Document_2024-07!09!161202 Creditor Empire State of Morocco Lien Debtor Lepold & Associates PLLC

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empire state ov morocco united states for north america moorishe nationale republic federale governmentess ainaas aishuwkulatuh territory, lande ov flowers a ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ a moorishe divine and nationale movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and moroccan islands a~ temple of the moon and sun ~a the true and de jure natural peoples — heirs of the land a~i, self. law. am, master. ~ a 10" Muharram 1444 (July 99, 2024] _— unnibersall sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall divpne affidavid uf writtene innitiall unniversall kommerciale kode 1 phinansinge statemente liene nationale safe harbore programme universall commershial code § 9-521 wherebye nationalls whoo phile writtene universal kommerciale code liens can phile universall kommerciale kode lienes in anye state. all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge annciente artikle iii moorishe amerikan al moroccan kourte acctione. i am sovereigne livinge justise dawud bilal abdullah bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroccan moorishe amerikan ascendents of the greate pharoahs uf kemet ande of the annciente moabites ande canaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ‘nde our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves for we are the peepel who are the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne de jure ‘moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente. we herebye exxercise all sovereigne rights at this time ande at all pointes in time ‘mune pro tune. to debters debter 1 [Saul Lepold doing business as SAUL LEPOLD] ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereuf [c/o 80 Business Park Drive, Suite 110, Armonk, New York 10504] copies mailled to: Bowser, Muriel OFFICE OF THE MAYOR John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Ave, NW +#203[Washington, DC 20004] dellivered via emaile ande returned receipte united states poste offise copy: Dewitt, Jeffrey OFFICE OF THE RECORDER 1101 4th St SW #270 [Washington, DC 20004] [dellivered via emaile ande returned receipte united states poste offise] all debtors reeceived origenel affidavitts sovereigne origeneal enndigeneous naturall divyne de jure kredditore is the peepul whoo are thee origeneall enndigeneous sovereigne naturall divyne empire state ov morocco united states for nothwest amexem moorishe nationall reepublick federall governmente choctaaw konsulate Near [Columbus, union state society of Mississippi land of flowers, northwest amexem, morocco placed on the pubblic reckorde at calame’o & scribe all other pubblic places as necessarie IMCN#244CH01999+9949842_ Affidavit of Universal Commerical Code 1 FINANCING STATEMENT ILEPOLD & ASSOCIATES PLCI INEW REZ LLC] [WESTCHESTER COUNTY COURTIboveteanskoureaetione me-24+cho-temse+99949940231 ee Cc = sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne de jure kredditore is the peepul whoo are thee origeneall enndigeneous sovereigne naturall divyn empire state ov morocco united states for nothwest amexem moorishe nationall reepublick federall governmente choctaaw konsulate ‘Near [Columbus, union state society of Mississippi] land of flowers, northwest amexem, morocco this isan innitialle universall commershial code 1 philing pursuante tew universall commershial codes ande land of flowers soveeigne kodes § 28:9-501, § 28:9-502, § 28:9-516a, § 28:9-516b, § 28:9-520c, § 28:9-521 ande all other applicabul kodes konncerning sovereigne unniversall origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne kredditores ande innitial philinges. § 28:9-521 universall writtene financinge statementee - a philing offise that accepts writtene wreckords maye not refuse to accept a writtene innitiall financinge statemente in this form ande format except for a reason set forth in § 28:9-516(b) entitled “what konstitutes philing; effecktiveness uf philing”. (a) exxcept as utherwise provided in subsecktion (b), communication uf a wreckord to a philing offise ande tender uf the philing fee or acceptance uf the wreckord by the philing offise konstitutes philing. § 28:9-501 philing offise. exxcept as otherwyse provyded in subsecktion (b), if the locall law uf the districte governs perphection uf a sovereigne inntereste iene, the offise in whiche to file a financinge statemente to perfecte the sovercigne innterestliene is: (1) the wreckorder uf deeds, if (b) the financinge statemente is filed as a phixture philing ande the collaterall is goods that are or are to become phixtures; or (2) the mayore in all other cases, including a case in whiche the collateral is goods that are or are to become phixtures ande the financinge statemente is not filed as a phixture philing. (b) the offise in whiche to file a financinge statemente to perfect a sovereigne inntereste in collaterall, including phixtures, uf trannsmitting utiitie is the offise uf the mayore. the financinge statemente also konstitutes a phixture philing as to the collaterall indicated in the financinge statemente whiiche is or is to bekome phixtures. {§ 28:9-515 duratione ande effecktiveness uf financinge statemente: effect uf lapsed financinge statemente. (f) if a debter is a trannsmitting utilitie ande a maid innitiall financinge statemente so indicates, the financinge statemente is effective until a terminashun statemente is filed. §28:9-521 unniversall kommerciale kode | financinge statemente sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne kredditore: empire state ov morocco united states for northwest amexem_ _moorishe nationall reepublick federall governmente choctaaw konsulate ‘Near [Columbus, union state society of Mississippi] land of flowers, northwest amexem, morocco email (optional) . sende akknowledgemente too: empire state ov morocco united states for ammerica ‘moorishe nationall reepblick federall governmente choctaaw konsulate ‘Near (Columbus, union state society of Mississippi] land of flowers, northwest amexem, morocco corporate debter | naim [Saul Lepold doing business as SAUL LEPOLD] ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereuf [c/o 80 Business Park Drive, Suite 110, Armonk, New York 10504] IMCN#244CHO+999:9040842_ Affidavit of Univeral Commerical Code 1 FINANCING STATEMENT m= Ss iy » corporate debter 2 naim [Lepold & Associates PLLC doing business as LEPOLD & ASSOCIATES PLLC] [SAUL LEPOLD doing business as MANAGING MEMBER OF LEPOLD & ASSOCIATES] ande all heires assignes principals ‘agentes ande derivativs thereuf [c/o 80 Business Park Drive, Suite 110, Armonk, New York 10504] corporate debter 3 [New Rez LLC doing business as NEW REZ, LLC doing business as Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing doing business as SHELLPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING] ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereuf [c/o Post Office Box 10826 , Greenville , South Carolina 29603] corporate debter 4 {INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE doing business as EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 38-3888529 doing business as [SHELLPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING Jande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereof [ c/o P.O. Box 806532 , Cincinnati, Ohio 45280] corporate debter 5 [INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE doing business as EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER [ 83-1292023] doing business as [LEPOLD & ASSOCIATES PLLC Jande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereof [ c/o P.O. Box 806532 , Cincinnati, Ohio 45280] corporate debter 6 [INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE doing business as EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER [ 85-1633579] doing business as [KNOWZAK MECHANICAL LLC Jande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereof [ c/o P.O. Box 806532 , Cincinnati, Ohio 45280] corporate debter 7 [ Knowzak Mechanical LLC doing business as KNOWZAK MECHANICAL LLC ] ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereof [ c/o 14 Rolling Way, New Rochelle, New York 10804] corporate debter 8 [ Shurland Leander Campbell doing business as SHURLAND LEANDER CAMPBELL doing business as KNOWZAK MECHANICAL LLC ] ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereof [elo 14 Rolling Way, New Rochelle, New York 10804] corporate debter 9 [KNOWZAK MECHANICAL LLC doing business as STANDARD SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK POLICY NUMBER L.90130-00 ] ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereof { c/o 14 Rolling Way, New Rochelle, New York 10804] corporate debter 10 [ 80 Business Park Drive, Suite 110, Armonk, New York 10504 doing business as 80 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE, SUITE 110, ARMONK, NEW YORK 10504 J ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereuf [c/o 80 Business Park Drive, Suite 110, Armonk, New York 10504] comporate debter 11 [Supreme Court of Westchester County doing business as SUPREME COURT OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY doing business as [ CASE BOND NUMBER 64958/2022] [ 66160/2022] doing business as UNITED STATES SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 062-68-6146 doing business as SHURLAND LEANDER CAMPBELL] ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereuf | c/o 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, White Plains, New York 10601) corporate debter 12 [James L Hyer doing business as JAMES L.. HYER ] | Janet C. Malone doing business as JANET C. MALONE] doing business as SUPREME COURT JUDGE OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY COURT] [Lisa D” Angelo doing business as LISA D* ANGELO doing business as CHIEF CLERK OF SUPREME COURT OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY COURT] ande all es principals agentes ande derivativs thereof [ c/o 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, White Plains, ‘New York 10601] Lien placed on Debter 21 and 22, Janet C. Malone and her Office at Supreme Court Judge Of Westchester County Court ,February 17, 2024. Janet C. Malone Has No Insurance Bond and No License Register with the Empire State of ‘Morocco to do Business on our land. Not a Government Official 8 a IMCN+24+CHO+99949949842_AMidvit of Universal Commerical C corporate debter 12 Lien placed on Debter 62 and 63, Lisa D’ Angelo and her Office at Chief Clerk of Supreme Court Of Westchester County Court February 17, 2024. Lisa D’ Angelo Has No Insurance Bond and No License Register with the Empire State of Morocco to do Business on our land. Not a Government Official corporate debter 13 [Supreme Court Of Westchester County doing business as SUPREME COURT OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY] doing business as [ CASE BOND NUMBERY 64958/2022] doing business as 14 Rolling Way, New Rochelle , New York 10804 doing business as Parcel Number Section 7 Block 2697 and Lot 106] ande all heires assignes principals agentes ‘nde derivativs thereuf [c/o 111 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, White Plains, New York 10601] corporate debter 14 [14 Rolling Way, New Rochelle , New York 10804 doing business as_ 14 ROLLING WAY, NEW ROCHELLE , NEW YORK 10804 ] ande all heires assignes principals agentes ande derivativs thereuf Jc/o 14 Rolling Way, New Rochelle , New York 10804 doing business as Parcel Number Section 7 Block 2697 and Lot 106] Lein was Placed on the corporate address and Parcel Number on December 27, 2023 15. sovereigne unniversall origeneall enndigeneous kredditore. united states for north america, en capitis diminutio nolo, en propria persona sui juris, all rightes ekxercized at all tymes moorishe nationalrall governmente 16. ennter sovereigne moorishe american appellashun all soverigne origeneall enndigeneous moorishe ammerican autograffs fore this ande all sovereigne united states of america ‘governmente dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord at america.the peeple who are the sovereigne unniversall rigeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne kredd en capitis diminutio nolo en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo en proprio heredes all rightes ekksercized at all tymes 17. posting locatione ‘empire state ov moroceo united states for northwest amexem moorishe nationallreepublick federall governmente choctaaw konsulate ‘Near [Columbus, union state society of Mississippi] land of flowers, northwest amexem, morocco 18.collateral: this financinge statemente covers the following collateral this judishiall verrdicte isa law full financinge statemente that cuvers the followinge kollateral: the kollaterall covvered bye this financinge statemente is $250,000,000 in gold backed sovereigne currency fore eache sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous anciente ancesstral parcell the debter occupys on the lande that all soveriegne origieneall enndigeneous moorishe americans whoo are the sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne united states of america, to include the de jure moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente, the moorishe american konsulate, ande the moorishe divyne ande national movemente uf the earthe are heires to. this is pursuante to anciente sovereigne supreme universall naturall divyne lawe. this is justise ande etternall ennvocatione uf emminente dominione by all moors who possesse all lande, all property, ande all kommerce. the moorishe american golde standard haz beene activaited. the sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous naturall divyne moorishe al moroccan phlagg shall floate at all propperties on our sovereigne lande at all tymes nune pro tunc 19.checke onley if applickable ande checke onley one box: collaterall is xx helde en the universall truste uf the peepel who are the united states of america ande the ‘moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente. 1 being administered by a decedent's personal representative. 19a. check onley if applickable ande checke onley one box: 1 public-finance transaction manufactured-home transaction. 20. Dawud Bilal Abdullah Bey is the creditor is the living transmitting utility 20a. checke onley if applikcable ande checke onley one box: DB agricultural lien o non-uec philing 20b. alternative designation (if applicabul): 0 lessee/lessor 0 konsignee/konsignor o seller/buyer = IMCN#24+CHO1999+9940842_Alfidavit of Universal Commerical Code | FINANCING STATEMENT bailer/bailor a licensee/licensor 21. this instrument is a natural creation, and itis owned by dawud bill abdullah bey at ani yun wiya territory. This is conveyed into The Knowzak Living Moor Trust under record number men+23+sp+1999+99+9740 and Ani Yun Wiya ‘Territory Trust under record number men+23+ani-+r999+99+9688, and the Moorish National Republic Federal Government Trust under record number macn+r999999999, and the Moorish Divine & National Movement of The World record number macw-+1333333333, 22. opptional filer reference data (maximum principal enndebtediness) we, the moorishe al moroccan at northe west amexem, are the exxecutors, ministars, kredditores, klaiments,trusteez ande benephiciaries uv all lande, all naturall reesources, ande all kommerce. ‘en honoure, i, dawnd bilal abdullah bey n capitis diminutio nolo ande we, thee divynne sovereigne beings affirm that we arre thee sovereigne naturall ande divyne beings here en proklaimed en capitis diminutio nolo en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes ande affirmede bye law full bearthrighte being law fullie universallie quallified ande kommpetent to affirme this dockumente. we therefour plaice ourr sovereigne handes ande seall heretwo ande en favorr uf all moorishe al moroccan nationals. kyros day 08 -month July year 2024 wna fea ble whl by all soverigne origeneall enndigeneous moorishe al moroccan autografts fore this ande all sovereigne ‘united states of morocco governmente dockumentes are on thee publick wreckord at morocco. {justises/vizirs/ministars en propria persona sui juris en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes. all sovereigne rightes exxercised at all tymes. north weste aftica / south west aftica /northe gate / addjoininge islamds ‘empire state ov morocco united states for nothwest amexem ‘moorishe nationall reepublic federall governmente choctaaw konsulate ‘Near [Columbus, union state society of Mississippi] and of flowers, northwest amexem, morocco ‘amen, amen dco wbis, quacamgue aligavets super team crant iat et eo in caclo et quaccunqu solvers super team erat solu ein acto ‘amen, amen dio voi, qutcumuealigaveris super tram eront igi et ego in caeo et quaecumque solvers sper teram erat sola ein cacio ‘amen. amen dio via, qurcumauealiaveris super tram erunt igi tego in caelo et quaccumgue solvers sper tram erat solua ein clo to things enti law fl afidavd, nor ourespokin affidevids, nor our sent fidavids shall be enterpreted ob Konnsrued as konnsente to any *jrndeshon that isnot en te jurisdishun uf our anscenteanncessrll ennherited estat t any pointe en tyme ‘Squam Pomack Territory 2024 July 08 Judges Mailroom ee dt Mon On hah el, IMcwr2tsc110+999190:982_Afidait of Univers Commer Cale 1 FINANCING STATEMENT. 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