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Students from Dongtan Global High School have an absolute advantage when it comes to applications

based on a comprehensive student record in Liberal Arts field.

and tried to view my student record from their point of view. e School have an absolute advantage when it comes to Liberal

Youngmin Chang:
I originally wanted to study philosophy. Arts
~ record based applications. It is important to prepare and not
As I entered higher grades, I delved deeper into philosophy. I to be complacent, because it’s possible to get accepted even with
decided on one theme so that I could make connections between grades that aren’t necessarily outstanding. Participate in a lot of
grades and narrow down the range of fields little by little. activities to the point you feel you’re participating in too many.
That’s the way to cover for less than outstanding grades. School
Q. How did you overcome the difficult times you faced life is hard and stressful, but it gets easier later. There are a lot
during your time at DGHS? of third years who switch to CSAT centered applications, but
applications based on comprehensive student record
remember that our school is one that’s better for school record 어 ~

Chanwoo Song: I think my second year was harder than my based applications, so I hope you do your best.

first year because there were a lot of subjects that were hard to
prepare Xfor on my own, like International Law or International Iji Bae: I encourage you to challenge yourself to do as many
Politics. My parents had a large part in it. I always told them to things as possible with hope rather than worry and fear. If you
tell me if it seemed like I was getting lazy. It’s good to relieve don’t get the desired results, take realistic measures and reassure
stress, =
. and Aa year can be very long, but if you push through it, yourself that things will work out in the end.
the third year gets a lot easier, as does the university years s

so it’s
Youngmin Chang: I went into a KakaoTalk open chatroom

important to think positively and push through.

of the newly enrolled students once and it was really cute. When
Iji Bae: As I listened to upbeat songs, I felt hopeful that I I first entered DGHS, I was surprised because there were so
could overcome my current situation and imagined a brighter many smart and unique kids. But as time passed, I realized that

future after finishing the CSAT. Occasionally, I would confide in those friends were all like me. I would like to advise our new
my teachers about my emotions and would attempt to alleviate juniors not to be intimidated by these friends. And lastly, ‘choice
negative thoughts by writing them down in my journal. and concentration’ are important, and it is important to focus on
studying rather than struggling with assignments. It is an illusion
Youngmin Chang: For me, the most difficult part of school to think that working hard on assignments all day means living
life was human relationships. To relieve some of that stress, I hard. Studying is the best! It’s important!
went to the dormitory and talked to my very close friends for
about an hour. To solve these interpersonal problems, I think it
would be nice to have someone you can rely on or build a good
relationship with the roommate you have been with the longest.

Q. Any last words for the students currently attending


Chanwoo Song: I could say something warm but I think

more substantial advice could be helpful. I heard classes are
getting longer and topics harder but it’s important to follow
the school’s curriculum as much as possible, even if it’s hard.
If you just follow the school’s math curriculum, it’s more than
possible to get grade 2. Students from Dongtan Global High


The Dongtan Globe

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