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Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature

Volume 00, Issue 0, May 2024: 00


Siti Nurazizah
English Literature Faculty Adab and Humanity of Islamic State University

Nur Azizah
English Literature Faculty Adab and Humanity of Islamic State University

Putri Alia
English Literature Faculty Adab and Humanity of Islamic State University

English Literature Faculty Adab and Humanity of Islamic State University

*Corresponding author,: …(email address)

Telephone number: …(will not be shown in the article)
Received : ... Revised : ....
Accepted : ... Published : ....

How to Cite (in APA Style) :

Sihombing, T. (2022). Questioning the Dominance of Native-English Teachers in ELT
Profession. Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature, 14(1), 179-186.
doi:10.36841/pioneer.v14i1.1680 Licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0

Abstract: This journal observes the portrayal of masculinity on the female main character in the
movie "The Hunger Games (2012)". The movie "The Hunger Games (2012)" is set in a dystopian
future where teenagers are forced to fight to the death in the annual Hunger Games. The main
character, Katniss Everdeen, a female protagonist, exhibits various masculine traits such as
courage, strength, and independence. the urgency of writing this journal is justified, because
people think that masculinity only exists in men, therapy in this journal proves that masculinity
can also be inherent in women. This journal explores the portrayal of Katniss's masculinity
through the lens of connell theory and Gender Performativity Theory. Connell's theory states that
masculinity is considered the dominant standard or norm in society at a given time. It is associated
with power, authority and dominance in gender relations. Gender Performativity Theory states
that gender is not an innate trait, but something that is learned and practiced through actions and
behaviors. Katniss demonstrates masculinity through various actions, such as hunting, archery,
and leading the rebellion. This journal also discusses the implications of Katniss' portrayal of
masculinity. It challenges traditional norms about gender and shows that women can exhibit
masculine traits in their own way. It also proves that Katniss in this movie belongs to Subversive

Keywords: Masculinity, The Hunger Games, Performativity, Katness

Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature
Volume 00, Issue 0, May 2024: 00

Literature is a work of artistic and aesthetic value that often reflects human
experiences, ideas, and emotions through the creative use of language. It can include
different types of writing, such as drama, poetry, prose fiction (short stories or novels),
essays, and so on. Books and literary works are usually created with various purposes.
They can entertain, inspire, teach, or provoke thought. In addition, literature has the
ability to reflect and reveal the life, culture, and society of the past. Furthermore, literature
allows readers to explore different perspectives and realities, which enhances their
understanding of the world.
Literature is also often considered a representation of the human condition,
providing a better understanding of ourselves and our environment. The purpose of
literature is to entertain, inspire, or express the human experience through creative
language. However, when popular literature emerged, these concepts were put into a
context that was more widely acceptable to the general public.
Popular literature is a type of literature that has become popular among the general
public. Popular literature is usually written in a more accessible style, interesting plots,
and strong characters, distinguishing it from academic or experimental literature. It can
include many different types of literature, including science fiction, mystery fiction,
romance, and so on. Popular literature is often part of pop culture and can reach larger
audiences through adaptations to other media, such as film, television, or video games.
Although some literary critics may look down on the genre because of its focus on
entertainment and commercial gain, many works in the genre shape widely accepted
images and values. The primary focus of this study is "Film" one of the subgenres of
popular literature, according to the writers. Let's first discuss what a film in popular
literature is.
In relation to popular literary works, film refer to adaptations of popular literary
works. This could include fantasy books, detective stories, commercially successful
novels, or any other type of literature that attracts public attention. When literary books
are made into film, the stories, characters, and themes present in the original book are
transformed into a visual form that audiences can enjoy on screen.
Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature
Volume 00, Issue 0, May 2024: 00

Because they have a large fan base beforehand and great potential to attract
audiences, film adaptations of popular literary works are often a focal point for the
entertainment industry. In addition, it gives filmmakers the opportunity to revive stories
loved by many in a new way, increasing the appeal and influence of such literary works.
One of the important problems connected with the study of literary formulas is to
arrive at some understanding of the general story types that underlie the diversity of
formulaic constructions. According to John Cawelti (1976), the central fantasy of the
adventure story is that of the hero-individual or group-overcoming obstacles and dangers
and accomplishing some important and moral mission. Adventure stories usually feature
a protagonist who engages in a series of events filled with risk, challenge and exploration.
Adventure stories often have characters who are brave, valiant, unyielding and eager to
explore the world around them. They usually have a high spirit of adventure and great
curiosity. They may face their fears, strengthen their courage, or learn important lessons
about life and the world around them. Thus, characters in adventures experience
emotional growth and character development.
One of the famous film is “The Hunger Games” in 2012. The protagonist and hero
of the story is the girl Katniss Everdeen. This film set in a dystopian future where the
country of Panem is divided into 12 districts and a lavish Capitol. As punishment for past
rebellions, every year "The Hunger Games" is held, a brutal battle where two teenagers
from each district are pitted to death. Katniss Everdeen, a teenage hunter from the
impoverished District 12, volunteers to be a female tribute in place of her chosen younger
sister. Together with Peeta Mellark, the male tribute, Katniss fights desperately to
survive. The film is not only thrilling, but also full of strategy and betrayal. Katniss must
hunt for food, avoid attacks from other participants, and try to gain the sympathy of the
Capitol audience in order to get sponsors. Katniss' choice to volunteer and her fight for
survival inspires a rebellion against the Capitol.


According to Connell, Masculinity is considered the dominant standard or norm in

society at a given time. It is associated with power, authority and dominance in gender relations.

Usually the dominant masculinity is men, but in this study we will discuss the masculinity side in
Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature
Volume 00, Issue 0, May 2024: 00

women. The scene where Katniss hunts in the forest and harvests food for her family. This shows

his survival skills and independence. Even though she is a woman, her courage is not inferior to

that of a man and she can even be braver. This shows the masculine side of a girl, Katniss.

The scene where Katniss volunteers to replace her younger sister in the Hunger Games is

a clear example of Katniss' courage and self-sacrifice. She is willing to risk her life to protect her

younger sister, showing her determination to protect her loved ones. Katniss' bravery is also

evident in the Hunger Games arena, where she demonstrates her ability to survive in a brutal and

dangerous environment. She does not hesitate to fight and kill her enemies to protect herself and

her allies.

This type of research is descriptive qualitative research to reveal the facts, events,
and circumstances of the phenomena contained in the object of research on films from
popular literary works. The approach taken is content analysis. The research data is in the
form of speech, behavior, context, which is displayed by the characters through
visualization in the film. The data source of this research is the film The Hunger Games
(2012) directed by Gary Ross with a duration of 2 hours 22 minutes. Data collection
procedures were carried out by observing, watching, repeating and recording aspects
relevant to the research objectives with the main instrument by the researcher who was
equipped with the concept and aspects of masculinity in the main character, a woman.


Based on Gender Performativity Theory that gender is not an innate trait, but
rather something that is learned and practiced through actions and behaviors. Katniss
demonstrates masculinity through her actions, such as hunting, archery, and leading the
rebellion. The scene where Katniss hunted the animals for her family in the forest alone.
She has had archery skills since the beginning and it has become her routine. This shows
her physical strength and determination to be tough and fight to stay alive with her family.
This scene is an introduction at the beginning of the movie that Katniss is masculine.

"I won't let them break us." (Katniss to Peeta)

Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature
Volume 00, Issue 0, May 2024: 00

This dialogue shows her determination not to give up and keep fighting. shows
persistence and unwillingness to be restrained. Traditional masculinity values strength
and resilience. However, these traits can also be possessed by women.

The scene where Katniss voluntarily replaces her younger sister to be the
representative of district 12 in the Hunger Games. It shows her self-sacrifice and
determination to protect her loved ones reflecting the masculine side that brings out that
trait. That day Katniss promises to return safely which means she must win the games.

"I'm not afraid. I just don't want to die." (Katniss to Rue)

This dialogue shows her courage and determination to survive. This quote describes a
strong survival instinct. This desire to survive arises from love for family and the desire
to protect them, something that both women and men can have. In this movie, Katniss
wants to protect her sister.

"I won't be their pawn." (Katniss to President Snow)

This dialogue shows her opposition to authority and determination to fight tyranny. In
this quote, . It shows her opposition to authority and determination to fight injustice. This
attitude is usually thought of as masculinity, but women can also have this spirit.

The scene where Katniss voluntarily replaces her younger sister to be the
representative of district 12 in the Hunger Games. It shows her self-sacrifice and
determination to protect her loved ones reflecting the masculine side that brings out that
trait. That day Katniss promises to return safely which means she must win the games.

"I'm not afraid. I just don't want to die." (Katniss to Rue)

This dialogue shows her courage and determination to survive. This quote describes a
strong survival instinct. This desire to survive arises from love for family and the desire
to protect them, something that both women and men can have. In this movie, Katniss
wants to protect her sister.

"I won't be their pawn." (Katniss to President Snow)

Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature
Volume 00, Issue 0, May 2024: 00

Shows her opposition to authority and determination to fight tyranny. This dialog shows
Katniss' refusal to be manipulated by the Capitol. She doesn't want to be part of their
game and wants to live on her own terms. This shows her determination and assertiveness,
which are traits of traditional masculinity.

“Katniss Everdeen, District 12” (Katniss to the capitol)

This dialogue shows where she is doing a test to get a sponsor, when no one is paying
attention to katniss archery, katniss is brave by saying the dialogue to focus attention on
her. because the first try missed, and the second try was right but not noticed finally on
the third try she shot an apple in the crowd. therefore katniss got high attention and points.

"I don't know what's more important: keeping my family alive or keeping myself
alive." (Katniss to Gale)
This dialogue shows her emotional complexity and struggle with responsibility.This
shows the ability to take control and inspire others. Again, leadership is not exclusive to

When there was an announcement about the change in the rules of the winner,
which was originally the winner of The Hunger Games only one person then changed to
two people with the provisions must be from the same district, Katness immediately
sought Peeta to work together to achieve victory. This situation shows Katness' ambition
to win, then when looking for Peeta in all places and it turns out that Peeta is camouflaged
with rocks near the river and he is injured. Finally Katness took care of Peetta in the cave.
Knowing the situation, the Sponsor provided the medicine needed by Peeta, Katness
ventured to take the medicine despite being thirsty against other districts. Katniss' courage
pays off for Peeta's recovery and they can continue their journey towards winning this
game. Although Katness is a girl, she can do something masculine.

In the scene when Katness climbs the tree to avoid enemy attacks, Katness is
trapped above the tree overnight because the enemies are guarding below waiting until
Katness comes down to be killed. then Katness hears a signal from someone who is above
the tree too. he is from district 11 named Rue. he tells her that there is a beehive that she
Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature
Volume 00, Issue 0, May 2024: 00

can make an attack on the enemies under the tree. then Katness tried to drop the beehive
but was unsuccessful and finally after climbing one tree branch she managed to make the
beehive fall and make the enemy run scared.

In this research, Katniss exhibits various masculine traits, such as courage,
strength, and independence. Katniss' portrayal of masculinity challenges traditional
norms about gender, showing that women can exhibit masculine traits in their own way.
Katniss' portrayal of masculinity has important implications, such as encouraging female
empowerment and challenging gender stereotypes. Based on these findings, Katniss'
masculinity is not just about exhibiting traditional masculine traits, but also about how
she navigates a male-dominated and patriarchal world. Katniss' portrayal of masculinity
is complex and multidimensional, showing the different ways women can exhibit
masculinity. The film offers a critique of traditional gender norms and encourages
audiences to reconsider the meaning of masculinity. The findings show that female
masculinity is not just about imitating men, but also about how women define and express
their own masculinity in challenging contexts.


Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, the researcher found that the
film "The Hunger Games" described from several dialogues, scenes, and events that show
the masculinity of Katness, the main female character in this film that women can also
show masculinity through their actions in everyday life. This film shows that Katness
belongs to Subversive Masculinity, which is the concept of challenging traditional norms
of manhood. This concept also argues that masculinity is not only owned by men but
women can also show their masculine traits in their own way. Katness fighting hard to
achieve victory for her sister, taking initiative to lead the team smartly, taking calculated
risks, and showing resilience in the face of challenges are clear examples of how
masculinity can be manifested by women. Recognizing that masculinity is not limited to
men but is also possessed by women helps broaden our understanding of gender and
human traits, and dispels narrow stereotypes of gender roles.
Pioneer: Journal of Language and Literature
Volume 00, Issue 0, May 2024: 00


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