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Part 1:

What’s your mother tongue?

My mother tongue is Vietnamese. It’s the language I grew up speaking at home with my family, and it
holds special place in my heart. I feel a deep connection to my culture and heritage through this

What other language do you speak?

I understand that learning languages is very important, and I believe it will open up more opportunities
for me in the future if I can learn several different languages. English has become widely spoken across
countries, so I started learning it since I was in third grade and I can speak it a little. Besides English, Thai
is the next language I am eager to learn and improve upon, so I also can speak a bit.

What do you think the best way to keep in touch with friends?

I think the best way to keep in touch with friends depends on the situation and personal preference.
Meeting up in person is great because it allows for real connections and quality time together. It’s nice
to see each other face-to-face and catch up on each other’s lives. Chatting online or using social media is
convenient for keeping up with each other regularly, sharing updates, and sending quick messages.
Calling is also nice because it lets you talk directly and hear each other’s voices, which can feel more
personal than texting. Using a mix of these ways helps keep friendships strong and connected, balancing
convenience with the warmth of personal interaction.

Part 2: Describe a language that you want to learn

what the language is
I understand that learning languages is very important, and I believe it will open up more opportunities
for me in the future if I can learn several different languages. English has become widely spoken across
countries, so I started learning it since I was in third grade. Besides English, Thai is the next language I
am eager to learn and improve upon

where it is spoken
Although Thai has borrowed from other languages such as Pali and Sanskrit, as well as from languages
like English, Chinese, and Malay, it remains primarily used in Thailand. Perhaps due to its non-Latin
script, Thai language usage is limited outside Thailand, posing a significant challenge for its widespread

what you think would be difficult and what would be easy about learning the language

Learning Thai, I think I'll encounter many difficulties with writing the alphabet. The Thai alphabet
consists of 44 consonants, 9 vowels, and 14 different writing rules, which doesn't sound too
overwhelming, but it will still be challenging because it's not Latin script. Additionally, speaking is crucial
and presents many issues. Without much practice, it's easy to make mistakes with tone marks, leading
to misunderstandings in speech and comprehension. But Thai also has its easier aspects, as its grammar
is relatively simple and not as complex as other languages. Therefore, it will be quick for you to make
progress in practicing sentence construction and word formation.

and explain why you would like to learn it.

I'm interested in Thai culture, especially its food, history, and arts. Learning Thai would let me enjoy
these cultural aspects more deeply and connect better with Thai-speaking people. Moreover, Watching
Thai films has inspired me to want to explore the language further and understand more about Thai
customs and traditions. Thailand is also a popular place to visit, so knowing Thai would make my trips
more authentic and enjoyable by allowing me to interact better with locals.

The language I would like to learn is Thai. It's spoken in Thailand as the official language, used in daily
life, like in government and schools. Learning Thai might be tough because of its unique script and tones,
which are different from languages I know. Getting the tones right could be tricky at first. But Thai
grammar seems simpler compared to others, which could make learning easier. I'm interested in Thai
culture, especially its food, history, and arts. Learning Thai would let me enjoy these cultural aspects
more deeply and connect better with Thai-speaking people. Moreover, Watching Thai films has inspired
me to want to explore the language further and understand more about Thai customs and traditions.
Thailand is also a popular place to visit, so knowing Thai would make my trips more authentic and
enjoyable by allowing me to interact better with locals.


Is it considered important in your country to learn foreign language?

In my country, learning foreign languages is seen as crucial for several reasons. It helps improve
communication skills, increases cultural awareness, supports international business and travel, and
creates opportunities for personal and career development. Schools often prioritize foreign language
education to prepare people for a globalized world where speaking multiple languages is highly

What, in your opinion, iss the best wway to learn a language?

Why are some people seemingly better at learning languages than others?

How do people in your country feel about English being the world language?

Do you think the culture of English-speaking countries, as well as the English language, dominate the

Why do you think people feel it is important to continue speaking their local languages?

What do you use the Internet for?

In most countries nowadays, internet coverage is widespread and has become an essential part of our
lives. The same goes for me. With the internet, I can easily search for information I need, create
documents, send and respond to emails. Moreover, it allows me to connect and make friends with new
people from distant places, and keep in touch with family and friends. Not to mention, using the
internet helps me unwind by listening to music, browsing the web, watching movies, and staying
updated with the news.

Does everyone have access to the Internet in your country?

Do you think older people are scared of new technology?

Do you think young children should have mobile phones?

What would you say were the advantages of having a moblie phone?

What have been the most significant technological developments of recent years?

In what ways have these developments changed society for the better and for the worse?

Are people in your country nostalgic about life before technology?

Why do you think some people claim scientists interfere too much with nature?

Do you have anything against animal testing?

Is scientific progress always for the greater good?

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