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(Senior Secondary: Affiliated to CBSE, Delhi)

Study Material : April 2024-25
Class: ……………. Physical Education (048)
Subject: ……..……………….………

UNIT 1-Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education

The Education word is derived from the Latin word „educare‟ which means to draw out or

Physical education, an integral part of the total education process, is a field of endeavor that
improvement of human performance through medium of physical activity that have been selected
with a view to realizing this outcome.

Aim of physical education- (J.R. SHERMAN)

1-Helps to adjustment

2- Successful person in society.

3- Satisfaction

4- Good quality of life

Objectives of physical education

1-physical development 6- skill development

2- Mental development 7- control your emotion

3- Social development 8- learn motor skill

4- Gathering knowledge 9- better health

5-To develop organic system 10- leadership quality

Development of Physical. Education. - Post Independence

After independence in 1947, the Government of India taken various measures for development of
Physical Education. Various organisations were set up and steps were taken to improve the
condition of Physical Education.

• In 1948, National Credit Corps (NCC) and Auxiliary Credit Corps (ACC) at school and college
levels were introduced.

• The Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation (CABPER): This committee
was set up in 1950 by Government of India. The Board advised the government on various
issues for the development of Physical Education in India.

Various recommendations made by the Board:

→ Development training of leaders in Physical Education

→ Institution of Scholarship for research in Physical Education
→ Conduct of National Physical Efficiency Drive
→ Conducting seminar on Physical Education
→ Providing financial assistance to the colleges of Physical Education
→ Providing directions to the state governments for affecting the organization of Physical

Education in their respective states.

• Rajkumari Coaching Scheme: This scheme was introduced by the Government of India in 1953
with the aim of training good athletes and sportsmen. The scheme received wide popularity
since famous players like Major. Dhyan Chand, Dr. Ram Singh were working under this

• All India Council of Sports: Union Ministry of Education formed AICS in 1953 with the purpose
of establishing a link between Central Government and various sports associations and
federations. This council facilitates financial assistance to these federations and check proper
utilisation of funds. It worked on many programmes to raise the standards of sports.

• National Discipline Scheme: This scheme was introduced in 1954 by the Ministry of
Rehabilitation under the guidance of General J. K. Bhonsle with the aim of building strong
youth of the nation. The scheme inculcated discipline and imparted training in mass drill among
the younger generation in the refugee camps and colonies. In 1958, this scheme was
transferred to the Ministry of Education and was enlarged to cover a number of high schools.

• In 1956, A National Syllabus of Physical Activities was formed.

• In 1957, Lakshmibai College of Physical Education, Gwalior was set up by the Government of
India. The college started a three-year degree course in Physical Education.

→ In 1973, the institute was given the status of National importance, therefore, it was renamed as
Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education (LNCPE).

→ In 1982, it was given the status of an ‟Autonomous College‟.

→ In 1995, it was given the status of a “Deemed to be University' and was again renamed as
Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (LNIPE).

• Adhoc Inquiry Committee: In 1958, Adhoc Inquiry committee was set up a to make an inquiry
about India‟s poor performance and downward slide in Olympic games. It suggested many
ways to improve the standards of Indian competitions in all games and sports such as
appropriate training and a special diet for players.

• Kunzru Committee: In 1959, Government of India appointed a Co-ordination Committee, under

the chairmanship of Dr. Hirdya Math Kunzuru, to examining the various schemes for Physical
Education, recreation, character building and discipline operating in Educational Institutions,
and to recommend measure for the proper Co-ordination.

• National Physical Efficiency Drive (NPED): It was launched by Ministry of Education in 1959-60
with the sole aim of motivating citizens to raise interest in physical fitness. The plan consisted
of certain items of Physical Efficiency tests which prescribed standards for achievement.

• In 1961, According to the recommendations of the Adhoc-Enquiry Committee of 1958 the

National Institute of Sports (NIS) was established by the Government of India in 1961 at state

Bagh, Palance, Patiala. In 1973, this institute was renamed as Netaji Subhash National
Institute of Sports (NSNIS).

• Kaul Kapoor Committee: This committee consisted of two members of All India Council of
Sports by Government of India. The committee analyze Olympic Games held in Rome in 1961
and submitted it reports in 1963. It said Physical Education as the base for the development of
interest in Games and Sports. It considered Physical Education as a part of general education
in schools and colleges. It should be one of the subjects in the Universities for graduates.

• Kothari Commission: This committee was constituted in 1964. As per this commission:

→ Physical education not only aims at physical fitness but also has educational values. It
contributes to physical efficiency, mental alertness and the development of certain qualities like
perseverance, team spirit, leadership and obedience to rules.

→ At the pre-primary and early primary stages, the syllabus should aim at developing among
children the mastery over basic skills, such as walking properly, running, throwing, etc.
→ At the secondary stage, the syllabus may contain sports, games and athletics in their
standard form.
→ After the primary stage, the syllabus should be planned separately for boys and girls.
Rhythmic activities will have an appeal for girls, less strenuous games, such as badminton,
throw-ball, etc.

• In 1965, Committee on Physical Education under the chairmanship of C.D. Deshmukh set up
by University Grants Commission for removing inadequacies in and raising the standards of
Physical Education. The committee examine the present facilities for the same in Indian
Universities and colleges. The committee suggested that the universities and colleges must be
provided better infrastructural facilities and coaching programs.

• Sports Authority of India (SAI): Asian Games were held successfully in New Delhi in 1982.
After this, Department of Sports, Govt. of India formed Sports Authority of India on 25th
January 1984. This organization was formed to increase and raise the standards of sports in
India. The SAI undertook the responsibilities to maintain and utilize grounds which were
constructed/renovated for the IXth Asian Games held in 1982. It also implement programmes
for achieving excellence in sports in different disciplines at international level. It also produces
and manages sports coaches, educators and teachers and lookout other issues such as
promotion and management of sports.

• National Policy of Education 1986 emphasized the importance of Physical Education in

following ways:

→ Sports and Physical Educations are an integral part of the learning process, and will be
included in the evaluation of performance.

→ A Nation-wide infrastructure for Physical Education, Sports and games will be built into the
educational edifice. The infrastructure will consist of play fields, equipment, coaches and
teachers of Physical Education as part of the school improvement programme.

→ Available open spaces in urban areas will be reserved for playgrounds.

→ Effects will be made to established sports Institution and hostels where specialized attention
will be given to sports activities and sports related studies, along with normal education.

→ Appropriate encouragement will be given to those talented in games and sports.

→ Effects will be made to introduce Yoga in all schools and also in teacher training courses.

→ It also recommended for a minimum of 10 periods per week for Physical Education activities in
low primary and upper primary stages, and 7 periods per week at the second stage.

• National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT): The NCERT developed the
National Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary school in 1988. The Health and Physical
Education and sports included in the core curriculum.

• NCERT put formed a revised curriculum for school education and in 1992 and its revised
edition is Nov. 2000. under the title National Curriculum Frame Work for School Education. In
this curriculum include. Health and Physical Education as one of the core subjects in all levels
of school educations.

• Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports: An independent ministry was made on 27th May 2000. It
has two separate departments named Department of Youth Affairs and Department of Sports.
The role of Department of Sports is to create the infrastructure and promote capacity building
for broad-basing sports as well as for achieving excellence in various competitive events at the
national and international levels.

Career Options in Physical Education

Physical education is a growing field of educational study as well as a profession these days. Not
only is it extremely important in the development of a person's life, but it also aids in the
development of a student‟s competence and confidence. In addition, it encourages their
participation in a wide range of physical activities that are significant in their lives both in and out of
school. Regular physical activities help a person develop an affinity for a positive outlook on life,
and thus emphasis is placed on creating a sports environment from childhood.

Career Options In Physical Education - Physical Education Teachers

A physical education career option is to become a teacher. Teachers typically work in elementary,
middle, and high schools. A physical education teacher's job is to plan a physical education
curriculum and teach students how to live healthy lifestyles. This includes teaching students how
to play sports and educating them on the importance of making healthy eating choices.

Career Options in Physical Education - Personal Sports Trainers

A career as Personal Sports Trainer is one of the various career opportunities in Physical
Education that instead of coaching an entire team, a personal sports trainer works with one athlete
at a time or he or she can work with a single client or a small group of clients. A Personal fitness
trainer assesses clients' physical fitness levels and assists them in setting and achieving fitness
goals. The majority of personal sports trainer concentrate on coaching a single sport in which he
or she is skilled. For example, if a physical education major played tennis in college, he or she
would most likely to become a personal tennis coach.

Career Options in Physical Education - Fitness Instructor

This is one of the various career options in physical education which is becoming quite popular. A
fitness trainer directs, instructs, and motivates individuals or groups in various types of exercise,
such as cardiovascular exercise (exercises for the heart and blood system), stretching, and
strength training. A qualified individual can pursue physical education training and work as a
fitness instructor for any organization or as a freelancer. Some people with physical education
degrees choose to work as personal fitness trainers rather than teachers or coaches. Although
most personal fitness trainers work in gyms, some travel to their client's homes too.

Career Options in Physical Education - Aerobics Instructor

Physical education careers are not limited to track and field events and sports. Exercising can also
be included in physical education classes. Physical education career options aim to instill a desire
to participate in sports and stay active in all aspects of life. Aerobics is another type of healthy
body exercise that involves dancing to fast-paced music to stay fit. Aerobics appears to be a
simple and fluid art form, but it is a difficult one. It is constantly moving and rapidly transports blood
to and from the heart. This causes extra fat in the body to burn off, resulting in a fit body shape.

Career Options in Physical Education - Yoga Instructors

Yoga is an ancient Indian exercise method that consists primarily of stretching and body
exercises, as well as breathing and increased flexibility. This new method uses no heavy gym
equipment but is performed on floors or yoga mats. Yoga is also one of the popular career
opportunities in physical education. Students who want to make a living as a physical trainer who
specializes in yoga can pursue yoga certification courses.

Career Options in Physical Education - Fitness and Wellness Coordinators

This is one of the various career options in physical education where one supervises the fitness
aspects of a gym or other type of health club. Fitness and Wellness Coordinators frequently
handle administrative tasks like scheduling personal training sessions for clients and developing
workout incentive programs. They frequently choose and order fitness equipment for their facility.

Career Options in Physical Education - Sports Dietician/Nutritionists

A physical education career option is to become a sports dietician or a sports nutritionist. Sports
dietitians or nutritionists counsel professional and amateur athletes on individual or team nutrition
programs designed to improve performance. Aside from developing personalized diets based on
an athlete's or team's unique physical characteristics and the specific goals they want to achieve.
Making a career in physical education in this field requires extensive physical education training
and knowledge to help you understand how nutrition can improve performance.

Continue reading the article to know about career options of physical education field.

Career Options in Physical Education - Sports Journalists

Sports journalism is concerned with the coverage of amateur and professional sporting news and
events. You will provide reports on amateurs and professionals as a sports journalists. To make a
career in physical education as a sports journalist, you can expect to do things like report game
statistics, interview coaches and players, and provide game commentary. You can have a job in
many media such as radio, television, print media, and the internet.

Today, physical and mental well-being are consistently emphasized, making sports and fitness
more important than ever. The proliferation of physical education in academic institutions has
resulted in a variety of careers in this field. The purpose of physical education is to encourage
psychomotor learning among students through physical activities and sports. Students interested
in knowing about the importance of physical education, and how it facilitates holistic development,
should pursue a career in physical education.

Various physical education courses available in India

1- C.P.Ed (certificate course of physical education)

2- D.P.E.d (diploma of physical education)

3- B.P.Ed (bachelor of physical education)

4- M.P.Ed (master of physical education)

In ninetieth century was an extra ordinary period of development

Physical Education College in India

1- 1920 YMCA








Changing Trends in Physical Education

Playing Surfaces
There are many different playing surfaces as well as standard grass pitches, Hard wood futsal
pitches or astroturf fields. Futsal pitches are often hard wood because futsal is played indoors and
can be played on netball/ basketball courts. Standard grass pitches function well but may have
many variables such as mud, slope, grass length, grass type and size.

How it works?

Standard pitches use grass layer onto of dirt and painted upon to mark a field. The grass provides
cushioning for running and means falls and injuries are less common. Astroturf pitches are made
of a plastic material attached together to make up a fake grass surface. The astroturf is layer on
top of a filter layer which sits on top of a drainage layer on top of other cushioning layers.
Thousands of rubber pieces are strewn throughout the pitch to provide cushioning and keep the
grass in form. Astroturf field are perfect and means that the ball bounces consistently and travels
at a consistent speed throughout the pitch. Astroturf pitches also don't get muddy and have very
good drainage systems. Regular pitches can become muddy in certain areas, have ditches, be
uneven and or be sloped. An astroturf pitch takes all of these variables out of the picture making
the game more fair and reliable.

Ancient Versus Modern Sports:

Sports (or sports) refers to any types of generally competitive physical activity that, through
organised or casual participation, aims to utilize, improve or sustain specific physical prowess and
abilities while also providing fun to participants, and even, sometimes, spectators. Numerous
sports can be active, competitive or gentle activities. Sports activities can be individualized
according to age, ability level and interest. Some sports can even be performed at a professional

Chess is perhaps the oldest known sports. Chess has been known since the 7th century BC, with
reference to the game of checkers. The word “chess” comes from the Greek word kerasteros,
meaning “to strive or fight in the game of chess”. The first chess matches were held at the St.
Petersburg Palace in Russia. Currently, chess tournaments are regularly organized by national
and international chess clubs.

Another well-known type of physical activity associated with the game of chess is chess
competition. International chess competitions can have as many as 64 players. Chess has
consistently been one of the most popular sports as it requires an incredible level of mental
preparation and focus. Competitors can practice for up to two months before a grand tournament.

Gymnastics is yet another well-known sport. Similar to many other physical sports, gymnastics
involves controlled motions of the body. It includes both controlled push-ups and sit-ups, as well
as a range of stretching and balance-based exercises. In gymnastics, it is possible to progress
from novice to advanced within a short period of time. Advanced gymnasts often compete at
international level.

Lastly, there is the sport of archery. Archers need a great deal of physical skill and strategy. While
arrows have evolved dramatically from their early primitive forms, archery is still a widely popular
sport. Many modern tournaments are even based on medieval archery events. Archery contests
are still popular worldwide.

There are several different types of physical activities that people may choose to participate in.
Each sport has its own benefits and drawbacks. In recent years, the popularity of several sports
such as luge, rugby and surfing has significantly risen. Some of these sports require extensive
training years to master, while others are quite simple. Each of the traditional sports mentioned
above can be considered a modern sport, even though some have evolved into more modern

Today‟s modern sports are not only as diverse as their historical counterparts. Some of the most
spectacular physical displays ever put on were held in the ancient world, including the Olympics.

The twentieth century witnessed a significant evolution in the type of sports pursued, and the types
of equipment used.

In today‟s modern world, however, sports competition exists to improve one‟s personal life and
physical health. Olympic and world event athletes train for years in preparation for the sporting
events they represent. This preparation and mental focus helps them excel at the sports they are
competing in. Although the physical challenges and struggles are similar to what athletes went
through during the ancient periods, modern sports allow those athletes to be elevated to new
levels of physical prowess.

Khelo India Programme

The federal government presented a proposal to parliament in 2017 for a redesigned Khelo India
programme (Play India). The change was intended to promote broad involvement as well as
sporting excellence. The approach, on the other hand, was designed to solve a larger issue:
resource allocation.

The Khelo India programme sought to provide 1,000 chosen athletes with an annual scholarship of
500,000 apiece for an eight-year period. The programme cost the government a total of 1,756
crores in the first two years, from 2017-18 to 2019-20. In addition, the government vowed to
promote 20 institutions across India as sports excellence centres. The law was approved by the
Union Cabinet unanimously.

The Khelo India programme was revised to focus on the influence of the whole sports
environment, including community sports, equipment, training for excellence, talent identification,
competition format and the sports economy.

While previous sports programmes concentrated on equipment, the new initiative, according to
sports minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, is centred on developing skills and linking rural India
to global competitions.

Objectives of Khelo India Programme

 The goal of the Khelo India programme is to positively influence the whole sports ecosystem,
which includes sports economics, competitive structure, talent identification, coaching and
 In order to maintain a large number of entries for organised sports tournaments, the programme
encourages schools and institutions to put on the high-quality programme.
 The scheme was initiated by the Central Government and is fully funded by the Union
 Every year, this pan-India sports scholarship scheme covers 1000 of the most eligible and
outstanding athletes from all sports disciplines.
 A scholarship of five lakh rupees will be awarded to chosen athletes for a period of 8 years.
 It‟s a one-of-a-kind concept, the first-ever blueprint for establishing a long-term growth route for
 The initiative seeks to select and promote 20 universities around the country as centres of
athletic excellence, allowing athletes to continue both education and sports.
 The initiative encourages schools and institutions to put on high-quality programming to ensure
a significant number of entries for organised sports championships.
 The initiative aims to involve youngsters from poor and troubled regions in athletic activities,
allowing them to be integrated into society into the nation-building process and weaned away
from disruptive behaviour.

Highlights of the Khelo India Programme

 The revamped Khelo India programme will impact the whole sports ecosystem, including
community sports, infrastructure development, talent identification, specialised coaching and
 This programme will provide participants with a relaxing environment to focus on their training
without distractions.
 The Khelo India programme aims to promote 150 schools and 20 institutions in India as the
main centres for sporting success.
 Every year, the government would choose 1000 athletes and provide them with an annual
scholarship of Rs 5,00,000 for an eight-year term and opportunities to enhance their talents. In
addition, each year, 1000 new athletes will be presented.

Fit India Movement

FIT INDIA Movement was launched on 29th August, 2019 by Honorable Prime Minister with a
view to make fitness an integral part of our daily lives. The mission of the Movement is to bring
about behavioral changes and move towards a more physically active lifestyle. Towards achieving
this mission, Fit India proposes to undertake various initiatives and conduct events to achieve the
following objectives:

 To promote fitness as easy, fun and free.

 To spread awareness on fitness and various physical activities that promote fitness through
focused campaigns.
 To encourage indigenous sports.
 To make fitness reach every school, college/university, panchayat/village, etc.
 To create a platform for citizens of India to share information, drive awareness and
encourage sharing of personal fitness stories.


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