printed on the note list.
paper. Find the word first . Now print the • Ready. Signal.
word first in the boxes for number 1.

Repeat for the rest of the words.
hop her
● ●
Exercise 5: Answering a Riddle
sam rid
● ●
• Exercise 5 is a riddle. This riddle asks,
What color is a cheerleader?
• To answer the riddle you are going to fat tam
print the alphabet letter that comes right ● ●
before the letter below the line.
• What’s the first letter below the line? fin plan
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, z. ● ●
• Yes, z. What letter in the alphabet
comes right before the letter z? slim slop
• Ready. Signal. Student says, y. ● ●
• That’s right, y. Print a y on the first line.
• Repeat for the rest of the letters. pin
• So what color is a cheerleader? ●
• Yeller! Great work!
• With a pencil add an e to the end of
TASK 12: each of the words in the list.
• Say, Now read these words all by
• Record the total points for Lesson 27 on yourself.
page 125 of the Workbook. • Ready. Signal.

End of Lesson 27
✓ If the student makes an error, review
the Final e Rule and begin the Task

nape such
● ●
• Now you are going to read some other
words. Some of these words will follow note time
the Final e Rule, some will not. ● ●

• Put your finger on the first word. Say, hand sore

What’s that word? ● ●
• Ready. Signal.
fad gate
• Repeat for each word in the list. ● ●

kit under stripe slid

● ● ● ●

fur store nap tów

● ● ● ●


us ✓ If the student makes an error where
the Final e Rule applies, use the
Final e correction procedure as in
not after previous Lessons.
For other words, use the model, lead,
● ●
test correction procedure and begin
with alsó the row again.
● ●
slide first
● ●
• Say, Here are some words that rhyme
with fine .
made use • Touch the dot in front of the word fine,
● ● slide your finger along the line and say
kite gape
● ● • What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal.
five gó
● ● • All the words rhyme with fine .

lake turn • Look at the next word.

● ● • What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal.
tap hat • Repeat for each word in the list.
● ●

fíne cal l another wh ile

hel p per son add
● cl ose di ff erent burn
líne ópen ch ildren white


✓ If the student makes an error where
the Final e Rule applies, use the
píne Final e correction procedure as in
● previous Lessons.
For other words, use the model, lead,
níne test correction procedure and begin
● the row again.

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.

TASK 4: SAYING THE • Now you are going to read some

UNDERLINED SOUNDS AND sentences that have words that you
• Turn to Lesson 28 on page 42 in your
Reader. Check.
• Now you are going to read some words
with underlined sounds. Some of these
• Read the first sentence.
words will follow the Final e Rule, some
• Ready. Signal.
will not.
• First you will read the underlined sound,
• Repeat for each sentence in the
then you will read the word.
• Put your finger on the first word. Say,
1. The children can nap in the van.
What’s the underlined sound?
2. Use the tape with the other kite.
• Ready. Signal.
3. First she went over the slope in her plane.
4. After another person made the turn, they
• Good. Now read the word.
ran under the gate.
• Ready. Signal.
5. He made us mad with that plan.
6. Call the children for lunch.
• Repeat for each word in the list.
7. After they ask, we will also hand over the
which lunch more 8. Mother has a sore hand.
9. Is the slim stick all you need?
oth er num ber fir m 10. Take this fur to the plant.
11. Can the white cane go in the other hand?
✓ Use correction procedure as in
previous Lessons if necessary.
• If the student has not yet reached
fluency, say, Time for another Story
Reading Fluency Check. Turn to page
TASK 6: SOUND FLUENCY 37 in your Reader. Time student for one
CHECK 5 minute.

NOTE: If the student has said 50+ sounds • Record scores for Day 4 of Story
correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive Reading Fluency Check 4 on page 124
days, s/he may discontinue timings on in the Workbook.
Sound Fluency Check 5 if s/he so chooses.
• If not, say, Time for a Sound Fluency WORKBOOK EXERCISES
Check. Turn to page 35 in your Reader.
Time student for 30 seconds. • Open your Workbook to Lesson 28 on
page 110. Check.
• Record scores for Day 4 of Sound
Fluency Check 5 on page 122 in the Exercise 1: Practicing the Alphabet
• Find Exercise 1. The alphabet is printed
TASK 7: WORD FLUENCY here. Say the alphabet for me.
CHECK 5 • Ready. Signal. Student recites the
• Point to random letters below alphabet.
NOTE: If the student has read 60+ words What are these letters?
correctly in 1 minute for three consecutive • Pick up your pencil and print these
days, s/he may discontinue timings on alphabet letters (point to row of letters p
Word Fluency Check 5 if s/he so chooses. to j) in the blanks.
• Now circle all the vowels in the alphabet
• If not, say, Time for a Word Fluency above and also in this group of letters.
Check. Turn to page 36. Time student Check.
for 30 seconds. • Here are some riddles about the
alphabet letters. First riddle is, Which
• Record scores for Day 4 of Word vowel sounds like the opposite of me ?
Fluency Check 5 on page 123 in the (u)
Workbook. • One of the vowels sounds like the body
part we see with. Which vowel is it? (i)
TASK 8: STORY READING • One alphabet letter is a large body of
FLUENCY CHECK 4 water. Which one is it? (c)
• Which letter is a blue and white bird? (j)
NOTE: If the student has read 200+ words • Which letter is also a vegetable? (p)
per minute in the story three consecutive • Which letter is a hot drink? (t)
times, s/he has reached fluency and does • Which letter is a buzzing yellow and
not need to try again on this Lesson unless black-striped insect? (b)
s/he chooses to do so. Do a timing on a • Which letter is also a girl’s name? (k)
story of the student’s choice in the Reader. • One letter sounds like the question
word that asks the reason for
something. What letter is that? (y)
Exercise 2: Rhyme Time! • Is there a vowel that says its name in
slime? Circle it.
• Exercise 2 is a Rhyme Time! exercise. • Repeat for each word.
There are some sounds written inside
the diver’s bubbles. Read these sounds. Exercise 5: Printing Words to Match their
• Ready. Signal. Student reads the Meaning
• The words with a blank in front of them • Now let’s look at Exercise 5. In this
all rhyme with fine . You must add one exercise you are going to print words to
of the sounds in the bubbles to the look like their meaning. Two words are
beginning of the word to make a done for you. Read those words.
rhyming word. • Ready. Signal. Student reads, down,
• What is the first sound in the bubble? seven.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, mmm. • Read the other words.
• Yes, mmm . Print the sound mmm in • Ready. Signal.
the first blank. Check. • Take your pencil and print those words
• What’s that word? as best you can to match their meaning.
• Ready. Signal. Student says, mine. • Be ready to make some suggestions if
• That’s good, mine . the student is having difficulty with any
• Repeat for each sound. of the words.

Exercise 3: Solving Codes to Answer a Exercise 6: Completing Various Tasks on

Riddle Sentences from the Reader

• Let’s look at Exercise 3. You are going • In Exercise 6 there are some sentences
to solve a code to answer a riddle. Look from your Reader. Read the first
below the boxes and read the riddle. sentence in your Workbook.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, Where • Ready. Signal. Student reads, The
do birds go when they are sick? children can nap in the van.
• Let’s figure out the sound that goes in • You are going to circle two rhyming
each set of words. Have the student words. What are they?
read the words in each box, then print • Ready. Signal. Student says, can and
the missing sounds in each shape. van.
• Good! You have figured out what each • Read sentence number 2.
shape’s sound is. Now solve the code • Ready. Signal. Student reads, First she
to answer the riddle, Where do birds go went over the slope in her plane.
when they are sick? • Good reading. Cross out all the short
• That’s right. To the ducktor! sounds in this sentence. Check.
• Number 3. Read it please.
Exercise 4: Circling Vowels that Say their • Ready. Signal. Student reads, After
Names another person made the turn, they ran
under the gate.
• Now let’s do Exercise 4. You must read • Yes. Circle all the sound combinations
each word. Then you will circle any in this sentence that say rrr .
vowel that says its name. • Number 4.
• Find the first word. What’s that word? • Ready. Signal. Student reads, He mad
• Ready. Signal. Student says, slime. us mad with that plan.
• Some of those words sound funny. LESSON 29
Look at the blanks and decide whether
or not to add a final e. Check. Now read TASK 1:
the sentence again. SOUNDING OUT WORDS
• Read number 5.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, After they • You are going to sound out some
blank, we will also hand over the blank. words. As I touch the sounds, you say
• That’s right. Now find that sentence in them.
your Reader on page 42 (check) and fill
in the blanks. Check. • First word.
• Read sentence 6. • Ready. Signal. Student sounds out
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, Is the word.
slim stick all you need?
• Circle all the vowels. Check. • Good work. What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal.
TASK 10:
AWARDING POINTS • Repeat for each word in the list.
• Record the total points for Lesson 28 on
page 125 of the Workbook.

End of Lesson 28 ●
c >
o l or
● ● ●

e ●
v er
● ●

l ●
e tt er
● > ●

b >
és i d
● ● ● >

p >
a s t >
● ● ●

f or e s t
● ● ● ● >

p icnic
> > > ●
t r u ck
> ● ● >
● ● ● ●

d ir t y ●
woma n
● ● ● ● ●
● > ● > ●

ch éé r pond
> >
> ● ● ●
● ● ●

mom s t i ck er ● ● > ● > ●

● ● ● ●

s u dd e n d a m p
● ● > ● ● ● > ● ● >

a l i ve ✓ If any error occurs, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
● ● ● ● ●

qu éé n •

Turn to TASK 1 in this Lesson. Say,

● ● ● ●
Now you are going to practice reading
the words you sounded out.

b é f or e
> ● ● ●

First word.
Ready. Signal. Student reads word.

w i n t er ✓
● ● ● > ●
• Repeat for each word in list.

If necessary, use correction

procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons.

j ump
> >
● ● ●


RHYMING WORDS If necessary, use correction
procedure as in previous Lessons.
• Now you are going to read some words
that rhyme with all . TASK 4:
• Touch the dot in front of the word all. READING WORDS
Slide your finger along the line and say
all. • Now you are going to read some words
you know.
• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. • First word.
• All the words rhyme all . • Ready. Signal. Student reads, dug.

• Look at the next word. • Repeat for each word in list.

• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal. dug pick
● ●
• Repeat for each word in the list.

all yet must

● ●

ball month snów

● ●

call cold brother

● ●

fall rich awáy

● ●

hall rush many

● ●

mall note chore

● ●

small six mother

● ●

stall for anything

● ●

tall five páper

● ●

✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,

your turn) as in previous Lessons.

• You are going to read some irregular ●
words you have already learned.
• Read the first word and spell it. ●
• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each word. ●

some full
● ●

somebody you
● ●

someone your
● ●

something want
● ●

sometime eye
● ●

somewhere school
● ●

together walk
● ●

father talk
● ●

one ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.


TASK 6: TEACHING Time student for 30 seconds.
• Record scores for Day 5 of Sound
• Say, Here are some new irregular Fluency Check 5 on page 122 of the
words. First I will read the word, then Workbook.
you will read the word and spell it.
REMINDER: If the student has been
• Listen. The first word is enough . unable to say at least 50 sounds correctly
• What word? in 1 minute at least one time in Sound
• Ready. Signal. Fluency Check 5, finish the Workbook
• Yes, enough . Exercises for Lesson 29 but do not
proceed with new material. Instead, redo
• Spell enough . Lessons 25 through 29. Include daily
• Ready. Signal. practice and timings on Sound Fluency
Check 5 on page 35. Circle and practice
• Repeat for each word. any sounds the student is having difficulty
with. Students should continue to be
enough awarded points for working hard, paying
● attention, following instructions and doing
well on fluency checks. When the student
group is able to say 50+ sounds from the list in 1
minute, go on to Lesson 30.

young CHECK 5

four REMINDER: If the student has read 60+

words correctly in 1 minute for any three

days of the last four, s/he may discontinue
timings on Word Fluency Check 5 if s/he
eight so chooses.

✓ If necessary, use correction

procedure from previous Lessons.
• If not, say, Time for a Word Fluency
Check. Turn to page 36. Time student
for 30 seconds.
TASK 7: SOUND FLUENCY • Record scores for Day 5 of Word
CHECK 5 Fluency Check 5 on page 123 of the
REMINDER: If the student has said 50+
sounds correctly in 1 minute for any three REMINDER: If the student has been
days of the last four, s/he may discontinue unable to read at least 60 words correctly
timings on Sound Fluency Check 5 if s/he in 1 minute at least one time in Word
so chooses. Fluency Check 5, finish the Workbook
Exercises for Lesson 29 but do not
• If not, say, Time for a Sound Fluency proceed with new material. Instead, redo
Check. Turn to page 35 in your Reader. Lessons 25 through 29. Include daily
practice and timings on Word Fluency instructions and doing well in fluency
Check 5 on page 36. Circle and practice checks. When the student has reached
any words the student is having difficulty fluency, begin Lesson 30.
with. Students should continue to be
awarded points for working hard, paying TASK 10:
attention, following instructions and doing WORKBOOK EXERCISES
well on fluency checks. When the student
is able to read 60+ words from the list in 1 • Open your Workbook to Lesson 29 on
minute, continue with Lesson 30. page 114. Check.

TASK 9: STORY READING Exercise 1: Filling in the Blanks with

FLUENCY CHECK 4 Rhyming Words

REMINDER: If the student has read 200+ • Find Exercise 1. Here you see some
words per minute in the story for three of pictures with blanks beside them. You
the last four attempts, s/he has reached must fill in the blanks to print a word
fluency and does not need to try again on which matches the picture. The words
this Lesson unless s/he chooses to do so. you will use are in the football. Each
Have the student choose another story word rhymes with all .
from the Reader to do a timing on. • Look at the first picture. What is it?
• Ready. Signal. Student says, a big
• If the student has not yet reached truck.
fluency, say, Time for another Story • Good. Find a word in the football to
Reading Fluency Check. Turn to page describe this truck. Now print that word
37 in your Reader. Time student for one in the blanks beside the picture of the
minute. truck. Check.
• Repeat for the rest of the pictures.
• Record scores for Day 5 of Story
Reading Fluency Check 4 on page 124 Exercise 2: Crossing Out Short Sounds
of the Workbook.
• Now let’s do Exercise 2. Some of the
NOTE: If the student has not yet reached words that are printed here have short
fluency at 200+ words a minute in the sounds. You must look at each word
same story on at least one timing, finish and cross out every short sound.
and correct the Workbook Exercises for • Find the first word. What is that word?
Lesson 29, but do not proceed with new • Ready. Signal. Student says, color.
material. Instead, have the student practice • Are there any short sounds in color ?
reading the first half of the story until s/he • Ready. Signal. Cross it out.
can read it with fewer than 3 L.O.s in 30 • Repeat for each word in the list.
seconds. Then practice the next half in the
same manner. Combine the two sections Exercise 3: Reading and Unscrambling
and practice until the student can read Number Words
them fluently in a minute. Record scores in
the Additional Practice columns for Story • Find Exercise 3. The numbers 1 to 10
Reading Fluency Check 4. Award points are written here. Touch each number
for working hard, paying attention, following and say it. Now say the numbers

backwards from 10 to 1. Exercise 6: Printing Words
• Ready. Signal.
• Now you are going to unscramble some • Look at the next page for Exercise 6.
letters to spell the number words from 1 You have to print some words that end
to 10. The words are written in the in the sound rrr . The words are inside
frame at the bottom of the page. the paper frame. Read those words.
• Touch the first scrambled word. You • Ready. Signal. Student reads the 10
must make a three-letter word with the words inside the paper frame.
sounds xsss , sss , and iii . Can you find • Touch the first word you need to print.
a three-letter word in the list inside the This word has six letters and ends in
frame that has the sounds xsss , sss , b-e-r. Look in the list and find a
and iii ? six-letter word with the letters b-e-r at
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, six. the end. What word did you find?
That’s right, six . • Ready. Signal. Student says, number.
• Print the word six in the blanks beside • Right. Print number in the spaces for
the first word. Put a check mark beside the first word. Put a check mark beside
the word six in the word list so you the word number so that you know you
know you have done it. have used it.
• Repeat for each scrambled word. Then • Repeat for each word.
have the student read each number. • When the student has printed all ten
words, say, Now print the circled letters
Exercise 4: Vowel Power! in the spaces below to make another
word that ends in the sound rrr . What’s
• Let’s go on to Exercise 4. You are going that word?
to circle all the vowels in these words. • Yes, monster !
• Read the first word.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, letter. TASK 11:
• That’s right. What vowels are you going AWARDING POINTS
to circle in the word letter ?
• Ready. Signal. Student replies, e and e. • Record the total points for Lesson 29 on
• Good! Circle the two e’s. Now read the page 125 of the Workbook.
next word.
• Repeat for each word in the list. End of Lesson 29

Exercise 5: Making New Words

• In Exercise 5 you are going to make

eight new words from the letters in the
word somewhere .
• Can you see another word that you can
make from the letters in somewhere ?
• Good! Print that word on the first line.
• Monitor the student as s/he prints new
words. Be ready to make some

m a tch
● ● >
tch as in match

• When these letters are together, they

p i tch
> >
say the short sound tch . ● ●
• Listen. Tap the arrow under the tch and

say tch. Lift your finger.
Listen again. Repeat.

Say the sound with me. ●

s c r a tch
● > ● ● >

• Ready. Signal.
• Repeat. If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
• Your turn. your turn) as in previous Lessons and
• Ready. Signal. begin the list again.
• Repeat the task until the student does it
as instructed. TASK 3: SOUNDING OUT

tc>h •

Now you are going to sound out some

words that begin with short sounds.
If any error occurs, use correction Remember to put the sounds together
procedure (my turn, do it with me, without stopping.
your turn) as in previous Lessons.
• Sound out the first word.
TASK 2: PRACTICING THE • Ready. Signal. Student sounds out,

• Now you are going to sound out some • What’s that word?
words that have the sound combination • Ready. Signal. Student says, ditch.
tch. As I touch the sounds, you say
them. • Repeat for each of the words in the list.

First word.
Ready. Signal.
Good work.

d i tch
> ● >
• What’s that word?

Ready. Signal.

Repeat for each word in the list. ●

c r u n ch
> ● ● ● >

• Repeat for each word in the list.

p er ch
> > ●
● ●


d u tch
> ● >


p u n ch
> > ●
● ● ●


b ir ch
> ● >


b u n ch
> ● ● > ●

✓ If the student makes an error or stops

between the sounds, use correction ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure as in previous Lessons.
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
your turn) as in previous Lessons TASK 5:
and begin the list again. PRACTICING SOUNDS

TASK 4: READING • Now let’s see if you can remember all

RHYMING WORDS of the sounds you have learned.
• Say the sound when I touch it. If you
• Now you are going to read some words make a mistake, we will practice that
that rhyme with match . sound and then do the row again.
• Touch the dot in front of the word
match. Slide your finger along the line • What’s the first sound?
and say match. • Ready. Signal.
• Repeat for each sound in the list.
• What’s that word?
• Ready. Signal.

• All the words rhyme with match .

ch e g h a
> ● > > ●

• Look at the next word.

• What’s that word? b wh ck n o
• Ready. Signal. > ● > ● ●

or i f e er people group
● ●
● ● ● ● ●

where are
al qu w a sh ● ●
● ● ● ● ●
new four
ir c l y p ● ●

● > ● ● > answer world

● ●
ur k ing j s thought was
● > ● > ●
● ●

u m ol u o school want
● ● ● ● ● ● ●

tch t d í r together do
● ●
> > > ● ●

good great
th x v ● ●
● ● ●
have eye
✓ If any error occurs, use correction
procedure (my turn, do it with me,
● ●

your turn) as in previous Lessons book you

and repeat the row. ● ●



• You are going to read some irregular

words you have already learned.
sometimes his
● ●

Read the first word and spell it.
Ready. Signal. ✓ If necessary, use correction
procedure from previous Lessons.

• Repeat for each word.

eight young
● ●

TASK 7: sounds written inside the baseballs.
READING SENTENCES Read these sounds.
• The words with the blanks in front of
• Now you are going to read some them all rhyme with batch . You must
sentences that have the irregular words print one of the sounds in the baseballs
you just read in them. in the blanks before t-c-h to make a
• Turn to Lesson 30 on page 44 in your rhyming word. The pictures are the
Reader. Check. clues to what the word will be.
• What is the first sound in the baseball?
• Read the first sentence. • Ready. Signal. Student says, haaa.
• Ready. Signal. • Yes, haaa . Where will the word hatch
• Repeat for each sentence in the • Ready. Signal. Student says, Beside the
exercise. duck.
• That’s right. Print the sound haaa in the
1. The four young children are going to the blanks beside the duck. Check.
match. • Repeat for each sound.
2. I want an answer now. • When the student has filled in all four
3. Where in the world is the new school book? words, say, There is another word that
4. The group will always stay together. rhymes with batch . It is something you
5. Eight people thought his eye color was should never play with. What’s that
great. word?
6. Do you sometimes have good ideas? • Ready. Signal. Student says, match.

• That’s right! Print the sounds mmmaaa
Use correction procedure as in in the blanks beside the question mark.
previous Lessons if necessary. Check. Now draw and color a picture of
a match.
WORKBOOK EXERCISES Exercise 3: Matching Rhyming Words

• Say, Now we are going to do the • In Exercise 3 you are going to draw a
Workbook part of the Lesson. line to match rhyming words.
• Open your Workbook to Lesson 30 on • Touch the first word. Check. What’s that
page 118. Check. word?
• Ready. Signal. Student responds, quite.
Exercise 1: Printing Sounds • Now touch the second group of words.
Read the first word.
• Find Exercise 1. You are going to • Ready. Signal. Student reads, scratch.
practice printing the letters for the • Does scratch rhyme with quite ?
sound combination tch . • Repeat until student finds the correct
• Have the student print four of the sound rhyming word, write.
tch. • Good. Now draw a line to join the words
quite and write.
Exercise 2: Rhyme Time! • Repeat for the rest of the words in the
• Find Exercise 2. There are some

Exercise 4: Filling in the Blanks • When the student has printed the
unscrambled words in the blanks say,
• You need your Reader for Exercise 4. So what do baseball catchers have their
Turn to Lesson 30 on page 44 of your lunch on?
Reader. Check. • Home plate! Great work!
• You are going to fill in the blanks in
Exercise 4 with the correct word from TASK 12:
the sentences in your Reader. AWARDING POINTS
• Read the first sentence.
• Ready. Signal. • Record the total points for Lesson 30 on
• Find the correct word that completes page 125 of the Workbook.
that sentence and print that word in the
blank. Now read the whole sentence. End of Lesson 30
• Repeat for each sentence.

*Exercise 5: Circling the Word that Doesn’t

Belong Congratulations! You have finished
Level 1A. The student is now ready to
• In Exercise 5 each line has a list of four begin Level 1B.
words. Three of the words have
something the same. One word does
not. You are going to circle the word in
each line that doesn’t belong.
• Finger on number 1. Read each of
those words.
• Ready. Signal. Student reads, bunch,
match, crunch, punch.
• Which of those words does not belong?
• Ready. Signal. Student answers, match.
• That’s right because all the other words
rhyme and match does not.
• Repeat for numbers 2 to 6.
• If the student is having difficulty, give
him/her a hint or tell him/her the answer
and ask for the reason that that word
does not belong.

Exercise 6: Answering a Riddle

• Exercise 6 is a riddle. Read the riddle.

• Ready. Signal. Student reads, What do
baseball catchers have their lunch on?
• Good reading! To answer the riddle you
are going to unscramble the letters
below the blanks. If necessary, help
student with the words.

Teach Your Children Teach Your Children to Read Well
To Read Well is a how-to series by best-selling author,
Michael Maloney Lynne Brearley Michael Maloney. The series consists of
Judie Preece four Levels covering reading skills from
Kindergarden to 8th grade. It is especially
useful for home schoolers and parents
who want to ensure that their children are
accomplished readers.

A proven step-by-step method for teaching beginning readers
how to crack the reading code. The 30 lessons teach all of the
necessary phonics and blending skills to start children reading.
Complex reading strategies for 5th and 6th graders which
include literal comprehension skills. Interesting stories cover
a wide range of appealing topics and teach relevant factual

The 30 lessons in 1B complete the beginning readers series
for students in Kindergarden to 2nd grade.

Readings and exercises for senior elementary students. The 60
lessons create completely fluent readers.
Instructor’s Manuals - 250 pages 81/2 x11 $21.95 $29.95
LEVEL 2 GR3-4 Student Readers - 100 pages 81/2 x11 $12.95 $16.95
Systematic reading program for 3rd and 4th grade students. Student Workbooks - 180 pages 81/2 x11 $6.95 $8.95
These 60 lessons review all basic decoding skills and teach Complete Set of 3 books - (Any Level) $39.95 $54.95

✁ complex decoding strategies to develop fluent readers. Level 3 Available September 2001 Level 4 December 2001

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