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(MGT 162)



1 Amirul Asyraff Bin Abu Hassan 2023427254 BA1191C

2 Farisha Hanim Binti Mohd Jamil 2023873282 BA1191C

3 Nur Aisyah Qistina Binti Shaharidzuan 2023202586 BA1191C

4 Nur Faizatul Jannah Binti Jefry 2023851754 BA1191C

5 Nur Izzati Nabihah Binti Che Mazani 2023872458 BA1191C









TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………...iii


INTRODUCTION OF ASSIGNMENT…………………………………………………….1

1.1 Company Background……………………………………………………………...1

1.2 Level of Management………………………………………………………………2

1.3 Types of Manager and Skills………………………………………………………..4

MAIN BODY OF THE REPORT…………………………………………………………...5

2.1 Planning……………………………………………………………………………..5

2.2 Organizing…………………………………………………………………………..8

2.3 Locus of Decision Making………………………………………………………....10

2.4 Motivation………………………………………………………………………….11

2.5 Leading……………………………………………………………………………..13

2.6 Controlling……………………………………………………………………….....14




Firstly, thankful and grateful to Allah the Most Almighty for His permission, we as
fundamentals of management students are able to complete this project successfully.
Grateful To His because give to us the facilities and chance in various aspect such a healthy,
ideas to complete this project even it seems look a merely project but its needed more spend
of time and ideas to search information about school resource centre. Secondly, thank you
to our lecture in this subject (MGT162), Miss Aida Maisarah to give and teach us about this
topic and show a method how to complete this project with specific learning for school
resource centre. From her explanation in the teaching session in classes, it gives us a lot of
progress in this topic including all the subtopics in this subject. Without the support and
guidance, we are unable to complete this project based on our limited information and
knowledge about the new trend of school resource centres. Based on teaching, it gives us
some direction and guidelines in detail on how to expand and understand the concept about
the overall subject. Besides that, thank you to our family for giving us support and strength
to move on and step forward in this course. From them, we get a value of responsibility in
ourselves to keep struggling to complete this project.


The Closet is a retail fashion clothing brand that specializes in the fast fashion industry
which sells clothing. Areas served by The Closet were worldwide and the total of stores are
about nearly 39 stores found everywhere. The Closet's stores have men’s and women’s clothing
as well as kids clothing. The designer team in the company's office, control the steps of
production from merchandise planning to establishing specifications, and production is
outsourced to approximately 100 suppliers and factories around Malaysia. The Closet Group
sources its materials and products from a number of locations worldwide with the majority of
its suppliers being located in China, Bangladesh, India and Australia. It also works with
suppliers in Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, the United States and other parts of Asia.

The Closet was founded in the year of 2022 in Malaysia and was followed by The
Closet’s Kids in 2023. Their current well-known founder is Amirul Asyraff while there are
more directors who are the successors of The Closet. Firstly, Farisha Hanim who is their Admin
Manager and Nur Aisyah Qistina as their Finance & Account Manager. Next, Nur Izzati
Nabihah as our Sales & Marketing Manager and lastly our Production Manager, Nur Faizatul

Top Management

The founder and former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of The Closet, Amirul Asyraff
is the highest-ranking executive responsible for overall strategic direction and performance of
a company including setting company goals, developing and implementing strategies, and
making high-level decisions. CEOs interact with the board, shareholders and other stakeholders
to communicate the company’s vision as well as oversee various departments, ensure financial
stability, and drive organizational growth. Our CEO also represents the company externally,
fostering relationships and maintaining a positive corporate image. He has to keep lines of
communication between the company and the outside world, establishing strategies for
achieving the company’s plans and assigning capable managers to departments or middle
managers to carry out these plans.

Middle Management

Middle management or executive manager, those who run departments and branches.
The Closet Admin Manager, Farisha Hanim responsibilities include managing schedules,
supervising administrative staff, implementing policies, and facilitating communication
between departments. Additionally, she may handle budgeting, resource allocation, and
problem-solving to enhance organizational effectiveness, while our Finance and Accounting
Manager, Nur Aisyah Qistina, prepares financial reports, and ensures compliance with
regulations. Besides, her responsibilities include budgeting, forecasting, analysing financial
data and advising on strategic financial decisions as well as managing financial teams,
collaborating with other departments, and contributing to long-term financial planning. They
report directly to top management and are responsible for the well-being of their departments.
Their responsibilities are to help low-level managers improve their performance and constantly
evaluate them as well as serving as examples or inspiring young managers to increase their
effectiveness. Furthermore, they have to carry out organizational plans in accordance with the
rules and regulations established by the top-level-management.
Lower Management

Supervisory managers are tasked with overseeing the actual execution of the plans and
policies created by the top of two management levels. Our company’s Marketing Sales
Manager is Nur Izzati Nabihah, who is responsible to set targets to achieve revenue goals and
collaborating with marketing teams to align sales efforts with promotional activities. While
identifying market trends, creating sales plans, and training sales representatives. Next, Nur
Faizatul Jannah as our Production Manager, responsibilities include planning production
schedules, managing resources, and optimizing workflows. Production management
collaborates with other departments, such as procurement and quality control, to streamline
operations. In addition, focus on safety protocols, quality control standards and continuous
process improvement. They supervise day-to-day operations as well as maintained
communication between workers and the higher levels of management by acting as the
worker’s representative in any issue that they may have. Moreover, they are informing the
higher-level management about employee difficulties, complaints, recommendations, and
appeals regarding the company as well as the progress of the company’s goals and objectives.

The founder and former CEO of The Closet, remains a crucial part of the organization as he
sets the leadership and vision for the organization. He has a unique leadership and management
style whereby his preference is for close and personal interactions and has a down-to-earth,
humble and hands on leadership style. Next, management structure refers to how a company
organizes its management hierarchy which at the top of the company is the CEO, Amirul
Asyraff. Following is The Closet's Board of Directors, their highest decision-making body that
controls the company and The Board of Directors set out the future goals to be achieved by the
company in order to maximize the value of the company in the long term. Duties of the Board
includes relevant decision-making when it comes to the administration, management and
representation of the company as well as delegating the management of the day-to-day business
of management teams, while also assessing the competencies of senior management, and lastly
to liaise with the company's shareholders.

The Closet also has at least four main managers in total that play the biggest role in
managing our organization at its best. On top of that, our Admin Manager is the one who
oversees all the support of all the work within a company and also coordinates tasks as well as
leading the team doing their best at their job. Moreover, another part that Admin Manager does
is to work with many managements and staff's access to improve the process nicely.
Furthermore, an organization needs one party to focus on the day-to-day financial operations
and aspects of our company finance. This part is taken by the Finance and Accounting
department manager. Another point is this department also focuses more on long-term planning
and risk management. Likewise, as Sales and Marketing Manager which this party is leading
the team of professionals who are involved in the sales and company marketing activities.
While as with the Production Manager which oversees the production process and coordinates
all the activities to ensure enough resources on hand.


Planning is the process of outlining the activities that are necessary to achieve the goals of the
organization. The purpose of planning is to ensure that the organization is effective and efficient
in its activities.


Vision is the core purpose of an organization or a company. It is a summary of the aims and
core values. While The Closet's mission is to participate in providing sustainable development
to society and the environment in the field of fashion and lifestyle. The Closet has sought to
inspire the dream of a better life through authenticity and timeless style.


Mission of The Closet Company refers to their consumers who wear clothing produced by The
Closet feels satisfied and comfortable to put on so that The Closet does not stop innovating in
its products to create new experiences when wearing The Closet Products. Next, we also strive
to be a caring and well-managed organization for our business partners, customers, employees
and a responsible corporate citizen to our society. Other than that, our business is also building
an organization of our stores that will be the place where people can come to find and discover
anything they might want to buy online.
Types of plans used

Operational plans are divided into two categories which are Standing Plan and Single Use Plan.

Standing Plan


General guidelines for managers to make decisions. It is an organization’s general way of

understanding, interpreting, and implementing strategies. It defines the boundaries so that
managers know the limits of decision making. For example, The Closet provides a guideline
for manager to make decision and as a reference against employee that the manager want to
dismiss without abusing the law.


Stepwise guide to carry out routine activities (steps). The procedure is described in a
chronological order. Employees need to follow the steps so that the task can be completed in
an organized and systematic way. For example, procedures for customers to shop online on The
Closet website. The procedure starts with customers signing in and registering through The
Closet website. On that website, they provide a manual (steps) to help customers to buy items
online until they have successfully completed and made payment online.


Specific statements. It identifies what employees are supposed to do or not to do. All employees
must follow and implement the rules. If the rule is broken, penalties will be given to employees.

For example, employees are required to be punctual to come early to work at an appointed time
and employees are not allowed to not come to work without a valid reason.
Single-Use Plan


Comprehensive set of large activities that are designed to accomplish a set of goals. Programs
need managers to identify the job and responsibility, who will be responsible, and how to
implement it. Also, large in scope and associated with several projects. For example, The Closet
plans to open another 50 branches in Kuala Lumpur.


Project is one part of larger programs and smaller in scope. Prescribe the ways in which specific
tasks must be performed. Direct the efforts of individuals or work groups toward the
achievement of the projects. For example, before The Closet company opens a new branch,
they must renovate the office and building.


A budget quantifies the forecast or future of the organization. Specify how financial resources
should be allocated. Numerical terms. For example, identify costs needed to open a new branch
and renovation of a building.

Type of departmentalization

Departmentalization that has been used in our company organization is network structure
which is an organization that is organized around its products, services, or projects where
different teams or divisions are created to focus on specific products, product lines or projects,
and each team is responsible for the entire life cycle of their assigned product or project. The
Closet company has implemented a network structure, assigning dedicated sales manager for
efficient sales management and shipping managers to oversee the smooth delivery process.
With a focus on online platforms like Shopee and TikTok, this structure enhances our ability to
effectively navigate and optimize sales operations in the digital realm.


Type of organizational structure

The strategic adoption of a narrow span of management at The Closet company, within its tall
organizational structure, not only facilitates swift communication between employees and
managers, but also significantly boosts employee morale and productivity through the
advantages of close supervision and meticulous control.

There are two types of decision making which are program and non-program. We keep
decision-making at a lower level because the person making the decision must be appropriate
for the situation or problem under consideration. This is because they understand and are more
knowledgeable about the subject. As a result, it can support our company’s development in
decision making.

Program Decision

A routine approach can be used to handle programme decision making because it is a

repetitive decision. It is primarily used by the retail store manager to manage the week schedule
for our company’s part-time employees. All warehouse management personnel are also
accountable for making rational decisions about how many raw materials to order and stock
tracking for our product. Furthermore, it can be practiced by Stan and employees in terms of
the dress code that our company established. This is heavily emphasized in our company due
to the employee’ discipline in preserving the company’s good name.

Non-Program Decision

Decision-making that occurs in response to unforeseen opportunities and threats. It usually

occurs when our company wishes to alter its marketing strategy to stay one step ahead of other
huge companies. For example, in the current situation, which is plagued by Covid-19, we must
find a way and make a rational decision on how to keep our sales declining. Furthermore, this

issue arises when we change the new look of our product, whether on product design or when
developing new products that are more creative in accordance with the increasingly modern
times. Such decisions necessitate a high level of creativity because they have a significant
impact on our company in terms of sales and so on.

Motivation defined is the forces acting upon or within a person that cause that person to extend
to behave in a specific, goal-directed manner. It is a psychological process that gives purpose
and direction to behaviour. The management process of influencing people’s behaviour to have
in a way that ensures the accomplishment of some goal. The motivation need-based approach
used by The Closet company is Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.


The Closet involves Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to motivate our employees or staff.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of need is a motivational theory in psychology surprising a five-tier model
of human needs. Often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. According to Maslow,
individuals have various needs and try to satisfy these using a priority system or hierarchy.
From the bottom of the hierarchy. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are
physiological (food and clothing), safety (job security), social needs (friendship), esteem and

Physiological Needs

Physiological needs are the most basic needs such as food, water, air, and shelter. Also needs
good, comfortable working conditions such as basic wage or salary. If these needs are not
satisfied the human body cannot function optimally. Our company practices managers who
focus on physiological needs assume that people work mainly for money and are primarily
concerned with comfort and their rate of pay. We also pay their salaries on an hourly basis
Security Needs

Security or safety needs are the second levels of need. Employees want to experience order,
predictability, and control in their lives. These needs can be fulfilled by the family and society
such as medical care. Humans need to have a safe physical and emotional environment. Also
needs protection against threats or unsafe working environments such as job security and
predictable work environment. In our company, we provide insurance for our employees and
the policy of insurance will cover accidents during work and keep our workers healthy. Not
only that, but managers will also often emphasize rules, job security and fringe benefits.
Social Needs

Social needs are a need for companionship or friendship, a need to give love and a sense of
belonging interpersonal. People need friendship, love, and a feeling of belonging. They also
need acceptance by others such as association and communication with others and being part
of the group. We value their work as an opportunity for finding and establishing friendly
interpersonal relationships. In our company, we organize events such as family day, have dinner
together, and celebrate important days to further strengthen the unity between them

Esteem Needs

Esteem needs are the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy. These needs are also referred to as
growth requirements. People need personal feelings of achievement and self-worth and
recognition, respect, and prestige from others. Our managers focus on esteemed needs and try
to foster employees’ pride in their work and use public rewards and recognition for services
such as we will give every employee who shows good or improved performance a bonus.

Self-Actualization Needs

Self-Actualization needs are the highest in Maslow’s Hierarchy. The company will realize its
potential for continued growth and individual development. This refers to the realization of a
person’s potential. Self-fulfilment and the opportunity to achieve one’s potential. In addition,
managers will show employees to take part in decision-making and to have the opportunity to
learn new things.

The meaning of the leadership is to set direction and help others to do the right thing to move
forward and seek for opportunities. Otherwise, they create an inspiring vision and then motivate
them to work harder for development.

Based on overall, our company chooses High Structure and High Consideration because it is
very good for the long term. It’s balance between tasks and workers. We always prioritize our
tasks and take care of our workers for their sake. By including this, our company will grow
slowly time by time.
For example, we choose to take Ohio University as reference to our company. They have two
types of behaviour theories which is include Initiating Structure and Consideration in managing
employees to achieve goals.

Initiating Structure
Managers only focus on task and focus more on job output instead of maintaining good human
relationship in organization.

Managers show concern for subordinates and attempt to maintain a friendly and supportive
working environment.
Process Of Control

The four steps or process that must be undertaken by our company to make sure all the activities
in organisation run smoothly.

The Closet , our premier clothing brand, is committed to

setting unparalleled standards of performance in the
fashion industry. Our benchmark for success includes an
ambitious goal of consistently delivering top-tier quality
by selling 500 carefully curated clothing items per
month at each of our stores across Malaysia, ensuring
that every piece reflects our commitment to style,
comfort and excellence.

At The Closet company, we prioritize quality assurance

by measuring fabric quantity, identifying defects , and
taking prompt corrective action. Our rigorous approach
includes pre-release measurements using a structured
template for consistent and precise evaluation, ensuring
only flawless garments reach our customers.

At The Closet company, we conduct regular comparisons

between actual performance and standards , utilizing the
initial steps of our control process. This ensures that our
goal of 500 stocks per month remains consistent , allowing
us to detect and address any deviations from our high
standards, and maintain optimal performance year , after

After comparing actual performance with standards,

The Closet’s manager decided to take no corrective
action , as deviations were deemed acceptable.
Positive reinforcement is now being provided to
acknowledge and appreciate the team’s
commendable efforts.

In conclusion, effective resource management is fundamental to organizational success. It

involves strategic planning, the integration of technology, risk management, employee
engagement, financial control, and a commitment to continuous improvement and
sustainability. Organizations that can master the art of resource management are better
positioned to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities in a dynamic business

1. Principles of Management" by Henri Fayol: Henri Fayol is considered one of the founding
fathers of management theory. In his book "General and Industrial Management," Fayol
introduced the concept of the five functions of management, one of which is controlling. He
emphasized the importance of feedback and adjustment in the management process.

2. Principles of Management" by Henri Fayol: Henri Fayol is considered one of the founding
fathers of management theory. In his book "General and Industrial Management," Fayol
introduced the concept of the five functions of management, one of which is controlling. He
emphasized the importance of feedback and adjustment in the management process.

3. "Principles of Scientific Management" by Frederick Winslow Taylor: While Taylor is more

known for his contributions to scientific management, his ideas also touch on control
mechanisms. He advocated for a systematic approach to management, including monitoring
and controlling work processes to improve efficiency.

4. Human Relations in Administration" by Chester I. Barnard: Chester Barnard's work focuses

on the human side of organizations. In his book, he discusses the informal aspects of control,
such as communication and cooperation, in addition to formal control mechanisms.

5. "Control in Organizations" by Robert L. Simons: Robert Simons' work delves specifically

into the concept of control in organizations. His book provides insights into various control
systems and how they can be designed to align with organizational strategy.

6. "Management Control Systems: Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Incentives" by

Kenneth A. Merchant and Wim A. Van der Stede: This book provides a detailed exploration of
management control systems, it discusses various control mechanism and their implications for
organizational performance.
1. Control Mechanisms: Detailed descriptions or visual representations of specific control
mechanisms used in an organization. This could include organizational charts, flowcharts of
control processes, or diagrams illustrating how feedback loops operate.

2. Performance Metrics and Indicators: Tables or charts listing the key performance indicators
(KPIs) and metrics used for monitoring and evaluating performance. This could include
financial metrics, operational metrics, and other relevant measures.

3. Case Studies: Detailed case studies highlighting how certain control strategies were
implemented in real-world organizations. These cases could provide insights into both
successful and unsuccessful control practices.

4. Case Studies: Detailed case studies highlighting how certain control strategies were
implemented in real-world organizations. These cases could provide insights into both
successful and unsuccessful control practices.

5. Policy Documents: Copies of relevant policies and procedures related to controlling within
the organization. This might include documents outlining the control framework, risk
management policies, or compliance guidelines.

6. Communication Plans: If controlling involves communication strategies, examples of

communication plans or materials could be included in the appendices. This might include
emails, memos, or other communication tools used in the control process.

7. Training Materials: Materials used for training employees on control processes. This could
include training manuals, presentations, or other instructional Materials.

8. Regulatory Compliance Documentation: Documentation demonstrating how the

organization ensures compliance with relevant regulations. This might include certificates,
audit reports, or other compliance-related documents.

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