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Reference Material for AutoIT

Automating window Controls with Selenium:

· Handling Window Authentication Pop Up

· Driver.get();
· Handling File Upload from Windows using AutoIT

What is AutoIT
Install AutoIT
AutoIT Scripting
Integrating AutoIT with Selenium

//Shift focus to the file upload windows

//set text/path into file name edit box
//click open to upload file

Au3info- record window component objects

Build Script -scite.exe
Save it- .au3 extenstion
Convert file into .exe by compiling .au3 file
Call .exe file with Runtime class in java into your selenium tests

Runtime.getruntime.exe(“exe file path”)
Runtime.getruntime.exe(“.exe file path”)

Extent report:

Add extent report repo in pom.xml

Create object extentsparkreporter class- Explicitly provide a path to store extent report

Perform configuration on reports using extentsparkreporter

Extentspark reporter is a helper class which is helping to create some configuration and that will
finally report to main class which is extentsreports

Create a extent reports object and attach extentspark report object.

Extent.flush ()- is used to generate report. Which we need to write add the end of test

public class Firsttestcase{

ExtentReports extent;


public void config() {

String Path = System.getProperty("User.dir")+"\\reports\\index.html";

ExtentSparkReporter es= new ExtentSparkReporter(Path);

es.config().setReportName("WebAutomation Result");

es.config().setDocumentTitle("test result");

extent= new ExtentReports();


extent.setSystemInfo("Tester", "Divya");


public void a() {



//WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();



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