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Journal of Nanoparticle Research 1: 439–458, 1999.

© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Review paper

Role of nanoparticles in photocatalysis

D. Beydoun1 , R. Amal1,∗ , G. Low2 and S. McEvoy3

Centre for Particle and Catalyst Technologies, School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry, The
University of New South Wales, Sydney, N.S.W. 2052 Australia; 2 Environment Protection Authority, Analytical
Chemistry, Lidcombe, N.S.W. 2141 Australia; 3 CSIRO Division of Energy Technology, Lucas Heights Science
and Technology Centre, Lucas Heights, N.S.W. 2234 Australia; ∗ Author for correspondence (Tel.: 2 9385 4361;
Fax: 2 9385 5966; E-mail:

Received 22 February 1999; accepted in revised form 17 June 1999

Key words: nanoparticles, quantum size, photocatalysis, dopants, sensitization, nanocrystalline films


The aim of this review paper is to give an overview of the development and implications of nanotechnology in
photocatalysis. The topics covered include a detailed look at the unique properties of nanoparticles and their relation
to photocatalytic properties. Current applications of and research into the use of nanoparticles as photocatalysts has
also been reviewed. Also covered is the utilization of nanoparticles in doped, coupled, capped, sensitized and organic–
inorganic nanocomposite semiconductor systems, with an effort to enhance photocatalytic and/or optical properties
of commonly used semiconductor materials. The use of nanocrystalline thin films in electrochemically assisted
photocatalytic processes has been included. Finally, the use of nanoparticles has made a significant contribution in
providing definitive mechanistic information regarding the photocatalytic process.

Background on photocatalysis and other mineral products. There are various natural
sensitizers that accelerate the process. The utiliza-
The photocatalytic process tion of ‘colloidal semiconductors’ and the introduc-
tion of catalysts to promote specific redox processes
Organic chemicals which may be found as pollutants on semiconductor surfaces were developed in 1976
in wastewater effluents from industrial or domestic (Kalyanasundaram, 1983). Since then, laboratory stud-
sources, must be removed or destroyed before dis- ies have confirmed that naturally occurring semicon-
charge to the environment. Such pollutants may also be ductors could enhance this solar driven purification
found in ground and surface waters which also require process (Matthews, 1993).
treatment to achieve acceptable drinking water quality The photocatalytic detoxification of wastewater is
(Lindner et al., 1995). The increased public concern a process that combines heterogeneous catalysis with
with these environmental pollutants has prompted the solar technologies (Zhang et al., 1994a). Semicon-
need to develop novel treatment methods (Zeltner et al., ductor photocatalysis, with a primary focus on TiO2 ,
1996) with photocatalysis gaining a lot of attention in has been applied to a variety of problems of environ-
the field of pollutant degradation. mental interest in addition to water and air purifica-
Much of the natural purification of aqueous system tion. The application of illuminated semiconductors
lagoons, ponds, streams, rivers and lakes is caused by for degrading undesirable organics dissolved in air or
sunlight initiating the breakdown of organic molecules water is well documented and has been successful for
into simpler molecules and ultimately to carbon dioxide a wide variety of compounds (Hoffmann et al., 1995).

Organic compounds such as alcohols, carboxylic acids,

amines, herbicides and aldehydes, have been photocat-
alytically destroyed in laboratory and field studies. The
photocatalytic process can mineralize the hazardous
organic chemicals to carbon dioxide, water and simple
mineral acids (Ahmed et al., 1984).
Many processes have been proposed over the years
and are currently used to remove organic toxins from
wastewaters. Current treatment methods for these con-
taminants, such as adsorption by activated carbon and
air stripping, merely concentrate the chemicals present, Figure 1. Processes involved in semiconductor particles upon
by transferring them to the adsorbent or air, but they bandgap excitation. CB: Conduction Band, VB: Valence Band,
do not convert them into non-toxic wastes. Thus, one ST: Surface Traps, DT: Deep Traps, rec: recombination.
of the major advantages of the photocatalytic process
over existing technologies is that there is no further (DT). Secondly, they can recombine, non-radiatively
requirement for secondary disposal methods. or radiatively, dissipating the input energy as heat.
Another advantage of this process is that when Finally, they can react with electron donors or acceptors
compared to other advanced oxidation technologies, adsorbed on the surface of the photocatalyst (Hoffmann
especially those using oxidants such as hydrogen per- et al., 1995). In fact, it was recently shown that any
oxide and ozone, expensive oxidizing chemicals are not photoredox chemistry occurring at the particle surface,
required as ambient oxygen is the oxidant (Matthews emanates from trapped electrons and trapped holes
et al., 1993). Photocatalysts are also self-regenerated rather than from free valence band holes, and conduc-
and can be reused or recycled. tion band electrons (Serpone et al., 1996).
Finally, the solar photocatalytic process can also be The competition between charge-carrier recombina-
applied to destroy nuisance odours, taste and odour tion and charge-carrier trapping followed by the com-
compounds, and naturally occurring organic mat- petition between recombination of trapped carriers and
ter, which contains the precursors to trihalomethanes interfacial charge transfer are what determine the over-
formed during the chlorine disinfection step in drink- all quantum efficiency for interfacial charge transfer
ing water treatment (Zhang et al., 1994b). (Hoffmann et al., 1995). Also of great importance are
During the photocatalytic process, the illumination the band positions or flat band potentials of the semi-
of a semiconductor photocatalyst with ultraviolet (UV) conductor material. These indicate the thermodynamic
radiation activates the catalyst, establishing a redox limitations for the photoreactions that can take place
environment in the aqueous solution (Zhang et al., (Hagfeldt et al., 1995).
1994a). Semiconductors act as sensitizers for light-
induced redox processes due to their electronic struc- Photocatalysts
ture, which is characterized by a filled valence band and
an empty conduction band (Hoffmann et al., 1995). The An ideal photocatalyst should be stable, inexpensive,
energy difference between the valence and conduction non-toxic and, of course, highly photoactive. Another
bands is called the band gap. primary criteria for the degradation of organic com-
The semiconductor photocatalyst absorbs impinging pounds is that the redox potential of the H2 O/• OH cou-
photons with energies equal to or higher than its band ple (OH− → • OH + e− ; E0 = − 2.8 V) lies within the
gap or threshold energy. Each photon of the required bandgap of the semiconductor (Hoffmann et al., 1995).
energy (i.e. wavelength) that hits an electron in the Several semiconductors have bandgap energies suffi-
occupied valence band of the semiconductor atom, can cient for catalysing a wide range of chemical reac-
elevate that electron to the unoccupied conduction band tions. These include TiO2 , WO3 , SrTiO3 , α-Fe2 O3 , ZnO
leading to excited state conduction band electrons and and ZnS.
positive valence band holes (Schiavello, 1989). TiO2 , the semiconductor most thoroughly investi-
The fate of these charge carriers may take differ- gated in the literature, seems to be the most promis-
ent paths (refer to Figure 1). Firstly, they can get ing for photocatalytic destruction of organic pollutants
trapped, either in shallow traps (ST) or in deep traps (Howe, 1998). This semiconductor provides the best

compromise between catalytic performance and stabil- Hence, as the size of the semiconductor parti-
ity in aqueous media (Aruna et al., 1996). The anatase cle is reduced below a critical diameter, the spatial
phase of titanium dioxide is the material with the high- confinement of the charge carriers within a potential
est photocatalytic detoxification (Bahnemann et al., well (Serpone et al., 1996), like a ‘particle in a box’
1993). (Hagfeldt et al., 1995), causes them to behave quantum
Binary metal sulphide semiconductors such as CdS, mechanically (Hoffmann et al., 1995). In solid state
CdSe or PbS are regarded as insufficiently stable for terminology this means that the bands split into dis-
catalysis, at least in aqueous media as they readily crete electronic states (quantized levels) in the valence
undergo photoanodic corrosion (Howe, 1998; Fischer, and conduction bands (Weller et al., 1995) and the
1989). These materials are also known to be toxic. nanoparticle behaves more and more like a giant atom
The iron oxides are not suitable semiconduc- (Henglein, 1997). Nanosized semiconductor particles
tors as they readily undergo photocathodic corrosion which exhibit size-dependent optical and electronic
(Hoffmann et al., 1995). The band gap for ZnO (3.2 eV) properties are called quantized particles (Q-particles)
is equal to that of anatase. ZnO however, is also unsta- or quantum dots (Kamat, 1995).
ble in water with Zn(OH)2 being formed on the parti-
cle surface. This results in catalyst deactivation (Howe,
1998). The critical size and changes in properties
due to nanosize

Nanocrystalline photocatalysts Quantum-size (Q-size) effects occur when the size of

the semiconductor particles become smaller than the
Nanocrystalline photocatalysts are ultrasmall semi- Bohr radius of the first excitation state (Hagfeldt et al.,
conductor particles which are a few nanometres in 1995). This has been stated by other authors as when
size. During the past decade, the photochemistry of the particle size of the colloidal particle becomes com-
nano semiconductor particles has been one of the parable to the DeBroglie wavelength of the charge car-
fastest growing research areas in physical chemistry riers (Henglein et al., 1987; Weller et al., 1995).
(Henglein, 1997). The interest in these small semi- There seems to be discrepancy between the reported
conductor particles originates from their unique pho- critical size below which quantization effects are
tophysical and photocatalytic properties (Bahnemann, observed. Many values have been quoted in the litera-
1993). ture for the same semiconductor nanoparticles. There
Several review articles have been published con- are also discrepancies between the estimated critical
cerning the photophysical properties of nanocrystalline diameter and the actual diameters at which quantiza-
semiconductors (Henglein, 1988; 1989; Wang et al., tion effects are observed. These predictions depend
1991; Bahnemann 1993; Zeltner et al., 1996; Levy, critically on the effective masses of the charge carriers
1997). Such studies have demonstrated that some prop- (Serpone et al., 1996).
erties of nanocrystalline semiconductor particles are in Kormann et al. estimated the excitation radii for tita-
fact different from those of bulk materials. nia particles to be between 7.5 and 19 Å. The exciton
Nanosized particles, with diameters ranging radii were computed by using various literature values
between 1 and 10 nm, possess properties which fall and calculated by the equation put forward by Brus
into the region of transition between the molecular (Kormann et al., 1988). Gratzel estimated an excitation
and the bulk phases (Bahnemann, 1993). In the bulk radius of ∼ 3 Å (Gratzel et al., 1989).
material, the electron excited by light absorption finds Kormann et al. reported quantization effects with
a high density of states in the conduction band, where 20–40 Å titania particles. Q-size effects were observed
it can exist with different kinetic energies (Henglein, during particle growth and at the final stage of synthesis
1997). In the case of nanoparticles however, the parti- of these transparent colloids. The synthesized anatase
cle size is the same as or smaller than the size of the TiO2 particles resulted in a bandgap shift of 0.15 eV rel-
first excited state. Thus, the electron and hole gener- ative to bulk anatase TiO2 while the synthesized rutile
ated upon illumination cannot fit into such a particle TiO2 , with d ∼ 2.5 nm, were blue shifted by 0.1 eV.
unless they assume a state of higher kinetic energy Anpo et al. (1987) reported excitation confinement
(Weller et al., 1995). with 55–2000 Å rutile particles and up to 530 Å for

anatase particles. Kavan et al. (1993) reported blue of the crystal lattice, is generally much lower than the
shifts with 25–100 Å particles. Weller et al. (1995) has mass of an electron in free space. This results in a larger
stated that size quantization effects for semiconductor DeBroglie wavelength. The smaller the effective mass
particles typically occur in a diameter range between 2 of the charge carriers, the more pronounced are the
and 50 nm. In a recent review about photocatalysis, it optical-size effects (Henglein et al., 1987).
was stated that the critical diameter for TiO2 is 10 nm Size quantization in semiconductor particles leads to
(Howe, 1998). The same value was quoted by Martin drastic changes in numerous important properties of the
et al., 1995. material. Firstly, size quantization affects the electronic
Recently, it has been proposed by Serpone et al. that properties of the semiconductor particle, with the ultra-
what had been taken in the past as observed size quan- small crystallites composed of a few molecular units
tization effects on 2 nm TiO2 particles, may in fact not maintaining their discrete HOMOs (Highest Occupied
be a Q-size effect (Serpone et al., 1996). Their deduc- Molecular Orbitals) and LUMOs (Lowest Unoccupied
tions were made from observations with spectroscopic Molecular Orbitals) (Serpone et al., 1996). This in turn
blue shifts in the effective bandgap of TiO2 with particle affects charge-carrier dynamics (Mimic et al., 1990;
sizes of 21, 133 and 267 Å. The study argued that some Smith et al., 1997). For example, for aqueous gold
of the bandgap shifts might simply reflect observations and silver colloids, spatial-size confinement was found
of direct electron transition in an otherwise indirect to cause substantially slower electronic relaxation due
bandgap semiconductor such as TiO2 . When examin- to reduction of non-equilibrium electron transport and
ing the absorption and photoluminescence of these par- weaker electron–phonon coupling (Smith et al., 1997).
ticles, the authors found that an attempt to describe Secondly, in the Q-size regime, the chemical and
the absorption coefficients by the indirect band gap physical properties, which are related to electronic
semiconductor relationship failed to give the expected properties, strongly depend on the size of the nanopar-
linear correlation. However, a linear correlation was ticles (Weller et al., 1995). The electronic properties
obtained with the relationship applicable to direct band relate to the solid state physics aspects of the particles,
gap semiconductors. Their conclusions were that the that is, band structures and band gap, as well as the
particle sizes examined seemed to affect charge carri- electrochemical positioning of the bandgap edge poten-
ers relaxation dynamics, however, these did not appear tial with respect to the Nernst potential of the solution
to be related to excitation confinement (Serpone et al., (Hagfeldt et al., 1995).
1996). The band gap of the semiconductor becomes larger
When considering semiconductors other than TiO2 , with decreasing particle size, and is indicated by
many reports have observed quantum size effects with an absorption shift to shorter wavelengths (Henglein,
many different particles. For example CdS and PbS 1997). The band edges shift to yield larger redox poten-
a few nanometres in size have been found to exhibit tials (Howe, 1998). The levels of the valence band are
quantum mechanical effects (Gallardo et al., 1989). moderately shifted to lower energies, while those of the
Quantization effects have also been demonstrated with conduction band are strongly shifted to higher energies
nanoclusters of hexagonal MoS2 and several of its iso- (Henglein, 1987).
morphous Mo and W chalcogenides (with cluster size For a size-quantized particle, the increase in bandgap
down to ∼ 2 nm) (Wilcoxon et al., 1997). energy, 1EBG , varies with the radius of the particle,
Henglein also observed size quantization effects Rpart , the reduced effective mass of the excitation, µ,
with 1–10 nm CdS particles (Henglein et al., 1987). The and the dielectric constant of the semiconductor, ε
authors recognized that quantization effects become (Serpone et al., 1996). The reduced effective mass of
evident when the particle size becomes comparable to the excitation, µ, is related to the effective masses of
the DeBroglie wavelength of the charge carriers. Quan- the charge carriers (me , mh ) by the following expres-
tization effects for an electron in an evacuated box were sion: µ−1 = m−1 e + mh . From Eq. (1) it can be seen
estimated to become significant at box dimensions of that 1EBG depends critically on the effective masses of
∼ 0.1 nm (using the ‘particle in a box’ model). How- the electrons and holes:
ever, in the colloidal particles the effects were seen at
1EBG = h2 /8µRpart
− 1.8e2 /εRpart . (1)
much larger particle size. They found the reason to lie
in the fact that the effective mass of a charge carrier, As a result of the change in electronic properties,
which moves in the periodic array of the constituents quantization effects also have a pronounced effect

on spectral properties of semiconductors (Bahnemann small particles (Serpone et al., 1996; Nedeljkovic et al.,
et al., 1984). For instance, with decreasing particle size, 1986). Another factor which could be advantageous is
the energy of the optical transition increases and the the fact that the fraction of atoms that are located at
colour of the fluorescence light is blue shifted, that is, it the surface of a nanoparticle is very large (Henglein,
is shifted to a shorter wavelength (Henglein, 1987). The 1997). Q-sized particles also have high surface area to
Q-particles can have a different colour depending on volume ratios, which further enhances their catalytic
the particle size. For example Cadmium sulphide nor- activity (Hoffmann et al., 1992b). One disadvantage of
mally exists as a yellow material, but becomes colour- nanosized particles is the need for light with a shorter
less when the particle is smaller than 22 Å. Cadmium wavelength for photocatalyst activation. Thus a smaller
phosphide, which is normally a black material, can be percentage of a polychromatic light source will be use-
made in various colours depending on the particle size ful for photocatalysis.
(Henglein, 1997a). Bahnemann et al. used a molecu- The first account of light driven redox reactions in
lar orbital description to explain the optical properties nanocrystalline systems was published in 1981. Since
of semiconductor particles. During particle growth of then, nanocrystalline semiconductor systems which
TiO2 particles from molecular to bulk sizes, molecu- have been well studied include oxides, sulphides and
lar orbitals of an increasing number of molecules over- selenides, such as TiO2 , ZnO, WO3 , V2 O5 , Ag2 O,
lap. The energy gap between the HOMO and LUMO ZnS, CdS, PbS, Cu2 C, MoS2 , and CdSe (Hagfeldt,
decreases. These changes result in a red shift (longer 1995).
wavelength) of the accompanying optical transition While some studies have found that nanoparticles
(Bahnemann et al., 1987). have enhanced photoactivities over their bulk-phase
counterparts, (Hoffmann et al., 1994; Anpo et al., 1987;
Nedeljkovic et al., 1986; Nosaka et al., 1990), others
Activity of nano-photocatalysts have found the contrary to be true (Lepore et al., 1993;
Hoffmann et al., 1992a; Martin et al., 1995). In cases
One of the main advantages of the application of where the activity of the nanoparticles was found to be
Q-sized particles is the increase in the bandgap energy lower than that of their bulk counterparts, it is thought
with decreasing particle size. As was mentioned earlier, that the positive effects of increased photo-potentials
as the size of a semiconductor particle falls below the were offset by unfavourable surface speciation and sur-
critical radius, the charge carriers begin to behave quan- face defect sites on the size-quantized semiconductor
tum mechanically and the charge confinement leads to particles, due to the preparation method (Hoffmann
a series of discrete electronic states. As a result there et al., 1995).
is an increase in the effective band gap and a shift of Wang et al. (1997) demonstrated that there exists
the band edges. Thus by varying the size of the semi- an optimal particle size in nanocrystalline TiO2 sys-
conductor particles, it is possible to enhance the redox tems for maximum photocatalytic efficiency. In their
potential of the valence-band holes and the conduction- experiments which involved the decomposition of
band electrons (Hoffmann et al., 1992b). chloroform, they observed an improvement in activ-
However, the solvent reorganization free energy ity when the particle size was decreased from 21
for charge transfer to a substrate, remains unchanged to 11 nm, but the activity decreased when the size
(Martin et al., 1995). The increasing driving force and was reduced further to 6 nm. They concluded that for
the unchanged solvent reorganizational free energy are this particular reaction the optimum particle size was
expected to lead to an increase in the rate constants for about 10 nm.
charge transfer at the surface (Hoffmann et al., 1995). Martin et al. (1995) saw the variation in the photo-
Thus, the use of size-quantized semiconductor parti- efficiencies of different forms of TiO2 as being fun-
cles may result in increased photoactivity for systems in damentally related to their charge-carrier dynamics.
which the rate-limiting step is interfacial charge trans- The authors studied the charge-carrier dynamics of Q-
fer (Martin et al., 1995). TiO2 and Degussa P25 (made up of 20–35 nm pri-
Hence nanosized semiconductor particles can pos- mary particles, the size of the aggregates is 50–200 nm)
sess enhanced photoredox chemistry, with reduction by time-resolved microwave conductivity. They found
reactions, which might not otherwise proceed in bulk that the resultant interfacial electron transfer appeared
materials, being able to occur readily using sufficiently to be faster for P25 than for Q-TiO2 . The slower

electron-transfer rates observed for Q-TiO2 were con- studied for CO2 reduction (to formic acid) since they
sistent with the lower steady-state quantum yields. have greater stability against photocorrosion compared
This was supported by Zhang et al. (1998) who gave to HgSe and PbSe. Large particle-sized CdSe colloids
the following explanation for these observations. They did not yield formic acid under the same experimental
suggested that in large TiO2 particles, volume recom- conditions.
bination of the charge carriers is the dominant process, Anpo et al. (1987) synthesized extremely small TiO2
and can be reduced by a decrease in particle size. This particles and investigated their use for the photocat-
decrease also leads to an increase in the surface area alytic hydrogenation reactions of CH3 CCH with H2 O.
which can be translated as an increase in the available They found the activity to increase as the diameter of
surface active sites. Thus a decrease in particle size the TiO2 particles decreased, especially below 100 Å.
should also result in higher photonic efficiencies due Absorption and photoluminescence spectra of these
to an increase in the interfacial charge-carrier transfer particles had exhibited blue shifts below 100 Å, sug-
rates. However, as the particle size is lowered below a gesting a size-quantization effect. The authors sug-
certain limit, surface recombination processes become gested that the dependence of the yields on the particle
dominant since firstly, most of the electrons and holes size arose from the differences in the chemical reactiv-
are generated close to the surface, and secondly since ity not the physical properties, such as the surface area,
surface recombination is faster than interfacial charge- of these catalysts. The authors recognized the presence
carrier transfer processes. This is the reason why there of quantization effects in the systems they were study-
exists an optimum particle size for maximum photo- ing, although they did not provide an explanation as to
catalytic efficiency. why these effects led to increased activity. The photo-
The first accurately determined quantum yields of catalytic activity of Q-TiO2 particles was also demon-
polycrystalline TiO2 were provided by Lepore et al. strated by Kormann et al. (1988).
(1993). The authors compared the photochemical and Henglein et al. (1989) studied the photochemistry
photophysical behaviour of polycrystalline, optically of AgI nanoparticles. The absorption threshold of the
transparent TiO2 suspensions (with a 62 nm average prepared colloids was blue shifted, which is indicative
effective radius, prepared by successive centrifugation of quantization effects. These AgI particles were found
of P25 slurries) with quantum-sized (∼ 2.4 nm) TiO2 not to be photoactive with respect to the formation of
solutions, as well as P25 slurries. The quantum yields silver or iodide. However, it was found that silver metal
obtained with the centrifuged suspensions were similar was deposited on the surface of the AgI colloids when
to those of P25, but were higher than those obtained the solution was de-aerated and sodium sulphite added.
with the quantum-sized TiO2 . The fluorescence of these particles, which occurs close
This difference was explained in terms of a longer to the absorption threshold, was found to be quenched
lifetime of the charge carriers in the centrifuged sam- by the small amounts of deposited silver, believed to be
ples and the P25 slurries, compared to the quantum- acting as a charge scavenger. The scavenging process
sized (∼ 2.4 nm) TiO2 solutions. Also, from their did not result in an increase in the reaction yield, with
findings, the authors suggested the lack of surface- the silver deposit acting as a mediator for the recom-
trapped electrons in P25 samples as a possible factor bination of charge carriers. Hoffmann et al. (1992a)
responsible for their higher photoactivity (Lepore et al., showed that polymerization of methyl methacrylate
1993). readily occurred when using Q-sized ZnO semiconduc-
The first results demonstrating the enhancement tors as photointiators. The quantum yields decreased as
of photoredox produced by size-quantization effects, particle size decreased, due to either increased surface
were reported by Nedeljkovic et al. (1986). The defects or enhanced rates of competing electron–hole
nanocrystalline semiconductors studied were HgSe, recombination. Under the same experimental condi-
PbSe, and CdSe colloids. For diameters less than 50 Å, tions, no polymerization occurred with bulk-size par-
the optical absorption edge of HgSe and PbSe was ticles as photoinitiators.
blue shifted by several volts. The enhancement effects The same group also studied the efficiency of
of the photoredox chemistry of Q-size semiconductor photoinitiation of polymerization of several vinylic
particles were demonstrated with the evolution of H2 monomers using both bulk and quantum-sized CdS,
with aqueous colloids of HgSe and PbSe (d < 50 Å). ZnO and TiO2 . The authors found that the Q-sized
The nanocrystalline CdSe particles (d < 50 Å) were semiconductors demonstrated significantly higher

yields than their bulk counterparts. They attributed Sato et al. (1996a) studied the photochemical
this to the greater total reactive surface area of the reduction of nitrate to ammonia with and without
Q-particles. methanol using layered hydrous titanate/cadmium sul-
Also, when comparing the efficiencies of the three phide (H2 Ti4 O9 /CdS) nanocomposites. The addition of
photocatalysts tested, they found that there was a corre- methanol was found to be useful for the promotion of
lation between the semiconductor photoinitiation effi- this reduction. Doping with Pt particles in the interlayer
ciency and the reduction potential of its conduction was also found to greatly increase the catalytic activ-
band electrons. A comparison of the quantum yields for ity of the nanocomposites. This group has also looked
polymerization revealed that the rates increased in the at the photocatalytic properties of layered hydrous tita-
following order: TiO2 , ZnO, CdS. This order paralleled nium oxide/CdS–ZnS nanocomposites incorporating
an increase in the conduction-band potential (−0.1, CdS–ZnS into the interlayer. The hydrogen production
−0.2, −0.4 V versus SCE, respectively) (Hoffmann activity, which was observed for these nanocomposites
et al., 1992b) (The potential of the SCE relative to the following irradiation with visible light, was found to be
SHE is 0.2444 V at 25◦ C). higher than that of unsupported CdS–ZnS (Sato et al.,
Another area where photocatalysis is being applied 1996b).
is in the photocatalytic reductions of CO2 . Kanemoto Another area where considerable interest has been
et al. (1992) suggested the importance of the surface shown is the application of photocatalysis to sil-
structures of the nanocrystallites in CO2 photoreduc- ver recovery, for example from waste photographic
tions. They deduced this from surface modification effluents. Recently Sahyun et al. (1997) studied the
studies, which involved the addition of Zn2+ to a sys- photocatalytic deposition of silver from a silver salt
tem of ZnS nanocrystallites. This addition resulted in ethanol solution onto TiO2 nanoparticles prepared with
product switching from formate to CO without loss in a chemisorbed surface alkoxide. From picosecond-
efficiency. In 1997, the same group carried out an inves- resolved transient absorption spectroscopy, the authors
tigation of a CdS photocatalytic system for CO2 reduc- deduced that the rate of formation of the colloid sil-
tion, which examined the role of the surface structures ver deposit is determined by the reduction of Ag(I) by
of the CdS nanocrystallites. They observed a marked surface-trapped photoelectron states (Ti(III)).
improvement of photocatalytic activity through the for- Size-quantized CdS (∼ 20 Å) nanocrystals have
mation of sulphur vacancies. They proposed that the been used as photocatalysts for nitrate reduction
CO formation process occurred via adsorption of CO2 (Korgel et al., 1997). Due to the effects of quantum
to a Cd atom in the vicinity of a sulphur vacancy confinement on electron and hole redox potentials, the
(Fujiwara et al., 1997). nitrate reduction rates were found to depend strongly
The application of nanoparticles in photocatalysts on the apparent particle size, with the fastest reduction
became a reality with the introduction of the now rates being observed with the smallest nanocrystals. In
commercially available HombiKat UV 100 from the absence of an electron donor other than water, rapid
Sachtleben Chemie GmbH. This novel photocatalyst photocorrosion was observed; therefore, formate was
consists of 5 nm TiO2 anatase particles forming micron- used as the sacrificial electron donor.
sized aggregate structures. The activity of this novel Ogura et al. (1997) carried out tests using series
material was investigated using dichloroacetic acid of hexatitanates, M2 Ti6 O13 (M denotes Na, K, or Rb).
(DCA) as the model organic compound, by Lindner The authors compared the photocatalytic activity of the
et al. (1995). The high photocatalytic activity exhib- hexatitanates supported on RuO2 , with the efficiency
ited by this new photocatalyst, compared to another for the production of photoexcited charges. The test
commercially available catalyst, was explained by its reaction was water decomposition. The hexatitanates
very high surface area (> 250 m2 /g). The authors found, showed high photocatalytic activities and high pho-
however, that higher concentrations of Hombikat UV toexcited radical formation (followed with ESR mea-
100 (5g/L) were required to reach its optimal perfor- surements). The results indicated a close relationship
mance as compared with 0.5 g/L of the other photocat- between the photocatalytic activity and the efficiency
alyst. They attributed this to the slightly blue shifted of electrons and holes production.
spectral response of this novel photocatalyst caused by The use of iron oxides as photocatalysts has been
its very small primary particles, although no explana- given particular attention due to their absorptivity in
tion was provided regarding this conclusion. the visible region, abundance, and low cost. Faust et al.

(1989) examined the suitability α-Fe2 O3 as a photo- of photoexcited electrons, would help in the search of
catalyst by studying the kinetics and mechanisms of high-efficiency photocatalysts and photoelectrodes.
the photocatalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide in aque-
ous colloidal suspensions of 3–25 nm α-Fe2 O3 . The Enhancement of photoactivity of
results showed that the small hematite crystals pos- nano-photocatalysts
sessed photocatalytic activity for the oxidation of sul-
fite (S(IV)), which readily depleted when the colloidal Under bandgap excitation, metal oxide semiconduc-
solutions containing 1 mM S(IV), and 0.1 mM of the tor particles behave as short-circuited electrodes, with
nano α-Fe2 O3 particles were illuminated with light, of both oxidation and reduction processes occurring on
λ = 320 nm, in the presence of air. their surfaces (Kamat, 1995). Thus two critical pro-
Kormann et al. (1989) also examined the suitability cesses determine the overall quantum efficiency for
of α-Fe2 O3 as photocatalysts using transparent α-Fe2 O3 interfacial charge transfer. These are the competition
3–20 nm in size. They also compared the photocatalytic between the recombination and the trapping of the
activity of hematite to the activities of colloids and sus- charge carriers, followed by the competition between
pensions of ZnO and TiO2 . While ZnO and TiO2 were the recombination of the trapped carriers and the inter-
found to be quite active photo-oxidation catalysts in the facial charge transfer (Hoffmann et al., 1995). At least
formation of hydrogen peroxide and in the degradation in colloidal sols of TiO2 , it was found that the charge
of chlorinated hydrocarbon molecules, only negligible carriers undergo 90% recombination ∼ 1 ns after exci-
photocatalytic activity was found for α-Fe2 O3 . tation (Serpone et al., 1996). The authors concluded
Bahnemann (1993) has also carried out several tests that the quantum yields of any surface photoredox reac-
to compare the efficiencies of several semiconductors tion could not be greater than ∼ 10%.
as photocatalysts. This work involved the comparison In order to enhance the photoactivity of bulk and
of ultrasmall zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, hematite colloidal TiO2 particles, interfacial charge-transfer
and titanium/iron mixed oxide particles. Q-size effects reactions need to be enhanced. Improved charge sepa-
were observed during particle growth and at the final ration and inhibition of charge carrier recombination is
stages of synthesis of all of the oxides studied. While essential in improving the overall quantum efficiency
zinc oxide, titanium dioxide and titanium/iron mixed for interfacial charge transfer (Bedja et al., 1995). This
oxide particles exhibited considerable photocatalytic can be achieved by modifying the properties of the par-
activity, hematite particles were only found to oxi- ticles by selective surface treatment (Hoffmann et al.,
dize S(IV), with the quantum yields (φ) obtained 1995).
being < 0.3. An explanation involving surface-bound Several approaches have been taken to achieve this.
molecules and free radical intermediates was provided These have included surface modification of the semi-
to account for these differences in reactivity. conductor particles with redox couples or noble metals
In 1998, Cherepy et al. carried out ultrafast kinetic (Choi et al., 1994, Aruna et al., 1996). Bahnemann et al.
studies of photoexcited charge carriers dynamics in (1984) have shown that the efficiency of charge transfer
γ - and α-Fe2 O3 semiconductor nanoparticles using at the semiconductor–electrolyte can also be improved
femtosecond laser spectroscopy. The aim of this work by simultaneous scavenging of holes and electrons by
was to explain the observed low photoactivities of surface adsorbed redox species. Another approach has
these iron oxide semiconductors (Cherepy et al., 1998). involved the coupling of two semiconductor particles
The results showed that the visible/near UV light with different electronic energy levels (Bedja et al.,
induced charge separation of the photoexcited elec- 1995).
trons in Fe2 O3 nanoparticles was very short-lived and
the decay was primarily non-radiative. A power depen- Metal ion dopants
dence, which reveals the relaxation mechanism for the Depositing or incorporating metal ion dopants into
early time decay, was also found to be very different the titanium dioxide particles can influence the per-
from that in other semiconductor nanoparticles such as, formance of these photocatalysts. This affects the
CdS or TiO2 . The authors saw these results as providing dynamics of electron:hole recombination and inter-
some insight into the poor efficiency of Fe2 O3 as a pho- facial charge transfer. The largest enhancement of
tocatalyst. They also proposed that the identification photoactivity through doping was found in nanosized
of materials, which have an intrinsically slow decay particles, in which the dopant ions are located within

1–2 nm of the surface (Choi et al., 1994). Also, the lattice (substitutional) or interstitial sites. Their ability
high surface areas characteristic of nanoparticles (100– to function as trap sites and/or to mediate interfacial
500 m2 /g) appear to enhance the deposition process charge transfer will depend on these factors (Howe,
and the resulting activity of the catalyst (Zeltner et al., 1998).
1996). When incorporated in the interior of the particles,
The work of Choi et al. involved a systematic study the d-electronic configuration of the dopant and its
of the effects of 21 different metal ion dopants on energy level within the TiO2 lattice also seem to signifi-
nanocrystalline TiO2 . Chloroform oxidation and car- cantly influence the photoactivity (Martin et al., 1995).
bon tetrachloride reductions were used as photoreactiv- Finally, the site where the electron gets trapped greatly
ity tests. Their results showed that some doped Q-TiO2 influences the redox chemistry of the doped semicon-
particles had much greater photoactivity than their ductor. A dopant ion might act as an electron trap, and
undoped counterparts. Doping with Fe(III), Mo(V), this might in fact lead to a lengthening in the lifetime of
Ru(III), Os(III), Re(V), V(IV) and Rh(III) at the the generated charge carriers, resulting in an enhance-
0.5 at% level in the TiO2 matrix, significantly improved ment in photoactivity. However if an electron is trapped
the photoreactivity for both oxidation and reduction. in a deep trapping site, it will have a longer lifetime,
Choi used laser flash photolysis and time-resolved but it may also have a lower redox potential. This might
microwave conductivity measurements to correlate the result in a decrease in the photoreactivity (Hoffmann
effects of metal ion dopants to the lifetime of the pho- et al., 1995).
toexcited electron. In the Fe(III), V(IV), Mo(V) and The work carried out by Zhang et al. (1998) shed
Ru(III) doped samples, the lifetime of the generated a new light on the role of dopant ions and their effect
electron was found to have increased to 50 ms com- on photoactivity. Firstly, these authors provided further
pared to < 200 µs with the undoped Q-TiO2 . There was support for the existence of an optimum dopant con-
also an apparent linear correlation between the oxida- centration. Their main finding however was that this
tion quantum yield (of chloroform) and the reduction optimum concentration is particle-size dependent and
quantum yield (of carbon tetrachloride) regardless of decreases with an increase in size. The system they
the nature of the dopant. studied was Fe3+ doped TiO2 for the photocatalytic
This ion doping of large bandgap semiconductor degradation of CHCl3 . They observed that for 6 nm
colloids might not always be effective in lengthening particles, the optimum Fe concentration was 0.2 at%,
the lifetime of the generated charge carriers. Recently, while for 11 nm particles, the optimum concentration
Smith et al. (1998) showed that in Ru(III) doped was 0.05 at%. They provided the following explanation
TiO2 colloids, the electronic decay was as fast as or even for their observations.
faster than in undoped TiO2 . The difference between Their first explanation was with regards the exis-
the studies carried out by Smith et al. and those car- tence of an optimal Fe3+ dopant concentration. Fe3+
ried out by Choi et al., was the higher dopant level of ions serve as shallow trapping sites for the charge car-
Ru (III) of 3 at% used by Smith et al., compared with riers and increase the photocatalytic efficiency by sep-
the 0.5 at% dopant level used by Choi et al. arating the arrival time of e− and h+ at the surface. If
There could be several reasons for the variations in Fe3+ can act as a trap for both e− and h+ , at high dopant
the reported effects of the dopant ions. One reason for concentration, the possibility of charge trapping is high,
these variations is the location and co-ordination of and as such, the charge carriers may recombine through
the dopant ions. These depend critically on the meth- quantum tunneling. If Fe3+ acts as a h+ trap only, the
ods of sample preparation and pre-treatment as well recombination of the charge carriers is not of great con-
as the concentration of the dopant ions. The dopant cern at low dopant concentrations. At high concentra-
ions may be adsorbed on the surface, they may be tions however, a h+ may be trapped more than once as
incorporated into the interior of the particle on fir- it tries to make its way to the surface. This hole which
ing, or they may form separate oxide phases (Howe, had been ‘held back’, might then recombine with an
1998). electron which is generated by a subsequent photon
The dopant ions can function as both hole and elec- before it can reach the surface (i.e. increased incidence
tron traps or they can mediate interfacial charge transfer of volume recombination). Thus there exists an opti-
(Choi et al., 1994). Once incorporated into the inte- mum Fe3+ concentration whether the Fe3+ acts as an e−
rior of the TiO2 , the dopant ions may occupy either and h+ trap or as a h+ trap only.

With regards to the optimum concentration depend- and their application in photocatalysis. Many papers
ing on the particle size, Zhang et al. suggested that have been published regarding coupled semiconduc-
when the particle size becomes larger, the average path tors systems. These include CdS–TiO2 , CdS–ZnO
length of a charge carrier to the surface is longer. Thus, (Spanhel et al., 1987b), CdS–Ag2 S (Spanhel et al.,
for a constant dopant concentration, the longer the path 1987), ZnO–ZnS (Rabani, 1989), ZnO–ZnSe (Kamat
length which the charge carrier needs to travel, the et al., 1992), AgI–Ag2 S (Henglein et al., 1989) and
higher the probability of meeting a dopant ion, and CdS–HgS (Haesselbarth et al., 1992).
hence the greater the chance of multiple trappings. This The charge separation mechanism in both capped
multiple trapping leads to increased volume recombi- semiconductor systems and coupled semiconductor
nation. A lowering in the dopant concentration reduces systems involves the photogenerated electrons in one
the chance of multiple trappings for a larger particle. semiconductor being injected into the lower lying con-
Thus the optimal Fe3+ dopant concentration should duction band of the second semiconductor. However,
decrease with increasing TiO2 particle size. the interfacial charge transfer is significantly differ-
ent (Bedja et al., 1995). The charge-transfer processes
Dual semiconductor systems involved in capped and coupled semiconductor systems
Another approach taken to modify the surface of semi- are shown in Figures 2 and 3 respectively. In a coupled
conductor colloids, with an aim to improve charge semiconductor system the two particles are in contact
separation and minimize or inhibit charge-carrier with each other and both holes and electrons are acces-
recombination, has been to dope with a second semi- sible on the surface for selective oxidation and reduc-
conductor. Excitation of these dual semiconductors tion processes. Capped semiconductors on the other
results in an electron injection into the lower lying hand have a core and shell geometry. The electron gets
conduction band of the second semiconductor. In the injected into the energy levels of the core semiconduc-
composite nanoparticles, no electric field is necessary, tor (provided it has a conduction band potential which
as the charge separation is achieved by the tunneling is lower than that of the shell). The electron hence
of electrons (Henglein, 1997). Recent studies of these gets trapped within the core particle, and is not readily
interparticle electron transfer occurs within 500 fs–2 ps accessible for the reduction reaction.
(Evans et al., 1994). In 1995 Bedja et al. synthesized TiO2 -capped SnO2
Henglein presented the first example in the literature (SnO2 @TiO2 ) and TiO2 -capped SiO2 (SiO2 @TiO2 )
of composite particles when he found that when small nanocrystallites. The photocatalytic properties of the
amounts of Cd2+ were added to ZnS, the ZnS bandgap capped semiconductor systems were tested for the oxi-
fluorescence was quenched (Henglein, 1984). Since dation of I− and SCN− . The SnO2 @TiO2 colloids were
then there have been many papers published regard- 80–100 Å in diameter and exhibited improved photo-
ing the optical properties of mixed systems. Some of catalytic efficiencies compared to the uncapped TiO2
the systems studied include ZnS–CdS (Ueno et al., colloid. The quantum efficiency for I− oxidation was
1985), CdS–Ag2 S (Henglein et al., 1987), CdS–Ag2 S improved by a factor of 2–3 upon capping the SnO2
(Spanhel et al., 1987a), mixed crystals of Znx Cd1−x S, colloids with TiO2 . The improved charge separation
CdS–ZnS (Youn et al., 1988), AgI–Ag2 S (Henglein in the SnO2 @TiO2 system was confirmed by laser
et al., 1989), ZnS–CdSe (Kortan et al., 1990) and CdS– flash photolysis experiments. The photocatalytic prop-
PbS systems (Zhou et al., 1993). erties of SiO2 @TiO2 colloids were found to be sim-
Reber et al. (1986) reported that modifying the sur- ilar to those of uncapped TiO2 colloids (Bedja et al.,
faces of platinized CdS powders with silver ions could 1995).
activate these photocatalysts, which are otherwise inac- Similar work is being carried out by Amal et al.,
tive with respect to H2 formation. The activation was with this group being involved in the development
attributed to the formation of a heterojunction between of two novel photocatalysts. The first photocatalyst
CdS and Ag2 S. It was also observed that the fluores- is α-Fe2 O3 @TiO2 , with an aim to expand the cat-
cence of CdS was quenched by Ag+ ions, and that the alyst’s photoresponse into the visible region of the
spectral response for H2 formation was extended to solar spectrum (Penpolcharoen et al., 1998). The sec-
wavelengths up to ∼ 600 nm where CdS itself does not ond is Fe3 O4 @TiO2 , with an aim to enhance the cata-
absorb. lyst’s separation properties from the treated water by
Recently, emphasis has been placed on the devel- imparting magnetic properties onto the photocatalyst
opment of coupled and capped semiconductor systems (Beydoun et al., 1998).

Figure 2. Charge transfer in a coupled semiconductor system.

photocatalyic reaction, since they are being accumu-

lated within the core semiconductor. Therefore these
photocatalysts cannot be used for photoreduction reac-
tions or reactions in which superoxide radicals (formed
by the reduction of oxygen molecules) play an impor-
tant role.
Three-layered colloidal particles are another devel-
opment in the field of surface-modified semiconductor
nanoparticles. These consist of a quantum-sized semi-
conductor particle as the core, covered by several layers
of another semiconductor material, onto which several
layers of the core material are then deposited, and act as
Figure 3. Charge transfer in a capped semiconductor system. the outermost shell. These particles are called quantum
dots or wells (Weller et al. (1995). The first example
described in the literature was the system CdS–HgS–
The development of these heterogeneous semicon- CdS (Mews et al., 1994).
ductor systems is very promising and has the potential Another recent development in the application of
to contribute significantly to the area of photocatalysis. nanoparticles in photocatalysis has been the emergence
By changing certain parameters, such as the thick- of organic–inorganic nanostructured composites. Inter-
ness of the shell or the particle radius of the core, this actions between organic and inorganic molecules are
approach may allow the tailoring of important proper- being used to generate a range of materials for cat-
ties, such as photocatalytic, optical, and magnetic prop- alytic technologies. Published work by Braun et al.
erties, of the photocatalyst. It may also be important in (1996) describes the synthesis of stable semiconductor-
addressing problems such as photodissolution, which organic superlattices based on cadmium sulphide and
might otherwise occur in an ‘unprotected’ photocata- cadmium selenide. By incorporating organic molecules
lyst such as iron oxide (Hoffmann et al., 1995). in an inorganic lattice the authors anticipate that the
In capped systems, if the thickness of the shell electronic properties of this type of materials can
deposited is sufficiently thick, relative to the core be tailored. Therefore, these novel organic–inorganic
radius, the individual identity of the two semiconduc- nanostructured composites may be suitable for pho-
tors can be maintained (Bedja et al., 1995). In these tocatalytic applications. Tenne et al. (1996) have also
systems, only the holes are accessible at the surface been working on the preparation of inorganic com-
of the photocatalyst. This allows for selective interfa- pounds, namely WSe2 and PtS2 , with a crystal struc-
cial charge transfer, and improves the efficiencies of ture similar to graphite. These compounds can be
the oxidation reactions. However, one disadvantage of used to construct fullerene-like structures and nano-
this approach is the fact that the reducing charge car- tubes with potential applications in photocatalysis and
riers (the electrons) are not being utilized during the nanoelectronics.

Sensitization of TiO2 matrix, and had particle diameters between 4 and 6 nm.
Despite titanium dioxide being the most promising The photoresponse shifted to longer wavelengths with
photocatalyst, it can only be activated by light of an increasing content of ferric ions.
wavelength 390 nm or lower. The UV region (below However, this novel photocatalyst also suffered from
390 nm) constitutes only ∼ 4% of the energy available the problem of a partial reductive dissolution upon illu-
within the solar spectrum. Thus considerable research mination. This cathodic corrosion competes with the
is being carried out to extend this photocatalyst’s electron transfer to oxidants such as oxygen found in
response into the visible part of the solar spectrum. the system. In order to alleviate the problem of pho-
The sensitization of TiO2 with a second component todissolution, the authors suggested the introduction of
to enhance activity and shift the wavelength of irradia- H2 O2 , as an electron acceptor, into the system. H2 O2
tion into the visible region is a goal that has been eagerly being a better electron acceptor than O2 can be used
pursued. Again, several approaches have been taken. to compete more efficiently with the photocatalyst’s
The first involves the sensitization of TiO2 with organic dissolution (Bahnemann et al., 1993).
and organometallic dyes, these however are seen to be
are less likely to succeed in photocatalysis due to their Nanocrystalline films
instability (Howe, 1998). Another area of research that links the nanotechnol-
Another approach has been to utilize narrow- ogy with heterogeneous photochemistry has been the
bandgap semiconductors to photosensitize TiO2 . The development of semiconductor nanocrystalline films.
sensitizer has a high cross section for the absorption of Nanocrystalline semiconductor films constitute a net-
visible light and injects electrons into the lower con- work, in which electronic conduction can take place.
duction band of the wide-bandgap semiconductor. The The films are highly porous, and the pores between
separated charge carriers can be used to initiate the the particles are filled with a conducting medium such
chemical reactions. This principle has been used to con- as electrolyte or semiconductor, forming junctions of
struct photoactive layers, in which charge separation is extremely large area contact (Henglein, 1997). The thin
achieved with an efficiency of 80% (Henglein, 1997a). films exhibit interesting photocatalytic and photoelec-
Nanocrystalline, narrow-bandgap semiconductors trochemical properties that are inherited from the native
can be used as sensitizers. These semiconductors can colloids (Kamat, 1995). Chemical vapour deposition
be tailored to suit specific purposes since changing their or molecular beam epitaxy has been the preferred tech-
size can shift their electronic bands (Q-size effects). nique for depositing thin semiconductor films.
This concept is seen as more attractive alternative The nanosized particles from which the films are
for TiO2 sensitization since they are more stable than made are in electronic contact allowing for electric
organic dye (Howe, 1998). charge percolation through such films. This charge
Sensitizing TiO2 with Q-sized narrow-bandgap transport is highly efficient, with the quantum yield
semiconductors PbS and CdS was carried out by Vogel being practically unity (Hagfeldt et al., 1995). One
et al. (Vogel et al., 1994). These systems however, of the major advantages of nanocrystalline semicon-
demonstrated a loss in efficiency, with photocorro- ductors is their high porosity. This facilitates surface
sion of the narrow-bandgap semiconductors in aque- modification with sensitizers, redox couples, and other
ous media, under illumination with 460 nm light, also semiconductors. Using nanocrystalline semiconductor
being a problem. Howe suggested the possibility of films also allows the manipulation of the photocatalytic
using such semiconductor sensitized nanocrystalline process by electrochemical methods (Kamat, 1995).
TiO2 for gas-phase photocatalysis (Howe, 1998).
A different approach was taken by Bahnemann et al. Dye sensitization. Nanostructured films made up of
in 1993 in order to synthesize particles which utilize wide bandgap semiconductors, such as TiO2 , respond
parts of the visible solar spectrum when acting as pho- only in the UV region. Sensitizing with dyes that absorb
tocatalysts. This approach involved the preparation of strongly in the visible spectrum, has been one method
a mixed Ti(IV)/Fe(III) oxide catalyst. Not only did this to extend the photoresponse of such films. In a porous
photocatalyst have increased activity for the destruc- film consisting of nanometre-sized TiO2 particles, the
tion of DCA (dichloroacetic acid), it also showed a effective surface area can be enhanced 1000-fold, thus
photoresponse to 450 nm light. The prepared particles making light absorption efficient even with only a dye
contained between 0.05 and 50 at% Fe(III) in their monolayer adsorbed on each particle (Hagfeldt et al.,

1995). Once photoexcited, the dye molecules inject photocatalytic process is that oxygen is no longer
electrons into the semiconductor’s conduction band. required as an electron scavenger. This makes it
Recent developments in nanocrystalline electro- possible to carry out the photocatalytic reaction under
chemical photovoltaic devices has meant that vast anaerobic conditions (unless O2 plays a role in the reac-
research efforts have been invested into optimising the tion mechanism of organic degradation (Schwitzgebel
properties of such films. O’Regan and Gratzel identi- et al., 1995)). Another advantage is that the anodic and
fied the improvement of light harvesting as the key to cathodic processes are separate. Photoelectrochemical
improving the efficiency of the photoelectrochemical devices can thus allow the isolation of the various reac-
cell. On a smooth surface, a monomolecular layer of tions occurring in photocatalytic systems and provide a
sensitizer absorbs less than 1% of incident monochro- means to carry out selective oxidation and reduction in
matic light (O’Regan et al., 1991). two separate compartments (Kamat, 1995, Viodgopal
O’Regan and Gratzel’s efforts led to the development et al., 1996).
and commercialization of a device capable of harvest- Several people have studied the preparation of pho-
ing 46% of the incident solar energy flux. It was based toelectrochemically active thin films, using a number
on a 10 µm thick, optically transparent semiconduc- of different semiconductor materials. Films have been
tor film consisting of nanocrystalline TiO2 particles, prepared from colloidal suspensions of ZnO (Spanhel
coated with a monolayer of a Ru-based sensitizer dye. et al., 1991), TiO2 (O’Regan et al., 1991), WO3 (Bedja
The absorption onset was shifted to 750 nm, with the et al., 1993; 1994a) and SnO2 (Bedja et al., 1994b). In
light harvesting efficiency reading almost 100% in the 1997, Fu et al. studied the structure and electrochemi-
whole visible region below 550 nm. Efforts have con- cally assisted photocatalysis of nanosize TiO2 /Pt/glass
tinued to try and improve the quantum yield of current thin films prepared by the sol–gel process. Their
photoelectrochemical devices. Recently, Salafsky et al. results showed that a higher photocatalytic activity was
(1998) found that in the presence of an electron donor obtained when an anodic bias is applied, with the activ-
to the dye cation (I− /I3− redox couple), the injected ity becoming stronger with increasing anodic bias. The
charge is prevented from directly recombining with the interlayer Pt and intensity of light source were also
cation and thus has a longer lifetime. shown to affect the photocatalytic activities of the films
(Fu et al., 1997).
The effectiveness of the electrochemically assisted
External bias/photoelectrochemical devices. Illumi- photocatalytic process have also been tested for the
nated semiconductor particles behave as short- degradation of using 4-chlorophenol and Acid Orange
circuited electrodes, with the interfacial charge transfer 7 in aqueous solutions by Viodgopal et al. (Viodgopal
competing with the charge recombination process. The et al., 1995; 1996). The semiconductor films used were
high rate of recombination between the charge carriers SnO2 , TiO2 and a SnO2 –TiO2 nanoclusters. The authors
is a major problem in the photocatalytic degradation found that combining photocatalysis and electrochem-
of organics and is a limiting factor in controlling the istry leads to improved photocatalytic degradation rates
photocatalytic efficiency. (even in the absence of oxygen). The highest rates
During the past few years, considerable effort has were observed with the SnO2 /TiO2 coupled semicon-
been made in the preparation of nanoparticle films and ductor films, with a ten-fold enhancement in the degra-
their application in photoelectrochemical devices. In an dation rate being observed at an applied bias potential
electrochemically assisted photocatalytic process, the of 0.83 V versus SCE. The role of the coupled semicon-
thin nanocrystalline semiconductor film is coated on a ductor was to further improve the charge separation.
conducting glass surface, with the generated electrons The development of multicomponent nanocrys-
being driven via an external circuit to a counter elec- talline semiconductor films is recognised as being of
trode by applying a positive bias. This leads to better extreme importance to research in photoelectrochem-
charge separation and the problem of charge recombi- istry (Kamat, 1995). These systems can serve two pur-
nation is easily overcome (Kamat, 1995). poses. The first purpose is to allow the extension of
In most of the photocatalytic reactions oxygen is the photoresponse of a wide-bandgap semiconductor
essential for scavenging electrons from the irradi- by coupling it with a narrow-bandgap semiconductor.
ated semiconductor particle (Vinodgopal et al., 1996). The second purpose is to inhibit (or slow down) the
Thus, an advantage of an electrochemically assisted charge-carrier recombination, with enhanced charge

separation upon the injection of electrons from the to determine accurately the irradiation light intensity
conduction band of the narrow-bandgap semiconduc- absorbed by the particles. This makes it difficult to
tor into the lower conduction band of the wide-bandgap obtain accurate measurements of both the absorption
semiconductor (Bedja et al., 1995). Coupled semicon- spectra and photochemical quantum yields (Lepore
ductor systems in which increased photocurrent gener- et al., 1993). Another problem is the complexity of such
ation has been demonstrated include TiO2 –CdS (Vogel a small-scale photoelectrochemical system. This has
et al., 1994), ZnO–CdS (Hotchandani et al., 1992), meant that details of the underlying reaction mecha-
TiO2 –CdSe (Liu et al., 1993) and TiO2 –SnO2 (Bedja nisms of photocatalysis have not been well understood
et al., 1995). (Bahnemann et al., 1997). The use of nanoparticles
Hinogami et al. (1997) studied the modification of has lead the way in the approaches taken to provide
semiconductor surfaces with ultrafine metal particles more definitive mechanistic information, particularly
for the efficient photoelectrochemical reduction of car- for TiO2 photocatalysts.
bon dioxide. A p-type silicon was modified with small Nanosize semiconductor particles have diameters
metal (Cu, Au and Ag) particles. The holes generated smaller than the wavelength of the incident light. Their
enter into the interior of the particle, while the pho- dispersions are optically transparent with the dimen-
togenerated electrons come out to the surface. These sions of the particles being small enough to render
electrons then transfer into the metal particles which scattering of light negligibly small. Thus nanosize
reduce CO2 with the aid of their catalytic activity. The semiconductor particles have the added advantage of
electrode has both high activity and very low surface providing transparent solutions for detailed mechanis-
recombination rate (Hinogami et al., 1997). tic studies of photoredox processes by laser photolysis
Due to the quantum effects, the luminescence of col-
Using nanoparticles to study the mechanisms of loidal semiconductors is strongly influenced by parti-
photocatalytic reactions cle size. Typically, a broad emission is observed which
blue shifts with decreasing radius of the particle. Lumi-
Interest in the detailed mechanism of illuminated semi- nescence analysis provides an important tool to study
conductor reactions arises from their intensive use in the dynamics of charge-carrier recombination in such
the photodegradation of organic pollutants (Rabani colloidal semiconductors (Hagfeldt et al., 1995).
et al., 1998). Mechanistic studies of photocatalysed Thus, with nanosize semiconductors, it is possible to
reactions are of paramount importance both for a fun- directly monitor, by flash photolysis, the charge injec-
damental understanding of the nature of heterogeneous tion into or from the semiconductor to reagents present
photocatalysis and for optimizing its efficiency (Lepore in solution (Kalyanasundaram, 1983). This makes it
et al., 1993). possible to obtain absorption spectra of the material
The electronic states of molecules play an impor- and, therefore, the kinetics of processes taking place
tant role in photochemistry. The population and life- can be recorded, if they are reflected in a change of
time of the charge carriers and the time scale of the absorption (Bockelmann et al., 1996). This enables
the interfacial charge-transfer process determining elementary steps involved in the catalytic process to be
the overall efficiency of heterogeneous photocatalysis conveniently analysed (Hagfeldt, 1995).
(Colombo et al., 1996). Thus, for a clear understand- Many mechanistic and spectroscopic studies have
ing of the redox processes across semiconductor– used optically transparent solutions of colloidal TiO2 .
electrolyte interfaces, it is highly desirable to obtain These investigations have led to a detailed understand-
detailed information on the dynamics of the photoin- ing of the nature and reactivity of charge carriers in
duced electron transfer by fast kinetic spectroscopy these colloidal particles (Lepore et al., 1993). Laser
(Kalyanasundaram, 1983). Time-resolved optical spec- flash photolysis technique has been used to quantify
troscopy and quantum yield measurements are usually the kinetics of various mechanistic steps (Howe, 1998)
the most useful sources of information in mechanistic and has allowed the identification of factors that govern
photochemistry. the dynamics of interfacial electron and hole transfer
Optical methods are difficult to employ when study- reactions (Hagfeldt et al., 1995).
ing heterogeneous photocatalytic slurries. Due to the Early studies in 1985 used pico and nanosecond tran-
light scattering in these opaque systems, it is not easy sient absorption measurements to monitor the fate of

photo-produced holes and electrons. Electron trapping in the population of trapped charge carriers, and the
was reported to be faster than 30 ps, the time resolu- much slower decay in the transients indicated this. This
tion of the laser system used. The trapping of holes demonstrated the hole-scavenging ability of the SCN− .
was estimated to occur within < 250 ns. Electron:hole It also demonstrated that the interfacial charge transfer,
recombination was estimated to occur within 30 ns of an electron from the SCN− to a hole on the photo-
(Rothenberger et al., 1985). excited TiO2 , effectively competes with electron–hole
It is important to note that early flash photolysis stud- recombination.
ies suffered from the problem of a large number of It is known that it is the number of holes avail-
electron–hole pairs being generated in each TiO2 per able for the interfacial reaction, which ultimately deter-
laser pulse (Bahnemann, 1997). In 1995, using nano- mines the efficiency of a photocatalytic process. Thus,
sized TiO2 , Skinner et al. were able to employ experi- this study presented a major finding which can have
mental conditions that ensured that on the average less significant implications on photocatalysis. The authors
than one electron–hole pair was formed per semicon- showed that it was possible to adsorb species with
ductor cluster during each light pulse. The authors car- electron-scavenging ability such that the hole-transfer
ried out femto spectroscopic measurements, and under reaction can successfully compete with the picosecond
the well-defined experimental conditions, this research electron–hole recombination process.
group found that electron-trapping time was approx- Nosaka et al. (1990) studied the electron transfer
imately 180 ± 10 fs. They also found that the elec- from a laser-excited CdS colloid particle to surface-
tron:hole recombination occurred on a picosecond time adsorbed viologens (organic reducing agents). The
scale rather than nanosecond, with the mean lifetime quantum yield of the photoinduced electron transfer
for the electron–hole pair was found to be 30 ps not in CdS and In2 S3 semiconductor particles to surface-
30 ns as reported earlier (Skinner et al., 1995). adsorbed violgen molecules, was measured as a func-
Serpone et al. (1996) carried out a picosecond study tion of the density of adsorbed photons in the particles.
on colloidal solutions TiO2 . They reported a rapid trap- The authors found that at a lower photon density, the
ping of electrons and holes in less than 30 ps. The quantum yields became constant, with the smaller par-
second-order kinetics measured in their experiments ticles having a lower quantum yield. The authors pre-
revealed two decay processes. A fast decay, which was sented a kinetic model, which explained the decrease
assigned to recombination of charge carriers in shal- of quantum yield with the decreasing diameter of the
low traps. The longer decay occurred on a much longer particle. In their model, the ratio of the rate constant for
time scale, with the recombination occurring at times the electron–hole pair recombination (Kr) to the rate
greater than 20 ns. This decay was attributed to deeply constant for photoinduced electron transfer (Ke) was
trapped charge-carrier recombination. Serpone et al. found to be dependent on the size of the semiconductor
proposed that it is the longer decay which determines particle. For CdS particles the value of Kr/Ke increases
the photocatalytic activity. by a factor of about 20 with doubling of the radius. For
Colombo et al. (1996) examined the charge-carrier In2 S3 the dependence of Kr/Ke on the radius was found
dynamics suspensions of Degussa P25 TiO2 , which to be very weak. Kr/Ke increases only by two times
they probed with femtosecond time-resolved diffuse with doubling of the radius. From their kinetic model
reflectance spectroscopy. They also studied transient the authors proposed that when the electron-transfer
events in dry P25 TiO2 powders. They compared the rate (Ke) does not increase much with decreasing
electron trapping in both systems (wet and dry pow- size, the value of the quantum yield decreases because
der) to electron trapping in quantum sized TiO2 . In all the electron–hole recombination rate (Kr) probably
three systems the electron trapping was very rapid and increases largely.
occurred in less than 200 fs. As was previously mentioned, Lepore et al. (1993)
Colombo et al. also examined the interfacial hole- were the first to provide accurately determined quan-
transfer dynamics with P25/SCN− complexes being tum yields of polycrystalline TiO2 (with an aver-
probed as a function of thiocyanate ion concentra- age radius of 62 nm). The quantum yields obtained
tion. The presence of thiocyanate adsorbed to the with these samples were similar to those of P25, but
surface of the P25 nanocrystalline particles dramati- higher than those obtained using the quantum-sized
cally influences the recombination kinetics. Both an (∼ 2.4 nm) TiO2 . A longer lifetime of the charge car-
increase in signal strength, which meant an increase riers in the polycrystalline samples and the P25 slur-

ries, compared to the quantum-sized TiO2 solutions, the photocatalytic oxidation of the model compounds
was found to be the reason behind this. Martin et al. DCA− and SCN− . The authors found that in the absence
(1995) studied the charge-carrier dynamics of Q-TiO2 of hole scavengers, the electrons were trapped instan-
and Degussa P25 using time-resolved microwave taneously (i.e. within the duration of the laser flash).
conductivity. They found that the resultant interfa- The group suggested that at least two different types of
cial electron transfer was faster for P25 than for hole traps need to be considered. Deeply trapped holes,
Q-TiO2 . which are long-lived and unreactive, and shallowly
Schwitzgebel et al. (1995) studied the role of oxygen trapped holes, which exhibit a very high oxidation
and the generated electrons in photocatalysed oxida- potential. The traps are interstitial atoms, impurities,
tion of organics. The organics oxidized were n-octane, dislocations, and defects. (Weller et al. (1995) sug-
3-octanol, 3-octanone, or n-octanoic acid, with the gested that traps in nanosized particles were found
oxidation carried out using buoyant nanocrystalline mainly on the surface as a result of the large surface-
n-TiO2 -coated glass microbubbles. The effect of dis- to-bulk ratio).
solved Fe3+ ions on the reaction was also studied. In the same study Bahnemann et al. also inves-
Their results showed that both the photogenerated tigated the electron transfer kinetics to donors and
holes and electrons participate in the oxidation reac- acceptors. They found that the adsorption of the
tion. They also found that molecular oxygen has two model compounds DCA and SCN on the TiO2 sur-
roles. Firstly it accepts the electron and is reduced face prior to the bandgap excitation, was a prerequi-
to a superoxide radical (O2 •− or HO2 • ). Secondly it site for an efficient hole scavenging (Bahnemann et al.,
combines with the organic radical, generated upon 1997).
the reaction between the organic and the hole or OH Smith et al. (1997) have also studied the ultra-fast
radical reaction. This produces an organoperoxy rad- dynamics of photoinduced electrons in several metal
ical (ROO• ). The superoxide radical, which is a rela- and semiconductor colloidal nanoparticle systems
tively ineffective oxidizing agent, combines with the using femtosecond laser spectroscopy. For aqueous
organoperoxy radicals to form an unstable tetraoxide gold and silver colloids, they found that spatial size
that decomposes to give CO2 . The effect of the dis- confinement caused slower electronic relaxation due
solved Fe3+ ions was to reduce the CO2 yields in the to reduction of non-equilibrium electron transport and
photocatalytic air oxidation of the four reactants. This weaker electron–phonon coupling. The effect of sur-
was due to the fact that they competed for the pho- factant on the electron dynamics in CdS colloids was
togenerated electrons and oxidized the superoxide to also examined and found to be significant. The authors
O2 . In reactions that do not involve the superoxide put forward that this finding may provide evidence to
radical, for example the photocatalytic air oxidation suggest that the electrons were dominantly trapped at
of n-octanal, the oxidation reaction was not inhibited the liquid–solid interface.
by Fe3+ . Rabani et al. (1998) studied nanosecond kinetics of
Bockelmann et al. (1996) performed detailed pho- dry TiO2 using pulsed laser photolysis. They used lay-
tophysical and photochemical investigations of col- ers of closely packed 5 nm titanium dioxide nanocrys-
loidal Ti/Fe mixed oxide suspensions using a flash tallites. Pulsed laser photolysis was carried out in the
photolysis apparatus for time-resolved measurements. presence and absence of added reactants. Their results
In their efforts to understand the process of pho- showed that TiO2 layers immersed in liquids (acidic
todissolution of this mixed semiconductor, they found or alkaline water, CCl4 , CCl4 /CBr4 mixture, cyclohex-
that during photodissolution the photogenerated elec- ane) have the same absorption versus time profiles as
trons are not mainly captured at Ti4+ centres but in the dry layers.
fact reduced Fe3+ centres within the microcrystals Murakata et al. (1998) studied the effect of the sol-
forming Fe2+ . vent in which the particles are dispersed on their photo-
More recently, in 1997, Bahnemann et al. car- catalytic properties using ESR spectra measurements.
ried out time-resolved laser flash photolysis under The dependence of activity upon kind of solvent was
well-defined experimental conditions, which resemble found to be due to the different concentrations of Ti3+
the steady-state irradiation conditions in photocataly- formed with the different solvents (these are respon-
sis. Bahnemann et al. used nanosized TiO2 particles, sible for the reductive catalytic activity of the TiO2
of mean diameter 24 Å, to investigate the details of particles).

Conclusions SnO2 nanocrystallites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 99,

Bedja I., S. Hotchandani & P.V. Kamat, 1993. Photoelectro-
Considering the topics covered in this review, it is evi-
chemistry of quantized WO3 colloids. Electron storage, elec-
dent that the emergence of nanotechnology is bound trochromic, and photoelectrochromic effects. The Journal of
to have significant implications in the research field of Physical Chemistry 97, 11064–11070.
photocatalysis. First, the nanostructure their remark- Bedja I., S. Hotchandani, R. Carpentier, K. Vinodgopal &
able properties will prove invaluable in the develop- P.V. Kamat, 1994a. Electrochromic, and photoelectrochemical
ment of novel photocatalysts and the enhancement of behaviour of thin WO3 films prepared from quantized colloid
particles. Thin Solid Films 247(2), 195–200.
existing ones. In areas such as doping, coupling, cap- Bedja I., S. Hotchandani & P.V. Kamat, 1994b. Prepa-
ping and sensitizing, benefits have already been seen ration and photochemical characterisation of thin SnO2
with enhanced photocatalytic and optical properties. nanocrystalline semiconductor films and their sensitiza-
Secondly, the use of nanocrystalline thin films in tion with bis(2,20 -bipyridine)(2,20 -bibyridine-4,40 -dicarboxylic
electrochemically assisted photocatalytic processes is acid)ruthenim(II) complex. The Journal of Physical Chemistry
another area where nanoparticles will be very useful. 98, 4133–4140.
Beydoun D., R. Amal, G. Low & S. McEvoy, 1998. Novel photo-
Finally, the use of nanoparticles for providing mech- catalyst: Titania coated magnetite. World Congress on Particle
anistic information will continue to make significant Technology 3, 6–9 July 1998, Brighton, UK, Paper no. 385.
contributions in enhancing the understanding of photo- Bockelmann D., M. Lindner & D. Bahnemann, 1996. From nano-
initiated processes in semiconductor materials. sized particles to commercial products: The search for novel
photocatalysts. In: Pelizzetti E. ed. Fine Particles Science and
Technology, Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 657–689.
Braun P.V., P. Osenar & S.-I. Stup, 1996. Semiconducting super-
lattices templated by molecular assemblies. Nature 380(6572),
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