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MSc in Major

Programme Management

A part-time masters for experienced programme managers

Executive degree programmes at Oxford Saïd


MSc in Major Programme


Key facts

Qualification Entry
MSc awarded by the University of Oxford
Good first-class, or upper second-class
honours and at least 7 years of relevant

Duration professional experience

2 years

Format 8 assignments and a dissertation
(10,000 words)
8 compulsory modules
of typically 5 days each
Start date
Location (1 intake per year)

Taught modules held in Oxford, UK with

continuous study completed from home

‘We live in an era of unprecedented grand challenges and

disruption. Whether climate change, COVID-19, or technological
transformation ranging from additive manufacturing to
artificial intelligence and augmented reality, major programme
managers are at the frontlines. Amidst this ever-present and
ever-changing reality, effective design of major programmes must
encompass understanding and meeting the needs of complex
stakeholders and organisations, as well as cope with uncertain
inputs, planning timescales, and even elusively defined outputs.
The MSc in Major Programme Management will uniquely
equip you to recognise and effectively deliver opportunities
amidst such change through an innovative curriculum,
cutting-edge research and pedagogical methods that
blend leadership acumen, systems thinking, stakeholder
governance, programme design, and risk management.
We look forward to you taking this exciting journey
with us and cultivating your creative solutions towards
addressing these transformative issues of our time.’
Daniel Armanios
BT Professor and Chair of Major Programme Management

Why study the MSc in Major

Programme Management?

The Oxford MSc in Major Programme Management is

an intellectually rich programme delivered in an efficient
modular structure designed to be studied part-time.

Programmes present complex challenges Benefits to you

Major programmes are more than just big projects, they may • Take a broader and more strategic view of programme
have budgets that run into billions of pounds, they may last management – positioning you as a leader.
five years or more from concept to completion and they are
likely to have a vast array of competing stakeholder interests. • Debate and develop the tools, skills and concepts needed
to deliver successful major projects and programmes,
Major programmes can be seen across sectors and all helping you to progress to the highest level in your career.
over the world, and have the power to be transformational.
The skills and competencies of project management are • Access the latest research and thinking in major
useful when managing these programmes, but they are not programme management from world-leading University of
sufficient. A greater level of understanding is required that is Oxford faculty and industry practitioners.
distinct from the traditional practices of project management.
• Exchange experiences and discuss challenges and
The nature of major projects, having intersecting and moving successes with a senior peer group, from a broad range of
parts, requires leadership akin to that of a CEO. The MSc industries and who are working around the world.
develops you as an individual to approach these challenges
• Gain exposure to the top ranks of programme
and equips you with the tools to drive your project to
management and business practice through forums, guest
completion on time, to budget and to defined deliverables.
lecture series and other networking opportunities at the
Business School and wider University, including access to
the resources of the Major Projects Association.

• Grow your professional network with lifelong membership

to an Oxford college and membership of the Oxford
Business Alumni Network.

Hear from our alumni

Tom Denwood Siji Sowonola

Executive Director for Data, Insights and Statistics, Head of Project Engineering,
NHS Digital Oil and Gas Consultant

‘I use what I learned on the MSc to ‘My great aunt, Lady Kofo Ademola: the
underpin, and to reflect upon, the critical first black African woman to graduate from
decisions I make. The insights I gained Oxford. Her accomplishments made the
on the programme have allowed me to family incredibly proud. The challenges
consider things with greater depth and she overcame inspire me to push myself
confidence which has led to more effective decision making. every day, including following in her footsteps by graduating
from Oxford. Last year, I was having a discussion with a golf
With the major responsibilities I have been proud to
buddy who happened to be an MSc in Major Programme
take on in the last few years the benefits of the MSc
Management alumni, he introduced the programme to me
in Major Programme Management are not just being
and said it would be the best fit for the type of career I had.
felt by me, but ultimately by the members of the
It is probably one of the best pieces of advice I ever received.’
public from the UK and around the world that these
Major Programmes have been designed to serve.’

Leah Malla Rackovsky Claire Smith

Founder, Director,
Azamra Capital LLC CH Smith Consulting Ltd
‘After graduating from the Diploma ‘Part of the discipline of the programme
in Financial Strategy in 2013, I chose is to give shape, structure and form to
to come back and pursue a degree what can be a jumble of past experiences,
that is more suitable for me at this past studies, half-grasped lessons and
time of my life as a parent and my current predicaments. I am still in touch
career, and more importantly, which will give me the with members of my cohort. It is a great community of
necessary skills to develop large scale programmes in professional practitioners who share the same problems,
housing, energy or digital transformation in Africa. obstacles and challenges; a real source of knowledge, support
My advice to anyone considering an Executive programme and of course, friendship.’
is “just do it”. Saïd Business School is not just a great School,
but behind this School are real people, professors and
classmates who stand ready to support and encourage you
throughout whichever venture in which you are engaged.’

Programme structure

The MSc addresses the interdisciplinary approach

that lies at the heart of major programme management. Candidates
study eight core courses, including three themes which are
fundamental to discussions throughout the entire MSc.

Programme Content and Structure


Stakeholder Management

Commercial Leadership

Managing Performance
Major Programme Risk

Programmes as
Major Programmes
Research Methods

Globalisation and
Systems Thinking

Governance and


Managing Risk

Designing and Managing Successful Programmes


Programme themes

Programmes as organisations
Major programmes are far more than scaled-up projects.
The answer to successful delivery lies not in ‘better’ project
management but instead through conceiving programmes
as temporary organisations with the implied requirement
for deeper understanding of organisational structure and
behaviour and appreciation of how these affect programme
outcomes. As a result, Major Programme Managers need to
develop the competencies in strategy and governance found
amongst the best General Managers and Executive Officers.

Risk and uncertainty

A crucial element of the challenges facing Major Programme
Managers is the need to deal with complexity and risk.
The failure to deal with risk can be seen all too clearly
in the ongoing reports of programmes failing to achieve
outcomes and suffering escalating costs and delivery
delays. Such risks include technical, financial, contractual
and political challenges. A key focus is anticipating and
identifying and cataloguing of problems, causes and cures.

Stakeholder engagement
Engaging and managing internal and external stakeholders
is an aspect of the complexity inherent in programmes
and one with a critical effect on success. This close
connection means that vision, negotiation and partnering
become important attributes to engage and align internal
teams and the extended network of ‘buyers’ and ‘builders’
whose support is vital across the programme life-cycle.
Fundamental topics include the role of the programme
leader, human factors and organisational behaviour.


Gateway + Designing Major Programme Risk Systems Thinking

and Managing Successful

• Programmes as organisations • How risk fools you • System design

• Organisation design • Risk in context • Coping with change
• Theoretical perspectives • The planning fallacy • Choosing metrics
• Practical challenges • Strategic misrepresentation • Coping with complexity
• Recurrent themes • The outside view • Factors for success
• ‘De-risking’

After a two-day induction ‘gateway’ Informed by internationally recognised Effective systems design and
designed to prepare students for the research, this course will investigate engineering are the core of a
programme, this course develops the nature of risk in the management successful major programme.
candidates’ understanding of major of major programmes. Crucial
programmes as a governance structure links between risk and the other This course will introduce
and a distinctive organisational form. disciplines associated with project participants, from technical and
and programme management will non-technical backgrounds, to the
It investigates the concept of projects be identified and integrated. central concepts and assumptions
and programmes as temporary of systems engineering.
organisations, and explores the Participants will explore how
consequences of organising by risk manifests across a range of You will explore the real-world issues
programmes. You will consider the programme sectors, and develop a affecting systems engineering,
relevance of organisational theory to sound understanding of the role of with a particular complex emphasis
major programmes, and reflect on policy, planning and management on the effects. The course will
organisational design in the context in pre-empting such risk. The be interdisciplinary in nature and
of programme performance. theoretical and practical skills required practically-grounded, with practitioner-
to address the challenges posed led case studies and intensive
by risk will be developed through team-based design activities.
practice-based tools and activities.

Governance and Commercial Leadership Research Methods

Stakeholder Management

• Assessing viability and evaluation • Identifying legal risk • Research design and
methods • Strategic alliances and general approaches
• Performance measurement and cooperative ventures • Literature search
financial metrics • Dispute resolution • Data collection
• Risk perception • Intellectual property • Data analysis
• Organisational, political and social • Due diligence and • Writing up research
context of large project financial contractual protection proposals and results
• Research ethics
• Communication and stakeholder
management and analysis

Cost overrun is one of the significant This course addresses the crucial role This course is an essential introduction
concerns facing the delivery of of contractual documentation in the to the business and management
projects and programmes. Reaching creation and management of a major research methods that are appropriate
beyond the simple mechanics, programme. Using practical, business- for researching major programme
this course will enable programme focused activities, participants will management, including both qualitative
managers to acquire and articulate a build effective contract management and quantitative approaches.
deep understanding of the financial skills that can be applied throughout Participants will be introduced to
performance of their programmes. the programme lifecycle. Detailed general research design issues,
Participants will explore the role consideration will be given to the including identifying research problems,
of financial metrics throughout the optimum structure and terms of formulating research questions, and
programme lifecycle, providing the key agreements to support project searching the academic literature, and
necessary technical knowledge success, and to the inherent risk and to specific methods for collecting and
(from procurement and negotiating complexity of contract management analysing data. The course will prepare
to auditing and reporting) for those in the programme environment. participants for planning, executing, and
without a financial background, while writing up their dissertations for both
contextualising the understanding of managerial and academic stakeholders.
experienced financial managers.

Managing Performance Globalisation and

Major Programmes

• Leadership models • Global strategy development

• Framing and reframing perspectives • Navigating political environments
• The ‘reflective practitioner’ • Stakeholder management
• Developing personal insights • Corporate social responsibility
• Leadership in a programme context • Emerging economies

This course allows participants to A differentiating characteristic of major

consider their roles as managers and programmes is the global context in
leaders in delivering the outcomes which they operate. The budgetary
expected of a major programme. scale and transformational possibilities
Working across individual, team, of a major programme can have far-
organisation and programme reaching political consequences at an
perspectives, participants examine international level, and the expectations
their own leadership style and of geographically distributed
understand how their personal stakeholders must be carefully
approach affects programme managed. This course explores
performance. You will establish the international and transnational
your capacity to act as a ‘reflective dimensions of major programmes
practitioner’ in order to continue and how they may be understood,
developing your understanding anticipated and managed. Taking a
and performance over time. strategic view, participants will consider
the impact of politics, different legal
models of enforceability, and the
particular risks that may be associated
with operating in emerging economies.

Typical class profile

Employment sector The MSc draws together a truly diverse

Consulting 5% mix of exceptional project and programme
managers. Our participants have a good
Commercial Banking 5%
first degree or equivalent professional
Construction 3% qualifications, and a minimum of seven
Consumer Goods 2% years’ relevant professional experience.
Creative Industries 3%

Defence 3%

Economic Development 2%

Education 3%

Energy / Utilities 14%

Hospitality 2% class size
Manufacturing 4%
Mining 2%
Non-profit/NGOs 3%
‘The course brings together
Other Financial Services 10% thought provoking scholars,
Programme Management Consulting 12%
the latest research and leading
Public Administration 8%

Real Estate 2% practitioners; all in a wonderful

Retail 2% learning environment. I was
Technology 2%
really glad to see that my
Telecommunications 5%
Transport 8% course colleagues are all senior,
battle-hardened practitioners
0 3 6 9 12 15 too. They are from a rich mix
Age group % of industries, and together
25 - 29 3%
with their experiences make
for fascinating discussions,
30 - 34 19%

35 - 39 29%

40 - 44 25% both in class and beyond.’

45 - 49 10%
Edward Carroll
50 - 54 7%
55+ 7%

0 5 10 15 20 25

Data based on the 2020 intake. Decimals are rounded up to

the nearest percentile.


Africa 12% Latin America 3%

Asia 8% Middle East 15%

Australasia 3% North America 22%

Europe (excluding UK) 20% UK 17%


22% 20%

15% 8%




Selected faculty

The University of Oxford’s faculty members

come from around the world and are
leaders in their field, engaged in boundary-
extending research on key management
issues, and with experience in industry.
The MSc also benefits from the substantial
involvement of senior practitioners from
a range of sectors as guest speakers.

Guy Ainsley Eamonn Molloy

Programme Director Module lead: Designing and managing
successful programmes
Over a varied career, Guy has worked at a
senior level across the automotive industry Dr Molloy is the Tutorial Fellow in
from vehicle and component manufacturing Management Studies at Pembroke
to retailing. He continues to provide change College, and Associate Fellow at Saïd
management and strategic development Business School, University of Oxford.
consultancy services to automotive businesses. He is internationally recognised for
his research that develops innovative approaches to
Guy completed the MSc in Major Programme Management
understanding complex organisation design, with
as a member of Cohort 3. He holds a PhD in Management
particular emphasis on the strategic dynamics of project,
from the University of Birmingham, an M.Ed in Teaching and
programme and portfolio based organisations, and the role
Learning in Higher Education from the University of Sheffield,
of technology in professional and organisational change.
and an MBA from Henley Business School, University of
Reading. In addition, Guy holds postgraduate certificates in He is an Honorary Fellow of the International Consulting
academic practice and advanced research methods and skills. Economists Association (ICEA) and an Associate Fellow
He is a fellow of Advance HE and a governor of West Herts of the Economic and Social Research Council’s Centre for
College Group, a progressive further education institution. Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance (SKOPE).
He teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate
level including teaching on the Oxford MBA and the
Major Projects Leadership Academy (MPLA).
Alexander Budzier
Module lead: Major programme risk
Alexander’s research focuses on the
challenges of managing projects, not only
in the field of IT but also in hard and soft
infrastructure, energy, mega events and
organisational change. He teaches and
develops courses on project and programme management,
risk management, and systems thinking.
He completed his doctoral studies at Saïd Business School
in 2014. Prior to joining Oxford, he worked at T-Mobile
International and was a consultant with McKinsey’s Business
Technology Office in Düsseldorf and Chicago, where he
advised clients on IT and operations issues.
Now, Alexander works with private and public sector
organisations to build their individual and organisational
capabilities to master the challenges of working with, in and
around projects and programmes.

Janet Smart Howard Ashcraft

Module lead: Systems Thinking Module lead: Commercial Leadership
Dr Smart is Reader in Operations Howard Ashcraft is a practicing construction
Management at Saïd Business School. lawyer with extensive experience in major
Her areas of expertise include systems infrastructure projects, especially those using
engineering, complex systems, big science advanced and innovative project delivery
projects, and programme management. She methods.
joined Saïd Business School in 2007 and helped establish the
He is particularly well-known for developing the theory
MSc in Major Programme Management. Dr Smart’s research
and recommended practices for collaborative project
and teaching are in the area of systems engineering and
delivery approaches, such as Integrated Project Delivery,
in the design, delivery and management of large, complex
and in integrating technology with project delivery. He,
projects. Her key interest is in the adaptation of project
with his Hanson Bridgett team, has structured hundreds
management methods to suit the circumstances of particular
of collaborative projects and has used these experiences
projects and organizations. She is currently working with two
to evolve the advanced project delivery. Many of the key
contrasting sectors – big science projects and museums. She
publications and texts for IPD were authored, or co-authored,
took her undergraduate degree in Physics at the University
by Howard.
of Oxford, and her PhD in computing at the University
of Durham. Dr Smart was Director of Undergraduate In addition to his transactional practice, Howard has
Programmes at Saïd Business School from 2008 to 2015, significant experience with complex construction litigation.
and teaches Operations Management on the undergraduate
degree programme in Economics and Management.

Kate Blackmon
Module lead: Research methods
Paolo Quattrone Dr Blackmon is Associate Professor in
Module lead: Governance and stakeholder management Operations Management and a Tutorial
Fellow in Management Studies at Merton
Prof Quattrone is Professor and Chair
College, University of Oxford. She was
of Accounting, Governance and Social
the Senior Proctor in 2014-15 and has
Innovation at the University of Edinburgh
contributed to university administration, especially in
Business School and Co-Director of the
research ethics and the Bodleian Library. Her chief areas
Centre for Accounting and Society and
of interest include operations strategy and how to help
Associate Fellow at Saïd Business School. Before joining
businesses achieve optimal performance, how gender and
Edinburgh, Paolo Quattrone was Professor of Accounting
diversity can be managed in organisations, the innovation
and Management Control at IE Business School, Madrid, and
and evolution of new business models in professional
Reader in Accounting at the Saïd Business School, and Fellow
service firms, and the design of research methods for
of Christ Church, at the University of Oxford. He was also a
business and management research. She is co-author
Fulbright New Century Scholar at Stanford University. A truly
with Dr Harvey Maylor of Researching Business and
international scholar, he has conducted research and taught
Management (Palgrave), and is completing a book on the
at the Universities of Catania, HEC-Paris, Kyoto, Madrid
gender gap in leadership, Leading Women, for OUP.
Carlos III, Manchester, Oxford, Palermo, Siena, Stanford and
Luigi Bocconi of Milan. His work addresses questions related
to the emergence and diffusion of accounting and managerial
practices in historical and contemporary settings.

Sue Dopson
Module lead: Managing Performance
Sue is Professor of Organisational Behaviour,
Fellow of Green Templeton College and
Deputy Dean of Saïd Business School.
She has a BSc in sociology, MSc in sociology
with special reference to medicine, MA
(Oxon) and a PhD studying the introduction of general
management into the NHS. She is a fellow of the academy of
Social Sciences.
Sue conducts research in a range of public and private
sector organisations, in the areas of innovation, change and
healthcare studies.

Atif Ansar
Module lead: Globalisation and major programmes
Dr Ansar is Fellow of Keble College,
University of Oxford. His research focuses on
delivering major infrastructure and integrated
real estate programmes cheaper, faster, and
with greater sensitivity to the needs of end-
users. Dr Ansar’s research with colleagues has been widely
profiled in the media. He also teaches on the Master in Public
Policy (MPP) and the Masters in Business Administration
(MBA), and helps deliver executive education programmes
such as the UK Government’s Major Projects Leadership
Academy (MPLA) for top civil servants. Dr Ansar has been a
fixture at the University of Oxford since 2006. From 2006-
2010 he undertook his DPhil (PhD), at Brasenose College,
with the prestigious Clarendon Scholarship, and from 2010-
2013 was a post-doctoral Research Fellow with Professor
Bent Flyvbjerg at Saïd Business School. From 2013-2015 he
served as a Lecturer at the Blavatnik School of Government.
He leads the Globalisation and Major Programmes module.

Benefits to your organisation

Informed by cutting-edge research, this MSc brings together

experienced executives to collectively raise the standards of
‘I believed that if Arcadis could tap
programme management worldwide. It combines academic into this research we would materially
rigour with a practical approach to managing successful
large-scale, complex and transformational projects to deliver improve our offer in the market by
significant value to your organisation.
providing our clients with a more assured
Organisations sponsoring candidates through
the MSc will see benefits including: outcome and improved predictability.
• Mind-set shift to a focus on leadership over The only way I could do this was by
technical skills, increased confidence and ability
to lead teams and programmes to success
joining the course.
• Better management of the risks and complexity inherent
in major programmes, giving the ability to question, I can quite honestly say that it is
navigate uncertainty and plan for improved outcomes
one of the best things I have done in
• Enhanced ability to understand, communicate
with, and manage the performance of, internal and my professional career. The ideas
external stakeholders, leading to better outcomes
including those around risk and reputation generated by collaborating with new
• The modular format which enables your executive to colleagues from different industries
study and develop while remaining a productive and
contributing member of the management team and different cultures from around the
• An experienced peer group that continue as world was invaluable.
a go-to resource to ensure your executive is
continually challenged and challenging – and brings
new knowledge and ideas to the business I found that as an organisation we could
• The dissertation, the subject of which is the choice immediately re-cycle the new concepts
of each student. This could be used to examine and
address a current organisational challenge and provide and innovative approaches both for sales
recommendations to transform the business.
as well as delivery.’
Our cohorts see a mixture of self-funded and company
sponsored candidates, with sponsorship varying around
Peter Madden
levels of funding support, and time away to attend modules
Chief Operating Officer,
in Oxford or to focus on the dissertation.
Arcadis UK LLP
Many companies choose to sponsor several candidates
within an intake or over several intake years, thereby creating,
within the organisation, a common understanding and
positive shift in performance across teams.

The Oxford experience

Saïd Business School is one of the world’s leading and most

entrepreneurial business schools. An integral part of the University
of Oxford, the School embodies the academic rigour and forward
thinking that has made Oxford a world leader in education.

Saïd Business School is dedicated to developing a new

generation of business leaders and entrepreneurs, and
‘Getting involved with your college is
conducting research not only into the nature of business, but another great way to take advantage
the connections between business and the wider world. The
School combines the highest standards of academic rigour of what Oxford has to offer. My
with a practical understanding of business. Our faculty are
engaged in boundary-extending research on key management
college has a very friendly graduate
issues, in dialogue with the wider intellectual community and community, a beautiful environment
with practitioners.
and a wonderful history. They regularly
The collegiate system
As an Oxford student, you will belong to one of the run really thought-provoking talks,
University’s 39 colleges. College life will enrich your time at
Oxford, offering you the chance to meet with students and
and of course you can always take part
faculty from diverse academic backgrounds in situations in college sport.’
ranging from high table dinners to college balls. Each college
has its own distinct identity and culture, and colleges have
David Wright
their own alumni societies and professional networks that
Non-Exec Director, All Cloud Networks and Strategic
complement those offered to graduates by Oxford University
Moves Consulting
and Saïd Business School. Whichever college you join, you
will probably develop a strong loyalty to it that will stay with
you way beyond graduation.

Please see the website for colleges offering

membership to MSc participants:

Your alumni network

Graduates are Oxonians for life. You will become both a

member of the Oxford Business Alumni Network (OBA) -
‘The Oxford experience has afforded
Saïd Business School’s official global business network, me an all-in-one concoction of subject
the University of Oxford’s Alumni network and the online
Alumni Community – a professional networking platform. matter experts, mental sparring
partners, esteemed colleagues, business
associates, angel investors, respected
25,000 peers and most of all, personal friends,
diversely spread across the globe. While
OBA members
the master’s programme lasted two
years, the connections however, will

150 last a lifetime, continually growing, as

multiple networks pleasantly collide,
countries forging new ties, new relationships
and new interactions. Oxford lives to
over its reputation as a world class student
300,000 village with an intellectual ecosystem
that is self-sufficient and sustainable.’
University of Oxford Alumni

Ramana Rajalingam
Director, Special Projects, Khazanah Nasional, Strategic
Investment Fund of the Government of Malaysia

How to apply

Requirements Scholarship available to women

• A good undergraduate degree or equivalent Saïd Business School is dedicated to developing exceptional
professional qualifications. project and programme managers to meet the world’s
greatest challenges. We believe that greater diversity within
• A minimum of seven years’ relevant professional
the project team positively affects the outcome of a project.
• A Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or One of the ways we show our support for greater diversity
International English Language Test Scheme (IELTS) if is by funding scholarships for exceptional female candidates.
English is not your native language. Candidates with a We also offer Director’s Award, open to candidates who can
degree from, or significant experience of working in, an effectively demonstrate how they will enhance the diversity of
English speaking country may be granted exemption from their cohort.
this requirement.
Please see the website for detailed information and alumni
Please see our website for further information on our English scholar profiles.
language requirements.
Candidates who wish to be considered for a scholarship will
TOEFL iBT TOEFL Paper IELTS need to apply by the scholarship application deadline and
upload an additional supporting statement.
Minimum score 110 630 7.5

The application process Payment of fees

• Candidates apply online at • The cost of the 2023/25 programme is £52,560 including:
• All applicants will be required to supply transcripts of their • Tuition, lunch, refreshments and one college dinner
previous higher education qualifications and official English per module.
language test scores.
• Membership to an Oxford college for two years.
• Two professional or academic references are required.
• Applicants who are offered and accept a place on the
We would normally expect one of these to be from your
programme are asked to pay a 15% non-refundable
line manager.
deposit, which is offset against their fees. The deposit is
• Applicants are required to complete written work as due 30 days after notification of acceptance.
described in the application form.
• The remainder of the programme fee is due in two
• Selected applicants will then be invited to interview, instalments, 50% to be paid before the first year of study
usually conducted by telephone or video call. and 35% before the second year of study.
• Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their • Participants should also budget for accommodation during
application as soon as possible, generally 5-10 working the modules, travel to and from Oxford, and the purchase
days following completed application or interview. of essential texts.

Next steps
Get in touch today

We would be delighted to discuss the MSc

in Major Programme Management with you.
Please contact Kate Richards-Whitworth
with your questions or your CV by emailing:
or call: +44 (0)7763 579352

Further information

For further information please see the

programme website:
Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford blends the best of new and old. We are a vibrant and
innovative business school, but yet deeply embedded in an 800-year-old world-class university. We create
programmes and ideas that have global impact. We educate people for successful business careers, and as a
community seek to tackle world-scale problems. We deliver cutting-edge programmes and ground-breaking
research that transform individuals, organisations, business practice, and society. We seek to be a world-class
business school community, embedded in a world-class university, tackling world-scale problems.

Taught Programmes Open Executive Education Custom Executive Education

• MBA We provide leaders and Bespoke learning solutions for

• Oxford 1+1 MBA organisations a place to evolve – to organisations to help address critical
step back from the intensity of day- business challenges and to drive
• Executive MBA
to-day operations and to think about change.
• MSc in Financial Economics the future in both on-campus and
• MSc in Global Healthcare online programmes.
To learn more visit:
Our programmes cover a broad
• MSc in Major Programme range of topic areas:
• Digital Transformation
• MSc in Law and Finance
• Entrepreneurship
• Diploma in Artificial Intelligence
for Business • Finance

• Diploma in Financial Strategy • Social Impact

• Diploma in Global Business • Innovation

• Diploma in Organisational • Leadership

Leadership • Strategy
• Diploma in Strategy • Sustainability
and Innovation
• BA in Economics To learn more visit:
and Management
Research Programmes
• DPhil in Management
• DPhil in Finance

Saïd Business School

University of Oxford
Park End Street
Oxford, OX1 1HP Version: October 2022

United Kingdom All information is correct at the time of

going to press. Please check our website
for the most up-to-date information. © 2022 SAID BUSINESS SCHOOL

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