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Special Project

Is There a Book Like This at Our School?

5 Hidden Masterpieces Recommended by the DGHS Librarian
By Su-Yeon Back (DG Reporter,& Editor-in-Chief),
Bo-Min Kim(DG Reporter)

Q: Before proceeding in earnestW

why do you think that we should read the book? And what are the benefits of reading.?
T: I think many children don't like reading books because they perceive regular reading as learning and they seem like a

burden. Don't think of it as learning, and don't feel pressured to read the whole book once you open it. If you don't enjoy
it or don'tatall
want to read it, you can read another book. There is a tendency to think that the library is a space that must be
too quiet, but
B it is okay to not be too quiet as long as you don't cross the line. If you come to the library often, won't you
become familiar with books and then be able to read more? Reading a lot of books increases your literacy skills, stimulates
your imagination, and helps improve your vocabulary. Through reading, you can grow your brain and으
think widely. It's too
develop expand your perspectives

theoretical, but it's true. As time goes by and you accumulate, you will naturally be able to feel the benefits of reading. So,

even if you don't spend a lot of time at the library, I hope you make time to read a lot of books.

Q: What would be your first book to recommend and why?

T: This book is a light, easygoing, and delightful introduction to art that tells the story
of a painter's life, not his paintings. It started out as a podcast, and we can read it like

a story. I also love going to art galleries and museums and looking for exhibitions, N


so I enjoyed reading this book even more. I would recommend '방구석 미술관'~ more
2 한국 :

because it introduces Korean contemporary art. This book introduces painters of

Korean contemporary art in places that are close to us and easy to visit, such as Chun
Kyung-ja at the Seoul Museum of Art in Seosomun and Kim Hwan-ki at the Hwangi
방구석 미술관1, 2 <조원재 / 블랙피쉬> Art Museum in Buam-dong.
Because it started out as a podcast, you can
read it like a story that someone told you on
the radio.

Q: What would be your second book to recommend and why?

T: It is about the meaningful words and writing that the author finds in everyday life such as
where the words come from, and the importance and urgency of language. Words have their own
temperature, and it varies from person to person. Words that are just the right amount of warmth
can reach deep into our hearts and turn them into flowers. But words that are too hot or too cold
일 cause someone we care about to leave us. I want you to read this and think about the temperature

of your language.
언어의 온도 <이기주 / 말글터>

December 2023

Q: What would be your third book to recommend and why?

T: In this book, three thieves who hide out in a general store to escape one day receive a letter
through the mailbox, asking for advice on their problems. They realize that the abandoned house
they are staying in is the Namiya General Store, and they reply on behalf of the deceased owner's
grandfather. They realize that they are exchanging letters with someone from their past. The letters
continue to arrive, and before long, they begin to genuinely worry about the future of the people
who wrote down their worries. It is a strange and heartwarming story that takes place in an old
general store where no one lives anymore, and I think it offers a warm and encouraging hand toㅡ

나미야잡화점의 기적 modern people. You will

,find comfort and empathy in this book. message
<히가시노 게이고 / 현대문학> can
bmpathy this book is

Q: What would be your fourth book to recommend and why?

T: This is an essay by a writer who started cleaning at the age of 27. The author was torn between
her livelihood and her dreams, and decided that she couldn't fulfill her dreams with a job, so she
took up cleaning. As a young woman working as a janitor, she had to fight not only the prejudices
created by others, but also her prejudices, but when she looks back on the time and lives a little


differently, she is happier than she thought. In the end, this book can be said to be a book about


the question of how to live. I'm sure you have a lot of worries, concern about the future, and a gap
O 모양

between the reality and the ideal, but there is nothing wrong with being different. So I hope you
can be happy and do the things you want to do. 저 청소일 하는데요?
But after some time, she realized that her life had been happier <김예지 / 21세기북스>
than she thought.

Q: What would be your fifth book to recommend and why?

T: This is a collection of nine prose stories that reveal the thoughts and feelings of the author as
she traveled over the years, from rhis
her first trip to 여
her most recent destination. " Life and travel are

so mysterious. Even if we don't get what we want, even if we experience unexpected failures, trials,
and setbacks, we can still find joy, happiness, and profound realizations in them." I recommend this
book in hopes that it will inspire you to dream and plan your trips,~
Xand to do them as an adult.
fou become
여행의 이유
Q: Finally, do you have any words of advice for the students of Dongtan Global High School?
<김영하 / 문학동네>
T: I want the library to be the most comfortable place for you to go during your school day. You

don't have to come and read a book,에

you can just relax on the couch. I hope that you will come to the library often and get to
know the library andX
the books.

The Dongtan Globe

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