13 Ways To Detect AI Written Content

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13 Ways To Detect
AI Written Content
<- Blog / AI SEO Satya D Apr 1, 2024 15 min read 1

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You can detect AI-written content either with the use of AI detection
tools or by manually going over text and looking for some of the 12
common signs of AI authorship.
A combination of the two often works best.
While no method is completely accurate, this blended approach will
ensure the highest likelihood of correctly identifying AI writing.
What you will learn
-> What AI content detection is and how it works
-> Which tools you can use to detect AI-written content
-> The 12 obvious signs of AI-generated text
-> Whether or not you should hide that a piece of content was written
with the help of AI

What is AI content detection?

AI content detection is the process of determining whether a text was
generated by AI or written by a human.
AI-generated articles, images and videos have become the internet’s
new normal.
AI tools are being used extensively to speed up and improve creative
processes like writing articles and making videos.
AI can
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Why is AI content detection important?
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Identifying AI-generated content is important because certain settings
may rely on the accuracy and experience of human text. This is
particularly significant in sectors like healthcare and finance, where
information accuracy is essential.
In academia, AI content detection helps uphold standards
of originality and validity, making sure that contributions
are genuinely reflective of human effort and intellect.
This is very important for maintaining the value of academic credentials
and professional content, where it is important to show knowledge,
critical thought, and creativity.
Academic institutions are still formulating AI content policies.
In a study by education industry financial advisor Tyton Partners,
most instructors encourage using AI to ideate but draw the line at AI
text generation.

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AI content recognition is also very important for fighting false informatio
in the news. AI-generated content can be used to manipulate news
stories, pictures, or videos that look real but aren't.
Artificial intelligence has enabled the automation of fake news, spreadin
false information about elections, wars, and natural disasters.
NewsGuard, an organization that tracks false information, says the
number of websites hosting AI-made fake news stories has grown by
more than 1,000%.

Detecting this kind of material helps protect the truth and dependability
of public domain information.
AI produced content may also negatively impact the perceived quality
and authenticity of a commission piece of content that you are paying fo
We generally expect the contribution of more
effort and personal attention to paid tasks.
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You are ultimately paying for humanized content that will appeal to and
convert humans. You want to make sure your content writer is not merel
churning out low-value text using AI.
Google's stance on AI content
Google has nothing against AI-generated content, as long it is not used
to manipulate their algorithms for clicks and rankings.

However, pure AI content is highly unlikely to meet Google's

quality guidelines.
The misuse of AI content generators, without supplementing
them with real value, insights, or experience, can lead to
misinformation, which could have significant consequences.
In fact, the latest core algorithm updates have heavily penalized websit
that misused AI tools to generate hundreds of pages overnight.
Google has indicated that AI-generated content should demonstrate the
attributes of E-E-A-T (expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and
trustworthiness) to ensure it meets their standards.

Can AI tools detect AI-

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not always
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yourcan oftenFormistake
browser. human-written content for AI.
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about use machine
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please see and Policy.
our Privacy natural language processing to analyze
the style, grammar and tone of a text.
They are trained to uncover the patterns and structures used by AI
writing tools.
However, they are not 100% accurate and will often flag false positives,
confusing human-written content for AI content.
Here are a few reasons why anti-AI detectors have trouble with
AI content:
Human writing can sometimes mimic the patterns that AI detectors a
trained to spot, leading to false positives.
AI writers use repetitive language and ideas. If your content makes
the same mistakes, it will be flagged as AI text.
If you use unconventional phrasing and grammar, the AI detection to
might mistake that for a sign of AI output.
The complexity of language and the variety of writing styles can
confuse AI detectors, causing them to incorrectly flag content.
As AI writing tools evolve, AI content detection tools will find it even
more difficult to recognize human-generated content compared to AI-
generated content.
Even Open AI admitted roadblocks in building its AI content classifier an
has paused its availability.

Don’t rely solely on AI detectors.

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13 ways to detect AI content writing
We suggest using a combination of manual checks and a paid or free AI
detector. This dual approach will give you the best chance of spotting
AI writing.
You’ll often encounter text that is a combination of human and AI effort.
Pay attention to sudden shifts in writing quality or tone of voice. Change
in the complexity of vocabulary and grammar can indicate the section
was generated with an AI tool.
Here are 13 ways to detect AI-generated text.
1. Repetitive writing
AI writing is characterized by repetitive phrases and ideas.
AI models lack the human ability to recognize and avoid redundancy, so
they won’t realize they are spinning the same tale over and over again.
To spot AI-generated content, look for the repeated use of words and
phrases. They are often related to the main phrasing of the text.
OpenAI admits to the verbose nature of large language models on their
own blog.
The model is often excessively verbose and overuses
website functions properly. We may also use optionalthat
certain phrases,
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- OpenAI
Take the example of this snippet generated with ChatGPT 4. Although
well written, it repeats itself several times in different ways.

A good human writer would be able to transmit the same idea

more concisely.

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2. Formulaic sentence structures
AI language models heavily rely on common phrases and idioms. They
use them more frequently than human writers, sometimes excessively
and inadequately.
A good way to identify content generated by AI is to look for a lack of
variation in sentence structure.
Are phrases used to make the text sound natural but don’t add
any value?
Is the tone overly formal and monotonous?
The text was most likely written by AI if it is full of sentences that are
technically correct but feel stiff or rigid.
Look for words and structures that
native speakers would rarely use.
For example, AI has the tendency to use sentences that open with “By…
for their closing remarks. While they would pass a grammar check, a
human would rarely phrase them quite like this.

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And here's
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3. Excessive use of AI typical words
One of the surest signs of AI writing is the frequent use of certain words
They include, but are by no means limited to:
In today's adjective world of
Not only but
There is even a Reddit thread dedicated to the collection of overused AI
words. You can use it to remove the overuse of AI words when editing
AI writing.
Check out this flowery and over-the-top description written by AI.

The whole
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not usable
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of your only headphones but an invitation to
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aboutstep intoplease
cookies, a newseerealm of audio
our Privacy Policy. excellence. Crafted with
precision, the aluminum ear cups gleam, offered in hues
such as space gray and sky blue, while the robust stainless
steel headband declares both resilience and elegance.
- Excessive AI phrasing
Can you imagine a human inviting you into a new realm of
audio excellence?
With Surfer’s paraphrasing tool, you can improve the readability and flow
of AI written text.

The free paraphraser rephrases paragraphs and

sentences to keep them clear, engaging, and
professional while maintaining the original intent.

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4. Inaccurate facts and claims
AI has the unfortunate and potentially dangerous tendency to confident
present information that may or may not be correct without providing an
accurate source.
This can result in misleading and outright incorrect statements.
The text was probably written by AI if you notice a
questionable claim that does not appear to be true
and can be easily verified with a simple search.
Cross-reference stated facts with reputable sources in order to detect
potential AI authorship. This is especially important in the healthcare
and finance niches, where a false claim can have serious or even
irreparable consequences.
For example, this AI writer claims that the best room temperature for
sleep is 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, the recommended temperature is actually 60 to 68

degrees Fahrenheit, as this article from WebMD, a reputable medical
resource proves.
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AI has also been known to confuse the names of
products and list inaccurate descriptions and attributes.
For example, we tested AI writers where one of them called the Rabbit
R1, a scooter.

While there are numerous scooter models with R1 in their names, none o
them are called the Rabbit.
The Rabbit R1 is actually an AI-powered handheld gadget.
5. Monotonous tone of voice
AI tools noticeably lack the traits you would expect from human content
They don’t use informal language.
They don’t use colloquialisms or slang.
They don’t have a unique tone of voice.
We use essential cookies to ensure that the surferseo.com
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lack ofWepersonality and voice
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Human writers can’t help but show their humanity. We’ll make jokes and
insert pop culture references. Decent human writers will not sound
monotonous and dull.
Check out this AI response to a simple, straightforward question.
A human writer wouldn’t present this same information as formally or as
stiffly. They wouldn’t reach for terms like “emotionally resonant”,
“adaptability” or “vocal prowess”.

6. Use AI detector tools

There are numerous AI writing detectors designed to help you identify
AI-written content. Some of them will also have a built-in plagiarism
checker that will help you identify plagiarized content.
Surfer’s free AI detection tool can help you identify AI-generated conte
and rewrite it into humanized text.
This means
We use youcookies
essential can detect
to ensurecontent
that the generated
surferseo.comby any AI writer,
including ChatGPT.
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1. Head to Surfer’s AI content detector tool
2. Enter your content
Surfer will examine your content to see if an AI content generator wrote
and will inform you of the likelihood that it was.

For example, 93% human means that there is a 93%

likelihood that your content was written by a human
writer. Similarly, 7% human means there is only a 7%
chance of your content being written by a real person.
You can
We use
then choose
cookies totoensure
properly. We
humanized text that
appears written You
with your consent. by acanrealwithdraw
person.your consent at any time by
changing the settings of your browser. For more information
about cookies, please see our Privacy Policy.
While these tools can be quite helpful, they are not infallible.
They can and often will falsely flag human content. They are best used a
a supplementary verification method.
As a reminder, even OpenAI’s own text classifier is not entirely reliable.

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detectors analyze
functions properly.writing
We maystyle andoptional
also use tone,cookies
as well as inconsistencies in
with your
writing consent.
that can You can
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AI-authored consent
content.at any time by
changing the settings of your browser. For more information
about cookies,
None of themplease see our Privacy
are flawless Policy.can serve as a good starting point in
but they
discerning whether a piece of content was created by a human brain or
an artificial intelligence tool.
7. Generic explanations without details
AI writers tend to provide vague descriptions that lack specifics. Human
writers add relevant details and actionable advice, especially if they hav
first-hand experience with the topic.
As we saw earlier, AI writers use a lot of filler words that add little to
no value.
They make the text sound complex and well-written, but it’s actually jus
a collection of weighty words, not a meaningful article.
Here’s what a popular AI writer has to say about bedtime rituals.

Did you learn anything significant?

Do you know what deep breathing exercises look like?
Do you know how and when to stretch before bed?
This kind of content places the burden of research on the reader and
provides no valuable advice.
We use essential cookies to ensure that the surferseo.com
websitetext that
functions an AI
properly. wrote will
We may also lack
use concrete
optional cookies examples,
with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by
changing anecdotes
the settings and supporting
of your browser. arguments.
For more information
there isplease
a lotseeofourbloat
Privacybut a noticeable lack of
detail, you are not looking at a human-written text.
Note how thin the content of this article about Apple’s car marketing
strategy is.
A human writer would state which cities the product would roll out in.
Human content would list specific details and platforms for the campaig
In contrast, this AI writer provides a very simple overview.

But even more significantly, doesn't recognize that the Apple car project
has been paused.
8. Unmet search intent
Users looking for information on the web are seeking specific answers o
overcoming challenges. Your page's relevance to their query plays a role
in their search results.
But AI writers aren’t always able to detect the nuances of search querie
IfWea use essential cookies to ensure that the surferseo.com
website of content
properly.does notalso
We may completely
use optionalmatch
cookiesthe search intent behin
may have been
You can generated
withdraw with AI.
your consent at any time by
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about cookies, please see our Privacy Policy.
Check if a text aligns with what readers
would realistically expect to see, based on
a post’s title and their original search query.

Does it provide answers to all the most likely questions?

Does it address the most common and obvious pain points?
Does the reader need to go elsewhere to find more
relevant information?
Check out what an AI writer has come up with on the subject of “best
vacuum cleaners.”

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Users looking for a page on "best vacuum cleaners" are likely looking to
compare models before moving on to a purchase.
And some of this information would indeed help you pick a
vacuum cleaner.
However, there isn’t a single product review or recommendation, which i
what your readers are actually looking for.
AI tends to produce generic responses that sometimes skirt around the
reader’s needs and queries.
Poor AI content generators may not be capable of understanding human
search behaviors and the intentions behind searches.
9. Lack of subject matter expertise
AI models are great at predicting what the next word in a text should be
However, they don’t understand what they are “writing” about.
They have no way to grasp meaning.
Therefore, even though they use vast training data sets, their subject
matter expertise is limited to the data.
Complex topics are covered superficially
because AI text lacks the depth and
detail that come from first hand expertise.
We use essential cookies to ensure that the surferseo.com
is unable to display
functions properly. the depth
We may also and breadthcookies
use optional of human understanding o
consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by
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about atcookies,
this example
please seefrom a website
our Privacy Policy.using AI content.
You don’t get the feeling that the author has ever made a cup of coffee.
An experienced barista would tell you the right temperature for espresso
vs. latte. They would tell you how much coffee goes into each drink. An
AI model is not trained to do that.
If you spot generic information that can easily be found via a simple web
search and no evidence of deep research and understanding, the text
might be AI-authored.
10. Outdated content
AI content may rely on outdated sources and fail to take into account th
most recent information and data available.
Check the dates of all referenced studies, statistics and news.
AI tools do not usually prioritize the most recent sources, as they have
not beenessential
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cookies totoensure
update theirsurferseo.com
that the knowledge base in real time.
website functions
Evaluate properly.forWerelevance
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the content today’ s time by
the settings still
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of yourapplicable?
see our
browser. ForHave
more information
there been more
recent discoveries?
Here’s what a generic AI writer says about the release date of the
Apple Car.
The launch was originally pushed back to 2026 before Apple dropped th
project altogether.
This false information demonstrates that an AI writer who didn't have
access to the most recent developments wrote the text.
11. Absence of personal experience
AI content lacks the ability to establish a personal connection and will
rarely convey empathy or humor, like human writing can.
Human writers, on the other hand, tend to pose reflective and insightful
questions in their writing. They will share personal insights and stories.
When trying to spot AI content, scan the
text for personal experiences or anecdotes.
Look for emotions and personal opinions that AI will struggle to
express convincingly.
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essential AI writers rely that
to ensure on their training data, not first hand
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experience to properly.information.
provide We may also useAnyoptional cookies content will either
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paraphrase someoneYou canelse's
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experience, any time abygeneric overview.
changing the settings of your browser. For more information
You cookies,
easilyplease see our
tell the lackPrivacy Policy. in either case.
of experience
This article from a popular AI writer includes a section about unboxing
the Apple Airpods Max.
You never get a sense that the author has laid their hands on them. The
is a complete lack of excitement and curiosity about the product.

Also, note the heavy use of AI phrases.

"You're hit with a rush of excitement as the elegant
design and superior craftsmanship become
apparent, promising an auditory adventure"
– Weak AI writer using extreme AI language

12. Unconvincing storytelling

AI content generators can struggle with creating a coherent narrative in
piece of content. Their storytelling efforts may lack logical progression,
and the end result can be unconvincing and difficult to follow.
Look for abrupt changes in topics or jumping from one subject to anothe
WeDouseconclusions naturally
essential cookies to ensurefollow
that thethe preceding sentences?
website functions properly. We may also use optional cookies
with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at anyoftimeanbyargument?
Can you easily identify the source and flow
changing the
Examine thesettings
overall ofstructure
your browser.
of For
a morefor
text information
signs of disjointed thought
about cookies, please see our Privacy Policy.
organization. Human content tends to have a natural progression that is
easy to understand. AI writing often lacks it.
Check out this example from another popular AI writer.
Notice the attempt at storytelling that ends up sounding forced and
unnatural. This entire passage is one idea retold in different ways.
While AI can generate content based on existing data, creativity often
comes from thinking beyond expected narratives.
AI lacks this intrinsic human quality, making it difficult for
AI writers to fully understand and convey the emotional
depth and subtleties that make stories more interesting.
AI writers may also struggle with cultural nuances, social cues, or
historical contexts that give stories their depth and meaning.
13. Difficulty with sarcasm
Sarcasm is a complex form of communication that relies on tone, contex
and an understanding of social rules and expectations.
AI struggles to interpret and use humor and sarcasm correctly.
ItWewilluseoften usecookies
essential themtoincorrectly andsurferseo.com
ensure that the write disjointed and odd sentences
website functions properly. We may also use optional cookies
with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by
changing settings ofnatural language
your browser. For moreprocessing
information has come a long
aboutway, AI isplease
cookies, stillseenotourvery
Policy.at detecting tone, especially
when it differs from what the words actually mean.
AI writers have trouble distinguishing between sarcastic comments and
sincere ones.
Examine the text for failed attempts at wit and banter.
Does the sarcasm fall flat?
Is the timing off?
Does it seem forced?
Human writing is more subtle and humor tends to be context-appropriat
We use our intuition to figure out how to use unspoken cues and hidden
meanings in human interaction. AI, on the other hand, works with
algorithms that might not fully understand sarcasm.
Understanding sarcasm requires a degree of emotional intelligence to
appreciate the irony or humor intended by the speaker. AI lacks this
emotional intuition, making it difficult for these tools to grasp why
something might be said sarcastically.
Understanding sarcastic comedy or humor requires some degree of
emotional intelligence. Without this, AI writers find it hard to understand
why something might be said sarcastically.
Here's an example of an article that the Guardian published
using ChatGPT. Notice the AI's self-awareness that it does not
possess feelings.

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Should you hide AI-generated text?

No, you shouldn’t hide AI-generated writing because there is no penalty
to incur as long as you don’t use AI-generated text to manipulate search
engine rankings.
Google has nothing against you using an AI writing tool. You can safely
use AI content, including videos, images and text, as long as it meets
their quality guidelines.
As explained, however content is produced, those
seeking success in Google Search should be
looking to produce original, high-quality, people-
first content demonstrating qualities E-E-A-T.
- Google
In practice, this means you need to humazine AI content.
Rewrite overused phrases, add personal examples and experiences, edi
the tone of voice and add relevant proof of authority and credibility.
You don't need to worry about anything as long as your content is
interesting, practical, and beneficial to real people.
Note that Google doesn't require you to add a disclaimer for AI content
except for some cases.

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changing the settings of your browser. For more information
youcookies, pleaseonseeAIourwriters
are relying Privacy to
generate news or content on money
and healthcare, you may want to clearly highlight which articles
and visuals have been created with the help of AI for the sake
of transparency.
A competent AI writer will be able to pass off AI-generated
content as human-written for informational content that
doesn't require obvious evidence of human experience.

This won't happen 100% of the time, but a proficient AI writing tool can
mimic human writing for most topics.
Consider testing Surfer AI if you want an AI writing tool that can
pass AI detectors by avoiding repetitive phrases, using varied
sentence structures, and simulating a natural tone to conceal its non-
human origins.
You'll be able to customize articles based on a blog post format, tone of
voice and organic competitors.
But if you're looking to pass AI content detectors specifically, we have a
easy button that acts as an AI humanizer.

Here's an example of an article we ran through Originality's AI

content detector.
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 Share Best Newest Oldest

Surfer AI also updates information and generates text that aligns−with

Banyan Tree School Chandigarh ⚑

user intent, demonstrates subject matter expertise, and even includes

3 months ago

plausible personal anecdotes, thereby passing as convincingly human-

This is a great read! I appreciate the way you've broken down the concepts so clearly. It makes for an
easy and enjoyable learning experience.
authored content.
1 0 Reply ⥅

Key takeaways
Subscribe Privacy Do Not Sell My Data

AI content detection determines if a text was written by an AI or

a human.
AI detection tools are not 100% accurate and can often confuse
human text for AI content.
Understanding the nuances of AI-generated content can protect
businesses and consumers from misinformation and poor-
quality information.
When tryingcookies
to detect AI-generated text, look for the repetitive and
Get started
use essentialuse to ensure
of certain that
words the surferseo.com
phrases, formulaic sentence
website functions properly. We may also use cookies
withstructures andYoua can
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your consent. by
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not mention
of your
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experiences but rather provide
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generic answers and information. They won’t sound like experts on
the subject.
AI tools can also provide inaccurate and outdated information, so you
will need to fact-check their work.
Choose planasthatyoufitsdon’t
your use them to game search engine algorithms,
andcantry Surfer
safelyout for AI tools to help you automate some of the
yourself. below to signLikeup!this article? Spread the world
Enhancing AI-generated content with human insight and expertise ca
result in a more engaging and trustworthy final product
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Don’t be afraid to use AI in writing;
just don’t forget to add a
human touch. Free AI
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