English Test - Grade 5

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Name: Minh Khôi

Part 1. Read and choose the correct answer.

1. To press upon or against (a thing) with force in order to move it away

A. push
B. pull
C. throw

2. Is often added to food before or after cooking to improve its flavor, from seawater
A. cream
B. salt
C. sugar

3. A sport, doesn’t use a ball but a puck in game

A. hockey
B. baseball
C. basketball

4. A picture or pattern made by placing together small pieces of glass, stone, etc. of different
A. collage
B. sculpture
C. mosaic

5. The process of collecting and changing old paper, glass, plastic, etc. so that it can be used
A. recycle
B. reduce
C. reuse

6. A long walk, especially in the countryside

A. surf
B. camp
C. hike

7. A sticky liquid used for joining things

A. stapler
B. glue
C. icicle

8. A large vehicle that runs on roads, carries passengers from one place to another
A. truck
B. cable car
C. bus

9. A written message, often containing short forms of words, sent from one mobile phone to
A. e-mail
B. text message
C. letter

10. To repeatedly hit something

A. knock
B. throw
C. yawn

Part 2. Read and write the correct word.

1. Salad is a m_ _ _ _ _ _ of different types of vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach,

2. This subtraction should be written in a c_ _ _ _ _ so we can read it from the top to the
3. The basic rule of board games is to wait and t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when you play with your
4. The s_ _ _ _ _ shape looks like a tornado.
5. To write on the whiteboard, people use m_ _ _ _ _ _ that are filled with ink and have wide
6. That cup is going to fall down from the table, it is on the e_ _ _.
7. You need to be very p_ _ _ _ _ _ when growing flowers, it took a lot of time.
8. The a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is an animal group that can all live both in water and on land.
9. The mother is always t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of her children, she takes care of them very well.
10. The paper, plastic, and tin cans are sorted and brought to the r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 3. Write the words in the correct column.

eat, lonely, sad, sleep, scared, play

Things we do Things we feel
- 1________ - 3________
- 2________ - 4________
- 5________

Part 4. Circle the words that do not belong.

E.g. A. black B. yellow C. green D. fireworks

1. A. hamster B. jellyfish C. starfish D. whale

2. A. brother B. sister C. friend D. father

3. A. jacket B. shorts C. hat D. light

4. A. cousin B. rabbit C. lizard D. bird

5. A. orange B. dark C. white D. pink

Part 5. Complete the sentences using the given words.

Mix Jacket hamster play grandmother fireworks Lonely

sand ocean tortoise mural

E.g. A hamster is a small animal.

1. That person is my ________.

2. There is ________ in my sneakers!

3. The ________are yellow and blue.

4. A ________can’t run. It walks very slowly.

5. We can ________ red and yellow paint and make the color orange.

6. Many different fish live in the ________.

7. She is wearing a blue ________.

8. William and Sue eat and ________ together.

9. They want to make a ________ of the ocean.

10. He feels ________because he doesn’t have any friends.

Part 6. Find and correct the mistakes.

1. The post office is across the drugstore. _________

2. In this afternoon, Maya went swimming with her friends. _________
3. Which one is the lighter, the ball or the rock? _________
4. The table is between the freezer and the chairs. _________
5. Jamie didn’t grab his keys, they were our. _________
6. "Who pencils are these? They are on the floor!" _________
7. At Christmas day, people usually give each other presents. _________
8. Can I have any tissue for the baby, please? _________
9. My friend Michel loves the beach and he can’t swim. _________
10. Mary can swims very fast because she plays sports. _________

Part 7. Read and circle the correct answers.

1. It’s Sunday and we (have / are having) a barbecue in the garden.

2. Harry (always doesn’t have / doesn’t always have) cereal for breakfast.
3. When Tom and Ted (was / were) little kids, the students at school (think /
thought) they were twins.
4. (In / On) Sunday mornings, Angela usually (practice / practices) with the
5. Are there any biscuits (in / on) the cupboard?
6. I’d like a (little / much) salt on my salad.
7. Do you like my / mine new T-shirts?
8. (Is / Are) there any food left in the fridge?
9. Mount Elbrus is high but Mount Everest is (higher / higher than).
10. Nicholas (visits / is visiting) his grandparents on Sundays.

Part 8. Put the verbs into the correct form.

rain | be x2 | go x2 | cost | sleep | speak | not go | stay | be | win

1. I’m going to take an umbrella with me. It ___

2. We played basketball on Sunday. We didn’t play well but we ___
3. Many different languages ___in the Philippines.
4. Yesterday ___a public holiday so the shops ___closed. They’re open today.
5. They like films but they ___to the cinema very often.
6. I ___now. Goodbye.
7. How much ___it ___to phone Canada?
8. I feel good. I ___very well last night!
9. I ___ to bed early because I was tired.
10. ___Jane ___at the Central Hotel?

Part 9. Read choose the correct answers.


Umbrellas were made a long time ago. They were made for keeping the

sun out of your eyes. They were made for keeping cool on hot days.
In China, they made the first umbrella to use in the rain. They put wax and paint on it.
This made the rain run off the sides. It kept them dry when they walked. It kept them dry
in the storm. They used bones from whales, and they used wood from the trees.

In 1852, Samuel Fox made a new kind of umbrella. It had steel parts. It had soft cloth. It
was easy to put up and easy to put down. It was very light to carry.

Today umbrellas come in all sizes and shapes. They come in all colors. Some people use
them in the rain. Others use them when it is hot. Some have umbrellas just for fun.
Today, umbrellas have many uses.

1. For what was the first umbrella used?

a. keeping cool on hot days
b. keeping hot on cool days
c. catching the rain
d. keeping the person dry

2. If I wanted the umbrella, the best one to buy would be one that
a. was too big to carry
b. had large holes
c. was any shape or color
d. was very heavy

3. Hot is an antonym for ________

a. lukewarm
b. sunny
c. warm
d. cold


Animals' tongues are used for many things. A fox does not sweat when it is hot. It puts its
tongue out of its mouth and pants. When he pants, it means he breathes in and out very
fast. This is the way the fox keeps cool.

Lions use their tongues to keep their fur clean. Their tongues are rough. It works like a
brush on their fur. Geckos use their tongues to lick their eyes. They do not have eyelids,
so the tongue helps them to keep their eyes clean. Chameleons use their tongue to catch
insects. Their tongues are long and sticky. It makes hunting easy. If a goose does not
want someone around, it sticks out its tongue and makes a hissing noise. Snakes have
long, thin tongues. They are split in the middle. They use their tongues to smell for mice
and other small prey.

Did you know animals used their tongues in so many ways?

1. Split is a synonym for _______.

o a. sew
o b. cut
o c. clean
o d. make
2. What can chameleons do with their tongues?
o a. play a game
o b. eat large animals
c. catch bugs
d. lick their eyes
3. Which word from the text can use in more than one way?
o a. tongue
o b. did
o c. pants
o d. smell

Recharge your cell phone as you ride

Most people recharge their cell phones from the power socket in their house. Some
people recharge their phone in their car. But what happens if you don’t have a car, and
you don’t have electricity at home?

Motorola’s boss, Ed Zander, thought about that very same problem. Then he asked his
company’s engineers to invent a bicycle-powered cell phone recharging system! Mr.
Zander showed the system to a large audience at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las
Vegas, in January 2008.

Motorola believes that the bicycle cell phone charger will be especially useful in China.
A lot of people ride bicycles and a lot of people are buying cell phones there. However,
this invention is not only for the Chinese. Mr. Zander also hopes to sell the charger to
countries that have a poor electricity supply. For example, farmers in Senegal use cell
phones to check on crop prices, and health workers in South Africa use their phones to
check their patient records.

Mr. Zander didn’t mention students who ride their bicycles to school, but they could be
possible customers too. Perhaps students will ride an extra kilometer so they can text
their friends in class!

a. Complete the diagram.

Problem People can’t recharge their cell phones if they don’t have a
(1)________, or (2)____________________ at home.
Solution Motorola’s engineers invented a (3) _______________ cell phone (4)
What will 1.The bicycle cell phone charger will be especially useful
happen? (5)_______________.
2.Motorola will also sell the charger to countries that have a poor

b. Check (✔) known or unknown.

Known Unknown
1. Mr. Zander is Motorola’s boss.
2. A lot of people ride bicycles in Senegal.
3.A lot of people are buying cell phones in
4. Many people saw the bicycle-powered cell
phone recharging system at the Consumer
Electronics Show.
5. Many students who ride their bicycles to
school use cell phones.

Part 10. Read the beginning sentence and write a 10-sentence story using your own

I went to outer space with three dinosaurs and couldn’t believe it when our spaceship…

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