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Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia, Vol.X, No.X, 20XX, pp.

p-ISSN 2721-9240, e-ISSN 2722-0982
Analysis of Public Speaking Skills of Prospective Teacher Students in Explaining
Basic Physics Concepts Through Content on Instagram Social Media
Submitted Date Month Year, Revised Date Month Year Accepted Date Month Year
[Times New Roman, Font 10, 1 Space]

Aji Saputra1*, Ridwan Jusuf 2

Physics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia
Primary Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia

Corresponding Email: *

DOI: 10.30870/gpi.vxix.xxxx [Times New Roman, Font 10, 1 Space]


Previously, public speaking was usually carried out in classrooms, halls or fields where participants were directly
present. In the current era, social media applications such as Instagram allow users to post videos that everyone
can watch, include captions on the videos and are equipped with a comments column that can become a
discussion space. This research aims to determine students' public speaking skills after using Instagram media to
present their content. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The selection of
respondents used a saturated sampling technique, namely 32 students taking the Basic Concepts of Physics
course for elementary schools. Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, questionnaires
and literature study. Next, data analysis uses Miles and Huberman analysis. The results and conclusions of this
research are: 1) By creating science content on Instagram, students' public speaking skills are in a good category,
2) The project of creating educational content on Instagram is effective in making students learn the material that
will be presented, so they can sharpen basic concepts their science and broaden their horizons.

Kata Kunci: Basic Physics, Public Speaking, Teacher, Social Media, Instagram

Public speaking is often conceptualized as a one-way monologue conducted by a speaker to a listening
audience. This monologic approach faces challenges and limited results as shown by educational literature on
active learning (Usera, 2023). Several components of indicators of public speaking skills include: self-
confidence, creative ideas, interest and skills (Ayu, 2021). In practice, not everyone is able to do public speaking
well. Public speaking is the most common fear for many people (Sawyer, 2016). Several studies have found that
there is anxiety when doing public speaking which is then called Public Speaking Anxiety (PSA) (Reeves et al.,
2022). PSA is considered a social anxiety disorder and refers to the anxiety a person experiences when giving a
speech or preparing to speak in front of other people (Gallego et al., 2022). This can have negative consequences
for employment and educational advancement where public speaking is often a necessity (Raja, 2017). Thus, the
urgency of training public speaking skills in the educational sector is very clear.
The 21st century revolution has an impact on all aspects of life, including education (Saputra, Saprudin,
& Sambiri, 2023). Education in this century has brought changes to teachers and students, who play an important
role in carrying out learning activities. The educational paradigm has shifted towards more modern learning in
line with current developments (Saputra, Saprudin, Hamid, et al., 2023). Teachers experience changes in
teaching methods by using learning models recommended for 21st century education and students are required to
be active in the learning process (Hendra & Rahayu, 2020). Students must also have the 4C skills for 21st
century education goals: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication, Collaboration & Creativity
and Innovation (Jayadi et al., 2020).

Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia, Vol.X, No.X, 20XX, pp. X-X
p-ISSN 2721-9240, e-ISSN 2722-0982
One aspect that needs to be improved is communication skills. According to (Patacsil & Tablatin,
2017), communication skills rank first among all existing soft skills. Communication skills in the future are one
of the keys to success and survival amidst the competitive era of the industrial revolution (Santika, 2021). In the
field of education, prospective professional teachers must be skilled in communicating and solving the problems
they face so that they can design learning that is interesting and meaningful (Argaw et al., 2017). These
communication skills are not only communication in team discussions, but also include communication in
public. Thus, it can be interpreted that a prospective teacher must have good public speaking skills, because this
is to meet the demands of 21st century skills and is also useful for designing interesting learning.
Based on observations of students in the primary teacher education program at Universitas Khairun, the
majority of students were embarrassed and did not dare when asked to explain alone in front of the class. This
proves that public speaking skills must be trained in them. Courage and self-confidence are important
components for starting public speaking. For prospective teachers, public speaking skills are skills that must be
mastered, so it is important to carry out further research to find out the results of a treatment or find out solutions
to problems that exist in public speaking skills.
Previously, public speaking was usually carried out in classrooms, halls, buildings or fields where
participants were directly present. In this era, public speaking can be done online via social media. Social media
is online media where users can easily participate, share and create content, including blogs, social networks,
wikis, forums and virtual worlds (Kustiawan et al., 2022). One of the popular social media is Instagram.
Instagram allows users to post videos and also include captions on the videos. Apart from that, Instagram also
has a comments column which can become a discussion space. This is an advantage of Instagram that can be
applied to practice public speaking (Ramadoni, 2019).
Based on previous research, public speaking skills combined with good social media management skills
can make the content you want to share visible to a wider audience than just the audience in the room (Vidiadari
et al., 2021). Other researchers also found a big influence of using Instagram on improving public speaking skills
in several types of educational institutions, namely in universities (Apriyanti et al., 2018), in school students
(Azlan & Yunus, 2019) and also in non-formal courses in the English Village (Hape, 2018).
This research aims to determine students' public speaking skills after using instagram media to present
their content. The basic things that are the elements of novelty in this research are as follows: (1) Students’
public speaking is packaged using science content, (2) There has been no similar research in the North Maluku
area, and (3) As training for prospective teacher students in primary teacher education program at Universitas
Khairun for managing social media. Based on the description above, researchers conducted research with the
title "Analysis of Public Speaking Skills of Prospective Teacher Students in Explaining Basic Physics Concepts
Through Content on Instagram Social Media."
This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The selection of respondents used a
saturated sampling technique, that is all members of the population were sampled. This technique was chosen
because it made it possible to observe the entire existing sample, namely 32 students taking the Basic Concepts
of Physics course for elementary schools.
The data sources in this research are primary data obtained from respondents and secondary data
obtained from literature that supports the research results. Data collection techniques were carried out through
observation, questionnaires and literature study. The questionnaire in this research contains a composition of

Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia, Vol.X, No.X, 20XX, pp. X-X
p-ISSN 2721-9240, e-ISSN 2722-0982
statements that measure students' opinions and perceptions of social phenomena that exist within themselves, so
the Likert scale in table 1 is suitable as a reference in this research.
Table 1. Score Criteria on a Likert Scale
Score Information
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Doubtful
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
(Sugiyono, 2021)
Next, the questionnaire is distributed to all respondents and the results of the questionnaire will be
interpreted using scale categories in table 2.
Table 2. Scale Category
Scale Percentage (x) Category
1,00 – 1,80 20 % < x < 36 % Very Not Good
1,81 – 2,60 36 % < x < 52 % Not Good
2,61 – 3,40 52 % < x < 68 % A Little Good
3,41 – 4,20 68 % < x < 84 % Good
4,21 – 5,00 84 % < x < 100 % Very Good
(Sugiyono, 2021)
Next, the data was analyzed using Miles and Huberman analysis. This data analysis was chosen because
it has clear stages, making it easier to plan further work. This data analysis also has the advantage of being
flexible in analyzing complex data, the method is structured but still maintains room for new discoveries and can
gain in-depth insights from qualitative data.

Figure 1. Miles and Huberman Interactive Model Analysis (Sugiyono, 2021)

There are four stages in the Miles and Huberman analysis model, namely: (1) Collecting Data,
collecting data through interviews, observation and/or documentation, (2) Reducting Data, simplifying data to
select data that is relevant and leads to solving problems or answering questions. Research, (3) Presenting Data,
presenting data through combining information so that it can describe the situation that occurred, and (4)
Conclusion, combining data into information units which form categories by adhering to holistic principles and
can be interpreted without information addition (Sugiyono, 2021).
First, at the data collecting stage, the results showed that the majority of students still did not dare to do
public speaking. Through interviews, the students explained that they were not used to appearing in front of the
class alone. Moreover, explaining the topic material makes them less confident and anxious when they want to
say the words. According to the students, they were afraid of making mistakes in presenting the material. Next,
there was one student who wanted to appear to explain the material alone in front of the class. Based on the
results of the researcher’s observations, there were doubts in the explanation so that the material presented was
Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia, Vol.X, No.X, 20XX, pp. X-X
p-ISSN 2721-9240, e-ISSN 2722-0982
incomplete. When asked about the cause of this doubt, the student explained that he wanted to finish quickly and
sit down with friends again.
Next, the researchers asked students to create science content on Instagram. The science content created
is a simple science experiment which then explains the purpose of the experiment, tools and materials,
theoretical basis, steps in carrying out the experiment, observation results, discussion and conclusions. Through
content on online media, students can better prepare themselves, reflect on any shortcomings in their delivery
and have a wider audience. Instagram-based learning content is in line with the 21st century learning concept,
namely 3W (Whatever, Whenever, Wherever) which can utilize the Instagram social network positively
(Novianti et al., 2020). Furthermore, after the content is uploaded, students are asked to fill out a questionnaire to
measure their public speaking skills. The indicators assessed are (1) self-confidence, (2) creative ideas, (3)
interest, (4) skills and abilities.

Figure 2. Science Content Uploaded to the Instagram Account

Second, at the data reducting stage, the data is simplified to sharpen, classify, direct, remove what is not
necessary, and organize the data until final conclusions can be drawn and verified. In this research, data
collection was carried out through interviews, observations and questionnaires. Some data that does not lead to
research solutions and conclusions is not displayed, such as interview answers that are not included in the scope
of discussion in this research.
Third, at the data presenting stage, a combination of information from interviews, observations,
questionnaires and documentation is presented. The following are the results of a questionnaire filled out by 32
students taking the Basic Concepts of Physics course for elementary schools.
Table 3. Questionnaire Results of Public Speaking Skills
No Indicator Percentage
1 Confidence
I dare to upload the science content that I created 71,9 %
I am confident in myself when creating content 72,7 %
I am proud of the abilities I have 79,7 %
I dare answer questions in the comments 66,4 %
I easily interact with other accounts that follow my content 64,1 %
I was brave when asked to create science content with other materials 68,8 %
Average percentage of confidence indicators 70,6 %
2 Inspiring
In the content I create, I provide motivation to the audience 69,5 %

Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia, Vol.X, No.X, 20XX, pp. X-X
p-ISSN 2721-9240, e-ISSN 2722-0982
I easily get new ideas for creating science content 68,8 %
I am able to use other than Indonesian when creating content 64,8 %
It’s easy for me to make jokes to attract the audience 69,5 %
I use polite language 75,8 %
Average percentage of inspiring indicators 69,7 %
3 Attractive
I can attract the attention of the audience 68,0 %
I use language that is easy to understand 73,4 %
I always try to provide support to the audience 70,3 %
I am always passionate when creating content 72,7 %
I try to greet the audience in the content I create 71,1 %
Average percentage of attractive indicators 71,1 %
4 Skillful
I was able to overcome my nervousness in front of the camera 75,0 %
I act calm when speaking in front of the camera 76,6 %
In my content I use body movements that can support my words 71,9 %
I prepare material before creating content 81,3 %
I like reading books to increase my knowledge 72,7 %
Average percentage of skillful indicators 75,5 %
Average percentage of public speaking skills 71,7 %
Based on table 3 above, we can observe that the self-confidence indicator has an average percentage of
70.6% or has a good category. This explains that students already have good self-confidence in creating science
content that is shared on Instagram. However, if we look in more detail, the statements "I dare to answer
questions in the comments" and "I easily interact with other accounts that follow my content" have a percentage
below 68% or are in the poor category. Based on these results, students need to practice self-disclosure so that
they can easily interact with other people. The benefits of self-disclosure are, (1) increasing self-knowledge, (2)
making you more able to overcome difficulties, (3) making communication more efficient, and (4) creating
deeper relationships (Mahfudin & Saragih, 2020).
Inspiring indicator obtained an average percentage of 69.7% or has a good category. In this indicator,
the majority of statements have a good category and there is only one statement that has a poor category, namely
"I am able to use other than Indonesian when creating content." Based on these results, it can be seen that
students' foreign language skills are still lacking, so students must be more active and diligent in studying foreign
languages. The use of foreign languages is increasingly widespread and increasingly favored by schools and
various international standard programs (Andika & Mardiana, 2023), so mastering a foreign language is very
important to face the challenges of technological progress.
Furthermore, attractive indicators obtained an average percentage of 71.1% or have a good category. In
this indicator, all statements also get a good category, so it can be seen that students are good at creating
interesting educational content. This interesting indicator is something that is vital in digital content, because to
attract the attention and interest of the audience, interesting content is needed (Maharani & Cahyani, 2023).
The last indicator, namely skillful, has an average percentage of 75.5% or has a good category. In this
indicator, all statements also get a good category, so it can be seen that the average student has good skills and
abilities in creating educational content on Instagram. An interesting thing that can be observed in this indicator
is the statement "I prepare material before creating content." This statement received a percentage of 81.3% as
well as being the statement with the highest percentage compared to all other statements. This means that the
project of creating educational content on Instagram is effective in making students learn the material that will be
presented. If they continue to create content again with different material, then they will prepare the material and
study various other materials. In this way, students' understanding of concepts will become sharper and their
insights will become broader. This will support their readiness to become teachers.
Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia, Vol.X, No.X, 20XX, pp. X-X
p-ISSN 2721-9240, e-ISSN 2722-0982

In the field of education, prospective professional teachers must be skilled in communicating. The
communication in question includes discussions within a team as well as communication in public. Thus,
prospective teachers must have good public speaking skills, because this is to meet the demands of 21st century
skills and is also useful for designing interesting learning. The conclusions of this research are: 1) By creating
science content on Instagram, students' public speaking skills are in a good category, 2) The educational content
creation project on Instagram is effective in making students learn the material that will be presented, so they can
sharpen their basic science concepts and broaden horizons.
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Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia, Vol.X, No.X, 20XX, pp. X-X
p-ISSN 2721-9240, e-ISSN 2722-0982
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