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DATE: 28/3/2024
sajanpreet Kaur
Deforestation: A call to save Forests

Forests are home to 80% of land animals and

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"Amazon rainforest, 'lungs of the Earth,' lost
17% forest cover." Therefore, acting towards
these effects is crucial.

Effects of

Disruption to the water cycle Loss of Habitat


Increased drought Increased flooding

flooding floods.
The poster about deforestation was made to draw inhabitants' attention to the severe consequences of
this phenomenon. Some key impacts that are presented on the poster page are loss of Habitat, wildfires,
disruption to the hydrological cycle, floods, and drought increase.

In my poster, I symbolize the fundamental role the forests have in our ecosystems by featuring them as
the main theme. They clean our air, produce oxygen, and are the habitats where most of the world's
plants live. “The inclusion of water in my design symbolizes the crucial role that trees play in the overall
water cycle, showing how deforestation can destabilize this relationship and decrease the quality of our
environment.” I include the animals pictured on my poster, proving the position of forests as the home to
a wide range of species and thus proving the importance of conservation. The total country’s
biodiversity is very high and can be mostly found in forests, whereas forest land is used very quickly,
and thus conservation actions become more important.

" The dark shade of green applied as the main color on the poster indicates the life and beauty of a forest
with all its inhabitants. It acts as a striking reminder of the value and beauty of protecting our natural

Through my poster, which emphasizes deforestation, views will be influenced to effect change,
including intending to volunteer through reforestation campaigns, coming up with policies on
conserving forests, and using fewer products that are related to deforestation.

Generally, the poster’s purpose is to educate viewers concerning the deforestation multi-faced impact of
deforestation and serve as an impetus for them to act or mitigate forest degradation as well as sustain the
efficient and efficient use of the land.

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