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A) FillintheblankswithCANorCAN’T:
1. Sheisa smallbaby.Shecaneatmeat,butshecan'tdrinkmilk.
2. Thatdressisnot expensive.I canbuy it.
3. Acatcanclimb up atree, but adogcan't.
4. I’m verytiredtoday.Ican'tcleanmyroom.
5. Johnisveryshort.Hecan'tplaybasketballverywell.
6. Weare veryhungry,sowecaneatalotofsandwiches.
7. He isveryfat. Hecan'trun very fast.
8. Wecansleepinthe bedroombutwecan'tsleepinthebathroom.

B) FillintheblankswithCAN/CAN’TorMUST/MUSTN’T:
1. Sheisill,soshemustsee thedoctor.
2. It’srainingheavily.Youmusttakeyourumbrella.
3. Wemustn'tpicktheflowersinthepark.
4. Mikeisnine monthsold.Hemustn'teatnuts.
5. Iamverytall.SoIcanplaybasketball.
6. I’msorrybut wecan't come toyourpartytomorrow.
7. Youare speakingveryquietly.Ican't understandyou.
8. CanIuseyourphone?
9. We mustgo tothebanktoday.Wehaven’t got anymoney.
10. Myhandsaredirty.Imust washthem.
11. It’slate. Imust go now.
12. Youmuststopataredtrafficlight.
13. Youmustn't speedinthe city.
14. Touristsmusttake theirpassportswhentheygoabroad.
15. Footballersmustn'ttouchtheballwiththeirhands.
16. Canyouplay the guitar?
17. Ican'tcomewithyounow.BecauseI’mstudyingmylessons.

1. IcanstayinbedtomorrowmorningbecauseIdon'thavetowork.
2. Whateveryoudo,youmustn'ttouchthatswitch.It’sverydangerous.
3. Youmustn't forget what Itoldyou.It’sveryimportant.
4. Wedon'thave to leave yet.We’vegotplentyoftime.
5. Annwasfeelingilllastnight.Shehadtoleave thepartyearly.
6. Ihadtogo tothe bankyesterday togetsome money.
7. The windowsare verydirty.Imustcleanthem.
8. Thewindowsaren’t dirty.Youdon'thave tocleanthem.

9. We arrived home very late last night. We had to wait half an hour for
10. These cakesareverynice. Youcanhaveone.
11. We don'thave to takeanumbrella.It’snotgoing torain.
12. Thisisa secret.Youmustn’ttellanybody.
13. Youdon’thave tobuya newspaper.Youcanhavemine.
14. Thistraindoesn’t goto London.Youmustchange atBristol.
15. Inmanycountries,menhavetodomilitaryservice.
16. Sarahisa nurse.Sometimesshehastoworkatweekends.
A) Fillintheblanksusing(NOT)HAVETO/MUST(NOT)/CAN/COULD:
1. George hastraveledalot.He canspeakfour languages.
2. Ican’t singnowbutIcouldsingverywell whenIwasa child.
She will stay in bed till 10 o’clock this morning. Because she doesn’t
havetogo to work.
3. ManystudentsinTurkeyhave towear uniform whentheygotoschool.
4. I’msorryIcouldn’t come yesterday.Ihadtoworklate.
5. You’vebeencoughingalot recently.Youmustnotsmoke somuch.
6. Youhave a badheadache.Soyoushouldgotobedearly.
7. I can’t swim very far these days but ten years ago I could swim from
oneside of thelaketotheother.
8. Youcanseethesea fromourbedroomwindow.
9. It isn’t permitted to speak Turkish during the lessons. So you can’t

B) FillintheblankswithMUST(NOT)/CAN(NOT)/(NOT)HAVETO/
1. Youmustnotparkinthat street.Itisnotpermitted.
2. LookatGeorge.He isworkingverywell.Hecan'tbeill.
3. There’ssomeoneatthedoor.I’mexpecting Paul.ItmustbePaul.
4. Ali’scar ishere. Hemustbehere.
5. Thebabyisasleep.You mustnotshout.
6. You’ve gotplentyoftime.Youneedn’t hurry.
7. A:“Doyouwantme towait foryou?”B: “No,it’sOK.Youneedn’twait.”
8. Ican’t getanyanswerfrommytelephone.Itmustbeoutoforder.
9. Annstayedinbedthismorningbecauseshedidn’thaveto gotowork.
10. Tomhasjustgivenmea lettertopost.I mustn't forgettopostit.

C) FillintheblankswithsuitableMODALAUXILIARYVERBS:

1. He couldplaychesswhen he wasyoung.
2. Youcandriveacarwhen you are18.
3. MayIaskyoua question?
4. She mustbe 25.She looksolderthanthat.
5. Histelephone doesn’t answer.Hemusthave gone totheclub.

6. She entered the room carrying a wet umbrella. She must have walked in
7. Mycardidn’tworkthismorning.So Ihadto walkto the office.
8. Hemusthave beenhome,butwe didn’t telephone him.
9. She could have helped me a lot by giving me a little of her time, but
shepreferredto go out.
10. Hedoesn’tknowtheanswer. Hemustbestudying.
11. Ican’t findthehouse.Imust nothave written downthe address.
12. Sheisverysleepy.Shemusthave stayedupverylate lastnight.
13. Imightgofora walk later.Itdependsonthe weather.
14. Thegroundiscoveredwithsnow.Itmusthave snowedlastnight.
15. She must have been in a great hurry to leave for the theater because she
leftallthedinner disheson thetable.
16. That store has just gone bankrupt. I believe they must have had a
stricterpolicyabout giving peoplecredit.
17. I’mafraidMr.Smithisdeaf.Hecan'thearwhatyousay.

D) A mysterious letter has arrived for Tom by special delivery. He



Jill: CanIhave alook atit? (permission)

Tom: I can't think who it’s from. (negative


Tom: Can you read the postmark?

(ability)Jill:It mightbefromthetaxman.



Jill: It could be from your bank manager (possibility), so you should open

Tom:Yes,I muststopputtingit off(obligation).Now, let’ssee.Isit goodnewsorbad?

G) DrawconclutionsusingCAN’T/MUST/MIGHT:

He drivesaveryexpensivecarandownsa privateplane.(rich)

 He mustbe rich.


 He can’t haveajob.

Theyareaskingthe waytothecitycenter.(tourist)

 Theymustbetourists.


 Shemustbe asportsreporter.

I thoughthe studiedmedicine,butshe’sgoingtoanoutdoorjobnow.(doctor)

 He can’tbea doctor.


 Shecan’tbestupid.

A:Whathappenedtoyourleg?B:Islippedbadlyontheice andbroke it.A:Oh!

That musthave hurtalot.B:Itdoes.

B:Yes,Ido.Thenewneighborsupstairsmight bequarrelingagain.

pleased with mylast project.

He wentto the USAthree daysagoandhasn’treturnedyet.

1. It’scold.You mustn’tleave withoutyourjacket.
2. Youmusteatfruitandvegetablestostayhealthy.
3. Imustgoto the postoffice. Ihavealettertosend.
4. Youmustn’tspeakrudelytoyourparents.
5. Youmustn’t parkhere–it’sillegal.

6. We must hurry orwe’llmissthebus.

A) UseasuitablepresentorpastMODALAUXILIARY:
1. Ican’t findmybook.Imusthave left itonthe bus.
2. Theydon’tanswertheirphone; theymighthavegoneawayontheirvacation.
3. Johnwenttothemovieslastnight,butheshouldhavestayedathomeand
4. Thelightshave goneout.Afusemusthaveblown.
5. Shecan’tbe going toschool.It’sSaturday.
6. Youwere stupidtogoskiinghere.Youcouldhave brokenyourleg.
7. Shecouldsing likeanangelwhenshewasakid.
8. MayImakea suggestion?
9. Youshouldgoandsee “Batman”.It’sa greatfilm.
10. He came home alone. You shouldn't have let him do that; he could
11. Hereadthemessagebuthemightnothaveunderstood.
12. Icouldhavelentyou the money.Why didn’t you askme?
13. A: Can I have some sweets? I am hungry. B: You can't be hungry. You
havejust had dinner.
14. Tom can't have written this, because it is in French and he doesn’t
15. Helookedsotired.Hemusthave beenworkingveryhard.
16. Hemustbea verycleverboy.Hehasenteredtheuniversityveryeasily.
Sof them:
1. Sallylookssadandworried.Shemusthave aproblemwithsomething.
2. Bobcan’tbe at schoolbecause Ihaven’t seenhimtoday.
3. Mr. Treves hasn’t come to work yet. He has never been late for work. He
mighthave missedthebus.
4. Timmy is a very good boy. He isn’t naughty, so he can’t have broken
thatwindow.Someoneelsemust have broken it.
5. I’m sure that Idroppedmykeyinthe car.Itmustbethere atthe moment.
6. Thestreet iswet thismorning.I’m notsure butitmighthave rainedlastnight.
7. A: I talked to your science teacher at school yesterday. B: You can’t
havetalkedto her becauseshe wasn’tatschoolyesterday.
8. A: The man was being taken to hospital. He must have had an accident. B:
Yes,I’m surehehadan accident.
9. A: Will you come to my birthday party tomorrow? B: I might not come to
yourpartybecauseI haveto lookaftermy littlesister.
10. A: I’m going to do a parachute jump next week. B: You are going to jump out
ofan aeroplane! But you’re 73 years old! You can’t be serious. You must be
mad.A:It really mustbewonderfullookingdownoneverything.I’vealwayswanted

to try it. B: But anything could happen. You might be injured, or even killed.
Iwouldn’t take the risk. A: Well, your life can’t be much fun if you never
takerisks. You ought to try it, too. You never know. You might enjoy it. B:
Enjoy it!Youmust bejoking.
11. She knew everything about our plans. She must have listened to
12. Hecan’thaveeatentheroastedbeefwhenwewere out.He isavegetarian.
13. Mrs.Whiteboughta newfurcoat!Shemusthave wonalottery.
14. Johnsaidhe wouldring, buthe hasn’t.He might haveforgottenallaboutit.
15. Thechildrenmustbestudyinginthelibrarynowbecausetheyhave
16. Thesingerhasgota sore throat,soshecan’tsing atthe concert.
17. Imightbe athomethisevening,orImightbeout,I’m not sure.
18. Hedrankthree glassesofwater.Hemusthave beenverythirsty.
19. A: Where’sthecat? B:Itcan’t have goneout,the doorisclosed.
20. Thepolice arrestedhimrightaway.They musthave foundenoughevidence.
21. Hehadnomoney,sohecouldn’thave lent yousome.
22. Wecan’twaitanylonger.Somethingmustbedone immediately.
23. Theyall shoutedin fear.Theymust havebeenvery afraid.
24. A: Your dog bit me as I was standing in the hall. B: It can’t have been my
dog.It waswith meall day.
25. A: I phoned you at 9 o’clock this morning and got no answer. B: I must
havebeenin thegarden.I planted someflowersthismorning.
26. Mygrandmotheralwayshasa restatthistime oftheday,soshemustbe taking
a nap now.
27. Mrs. Green wasn’t good at ice-skating, but she insisted on and broke her
leg.She shouldhavegiven up doing that.
28. A: I’m afraid Ted is watching TV again. B: He can’t be watching TV,
becausehisroomiscompletely silentand dark.Hemight be sleeping.
29. That carpet was made by hand. It must have taken a long time to make
it.D)Complete the sentenceswithMUST/ MUSTN’Tor NEEDN’T:
Examples: I haven’tgotmuchtime. I ….must….hurry. I havegotplenty of time.I
…. needn’t….hurry.
1. “Doyouwantme towait foryou?” “No,it’sokay. Youneedn’t wait.”
2. Smithgaveme alettertopost.Imustn’tforgettopostit.
3. Youneedn’tcomeifyoudon’twantto but Ihopeyouwill.
4. Wehaveenoughfoodathome soweneedn’t goshoppingtoday.
5. Thisbookisvery valuable.Youmustlook afteritverycarefullyandyou
6. Youhavegotanewskirt, soyouneedn’tbuy another.
7. It’sholiday tomorrow.Youneedn’t get upearly.
8. He’sill,sohemustsee the doctor.
9. It’ssnowing.Youmust putonyourcoat.
10. Youmustn’ttake toomanyaspirinsinone day.

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