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Model Entrance Exam



There are 100 multiple-choice questions, each having four choices of

which only one choice is correct.

Date: 2078/07/27 Duration: 2 hours

(November-12) Time: 12 Noon-2P.M.

SECTION-A (1 marks)
1) Components of a mixture of benzene and chlorobenzene can be separated
a) simple distillation b) sublimation
c) crystallization d) using a separating funnel
2) Tautomerism will be exhibited by
a) (CH 3)3 CNO b) (CH 3)3 NH c) R3 CN O2 d) R CH 2 N O2
3) The hybridization of carbon atoms in C-C single bond of HC ≡C−CH =CH 2
a) sp3−sp 3 b) sp2−sp3 c) sp−sp 2 d) sp3−sp
4) Temporary hardness of water is due to the presence of
a) magnesium bicarbonate b) calcium chloride
c) magnesium sulphate d) calcium carbonate
5) Liquor ammonia is
a) ammonium hydroxide b) liquefied ammonia gas
c) concentrated solution of NH3 in water d) a solution of NH3 in
6) Anhydride of sulphuric acid is
a) SO2 b) SO3 c) H2S2O3 d) H2SO3
7) In the castner-kellner cell used for the manufacture of NaOH, the cathode
in the central compartment is made of
a) iron b) carbon c) mercury d) steel vessel
8) Rinmann’s green is
a) Co ¿ ¿ b) ZnO . CoO c) Pb3 O 4 d) MgZnO4
9) Railway wagon axles made by heating rods of iron embedded in charcoal
powder. This process is known as
a) Annealing b) Tempering c) Case-hardening d)
10) Oxidation number of iron in K 4 [Fe (CN )6 ] is
a) +2 b) +3 c) +4 d) +1
11) Which of the following has the least bond angle?
a) H2S b) H2O c) NH3 d) CH4
12) The magnetic quantum number represents
a) size of the orbital b) spin angular momentum
c) orbital angular momentum d) spatial orientation of
13) How many sigma and pi bonds are present in toluene?
a) 8 sigma, 3 pi b) 6 sigma, 3 pi c) 15 sigma, 3 pi d) 6 sigma, 6 pi
14) Charge on one monovalent ion is
a) 96500 Faraday b) 1 Faraday c) 1.60 ×10−19 C d) 1 Coulomb
15) Electronegativity values for the elements help in predicting
a) polarity of bonds b) dipole moments
c) valency of elements d) position in the
electrochemical series
16) Languid (Antonym)
a) divulge b) lazy c) cautious d) energetic

17) Imposter (Synonym)

a) sincere b) candid c) rogue d) dictatorial
18) We are committed ______ to a policy of peaceful co-existence.
a) to b) with c) for d) in
19) Idioms and Phrases: To take a leaf out of somebody’s book
a) to steal something valuable b) to conform to other’s
c) to follow the dictates of someone d) to take him as a model

20) He said, “Will you listen to such a man?’

a) He asked them will you listen to such a man.
b) He asked them are you listening to such a man.
c) He asked them whether they would listen to such a man.
d) He asked them whether they will listen to such a man.
21) My friend has a strange habit of turning ______ at odd hours.
a) out b) down c) up d) over
22) I ______ admire people who are good at languages.
a) support b) admire c) attract d) appeal
23) Who taught her such things?
a) Who was she taught such things by?
b) She was taught such things by who?
c) By whom she was taught such things?
d) By whom was she taught such things?
a) angry: rich b) native: affluent
c) gauche: graceful d) scholarly: erudite
25) ______ the right buyer, she would have sold the house.
a) Has she found b) Had she found c) Have she d)
She had find
26) Parsec is a unit of
a) Distance b) Velocity c) Time d) Angle
27) A particle is moving in a horizontal circle with a constant speed. It has
a) velocity b) acceleration c) kinetic energy d)
28) A cold soft drink is kept on the balance. When the cap is open, then the
a) increases b) decreases
c) first increases then decreases d) remains same
29) Two masses of 1 gm and 4 gm are moving with equal kinetic energies.
The ratio of the magnitudes of their linear momentum is
a) 4:1 b) 2:1 c) 1:2 d)
30) To avoid slipping while walking on ice, one should take smaller steps
because of the

a) friction of ice is large b) larger normal reaction

c) friction of ice is smaller d) smaller normal reaction
31) The spherical shape of rain-drop is due to
a) density of the liquid b) surface tension
c) atmospheric pressure d) gravity
32) The layers of atmosphere are heated through
a) convection b) conduction c) radiation d) both
b) and c)
33) A Carnot engine kept at temperature at 800K and 400K, the output of
cycle is 800J. Then the energy supplied by the source is
a) 800J b) 1200J c) 1600J d) 1500J
34) Velocity of sound is maximum in
a) Air b) Water c) Steel d) Vacuum
35) Optical fiber is based on
a) TIR b) Reflection c) Polarization d)
36) What happens to the dispersive power of a prism when it is immersed in
a) increases b) decreases
c) remains constant d) depends on angle of prism

37) In a purely resistive A.C. circuit, the current

a) lags behind the e.m.f. in phase
b) is in phase with e.m.f.
c) leads the e.m.f. in phase
d) leads the e.m.f. in half the cycle and lags behind it in the other half
38) In a charged capacitor, the energy resides
a) on the positive plate b) on both positive and negative
c) in the field between the plates d) around the edge of
capacitor plates
39) During photoelectric effect, the number of emitted electrons depend upon
a) intensity of incident radiation b) frequency
c) wavelength d) potential difference
40) Forward biasing of p-n junction offers
a) high resistance b) no resistance
c) low resistance d) infinite resistance
41) lim xtan =
x→ ∞ x
a) 1 b) ∞ c) 0 d) -1
x dx
42) If y= , then =¿
x +5 dy
5 5 1 1
a) 2 b) 2 c) 2 d)
( 1− y ) ( 1+ y ) ( 1− y ) ( 1+ y )2

43) The function f ( x)=tan−1 x is

a) strict increasing b) strict decreasing
c) neither increasing nor decreasing d) differentiable nowhere
cos 2 x
44) ∫ 2
( sinx+ cosx )
a) log sinx+c b) log (sinx−cosx)+c
c) log (cosx−sinx)+c d) log (sinx +cosx)+ c
45) If the sum of roots of the equation ax +bx +c is equal to the sum of their
squares, then
a) 2 ac=ab +b2 b) 4 ac=ab +b2 c) 2 ab=ac +c 2 d) 2 ac=ac −b2
2 4 6
x x x
46) If y=1+ + + + … …then x=¿
1! 2! 3!
a) e −y
b) e y c) √ logy d) e y /2
47) If a, b, c are in G.P., then
a) a (b2 +a 2)=c(b2 +c 2) b) a (b2 +c 2 )=c (a 2+ b2)
c) a 2( b+c )=c 2 (a+ b) d) 2 ab=a2 +c 2
48) The multiplicative inverse of 7+24i is
7+24 i 7−24 i 24 i−7
a) b) 7-24i c) d)
625 625 625
49) In how many ways can 5 boys and 5 girls be seated in a line so that no
two girls may be together?
a) 5!4! b) 5!5! c) 5!6! d)
50) If A, B are any two sets, then ( A ∪ B' ) ∩¿
a) ∪ b) ∅ c) A’ d) B’
51) Th triangle formed by the lines x + y=0 , 3 x+ y=4and x +3 y=4 is
a) equilateral b) isosceles c) right angled d)
52) The angle between pair of straight lines x 2− y 2−2 y−1 =0 is
a) 90˚ b) 60˚ c) 75˚ d)
53) The number of common tangents to the circles x 2+ y 2=16 and x 2+ y 2−2 y=0 is
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 4
54) An ellipse has a minor axis of length 6 and the distance between foci is 8.
If the axes of the ellipse coincide with the co-ordinate axes, then its
equation is
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
x y x y x y x y
a) + =1 b) + =1 c) + =1 d) + =1
25 9 9 25 6 9 6 5
55) The equation x 2+ y 2+ z 2−4 x +6 y−8 z +29=0 represents
a) a sphere b) the empty set c) a point d) a curve
6 6
56) sin A+cos A is equal to
a) 1−3 sin 2 A . cos2 A b) 1−3 sinA . cosA c) 1+3 sin2 A .cos 2 A d) 1
57) If sinθ+ cosθ=sin 2θ +cos 2 θ, then θ is equal to
π π π π
a) b) c) d)
6 3 4 2
−1 −1 −1
58) If tan x + tan y +tan z=π , then x + y + z is equal to

a) xyz b) 0 c) 2 xyz d) x 2+ y 2+ z 2
2 2 2
59) In a triangle ABC, if c +a −b =ac , then∠ B is equal¿
a) 30˚ b) 60˚ c) 45˚ d)
(⃗a . i⃗ ) +(⃗a . ⃗j) +(⃗a . ⃗k ) =¿
2 2 2
a) a 2 b) 2 a2 c) 3 a2 d) 4 a2

SECTION-B (2 marks)
Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
What is a democratic government to do in a country where people are steeped
in ignorance and superstition, where there is opposition or resistance to even
mild reforms from vested interests in society? It can be said that if the
government is to go by consent or consensus it will not be able to do anything.
Could the government ever get the consent or consensus of the people for
abolition of untouchability? But has untouchability been really abolished?
Frankly speaking, even now the code of Manu is in operation, the large part of
code thus prepared.
No law, perhaps, can come into full operation unless it is acceptable to
the people. And, it is not necessary to say that acceptability cannot come
without conviction. The government had been taking measure after measure to
change the socio-economic structure to remove disparities, social and
economic. Not that all the measures have gone in vain. Feudalism has been
abolished; gates of universities, legislatures, government service, etc. have
been thrown open to all castes and communities, exploitation of the weaker
section of the people has been considerably reduced.
But there has been no change in the outlook of the people. Politicians and
administrators still behave like feudal lords: corruption, favouritism and
nepotism have not shown any sign of abatement; faith in caste system and all
that it may stand for has not weakened. In one word, independence,
democracy etc. have not shattered the age-old beliefs and conviction. No
wonder the blind is leading the blind.
61) A democratic country cannot function properly where people are
a) educated b) steeped in ignorance and
c) optimistic d) lenient
62) The writer pleads for the abolition of
a) untouchability b) favouritism and nepotism
c) democracy d) the code of Manu
63) Nepotism means
a) favouritism b) corruption
c) feudalism d) undue favour shown to
one’s relatives
64) The most appropriate title for this passage will be
a) Democratic government: an appraisal

b) Worth of consensus in democracy

c) Abolition of untouchability
d) None of these
65) The writer deplores
a) the growing incidence of violence
b) caste-ridden society reeking with corruption
c) the apathy of people
d) vulgar show of wealth
66) If ¿ ⃗
A+ ⃗
B∨¿∨ ⃗
A+ ⃗
B ∨¿, then the angle between ⃗
A and ⃗
B will be
a) 90˚ b) 120˚ c) 0˚ d) 60˚
67) A car moving with a speed of 40 km/h can be stopped by applying brake
after at least 2m. If the same car is moving with a speed of 80 km/h, what
is the minimum stopping distance?
a) 8 m b) 2 m c) 4 m
d) 6 m
68) A body of mass m is taken from earth surface to the height h equal to
radius of earth, the increase in potential energy will be
mgR mgR
a) mgR b) c) 2mgR d)
2 4

69) A wooden block, with a coin placed on its top, floats in water as shown in
figure, the distance l and h are shown there. After some time, the coin
falls into the water. Then
a) l decreases and h increases coin
b) l increase and h decreases
c) Both l and h increases
d) Both l and h decreases


70) The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum of length L suspended from

the roof of a vehicle which moves without friction down an inclined plane
of inclination α , is given by

a) 2 π
gcosα √
b) 2 π
gsinα √ c) 2 π
d) 2 π
71) Pressure-Temperature relationship for an ideal gas undergoing adiabatic
change is
a) P T γ=constant b) P T −1+γ =constant
c) Pγ −1 T γ =constant d) P1−γ T γ =constant
72) 100 gm of ice at 0°C is mixed with 100 g of water at 100°C. What will be
the final
temperature of the mixture
a) 10˚C b) 20˚C c) 30˚C d) 40˚C

73) Two tuning forks when sounded together produced 4 beats/sec. The
frequency of one fork is 256. The number of beats heard increases when
the fork of frequency 256 is loaded with wax. The frequency of the other
fork is
a) 504 b) 520 c) 260
d) 252
74) The temperature coefficient of resistance for a wire is 0.00125 / ˚C . At
300K its resistance is 1 ohm. The temperature at which the resistance
becomes 2 ohm is
a) 1154 K b) 1100 K c) 1400 K d) 1127 K
75) Three equal resistors connected in series across a source of e.m.f.
together dissipate 10 watt. If the same resistors are connected in parallel
across the same e.m.f., then the power dissipated will be
a) 10-watt b) 30-watt c) 10/3-watt d) 90-

76) Two thin long parallel wires separated by a distance b are carrying a
current i amp each. The magnitude of the force per unit length exerted by
one wire on the other is
2 2
μ0i μ0i μ0 i
a) 2 b) c) d)
b 2 πb 2 πb
μ0 i
2 πb
77) An e.m.f. of 5 volt is produced by a self-inductance, when the current
changes at a steady rate from 3 A to 2 A in 1 millisecond. The value of
self-inductance is
a) 0 b) 5 H c) 5000 H d) 5 mH
78) Rest mass energy of an electron is 0.51 MeV. If this electron is moving
with a velocity 0.8 c (where c is velocity of light in vacuum), then kinetic
energy of the electron should be
a) 0.28 MeV b) 0.34 MeV c) 0.39 MeV d)
0.46 MeV
79) On a glass plate a light wave is incident at an angle of 60°. If the
reflected and the refracted waves are mutually perpendicular, the
refractive index of material is
√3 b) √ 3 c)
2 2 √3
80) A person cannot see distinctly at the distance less than one metre.
Calculate the power of the lens that he should use to read a book at a
distance of 25 cm
a) +3.0 D b) +0.125 D c) -3.0 D d) +4.0 D
81) Let f ( x ) =3 x−4 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2
= 2 x+ λ for 2 ≤ x ≤ 3
If f(x) is continuous at x=2, then λ is
a) -1 b) 0 c) -2 d) 2

82) If y=

, then

√1−tanx π( )
1 1−tanx
2 1+tanx
. sec 2 + x
√ 1−tanx
1+ tanx ( )
. sec 2 + x

√ 1+ tanx . sec ( 4 + x) d) None

The ratio of change of the volume of a sphere w.r.t. its surface area,
when the radius is 2 cm is
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
e −1
84) If ∫ x =f ( x )+ c , then f(x)=
e +1
a) 2 log (e x +1) b) log (e 2 x −1) c) 2 log (e x +1)−x +c d) None
85) The area bounded by the parabola y =4 ax and its latus rectum is
2 2 4 2 8 2
a) a b) a c) a d)
3 3 3
16 2
(1+3 x)
86) The co-efficient of x3 in the expansion of will be
1−2 x
a) 8 b) 32 c) 50 d) 58
(cosθ +isinθ)
87) =¿
( sinθ+icosθ)5
a) cosθ−isinθ b) sinθ−icosθ c) cos 9θ−isin 9 θ d) sin 9 θ−icos 9θ

| |
1 a a −bc
88) The value of 1 b b2−ca is
1 c c −ab
a) a 2+ b2 +c 2 b) a 2 b 2 c 2 c) 0 d) abc
89) If the domain of the function y=x 2−6 x +7 is(−∞ , ∞ ), then the range of the function
a) (-2,3) b) (−∞ ,−2 ) c) (−∞ , ∞ ) d) [-2, ∞ ¿
2 2
x y 2 xy
90) If + + =0 represents a pair of straight lines and slope of one line of
a b h
twice the other. Then, ab:h2 is
a) 9:8 b) 8:9 c) 1:2 d)

91) The equation of the tangents to the circle 5 x 2+5 y 2=1 and parallel to the
line 3 x+ 4 y =1
a) 3 x+ 4 y =±2 √ 5 b) 6 x +8 y=± √ 5
c) 3 x+ 4 y =± √ 5 d) 3 x+ 5 y=± √ 5
92) If y +b=m1 (x+ a)∧ y +b=m2 (x +a) are two tangents to the parabola y 2=4 ax , then
a) m1 +m2=0 b) m1 m2=0 c) m1 m2=1 d) m1 m2=−1
93) The eccentricity of the hyperbola whose asymptotes are
3 x+ 4 y =2∧4 x−3 y +5=0 is

a) 1 b) 2 c) √ 2 d) 3
94) In a ∆ ABC , is equal to

sin ( B−C
(cos )
2 ) d)
cos sin sin
2 2 2
cos ( B+C
2 )
95) If a⃗ , b , c⃗ , are unit vectors such that a⃗ + ⃗b−⃗c =0, then the angle between a⃗ ∧⃗b is

a) π/6 b) π/3 c) π/2 d) 2π/3
96) A first order reaction is 100% complete in 20 min. The time taken for 19%
completion is
a) 30 min b) 40 min c) 50 min d) 38 min
97) At 25˚C, the solubility product of Hg2Cl2 in water is 3.2 ×10−17 mol 3 dm−9 . What
is the solubility of Hg2Cl2 in water at 25˚C?
a) 1.2 ×10−12 M b) 3.0 ×10−6 M c) 2 ×10−6 M d) 1.2 ×10−16 M
98) Equal volumes of 0.1M AgNO3 and 0.2M NaCl solutions are mixed. The
concentration of NO 3 ions in the mixed solution will be
a) 0.1M b) 0.05M c) 0.2M d) 0.15M
99) The correct IUPAC name of CH 3 CH 2 CH (CH 3 )CH (C 2 H 5 )2 is
a) 4-ethyl-3-methylhexane b) 3-ethyl-4-methylhexane
c) 4-methyl-3-ethylhexane d) 2,4-diethylpentane
100) Acetylene reacts with dilute HCl in presence of HgCl2, the product formed
a) CH3CHO b) CH2=CHCl c) CH3CHCl2 d)

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