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2020 Annual Results

8 March 2021

Mr Tong Jilu Executive Director and Chairman

Mr Gu Xiaomin Executive Director and General Manager

Mr Gao Chunlei Chief Accountant

Mr Liu Guofeng Deputy General Manager

Mr Zhang Quan Deputy General Manager


01 02 03
Overall Operational Financial
Performance Performance Performance

Overall Performance
Mr Tong Jilu
Executive Director and Chairman

Key Financial Indicators

RMB81,099 million RMB59,527 million RMB57,548 million

Operating Revenue EBITDA Operating Cash Flow

6.1% 5.0% 15.2%

RMB6,428 million RMB0.0368 yuan 1.66 tenants / sites

1 2
Net Profit EPS Tower Tenancy Ratio

23.1% 23.9% 2.5%

Note 1: Net profit is the profit attributable to owners of the company, the same applies herein after.
Note 2: Tower tenancy ratio = tower tenants / tower sites, does not include distributed antenna system (DAS) business. DAS business will be illustrated 5
by area of in-building coverage and distance of tunnels, the same applies herein after.
Maintained Solid Operating Performance

Stable growth in operating revenue Rapid increase in net profit

(RMB million) (RMB million)

6.1% 23.1% 6,428


2019 2020 2019 2020

Corporate Strategy Implemented in
a Steady and Sustainable Way
Steady growth in TSP business
Operating revenue structure (RMB million)

TSP Business Two Wings Business Others 3.8% 76,899

0.4% 0.3% 74,064


2019 2020

Scale development of
Two Wings business
96.9% (RMB million)
94.8% 3,939


2019 2020 2019 2020

Supported Strategic Deployment of
5G Infrastructure

Advanced sharing and collaborative

Adhered to sharing and innovation to promote
large-scale, low-cost 5G construction
Faster pace construction supported TSPs to expand 5G
coverage rapidly

Cumulative number Proportion of 5G demand

of 5G demand
satisfied by sharing of existing

766,000 97%
Note: Data as of 31 December 2020. Cumulative number as
from the beginning of 5G construction.
Two Wings Business as an Important
Driver of Revenue Growth
Strong and sustained revenue
TSSAI business growth in Two Wings business
• Developed core products and strengthened
“Platform + Ecosystem” operations
• Extended sharing of resources and provided
services to key sectors relating to national
70.2% 89.4%
economy and people’s livelihoods
• Transformed telecommunication towers to
digital towers to promote rapid development
2019 2020

Revenue growth contribution from

Energy operation business Two Wings business increased rapidly

• Enhanced operation support to key

18.6% 39.8%
business segments and products
• Accelerated its roll-out in major cities
and regions across the country
• Became the industrial leader in battery
exchange business

2019 2020
市场风险分析Core Competitive Advantages

In-depth implementation Enhanced resources coordination

of resource sharing and integration capabilities
• Continued to deepen resource • Unleashed the value of over 2 million
sharing within the industry to create a existing tower sites
win-win situation with customers
• Coordinated and utilized abundant social
• Expedited the sharing of resources to enhance advantage of
telecommunication and social towers scale
and poles resources

Strong government Improved innovation capability

and favorable policy support for future development
• Favorable policies to support 5G • Promoted innovative low-cost and high
construction efficiency 5G construction solutions
• Recognized as an important • Strengthened the innovation of business
coordinator in the telecommunications and products
infrastructure construction industry

Continued to Improve Operational Capabilities
Strengthened management competencies to lay
a sound foundation for sustainable growth

• Built a unified and nationwide • Strengthened cost control and • Reinforced risk control in key areas
energy service operations platform creating industry-leading cost • Further completed long-term
• Accelerated the construction of a advantage mechanism for internal control
centralized and unified video • Continued to improve the management
surveillance platform for the TSSAI assessment system and incentive • Promoted all-rounded, regular audit
business mechanism supervision
• Enhanced IT platform to empower • Enhanced digital capabilities to
business development improve asset operation

Promoted platform Improved the level of Reinforced risk

operations delicate management management

Further Improved Shareholder Returns
Dividend payout ratio increased consistently

The Board recommends to pay a final dividend of RMB0.02235 (pre-tax) per share in 2020

(RMB Yuan) (RMB Yuan)

Dividend payout ratio

based on annual 55% 60% 68%
distributable net profit

0.0297 0.02235

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

Strive to Seize Development Opportunities
New opportunities and markets space brought
by national strategies and industrial upgrading

Further implementation
of national strategies
Accelerate deployment of national Bolster
strategies such as Cyberpower and Digital
digital transformation
Promote large-scale 5G construction
and digital transformation across the
Wide application of society

new technologies
New technologies including big data, Significant
AI and new energy promote industrial comparative advantages
transformation and upgrading
The Company's unique resource
advantage and platform capabilities
derive from iterations over time
Creating Greater Value for Shareholders

• Operating revenue maintain steady growth
• TSP business maintain stable development
• Two Wings business achieve fast growth

Sharing &
• Effective control of CAPEX
• Lower proportion of operating
expenses to revenue
• Cash flow level steadily increase
• Continue to improve profitability

Further implement the“One Core and Two Wings”strategy to build an

enterprise with the best potential for growth and value creation
Operational Performance
Mr Gu Xiaomin
Executive Director and General Manager

Key Operational Indicators

Indicators 2019 2020

2020 Change

Operating revenue (RMB million) 76,428 81,099 6.1%

Tower business 71,406 73,371 2.8%

DAS business 2,658 3,528 32.7%

TSSAI & Energy Operation businesses 2,080 3,939 89.4%

Number of tower tenants (thousand) 3,239 3,361 3.8%

TSP tenants 3,063 3,175 3.7%

TSSAI tenants 176 186 5.7%

Number of tower sites (thousand) 1,994 2,023 1.5%

Tower tenancy ratio 1.66
1.62 2.5%
(tower tenants / tower sites)
Expedited the Development of Multiple
Businesses to Support Operating Revenue
(RMB million)

Revenue growth
contribution: 42.1% 18.6% 39.3%
1,836 81,099
870 +6.1%

Tower DAS Two Wings 2020

2019 business & others
business business

Revenue contribution
by percentage point: +2.6pp +1.1pp +2.4pp

Stable Growth of Tower Business
⚫ Enhanced customer focus ⚫ Adhered to sharing and ⚫ Sped up innovation on
and market orientation collaborative development construction and service models

Operating revenue of tower business TSP tenants

(RMB million) (thousand)

2.8% 3.7%
73,371 3,175


TSP tenants per tower site


2019 2020 2019 2020

Provided High-quality and Efficient
Service for 5G Construction

Realized the potential of Made full use of Promoted innovative Developed 5G

existing towers effectively social resources 5G technology integrated solutions

⚫ Innovative sharing of ⚫ Make use of all ⚫ Launched 5G passive

resources that can host ⚫ Provided integrated
tower masts DAS sharing solutions
equipment one-stop service
Fully utilized resources at low costs with
⚫ across towers, shelters,
such as existing Proactively leveraged access to all frequency

power supply and
towers and cabinets the coordinating bands
data transmission
capability on social ⚫ Enhanced innovation
resources ⚫ Broader resource
on 5G power supply at
sharing, better service
low costs

Rapid Development of DAS Business
Expanding DAS coverage

Subways High-speed
railway tunnels
Focused 4,060 5,881 6,821
on key Subway Highway Railway Airport million m2 kilometers kilometers
scenarios 1,490 2,511 km 1,503 km
mil. m2

Note: Data as of 31 December 2020 Increase from 2019

Commercial Government Large Railway
building office building venues station
Operating revenue of DAS business
(RMB million)
Enhanced resource allocation and provided
Furthered diversified resource sharing solutions to satisfy 2,658 32.7%
resource network coverage demands
sharing and
promoted Coordinated site entry to lower the construction
efficiency and operating costs

2019 2020

TSSAI Business
Forged core competencies to drive rapid growth

TSSAI tenants Operating revenue of TSSAI business

(thousand) (RMB million)

5.7% 59.2%
176 1,887

2019 2020 2019 2020

⚫ Furthered business ⚫ Strengthened platform ⚫ Promoted operational

cooperation operation capabilities supporting service
TSSAI Business
Strengthened product innovation to drive efficient development
Leveraged unique Built“digital tower” Served national economy, people's
advantages and capabilities operating platform livelihoods and digitalization in society

Utilized mid- and high-level mounting Formed widely covered surveillance Created video applications for
space and sharing advantages and monitoring networks differentiated business scenarios

Straw Petroleum
Service Monitoring Hill fire
burning prevention pipeline
platform monitoring
Localized Professional Video Video Computing
storage forward
Strategic cooperation with
government units
Webcams Sensors
Internet Dedicated
access access v

Towers Shelters Forestry Water Earthquake

Agriculture Weather

Fully integrated resources to achieve Operating at a unified platform, Visible monitoring, digital service and
low-cost service completed network deployment and intelligent management
comprehensive service support
Energy Operation Business
Accelerated key sectors deployment and cultivated new growth engine

Energy operation business

achieved breakthrough of scale Battery Power
(RMB million) exchange backup
service service
Growing demand on low-speed
electric vehicle battery exchange Market potential on power
384.5% 935 backup in segmented scenarios
Cabinet Lithium
exchange Health care Traffic Petrol &

Mobile Cloud Integrated solution provider for

APP platform power assurance service
193 Power Power
24,000 >300,000 backup generation
paid users Monitoring Maintenance
2019 2020

Operating Strategies for 2021

Adhere to sharing and collaborative development to

promote steady revenue growth of the tower business

Further profit-oriented strategy to maintain

rapid growth of the DAS business

Strengthen product support to promote

market expansion of the TSSAI business

Optimize development model to boost rapid growth

of energy operation business

Enhance asset operations to

consistently improve profitability

Drive innovative development

to boost corporate vitality 24
Financial Performance
Mr Gao Chunlei
Chief Accountant

Key Financial Indicators
(RMB million) 2019 2020
2020 Change

Operating revenue 76,428 81,099 6.1%

Operating expenses 65,147 69,087 6.0%

Operating profit 11,281 12,012 6.5%

EBITDA 56,696 59,527 5.0%

Net profit 5,222 6,428 23.1%

Operating cash flow 49,935 57,548 15.2%

Gearing ratio 38.5% 36.7% -1.8pp

Lean Cost Management
Site audit 01 02 Benchmarking analysis
• Construction cost (new construction, • Benchmarking individual site
site augmentation, etc.) construction cost
• Revenue (tower rental, site leasing, • Analyse the ratio of expenses to
maintenance service, etc.) revenue of individual site
• Cost (depreciation, site leasing, • Analysis on loss-making sites
maintenance expenses, etc.)

Construction cost control 03 04 Operating expenses control

• Furthered resource sharing • Precise allocation of repairs and
maintenance expenses
• Reduced construction costs
with innovative solutions • Reduced site operating lease
charges of newly built sites
• Precise allocation of resources
• Strictly controlled increase on site
operating lease charges of existing
Site operating
Construction cost on lease charges of Repairs and maintenance
newly built site individual site expenses on individual site

2.1% 1.5% 5.5%

Lean Cost Management (Cont)
2019 2020
(RMB million) % to % to Change Illustration
Amount operating Amount operating
revenue revenue

Operating expenses 65,147 85.2% 69,087 85.2% 6.0%

Depreciation and amortization 45,415 59.4% 47,515 58.6% 4.6%

⚫ Benefited from the improvement on the professional and

Repairs and maintenance 5,993 7.8% 5,805 7.2% -3.1% delicate repairs and maintenance management

⚫ Key factors: 1. Recruitment of skilled talents required by

5G development and Two Wings business; 2. reverse of
Employee benefits and expenses 5,863 7.7% 6,115 7.5% 4.3% RMB130 million related to the cost of the first phase
restricted shares amortized in 2019

Other operating expenses 7,876 10.3% 9,652 11.9% 22.5%
⚫ Increased site operation expenses due to short-term site
Of which: Site operation and supporting lease charges recognized in accordance with the
4,255 5.6% 4,902 6.0% 15.2% accounting standard on leases, IT service expenses and
site planning, etc.

⚫ Development expenses increased due to the rapid

Other expenses 3,621 4.7% 4,750 5.9% 31.2% growth of Two Wings business

⚫ Benefited from the Company’s multi-channel fund-raising

Net finance costs 4,598 6.0% 3,923 4.8% -14.7% with low costs, and controlling financing costs effectively

Note: Other operating expenses in 2019 included short-term site lease charges of RMB639 million
Profitability Increased Rapidly

Operating profit EBITDA

(RMB million) (RMB million)

11,281 6.5% 5.0% 59,527

2019 2020 2019 2020

Profitability Increased Rapidly (Cont)

Net profit Net profit margin

(RMB million)

6,428 7.9%

23.1% 1.1PP
5,222 6.8%

2019 2020 2019 2020

Proactive Capex Allocation for
Sustainable Development
(RMB million)

36.9% 37,122
Significant rise on capex for new site construction and
27,123 augmentation to meet the demands of large-scale 5G

Proportion of the Two Wings business capex

2019 2020
increased due to proactive development of TSSAI and
energy operation businesses
2019 9.1% 2020 Site replacement and improvement capex decreased
through delicate management on maintenance

New site construction Two Wings Management Site replacement

and augmentation business support and improvement
Sound Cash Flow Level

Operating cash flow Free cash flow EBITDA–Maintenance Capex

(RMB million) (RMB million) (RMB million)

6.3% 55,795
57,548 52,493


68.7% 68.8%

2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020

Percentage to operating revenue
Solid Capital Structure

Liabilities-to-assets ratio
(RMB million) 2020.12.31

46.0% 44.8%
Assets 337,380

Cash and cash equivalents 5,042

2019.12.31 2020.12.31

Liabilities 151,134
Gearing ratio
Interest-bearing debt 112,871

Total equity 186,246 1.8PP

2019.12.31 2020.12.31

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Appendix: Extracted from Audited
Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2020

(RMB million) 2019.12.31 2020.12.31

Total Assets 338,067 337,380

Current assets 40,995 43,204

Non-current assets 297,072 294,176

Property, plant and equipment 239,925 231,684

Construction in progress 12,263 20,185

Total Liabilities 155,506 151,134

Current liabilities 128,364 106,635
Borrowings 87,019 61,999
Accounts payable 29,313 31,460
Non-current liabilities 27,142 44,499

Total Equity 182,561 186,246

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