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Name : Chatriene Aiethahatha I.

Nim : 2108103043

Class : TBI-6D

Article Review

No. Article’s Identity Finding & Discussion

1. Hidayah, S. N., Wihadi,  The research paper focuses on analyzing and
M., & Rahmatunisa, W. identifying the functions took from three different
(2023). Textual online newspapers, Jakarta Post, Jakarta Globe, and
Metafunction Analysis Tempo, with the context of educational news on the
About Education News
topic, "Merdeka Belajar Curriculum".
Text On Selected
National Online  Based on the study's findings, it identified three
Newspapers. themes present in the Jakarta Post, Jakarta Globe, and
JOURNEY: Journal of Tempo: topical, interpersonal, and textual. Topical
English Language and theme consisted of 43.5% of the article is unmarked
Pedagogy, 6(2), 498– theme and 16.5% marked theme. Interpersonal theme
504. consisted of 3% of the article is modal adjunct, 4% is
vocatives, and 6.5% is finite. Textual theme consisted
of 2% of the article is conjunctive adjunct and 24.5%
is conjunctions.
 The result is that in online newspapers related to
education, topical themes are more prevalent,
whereas interpersonal themes are less common.
 Overall, in the findings of this study, topical
themes are more prevalent in the news. The topical
theme used a simple structure so the article can be
understood. However, the percentage of each type is
different between the three newspapers, the
effectiveness of each media in conveying information
based on its advantages and disadvantages is

2. Apsari, E. D. (2019).  This research has objective to find out the

Analysis Of Theme realization of theme and rheme and the types of
And Rheme In theme in opinion and idea of analytical exposition
Opinion And Idea
texts written by the eleventh graders of SMA N 4
Of Analytical
Exposition Texts Magelang in the school year of 2018/2019.
Written By The  The result shows that marked topical theme has
Eleventh Graders Of the lowest percentage, it is 2.47%. The first mostly
SMA N 4 Magelang In applied theme is unmarked topical theme that has
The School Year Of 50%. Textual theme has second range that is 38.27%.
2018/2019. The last is interpersonal theme, showing the judgment
Journal of Research of person, has 9.26% out of 100% percentage of
on Applied Linguistics theme.
Language and
 Based on the findings in Pre- Cycle, Cycle 1, and
Language Teaching,
2(1), 96–102. Cycle 2, the writer can conclude that the use of RAPS
technique can improve the learning motivation of
writing descriptive text of the seventh graders of MTs
Negeri 2 Kota Magelang in the school year
2018/2019. There are some positive changes in the
students’ motivation after being taught by using
RAPS technique.
 In this study, the writer also finds that there is a
great improvement of the students’ descriptive text
writing skill of the seventh graders of MTs Negeri 2
Kota Magelang in the school year 2018/2019 who
after the implementation of RAPS technique. It can
be seen in the mean score of the students’ writing test
that increase significantly from cycle to cycle.
 From the research discussed, it showed that the
organization pattern of theme and rheme could make
a logical relation between sentences although there
were still found some grammatical errors. It did not
have a difference with the writer’s finding that was
showed by the analysis of the types of theme in the
clauses in opinion and idea of analytical exposition
texts. By analyzing the types of theme, the writer
could find out the relation between clauses in opinion
and idea of analytical exposition texts.
3. Andriani, N. (2024).  This research deals with Metafuction functions in
Metafunction in The the text of brochure.
Texts of Brochure.  By examining the study, the text was analyzed
Journal on Education,
with the reference to theories of Systemic Functional
6(2), 15257-15264.
Linguistic (SFL). The finding shows that the
proportion are as ;(1) Marked Simple Theme is 53 %,
(2) Marked Multiple Theme is 5%, (3) Unmarked
Simple Theme is 41 % and the last (4) Unmarked
Multiple Theme is can not found. It is concluded that
the Marked Simple Theme are used in large number
and Marked Multiple Theme are used in smaller
 After analyzing the datafrom this research,
conclusion are drawn as the following:There are four
types of theme in the text of Sejarah Sibolga
Brochure, there are Marked Simple Theme ( MST),
Marked Multiple Theme ( MMT), Unmarked Simple
Theme ( UST) and the last Unmarked Multiple
Theme ( UMT).
 Morover, The social context are: Field, tenor and
Mode. field; (1) Nort West of Sumatera, (2)Tapian
Nauli which, (3)Simaninggir (4) Sibolga. Tenor; (1)
Ompu Datu Hurinjom Hutagulung, (2) King Luka
Hutagulung,( 3) VOC and Dutch (4) Gerard de Roij
and Laurens Decker. (5) William Marsden (6)
Governor Van Soematera’s Westkust, (7) English, (8)
Jhon Price, (9) Governor Van Soematera’s
Weskust.Mode; The text genre is a kind of historical
recount text, That text add information and
knowlegde to the reader about the history of Sibolga.
An Analysis of Textual Metafunction: Theme And Rheme in Story of Robin Hood And The
Golden Arrow
By : Chatriene Aiethahatha Isami


Once upon a time, in Sherwood Forest, there lived a legendary hero named Robin
Hood. He was an outlaw, a skilled archer, and the leader of a band of merry men, including
Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, and Alan-a-Dale. They fought against the injustice of
the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham and the greedy nobles, stealing from the rich to give to the
One day, the Sheriff of Nottingham decided to hold an archery contest in the town,
with a golden arrow as the prize. He hoped to lure Robin Hood out of hiding and capture
him. Robin Hood, hearing of the contest, decided to participate, knowing that it was a trap
but confident in his skills as an archer.
On the day of the contest, Robin Hood disguised himself as an old man and entered
the competition. Archers from near and far gathered to test their skills, but none could
match Robin’s marksmanship. In the final round, with the target set at an incredible
distance, Robin Hood drew his bow and fired a perfect shot, hitting the bullseye.
The crowd cheered, and the Sheriff of Nottingham, realizing that only Robin Hood
could have made such a shot, ordered his men to arrest the old man. However, Robin Hood
revealed his true identity, and with the help of his Merry Men who had infiltrated the crowd,
they fought off the Sheriff’s guards and escaped.
Robin Hood took the golden arrow and returned to Sherwood Forest, where he and his
Merry Men continued their fight for justice and the protection of the poor. The legend of
Robin Hood and his heroic deeds spread far and wide, inspiring hope and courage in the
hearts of the common people.
No. Clauses
1. Once upon a time, in Sherwood Forest, there lived a legendary hero named Robin
2. He was an outlaw, a skilled archer, and the leader of a band of merry men, including
Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, and Alan-a-Dale.
3. They fought against the injustice of the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham and the greedy
nobles, stealing from the rich to give to the poor.
4. One day, the Sheriff of Nottingham decided to hold an archery contest in the town, with
a golden arrow as the prize.
5. He hoped to lure Robin Hood out of hiding and capture him.
6. Robin Hood, hearing of the contest, decided to participate, knowing that
7. It was a trap but confident in his skills as an archer.
8. On the day of the contest, Robin Hood disguised himself as an old man and entered the
9. Archers from near and far gathered to test their skills,
10. But none could match Robin’s marksmanship.
11. In the final round, with the target set at an incredible distance, Robin Hood drew his
bow and fired a perfect shot, hitting the bullseye.
12. The crowd cheered,
13. And the Sheriff of Nottingham, realizing that only Robin Hood could have made such a shot,
ordered his men to arrest the old man.
14. However, Robin Hood revealed his true identity,
15. And with the help of his Merry Men who had infiltrated the crowd, they fought off the
Sheriff’s guards and escaped.
16. Robin Hood took the golden arrow and returned to Sherwood Forest,
17. Where he and his Merry Men continued their fight for justice and the protection of the poor.
18. The legend of Robin Hood and his heroic deeds spread far and wide, inspiring hope and
courage in the hearts of the common people.
Analysis the Grammar of Textual Metafunction: Theme And Rheme

1. Once upon a time, in there lived a legendary hero named Robin Hood.
Sherwood Forest,

Topical Theme
2. He was an outlaw, a skilled archer, and the leader of a band of
merry men, including Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, and
Topical Theme
3. They fought against the injustice of the cruel Sheriff of Nottingham
and the greedy nobles, stealing from the rich to give to the
Topical Theme
4. One day, the Sheriff of Nottingham decided to hold an archery contest
in the town, with a golden arrow as the prize.

Topical Theme
5. He hoped to lure Robin Hood out of hiding and capture him.

Topical Theme
6. Robin Hood hearing of the contest, decided to participate, knowing

Topical Theme
7. It was a trap but confident in his skills as an archer.

Topical Theme
8. On the day of the contest, Robin Hood disguised himself as an old man and entered the

Topical Theme
9. Archers from near and far Gathered to test their skills,

Topical Theme
10. But none could match Robin’s marksmanship.
Textual Theme Rheme
11. In the final round, with the Robin Hood drew his bow and fired a perfect shot, hitting the
target set at an incredible bullseye.
Topical Theme
12. The crowd Cheered,

Topical Theme
13. And, The Sheriff of Nottingham, realizing that only Robin Hood
could have made such a shot, ordered his men to arrest the old
Textual Theme Rheme
14. However, Robin Hood revealed his true identity,

Textual Theme Rheme

15. And with the help of his They fought off the Sheriff’s guards and escaped.
Merry Men who had
infiltrated the crowd,
Textual Theme Rheme
16. Robin Hood took the golden arrow and returned to Sherwood Forest,

Topical Theme
17. Where He and his Merry Men continued their fight for justice and the
protection of the poor.

Textual Theme Rheme

18. The legend of Robin Hood spread far and wide, inspiring hope and courage in the hearts
and his heroic deeds of the common people.

Topical Theme

Topical Theme Interpersonal Theme Textual Theme

13 Clause 0 Clauses 5 Clauses

Cl. 1 : Cl.10 :
Once upon a time, in Sherwood But none could match Robin’s
Forest, there lived a legendary marksmanship
hero named Robin Hood.
Cl.13 :
Cl. 2 : And the Sheriff of Nottingham,
He was an outlaw, a skilled realizing that only Robin Hood
archer, and the leader of a band
could have made such a shot,
of merry men, including Little
John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, ordered his men to arrest the old
and Alan-a-Dale man.

Cl. 3 : Cl.14 :
They fought against the However, Robin Hood revealed
injustice of the cruel Sheriff of his true identity,
Nottingham and the greedy
nobles, stealing from the rich to Cl.15 :
give to the poor. And with the help of his Merry
Men who had infiltrated the
Cl. 4 : crowd, they fought off the
One day, the Sheriff of Sheriff’s guards and escaped.
Nottingham decided to hold an
archery contest in the town, Cl.17 :
with a golden arrow as the
Where he and his Merry Men
continued their fight for justice and
the protection of the poor.
Cl. 5 :
He hoped to lure Robin Hood
out of hiding and capture him.

Cl. 6 :
Robin Hood, hearing of the
contest, decided to participate,
knowing that

Cl. 7 :
It was a trap but confident in his
skills as an archer.

Cl. 8 :
On the day of the contest, Robin
Hood disguised himself as an
old man and entered the

Cl. 9 :
Archers from near and far
gathered to test their skills,

Cl. 11 :
In the final round, with the
target set at an incredible
distance, Robin Hood drew his
bow and fired a perfect shot,
hitting the bullseye.

Cl. 12 :
The crowd cheered,

Cl. 16 :
Robin Hood took the golden
arrow and returned to Sherwood

Cl. 18 :
The legend of Robin Hood and
his heroic deeds spread far and
wide, inspiring hope and
courage in the hearts of the
common people.

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