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Question Bank
CBME curriculum

Disclaimer: Majority of questions are covered below. But medical profession being
vast may have many components. If any questions are given in exam beyond this list
can also be expected.
General Anatomy

10 Marks
1. Classify Bone. Explain each with example.
2. Define joint. Classify joint with examples. Describe structure of synovial
joint with example
5 Marks
1. Classify cartilage. General features of each with examples
2. Hyaline cartilage
3. Elastic Cartilage
4. White fibrocartilage
5. Describe parts of long bone.
6. Describe blood supply of bone.
7. Describe epiphysis with example.
8. Ossification
9. Synovial joint
10. Classify muscular tissue and explain the differences.
11. Typical spinal nerve
12. Classification of connective tissue with examples
13. Anastomosis -types and example
14. Deep fascia and its modifications

3 marks
1. Sesamoid bone
2. Pneumatic bone
3. Laws of ossification
4. Structure of multipolar neuron
5. Neuroglia
6. Difference between sympathetic and parasympathetic system
7. Cells of connective tissue
8. End arteries
9. Classification of blood vessels with example
10. Anatomical position and its significance


5 Marks
1. Spermatogenesis
2. Spermiogenesis
3. Meiosis
4. Fertilization and its effects
5. Cleavage
6. Implantation- process, stages, types & sites
7. 2nd week of development of embryo
8. Gastrulation
9. Intraembryonic mesoderm and its derivatives
10. Somites and its fate
11. Placenta – formation, types and anomalies
3 marks
1. Mention effects of fertilization.
2. Capacitation
3. Graafian follicle
4. Structure of sperm
5. Difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis
6. Ectopic pregnancy
7. Zona pellucida
8. Decidua
9. Notochord
10. Derivatives of ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm
11. Neural tube defects
12. Embryological basis of twinning
13. Amniocentesis – procedure, indication and complication
14. Formation and structure of umbilical cord
15. Formation, function and fate of amnion
16. Formation function and fate of chorion
Examples of case scenario:
1. 28-year-old man visits doctor with history of infertility. Semen analysis
shows the count of 10 million per ml. What is the condition. Describe the
process of spermatogenesis.
2. 23-year married women is brought to emergency with sudden onset of
severe intolerable pain abdomen. Her pulse is feeble, and BP is 90/40mm
Hg. Her urine pregnancy test was positive. What is the diagnosis. Explain
the process of implantation.
3. A 18 year old female 12 week pregnant was found to have abnormal
ultrasound showing defect in the fetal head. She has deficiency of folic acid.
What is the probable condition affecting the fetus? Describe the formation
and fate of neural tube. Add a note on neural tube defects.

Upper Limb

10 Marks:
1. Describe Axilla: Boundaries, contents, and applied aspects
2. Describe axillary artery – origin, course, relations, parts branches and
applied aspects.
3. Describe mammary gland – extent, features, structure, blood supply,
lymphatic drainage, and applied anatomy.
4. Describe brachial plexus – formation, branches, and applied aspects.
5. Describe the deltoid muscle – origin, insertion, nerve supply action &
structures under the cover.
6. Describe Median nerve – formation, course, branches, and applied aspects.
7. Describe Radial nerve - formation, course, branches, and applied aspects.
8. Describe Ulnar Nerve – formation, course, branches, and applied aspects.
9. Describe the intrinsic muscles of hand – origin ,insertion nerve supply and
10. Describe the spaces of hand- boundaries , contents and applied anatomy
11. Describe shoulder joint- formation, type, ligaments, movements with
muscles acting and applied aspects.
12. Describe radioulnar joint - formation, type, ligaments, movements with
muscles acting and applied aspects.
5 marks
1. Cephalic vein – course, termination, tributaries, and applied aspects
2. Basilic vein - course, termination, tributaries, and applied aspects
3. Axillary lymph nodes
4. Lymphatic drainage of mammary gland
5. Clavipectoral fascia
6. Trapezius and structures under the cover
7. Rotator cuff
8. Musculocutaneous nerve
9. Brachial artery – course, termination, and branches
10. Cubital fossa – boundaries, contents & applied aspects.
11. Anastomosis around the scapula
12. Flexor retinaculum
13. Palmar aponeurosis
14. Posterior interosseus nerve
15. Lumbricals and interossei
16. Palmar arterial arch
17. Median nerve in hand
18. Ulnar nerve in hand
19. Carpel tunnel syndrome
20. Supination and pronation
21. First carpometacarpal joint
22. Wrist joint
23. Axillary nerve
3 Marks
1. Coracoid process and attachments
2. Name the carpel bones.
3. Peculiarities of clavicle
4. Median cubital vein
5. Winging of scapula
6. Erb’s palsy
7. Klumpke’s palsy
8. Triangle of auscultation
9. Extensor retinaculum
10. Anatomical snuff box
11. Wrist drop
12. Erb’s palsy
13. Klumpkes palsy
14. Horners syndrome
15. Subacromial bursa
Case scenarios – sample question only
1. 50-year-old female presents with lump in breast. On examination it is
immovable, associated with pain and pea u de orange was observed. There
is nipple retraction and axilla lymph node biopsy showed malignant cells.
What is this clinical condition? Explain the anatomical basis for each of the
above manifestations.
2. A 60-year-old man on a walk with his bulldog. Suddenly the dog runs and, in
an attempt, to stop the dog he holds the string tight. Suddenly he experiences
pain in the shoulder region. Followed by this he is unable to move his upper
limb. Also, there is loss of abduction, loss of sensation in lower part of arm.
What is his clinical condition? Explain the anatomical basis for loss of
abduction, loss of sensation in lower part of arm.
3. To escape fire a man jumps from window of 3rd floor. While falling he
attempts to catch the tree branch. Post-accident he visits the doctor with
history of inability to dorsi flex his wrist joint. What is the condition? Describe
the anatomical basis for his presentation.


5 marks
1. Describe the slide …..draw neat labelled diagram with explanation
3 marks
1. Draw neat, labelled diagram only.
2. Give the histological difference between 3 types of muscles.
3. Give the histological difference between 3 types of cartilage

Lower Limb

10 marks
1. Describe veins of lower limb – superficial, deep and perforators.
2. Femoral triangle – boundaries, contents, and applied aspects
3. Gluteus maximus and structures under the cover of it
4. Sciatic nerve – formation, course, relation, branches (can be asked as foot
drop case)
5. Hamstring muscle- origin, insertion nerve supply action and applied
6. Common peroneal nerve – origin, course, relations, and applied anatomy
7. Tibial nerve – formation, course, relations, and applied anatomy
8. Hip joint – type, articulating surfaces, ligaments, movements, and muscle
producing them and applied aspects.
9. Knee joint - type, articulating surfaces, ligaments, movements, and muscle
producing them and applied aspects.
10. Arches of foot
5 marks
1. Great saphenous vein
2. Perforators of lower limb
3. Inguinal lymph nodes
4. Fascia lata and its modifications or special features
5. Femoral artery – origin, course, and branches
6. Femoral sheath and contents
7. Femoral nerve
8. Adductor canal – boundaries and contents
9. Adductor magnus
10. Obturator nerve
11. Tredenlenberg’s sign
12. Gluteus medius
13. Popliteal fossa – boundaries and contents
14. Bursa around knee joint
15. Ligaments of knee joint
16. Menisci and cruciate ligaments
17. Locking and unlocking of knee joint
18. Ankle joint
19. Deltoid ligament
20. Subtalar joint
21. Inversion and eversion of foot
3 marks
1. Ischial tuberosity
2. Anterior superior iliac spine
3. Name tarsal bones
4. Saphenous nerve
5. Tensor fascia lata
6. Piriformis
7. Criteria to call the muscle as hamstrings.
8. Tendo achillis
9. Soleus muscle
10. Sensory supply to dorsal of foot
11. Dorsalis pedis artery


10 marks
1. Intercostal space – boundaries, contents, describe any content may be
asked in detail – musces, vessels or intercostal nerve with applied
2. Heart – external features, describe right atrium in detail with its
development and applied anatomy
3. Heart – blood supply and applied aspects

5 marks
1. Thoracic inlet
2. Diaphragm
3. Typical intercostal nerve
4. Internal thoracic artery
5. Mediastinal surface of lungs – description with diagram
6. Bronchopulmonary segments
7. Superior mediastinum
8. Posterior mediastinum
9. Superior vena cava
10. Thoracic duct
11. Azygous vein – course, tributaries and development
3 marks
1. Sternal angle
2. Sibsons fascia
3. Openings of diaphragm
4. Thoracic inlet syndrome
5. 1st rib
6. 2nd rib
7. Feature of thoracic vertebrae
8. Pulmonary ligament
9. Difference between parietal and visceral pleura
10. Recesses of pleura
11. Fibrous pericardium
12. Sinuses of pericardium
13. Branches of aorta
14. Constrictions of esophagus
1. Tracheoesophageal fistula
2. Stages of development of lung
3. Development of interatrial septum
4. Development of interventricular septum
5. Any component of heart may be asked for development
6. Tetralogy of fallot
7. Development of azygous vein


10 marks
1. Describe inguinal canal -extent, formation, rings, boundaries, contents
add a note on inguinal hernia
2. Describe testis – external features, coverings,blood supply, lymphatic
drainage and applied aspects
3. Describe stomach – any heading in chapter including development
4. Describe spleen– any heading in chapter including development
5. Describe liver – any heading in chapter including development
6. Extrahepatic biliary apparatus
7. Describe duodenum – any heading in chapter including development
8. Describe pancreas – any heading in chapter including development
9. Portocaval anastomosis
10. Portal vein – formation, relation, tributaries and development
11. Describe ceacum- – any heading in chapter including development
12. Describe vermiform appendix – any heading in chapter and surgical
13. Describe kidney -– any heading in chapter including development.
14. Describe supra renal gland – any heading in chapter including
15. Describe Urinary bladder – any heading in chapter including
16. Describe prostrate – any heading in chapter including development.
17. Describe ovary – any heading in chapter.
18. Describe fallopian tube– any heading in chapter including development.
19. Describe uterus – any heading in chapter including development.
20. Describe rectum – any heading in chapter including development.
21. Describe anal canal – any heading in chapter including development.

5 marks
1. umbilicus
2. Rectus sheath and contents
3. Inguinal ligament
4. Greater omentum
5. Lesser omentum
6. Mesentry
7. Subphrenic spaces
8. Morrisons pouch
9. Lesser sac
10. Ceoliac trunk – origin, course branches
11. Superior mesenteric artery
12. Inferior mesenteric artery
13. Abdominal aorta
14. Ureter – course, relations and constrictions
15. Thoracolumbar fascia
16. Inferior vena cava – formation, tributaries and development
17. Pelvic diaphragm
18. Lumbar plexus
19. Sacral plexus
20. Internal iliac artery – branches
21. Perinealpouches
22. Urogenital triangle
23. Anal triangle
24. Ischo rectal fossa
25. Urogenital diaphragm
26. Male urethra
27. Supports of uterus
28. Vagina

3 marks
1. Features of lumbar vertebra
2. Sex differences in sacrum
3. Sex differences in bony pelvis
4. Conjoint tendon
5. Rectus abdominis
6. Spermatic cord and contents
7. Factors maintaining integrity of inguinal canal
8. Hesselbach’s triangle
9. Difference between direct and indirect hernia
10. Layers of scrotum
11. Factors responsible for descent of testis
12. Regions of abdomen
13. Difference between parietal and visceral peritoneum
14. Root of mesentry
15. Sigmoid mesocolon
16. Pouch of Douglas
17. Epiploic foramen
18. Calots triangle
19. Difference between jejunum and ileum
20. Difference between small and large intestine
21. Perineal membrane
22. Perineal body
23. Pudendal canal and block
24. Pudendal nerve
25. Internal pudendal artery
1. Development of stomach
2. Development of duodenum
3. Septum transversum
4. Rotation of midgut
5. Meckel’s diverticulum
6. Development of liver and gall bladder
7. Development of pancreas and anomalies
8. Cloaca
9. Derivatives of foregut, midgut, and hindgut
10. Development of kidney
11. Development of urinary bladder
12. Derivatives of pronephros, meso and metanephros
13. Mesonephric duct
14. Paramesonephric duct
15. Development of uterus, fallopian tube, and vagina
16. Development of male external genitalia
17. Development of testis
18. Descent of testis
19. Development of diaphragm
Head and neck

10 marks
1. Deep cervical fascia-layers, attachments, tracing and applied anatomy [any
individual layer may be asked alone]
2. Posterior triangle – boundaries, content, and applied anatomy
3. Midline structures of neck
4. Anterior triangle – most commonly asked is carotid triangle and digatric
triangle: boundaries, content, and applied anatomy
5. External carotid artery: origin, termination, course, branches and applied
6. Parotid gland: location, features, capsule, relations, structures passing
through, nerve supply and applied anatomy
7. Muscles of mastication: origin, insertion, nerve supply action and applied
8. Maxillary artery-origin, termination, relations, bram=nches and applied
9. Temporomandibular joint- type, articular surface, relations, movements with
muscles producing, ligaments and applied anatomy
10. Mandibular nerve- course, relations, branches and applied anatomy
11. Submandibular gland – features, parts, duct, relations, nerve supply and
applied aspects
12. Thyroid gland – situation, extent, capsule, parts, relations, blood supply,
lymphatic drainage, development and applied aspects
13. Duramater and its modifications/ dural venous sinuses
14. Cavernous sinus
15. Extraocular muscles – origin, insertion, nerve supply action and applied
16. Pharynx- boundaries, parts, relation, muscles and nerve supply-applied
17. Paranasal air sinuses
18. Larynx- formation, interior,/ cavity, muscles, nerve supply and applied
5 marks
1. Ciliary ganglion
2. Otic ganglion
3. Pterygopalatine ganglion
4. Submandibular ganglion
5. Scalp – layers with applied anatomy or blood supply & nerve supply
6. Orbibular oculi
7. Orbicularis oris
8. Buccinator
9. Facial muscles – name, peculiarities, nerve supply, applied anatomy
10. Bell’s palsy
11. Facial artery
12. Lacrimal apparatus
13. Sternocleidomastoid
14. Carotid sheath
15. Pharyngeal spaces
16. Ansa cervicalis
17. Lateral pterygoid – origin, insertion, nerve supply, relations and actions
18. Infrahyoid muscles
19. Hyoglossus – origin, insertion, nerve supply action and relations
20. Subclavian artery
21. Vertebral artery
22. Internal carotid artery
23. Internal jugular vein
24. Superior cervical ganglion
25. Stellate ganglion
26. Deep cervical lymph nodes
27. Lymphatic drainage of neck
28. Scalene muscles
29. Sclenovertebral triangle
30. Cervical plexus
31. Suboccipital triangle
32. Superior sagittal sinus
33. Sigmoid sinus
34. Hypophysis cerbri
35. Middle meningeal artery
36. Soft palate- parts, structure, muscles, nerve supply, applied anatomy
37. Palatine tonsil
38. Nasopharynx
39. Muscles of pharynx/ constrictors of pharynx
40. Auditory tube-parts, relation, blood supply, applied anatomy
41. Nasal septum
42. Lateral wall of nose
43. Maxillary sinus
44. Frontal sinus
45. Pterygopalatine fossa
46. Cartilages of larynx
47. Muscles of larynx
48. Nerve supply of larynx
49. Interior of larynx
50. Muscles of tongue
51. External acoustic meatus
52. Tympanic membrane
53. Middle ear
54. Organ of corti
3 marks
1. Pterion
2. Anterior fontenelle
3. Foramen magnum
4. Styloid apparatus
5. Foramen ovale
6. Superior orbital fissure
7. Jugular foramen
8. Age changes in mandible
9. Hyoid bone
10. Atlas
11. Axis vertebra
12. Dangerous area of face
13. Parotid duct
14. Pterygoid venous plexus
15. Vertebral venous plexus
16. Trigeminal ganglion
17. Contents of orbit
18. Passavant’s ridge
19. Palatopharyngeus
20. Waldeyer’s ring
21. Killian’s dehiscence
22. Pyriform fossa
23. Mastoid antrum
1. Development of face
2. Development of palate
3. Development of tongue
4. Development of lips
5. Cleft lip and palate
6. Pharyngeal arches- any arch can be asked individually
7. Pharyngeal pouches and derivatives
8. Development of eye
9. Development of ear
10. Development of thyroid
11. Development of pituitary gland
12. Branchial fistula/cleft
13. Occipital myotomes


10 marks
1. Spinal cord -coverings and its modifications, enlargement, blood supply,
changes at various levels and applied anatomy
2. Extracranial course of facial nerve
3. Medulla
4. Pons
5. Midbrain
6. Cerebellum
7. Cerebrum- parts, features- succi, gyri, functional areas, blood supply and
applied anatomy
8. Basal ganglia
9. White matter of cerebrum – corpus callosum or internal capsule may be
asked individually
10. Lateral ventricle
11. Blood supply of brain- circle of willis
5 marks
1. Section of spinal cord
2. Oculomotor nerve or oculomotor nerve nuclear complex
3. Facial nerve
4. Vestibulocochlear nerve
5. Glossopharyngeal nerve
6. Spinal accessory nerve
7. Any section of brain stem diagram
8. Floor of 4th ventricle
9. Diencephalon
10. Thalamus
11. Hypothalamus
12. Third ventricle
13. Limbic system
14. Reticular formation
3 marks
1. Difference between cranial and spinal dura
2. Cisterns of brain
3. Brown Sequard syndrome
4. Medullary syndromes
5. Neocerebellum
6. Blood brain barrier
1.Neural tube defects
2. Neural crest

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