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FoRwula « BENDING ie “5 ee “bacbokad spa the 2 a compute " cote at i ithe Fh allowable. fendi hes i 4 4 M-= moon ome “ShEAR sigs: | ia G. Hr ate! wit eC Orveb no © orion shaming tein ee = orca by. y bufin 8 [CPD BT ith peat sagas. | ly = vertical, distance away From. NA moment. oF inert, the 1A, V5 moaimum. shear Tlge dep | | bes web thickness. i: | $7 Section. .modulas i: lb * highness” of Ahe, Web. ehh #4 Cee Spe gee tay OF fb. 4 Bs sr OG) 4 zepepaee + tobe) fa CHG # Ting): 46 oF ae dalsiete i BE) x (YO) + Cutbyas) gala: j ~ EXAMPLE RL 158. SOLNIN G FOR INERTI: oe aoe) eh Yo: alae are +. +t _ (ayo)in rt Pais) jell “tf men peony) Fe oben) CuoiGHIOU)E md ne ipl yp A) + lo Cunt 250 (0), eB pm sino 1: ime 4 f SB ee] eH pe om ney Qa none at Ld ~souirion #2 ek Ea bet P2Go¢-n emt SOuURON HS | i ? Fi th Te slat be cou (tant | arty supe cl | He frotonpecchond [Bal [EaieP| omneyeta- ta non4 aiomin 9 is eb Tyas te | Ti fit ate @ i ping Fo ag om __ PAMPLE: #1 "APPLICATION. OF S@UARED PROPERTY OF PARABCLA IN SOLNING x : a -O so.vine FoR THE staneD GEA UsINe ani neTHOO TIT iets habedy aoa le Stee cet i — Asineo. = FOWw- steapitn x24) E - Asiacen = 0+ 5B Ly © SOLNING FOR THE SHADED AREA USING CALCULUS: er Cae Ray hota f= obey — PRAMPLE #1 coNMNUQTION: ial el elie im MANIMUM MOMENT OF SIMPLE AND CANTILEVER BEAM FoRMULérs wil) any 8 : cH ‘—~—-—' Mart = WAL | a | 8 4 | e t ae ae eee eee fa ts Mmace = ~ PL Marx » ~PC4) = \ wll) pECEECEE Toco More = iL" Minox. = Mot | Mbt Foo = Moe > Mad, Poey= Mae = Mad seem fir, > SBE - Me ‘| beau MOMENT ANO REACTION OF PROPPED BEAMS : I Pp f phlei {Tr ila, 3 = Pb]: 2 (3L- a) rw 5 [eat Sh] e BED Mpeoalt f wal fl Ly), «fT a wh T 2 = RL 7 i a Mas whe coh ee Met sw Rea (4) Cogan shee * (3L-a) Daa — EARMPLE PB: poppy pbs et / Dans. ite i= 360(G)~ GolG)(@). = tos KNm amen 5 a = tosoKN-m | Fo= Me “Wee M395) 1 i CET Tad a ae eel ne 809-02 tal mM “Wire STEEL, PATE e 1 Teen go pote [Pe ao [+ orne (25 patsy! di Few 3,384.51 210mm I Foe tte 7 i Fes ru disaa sh ni siege Bre LO Mew 2 12.61:09 av-m “The. length of. ste plate. ~go9.ta = deoe) -aocayC%) $1 $338 im t he 805m cl 385 fe f tn (tet) + In “a + eh Nes ane a te He a ws oy BEAMS. HAVING COMPACT AND NoN-compact SECTION AL FOR FLANGE 92 BE cwears-mnleutess como) a= 098 fF (compact afetany) neste Heong B. FOR WEB ee apraw es reson [E © when 4 Ap ( compact section) © when a, PSA. Ap Cron- compact section) © when >< re (slender sechon) Note: the Web is Compact For gl. shapes in the monuel For FY £ 45v mPa FOR COMPACT. SECTION © ankinuoys.taleral support on supported, Hau routs span Nominal. Flexural Frag ie 9 Ma = Mp. Mn = Fy 2 x Design. strength Shu en Mu.= 0.90 Min i: Lo = 0 Ceontinvous lateral. sug {p> 8 Gabino tral supp L Livi ficken Me ltt stoke. p= Limiting. loleraly.unbracagh i oF yielding. in. mm tps a) Takraly Tabled eg Fothe. limit stale.or ihelaghc. lateral. torsional. bu cling in in 4: When lg £ Lp. Cho. lateral. torsimal buckling ) Nominal Flexural. Strengbh, Mn = MP; Mn~ FY 23 Design sire = Mn Ma=.9 Mp7 Mu =.0-90 Mp br when tp < Ly Mp use Mn Cs when b> Le Gere is elashe lakveal torsioncll buckling ) | Nominal Hendral Strength based on fcteral buckli E Mn = Fen 5% a Mn = Mp 8 Mn = Me se. smallest ee op Mn. lees Mr = required. Flesuiral ren sin Fon > ae Shes8_ on buctling’ he 9 rp. [me CE zt it Ce) 7 % Where: E = modulus oF Blashicry a 1 (200,000 MPa) is ‘ersiqnal consten mat SA.> elastic. Sechon modulus. buck the or in mn ho.= distonce between. flonge ceabreids © For _[- shape. cr he. & For \chamels (ra}*= fe cto = eFF: radius OF guration usc in the: determination. oF Le fon Jalal fsiral | buckling. limit state, eet leche Contd noite? oF inert cbcuk the y~orris ee Gforsiemal resisFontc)* + Civarping tesistanoc)> fersimal. Resistance = te Jed warping Resistance = a Tico &= Shear Oo i fies ate where O bpm k-th ry | hi i mma SF gar aboutthe yonis Fy = yield shes of steel © yy. tere e fie Fy Sho) * ee MTFY Fp aay + be fhe dt, G10 Fer deubly ws GS eek ‘ f ‘ynmehied TE -shape 66e0CeeCECOSGCeeeeeeeqgeeseeee22 r 15 My t= ma Bending Coepraent of Becms with Lateral Suppord - TE Mmarg #3Hq + My Fae Ming = Obssute Value of $he. mam moment atte he unbolonad length C includ My aselte vole arrears ab end poi rae point op umbraved Mc = aba Valve. the moment ot 3 quanden. Print OF the, unbiroced. fengih.| PROBLEM #4 | We 80 bln a eamemmeree:: ro ey u } Ry= leo Ripe tio. Muna = WL? lar Wo0.KN= mm a = loli) = 80(i) (045) = [20 kN-m KN =m Me= eG) “noK 5) =D Kym jot). - gy 5) [90am Qe Ine Clee, 1-5 (wo) + 30a) + 4.v0)}-3 00 Oo> 1-B6 a 1. a Baptist las Phase PROBLEM #2. a hetenlo ¢ ‘Si is (3. Mya = eer = 24 95 f = 184-5, 0-95)-15 (95) (0-625) is Mn: "18195 Me = May = 224-5" Mc.= 18-51 (9."15) "1 (9-15), (1819) = 15 -48125- co TB ssa 915) 25394 319) 43 (115 . 18125) +4 (oatots) +9 (ing 1365) = Epa x Le NOTE: VALUE OF Cb 15 THE SAME. POR UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LbAD. 4 | gp PROBLEM 4 3: beom has aspan oF 6m: The beam is laterally sugported at bol Mua i ends and at incepan. frame compoict Section > | j= 448 MPO Le ita 03 nin? | @ 2x 2G x03 mm? 9) It Up = 42m edeteemne the Flerural shrength of She beam, Using i hed design. P= 04) t {tf | b) Ie lp =24m and Le = 42m determine. the plenua) strength ck Hea sing URFO ‘Assume Cb 10.5 fat 6) Ip r= 26, Fer 240 mea ; 6 =040 determine dhe Fleaural. srg. | lps 4-dm "| ASK A: i is a Gaal x am ”) (ee) 5G + 19) Ky-m. : | 20 Mh re i ot 0828) = AIRKng | beiprO4 yaad iebe Cory = (b[Mp~ (Mp-t WBZ n Mn TM wath £Mp n= La Ct 0-071 88 ni i “M=_ 123-5_kNem Sd cl y= 0-q0(098.5) = aa-5 R-9 cea > eee Me eae | [Mh #9412 De KN-ah. | i Mu 0-90 (912.Db) = of ap KN-m @ e e @ e a e e e e e e PROBLEM #4: pete the ovailable jlemural stren W450 715 beam subjected fo uniporm load. the. beam i Simply dee ona. span oF 2m. Gnd braced, ct tne. ends and. midpoint The. beom IS. AINA makrial y= 945 mes) Properties : oF WA5D 115. d= 45" mm Taz Soa wobmnt 3 {0.0m goer mm + tye em, S25 112? mn? we mn = Mb -n1%mn° = 157 a1? on : = Hmm 1 mnt On * 416-394 Bn fo cts = b-3mm, Ww sy fin, Gm, te tm RFD = Mn. #50 = 9Mn Decherd Asp: =.0-40Mn _cHECK UMITING WIDTH -TO-THICKNPSS RATIO @FIANGE: Ae bE = 190 = ¢.4b ay 2 Ci) apt 0-38 f * 0-35, 2a oar THEREPORE: 2-2 2p err? Owes: Arh <— feieein) t tw ape Iu Lede ae 49-53 THEREFORE > 2 Ap WEB CoMPAcT) Ae ete be ees @ BRACE. AT THE ENDS ANO MIDPOINT. OF.12M- (For unbraced| ond bracecl, compute, Lp. br, ond Ly fo detenmine what Mn equation you will use) 43 Gm POE ip cE a ot fem Urs Labrie [te Ory Shy freee (#1 Fisahs) use E10 For doubly symmetric nH use ce fee For ¢ channels i rs ip not given ruse, nes? = J AXGa hoe d-te 6 oo ano) A we) 0-71 (aub) CuSTa Ws) (nO). | IF [IG peesrfenoey peesrfenoey 55m + ESTOREAD tse THEREFORE! Ips ting < bro 5-IF 2 ly2 6. CUS CASEC) ©) SOWWE FOR Mal, USE THE SMALLEST VALUE. OF Nin © Mn = Fer S; > ks Conte Dos Te JF ar @ MneMy 3 HER 3 Mn Cforsinal resistence) *¥ Georgi resistant) torsional, resistance = ia [ever > worping, resistana-= 9 oe : Brow. Mn_CASE A: Ch= [2-5 Mare a Ie-bels) 25 Minas + Ma +4Me FIM” TST is) ESCs) E AS) = Ma =| GCI) + 1(F5)(15) = q.945 ' L pe? (a)03=1GYC3} ree leie[t ae ate ry, Fe iain Ratt 3 } } Ch =[F-294 on 8 eee EEE Teme ee a A yt JH iI DI ) ) Sooo oy san FOR NON- COMPACT © when dp < a < Ar, the shoper 16 nen- compact ELEMENT | > i ar ace FLANGE | 3 on[E | to WEB @ When.A £ Ap (shape is conpoct) © when Ap <4 £ Ar Coon compact section) ® when % >. Ar (shope is. slender) 01) Nominal flesural sheagts based. on plonge, bea buckling Nn= Mp (Mp -0-1FySx) [2-20] eo ae b) Nominal flexural shength based on lotleral forslenal buckling Ip ety br seeclmbe tuples iy Mn = Cb [Mp = (Mp=0-1 Fy Sx) (ase) em ©) Nominal Flexural. Srenglh based on lateral torsional buckling when Lp = bp Mn = Mp 4) Nominal Flexural based on atonal forsenal bucklieg when Y7 be | Mn = FerSx fer = Conte : 2 eS it oe Gey eM For sections ith slender flanges Mn= O9E KeSz qe Where: ye +E af Dep = Ap limiting stendemess tor a ict flange ee HL ithe imntng Scns ito nn cmpt frge Ke= c= end shal ao¥ be faken Iss thon 0-29" or Ee greater tan o-1 Jor calculation purpose PROBLEM ASSIGNMENT #1: A wag % 134 Section is Simphy Supported ona span. of (5m. the beam 15 lat supported a its ends ond Subjected too unipermly service dead lood oF % 2 hi] Unc the wi i the: beam): IF Fy = 345 MPa, determine: the. mars unigorm envi live load that the, beam “con support Properties - © CHECK LIMITING WIOTH-TO-THICKNESS RATIO d= 35mm QRANGE: A= bf = 368 | eam bp = 368 mm, ate 209) the [3 mm, 2h) bi = Ita mm pe 0.28 = 008 iangee 31 = 2573 7 Lo? mg ? mm? A ea Pa ape 4.9 904895 tm fm 15a 3 Alderom + Ahab [Ele mee Ey = 10:7 7 10% mt Re TTA” I 345 Sx > 1343 7 10? mm? Dr = 24-071711062 mm Sy = 518 0? mm? = mn THEREFORE: np=9-15 < A= 10-92 £9 (oi 20000). eee aca freon (ence (4 DTU) Laws menasy [iter (21Gs)) (i = fa -41450206 mm bre (2.41 mm THEREFORE; Lb=>\5 > Lr @ @ @ @ e@ @ @ 8 @ @ s @ e@ @ e@ @ @ e e e e e@ e e e e ey DNOMINAL FLEXURAL WHEN Lp ? Le Mn=Fersx SMp Fer= cb tte "aia (ey (ey Siho Th (2-5 Mmar b= 7-5 Nimax + 3MA + MB 3Mc Mma = 5-2(15)"= 146-25" pobed e 8 bel Th = 39(3."5)-92(3-45) (3-15) 2) siren = bate Fie ST Sa Fis, Ma > 34C1-5)~ 52005) (1 519) tel = [e.25 3 39 Mc = 34(ii-25)- 5-2-(0-25)(llarl2) > 0-685 tbe ane = 1G 5) F 3109. G85) + 440.25 FF (109-6315) i 2 Fors 1in6 HP eon) Fr (oom COD aon) © (Sa) (aa 10*) (398) er) aM For= 22'1-"1354le MPO Mp= Min = Fy 27, ty = CHeyCapta x 0?) (14) | Mp = 88. G85 KN-m THEREFORE : Fer=207-"1394I¢ < M= 981-635 FerSx & M | P 201-1934 (2343 710°? Clo") Nn = 539° 5303594 KN-m. £ Mp > 887-G85 KN-m ok! @® FoR NON-comAAacT : Mn= Mp- (Mp~ 0-954 Fy ) Pap Mn = 8849-685 - (887-G85- 0-4 Coup tae 109 Mn = j2tegl2n9 # * too Mn= 1396. 811274 KN-m THEREFORE : Mn = 5335323594 KN-m GOVERN % 149.9243 HH TrMoud- 4-H BE o 0 © c i A oO A A A i A x A . @ a - - - * a a a © FexURAL STRENGTH CLRFO AND Aso) | ASD: Mus Mn = SRPMS = 514. 80NGYT tam C61 LRFD: ON =Mu = 0-90 (539.539369K) = Uso (nal295 KN~ m MAMIMUM UNIFORM SERVICE UVE LOAD: sD: Mus wal Wy = ie 3 (3 a 804541) = II 35930506 Wu = Wy + PGW "- 35430506 ae t wu WL = 3. 9954501 YFRD: Mus Wul? 8 Wu= 8Mu > 3(4go. 3s) = 11-0130355 Kam ne In-0730555 = 1-2 (wy. i FG We M0784 KN [mp ANALYSIS OF AXIALLY LoaveD BOLTED OR RIVETED CONNECTION GRoss AREA, Ag Wat NET AREA ,An = Dg ~ D TENSION oN gross AREA ACTUAL STRESS, fe £ Ay ALLOWABLE stress, ie = OG Fy yielding) 2) TENSION ON EFFECTIVE NETAREa © STRESS, f= 2 holes +1-6)] nt £ 54, lo Ag Ae ALLOWABLE stress, i= OFF, 4) PID Vo vv UU HY 4) 2 3. SHEAR IN BOLTS = ACTUAL sess. = Mv AV = Ato 2 n Cror single. shear) pee AN= 2Aboy 3.9(por double, shear) [ Bo Fle + [ Pla FE N= number OF bolfs Note’ Allowable, sheoring stress sFY depends on the type and. tnatcrial of: bolts ° Secrtable. 2. fe RAGING ON THE PROJECTED AREA BETINEEN THE BOLT AND HE PLATE. ; ACTUAL SHEAR: fer£ Op = 3 (ot diameter % plate. thickness) ALLOWABLE STRESS © Fp = [-2Fy 5+ COMBINED SHEARING ANO TEARING CSIFAR RAPTUKE OR BLOCK SHEAR) Tension = Fy, = 0-5Fu [2 be Shear, Fu= 0-3Fy mad P= Fuav + 4b FE Va ALLOWABLE SHEARING STRESS, Fv= ALLOWABLE TEARING SIRESS, FE = O-5 Fy oer ON EXAM! + ©) ® ® ® © ® ® ® S ® ® ® ® ® e « ® ® s 6 e 6 e e e e © mm + 2mm Bending Shes FIKED HINGE uhm Bending shes = O-6 Fy Cv) + (0 CFuDAL WRpO: fa ony tsp: N= 20 = DPn Py = fi

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