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English Training
End of course report
Table of contents
01 02
Course details Attendance

03 04
Overall Individual
Performance Report
Course details
SCM class
Business English Trainer
Production requested a lesson on
business and general English to help the
participants’ daily activities which
sometimes require English as the
medium of instructions or means of
She has good rapport with the
participants and can easily adjust
her way of teaching to best suit the
Participants and participants’ needs and style. She
has been an experienced English
duration teachers for over 5 years and was
Mix of Elementary and Pre-Intermediate known for her ability in creating
English tailor-made lessons that supports
(12 meetings x 2 classes) participants’ learning experience.
Start date: July 10, 2023
End date: September 27 2023
(class A)

Yadi is diligent, demonstrated by how rare he was tardy and absent; only ever
missing two sessions out of twelve. Personality wise, Yadi is quiet and calm,
though quiet Yadi is also curious; as he always tried his best to actively
participate and ask questions during class. Yadi’s previous experience in
living and working in England has surely and significantly assisted with his
English and understanding of the culture as well as the language. However, he
still needs to improve his confidence and his grammar. Hence, encouragement
and additional practice would surely help with Yadi’s English.

Cahya is strong-willed and critical as a student and participant. Often

questioning why and how things, especially in terms of grammar and
language structure, came to be. Cahya is also shown to be quite confident with
his English, unlike most other who would often shy away from opportunity to
speak and hold conversation in English, he would be the first to step up and
speak up. However, this does not mean he does not need any improvement.
Cahya’s main issue is in grammar. With additional practice and reviews
alongside encouragement to become better, Cahya is sure to become even
better. Good luck!

Rizal is an eager student who is also sharp, critical and has great foundation of
the English language. Rizal often takes on the role of a leader in class. All
these qualities were easily demonstrated by how often he helps set up the
class, ask questions, help assist and explain materials to his peers. Rizal only
missed out on one session. Rizal only needs to strengthen his grammar and
improve his pronunciation, then after that he’s all set! Great Job Rizal!


Ridwan is attentive and also well-mannered as a student and person. Sadly

though, he is often shown to be very shy especially when it comes to
expressing himself using English. Mainly, his pronunciation needs some more
work, as well as his vocabularies and grammar. However, Ridwan always
showed up on time and manage to finish his task quickly and correctly. I am
sure, with more review and lessons, Ridwan can improve.

Wisnu is an eager student, this is clearly demonstrated by how he almost

never misses any class. Wisnu is also able to finish his task efficiently and
most of the time, correctly. He is also able to grasp materials quickly, however
he is also quick to be distracted and easily loses focus. Wisnu needs to be less
distracted and have more review at home or during his free time, so that he
won’t easily forget materials.


Zimi is the youngest out of the bunch! He is shy at first and still was, up until
the very last session. Zimi also often kept to himself and his closest
companion, he often avoids participating and making comments during open
discussion. Albeit so, he still asks questions whenever he was confused or
lack understanding over a particular material. Zimi’s pronunciation is alright
though he needs to add more words to his vocabularies. Reading, listening to
and watching English pop medias could assist in improving his English.

Tata is quiet as a student and participant, much like his partner Zimi. During
class session, he is often found trying to keep things to himself and focuses on
materials and the given task at hand. Tata’s progress is quite slow
unfortunately, as he very rarely puts himself out there in terms of speaking
and participating using English. Hopefully in the future, Tata can become
much more confident with his English and won’t shy away from it!


Indra is passionate, funny and eager as a student. Indra is also able to finish all
the tasks given correctly, although at times; in a slower pace than his other
friends. Although so, Indra seldom shies away from any opportunities of using
and speaking in English. Though so, during class discussion, he tends to be a
listener; preferring to observe and take notes of important information. Indra’s
confidence is great; however, his pronunciation needs more work. Keep up
the good work!

Ganjar is eager, motivated and an active student in class. Ganjar often ask
questions repeatedly until he was sure he had mastered and fully understood
the materials completely. He is also a diligent student, shown by how often he
was taking notes and finishing tasks quicker than most. His listening and
language structure needs more work, however. Additional practice at home
and watching English pop-medias will surely help.


Rizmal is quiet yet very eager to learn English. He always took notes
whenever class is in session and does not shy away from asking and prying
more information relevant to the materials. Like Ganjar, his listening needs
more work as does his memory as he seems to often get certain things mixed
up especially when it comes to grammar. Additional listening, writing practice
and review will surely be of great help.

Irdan is a very quiet, shy and well-mannered student. He often would sit next to
Ismail, another quiet student. However, both are very diligent and always took notes
whenever possible and always finish tasks quickly and correctly. Irdan needs more
work on his confidence as well as his pronunciation. Additional encouragement,
work and practice will help him improve greatly.


Ridwan is cooperative and well-mannered. He also has a curious nature, shown by

how often he questions things. Ridwan’s progress is slow but sure, he needs to
improve his pronunciation on certain vocabularies and focus on adding more to his
vocabularies as well. With enough practice and reviews at home, he could surely

Roni is another of the quieter student in class. Roni tends to observe during class
discussion and nod along. However, he would not shy away from chances of using
and speaking English in class; he is also brave enough to ask some questions in
English from time to time. However so, he still needs a lot of work in order to
become better. Especially with pronunciation. Additional support and
encouragement as well as practice would go a long way!


Fakhri is passionate, eager and delightful as a class participant. He is very

supportive of his fellow classmates, shown by how often he would assist them
during class whenever anyone needs help. Fakhri’s issue is his understanding of
grammar, it seems he has troubles recognizing which is which; hence further
additional practice and review would surely help.

Rusmana, like Fakhri, is eager and supportive towards his fellow peers. He is also
cooperative. However, he is can be easily distracted from time to time and
sometimes has troubles listening and following to instructions especially when given
fully in English. More practice targeted in listening would benefit Rusmana.


Ismail is gentle, calm and cooperative as a class member. Like his seatmate, Irdan,
he is often seen seeking companionship and assistance from one another. Both is
known to be observer during class session. Ismail needs additional encouragement
to become more confident with his English, especially when it comes to speaking
and pronunciation. Both Irdan and Ismail could become speaking and conversation
partners in order to help better one another’s English.

Sendi only attended one session out of twelve, so I am not able to asses nor report
on his progress.


(class B)

Ahmad is both witty and practical, he is known as the class clown, able to lighten up
the classroom mood’s almost instantly while still learning English efficiently.
Ahmad’s biggest issues are pronunciation and vocabularies. Ahmad could use more
daily practice such as reading and writing to help solve said issues in addition to
having a conversation partner to help practice.


Lutfi has a rather strong understanding and foundation of English, hence as a

teacher, I was not surprised when he was able to grasp materials quicker than his
peers. However, his main weakness is in grammar and with more practice I am sure
his English will improve significantly.

Panji is an eager student who is also very kind and diligent. I have seen first-hand
how Panji always take notes and often ask questions. Panji holds great potential, that
and his eagerness to learn would improve his abilities greatly. His main issue would
be pronunciation, but with the right speaking partner this will easily be dissolved.


Unfortunately, Cucu missed quite a few lessons and missed out on so much
materials. Fortunately, though, he attended the last few sessions and he was also able
to take the final test. Cucu is actually a hardworking student, always taking notes
and listening intently. With more practice that is more focused on grammar and
conversation, I am sure he will be even better!

Adi is diligent, focused but knows how to make the class fun. Adi’s English is
actually quite good, demonstrated by how often he was able to participate in open
discussion, asking questions, answering and explaining fellow peer’s questions and
curiosity and how quickly he was able to absorb and incorporate newly learned
materials into his dictionary. Adi’s only obstacles are vocabularies and grammar,
however with additional practice and a conversation partner, he is sure to
significantly improve! Keep up the good work!


Suryadi is a respectful, well-mannered and kind student. Suryadi often shies away
from discussion, only smiling or laughing and nodding along in response. Suryadi’s
English still needs improvement, especially when it comes to writing and listening.
In addition, from time to time, Suryadi has troubles following instructions in
English. Suryadi also needs to build up his confidence in speaking English. More
practice and the right speaking partner, will be the given solution for Suryadi’s

Yoga is a quiet student who is able to finish all the tasks given efficiently and
correctly. Although quiet, Yoga often asks questions or made corrections and
participates in class discussion and hence has made good progress so far, especially
with his speaking and confidence. Constant stimulation and encouragement in
practicing speaking and using English would surely improve his abilities


Rio is a keen and independent participant, always trying to do his best and
maneuvering through lessons on his own as best as he can. However, Rio, despite
being very talkative; is still insecure whenever he needs to express himself using
English and he tends to avoid participating in open discussion, his pronunciation
could also use some improvement. More encouragement and motivation coming
from a speaking partner would surely help.

Rahmat is laid back and often kept to himself as a student. Rahmat actually has a
great potential that can be developed furthermore in the future. Rahmat is also
shown to be an efficient worker, demonstrated by how he was able to work through
tasks quickly and using unconventional means from time to time. Nevertheless,
Rahmat needs to be encouraged to improve his confidence in speaking and using
English more.


Erik missed many sessions, only attending five out of twelve sessions; two of which
were sessions held by Mr Taufik. Hence, I am not able to fully asses and report on
Erik’s progress.




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