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If we treat people as they are, we

make them worse. If we treat people

as they ought to be, we help them
become what they are
capable of becoming.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Students who are loved at home,
come to school to learn, and students
who aren't, come to school to
be loved.

Nicholas Ferroni
Every child deserves a champion -
An adult who will never give up on
them, who understands the power of
connection and insists that they
become the best that they can
possibly be.

Rita Pierson
The reality is that well-behaved
students aren’t behaving themselves
because of the school
discipline program.

Ross W. Greene
Few things have a greater impact on
student success than a teacher who
believes in them.

Dr. Brad Johnson

When we understand that
connection is the biggest driver for
regulation, we are then able to share
our calming presence to help others
through their storms.

Dr. Lori Desautels

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