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A. Chose the best answer below !

1. I wan to eat an ….
a. apples
b. Aple
c. apple

2. do you want some.…. ?

a. cookie
b. Cookies
c. cokies

3. there are four…

a. tomato
b. tomatos
c. tomatoes

4. kentang in English is….

a. Potato b. tomato c. onion
5. carrot in Bahasa is…
a. Kentang b. wortel c. cabai
6. Ini adalah sebuah mangga in English is…
a. This is a mango
b. This is an mango
c. This is mango
7. There are…
a. potato
b. Three potatos
c. Three potatoes
8. pineapple in bahasa is…
a. apel b. nanas c. anggur
9. Ada lima apel in English is…
a. apples
b. There are five apple
c. There are five apples
10. mangga in English is…
a. mango b. mangosteen c. mangos
11. Five carrots in Bahasa is…
a. Lima cabai b. lima wortel c. lima kentang
12. Ada tiga kue in English is…
a. There are three cookie
b. There are three cookies
c. There is three cookies
13. anggur in English is…
a. grape b. green c. good
14. Sebuah mangga in English is…
a. An mango b. a mango c. a mangoes
15. I want to eat an
a. apple b. mango c. grape
B. Fill the blank using the correct answers!

1. Mango in Bahasa is …………………………………

2. Three tomatoes in Bahasa is …………………………….
3. grape in Bahasa is …………………………….
4. apple in Bahasa is …………………………………
5. Two pineapples in Bahasa is ……………………………….

C. Answer the questions with the correct answers!

Translate into Bahasa for 1 – 4 !

1. There are three pineapples
2. I want to eat a pear
3. thanks …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
grape ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
mango …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Three potatoes
5. Mention five foods in English !

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