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Proposed Syllabus for UG Course (BA History)

I Semester

Title of the Paper:

History of India (from earliest times to 6th Century BCE)

Learning Outcomes:

 Students will acquire knowledge about the livelihood of the Primitive Society.
 Students will understand the different theories that are coming up on Indus-Saraswati
 Students can gather knowledge more about the great Vedic Civilization in particular as
well as overall early India’s socio-cultural profile in general.
 Students will also gain the knowledge of the historical significance of the Epics through
archaeological and historical sources i.e. the excavation reports; rock-art; inscriptions

Unit I: Pre-history of India

1. Sources: Archaeological and Literary sources of early Indian History.
2. An introduction to Indian Pre-History: Palaeolithic Period – Mesolithic Period –
Neolithic Period.
3. Socio-religious beliefs in Pre-historic period and understanding the same
through contemporary indigenous beliefs.

Unit II: Proto-history of India

1. Harappan Civilization or Indus-Saraswati Civilization?
2. Society, economy and religion of Harappan Civilization – Worship of Mother Goddess
and Pasupati (Proto-Siva).
3. Chalcolithic and Megalithic (Iron Age) Culture – Belief systems.

Unit III: Vedic Age – The Great Vedic Heritage of India

1. Vedic Literature: Sruthi (Vedas – Brahmanas – Aranyakas – Upanishads) and Smriti

(Vedangas – Sutras – Upa Vedas – Epics) – Dating of Vedic period: Maxmuller’s
hypothesis – Aryan’s Origin and invasions – Various theories.
2. Rig Vedic Society (BCE 1500 to BCE 1000) – Concept of Sanatana Dharma –
Vasudhaiva kutumbakam – Worship of Gods; Goddesses and Nature.
3. Later Vedic Society (BCE 1000 to BCE 600) – Varna system – Ashrama Dharmas –
Purusharthas – Shadrshanas (Schools of Indian Philosophy) – Goal of human life –
Worship of Trinity – Evolution of Proto-Siva of Harappan Civilization into Vedic
Rudra and Later Vedic Siva?

Unit IV: The Epics – Historical significance

1. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata as sources of Ancient Indian History:
Different interpretations – Historical locations mentioned in the Epics and their
modern names.
2. Historical importance of the Epics Excavation reports; the Epics in the Rock-Art
and Inscriptions.
3. Political conditions in the Epic period – Origin of the state – Administration.


 Agarwal, D.P: The Archaeology of India, 1985

 Sankalia, HD: Prehistory and Prohistory of India and Pakistan, Poona 1974
 B.B. Lal: The Sarasvati Flows on - The Continuity of Indian Civilization, 2002
 S.R. Rao: The Lost City of Dvaraka, 1999
 Majumdar, R.C. and Pusalkar, A.D (edited): The History and Culture of Indian
People Vol. I, Vedic Age.
 Majumdar, R.C. and Pusalkar, A.D (edited): The History and Culture of
Indian People Vol. II: The Age of Imperial Unity
 Raychaudhary, H.C: Political History of Ancient India, rev Edition, 1996 by
B.N Mukherjee
 Raychaudhary, H.C.: The History and Culture of Ancient India, Vol III:
The Classical age
 Singh, Kripa Shankar: Rigveda, Harrappa Sabhyata and
Sanskritic Nirantarta, kitab Ghar publication, New Delhi, 2007
 Singh, Upinder: A history of Ancient and Early Medieval India, from Stone Age to early
Medieval India. 2008, Pearson, New Delhi
Proposed Syllabus for UG Course (BA

II Semester

Title of the Paper:

History of India (6th Century BCE – 7th Century CE)

Learning outcomes
 Students will get the knowledge of second urbanization in India
 Students would come to know that the despite vigorous ideological differences in the
society, how people lived peacefully and never gone for any kind of physical violence.
 Students will understand the concept of Welfare State of Ashoka.
 Students would come to understand the recent archaeological discoveries which shed
light on the urbanisation of the Sangam age
 Students will understand how difficult to get a seat in higher educational institutions of
early India, where they had to compete with foreign students.

Unit – I
Dharmic Traditions of Sanatana Dharma and Emergence of State

I. Sources: Archaeological and literary sources

II. Ajivaka: Maskariputra Goshaala, Charvaka: Ajita kesakambali and their Philosophies
III. Jainism: Vardhmana Mahaveera, Buddhism: Buddha and their Philosophies - spread
IV. Second urbanisation in India – Janapada, Mahajanapada and Rise of Magadha

Unit – II
Mauryan Empire
I. Chandragupta Maurya, Bimbisara and Ashoka
II. Administration: Arthashastra – Chanakya, Indica: Megasthenes
III. Ashoka: Dhamma and spread of Buddhism as the first world religion
IV. Cause of Downfall of the Mauryan Empire

Unit – III
Post-Mauryan Empire

I. Native Dynasties: Shunga, Kanva and Kharavela.

II. Foreign Dynasties in India: Indo Greek, Sakas, Parthians & Kushan.
III. Satavahanas: Society and Culture, Art, Architecture and Coinage.
IV. Sangam Age (Chola, Chera and Pandya Dynasties): Archaeology, Sangam Literature,
Society, Culture and Foreign trade.
Unit – IV
Golden Age
I. Imperial Guptas - Administration, Art, Architecture, Religion, Development of
Literature and Science and Technology.
II. Centres of higher education – Takshasila, Kanchi, Nalanda, and Vallabhi.
III. Scientists of Sanatana Dharma - Panini, Sushruta, Charaka, Brahmagupta and
IV. Pushyabhuti Dynasty: Harshavardhana and his achievements and administration.

Suggested Readings:

l A.S Altekar, Education in Ancient India, Nand Kishore & Bros, Varanasi 1944
l Raychaudhary, H.C: Political History of Ancient India, rev Edition, 1996 by B.N
l Majumdar R.C and Pusalkar A.D (edited): The History of Indian People, vol. I, II, III,
IV, V and IV
l Majumdar, R.C. and Altekar, A.S Vakataka: Gupta Age, Motilal Banarasi Das, 2007.
l Will Durant: The Story of civilization, five communication, US, Jan. 1993(11 Vol)
l Sastri, K.A. Nilkanta: A History of South India, from Prehistoric times to the fall of
Vijaynagar, Oxford University Press, 1955, also, in Hindi translation by Bihar Hindi
Granth Academy.
l Sastri, K.A. Nilkanta: Studies in Chola History and Administration, University of
Madras, 1932.
l Shastri, K.A Nilkanta: History of South India: from Prehistoric times to the Fall of
Vijaynagar, IV Edition, 1975
l Singh, Upinder: A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India, from Stone Age to
Early Medieval India, a Pearson pub., New Delhi, 2008.
l Thapar, Romilla: Early India from the Beginnings to 1300, London, 2002
l Subramanyan, N. Sangam Polity, Asia Publishers, 1968.
l Subramanyan, N. History of Tamilnadu, Koodal Publishers, Madhurai, 1977.
Proposed Syllabus for UG Course (BA -

III Semester

Title of the Paper:

Ancient Indian Heritage (Up to 1200 CE)

Learning Outcomes:
Students will understand he Ancient Indian cultural heritage which includes historical
background of ancient sciences such as astronomy, geometry, mathematics,
 They will learn about the development of science which includes the science behind
ancient temples, the Dashavatara and evaluation theory etc.
 They will also acquire the knowledge about the ancient performing arts and Indian
classical languages.

Unit: I Ancient Science

Science in the ancient Indian society: Astronomy, Mathematics and Chemistry.
1. Astronomy:
Lagadha 2nd Century BCE, Aryabhatta 476 CE - 550 CE, Brahmagupta 598 CE
- 665 CE, Varahamihira 505 CE - 587 CE, Bhaskara-I 600 CE - 680 CE, Lalla
720 CE - 790 CE, Satananda 1068 CE - 1099 CE, Bhaskara-II 1114 CE – 1185
CE, Sripati 1019 CE -1066 CE.
2. Mathematics:
Numbers, Anuyogdwar Sutra (2nd Century BCE)
Aryabhatta 476 CE - 550 CE - Zero & Geometry, Brahmagupta 598 CE - 665
CE - Algebra, Varahamihira’s 505 CE - 587 CE - Trigonometry and Surya
Siddhanta, Bhaskara-II 1114 CE – 1185 CE, Sridharacharya 870 CE - 930 CE.
3. Chemistry:
Kanada’s (6th Century BCE) Atomic Theory
Iron Pillar (4th Century CE) at Mehrauli in Delhi
Konark (13th Century CE) Iron Pillar

Unit: II Ancient Medicine:

Medicine in the ancient Indian society: Folk Medicine, Ayurveda, and
Veterinary Science.
1. Bhaishajya Sutra 4th Century BCE, Ayurvedic Medicine: Charaka
Samhita (1st Century), Sushruta Samhita (5th Century CE), Bower
Manuscript, Eight
Components of Ayurveda: Kayachikitsa, Kaumarabhritya, Shalya Tantra,
Shalakya Tantra, Bhutavidya, Agadatantra/ Vishagara-vairodh Tantra,
Rasayan Tantra, Vajikaraṇatantra.
2. Veterinary Science (Horses and Elephants): Shalihotra- Ashwayurveda
(3rd Century BCE), Hastayurveda - Palakapya, Hemadri - Gaja Darpan.

Unit: III Ancient Temples

The Science behind temples, The Dashavatara and Human Evolution Theory
Shilpa Shastra, Chakras, The five senses of the body - sight, sound, smell, taste,
and touch. Colours in the temple.
Ancient Art and Architecture: Nagara, Dravida, Vesara, Vasthu styles.
Buddhist and Jain styles.

Temple as Socio-economic and religious centre. Temple management -

Devadana lands, Gramadana lands, Brahmadeya lands.
Unit: IV 1. Performing Arts:
Bharatnatyam ,Kathakali, Kathak, Mohiniyattam, Kuchipudi, Odissi,
Manipuri, Sattriya.
2. Indian Classical Languages:
Tamil (declared in 2004), Sanskrit (2005), Kannada (2008), Telugu (2008),
Malayalam (2013), and Odia (2014).

Reading Books:

Secondary Sources

 E. R. Acharya, An Academic Relation between Nepal and India With mathematics

manuscript in Nepal, J. of Ramanujan Society of Math. and Math. Sc, 2012.
 Major B. D. Basu, Vaisesika Sutra, (The Vaisesika Sutras of Kanada) The Sacred
Books of the Hindus, Vijaya Press, 1923.
 N.Chidambaram Aiyar, The Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira, Thompson & Co,
 P.Muridin, Brahmagupta (c 598–c 665), Encyclopedia of Astronomy & Astrophysics,
CRC Press, 2000.
 Walter Eugene Clark, The Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata (An ancient Indian Work on
Mathematics and astronomy), The University of Chicago Press, 1930.
 Vasant D.Lad, Fundamental Principles of Arurveda, Vol.I, the Ayurvedic Press,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2002.
 Kapila Vatsyayan, Classical Indian Dance in Literature and the Arts, Sangeet Natak
akademi, 1968.
Reference Books

 A L Basham, The Wonder That Was India, Ingram, Oxford University Press, 2014.
 A L Basham, The Origins and Development of Classical Hinduism, Oxford University
Press, USA, 1991.
 A L Basham, The Illustrated Cultural History of India, Oxford University Press, 2007.
 Dandekar, R.N., Vedic Bibliography (4 Vols.), Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute,
Poona, 1990.
 Dasgupta, S.N., A History of Indian Philosophy (5 Vols.),Cambridge University Press,
 George Michell, Architecture and Art of Southern India, Cambridge University Press, 1995
 George Michell, Hindu Art and Architecture, Thames And Hudson, World of Art, 2000.
 Hastings. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, (13 Vols.), New York,1994.
 Heinrich Zimmer, ed Joseph Campbell, The Art of Indian Asia, Volume I text, Volume II,
Pantheon Books, 1955.
 J. C. Harle, The Art and Architecture of the Indian Subcontinent, Penguin Books, 1986,
reprinted 1990.
 Raina, Dhruv, Images and Contexts: The Historiography of Science and Modernity in
India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press 2003.
 Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, VoLlO.,
Pondicherry, 1990.
 Sri Aurobindo, The Foundations of Indian Culture, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary
Library, Vol.14, Pondicherry 1990.
 T. Richard Blurton , Hindu Art, Harvard University Press, 1993.
 Up-Pravartak, ed., Illustrated Anuyogadvar Sutra, Padma Prakashan, 2001.
 David H. Bailey Jonathan M. Borwein, Ancient Indian Square Roots: An Exercise in
Forensic Paleo-Mathematics, Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Cambridge University,
Press, 2010.
 Sita Sundar Ram Ramakalyani V.ed , History and Development of Mathematics in India,
National Mission for Manuscripts, New Delhi, 2022.
 Kapila Vatsyayan, Indian Classical Dance, Publications Division, Ministry of Information
and Broadcasting, Govt. of India, 1992.
 Shama Sastry,ed., The Ayurvedasutram, University of Mysore, 1957.

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